Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 12, 1900, Image 2

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j1i niuj Aiiiiua auu viiti v
lorwaru wiui dilated eyes anu quiv
g lins 4Do vou mean catching her
br6ath that you suppose that that
cer was-
fYour lover he interrupted fiercely
iWdont suppose lit i know it A
ignt uangmg ol uoors a sman sunn
RjliLstle an I beg your pardon sir times
up from a running guard and the train
was already gliding out of the station
vith Miles last passionate sentence vi
brating in Esmes ears I dont suppose
itjl know it His angry eyes his pal
lid face were still before her vision in
stead of the sheds and trucks and grimy
red brick walls that they were passing
with ever increasing speed For a mo
ment or two she did not move she seem-
e stunned then regardless of Flack she
flung herself on her knees and buried her
face in the dusty blue carriage cushion
oppos saying Oh this is too much
too much Fate was too hard Was
she to lose both Teddy and Miles within
the very same hour It was impossible
and she wept unrestrainedly and violent-
Oh Im too miserable to live she
moaned as Flack came and bent over
hex insisted on her reseating herself
and not taking on in this wicked way
Hell come back Miss Esme safe and
sound Dont you be fretting for Master
Teddy you know as he said you wasnt
to and you promised Come now re
l is not him Flack its its Captain
Brabazon trying to stifle her ungovern
able sobs
Ihiw yes I saw him a minute at the
carriagekdoor and he seemed a bit put
out f
iFlack was vsomewhat deaf and being
at the other end of the carriage the hur
ried interview between the cousins had
been nearly all dumb show to her what
with the noise on the platform and the
hissing of the engine the sound of their
voices had been entirely drowned
I never told him about Teddy said
Esmein a choked voice Teddy would
notlet me and now he thinks all kinds
of dreadful things What shall 1 do
What shall I do wringing her hands in
a frenzy of despair Then taking off her
hafand pressing her hands to her throb
bing temples she gazed hopelessly at her
companion who sat before her open-mouthed
and stared back in a condition
of mutual stupefaction But a bright
idea suddenly beamed upon her mind
and nodding her head two or three times
with great satisfaction she shcuted I
have it miss You can telegraph
r graph raising her voice still higher
f Telegraph but where
Well to be sure I dont know miss
f wherever he is But you may know
t His club of course that will find him
Oh you clever clever Flack
Pkrv i
Uaptaif grabaoi jj
311 BY B 7 CR0KER J8
jisji t Ir ry
for the last two hours And think what
a spectacle you will be when Miles comes
here to morrow arrives up the avenue
a penitent on his bended knees and prob
ably with peas in his shoes
And thus Esme was persuaded to be a
good girl
And poor Ted what about him in
quired Gussie sitting on the rug and
nursing her knees You saw him off
and see how dearly you have paid for it
you courageous but mistaken young per
son you would have your own way
Esme looked down thoughtfully at her
vivacious sister
Dont you know now expostulating
with one hand that you poor dear are
one of the people who may never look
over the wall while others may steal a
dozen horses without the smallest sus
picion Now I patting herself compla
centlj might run down to Portsmouth
three days a week and see off half the
army and Ill venture to bet no one
would ever burst like a shell upon me
as Miles did on you to day Poor Esme
gone only one little day Its all a matter
of luck and you have none
In spite of her brain being in a per
fect ferment Esme fell asleep almost
before her head was on the pillow The
mind has to give way to the body some-
times and her long railway journey up
to London and down to Portsmouth and
back had completely worn her out and
she slept but her sleep was disturbed
by dreams better far had she remained
awake Now it was Teddys face pale
and death like that came before her and
whispered with a sobbing sigh good
by forever Now it was Miles features
dark and threatening that bent close to
her and hissed into her ear good by
Then she dreamed of Mrs Brabazon
whose presence alone was enough to turn
any dream into a nightmare Mrs Braba
zon and an earthquake This latter vis
ion was fulfilled on the spot someone
was violently shaking the foot of the little
brass bed someone standing there in a
slate colored flannel dressing gown Esme
opened a pair of startled eyes and beheld
no less a person than Mrs Brabazon her
self Such a visitation was unparalleled
what awful catastrophe had brought her
there at such an early hour in slippers
and dressing gown and without her front
teeth Her face was lemon color her
eyes lurid her voice harsh She held a
letter clutched in her hand
Wake up wake up Esme she ex
claimed once more jolting the bed vio
lently and Esme now thoroughly arous
ed began to take in the recollection of
yesterday a recollection which stole over
her mind like a wave of half frozen wat
er She had had a kind of vague hope
as she first looked at Mrs Brabazon that
it was all all a dream but now she was
roused by the agony of a sharp mental
Sit up at once and listen to me miss
t 4- i tmi - t I nnrl fpll m tJiic mnnrc fhia lnH ni
Q cLu uL tv muiioo x ii leiegrapn
that Teddy is my brother Under the cir-
cumstances Teddy would not mind
No indeed why should he indig
nantly Deary deary me I would
not have believed it of a quiet looking
young gentleman T would not have be-
lieved it
- -Believed what
Why that Captain Brabazon could
Jiaye worked himself up into such a
rifle passion about nothing that he had
1 such an audacious temper Miss Esme
his eyes was blazing like two candles in
I his head
To this remark Esme made no reply
She could not talk she dried her eyes
j tried to master her long drawn sobs and
quivering lips and sat with her hat in
her lapr gazing vacantly out of the win-
dow while the express thundered and
f roared through station after station but
j went all too slowly for her
I i
The telegram was dispatched the in
stant they arrived in London and Esme
J breathed more freely Then sH and
f Flack made their way across town had
v tea at another station and after another
railway journey and a jolting drive
me tired stiff and dazed descended at
the side door at home She was admit-
j ted by Gussie with a rather frightened
lace a candle m her hand and her finger
on her lips
So you are home safe and sound
she whispered Well my dear I would
not go through this evening again for a
trifle And how pinched and pale and
frozen you look We -must wrap you up
i in cotton wool to morrow or you wont
J be at all the pretty bride we intend to
I dont think I shall ever be a bride
jsa3 her sister in an exhausted tone
sinking into her most popular school room
chair Miles came up to me at the
tionvliterally stammering with rage He
looked as if he could have have killed
me with pleasure and in about three
sentences cast me off and said good by
forever I was too much astonished to
speak -to tell him the truth and in one
second more we were gone
Great heavens was all Gussie could
articulate as she knelt on the hearthrug
sent him a telegram to his club
and if he goes back to London he will
get it telling him who Teddy is
Im surprised you had that much
sense said Gussie drawing a breath of
relief And to what club
The Mars and Jupiter
Oh you stupid stupid owl He never
goes there not once in a blue moon You
skould have sent it to the Junior Bed and
Blue nodding her head impressively
Well well well I cant have you dy
ing on my hands all the same drink some
of this nice hot soup at once 1 sayed
it for you Come now theres a good
girl starving wont mend matters
Whafs the -use Its very good of
you hut the very idea of swallowing
makes me feel sick indeed it does
Thats hunger retorted Gussie
promptly the pangs of gnawing hunger
Come now you really must after my
fceeping it warm in a dear little saucepan
from Miles Brabazon unfolding as she
spoke the epistle which literally cracked
in her hand He says
Dear Mrs Brabazon I think it right
to tell you at once that there will be no
marriage between my cousin Esme and
myself I refer you to her for the reason
and am yours truly
Now please to give me the reason this
moment she proceeded grasping the
bar at the foot of the bed in both hands
and glaring at her step daughter Is
he in his right mind No address no
date Postmark Portsmouth
Still Esme coud not speak vainly she
tried to articulate No words would come
She would have fared better if she had
been up standing on her feet but with
her furious step mother towering over her
from the bottom of the bed she was at
her mercy in every way and speechless
Gussie who already dressed stood
trembling and quaking in the background
making unintelligible signals to her sister
behind her step mothers back now found
courage to say
Tell her Esme its nothing so very
dreadful after all
And Esme thus adjured told what had
It is not quite as bad as I expected
was Mrs Brabazons comment when she
had heard the story You had better
stay in your room to day I shall write
and telegraph to Miles and Annie and
tell them the truth There you can keep
that tossing Miles note contemptuously
on the counterpane The trouble and
anxiety Ive bad about this whole busi
ness has nearly worn me into my grave
What with your scruples and Miles scru
ples and the fatigue about your trous
seau and now this
So saying she trailed majestically out
of the apartment closing the door with
a bang that made the jugs and basins
rattle for two minutes
All that long day Esme remained up
stairs while Gussie brought her constant
bulletins from the lower regions and
Nokes appeared periodically with a large
cup of tea on a small tray
But no letter no telegram no Miles
put in an appearance The day waned
night came And so ended Esmes wed
ding day
Let us now return to Miles whom we
left on the platform at Portsmouth near
ly beside himself with rage and almost
blind with passion
He was a young man of prompt action
and once he was roused he did nothing
by halves He hurried off to a hotel and
penned the blotted note we have already
seen between Mrs Brabazons twitching
fingffrs He then took the night train for
Aldershot whore the second battalion of
his regiment was now undergoing the
agonies of inspection previous to its de
parture for the Cape
One thing was certain he -said to
himself emphatically they should not
sail without him The mere idea of
remaining in England to be harried by
tes V
was nothing lass than madness He In
terviewed the astounded commanding offi
cer at 8 oclock in the morning He beg
ged and prayed to be taken as a super
numerary or vaguely anything But
luckily for him one of the captains was
on the sick list one who would probably
retire and with him he effected a prompt
exchange He telegraphed to Burmah
he telegraphed here and there to the
war oflice to outfitters to any and every
where but Baronsford He lived in a
kind of rain of orange envelopes He
made a flying trip to the Horse Guards
and to his tailors He called at Annies
she was out But he shunned the clubs
as if the plague were raging in their vi
cinity Did not all his chums know that
he was to have been a married man ere
this Now the Second Battalion Royal
Marchers knew nothing of his affairs
and he was comparatively at ease among
them Down at Aldershot all was confu
sion Chaos reigned in the officers quar
ters and in the mess
At last the regiment was fairly off to
the station and played away in two troop
trains by the band of another corps
while a crowd of sympathizing spectators
cheered and waved handkerchiefs Twenty-four
hours later they were aboard the
Portugal hired transport steaming out
of Portsmouth harbor to the tune of The J
Girl I Left Behind Me
The girl I left behind me What a
bitter irony that well known air implied
to Captain Brabazon as he leaned his
arms on the bulwark with his forage cap
pulled over his brow and his eyes fixed
upon the fast receding shores of merry
liingland and he laughed to himself a
grim contemptuous not very pleasant
laugh as he glanced at a boy close to
him whose eyes looked misty whose
whole idea and expression conveyed the
idea that he had left some fair ladylove
in the land whose shores were becoming
dimmer every moment
At St Vincents they put in for coal
after nine days steady steaming that
land locked harbor presented a busy
scene colliers and small vessels and
transports The Portugal happened by
good luck to be the first of a batch of
troopers all bound for the Cape But first
come first served and after twenty four
hours hard coaling she steamed out
through the fleet the band playing Rule
Britannia amid loud cheers from all the
other ships
The Portugal put in for more coal at
Cape Town and all the marchers were
delighted to land and have a run on
shore after a month at sea Miles and
half a dozen others made their way to
the Civil Service Club in hansoms and
who should be standing on the steps all
smiles and freckles and blinking lashes
but Captain Gee promoted to the second
battalion dressed in spotless white and
having landed that very morning from
British Burmah Very heartily did he
greet the first arrivals but to say that
he was astonished to see his bosom friend
Miles Brabazon among the crowd but
feebly expresses his feelings However
he had the sense and prudence to re
strain himself fill opportunity suited
No sooner had the door banged after
the last merry subaltern than Captain
Gee who had been lying back in a very
deep very low chair suddenly clutched
each protruding arm drew himself up to
the very edge of it and confronting his
companion eagerly asked theses- three
questions in one breath Well where ia
she What have you done with her
Are you married
No more than you are thank good
ness returned the other knowing well
that it was useless to attempt to evade
or postpone a searching cross-examination
It was a near thing 1 can hard
ly bear to to talk of it We were with
in a day and a half of the wedding and
there was an end of everything
Was the money a sell demanded
Captain Gee
No that was all right
Then said Dicky decisively it must
have been the girl No doubt you neg
lected her snubbed her and shut her
up on all occasions Oh if I had only
lad your opportunities
There is another view of the subject
that hal3 not struck you as yet said
Miles gravely I suppose With a vis
ible effort you must know it sooner or
later Let us get it over now and never
speak of it again Come out on the bal
cony its stifling in here
Dicky responded to the invitation with
alacrity looking up with sharp expectan
cy into his brother officers face
It was not my cousin who broke off
the match it was I he said with slow
distinct utterance
I wouldnt doubt ye interposed his
companion in an angry undertone
And whatever I tell you Is sacred
Dicky these other fellows know nothing
of it nodding toward the distant masts
smiling grimly
Go on go on man alive
Its easily told in a few words We
were within less than two days of the
wedding when I accidentally discovered
that she was madly in love with another
man I saw her kissing him with my
own eyes
There was no getting over that 1 sup
pose said Gee
And so not deigning to notice the
suggestion I just made my bow there
and then got an exchange and here 1
kis friends about his broken engagement osotlveft
Youre sure there was no mistake it
was no other person inquired the wily
Dicky anxiously
No no mistake I saw her with my
own eyes and seeing is believing is it
not sarcastically
Poor old chap Im sorry for you for
your sake but Im precious glad to get
you back for my own slapping him vig
orously on the back Cheer up man
and dont look so down in the mouth its
nothing when youre used to it and re
member this that theres a good fish
in the sea as ever were caught girls are
plentiful a3 to the young woman
Yes and as to the young woman
with a look of veiled contempt
All I wish to remark is scrutinizing
his companion gravely that the loss ie
To be continued
Samarkand has a cab service but the
Samarkanders are obliged to go on foot
on Saturdays as all the drivers are
strictly orthodox Hebrews The town
authorities tried to force them to work
on their Sabbath but the appeal court
has upheld the religious rights of th
There are 36234 locomotives on the
rails In the roundhouses or in the
shops of the railroads of the United
States 9958 axe hauling passenger
when In oie and 20827 are freight Ioc
Finance the Leader Trusts and Im
perialism Are Warmly Denounced
Administrations Attitude in Cuba
Porto Bico and Philippines Criticiaed
The speech of J D Richardson of
Tennessee permanent chairman of the
national Democratic convention was as
follows i
I am deeply sensible of the great honor
you have bestowed upon me In calling me to
preside over this great Democratic conven
tion We have been clothed with the au
thority to namet formally the candidates who
at the next election are to be chosen Presi
dent and Vice President of the United
States and to lay down a platform of prin
ciples upon which the battle is to be fought
and the victory won With your permis
sion I will address myself to some of the
Issues of the impending campaign
The last great national contest for su
premacy was fought mainly upon one issue
that is to say one Issue was paramount
in the struggle That Issue was familiarly
called 1G to 1 It Involved thequestlon of
the free coinage of gold and silver at a ratio
or sixteen parts of silver to one part of gold
with which all of us are familiar
The momentous Isshp this vpnr Is ncrain 16
to 1 but the sixteen parts to the one part of
this campaign which I will brlelly discuss
are wholly different from those of 1806 1
will refer to the sixteen parts and then to
the one part These sixteen parts are
1 We have the Issue fraught with Inde
scribable Importance to our people native
born and those who have for patriotic rea
sons cast their fortunes with us namely
that of the republic against the empire On
this part alone of the sixteen If there were
no other we confidently expect to win a
sweeping victory In November The Re
publican party stands for empire The Dem
ocratic party stands for the republic for
the declaration of Independence and the
Constitution of our country
Trusts a Leading Issue
2 The paternal and fostering care given
by those with whom we contend to the com
binations of corporations and companies into
powerful organizations familiarly known as
trusts Under three years of Republican
rule while they controlled the Presidency
the Senate and the House of Representa
tivesthat is the law making power of the
government trusts have been propagated
and fostered by legislation until they not
only dominate all markets both the buying
and selling but defy the very power of the
government itself The farcical efforts put
forth by the Republican party in an alleged
attempt to restrain them in the dying hours
of the late session of Congress only excited
ridicule and contempt and served to em
phasize their inability and disinclination to
grapple with the monsters and regulate their
conduct and actions No matter what their
excuses may be the fact is their policies
have created them and though clothed with
all power they refuse to enact legislation
to control them
3 Called to power March 4 ISO under a
pledge to reform the currency they seized
the lirst opportunity to fasten upon the land
the highest protective tariff law ever put
upon the statute books of any country This
law was enacted not to raise revenue but
to give protection to favored manufacturers
It failed to raise sufficient revenue for the
government but answered the purpose of
enriching the favored few while it robbed
the many and at the same time brought
forth trusts to plague us as numerous as
the lice and locusts of Ejrvnt Their hich
protective tariff is the mother of trusts
4 This administration came into power
with a solemn declaration in favor of bi
metallism and a pledge to promote It It
has failed to keep that pledge It has erect
ed in its stead the single standard of gold
and has endeavored to destroy all hope of bi
metallism In doing this it has built up a
powerful national bank trust and has given
us a currency based upon the debts and lia
bilities of the government We stand for bi
metallism and not for a monometallic stand
ard of either one or the other metal
Attitude Toward Monroe Doctrine
0 The dominant party has recently
made the fraudulent declaration that it fa
vored the Monroe doctrine and yet their
President and Secretary of State have done
all in their power to nullify and abrogate
that famous and much revered Democratie
doctrine In the name of its Democratic au
thor James Monroe I denounce their vaunt
ed advocacy of this truly American doctrine
as falge and hypocritical We stand for this
doctrine in its essence and form and de
mand its rigid enforcement
G In order to obtain place and power they
pledged themselves in the interest of an
expanding commerce to construct a water
way to connect the two great oceans They
have repudiated this promise They have
negotiated the Hay Pauncefote treaty
which while it virtually abrogates the Mon
roe doctrine renders it impossible to build
au American canal Under the terms and
provisions of this treaty which is English
and not American the canal can never be
constructed We stand for an American
canal owned constructed operated and
fortified by America
7 They declared in their platform that
their party was responsible for the merit
system that it was their creature and that
the civil service law should be protected and
its operations extended Their protection
of this law has been such as the wolf gives
the Iamb They did not dare openly repeal
the law or to modify it by an act of Con
gress but they have insidiously by an or
der from the President extorted from him
to aid them to obtain and hold political
power greatly Impaired the efficiency of the
law By the Presidents order many thou
sand lucrative offices regularly covered by
the civil service law were taken from under
its protection and these places turned over
to his partisan followers in a vain effort to
satisfy their polftical g reed
8 They declared in their platform in favor
of the admission of the territories of Ari
zona New Mexico and Oklahoma as States
of the Union yet after nearly four years of
full power they are still Territories Under
the wicked rule of law as now applied by the
Republican party to some of our Territories
they may at an early date find erected be
tween themselves and the balance of the
Union a tariff wall which will serve to pau
perize them while it enriches others
Plain Duty in Porto Rico
0 When Congress last assembled the
President in his first utterance addressed to
the representatives fresh from the people
solemnly urged upon them that it was their
plain duty to give free trade to Porto Itico
His party leaders quick to obey his injunc
tion made ready to comply with his recom
mendations But in a night almost in the
twinkling of an eye the mighty magnates of
the trusts swept down upon Washington and
interposed their strong arm and plain duty
vanished like mist before the rising sun The
President wheeled into Hue the Republican
party reversed its policy and set up a tariff
wall between the island of Porto Itico and
the remainder of the United States It Is
not at all surprising that in the recent some
what lengthy declarations of principles
enunciated by the party in convention as
sembled while they enlarge upon almost
every political question they could not find
the space to point with pride to the achieve
ments of their party in its dealings with that
unhappy Island The Democratic party
stands for equal taxation equal rights and
opportunities to all who come under the
folds of the flag
10 They wholly failed by their legislation
and by the cheaper method of platform dec
laration to tell the country what their policy
Is in respect to the Philippine Islands For
two years by their equivocating policy and
no policy at all they have Eontimied in that
archipelago a war expensive in human
blood as well as in money Incompetent to
deal with this question and too cowardly
to avow their real purpose of imperialism
and militarism in dealing with these and
kindred colonial questions they should be
retired from power and the control should
be given to a party honest bold and patri
otic enough to apply American theories and
precepts to existing conditions and thereby
solve them in harmony with the underlying
principles of the declaration of independ
ence and the Constitution of our country
11 Another part of the Issue of the cam
paign this year Is the scandalous dealings of
a high cabinet officer with private banks of
the country These scandals are notorious
and are based upon the earnest and repeated
written demands of the officers of some of
these banks that they should be favored by
this administration because of money con
tributed by them with which to buy the
iicamcuij ui v orrusijouuencc auumu t
tea to Congress shows that in one case at
least an appeal from an Institution In New
York City to the Secretary of the Treasury
for financial assistance because as It was
claimed the officers of the bank had con
tributed liberally to the election of the pres
ent chief executive was not made In vain
and the asked for assistance in this case
from the government was freely If not cor
ruptly given
Embalmed Beef for Soldiers
12 The scandals which surrounded the
War Department In feeding embalmed beef
to the soldiers in its purchase of old yachts
tugs ocean liners ocean tramps barges
scows etc for use as army transports con
stitute an important chapter
13 So also thft scandnls In onnncptlon with
the postofflce matters in Cuba and the scan
dals In connection with the expenditure of
the funds f the Paris exposition Time will
not permit an amplification of all these scan
14 They loudly proclaim that theirs is the
party of liberty and in their vainglory boast
of their very name Republican yet they are
caught coquetting and forming secret entan
gling alliances of the most detestable char
acter with the old mother monarchy They
stand suninelv bv and refuse even an expres
sion of sympathy with the Boer republics
in their heroic and unegual struggle for ex
istence as against the gross oppressions and
brutal efforts at enslavement of the same old
tyrant who went down in defeat when he
sought to prevent the establis hinent of our
own liberty loving republic They thus per
mit a brave people In love with their free
republican institutions to perish from the
earth lest by one word of sympathy and
comfort they might offend the delicate sensi
bilities of their new found ally Great Brit
15 An important chapter is the oft-repeated
promise made to be broken that
when the war ceased the oppressive bur
densome and vexatious war taxes on many
articles of prime necessity should be re
pealed or reduced Though the war closed
two years ago and notwithstanding there is
a large and growing surplus in the treasury
not one dollar of reduction in these taxes
has been made It is known that delegation
after delegation of citizens suffering from
these burdens crowded the committee
rooms at Washington and literally begged
for some relief It is true that those of ua
who constitute the minority of Congress
joined in that appeal and declared our readi
ness to support any and all measures that
mignt in some degree remove these buruens
of taxation But a deaf ear was turned by
the Republicans to all such efforts for relief
and none came It is well known also that
no reflex will be given by the party In pow
er and it Is vain for overburdened people to
look to them while present policies are at
tempted to be enforced The only hope for
relief lies in hurling from power the Re
publican party and the restoration of the
party which believes jn simple and econom
ical government
Cost of Imperialism
Sixteenth and Last The cost of Repub
licanism and Its twin monster Imperialism
This is neither the time nor the occasion to
discuss in detail the increased appropria
tion made necessary by the Republican pol
icy of Imperialism Briefly however I will
mention that the average of appropriations
per year for all purposes of government for
the two years immediately preceding the
bpanish American war were about 47j00O
000 The average expenditures per annum
fer each of the three years since that war
Including the fiscal year upon which we have
just entered show an increase of nearly
300000000 The total increase for the three
years will bo nearly 000000000 And
in like proportion it will go on This
shows the difference in cost of the
empire as against the republic These fig
ures refer alone to the money cost of the
change and do not include the expense of
the blood of the American boys the price of
which is far beyond computation In the
Republican Congress just closed not one
dollar could be had for much needed public
buildings throughout the country at home
but many millions were promptly voted to
prosecute a war In the far away Philippine
islands JNot a dollar for necessary im
provements of our rivers and harbors at
home but millions to be stolen and squan
dered in Cuba and our new insular posses
sions Nothing for the Isthmian canal and
many other enterprises and objects but
more than 200000000 was freely given for
the army and navy for imperialism and
military for gold aiid glory
I said at the outset that the issue this
year was again 16 to 1 The foregoing are
brleflyythe sixteen parts of the issue What
is the one part
We have been that platform pledges are
made and broken that good intentions of
men are many times set at naught that
plain duty clearly set forth and understood
is disregarded tliat some men are weak
and vacillating and may change their sol
emn nninioTic in n It is innimiit tiinrp
fore to all that in this supreme exigency
or the republic a demand goes forth not
for a faint hearted declaration of platform
platitudes but for a man Yes a man who
stands like a mighty rock in the desert a
man who knowing the right will dare do
the right a man who rather than follow a
multitude to do evil will stand like Pom
peys pillar conspicuously by himself and
single in integiity
Such a man a the one part this conven
tion will tender to the nation as their candi
date for President a man who Is unsur
passed as a citizen unequnled as an ora
tor courageous as a soldier conspicuous in
every element that constitutes the typical
and the true American William J Bryan of
Modest Choice Wliicli an American
Made of a bword
Somebody was telling just the other
day of a wonderful eastern relic which
is in the possession of au ex minister to
Siain says the Washington Post It
was when the ex minister was a full
fledged representative of the majesty
of a free people that he was invited out
of his legation to visit a prince or a sub
king or some other provincial ruler
under the dominion of the king of Si
am He was right royally entertained
and when the time for his departure
drew near his host desired to load him
down with costly presents
The American minister refused again
and again to take the valuable gifts
pressed upon him but at last seeing
that to go away empty handed would
be mortally to insult his princely host
he decided to take the smallest and
least valuable of all the things shown
him He looked about the treasure room
and saw hanging on one wall a perfectly
plain old sword Its scabbard was not
jewelled and its hilt was quite plain
Surely he might take so small a gift as
that He signified his desire to possess
the weapon and it was given him
Whenhe went back to the capital his
majesty expressed a royal curiosity to
know what the prince had given him
The sword was shown him His ma
jesty fairly bubbled with excitement
That swprd Why he had been trying
for years and years to get possession of
it He had offered the prince its weight
and double its weight in gold and pre
cious stones but the prince had always
refused to part with it It was a his
toric sword a sacred sword and scarce
ly less precious to the prince than his
crown itself It was hundreds of years
old and the king would have given his
eye teeth for it
The American had asked for some
thing vastly more precious than any of
the gorgeous jewels he had refused to
accept and Oriental politeness had
granted his request He had brought
away with him something that all the
power of the mighty monarch himself
had not been able to obtain
Houses were first numbered In Phil
adelphia in 1811
Treasury returns for twelve months
show that the United States has sold
to various countries 5000000 of American-made
locomotives x c
Over 1000 men were thrown outof
employment on account of the closing
of the various departments of Jdnes
Laughlins steel mills at Pittsburg
The Carpenters Union of Boston lias
won higher wages and eight hours per
day for its members who number close
onto G000 The strike was a short qne
only a few lirms refusing to sign the
agreement -
Official labor- statistics from 5pw
Jersey show that union men works5I
hours per week and non union nienGG
The average daily wages of uuion men
Is 3 that of non union men 2sl9
Union nten are idle 5S days in each-
year non union men GO 1 10 days
Wages for the year are 37 per cent
higher for the union men than for non
union men
In New York State 910 persons were
killed and nearly 40000 crippled in
shops factories and industrial pursuits
in the year 1S99 In the war with
Spain 2S0 Americans were killed and
1557 wounded Based on the figures
he total of killed and injured annu
ally in industrial pursuits in the United
States would be nearly 20000 killed and
900000 injured
School authorities of the State of
Washington have employed Seattle and
Tacoma Typographical Unions to pub
lish text books for the public schools
The new system will furnish the first
example of school books bearing the
union label as well as being a home
product throughout Chicago school
authorities have been figuring on the
mrae question for some time
Scarcity of coal in Europe enables
3ie United States to build up a trada
Sn the commodity that will be of great
Snipcrtaace in the near future
Writer declares the extraordinary dfc
and for fuel is attributable to the
usual activity of the iron and steel trade
Of Europe Coal in England brings 10
a ton with 5S cents per 100 charge
Zor a poor grade in many localities
The scarcity extends to France Ger
many Austria Belgium and Italy
Working as a test and under pressure
in an Eastern shoe factory it required
a little more than sixteen minutes to
finish complete from the time thei
leather was placed in the hands of the
workman a pair of high grade womens
hoes In a number of Chicago fac
tories this time has been reduced to
fifteen minutes or less Recently a pair
of the finest shoes was turned out in a
fraction over fourteen minutes after
the material was given to the wrorkr
and in addition the same was paclcedi
4n Its proper receptacle
Shorter hours and higher wages aret
-declared to be the substantial fruits of I
labor organization in England W c
Steadman a labor member of Parlia
ment said recently In twenty yearst
ve have reduced by ten hours a week
the hours of labor in England while at
Jie same time increasing wages 20 per
nent Nine hours a day is probably
very near the average at this time Men
employed in the building trades receivei
between IOd and lid an hour engineersi
2 a week shipwrights 2 2s a week
plumbers Is an hour printing trades
BSs a week coal miners 35s a week
bootmakers 35s a week tailors in Lon
don between 3 and 4 a week tailors
in the provinces 3Gs a week bakers
from 28s to 35s a week All these mem
work between eight and nine hours a
Laurel Crowns
The laurel crown used to decorate thet
brow of the victor in the old Olympian
games or the head of some triumphant
general was composed of bay leaves
ffhe bay is laurus nobilis and thus thei
wreath or crown has been called laurel
or bay according to the whim of the
writer The bay was considered by the1
ancients to De an antidote against poi-
son and a security against lightning
Its leaves were used to provide a pleas
ing incense and a spray of bay wast
carried in the garments of all supersti
Skms persons as a guarYl against alL
iangers It is interesting to note how
Ihe laurel or bay has passed down to
ihese more prosaic times the heads on
medals coins etc are almost always
crowned with laurel Then we have a
poet laureate or the poet crowned with
laurel that is to say the chief poet of
the times Again the title of bachelor
won by exceptional skill in connection
with art or science takes us back to thet
middle ages when young doctors were
crowned with laurel and received the
title of bacca laurel London Garden
ers Magazine
Polish of a Beauty
The Queen of Italy is said to be not
only the most beautiful but one of the
best educated of all European queens
She speaks EngUsh French German
and Spanish reads Latin and Greek
knows the great poets thoroughly
reads Darwin Raskin and much the
oldgical literature is a bonist and
geologist and devotes much time to
charitable projects-
Killed And Wounded in Battle
In the battles of the FraneoGerman
war the proportion of killed to-wounded-was
generally 1 to 4
If you dont know how you stand
with certain people make your mark
low If is disappointment that kills
I ff a man Is nagged to death can bia
SKif te tried for nrurrler
Hgr iS