Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 05, 1900, Image 8
4 T -- the Valentine democrat M RICE hip left shouldrandJ sad Stenhenson JAMES BUSH ssBiS oaleft side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek CHARGING BEAR Postofflce address Allen SD On left siau and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF WWHBjmUSJHbwK3B DAVID COTTIER Lakes and South EDITOR JPiae Ridge Reservation FRANK A GALLIGO Postofflce address Manderson S D Left side and on young stock Olq stock randedKZS leftside fftfSl Horses thigh w leic Range Rock Springs Basin N D Burnside and ADSnyder Pino Ridge S D Home ranch on head of Wounded Xnee Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr iaBgaM Alex Marrivall IS M J Cattle USB Pine Ridge S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Earmk swallow fork on left and crop right Horse trands as below on left thigh or hip Horses EDWARD BAD HAIR Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh lange Bear eek WJ Postofflce address Allen S On left side Also on left side 5S1 Horses on left hip Kange Bear Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and some 1 on Postofflce address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder horses same on right thigh Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONG UfAN Postofflce address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek i DC J On left side right ear split Horses q way SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman Neb Cattls branded as on cut horses branded same as cattle except roversea s See block Rsnge Stever down on nip Range Little White River FBlIman and STewton Ke1r LLLfesBLfeLLLLHl CHAS S HOYT Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on left side also 00 on left side also between eyes nd nose Range15 miles wes of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on left hip horses same dew lap Range south and out of Brush Hill GEORGE DECOSY rMtoflMieim Rosebud S D CSgSBK Cattle branded o lttt side Acs m cm GD 7jffijje W branded a left hip mIb a Lone an AMefcHse creek HMrtailGteUfI D oftoffice Address Rosebud 8 D Cattle branded oa tnft thigh or hip ame at cut Horse brsadea tame on left shoal u or BEN tfTS5tiSsrI5 7 M i rnrTi JG2H B L0R3 Postoffloe Addrss Simeon Nob Stock branded same as est back of right aHoulder and on right hip Raage on tfee Niobrara TODD SMITH PostoSce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as out a Dia mond T Horses branded the same Rnoa on White Thunder Creek 2 f FTVNwMttnrMnSk szx seauoyii KELLA3 Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 D Stock branded left shoulder three lnohei long side four Inchei lonar Brand record jazzyrs Ranch or aorso wee BOAT tfteMMBifty TURGEON Postofflce Address Bonesteel 5 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right eai crop- nnrl Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with eir deA inc f Schmidt Postofflce Address JjE Rosebud S D Iraaded uds as oa ro or with unatr UieS rignt ear dip ind dulaped Horses branded Jme sa left hi iWefflW ALEX BORDEAUX - Postofflce Address JOHN J STEEX lawrapwuMi rvswf Wumm S2mSZJ ib HviBiiiiiBHiBiiB jiBieriavzapKvi JOE BOOKS JE x wB Foscofflce address Allen S D Onleft8ide horses smeonteigli ange Bear Creek OEOBGr riTB Boneteel8Bf Borne A B E lef t eldc and left hip Horses on left hip and some same en left shoulder No horses sold na less brand is invert ted raaklnsfv w Range Tiead Whet Stone XL o w Postofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded v 1th 7 on left hip also same as cut Range betweoa Gordon and Snako creeks and on the Niobrara river CuSoSa I Til I ft 1 I 1 3 Postofflce address Brownlee Neb On iljht side Range Horse Valley WALKER gMlpaSJL Sf Sf V pyFSiragyJBxmfeypjtK Postofflce Addresi Simeon Nefc Cattle branded on tight side hprsc same on left shoul der Range sum mar on Hnnkerlr er 4 mllea from mouth winter i miles south of Sim con B2EKNETT J W RmiTB Allen S D ostoffiee Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left sld Range between Gordon and Snake ereeks and on the Niobrara riyer mud TZtvdcv 0e Yejrir iter 350 - IBlSlii JOTOSEH QUICK 2SA esJLJi Postofflce Address Bosebsd S I Cattlo oranded sam as cut or on hi Ranch oa Blcl Pipe Creek iffLtlsMlrfffcii BP i Postofllca addrest Brownlee Nebr On left side Range between Goose Creek and Loup Newton Nebr Newton Neb Cherry Co Brandon left bide and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side- Native cattle have JOE CTJLBERTSON Po3tofilce address Pullman Neb Branded on left side horses T Ton right shoulder a crop and slit in left ear of cattle Range Forks of North Loup River E E Brand registered No 411 Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip Horses same on leit shoulder Ranee South SbeO ttkkkkkmkwm T MM I lrrYmnlTlga8W nuaeuua o t Horses are brand on left thlgn cntti on left side with Ik crop en left ar aiso tleMOwlthn rop oa ear New T m I Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as ou cut Some ft sideorhip uange on Gordon Creek BbKwABbS ORB Postofflce addres s Newton Neb Cattlo brended any where on left atdej horses on left shoul der Rnnje between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek D B STOKER SON of Gordon Creekgggggpjj Miscellaneous Wi W ANDEKSOX J C KOUXDS Anderson Hounds Simeon Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut also 1G on left side witli on left hip of some cattle also S4C on right side Horse brand rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home rancn on Dewey Lake Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara also between Snake River and Simeon known as the Felch range all in Cherry County Nebraska WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore Nebr Branded on5left side JgSSMMB k Range Southeast of Georgia Metzger Bros yBSgp32 jjJB tnroat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Itctcartt of 250 will be paid to any Eerson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ng cattle with above brand Teeter Bros Gorsuch Bros Newton Nebr i Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses on left shoulder Range Between the Gordon and bnke wzn m ii HEH M m MASON COMPANY Postofflce address On tmM Hvannis Neb On rijrht hin 5 T L either side right sme left hip hor l ses right shoulder Brand and Paper 350 Range seven miles north of Hyannls G SAWYER Postofflce address Oasis Nebraska1 Butler Quiesenbery have charge oi these cattle horses Dson left shoulder some stock branded anywhere on animal Range Snake river BtS MLBBPWsffiifrif iii is i f rf Postofflce addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake Range on Niobrava ON THE MARKET hbbbbhP9bb1bbY DAN ADAMSON Postofflce address C S WILLIAMS Postofflce address Lakeland Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder Some on right side Range in Brown and Cherry countiea at headwaters of the Calamus river WM ER1CKSON Postofflce address Kennedy Neb On lef t side and hip horses O or A oa ettjaw Range two miles northwest Ken nedy Cliesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake DAWSON BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V left neck andZ left hip some V left neck V left shoulder and Z left hiD jhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River81 3233 H V DOWNING J A Adamson Valentne Neb On left side or hip left side or hip On left side 7 al 1 mmtrTTTrwrmrm Will be paid by the Stock Exchange for information leading to to the conviction of any person stealing cattle branded in this county with brands registered in the State customers every day Not because like ns better but because we keep better and colder beer FINEST AND PUREST they i WHISKIES WINES AND CIGARS v Y The STOCK EXCHANGE is the only firm in the country that spends money in protecting the Cattle Industry in the county If you have any estray cattle or horses on your range write us and we will inform you who owns the brand by return mail free of charge We solicit your patronage S KT 1 WILLIAM BURLEIGH 1 mSffim I W F A MELTENDORFF Postofflce address Gallop Nebraska On left side also TV I left side also Jleft hipalso W on side ana S on hip horses S on left Jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop RA WESTOVER tHeta JEW PIKE BROS TCGa3P Postofflce address J W OSTRANDER Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek TTOAgtiCSK gySWg Crookaton Neb Branded on eithe n right hip Range On Min nechaduza 5 miles east of Crookston uttmwmmm wBgw AReicartloT4O0 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrestand SerBon of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand 9 Subscribe for the Democrat D L if cLANX ostoffie Address Rosebud S D Catvle branded m cut on either do also F L R iiid F B Horses branded aS523 on left jyy shoulder colts lisa three ttuka v Postofflce Address aorse brands at lows HERBERT O BS2SttJSST5t5HJ3rt TMWl IBlll JOn GHOST Postofflce address Pine Ridkft S D Cattle branded B C on lefthipofcatMend on cut some branded on left side also r n on left side horses tameonleft shoulder Ran see Wounded Knee and Wakpam wl LakeShannon Co SaTlop Nebraska On leftside aange 10 miles euth of Merrlman - r n v 3 rrrc r L Jher iJistrict Range moirth of CottoDvrood ESD FERRT PARITBH stofflce address Konnddy Neb battle branded me an cut Horses P on left mulder KnngeMouth of bordman ostoffiee address Seneca Neb Rosebud 8 D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded tvlth only i ec Wt bJ Z L C Peyton vjmKMKiMra KNijii SSTRT Posteflee Addrsea RooebudS J Cattle branded ob loft side same as cut Horses brand ed on left shoulder with a X Ranch In Utile Walt CLEMENT WHIBLIND SOLDIER Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Hones branded samo on left shoul der Range on Big White River L L MERCUBE On right side or J on oither hip ilange Southwest ofSeneca J M Poitofflce address Seneca Neb 139 Branded as on cut some P on right hiD PWPe and some BtikM on right hip lM Range CalffiEfijJsgl Creek valley In Cuer founty W RAYMOND W D McGaa M Sgffifi u23arfSaHE5Hfc 3r ny part of animal part of animal the following loft Also some cattle bearing the follow tnebiands a left ack X left side or sliouitler Kill II Creston S D Left or either side of cattle also V left side r neck Swal low fork rijiht ear anderblt left right ear nunbed off dproitlef ear Some on left Jaw and some wattle Uii jaw Other brands left Bide or left si Je or any 3ome branded W leit hip or 83tfm 2Ifetf3 BEAR MANAGER Alex Burr feSMB 5 OrTB lrI gllgESMaKBJaeyigi iw left shoul der leil it ic mil leu nip or thigh thigh thigh or tnigh hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the bove brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft libpraliy rewarded Range at Harney bpriugs and Cottonwood BISONETTE MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridce S D tin it wzm ooine Range Seven miles nonh eaat of Pine Bidge in Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side somel3FIron eitherslue Some on left side some older sX l UTSSji r j6 lTOLt fcsja stock any where on aumtal Horses E K m on left hip 4S rltih efdft Shannon Co Lavaca Nebraska On left side nangc Pole Creek SHOKT HORN BOLU for sale Geo H Hill MARTIN RED BEAR Postoffloe address Pino Ridge 8 D On left side horses same left thigh Range Wolf Creek Tostofflce Addrea Simoon Neb Stock branded n left hip tamo is out Range head- wartert si the Schlagle es Hlver pfifofoffiffliffi HATWA - f 3grf2 Postofflce address Kllgore Neb Cattle branded on either side as on rut same on hip m tariff pSsE GEORGE Postofflce address he Nebr vu leit nip DrA6 on right hip er side Range Loup and Dismal Otgis BSaLJggSfc CRONTN CAyrctffiif ft Sli WvfrVrr hniiinp lvi on left side I SWkV WSf socieKsu on rinht hln Ranccsouth Middle Loup Sj A Pullman Nebr On right side horses same left boulder Herd mark Dew lap Range BnusI ggj Lake and South Subscribe for 100 - JJ Lavaca Neb left side Horses shoulder WM left Ranee Bet ween Fair ft i TT1 A TH0KPS03 w m cArsott ndia i i i v V i rriifiiii j iniA CraiSsSlREiHI rJkVyvil J H SEARS Postofflos addra CSj25S ALBERT VrniPPLB Postofflce address Rosebud HD Branded on toft wldo somo SOS fj3i Horses onR oither Ka ti PostoBce Addre fllmeanlfsb Stock branded same aa eat be kind leftshouMer Raare oa tfee Icblasl Kennedy Neb Cattle branded aj on cutlef t side some on left hip xorsej same on left sbonV der Ran Iquars Lake HORGAREIDGE and 602T Postofflce address Simeon Nob uattie oranaea as on cut or IJ or V D on left hip with hole in rgbt ear when old horses same as cut and IJ Kange Gordon Creeltand Niobrara der Some are branded on elthar shoul lerthua FRANK ROTnLEUTNEB iAmmh ROBERT BAD WOUND g SS5JVSHP Postofflce address Allen S n Left side alsrj n lelt ul norse 10 on ofr IjI Range Corn Creel Z X PERKEXI Postofflce addru Halser Ne On left hip ng Loup Rives GRAY IrnkMimM S E a fey OERilAS head Lake and Snake rivor ggjj TALBOT GALLOP Postofics addreee Beneca Neb Cattle branded es left ilde Horses branded on left shoulder Range be tween Middle andDuael rj a 5 -VT S2 BEOt Postofflce address Thodf ord Ne On right tide Range betws Lou aaj WALT HARDY Postofflce addrcs 4 8enecaiieb Gs5 Left side on onttle horses left P TTlTrtTS A i2PiS m pimii sV 1 PcstEce address Newton Neb Cattle branded eith er side hors8 same on left shoulder a so have care 01 siuc branded SP under lined xtanss Nortu Loo Joseph Fairhead Ais m nn latt clilo Vrt also same re- - M m verted on left thigh V T eBzM A