a J f jattMtottatgJiteMnCT v t aaj - H y fHjMBW 1r11 Mn lam Miiijii jjMiMiiiii ii iMitMwiiinini i ic imtf lime MflMMHMltitau r rnirmMMi iMiiimnMMcu mm - t - rr - BMIL 1 i i I t THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT l M RICE Lt J is - ras fci t EDITOR 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered t 1 b e Post office at Valentine Cherry eountr 2febralca as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full CONVENTION CALLS Peoples Independent Party Tlio Peoples Independent Party electors of Cherry County are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to meet in County Convention In Valentine Nebraska on Satur day Inse 30 1500 at 10 oclock A M for the purpose of electing seven delegates o the state convention to be held at Lincoln July 11 1900 seven deh CRtes to the congressional convention to b held at llroken How uly 9 1000 seven delegates to tlrtJ senatorial and seven delegates to the representative conventions not yet called to place in nomination a candidate for County Attorney and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Con vention The delegates from the First Commissioner District will also meet in convention immedi ately after the adjournment of the county con vention and place in nomination a candidate for County Commissioner for the full term ol three years and the delegates from the Third Coiu misfloner District will met in convention im mediately after the ad journmeni of the county convention aud place in nomination a candidate for County Commissioner to fill vacancy for the term of one year Hie representation from the various precincts will be based upon the vote cast for Hon Silas A Holcomb in the general election of 1899 one delegate being allowed for eacli ten votes and major fraction thereof and one delegate at large from each precinct which makes tiie fol lowing apportionment Buffalo Lake 3 Boiling Springs 4 Dewey Lake 3 Eli 3 Georgia 2 Irwin 3 Kennedy 3 LaYcca 4 Merriman 3 Nenzel 3 Sparks 3 Schlagel 3 Table 4 Barley 2 Cleveland 3 Enlow 2 Giilasple 4 German 3 Kewanee 3 Loup 5 Miunecbnduza 4 Mother Lake 2 Pleasant Uiil 4 Sharps Ranch 3 Steen 2 Valentine ll Woodlake 6 It is recommeded that the precinct primaries be held at the voting place in each precinct funo 23d 1000 at 2 oclock pm unless other wise called by the precinct committeeman It is also recommended that no proxies be al lowed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the precinct J W BURLEIGH A M MORRISSEY Secretary Chairman Democratic Party The Democratic electors of Cherry County are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to meet in County Convention in Val entine Nebraska on Satm day June 30th 1900 at 10 oclock a mt for the purpose of electing seven delegates to the state convention to be held at Lincoln July 11 1900 seven delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Broken Bow July 9th 1900 eevwn delegates to the senatorial aud seven delegates to the repre sentative conventions not vet called to place m nomination a candidate for county attorney And to transact such other business as ma Dronerly come before the convention The delegates from the hirst Commissioner I their conscience XHSiricii win uisu iiieui in uuuvcmiuu ntrly after the adjoummeit of the county con vention and place in nomination a candidate for County Commlssloncrlor i ne full term of three years and the delegates Lorn the Third Com missioner District will nu et in convention im mediately after the adjournment of the county convention and place in nomination a county commissioner to nil vacancy Tor the term of one year The apportionment Is the same as that of the Peoples Independent Party It Is recommended that the precinct primaries be held at the voting place in each precinct June 23 1900 at 2 oclock P M unless other Kise called by the precinct committeeman It is also recommended that uo proxies be al lowed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the precinct I M RICE MARTIN CHRISTENSEN Secretary Cnairman The Boer var is now reported as featurelessbut Roberts cant spare any troops for China A great inapy of the g o p sheets are trying to excusollosewater for his contempt of the supreme court of this state Of course it sounds bad for them to continually clip articles from the Omaha Bee and then fail to stand up for their god So jnany of our g o p contempor aries are praising the conditions of to day as compared with former times They are getting a portion of the plun der while the wealth of the country is going into the hands of the millionaires and the favored few are fast becoming wealthy Never again will the poor man be able to maintain with such suc cess the position he held in the earlier days The wealth which was then in sight has disappeared into the coffers of the wealthy Our country is fast be coming one of lords and tenants Who is to blame for these conditions Who will be called upon to answer for the crimes perpetrated upon the common people during the past years of Repub lican control - And by throwing out a part of the plunder as a price of silence the money power sits upon its kingly throne viewing the situation and keep ing up with every pulse beat of the con ditions of the lower classes Theres no use in deceiving ourselves into be lieving that these good times are any indication of prosperity The man who goes on a beastly drunk laughs talks yells and is full of hilar ity and apparent vigor is deceiving himself and the careless observer It is not that he has been given more physical vigor but as a spendthrift is making use of what he has to the detri ment of his body and relaxation comes to find him debilitated or a complete wreck The time of retributioa is at hand and the plunderers of our nation rho have been willing to cause money to flow with apparent freedom while they have thrown themselves at the opaoI floodgate filling their coffers mt not be deprived of their ill gotten TCtiJtb but the common people should call a halt oU the conditions and instead of present polcies cause the spray to ty pjj7Afl imoDg our peopld We have not forgotten that the own ers of large factories in the east told their employes that if Bryan was elect ed that they need not come back to work but when ther came back to work under the McKinley administra tion their wages were cut down below what they had ever been before tlie dissatisfaction causing numerous strikes The laboring classes were fooled into voting for McJCinley under threat of losing their job only to be cut down to starvation wages when Mac was elected 2o We have not for gotten those times nor the promise of the g o p to use their best efforts to bring about bi metalismby internation al agreement Neither have we for gotten that the Kepublicansall over the country sliouted for silver in 1892 We also remember that The Republican party from tradition has been in favor of free coinage of silver We have not forgotten that there were more mills closed down during McKinley s administration and just after his elec tion than were started up We have not forgotten that the promises made by the Republican party were a vain repitition of words of which not one promise was redeemed or fulfilled in the interest of- the common people or the laboring masses We remember that a silver bi metalic commission was sent over the water to effect an inter national agreement and that as soon as it was found that a few countries were favorable the commission was hastily recalled and no report was published The whole thing hushed up after an ex pense of thousands of dollars and we were not even given the result of the work of the commission by an official report Yes we remember that the Republi cans were predicting that the Demo crats would declare for gold and that the Republican party would take up the free silver Democrats We also have not forgotten the disappointment of the western Republicans when they learned tne actions or tne unicago con vention Why dont you stick to the principles you love so well and vote those principles in preference to a par ty name that has become famous for its switching and debauching of principles But no They would rather go on fol lowing after their leader who dictates to them which way they should vote and with humble submission they bow their heads A shadow has fallen upon and with silent and solemn tread the old man with sunken eyes portrays the sadness which he feels but sticks to the name abandons prin ciples and like Judas Iscanot is ready to purchase field in which to burst asunder The Republican ratification meeting at Cornell Hall Tuesday evening was attended by a few ladies and a few Democrats and Populists and perhaps a dozen Republcan voters Two bags of wind were exploded in a vain attempt to arouse a little enthusiasm Judge Tuckers office was discontinued Tues day so he wont have anything to do now but to fish for another job at a hundred dollars a month from Mc and if Mc isnt elected the Judge wont have anything in sight The Land Office wont be discontinued if Bryan is elected but the present occupants of the Land Office will be ousted so why shouldnt they get out and hustle for the continuation of a fat thing Of course times are good with a fat salary but let these worthies get out and earn an honest dollar as the most of our Cheriy county people are compelled to do and they wont give McKinley the praise for raising the price of every thing you want to buy Its real nice to have a government position and then appear before the people with a glad cry of good times Times will be hard for Republican office seekers when Bryan is elected so you cant blame them for trying to raise a little enthusiasm to soar on flowery beds oi ease along The Boxers of China are a secret or der of Chinese organized to oppose all foreigners who Jhave come to their country for trade or as missionaries These Boxers are a class of people who cling to ancient Chinese customs and fear the encroachments of other na tions A number of people have been murdered and the foreign powers in cluding our country have already landed armed men to protect foreicrn residents Public sentiment is against the Chinese but divided as to the prop er methods of putting down the Box ers jj Bryans vote in 1896 was New York for Bryan 3G Kentucky for Bryan 12 Maryland for Bryan 8 176 56 232 Necessary to elect 224 It will be perceived that if Bryan wins m New York Kentucky and Maryland in addition to the states he carried in 1806 he will be elected Chicago Times Herald Roosevelt will not get the support as candidate for vice president that he would get for goyernor of New York TO FDISTR1CT THE STATE The question of redisricting the state for legislative and senatorial purposes is one that will come before the next law making body This matter is of such vital import ance that the fusion forces should make no mistake in naming the very best men they have to assist in per forming this important duty First it is necessary that we should have a ma jority of the legislature in order that the state when re districted would not be so gerrymandered as to give to the Republicans the advantage which they now have while we only seek to have the state so districted as to giye to all sections of the state their fair represen tation in the state legislature As it now is there are a number of districts which have in them many more votes than the minimum while on the other hand there are others that have less than their requisite number To illus trate Pawnee county has two repre sentatives and polled in 1899 2396 votes while the 54th representative district consisting of the following counties Lincoln Cheyenne Keith McPherson Deuel Kimball Perkins Scotts Bluff and Banner which cast in 1899 5068 votes has but one represen tative this comparison will hold good in a number of instances and it shows a great necessity of a fair and equitable division between the districts By taking the vote of and arriving at an average we find the minimum vote for a representative dis trict to be 2117 and the minimum for a senatorial district to be 6417 votes These figures can be compared with the votes of the various districts and it can be readily determined whether or not any district has a greater or less vote than it is entitled to by making these comparisons Each of the dis tricts will understand their relation to other districts It is known the fusion forces are in favor of re districting on a just basis and if they have the control of the leg islature the will pledge to the people that this will be attended to in a fair and satisfactory manner It is now our duty as f usionists to see that men arc nominated who will be elected and who will carry out this pledge to those people who have not been tairly repre sented in the legislature for the past ten years There is another phase to this that has considerable political significance attached to it and that is that under our state constitution the state can only be redistricted each succeeding ten years It will be observed that during that time there will bd elected two United States senators from this state making it all the mora necessary that we should make no mistake in the men we select for the legislature The last legislature was wholly in the hands of the Republicans so far as the matter of passing laws was concerned and that being true what law can be referred to that is in the interests of the people It is surprising that a whole term of the legislators could be held and not one act during that time to commend itself to the people passed by that party If one will recall how the time was spent it will be remembered that they were engaged during the en tire winter in a fight among themselves as to who should be the one chosen to represent or rather misrepresent Neb raska and legislation was a secondary matter McKINLEYISM MEANS DESPOT ISM Mr McKinley the great chieftain of the trusts has again been nominated by the Republican party I imagine the shout will go up from all who are depending on that party for the assist ance they are receiving in their private business but there is another page to this history which reads thus In ma king the rich richer the poor must grow poorer In granting to the great moneyed concerns of the country spe cial privileges and rights it cannot be denied that the rights of the masses are suppressed Asgreat corporations are enthroned by the Republican party the middle classes are driven to more desperate conditions Year by year there is an increased number of families who do not own their own homes Tenantry is fast marching on to its highest tide until we can safely portray the con ditions that exist in some of the Euro pean countries The Republican party does not legis late for the jieople they make laws for the corporations The time has come with that party where the dollar takes precedence over the man Oh how long shall these things be The answer is until Bryan can be elected and have control of congress That will be the beginning of a new era In the course of a few weeks the various delegates that are elected and those to be elected to the state conven tion must carefully take into consider ation the very important mission they have to perform in the selection of can didates for the various state offices to be filled at the coming election The qialrficatiDns ofthbttlifferBht mi for the various offices to be filled is of the first importance their integrity and moral character should be of the best their locality and nationality should be carefully canvassed and none but the very best material used in the making up of our ticket USIONISTS HAVE MANY COCJN f TY OFFICERS The elections of 1898 and 1899 show that the fusion forces have elected the following number of county officers we likewise give the number elected by the Republicans Fusion County Clerk 52 Clerk District Court 49 County Treasurer 54 Register of Deeds 53 Sheriff 50 County J udge 59 County Superintendent o9 County Attorney 40 Surveyor 45 Rep 38 41 36 37 30 31 31 23 43 When it is taken into consideration that the state of Nebraska a few years ago was considered by the Republicans to be as safe to give that party a ma jority as was the old Keystone state of Pennsylvania or some others that have never had the scales removed from their eyes but it is different now The Re publicans carry but few counties and we note with pleasure that in those they do carry the majority is fading away very rapidly The inquiry might be made why those changes and the answer is un disputed we believe by those who are familiar witn the real situation First Republican politics are not in harmony with the views of the average citizen hence it has no environments the tendency of which is to hold them Second the State of Nebraska is an agricultural state Its broad and fer tile fields have been inviting to all clas ses of citizens who choose this occupa tion and Nebraska can be classed as an agricultural state The trend of the Republican party has not been in the interest of the farm and producing class of people but upon the other hand it has been the policy of the Republican party to court favor with the corpor ations and manufacturing industries of the country The organization of trusts under the McKinley administra tion proves this statement It is most surprising to know with what regularity you can safely count on all of the great moneyed concerns of the country giving their aid and sup port to the Republican party TEDDY AND Mc CAN NEVER WIN The question of the vice presidency since the nomination of Roosevelt of New York will be discussed from all standpoints and in all sections of the country First Roosevelt is not a strong man he has gone on dress parade exhibiting his cowboy hat until the public begins to feel that he is more of a monstrojjity than he is the semblance of a statesman For that reason the people will not take kindly to him mother words they hardly think accidents are the best men to place at the head of the great nation It is entirely too common and out of place to think that a man who natural ly belongs with the wild west show who might be dubbed Rattlesnake Pete or some other choice name known to the cowboy fraternity It is so far away from the ideal high Ameri can manhood and citizenship that Ted dy can never fill the vice presidency No he is the millstone around Sir William McKinleys neck It is true there were a number of others weigh ing him down and it was hard to keep his head above the waves of the turbu lent waters but with Teddy added the friends who have had some hope of their success can now join in with that wiley statesman of Nebraska Church Howe and truthfully say the old ship is indeed leaking So fare-you-well McKinley and Teddy too when the election is over there will be nothing left of you The names of Bryan and Towne will go all the world around and come up on elec tion day at the White House there to stay Rosewater as any other citizen must take his correction kindly and feel grateful that he has a few g o p sheets to smooth away the wrinkles and crookedness of his career by pleading justification Glorious JVeies Comes from Dr D B Cargile of Washita I T He writes Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of Scrot ula which had caused her great suffer ing for years Terrible sores would break out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help but now her health is excellent Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known Its the supreme remedy ior eczema tetter salt rheum ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates liver kid neys and bowels expels poisons helps digestion builds up the strength Only 50 cts Sold at Elliotts drugstore 2 SubScribfc fdr The EteMtTCRAT SlDU J O DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Superintendent of a For Private Hospital the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE NEBRASKA Speaking About Eyes KTOS DON x x o l aiaj joui un going to a Specialist who is generally a fraud lor ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get your eyes litted by a man with experi ence who knows exactly how to fit you O W MORE Y the Jeweler has had 22 years experience If you need a specialist he will tell you sc J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURYEYOE All work executed with promptness and accuracy VALENTINE NEB- A N OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Front Valentine Hous J A HOOTON Prop Recentty opened and newly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY The best of viands and treatmentgiven to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentine F LJ F M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Tractices in District Court and U S Land Office Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW ALENTINffi NEB O M SAGESEK TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND GOLD BATHS wvwvwwwwwvwvwwwvwwvw WATCH CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I AM NOW READY FOR BUSINESS With a nice se lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt ly and warranted IXGAJLIiS AIXSWORTH AAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAftAMA I Taken Up About 6 miles north of Wood Lake 1 bay mare branded HD on left shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands and 1 iron grav colt mare branded O on right hind leg F WELKE June 2 1900 20 A sallow jaundiced skin is a symp tom of disordered liver as it springs from biliary poisons retained in the blood which destroy energy cheerful ness strength vigor happiness and life Herbine will restore the natural functions of the liver Price 50c Juigley Chajfmanj druggists k PfflJ t jffi3lCTifflTry N W E Haley Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shoulder oi nor ses AlsoKSV on left side WmZW an hip 11 3 on right hip and on left side C on left hip of horses V 0M I rifrjjpPJCByMggflPjgj Rosebud S D Left side Horses same left shoulder Deerhorn clip some cattle Rosebud 5 D Range head of An telope near St Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh i t m iiii w Si mmmm C F Postofflce address Oasis Neb Brand registered 2005 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip Also some branded and cattle SfK STXiT HIIVI TAKEN About May 10 one Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and Gern an precincts C miles soutli of Kllgore S Eowley V IA w T HI JiL r III Marquardt Bowlus OttoStkubk Manager Merriman Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands OS on left hip Horse brad A on left shouldei Range Formerly npnW Monnier mnpli 5 miles east of Merriman from FE MVRR south to Leander Creek Mar quardt Bowlus ScribnerNebrasfca Prideaux Sanford T n H SCHULTZ Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder Poitofflce address - McCann Neb Stockbranded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia MORRIS JANIES Postofiice addresB Rosebud s D Cattle branded on left side as on cut Horses on left thigh Rrnge on Rock Creek Henry Pratt H John DeCory Rosebud S D ToT Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Charles C Tackett B 1 Peter Vlondray Rosebud S I Left side Left car cropped Horses branded Bange Little White River at mouth of Dedar Creek JULIUS PETERSON ostofllce address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles oorth of Gregory Xrajjtj JESS J A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Arkansa Valley and Snakr COOPER BattWa feJt feM irmmm Range South and west 0I ira i idDucKjake Hackberry Lake Postofflce address E HANSON Valentine eb Cattle branded on left hip hores the same Range sn Dry Val ley UP grey branded F on left jaw and nect Crtfokston eldfnj lOmjJes sputho J8 i i J n v T V r I 1 f