Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 28, 1900, Image 8

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which does away with a very painful
pertion and attending danger and
is certainly to be desired rather than
the old fashioned way of opening
the eyeball and removing the lens
rhich then leaves it an imperfect or
gan and only a small per cent of
these cases are successful A great
ieal has been said about this and the
methods employed by Drs Seymour
nd Cox have been questioned by
Aoctora in the west Having a large
Bomber of these patients whom we
are successfully treating at the pres
at time some letters from them
should certainly be appreciated as be
ing genuine as the parties can be
sees at any time in their offices or
at their homes The first one used
Is indeed valuable as the improve
ment has been very rapid and the
results obtained almost marvelous
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900 Drs
ymour Cox 1219 K street city
Dear Doctors When I came to you
with my friend Mr Anderson
the shoe man at 1238 O street
f this city I was contem
plating a trip to Chicago to have my
yes operated on Knowing that I was
totally blind in the right eye and that
my left eye was beginning to fail I
knew it would only be a short time un
til I would be totally blind It gives
me great pleasure to say that after
our weeks treatment I can now count
your fingers readily when held before
my right eye and my left eye is indeed
very much improved While the treat
ment is slightly painful It is a thou
sand times better than having the eye
ball opened and I heartily indorse
your method of restoring sight without
an operation Thanking you for what
you have done for me and feeling that
continued treatment will entirely re
store my sight I am yours very truly
Another party who has greatly im
proved and gives the strongest pos
sible endorsement is Mr James New
land of Beatrice Neb
DR W I SEYMOUR 1219 K street
Lincoln Neb
i Dear Doctor I had resigned myself
to becoming totally Blind before I
could be operated on as every special
ist I had visited told me this was the
only way to get relief After three
weeks of your successful treatment I
feel positive that I shall regain my
sight without an operation as I am
greatly lmprovedrand my blnd eye is
coming back to me surely and stead
ily Thanking you from the bottom
of my heart for your wonderful
treatment I am yours very truly
Mrs T H Roton is the wife of
the foreman in the State Journal
press room and is known to thou
sands of people in this city and this
letter will enable those who have
known of Mrs Eotons trouble to
learn the facts from her or her hus
band if inclined to do so
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Dr W I Seymour 1219 K street city
Dear Dr Seymour I am pleased to
say that your treatment of my eyes
with glasses has been indeed very
satisfactory I have had a great deal
of trouble for years and have tried in
vain to get relief but until meeting
you have never been successful Al
low me to thank you most heartily for
your assistance and I shall be pleased
to recommend you to my friends At
times life has hardly seemed worth liv
ing with the terrible agony I have suf
fered with my eyes and in fact there
was nothing in the world I so longed
for as relief from my suffering My
eyes have never looked badly and my
friends could not understand why I
should suffer so I have employed the
assistance of many eye specialists but
all have failed I am now so much
improved that I can read and write to
moderate degree and your assur
ance that I shall be able to dispense
with glasses wb lly or in part gives
me the greatest of pleasure I find
that I can already go about without
Classes while I have been absolutely
obliged to wear them heretofore and
erven then -have suffered greatly My
husband joins me in thanking you as
say general health has been much lm
proved and I feel so much better in
spirit that we are a much happier fam
ily and we appreciate the help you
bar keen to us Yours very truly
Pterygium are often pronounced
even by physicians to be cataracts
and when fully developed are even
worse as they are apt to cover the
eye arid when removed leave it so
badly scarred that perfect sight can
seldom be obtained afterwards In
their incipiency or early growth the
treatment heretofore has been to
either ligate them which consisted
of tying thread around them and al
lowing them to come off or cut them
off with a pair of scissors Dr
mour has been able to perfect many
cures by the use of glasses alone
and the treatment of the following
patients consisted purely of glasses
and painless medical applications
The letters speak for themselves
LINCOLN Neb March 9 1900 Dr
W I Seymour 1219 K street city
Dear Dr Seymour I have been
treating with you now since January
and feel that my eyes have been very
much benefited Both my daughter
and myself who are troubled with a
scum growing over our eyes which is
prouounced by the doctors as ptery
gium feel that your treatment is cer
tainly wonderful as we have improved
so much particularly my daughter
Mrs Albee who had her eyes operated
upon recently by an eye surgeon
which only seemed to make them
worse besides causing her a great deal
of suffering from the operation
The growths have almost entirely
disappeared and there has not been
the slightest pain in connection with
the treatment As for myself my fore
head and the upper right side of my
head was very sore and painful when
touched but is entirely relieved and
as you know I am very grateful for
the benefit you have been to me
You have asked us for this reference
that others troubled in this way who
have been skeptical as to your reliev
ing such growths without an operation
might come and ask us our experi
ence While we do not enjoy the pub
licity of our names being used in the
paper still we feel that if we can help
others who have suffered as we have
at the hands of incompetent unskilled
eye specialists we will be only too glad
to tell anyone who comes to us how
firmly we believe in your superior
methods Thanking you for the great
benefit you have been to us and wish
ing you abundant success I am yours
very truiy
1857 J street
Mrs M A ORiley well known to
many Lincoln people who formerly
lived on South Eleventh street end suf
fered so severely by fire speaks for
the benefit of her many friends and
acquaintances in this city
LINCOLN Neb March 2 1800 Dr
W I Seymour j19 K st City
Dear Dr Seymour It is a great
source of comfort and satisfaction to
me to have regained my eye sight by
the use of proper glasses I did not
realize until my attention was called
to it that my eyes had failed me so
In the past few years but was fully
aware that something serious was the
matter with them as they gave me
great pain You have treated my eyes
and given me glasses that I can use
beautifully at a long distance and also
write and sew with the same lenses I
hope that my friends and acquaint
ances who are having trouble with
their eyes will not fail to see you while
there is an opportunity Thanking you
again for your kindness and the great
relief from my headache I am yours
very truly
Conservatory of Music
LDtfCOLN March 15 1900 Dr W L
Seymour 1219 K st City
Dear Dr Seymour I want to thank
you for the great help you have been
to my little daughter Maggie who suf
fered so much from headaches and
found school work very difficult on ac
count of her eyes being continually
sore and In fact could not see as other
children Since you have treated her
and made her a pair of glasses she is
greatly benefited and is getting along
very much better in her studies Her
headaches are entirely gone and we
feel that we indeed have much to be
thankful for and are very grateful to
you for your skill Some of our friends
have said the price we paid seemed
rather high for glasses but we take a
more -sensible view of the matter as
we know you could not afford to fur
nish glasses for the same price we
could buy common spectacles for and
feel that what we paid you was for
your knowledge and skill and that it
was the best investment we ever made
If more people thought enough of their
eyes to look more carefuliy into the
matter it would be a great saving of
both money and sight Yours very
529 No Sixteenth
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LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Lincoln people who are treating with
Dr Seymour may imagine that his
business is confined to this city but
such is not the case He treats by
mail many hundreds of people and
has patients as far away as New York
city as shown by the following letter
and because one lives at a distance it
does not follow that they cannot re
ceive the benefit of his skill Write
at an early date if you are suffering
from any eye ear or throat trouble
and your correspondence will promptly
be answered promptly
No 18 Greenwich Avenue New
York City Dr W I Seymour
Dear Sir I have improved quite a
good deal since Ive -taken your medi
cine My throat still bothers me a
great deal in the mornings but It does
not make me so sick The rest of the
day It hardly troubles me at all unless
I am out of doors It seems to choke
me continually then but otherwise I
feel ever so much better Your medi
cine has certainly done me a great deal
of good in the short time I have been
taking it Thanking you for the help
you have already been to me I remain
Yours truly LENA NISSON
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Drs Seymour Cox 1219 K street
Dear Doctors Allow me to thank
you for the benefit I have already re
ceived at your hands and as I am in
the United States postal employ In this
city I realize that my livelihood and
in fact the welfare of my family de
pends upon my sight which has been
giving me a great deal of trouble of
late I feel that I am on the road to
improvement and should be glad to
assist you in any way in my power as
I believe most heartily in your meth
ods and know that your success - and
work is appreciated by the Lincoln
I have been a great sufferer with
headaches for a long time but since
taking your treatment have had no
pain either in my eyes or head The
glasses furnished seem to be giving
me great relief and I am daily becom
ing much more encouraged In the be
lief that I will be permanently cured
Yours very truly
Twenty ninth and E
Burlington Missouri River Rail
road in Nebraska
ASHLAND Neb March 15 1900
Dr W I Seymour 1219 K street Lin
coln Neb
Dear Dr Seymour I knew that I
had a peculiar case especially my
right eye which was out of balance
and troubled me very much I put
myself under your care and after one
months treatment feel very much en
couraged I believe your method su
perior to anything In this line that I
have ever heard of I feed satisfied
that you and Dr Cox will soon effect a
cure of my eyes Thanking you both
for encouragement and help I am
yours truly W F HIRNES
Saline County Abstract Associa
tion W Q Hastings president J
N Van Duyn secretary W H Davis
WHjOBER Neb March 10 1900 r
W L Seymour Lincoln Neb
Dear Sir I have your favor of yes
terday regarding the condition of my
eyes since my late visit to yeur city
and to your office I desire to state
that I have not been examined by nor
received treatment from any person
for the ailment and on the whole con
sider that notwithstanding the fact of
the great amount of work done since
there that there is a general Improve
ment and honestly think that if I had
properly adjusted glasses that my eyes
would regain their strength
I desire again to thank you for the
Interest that you have manifested and
will at an early day call upon you
with full confidence in your ability to
give me more light Yours truly
State Bank of De Witt T H Mil
ler president C B Anderson vice
president E E Butler cashier C
W Babble assistant cashier
DE WITT Neb March 10 1900 Dr
W I Seymour Lincoln Neb
Dear Sir I am pleased to acknowl
edge the receipt of the glasses and
hope to receive much benefit from
them My sister now expects with me
to visit you next week will let you
know later what day My eyes are at
present feeling quite well
You have certainly been of great
assistance to me and I am Indeed very
grateful for your treatment of my eyes
I have spent a great deal of time and
money endeavoring to secure some
thing that would give me relief and
have been to your city on various oc
casions to have glasses fitted to my
eyes but have never received the sat
isfaction and comfort that you were
able to give me on my first visit With
kindest regards I am Yours respect
fully C W KD3BTE
Will be a boon to those who are troubled with weak or failing eyesight Thousands of Testis
-v -- vrsi nionials attest to his remarkable ability - v -
Read what a few well known Lincoln Nebraska people have to say m praise of his masterful
and its effects
The wife of the prominent printer
W L Hunter of the Hunter Woodruff
Co at No 223 North 11th street
writes Dr Seymour as follows
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Dr W L Seymour 1219 K street city
Dear Dr Seymour Learning from
many of my friends how much you
had helped them I was induced to
come to you for treatment and It Is a
matter of considerable satisfaction to
me to say that the combined treatment
received from you and Dr Cox has
been of the greatest assistance to me
I am feeling better physically and my
sight Is very much improved I was
beginning to fear that I should lose
my sight ertfrely but since treating
with you feel that I shall again be a
well woman and my sight restored to
a better condition than it has been for
years My eyes have never pained
me but I have been extremely near
sighted and realized that I was grad
ually losing the use of them My hus
band joins me in expressing to you
gratitude for my improvement and
thanking you for past assistance and
anticipating still more as I continue
with you I am yours very sincerely
DR W L SEYMOUR 1219 K street
Dear Dr Seymour Allow me to ex
press to you my thanks for the great
benefit you have been to my little
girls particularly the younger one
who has found school work very hard
and In fact almost impossible Since
you have been treating her with glass
es her sight has notably improved and
we are very grateul to know that this
simple remedy will be the means of
helping her so much to gain an
tlon whwich seemed rather doubtful to
us before learning the real nature of
the trouble as she had such difficulty
In reading that we feared there might
be something else the matter but have
learned since nu ng you that it was
altogether owing to her poor sight
that she made such slow progress in
her school work Thanking you again
I am xours very truly
1 s
1940 No 30th St
DR W L SEYMOUR 1219 K street
Dear Doctor I am attending public
school here and wish to thank you for
the great help your glasses have been
to me for the past two years Mamma
joins me in thanking you for what you
have done for me and I hope that any
of my schoolmates who are having
trouble with their eyes will not neglect
this opportunity to see you Thank
ing you again for your kindness I am
Yours v y sincerely
2632 K Street
DR W I SEYMOUR 1219 K street
Dear Dr Seymour The glasses fitted
by you have done wonders in relieving
my headache and I am indeed very
gateful for your skilful treatment and
am pleased to recommend you to my
friends and acquaintances Yours very
Room 5 Halter Block
DR W I SEYMOUR 1219 K street
Dear Dr Seymour Having suffered a
great deal with headaches and feeling
that my eyes were the cause of the
same I improved the firs opportunity
of consulting you and since being
treated and fitted with glasses by you
I am very much better in health and
eyesight and thank you heartily for
the wonderful assistance you have
rendered me Wishing you continued
prosperity and commending your
treatment whenever possible I am
Very truly yours
428 O Street
LINCOLN Neb March 10 1900 Dr
W I Seymour 1219 K street City
Dear Dr Seymour Allow me to ex
press to you my appreciation of your
skill in fitting my glasses They have
proven very satisfactory and are do
ing all you claimed for them Yours
very truly MRS M THOMPSON
LINCOLN Neb March 15 1900 Dr
W I Seymour 1219 K street City
Dear Dr Seymour Your treatment
for my eyes has surely been a great
help to me and I am now pursuing my
regular work with much more comfort
and ease than I have been able to do
for a long time as my health has been
affected by the jtrain on my eves
Thanking you for the relief you have
been able to afford me and assuring
you that should I need any further
assistance I will accept your invita
tion to call without further expense I
am Yours very truly
T fl - 5 TrjZSka
who is well known to thousands in
the city and will gladly tell any who
are suffering and in need of treat
ment of his experience with Drs
Seymour and Cox Those needing
help should not fail to look up these
references before calling on the doc
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900 Dr
W L Seymour 1219 K st City
Dear Doctor Seymour I was one of
the many people who were skeptical
and opposed to treating with any one I
had not known for many years but
the prevailing sentiment in your favor
and personal acquaintance with many
people whom you had so greatly bene
fited finally induced me to come to
you for- treatment for m r little daugh
ter and myself and I wish to thank
you for the great help you have been
to her eyes We had both been fitted
with glasses but did not realize that
they were only giving us very slight
benefit as compared with what good
glasses might do when properly fitted
I had been to a noted oculist and paid
a fancy price and must admit that the
glasses helped me but have since
realized that they were only a step in
the right direction From the first
treatment you gave us we have been
greatly benefited As for myself I
think it marvelous that glasses can
contain such wonderful strengthening
and healing power when properly made
and fitted I also want to add my
strong commendation for the benefit
I have received from the hands of Dr
W Calvert Cox in the treatment of
my ear nose and throat trouble I have
not felt so well in years and before
coming to you believed that I had al
most a hopeless case as I did not
know what It was to enjoy a moments
peace or draw a long breath in com
fort Doctor some people have said to
me that I paid too much but as I said
to you on my second visit I would not
take the 50 I gave you back for the
good done in two vjsits and I think it
is the best money I ever spent in my
life I am certainly getting much bet
ter and I thank you from the bottom
of my heart for the scientific
edge which has given you ability to
gave me such wonderful relief My
friends and acqua tances notice the
great improvement in my condition
and I cannot use words too strong to
express to you my gratitude and heart
felt thanks Yours very truly
City Dear Dr Seymour When I came
to you in January my right eye was en
tirely blind and my left eye so poor
that reading was almost Impossible
I felt that I was In a very critical con
dition and for a man of my age stood
very little chance of regaining my
sight You have entirely restored the
sight of my left eye by treatment and
the use of your glasses and I can now
see better with It than I have for years
The right eye is also very much im
proved and I am indeed very grateful
to you for what you have done My
sons join me in thanking you for your
many courtesies and none of
us lose an opportunity of advising
those who have trouble with their eyes
to take advantage of your wonderful
skill Thanking you again I am
Yours very truly
713 J Street
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Mr Jacob Frederick
Dr W I Seymour 1219 K St Lin
coln Neb Dear Dr Seymour
Since taking treatment with you my
eyes have been steadily improving and
I can see better to do my work than
ever before in my life I think it won
derful hov you can accomplish so
much by your tr atment and am very
grateful for the lelp you have been to
me Yours very truly
2329 South Tenth
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900
Dr W I Seymour 1219 K St City
Dear Dr Seymour Allow me to
thank you for the great
benefit you have been able to render
myself and family My two daughters
join me in expressing gratitude for the
great help you have been to them in
relieving their headaches and eye trou
ble I was referred to you through a
physician in this city and wish to
thank him through this means for
sending me to you I have learned
from others that there are many ohy
slclanB here who condemn you without
knowing anythng about your work
and send their patients to local eye
doctors In fact I have treated with
others in this city for myself and
daughters and am satisfied that your
method 13 far superior to any ever
used in Lincoln to my knowledge Any
friends and acquaintances who nre
having trouble with their eyes cannot
afford to let this poortunlty pass as
T know from experience that your
treatment has been of Inentlmnble
value to myself and family Thanking
you most sincerely I am
Your veT tciilv
MRS T ermrpefON
2545 O Street
As V
T i
m nnigw yijfeM
Mrs A P Anderson the wife of
one of Lincolns prominent men who
is known to thousands of people and
who himself has been treating witk
Dr Seymour writes as follows and
such references as these cannot b
questioned by the most skeptical
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900 Dr
W I Seymour 1219 K st City
Dear Dr Seymour Having heard a
great deal of your success and being
a continual sufferer with my eyes I
went to Omaha to visit you recently
not knowing of your move to Chicago
I was fitted there with glasses but
have found it necessary to change and
am glad to say that the treatment I
have received at your hands Is indeed
satisfactory Trusting that I shall now
receive permanent relief and thanklns
you for what you have done I am
Yours sincerely
8627 P st
LINCOLN Neb March 14 1900 Dr
W I Seymour 12 19 K st City
Dear Dr Seymour It would certain
ly be hard for me to over estimate the
value of good eye sight as It has not
been my lot In life to see as other
people do or to enjoy any comfort in
this way I have suffered extremely at
the hands of various eye specialists
t who have tried in vain to give me re
lief and finally abandoned my right
eye entirely believing it to be totally
useless I can say for the benefit of
my friends and acquaintances that
for the first time in my remembranc
I can see with it and since treating
with you experienced wonderful help
and relief My sight is improving and
my friends and relatives are universal
in their comments as to how muck
better I can see to read and get around
than ever before Anything I can say
in your favor would not half express
the gratitude I feel for what you have
already done for me and the treat
ment of my lids has been the most
humane and satisfactory that I have
ever experienced Yours respectfully
2927 Q st
The following letter explains itself
in a most satisfactory and
way com
ing from the source it does carries
conviction with it
1321 South Sixteenth street Lincoln
Neb March 16 1900 Dr W L Sey
mour 1219 K st City
Dear Dr Seymour Being actively
Interested in the method you use and
being a nurse by profession I will say
that I have seen many people mak
serious mistakes by entrusting their
eyes to incompetent hands I wish t
thank you a thousand times for the
assistance you rendered me in fitting
my glasses and treating my eyes I
suffered with severe headache and I
can say for you you are the moat
skilled oculist I ever mst I take pleas
ure In recommending to
you my friends
and acquaintances and would like to
say more in your favor if space would
permit Yours very truly
The following letter
is from a pa
tient who is well known in Lincoln
and is now making her home at th
Soldiers and Sailors home at Grand
Island and the letter speaks for i
Rjp ISLAND Neb Feb 22 1
Dr I Seymour Lincoln Neb
Dear Doctor I received the glass
you sent me They are very fine and I
ik Her I have wrn them a
while I shall be
able to see very much
eteTyhlji is a Sod deal clearer
dJ thnk Ican hear er Am not
so bewildered as I was in Lincoln
Then I could not tell what people said
to me or know the old familiar place
that I used to know when I lived
there Am in hopes that by spring I
shall be nearly well That prescription
that Dr Cox gave me you said was
for my nerves has helped me a good
deal I can walk around better and Tub
my arm much better It is nearly gone
now and I would like to know if I
ought to have some mora of it for
am sure it is helping me I am very
anxious to get well and have my hear
ing for I want
to be of more useU
the world than I
am now I -was al
ways well before I had this spell I Zxx
JllVf31111 tne passes and ask
wfn SS to13 u in all your wS
will ke Up more of your Umt
With much respect I remain yS5
Remember the Date of His Coming lZt3
Consult the Great Optician
w 4 M
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