i m m 4 r A DEHOCRATiC PLATFORM Pull Text of the Resolutions Adopted by the Na tional Convention at Kansas City OTjO HE official text of the platform n l adopted by the Democratic national v convention at Kansas City is as follows i We the representatives of the Democratic party of the United States assembled In na tional convention on the anniversary of the adoption of the declaration of Independence do reaffirm our faith In that Immortal proc lamation of the inalienable rights of man and our allegiance to the Constitution framed In harmony therewith Uy the fathers of the republic We hold with the United States Supreme Court that the declaration 6t Independence is the spirit of our govern ment of which the Constitution is the form and letter We declare again that sill governments In stituted among men derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed that any government not based upon the consent or the governed Is a tyranny and that to im pose upon any people a form of government of force Is to substitute the methods of im perialism for those of a republic We hold that the Constitution follows the Hag and denounce the doctrine that an ex ecutive or Congress deriving their existence and their powers from the Constitution can exercise lawful authority beyond it or in violation of it i -- a sz We assert that no nation can long endure half republic and half empire and we warn the American people that imperialism abroad will lead quickly and inevitably to despotism at home Denounce Porto Kican Law Believing in these fundamental principles we denounce the Porto Itlco law enacted by a Republican Congress against the protest and opposition of the Democratic minority as a bold and open violation of the nations organic law and a llagrant breach of the national good faith It imposes upon the people of Torto Rico a government without their consent and taxation without representation It dishonors the American people by re- Sudlating a solemn pledge made in their be alf by the commanding general of our army which the Porto Ricaus welcomed to ft peaceful and unresisted occupation of their land It doomed to poverty and distress a people whose helplessness nppeals with pe culiar force to our justice and magnanimity In this the lirst act of Its imperialistic pro gram the Republican party seeks to com mit the United States to a colonial policy Inconsistent with republican institutions and condemned by the Supreme Court in numer ous decisions I Demands Good Faith with Cuba We demand the prompt and honest fulfill ment of our pledge to the Cuban people and the world that the United States has no dis position nor intention to exercise sovereign ly jurisdiction or control over the island of Cuba except for its pacification The war ended nearly two years ago pro found peace reigns over all the Island and still the administration keeps the govern ment of the island from its people while Re publican carpetbag officials plunder its rev enues and exploit the colonial theory to the disgrace of the American people We condemn and denounce the Philippine policy of the present administration It has involved the republic in unnecessary war sacrificed the lives of many of our noblest sons and placed the United States previous ly known and applauded throughout the world as the champion of freedom in the false and un American position of crushing rwlth military force the efforts of our former allies to achieve liberty and self government The Filipinos cannot be citizens without endangering our civilization they cannot be subjects without imperiling our form of gov ernment and as we are not willing to sur render our civilization or to convert the re public into an empire we favor an imme diate declaration of the nations purpose of give to the Filipinos lirst a stable form of government becoud independence and third protection from outside interference such as has been gheu for nearly a century to the republics of Central and boutn America Scores Philippine Policy The gredy commercialism which dictated the Philippine policy of the Republican ad ministration attempts to justify it with the plea that it will pay but even this sordid and unworthy plea fails when brought to the test of facts The war of criminal ag gression against the Filipinos entailing an annual expense of many millions has al ready cost more than any possible profit that could accrue from the entire Philippine trade for years to come Furthermore when trade Is extended at the expense of liberty the price is always too high We are not opposed to territorial expan sion when it takes in desirable territory -which can be erected Into States in Union and whose people are willing and fit to be come American citizens We favor trade expansion by every peaceful and legitimate means But we are unalterably opposed to the seizure or purchase of distant islands to be governed outside the Constitution and whose people can never become citizens Holds Imperialism Paramount We are in favor of extending the republics Influence among the nations but believe that Influence should be extended not by force and violence but through the persuasive power of a high and honorable example The importance of other questions now -pending before the American people Is in no wise diminished and the Democratic party takes no backward step from its position on them but the burning issue of imperialism growing out of the Spanish war involves the very existence of the republic and the de struction of our free institutions We regard it as the paramount issue of the campaign The declaration In th Republican platform adopted at the Philadelphia convention held In June 1000 that the Republican party steadfastlv adheres to the policy announced In the Monroe doctrine Is manifestly insin cere and deceptive This profession Is contradicted by the avowed policy of that party In opposition to the spirit of the Monroe doctrine to acquire and hold sovereignty over large areas of ter ritory and large numbers of people in the eastern hemisphere Must Uphold Monroe Doctrine We Insist on the strict maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and in all its integrity both in letter and in spirit as necessary to pre vent the extension of European authority on this continent and as essential to our premacy in American affairs At the same time we declare that no American people shall ever be held by force in unwilling subjection to European au thority We oppose militarism It means conquest abroad and intimidation- and oppression at home It means the strong army which has ever been fatal to free institutions It is what millions of our citizens have fled from In Europe It will impose upon our peace loviug people a large standing army and an unnecessary burden of taxation and a constant menace to their liberties A small standing army and a well disci plined State militia are amply sufficient in time of peace This republic has no place for a vast military service and conscription When the nation is in danger the volunteer soldier is his countrys best defender The National Guard of the United States should ever be cherished In the patriotic hearts of a free people Such organizations are ever an element of strength and safety For the first time in our history and co evil with the Philippine conquest has there been a wholesale departure from our time honored and approved system of volunteer organization We denounce It as un American undemo cratic and un republlcan and as a subver sion of the ancient and fixed principles of a free people Trusts Are Scored Private monopolies are Indefensible and -Intolerable They destroy competition con trol the price of all material and of the fin ished product thus robbing both producer and consumer They lessen the employment of labor and arbitrarily fix the terms and conditions thereof and deprive individual energy and email capital of their opportunity for bet terment r They are the most efficient means yet de ivlscd for appropriating the fruits of indus ixy to the benefit of the few at the expense of toe many and unless their Insatiate greed Is checked all wealth will be aggregated in a few hands and the republic destroyed i hi - SsfBi SSS pSSSOSTs The dishonest paltering with the trust evil by the Republican party in State and na tional platforms Is conclusive proof of the truth of the charge that trusts are the legit imate product of Republican policies that they are fostered by Republican policies that they are protected by the Republican administration In return for campaign sub scriptions and political support Pledge War on Monopoly We pledge the Democratic party to an un ceasing warfare In nation State and city against private monopoly in every form Existing laws against trusts must be en forced and more stringent ones must be en acted providing for publicity as to the af fairs of corporations engaged to interstate commerce and requiring all corporations tp show before doing business outside of the State of their origin that ithey have no wa ter in their stock and that they have not attempted and are not attempting to mon opolize any branch of -business or the pro duction of any articles of merchandise and the whole constitutional power of Congress over Interstate commerce the mails and all modes of Interstate communication shall be exercised by the enactment of comprehen sive laws upon the subject of trusts - To Amend Trust Laws Tariff laws should be amended by putting the products of trusts upon the free list to prevent monopoly under the plea of protec tion The failure of the present Republican ad ministration with an absolute control over all the branches of the national government to enact any legislation designed to prevent or even curtail the absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations or to enforce the anti trust laws already on the statute books proves the insincerity of the high sounding phrases of the Republican platform Corporations should be protected In all their rights and their legitimate interests should be respected but any attempt by cor porations to interfere with the public affairs of the peojle or to control the sovereignty which creates them should be forbidden un der such penalties as will make such at tempts impossible AVe condemn the DIngley tariff law as a trust breeding measure skillfully devised to give the few favors which they do not deserve and to place upon the many the burdens which they should not bear We favor such an enlargement of the scope of the interstate commerce law as will enable the commission to protect individuals and communities from discriminations and the public from unjust and unfair transpor tation rates The Plank We reaffirm and indorse the principles of the national Democratic platform adopted at Chicago In 1895 and we reiterate the de mand of that platform for an American financial system made by the American peo ple for themselves which shall restore and maintain a bimetallic price level and as part of such system the Immediate restora tion of the free and unlimited coinage of sil ver and gold at the present legal ratio of 11 to 1 without waging for the aid or consent of any other nation Wo denounce the currency bill enacted at the last session of Congress as a step for ward in the Republican policy which alms to discredit the sovereign right of the national government to issue all money whether coin or paper and to bestow upon national banks the power to issue and control the volume of paper money for their own benefit A permanent national bank currency se cured by government bonds must have a permanent debt to rest upon and if the bank currency is to increase with population and business the debt must also increase The Republican currency scheme is therefore a scheme for fastening upon the taxpayers a perpetual and growing debt Demand Retirement of Bank Mote3 We are opposed to this private corporation paper circulated as money but without legal tender qualities and demand the retirement of the national bank notes as fast as govern ment paper or silver certificate can be sub stituted for them We favor an amendment to the Federal Constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of tha people and we favor direct legislation ever practicable We are opposed to government by injunc tion we denounce the blacklist and tavor arbitration as a means of settling disputes between corporations and their employes In the interest of American labor and the uplifting of the workingman as the corner stone of the prosperity of our country we recommend that Congress create a depart ment of labor in charge of a secretary with a seat In the cabinet believing that the ele vation of the American laborer will bring with it increased production and Increased prosperity to our country at home and to our commerce abroad We are proud of the courage and fidelity of the American soldiers and sailors In all our wars we favor liberal pensions to them and their dependents and we reiterate the position taken in the Chicago platform in 1895 that the fact of enlistment and sen ice shall be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment AVe favor the immediate construction own ership and control of the Nicaragua canal by the United States and we denounce the in sincerity of the plank in the national Re publican platform for an isthmian canal in face of the failure of the Republican major ity to pass the bill pending in Congress AVe condemn the Hay Pauncefote treaty as a surrender of American rights and in terests not to be tolerated by the American people Pledge to Territories We denounce the failure of the Republican party to carry out its pledges to grant State hood to the Territories of Arizona New Mex ico and Oklahoma and we promise the peo ple of those Territories immediate Statehood and home rule during their condition as Ter ritories and we favor home rule and a Ter ritorial form of government for Alaska and Porto Rico We favor an intelligent system of Im proving the arid lands of the West storing the waters for purposes of iriigation and the holding of such lands for actual settlers Ae favor the continuance and strict en forcement of the Chinese exclusion law and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races Jefferson said Peace commerce and honest friendship with all nations entan gling alliances with none AVe approve the wholesome doctrine and earnestly protest against the Republican de parture which has involved us in so called politics including the diplomacy of Europe und the intrigue and land grabbing of Asia and we especially condemn the Ill concealed Republican alliance with England which must mean discrimination against other friendly nations and which has alreadv stilled the nations voice while llbertv is being strangled in Africa Pro Boer Plank Believing in the principles of self-government and rejecting as did our forefathers the claim of monarchy we view with indig nation the purpose of England to overwhelm with force the South African republics Speaking as we do for the entire American nation except its Republican office holders and for all free men everywhere we extend our sympathies to the heroic burghers in their unequal struggle to maintain their lib erty and independence We denounce the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses which have kept taxes high and which threaten the per petuation of the oppressive war levies AVe oppose the accumulation of a surplus to be squandered in such barefaced frauds upon the taxpayers as the shipping subsidy bill which under the false pretense of pros pering American shipbuilding would put un earned millions into the pockets of favorite contributors to the Republican campaign fund AVe favor the reduction and speedy repeal of the war taxes and a return to the time honored Democratic policy of strict economy in governmental expenditures Believing that our mest cherished institu tions are in great peril that the very exist ence of our constitutional republic is at stake and that the decision now to be ren dered will determine whether or not our chil dren are to enjoy those blessed privileges of free government which have made the Uni ted States great prospeious and honored we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of principles the hearty support of the American people regardless of previous party affiliations J 8UN POWER IN WELL DIGGING Machine for Making the Heat of the Snn Pump Water Many Inventors have experimented with the suns heat with various ob jects in view and some have succeed ed In making it produce steam and electric power but not to much profit Now however it appears that William Calver of Washington has invented a machine for doing practical work in the arid districts He is about to set up one of his sun power machines in Arizona near Phoenix and digwells there His plan is to make the Intense heat of that hottest part of the United States develop the power to pump up water enough to irrigate ail the barren land Everybody knows what a transfor mation a little water makes on a des ert producing an oasis of tropical ver dure while all beyond this watered space is desolation and death It is usually so expensive to drill wells and pump the water on a desert that it does not pay to reclaim the waste land But If the overabundance of sunshine on the desert can be utilized the prob lem is solved Mr Calvers machine consists of a set of big mirrors and lenses by which he focuses the suns rays as a boy does with a burning glass The heat which can be generated by Mr Oalvers ma chine is said to be equal to a furnace for a 500 horse power boiler With such a power as this available wherever one sees fit to set up his plant it is easy to see how well drilling and water pumping can be done on a large scale Geologists have found in recent years that our southwestern deserts have almost numberless subterranean streams flowing at depths varying from twenty five to 250 feet below the dry parched surface of the earth So there need be no lack of water if the borings are intelligently directed The amount of arid lands which lie in Arisona New Mexico Oklahoma Texas and Colorado is estimated to be at least 500000000 acres This is ren dered useless by the need of water and the reclamation of this land would add billions of dollars to the wealth of the country In many sections of Colorado and other States in which irrigation is used the best farming lands in the country are those which were formerly worth less and are now artificially watered and the very finest crops in the land are grown there A CHINESE WEDDING Everything Connected -with tlie Cere monies Is Decked in Red The Chinese place a significance upon every color and in connection with a wedding red obtains a deep rooted mysterious importance the next bridal color in value being gold At a betroth al the bridegroom elect sends his sweetheart a pair of bracelets fastened together with a piece of red ribbon or cord The bride and bridegroom drain two winecups at the wedding which are also connected by a red cord In Northern China the attendants wear a tall felt hat and each hat has a red feather stuck upright in it The attend ants also carry the wedding presents A sedan chair bears the bride herself In South China a sedan most wonder fully gilded is used by the wealthy classes and it is decorated with what appears at first sight to be brilliant in laid stones but which are in reality the glossy feathers of the king fisher A handsome cloth of glowing red with trimmed borders is also thrown ovei the chair In the case of the poorer classes red is also the prevailing bridal color and a chair of ordinary carved wood painted a bright red is used Above the door of the chair a kind of charm is placarded or hung upon a red cloth The chair itself is sent by the bridegroom accompanied by what cor responds to our best man This func tionary brings with him a letter written in yellow or gold upon red paper pray ing the lady to enter and take her place Men dressed all in red and carrying red parcels containing the presents fall into the procession Other bearers car ry boards and banners inscribed in golden letters upon a red ground These banners tell the pedigree of both par ties Behind the bearers come other at tendants with long poles on which are hung very handsome lanterns The bridal veil is of bright crimson hue and her dress regal gold and scarlet Wide World Magazine Singing Before the Queen There is much ceremonial connected with an appearance of a singer before her majesty The most brilliant occas ion is of course the Buckingham pal ace concert when royalty entertains all the dukes and duchesses and visiting potentates in London The singer re ceives her invitation some weeks in ad vance of the occasion and for this af fair a small set sum is given and no souvenir of the entertainment is pre sented At her majestys country places the artist is treated more informally The queen has a little chat with her after the entertainment and presents the artist with a jewel in memory of her appearance Womans Home Com panion Asking and Receiving The tramp had been unsuccessful and returned to the road from the house empty handed Aw he growled that womans no good I asked her for bread and she gave me a stone Thats nothin said his companion I tackled one yisterday for bread and Bbe gimme a broom handle Egaa EmEEEw A We Hav SoW WORE STEEL BAMCE m blned the reaen for this is that vre sell Ttie U get thousands of Dooole nslncr It to teatffj and gwafc KOCHS VIEWS OF MALARIA German Physician on the Northern Mans Foe in the Tropica A consular report from Frankfort summarizes the recent lectures in which Dr Robert Koch the most eminent of bacteriologists developed his theory in regard to malaria The cable dis patches have stated that he lays upon mosquitoes the sole responsibility for human sufferings from this disease but this was only one of many inter esting points in the lecture Malaria said Dr Koch is the most serious of all obstacles encountered by northern races attempting to colonize the tropics and real success will never be attained until it has been vanquished The mal ady in various degrees of severity ex ists in all parts of the world and its exciting cause is always a parasite in the human blood The alternate rise and fall of the patients temperature corresponds exactly with the changing number of these parasites and by ex amination of the blood the progress and stage of the disease can be defi nitely ascertained He has further succeeded in dem onstrating the exact moment for the effective administration of quinine which does not kill the microbe but definitely checks and limits Its power of reproduction This discovery was highly important for as a result of it the physician can with reasonable cer tainty provide that the disease shall be cured and not run to a fatal result Just as there is no locality exempt from ma laria so there is no race immune to it Negroes living on the coasts of tropical countries are practically so but ne groes of the same race from the moun tainous districts coming to the coast are suscpetible to the fever The former have according to the opinion of Dr Koch acquired immunity through slight malarial attacks during infancy or youth But as there is naturally produced immunity it must be possi ble he says to produce an artificial one The essential step in combating the disease is for the patient to leave imme diately the malaria infected district and be protected against mosquito bites by prophylactic doses of quinine Dr Koch believes that through his studies of malarial disease in the local ities where its most intense and viru lent forms prevail the way has been opened to new lines of study and new limits set to the dangers of the disease itself He closed his address with these words To overcome this malady is equivalent to the peaceful conquest of the most beautiful portions of the globe New York Times LOUISIANA UNDER SPAIN When the Latter Could Not Get a Hangman When the court martial that Don Alessandro OReilly the second Span ish governor of Louisiana in 17G9 had organized brought in a verdict of death against Lafreniere and six of his com panions as the leaders of the Louisiana revolutionists against the authority of Spain to which country Louis XV of France had ceded the colony OReilly sought in vain among whites and blacks in Louisiana for a man who would perform the abhorrent work of serving as hangman at the execution of the patriots Not a man of the col ony says the New Orleans Picayune would answer the call In this emer gency OReilly was compelled to as sign the congenial task of slaughter ing the helpless Creoles and Frenchmen to regular Spanish soldiers whom be had brought with him from Spain and instead of being hanged Lafreniere and the others were shot to death by a platoon of grenadiers in a space of ground near the site of the present United States mint in New Orleans which at that time was in the rear of the military garrison of the post The failure of OReilly to secure a hangman in the case of these unfortu nate men recalled to old French resi dents of New Orleans of that day the interesting story of Jeannot an Afri can slave of the Mississippi Company or Company of the West which fifty years previously had control of the col ony of Louisiana under a charter granted by the Regent of Orleans The company offered Jeannot his freedom on condition that he would act as hang man of the colony Jeannot appeared to agree to the proposition but he af terwards repaired to a secluded place and cut off his right arm with a hatch et By this self inflicted mutilation Jeannot avoided the repulsive duties of hangman of the colony but he also lost his opportunity for freedom However the agents of the company not know ing in what way to utilize Jeannot as a laborer appointed him as overseer of all the slaves belonging to it Poor Jeannot was rewarded for his sense of humanity and conscientiousness by receiving the respect and esteem of all the inhabitants oi the colony during the rest of his life Music Appreciated Mrs Tnumpp Hardie Did you ask Mrs Nextdoor if my piano playing dis turbed her baby Servant Yes mum and she said the baby liked it and she was much obliged to you for playin so much Miss Thumpp Hardie Did she real ly Servant Tes mum She said it saved her th trouble of poundfn on a tin can New York Weekly No Illiterate Bancs Denmark claims that there is not a single person in her domain who can not read and write In tlie rost year than all othriT dealers com- EST RAUCe bom in Htnneaxiolis as ve can scH K for less money than other dealers ask for on Jnferiortalte of Rosge Tbeso Bames are no experiment with lis as we have sold this one Sma3sE fcSfcasssssaassr s 8AiSk7wSS 134 Krto Range oveaSMtd hih closet 23173 wuSSSTbaSmveo Ranee reservoir plain top it 75 SffitiiSS30 Ranged reservoir high riielf Z7I75 Specialty Stove catalosuo free No 145-6-hole ltanRe reservoir high closet ooO T M ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE MINNEAPOLIS MINN a Teaching the Alphabet This method was employed by m bright young mother Instead of an swering her little ones eager inquiries about the symbols on her blocks by a mechanical repetition of their names she made up a play which should fa miliarize the child with the letters as Individuals First she bought a large box of blocks of all shapes and sizes then selecting twenty six small cubes she painted the letters on them and put them all in a box by themselves Showing this to the child she told her that these persons all belonged to one family called the Alphabet family There were Mother A and twenty five children and a father c who was away on a voyage and would not be back for some time The childs im agination seized the Idea with avidity and on the first day he learned with ease the names of the mother and four children Afterward he was limited to learning two new names each day until the number was complete Upon the introduction of eacb new member of the family they built him a house of other blocks just the shape of him self and then drew his likeness upon paper Each letter had a tale of his own adventures to relate and many were the evolutions he was put through Within a fortnight the 3-year-old child was constructing new characters by putting letters together and the rapidity and ease with which he proceeded to spell was surprising Womans Home Companion BEST FOR THE BOWELS No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels are put right Q AS CARETS help nature cure you without a gripe or pain produce easy natural movements cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARETS Candy Ca thartic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has C C C stamped on it Beware of imitations Gets It Silas Saunders Josh Markby Is one uv them fellers whos always tryin ter git somethin fer nothin Rube Rahway How does he make out Silas Saunders Oh He usully gits nothin fer somethin Puck Do Tour Feet Ache and Burn Shake into your shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It makes tight or new shoes feel easy Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and Sweat ing Feet At all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Poor Vintage In looking over his early essays he came across one he had written when at college qn Old Wine Well he said as he waded through its stilted sentences I am everlast ingly sure this hasnt improved with ace Carters Ink Is Used by the greatest railway systems of the United States They would not use It if It wasnt the best Not His Fault Lady indignantly That parrot we bought of you hadnt been in the house a day before it began to swear dread fully Dealer But you insisted maam on getting one that would be quick to learn Life Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents Her Opportunity She How dreadful These bargain rugs dont match our chairs He Youll have to return them She No indeed Ill get a lot of new chairs Detroit Free Press Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm O Endsley Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 Behind the Scenes Ham Lett Are there any long waits in the piece you are now playing Sue Brett Rather Ive been waiting ten weeks for a chance to look at my salary Mrs WlnsloWs Soothim ormjr ror Children teething so tens the sums retraces inflammation allays Dam cures wind colic 23 cents a bottle It Gilds Her Charms They say the Philadelphia stenog rapher who has just inherited 50000 is very plain She cant be with all that money Cleveland Plain Dealer TENTS I 1 One -I--- - - - TTT T1 KINDS OF 5PUHTINC CQDDS t P7 yeato aa us two cents and harvs xn mail von rtvb ot comjuote - ii y Omans i Letter SAYS doctored with two of thmbest doctors In the city for two years and had mo relief until I used thm PInkham remedies My trouble was ulcer atlen of the uterus I suf fered terribly could not sleep nights and thought sometimes that death would be such a relief To day I am a well wo man able to do my own work and have notapalnm I used four bottles of Lydia E PInkhams Vege table Compound and three packages of Sanative Wash and cannot praise the medicines enough- MRS ELIZA THOMAS 634 Pine St Easton Pa Mrs PInkham advises suffering women without Lydia B PInkham Med Co Lynn Mass MAHAtoOHICAGG Double Daily Service Newline via Coun cil Bluffs Fort DodgeWaterloo Dubuque and Kockford ng cars sleeping cars free reclining chair cars dining cars Send to the undersigned for a free copy of Pictures and Notes En Routo illustrat ing this new line as seen from the car window Tickets of agents of I C E R and connecting lines A H HANSON G P A Chicago NEW DISCOVERY gives auick relist A cares wont cases Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS treatment FREE Dr H II CSrecaa Son Box 8 Atlanta S C N U CTJ No 28 1000 CUHES WHERE ALL ELSE FA LS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good UEe in time sold by druggists 1TVM liiiTirTiHl Iff Titfi li iiV ft lfn i J riri TirnrrB wsmrzviji gjj kj f W k t V BUM vf Parlor Magic A feat which any one can perform with little or no practice is that of placing fourteen matches upon a table and lift ing them all up upon one of the matches This is how it is done Pick out one match the one that has the flattest surface and then place six of the other matches about one fourth each across the first one each of the six being parallel to each other and the thickness of a match distant from each other Next place six other matches one fourth each across the first match but from the other side all parallel and in the spaces left by the arrangement of the first six matches Now take the fourteenth match lay it over the twelve matches where they intersect and by carefully lifting match No 1 and holding match No 14 in place you will accomplish without difficulty the feat Womans Home Companion At the Wrong Door Madam I am soliciting for home charities We have hundreds of poor ragged children like those at your gate and Sir those children are mine and the slamming of the door could be heard in the next street Great Wheat Granaries The British government is discussing the feasibility of building national granaries and storing vast quantities of wheat against the emergencies of war or famine What makes you look that way There certainly must be some good reason for it If your tongue is coated if you are bilious if your head aches if your food rests heavy on your stomach and if you are constipated then the whole trouble is with your liver What you need is a good liver pill an easy liver pill a purely vegetable liver pill You need a box of Ayers Pills thats what you need These pills cure constipation bilious ness dyspepsia and sick headache 25 cents a box All druggists I always keep a box of Ayers Pills on hand There is no pill their equal for a liver regulator Long ago they cured me of liver complaint and chronic constipation S L Spellman Colambus 3nio May 31 1900 JTot7 tents complete vrlth poleajmrl ptnaMit from SS f O up Vv e have an Mhda of tents incluoJoa barn tents all binds f K - FHSHIArll UlfTPlTK A MM KI gun cteiogne Gnn Catalogue contain lie paos and the Lowest Wbstesarto rHCS on xuus ouiBDiuuua ui au Kxaua juchjuhuj roaspvK DaseoaM fftHmes ui tents and all kinds of camntner ouWts VTa sell raftro ammunition ana eg Mian ALL THE REST OF TME Ml THE WUHTHWEST CClHltMED WHT SRDDIV beOtasa we make the price on thea If you Save noc oao of oar gua cataloses send IPTHUVUS 1 I N v V- y 4C J TBI BE unijtf JfclXvVCWCTT 4 If m J M Roberts Supply Hosse Minneapolis Wina ft - v -ft ii I 1 - V A r lfc