Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 05, 1900, Image 3

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Only Survivor of Christys Minstrels a
Resident of New York State
In the little hamlet of Johnsonburg
Wyoming County lives the only sur
vivor of the famous old time Christy
minstrels the pioneers in negro min
strelsy William A Porter by name or
as everybody in those part calls him
Uncle Bill Mr Porter is an old man
now being nearly SO years of age but
in form he is erect and his step is firm
iWhen he relates reminiscences of those
early days when minstrelsy was strug
gling for a -foothold his eyes are as
bright as ever He has a wonderful
memory and the stories he tells of his
eventful career before the footlights
are very entertaining
Asked where the first minstrel com
pany was organized he replied Ed
win P Christy formed the first com
pany of negro minstrels the world ever
saw Its inception was in the city of
Buffalo in 1S42 The idea was a new
one and the people of good society were
inclined to look askance at a perform
ance that delineated Jim Crow How
ever adverse opinion was gradually
overcome and in 1S45 the first perform
ance in a regular theater was given in
the old Eagle Street Theater where
now stands the Hotel Iroquois
Buffalo society gave Christy and his
company the stamp of its approval and
his prosperity as a minstrel manager
was thereafter assured It was at
this time that Mr Porter joined the
as a banjoist and bass singer
ranking his debut April 5 1S45
Stephen C Foster the composer of
over 100 songs among which were
fcCWay Down Upon the Suwannee Bib
ber My Old Kentucky Home and
Massas in the Cold Cold Ground
Tvas a member of the troupe Mr Por
ter sang Way Down Upon the Su
wannee Ribber long before it ever
saw the light in a publishers office In
those days crownless headgear over
alls and rag bag clothes constituted the
minstrels wardrobe except the quar
tet always a prominent feature ia ev
ery minstrel organization who were
attired in full dress black suits and
white vests
Mr Porter remained with the Chris
tys nino years visiting nearly every
town and city of prominence in the
United States Canada England and
Australia finally becoming manager of
the company Retiring from the organ
ization in 1S54 he settled on his little
farm in the county of Wyoming
Rochester Herald
A Good Line
Ah sighed the poet I shall be
satisfied if I can produce but one line
that will make the world better
Say said the poets wife just
come back here and try your hand on
stringing this clothes line will you 7
f n 3
Little Liver Pills
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac Slmile Wrapper Below
Very small and as cosy
to talto os sugar
GAit im
ii iait
U qiei G
g rlbbVI
25 cefc I tn7 VcetsmsiC
jlirim rr lay TTTmTSV
He Hnd a Reason for Not Thinking of
Her All the Time
She looked into his eyes softly ten
derly tremulously He was her hus
band and her hero Surely he could be
that seeing that they had been mar
ried only a year Next year he might
be only her husband but this is not a
story of anticipation
She was a dear housewifely little
woman plump and pretty and ever
studying how home could be made hap
pier for her hero She made a perfect
bower of their sitting room their din
ing room was a feast in itself and from
their kitchen came such seductive
sauces made by her own fair hands
that the husbands club dishes seemed
to be as ashes in his mouth by com
Never a day that he went to his work
but she had him bring something home
with him which under her magic fin
gers became a coach from a pumpkin
as in the fairy times Cinderellas god
mother made beauty from unlovelines
It was in the gloaming now and lite
soft light of the evening lamp fell upon
the busy little body ministering to the
comfort of her hero in his dressing
gown and slippers smoking his cigar
and made her seem like a butterfly in
the reddening light of the morning
She sat down on a low stool at his
feet at last and looked into his eyes
softly tenderly tremulously He had
been away from her all day in the busy
marts of trade
Darling she whispered like the coo
ing of a bird it is so good to have you
And it is very good to be here he
respondeu blowing a wreath of blue
smoke out over her head
You have been away from me all
dayall day and it has seemed very
long to me she murmured Do you
think only of me when you are away
she asked in a little frightened voice
He did not reply at once
Well no Kitty he said at length
I dont
Oh Harry was all she could say
as she threw her face into her hands
upon his knees
I dont he went on mercilessly
because it keeps me so busy thinking
of the things you ask me not to forget
to bring home that I really dont have
time to think of anything else
Then she pulled his ears and kissed
him four times in rapid succession
How Bees Mark a Tree
Bees have a language of their own
said a western bee expert the other
day They carry different meanings
by their buzzings and they understand
each other like a top but I found out
one thing about them that I dont think
anybody else ever did bees have got
a written language and they send com
munications to each other
I found this out after years of
close observation When the bees get
too awfully numerous in a tree fill
up the hollow so that its too crowded
for comfort certain wise bees are sent
out to prospect
When a pioneer of this kind finds
a big likery looking treewith a hospitable-looking
wind crack in it he
takes plenty of time and goes over it
Sometimes he finds that while the
place looks nice and commodious on
the outside thCknotliole leads into a
shallow l eceptacle or the crack is not
deep enough to accommodate even a
bachelor bee much less a whole brood
In such a case he gets out and
writes a message to all and sundry
bees that may come along that way
This tree is no good That knothole is
a fake and the wind crack is a frost
pass it up
He writes this with his tail string
ing honey along aswe string ink If
the tree is all right he puts up a sign
to that effect The next bee scents the
honey lights and reads the first words
of the message and if the report is un
favorable flies off saying
and doesnt worry himself any further
about it
Oh yes bees are cute and if youve
got the idea that theyre slow its be
cause you are slow yourself Denver
A Rats Tail
A rats tail is a wonderful thing The
great naturalist Cuvier says that there
are more muscles in this curious ap
pendage than are to be found in that
part of the human anatomy which is
most admired for its ingenious struc
turenamely the hand To the rat in
fact its tail serves as a sort of hand
by means of which the animal is ena
bled to crawl along narrow ledges or
other difficult passages using it to bal
ance with or to gain a hold It is pre
hensile like the tails of some mon
keys By means of it the little beast
can jump up heights otherwise inac
cessible employing it as a projectile
Odd Idea in Bathing
In a sketch of the childhood of Louis
XIII his tutor wrote under date of
August 1G0S The Dauphin was
bathed for the first time put into the
bath and Madame his sister aged G
with him The Dauphin was 7 years
old at the time In his fourth year he
had his feet washed with a damp cloth
wen he was G they washed his feet
in tepid water in the Queens basin for
the first time
The Match Trust Spreading Out
The match trust has several factories
n Europe and has now absorbed an
important establishment in South
Every one should put a guard on him
self or he will find that he enjoys
those occasions most when he is en
couraged to talk freely of his griev
Being Bather Hard on the Woman Who
Had Aspirations
A plain and sensible husband and
father who was making a modest live
lihood in the retail dry goods business
had a wife who was ambitious to shine
In society She was quite well aware
that her husbands means were not of
sufficient magnitude to permit an extra
ordinary dazzle in that glittering gal
axy of gaiety glamour and gentility
but she banked on the matrimonial alli
ance of at least one of her two beauti
ful daughters with an aged millionaire
who was ready at any moment to mar
ry any pretty girl who would accept
Naturally enough It was not to be
expected that any young and pretty girl
could love any old thing like he was
but then he was so rich that love might
well be asked to take a back seat
Now the husband of this ambitious
lady and the father of the two beauti
ful daughters was foolish enough to
think that love mixed with matrimony
better than money did and he was
averse to the machinations of his wife
to dispose of either of the daughters
to the millionaire at a price One day
the lady In no pleasant humor spoke
to her husband on the subject of his
I should think she said that you
would have some ambition for your
daughters You have never been able
to furnish them with the means their
beauty accomplishments and position
demand and now when I am doingmy
utmost to do a parents part by at least
one of them you must oppose my ef
forts and seek to thwart my purpose
I should think you would show some
sign of appreciation of the attention
and honor paid us by the wealthy gen
tleman whom I so highly respect
Forgive me my dear responded
the husband contritely When the
gentleman comes this evening I will
obey you and show some sign of ap
Upon this the wife was greatly mol
lified and the husband went down
town to his store returning In the
evening a little later than usual but
quite cheerful
At half past 8 oclock the wealthy
gentleman called and shortly after the
lady had gone in to meet him her hus
band followed her bearing in his hands
an artistically painted card fully a yard
It is the sign I promised for the gen
tleman he said handing it to his wife
and she read upon it in large letters
Please Call On Us Before Purchasing
Thereupon the lady fell into a state of
madness from which she has scarcely
yet recovered and the husband is tak
ing his meals down town and sleeping
in his store
Rhode lslaads Fine New Capitol
Rhode Island is the smallest State in
the Union in area and its entire popu
lation is about equal to that of the city
of Boston yet this State has nearing
completion a State Capitol which is ex
ceeded in cost by the capitols of few
States and which good judges declare is
equaled by none in architectural
Domestic Joys
Miss Hitts I suppose you and your
wife get along well together
Henry Peck Yes that is she gets
along well enough I dont
Information Wanted
She I know Alfred I have
SIS 77
Jzkslx jzmm
S I 577 freight paid to ANY
He Oh certainly
She angrily Indeed Perhaps
youll tell me what they are
The marriage of some men may be
unlooked for but it can hardly be
termed in any case a singular circum
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Signature of CJrJ
Every Suffering Woman Should Bead this
letter and be Convinced that Xordla E
Flnkhams Vegetable Compound Does
Cure Female Weakness
I have been troubled with female
weakness in its worst form for
the womb and ovaries
and at menstrual
periods I suffered ter
ribly At times my
back would ache
very hard I could
not lift anything
or do any heavy
work was not able
to stand on my feet
My husband spent
hundreds of dollars
for doctors but
they did me no
good After a time
A Slieht Error
Old Lady to chemist I want a box
of canine pills
Chemist What is the matter with
the dog
Old Lady indignantly I want you
to know sir that my husband is a
Chemist puts up some quinine pills
in profound silence London Tit Bits
Do Tour Feet Ache and Burn
Shake Into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It make3
tight or new shoes feel easy Cures
Corns Bunions Swollen Hoi and Sweat
ing Feet At all druggists and shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Circumstances Alter Cases
I thought you intended raising
chickens on your suburban place
So I did but as it is frequently under
water I raise ducks instead
C unli J UUWN iusinia aa out una Ecnaxonswun vn cents state
y whether ladles or Rents bicycle Is ivantedsize of frameand we will send you tbislllgh
uiuud 1 auu iviouei wuuu worra winner kiutule dj ireiprnc u
O D subject to examination Examine it at your frelcht
Marriage Performed Fret
In a fashionable church on 5th ave
nue New York marriages are
formed free if desired and an
nouncement is made to that effect
a clerk comes here to Ue married says
the pastor and insists on having an
organ wedding march it means 25 if
he wants the choir it means more if
he wants flowers ribbons and special
ushers it means a great deal more But
if he comes here and says I want to
get married and dispenses with all
these things it costs him nothing
Pay for English Spies
A secret service1 fund Is voted yearly
by -the English parliament for the pur
pose of defeating conspiracies against
the state Last year G5000 was paid
to spies who were employed for this
purpose For a copy of a treaty be
tween France and Russia known as
the treaty of Tilsit Great Britain once
paid 200000
onice ana u you
flnd it a genuine 1900 model high grade S5O00 World Winner the grandest
bargain you ever saw or heard of and you are conTlnceditisworthSlOOO to
f 1500 more than any wheel advertised by other houses up to 2500 pay your
i freight agent or banker the balance S I 480 The World Winner Is
covered by a BINDING CUARANTEE Kramo is 22 or2t Inch made
irom uesi suuiniess luuing uuest oae piece nanger nnesi inu Dan Dealings
Mason arch crownenameled black or maroonhighly nickel flnishedDelhl pad
ded saddle adjustable handle bars best Dovle uedals hitrh trrade cuaranteed
MOUNTAINS single tubing pneumatic tires fine leather bag complete with tool3 and repair
outfit Ordertoday Bicycle catalogue free T m Roberts Supply House Minneapolis Minn
VastCost of a Mistake
In the haste of building the Siberian
and TransBalkal railways twelve
pound instead of twenty-four-pound
rails were used wooden bridges were
built and crossings made far apart
The result is that not more than twen
ty miles an hour can be safely made
To make matters worse they have
adopted the heaviest kind of engines
winch on the numerous steep grades
cannot be run less than thirty five
miles an hour It will cost 37725000
to reconstruct the Trans Baikal and
25750000 for the reconstruction of
the Siberian system
Tea Malcingr
Tefa can be made for individual cups
by a new attachment having a metal
lic disk to rest on the top of the cup
with a screen basket in the center in
which the tea is placed a cap closing
the opening after the hot water is
poured in
HALF A TRAIN LOAD OF COFFEES This looks like a big lot of cofTee to buy at one time hut only
represents the purchase we made one day last week when we placed orders for four solid cars of coffee of over
40000 Lb EACH SPECIAL BARGAINS IN COFFEES Fine Old Crop Rio 10 lb 7c CO lb
5185 l001bIV70 Better grade 10lb 07 60 lb t5Jb 100 lb 11070 Fine old crop Santos 101b 97e 501b
S5 1001b970SuperioroTd crop Santos 10 lb 1 75 SO lb 8585 1001beil70MochaPeaberryflneloTb47
to lb M25 100 lb eu00 To those who do not want to roast their own ooffees we offer some unsurpassed bar
gains in roasted coffees as follows Splendid oW Rio roasted 10 lb 2 15 60 lb K75 100 lb 81125 Rio extra
value 101b SI SO 601bl750 100 lb 11525 GoldenRlochoicel01b863 601b788 100 lb tliM Seat
tos fancy lOltx SI 47 501b 87 23 1001b JIL60 Santos Peaberry10ib147 60 lb 725 1001b8U60 Afri
can Java 101b 8187 60 lb 6935 160 lb 11870 Special blend Java and Mocha flavor 10 lb M77 501bes85
1001b 11770 In ordering from any of tkej above say from SPECIAL BARGAINS IN COFFEE Order
Immediately oecause there Is a probability of another rise in prices Orders must be accompanied by sufficient
cush to cover transportation charges Balance C O D if desired
K tB awsptf
about ten years I had leucorrhoea
and was sq weak that I could not
do my housework I also had fall
ing1 of the womb and inflammation of
I concluded to try your medicine and
I can truly say it does all that you
claim for it to do
Ten bpttles of Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound and seven pack
ages of Sanative Wash have made a
new woman of me I have had no
wqmb trouble since taking the fifth
bottle I weigh more than I have in
years can do all my own housework
sleep well have a good appetite and
now feel that life is worth living I
owe all to Lydia E Pinkhams Vegeta
ble Compound I feel that it has saved
my life and would not be without it for
anything I am always glad to recom
mend your medicine to all my sex for I
know if they follow your directions
they will be cured Mrs Anxie
Thompson South Hot Springs Ark
The Latest Shotgun
Thirty years ago a hammerless shot
gun was a novelty It had London
fine twist barrels and a walnut stock
and cost 250 or more A finer quality
had laminated steel barrels The first
breechloader to appear in a back coun
try town was a curiosity that attracted
people from points 100 miles distant
Yesterday I looked over a new Ameri
can gun the very latest improvement
In sporting arms and the proud owner
informed me that nothing is manufac
tured here or abroad that surpasses it
The barrels are made of Whitworth
fluid pressed steel a certificate to that
effect being furnished with the piece
by the Sir Joseph Whitworth Company
of Manchester England The stock is
made of Circassian walnut superbly
checked and engraved with pistol grip
gold shield and skeleton butt plate
The price was 400 New York Press
His Specialty
The Boss So you waut a job do you
What can you do
Applicant Nothing in particular
but then work is not so much an ob
ject as good wages
No matter what ails you headache to a
cancer you will never get well until your
bowels are put right CASGARETS help
nature cure you without a gripe or pain
produce easy natural movements cost
you just 10 cents to start getting your
health back CASCAKETS Candy Ca
thartic the genuine put up in metal
boxes every tablet has C C C stamped
on it Beware of imitations
In Self Protection
Dear me she said I wonder what
has become of that household journal
He didnt say a word
There was another recipe in it that
I wanted to try
He smiled for now he was assured
that hb had done wisely when he burn
ed it up
Supreme Court Suataina the Foot Ease
Trade Mark
Justice Laughlln In Supreme Court Buf
falo has ordered a permanent injunction
with costs and a full accounting of sales
to issue against Paul B Hudson the manu
facturer of the foot powder called Dr
Clarks Foot Powder and also against a
retail dealer of Brooklyn restraining them
from making or selling the Dr Clark7s Foot
Powder which Is declared In the decision
of the Court an imitation and Infringement
of Foot Ease the powder to shake Into
your shoes for tired aching feet now so
largely advertised and sold all over the
country Allen S Olmstead of Le Koy N
Y is the owner of the trademark Foot
Ease and he is the first individual who
ever advertised a foot powder extensively
over the country He will send a sample
Free to any one who writes him for it The
decision in this case upholds his trade mark
and renders all parties liable who fraudu
lently attempt to profit by the extensive
Foot Ease advertising in placing upon
the market a spurious and similar appearing
preparation labeled and put up In envelopes
and boxes like Foot Ease Similar suits
will be brought against others who are now
infringing on the Foot Ease trademark and
cOmmon law rights
Eeady for the TaBlc
The man who marries my daughter
said the old gentleman must demon
strate before he receives my consent
that he can earn hfs own living
AIJ right the boy replied Just
make me vice president of your com
pany for a little while and Ill show
you Chicago Times Herald
Homeseekers Excursions Via Chicago
and Eastern Illinois Railroad
On the first and third Tuesdays of
June July and August the Chicago and
Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on
sale Homeseekers Excursion tickets to
various points in Alabama Arkansas
Florida Georgia Indian Territory Ken
tucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri
North Carolina South Carolina Tennes
see and Texas
One fare plus 200 for the round trip
Tickets are limited on going trip fif
teen days from date of sale with stop
over privileges in Homeseekers Terri
tory Returning tickets are limited
twenty one days from date of sale
Remember that we now have in service
a new wide vestibuled train between Chi
cago and Waco and Fort Worth Texas
leaving Chicago daily at 150 p m
Through Pullman sleeping cars and free
reclining chair cars For further partic
ulars call on or address any agent Chi
cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad or
C L Stone G P T A Chicago
A Good Mother
Willie Johnny Smiths mother is aw
ful good to him
Jimmy What did she do
Let him have the measles the day
school opened
Medical Book Free
Know Thyself a Hook for Men Only sent
Free postpaid sealed to any male reader men
tioning this paper 6c for postage The Science
of Life or Self Preservation the Gold Medal
Prize Treatise the best Medical Book of this or
any age 370 pp with engravings and prescrip
tions Only 25c paper covers Library Edition
full gilt S100 Address The Peabody Medical
Institute No 4 Bui Inch St Boston Mass the
oldest and best in this Write
these books keys to health and vigor
Kept Her Word
Bess So Jeanette married a farmer
I thought she said she would marry
only a man of culture
Nell And so she did a man of agri
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
Modern Improvements
Writen Young Rimer is an up-to-date
Reedem Hows that
Writem He says his Pegasus is an
automobile Baltimore American
Pisos Cure for Consumption is an in
fallible medicine for coughs and colds
N W Samuel Ocean Grove N J Feb
17 1900
No Outlet
The largest body of water in the
world having no outlet in the ocean is
the Caspian Sea it being 180000 square
miles in extent
Mrs Wlnslows aooTirofo Btbot for uniiaren
teetbiER Boftens the gums reaucesinflimmation
nil ays nain cares rind colic 25 cents a bottle
Bathers in Salt Lake
Nearly half a million people bathe
every year in Utahs Salt Lake
Bill IftlV i
ffh A
your mirror
today Tak
a last look at
hair It sure
ly may be
the last if
you want
it so you
vour gray
hair a week longer than
you wish Theres no
guesswork about this
its sure every time
lo re
color to
gray hair
using it
for two
or threeweeks notice how
much younger you ap
pear ten years younger
at least
Ayers Hair Vigor also
cures dandruff prevents
falling of the hair makes
hair grow and is a splen
did hair dressing
It cannot help but do
these things for its a
hair food When the hair
is well fed it cannot help
but grow
It makes the scalp
healthy and this cures
the disease that causes
5100 a bottle All druggists
My hair was coming out badly
but Avers Hair Vigor Btopped the
falling and has made my hair Tory
thick and much darker than before
I think there Is nothing like It for
the hair Coea M Lea
April 25 1899 Yarrow I T
Wrlto tha Doctor
If yon do not obtain all the benefits
you desire from tho use of tho Vigor
writs the doctor about It Address
De J C AYEELowell Mass
Cash Prize Offer
To Amateur
Two prizes 5000 each for ths most
original and best taken photographs and fifty
eight other cash prizes for amateurs Pro
fessionals will be excluded from this compe
tition Write for booklet giving particulars
New edition of How to Make Good Things
to Eat will give you many Summer Food
Suggestions Sent free
Tmft Should write for our aw
5 line of STATIONERY
samples The completest ever
issued Soux City Newspaper Union
Sioux Citr IowaL
quick relief cares worst
cnxeo Book of testimonials and IO DAYS treatment
IKEE Dr II U Urecna Horn Box S Atlanta tia
If afflicted with
sore eyes use
No 27 1900
Wyl vn iiAjISmSg S -- Sffi j n3
t Cough Syrup
SEND NO MONEY We ask no money until von have examined the machine and convinced vourself it ta
such a machine as was never before otTered at anything like the price OUR OFf ER
Mention ho 92 if you have any use for a sewing machine Dont send one cent of money
but write your name plainly and In full name of postoffice and nearest railroad station
and we will tend thiarirnnhpnH wlrfnvoTrnMrmfRiiiomhHn citnrVniihintn vmwAti
inroad station Prepaying all Freight Charges ourselves go there and examine it call
It everyone pronounces it in every way tho equal of such machines the most wonderful
bargain you ever heard or pay freight agent our special introductory price S 1 627 If
JZ v ly saHsactory In every way you will be under no obligations to take it
SI627 freight and collection charges paid by us to any town east of Rocky Jlountalns for
tne NO 32 machine in our npwOranri Ptv nna n nn UmiI pahrff mnAitvhAn 1
eclipses all previous attempts at Sewing Machine values Guaranteed 20 Yonra
The Vastness of St Peters
St Peters Cathedral in Rome is the
largest single building in the world
the famous monastery of the Escurial
In the province of Madrid being a col
lection of palaces rather than a single
building The area of St Peters is
1S000 square yards while that of the
Cathedral of Milan is 10000 that of
St Pauls in London 9350 that of St
Sophia at Constantinople 8150 and
that of Cologne Cathedral 7400 The
dome of St Peters from the pavement
of the church to the summit of the
cross is 435 feet high and the vast
area is capable of accommodating sixty
thousand worshippers
The Winninjj Horses
Winning race horses are generally
bays chestnuts or browns and for ev
ery 100 bays among them there are 50
chestnuts and 30 browns There is no
record of an important iace being won
by a piebald
A Modest Constituent
Here is a letter recently received in
Washington by a Western member of
congiess To the Very Honorable
Mr Blank Kind Sir and Esteemed
Friend I have the seeds They came
this morning and suit very well espe
cially the cabbage seed which grows
well in the soil pleas send me 2 loads
of fertiliser and a new barrer mine is
broke so it aint no good and if you
could send me a man for a couple of
days I would be obliged With this
help I know the garden stuff will turn
out al rite and I will send some to
you and the president Your grateful
well wisher and Supporter
Ijeft Handed Parties in Vozne
Left handed parties are a fad in New
York Guests are requested to come
wit their right hand securely bound
up They must register their names
play the piano make all gestures and
eat with the left hand
Elf F AS92 GSAVETfTi By huylnpr your Doors Windows Nails and allldnds of Building Material
BufVfiBlSBftlBO wAIbU from us 8 Ught glazed windows at 570 each 4 paneI doors at 90c each
Other Roods in proportion Send for prices or send us your estimate and we will quote yon our prices STEEL
ROOFING and SIDtNC We have several cars bought at a low price and while they last will sell a the
following prices -Plain Pressed Brick Siding per square 8275 Corrugated Roofing per square S275
Beaded Ceiling per square S2 75- 8tacdingSeam Roofing complete 300 Roll and Cap Rooflag com
plete S3 05 in lots of five squares or more 5c per square less These prices Include one pound of paint and
one pound of nails with each square WANTED The names and postofflce addresses of all who wish to bU7
goods at retail at wholesale prices We will mall oar 33 page Grocery Catalogue FREE every two weeks to any
person who sends us tbe names and addresses of 17 or more reliable farmers and other consumers CATCH
FISH We have everything In fishing outfits and sporting goods 8end twocentsfor our SPECIAL CATA
LOGUE of Guns and Tenta containing S5 pages size 9H xllH Inches it will be sent postage paid FREE
T 18 ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE Minneapolis Hina
1 j
- ti i
i Lf