Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 28, 1900, Image 6

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Valentine Nebraska
places grand in the extreme Ifc
is at Acajutla that the volcano
Izalco is located By day one
sees large quantities of sulphur
ous smoke and by night fire and mol
ten rock At night the exhibition is
wonderful and directly below lies the
little seaport town Aslup unmindful
of its tempestuous comrade Other
volcanoes are encountered on the way
up but only Izalco is active Prob
ably the finest scenery is to be seen in
the State of Oaxaco Mexico From
Acapulco to San Francisco is 1300
miles and is made in eight days It
is only during-the-last three that we
are reminded of winter if California
ever has any winter the cold is not
much but the change is so great that
a day or so is necessary to get accus
tomed to the transition I3y that time
we are in Frisco We are again among
our own land and people within a few
hours ride of sunshine and flowers in
southern California Arriving in San
Francisco we find all changed all is
bustle and life and that energy so
lacking in our southern neighbors and
so essential to success moral mental
or physical is again in evidence and
never does America seem so superior
and supreme as after a sojourn in the
tropical zone
The grim aftermath of our late war
Compoiltloa of Frls Green
Bt3i 165 N Y Experiment Sta
tion la pure copper aceto arsenite
there are 187 pounds of arsenlous ox
ide for one pound of copper oxide
Mow this relation is of value in show
ing whether Paris green contains more
irsenlous oxide than It ought The
hief adulterant used in Paris green
is arsenlous oxide commercially
fcnown as white arsenic This is used
because It Is cheaper than Paris green
ind also because it can be safely added
without any danger of reducing the
imount of arsenious oxide In fact a
rery poor quality of Paris green can
oe brought up to the legal require
ments by addition of arsenious oxide
However arsenious oxide cannot be
idded to Paris green without increas
ing the ratio of arsenious oxide to cop
per oxide above 187 In 14 samples
examined the ratio of arsenlous oxide
o copper oxide varies from 182 to 217
md averages 188 In sample No 14
the arsenious oxide exceeds 60 per cent
tnd the copper is less than 28 per cent
aence the arsenious oxide is present
xl amounts more than twice exceeding
ihe copper oxide In other words there
a too much arsenious oxide for the
opper oxide present and the only pos
sible inference is that white arsenic
las either been added purposely or is
present as the result of carelessness In
Oar Dairy Interests
H 0 Adams Dairy and Food Com
missioner of Wisconsin says The
butter product of this country has an
estimated annual value of 300000000
All of the silver and gold products of
the country for two years could be
bought with the product of the churn
for a single year Not only that but
the cow leaves behind her farms which
are richer in fertility and farmers
richer In the knowledge which tha
joysteries of her life and product com
pel The dairy business of this coun
try has renovated thousand of farms
end hundreds of thousands of farmers
It has revolutionized the agriculture of
my own state as it has Iowa and as It
will Minnesota Illinois and Michigan
It is tha enemy of farm mortgages
the friend of the merchant the manu
facturer and men of ail classes except
tfcose who imitate the product and
claim a CFod given right to copy tha
form of that product and steal its color
Only the limitations of state and fed
eral constitutions should restrict tha
taws that hamper the traffic in coua
terfeit butter
- -
with Spain and the Philippines is the
occasional arrival of army transports
at New York and San Fraucisco with
hundreds of the bodies of our soldiers
the victims of the battles the cli
mates the fevers and the hardships of
our semi civilized colonies Contem
plate if you can the widespread grief
incidental to these shiploads of sacri
ficed American manhood for every body
represents heart crushed parents wife
children relatives and a sweetheart
The S20000000 paid for the chaotic
Philippines is the smallest item of the
fearful cost from the martyred Law
ton down to the most obscure volun
teer Assuredly General Sherman was
right war is hell not only for those
who participate but for the broken
hearts and homes throughout their
A Marvelous Cure
TTriw j t v c 1 CM il i H T-
A Lincoln Girl whose Eyes Were Straightened hy Dr Seymour and whose
Beauty on that Account is Admired by Everybodjr
iTlMWlifrlBniiillfflliiM TI nrJ iflTiiilir JM r iHTrWrilirT in iffr lir TflBrPTTTr TfnrTBBlmiTifllnTgTnillHrm5 WRiF3 JSSUniHBIHi
PANAMA GIimpse of the Tropical Growth
nufy ieoaaas
Sfr 9 I 8ftiotit
wnat ur oeymours okih ana a kjitls ra i
tience Accomplished I
Sear Doctor
In slatlon to the professional wrK you
inyseif and fienagn the fitting of glased
X iristt to sar that I s very isuQjrlea with the rdsulti
you have ohtalnea ana can highly recommend you as a Killea
X ysta trip to Will prove toenef idiil to
you and that the people of the Sout mil sgptjreeiate yous
irox ag highly as your own home patient do
With Kinegt egaras and tfest wishes tis a pleasant
yi rjMto
E E Bruce head of the largest wholesale drug business in Omaha
1 tah Immal
D Wi t Seymour
Toura very sincerely
- mjsxar
UtEfl 12tft 1608
r Sirw
Xiregaed to your professional worltlfl thi eity
hioh has proven of such superior charact 1 wish it thaw you
tor the favors you have shown u and to say that wo havo taken
treasure in giving- special attention to the asmual annocimoexentli
of you visits to thifl oity learn ioa our read that
Qfottr worKW been highly appreciated hy all who hav anHyoa
ana trust that we shall ee you here another yetr
Mr J C Seacrest Manager Nebraska State Journal
Bu8n9 Mnaw
From People Prominent in Business Read them Carefully
The earef of thl ldtterfir
moir T Have Known for thft Dftflt Itnur ts Ciy rt d eajl
Bay in Ms behalf that ho Is an Alfo1 3s9ln Wf
sion namely Optidan and Ocullft ttft ha done
able worx fcr both myself ad famllydurlng the tint of jr
acquaintance with him anfi I have foundhiworX very aati
factory and can recommend hi to anyone naedinf hiJL w
Woprs very truly
Jl ecJ
fT 0 sSrjf 2
L M fL
po loCjl
i r - x x y
i 76 ac e
Eobt B Smith present governor of Montana
V - t - 5 7
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4 ESCyj
CUiaAallrJzz 18th 8
tKeutitoiWltBtof ShfUind nd Tipevritlm Depinmenu
Major R S Wilcox was crowned King of the during President
leysfrecent visit to Omaha on the occasion of the Pedce Jubilee and is one of Nebraska s
most highly respected citizens
Hcicna Montana
Ia jl
J W 1 Seymour
I am very much pleased with Vns glasses you have made for
jaffl as they- are far more satisfactory than any I have ever used in ttte
I as ladto echo the sentiment of your many patients in this citj
ai I Jiave nere3l hetrdjanything but the highest praise for your pre-
feasional worfc Accfp1fcmy beat wishes for a pleasant and successful
iriE through the South
Yours very respectfully
0 t6 a a- f
tt e fXtoZUtj
million tor gfcn r -
SN yM wqp3ga23EZSr3ft35
r PT fli iii
Rev N M Mann pastor of the First Unitarian Church the wealthiest
est and 4 a
ential church of Omaha - most
rrT President Bohrbough stands at the head of his profession and is president of the
est business college of Omaha -
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