Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 28, 1900, Image 3

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3 Train civil war
Miss Susan Wymar
Miss Susan Wymar teacher In the Rich
mond school Chicago III writes the fol
lowing letter to Dr Hartman regarding
She says Only those who have
suffered as I hare can know what a bless
ing It Is to be able to And relief In
This has been my experience A friend In
need Is a friend Indeed and every bottle of
I ever bought proved a good friend
to me Ssan Wymnr
Mrs Margaretha Dauben 1214 North Su
perior St Racine City Wis writes I
feel so well and good and happy now that
pen Annot describe It Is every
thing to me I have taken several bottles of
for female complaint I am In the
change of life and It does me good
has no equal in all of the Irregularities
and emergencies peculiar to women caused
by pelvic catarrh
Address Dr Haitman Columbus O for a
free book for women only
Star Spangled Banner
Hail Columbia Strange Complaint Co
lumbia America Bivouac of the Dead
Campaign Thunder Flag Golden Age
Dear Land So Fair Flag Raising Song
Home of tbe Free Land I Love Revolu
tionary Tea Snowed Under Ensign of
Liberty McNallys Pocket School House
Flag 17 songs with music sheet music size
Catalogue new music All for ten 1 cent
P O stamps sent prepaid F P DeaXj
music store Sioux City Iowa
- -
President Loubet of France is no
mean swordsman He has fought three
duels in two of which he was success
ful and severely wounded in the other
Medical Book Free
Know Thysefa Book for Jlen Only sent
Free postpaid scaled to any male reader men
tioning this paper Gc for postage The Scienco
of Life or Self Preservation the best Medical
Book of this or any age 370 pp with engrav
ings and prescriptions Only 25c papt r covers
Library Edition full gilt 100 Address The
Peabody Medical Institute No 4 Bulfinch Street
Beaton Mass the oldest and best in this country
Write to day for these books keys to health and
Trolley cars have been put in opera
tion at Peking China
Kansas City Excursion
Through sleeper from Sioux City 7M0
p m July 2d arriving in Kansas City fol
lowing morning For reservations address
H C Cheyney General Agent Sioux Citj
The interest that Shylock had at heart
was about 27 per cent
Do Tour Feet Acie and Burn
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or new shoes feel easy Cures
Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and Sweat
ing Feet At all druggists ana shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
The question is never agitated half
as much as the questioner
Uncle Sam use3 the best of everything
Uncle Sam uses Carters Ink He knows
Give your friends credit for most any
good tiling but money
The one thing that guaii
fies a person to give ad
vice on any subject is
experience experience
creates kQwiedgea
Ho other person has so
wide an experience with
iy femaie ills nor such a
record of success as
Mrsa Pinkham has hadB
Over a hundred thou
sand cases come before
her each years Sonne per
sonaily others hy maih
nd this has teen going
am forSQ years day a fie
day and day after dayB
Twenty years of cost
stant success think oi
the knowledge thus
gained Surely viontem
are wise in seeking ad
vice from a woman with
such an experience es
peoially when it is free
if you are ill get a bottle
of Lydaa E Pinkhams
Vegetable Gompound ai
once then write Mrsm
Pinkham Lynn Massa
POUflV A For both sexes for the euro of Gop
UUTiU n orrhoeaGleetJJnnaturaldlschargcs
Inflammations Irritations Ulcerations An in
ternal remedy with infection 3 or 2 for 5 Sent
on receipt of price ICidd Drug Co Elgin 111
Retail wholesale H s Baker Sioux City
2SVUflt3 Washington DC
Prosecutes Claims
miner DS Pension Bureau
1 5 adjudicating claims atty since
I WJf V I Quick relief enronivorst
A fcsseo Book of testimonials and 1 0 1ATS treatment
tfUSE 9r fl 1L QrtaaBouu Box S Atlanta
CHAPTER IX Continued
The doorway through which they had
to pass was blocked for a few moments
A young man standing there- evidently
looked upon theright of entrance as his
own exclusive property for he was en
gaged in what he considered elegant au
dience with no less than three ladies In
spite of themselves Esme and Miles
could not help overhearing a fev scraps
of conversation
Til tell you what it is lisped the
young Adonis to a pretty bright little
woman in black who was eating an ice
while he scribbled languidly on her card
Look here you know this sort of thing
wont do you know the next time you
are so late I shant he able to give you
two dances
Milesand Esme gazed at this youth in
open eyed amazement He was not jok
ing No he was perfectly serious and
the little lady was actually laughing and
fairing his remark as the most natural
thing in the world
Well exclaimed Captain Brabazon
fiercely making his -way through the
crowd with an angry shove what next
ill mannered conceited young cub Not
be able to give the two dances indeed I
should like to be able to take him down
to the pump and give him a ducking that
prould wash some of the cheek out of him
Supposing he had said that to you Esme
what would yoiitdo looking down at her
I think I should feel a burning desire
to box his ears only of course 1
couldnt laughing and here is my next
partner good by till number twelve
withdrawing her arm and nodding at
him coquettishly
Number twelve came in due time and
was duly danced by the cousins and as
they paused for breath after a long
round Esme held forth in rapturous
terms on the delights of the evening
Ive danced every dance right through
and hardly missed a bar she observed
triumphantly and the funny thing is
I dont know half my partners names
people mutter so or write so badly these
scratches on my card might be anything
The next one puzzles me 1 have it
its Berkeley
And -who is he point him out please
There he is passing now with the
lady Captain Berkeley Princes Lan
ders tq give him his full title
Princes Lancers with a visible
start and coloring nerceptibly Oh if
had only known regretfully gazing
as she spoke with eager interest at the
swarthy little cavalryman However
as if struck by a sudden happy thought
just let me look at my card 1 thiuk
Im going to dance with him again yes
rriumphantly Here it is and is the
next dance I want to ask him about a
triend of mine with rash indiscretion
Sut her cousin was not in a merry mood
to judge by his face which looked dark
er than she had ever seen it and set
and stern
May I inquire the reason of your sud
flen interest in Captain Berkeley and
why the very name of his regiment
sounds as music in your ears he asked
oi a freezing tone
Why should I tell you 7 she rejoined
playfuliy If Miles were gQtng to be dis
agreeable she was not going to put up
jvith it
But supposing that I insist on know
ng he said in a low impressive tone
standing up and facing her with his back
to the ball room
Insist what an ugly -word What
loes insist mean raising her pretty eye
brows andsurveying him defiantly
It means that Im not going to be
rriiled with Ive stood a good deal as it
s his mind suddenly flaming up with
recollections of the gate scene and the
photograph It means that you must
tnd shall tell me who it is you know in
mat fellows regiment and what he is to
Supposing 1 say I wont shutting
ler lips very tight and looking rather
white what then
This was not the way to make her re
veal Teddys secret standing over her
authoritatively his voice shaking -with
passion his face as dark as a thunder
Very well then so be it rejoined
Mjiles beside himself with anger That
puts an end to everything Enduvance
has its limits I draw the line uz your
friend in the cavalry
My friend in the cavalry is infinitely
obliged to you she returned with a
little aggravating laugh And as to an
end to everything I dont see how there
can be an end to what never had a be
ginning If you imagine that you are
breaking off an engagement with me
please to bear in mind that it never ex
isted I -would not have believed now
breaking down a trifle that you could
be so rude so suspicious that you had
such an awful temper
Oh yes smiling rather constrained
ly and winking back two big tears our
dance is it Captain Berkeley rising
ns she spoke and throwing her bouquet
ostentatiously on the sofa she walked
away with great dignity leaving it and
its donor side by side
During the remainder of the evening
Esme did ncrt once see Miles He must
have left immediately after their quar
rel and she -went home in the fly un
pbubted belle of the ball and acting de
corously to all her sisters encomiums
and expressions cf delight and yet with
a heart as heavy as lead
It was ridiculous She would not
have believed it she said to herself an
grily as when Gussie -was sleeping the
sleep of the just she wrapped in a
shawl leaned est of the open window
and -watched the dawn creeping over the
sea More than the dawn the fishing
boats were out the sparrows were up
it was 4 oclock
I did not think I should have cared
io much she said to herself aggrieved-
y He mayimagine what he likes but
vS1 St WJ
itf it- y
pun m
aptait grafaa
- trifei
I shall keep Teddys secret If he had
not been so angry I might I might have
told him but if he really cared for me
he would not be so ready to suspect me
and Miss Esme Brabazon bent her arms
on the window sill and burying her
face in them wept bitterly
Breakfast was late of course and
when Esme joined the family circle with
pale cheeks and hollow eyes her aunt
said as she kissed her primly on either
cheek Dissipation does not agree with
you my dear No more balls for you
sportively for tle old lady was immense
ly delighted with her nieces debut and
all the compliments that had been paid
to her about the beautiful Miss Braba
After breakfast Gussie and Mrs Bra
bazon went off shopping and Esme fell
an easy prey to one of the Miss Clipper
tons who led her off to tKe parade in tri
umph The sun was shining and it was
a bright cold day witlua very high wind
The bathing machines were not down the
boats were drawn up and formidable
white horses were beginning to show their
crests although but an hour ago it had
been a very tolerable morning Many
were the fashionable promenadersup and
down in twos and threes but chiefly
twos There were some pretty faces to
be seen and sorne pretty frocks and not
a few yachtsmen in blue serge suits
After our young ladies had taken one
turn they came to the very end of the
parade and were surprised to see a large
crowd down on a rcVky part of the beach
at some distance all looking but on the
sea in one direction at -what
Miss Clipperton and Esme true daugh
ters of Eve hurried down to the spot
and -were in time to hear a weather
beaten old gentleman in a pea jacket
asking imperiously as he pushed and el
bowed his way into the crowd What
is the matter
Three poor men drowning returned
a -woman with pallid cheeks They are
out there pointing they were bathing
and swam out and cant get back again
Holiday people cheap trippers
Bathing such a day cried the old
gentleman putting his telescope to his
eye - Madness madness Escaped
Wheres the lifeboat demanded a
naval officer raising his voice to a shout
Shes under repair and any way
shed never be round in time responded
a surly voice from the crowd Theyll
not hold out more than ten minutes
with stoic calmness
It was only a bit roughish when they
first went in volunteered another speak
er and they were good swimmers till
the tide took them and now they cant
make the shore at any price speaking
from the middle of a scarlet worsted com
And must they perish before our eyes
good friends said an elderly clergyman
looking anxiously round the throng Will
no one put out a hand to save our fellow-creatures
Boatmen addressing
himself to that compact body wiIl none
of you venture
Venture indeed echoed a shrill
tongued fish wotnan in a checked shawl
with her hands on her capacious hips
What boat could live in that sea but
be smashed on the shingle ere she was
launched Our sailors lives are just as
much to us dont you think as those
strangers out yonder Venture indeed
with a snort of indignation
At this instant a man broke into the
midst of them without his cap or coaf
in a state of the utmost excitement and
despair He had been one of the bath
ers but fortunately fof himself had
not been carried out so far and had gain
ed the shore by superhuman exertions
Will none of you put out a boat he
demanded fiercely Will you stand
there not moving a finger -and see my
comrades drown before your eyes Ill
go on my bended knees to anyone that
will lend a boat and pull an oar with
me looking eagerly about but there
was no reply in the weather beaten stolid
countenances that surrounded him
Shall I go Esme said a voice beside
her a well known voice that made her
start and glancing up with streaming
eyes she beheld Miles who had just ap
peared upon the cene
Yes oh yes she cried jumping to
her feet do go forgetting in the ag
onizing scene before her the delicate
terms on which they had last parted
and quickly quickly Miles seizing his
arms there is not a second to spare
Im going out he shouted raising
his voice without hesitation and address
ing the throng any volunteers No
answer beyond the whistling soughing
wind and lashing gray green waves
Twenty pounds he continued elbow
ing his way toward the center and speak
ing in a clear decisive voice Twenty
sovereigns for a seaman and a boat Who
is coming Dont all speak at once
Twenty pounds ah that was a consid
eration though for an instant there was
no reply At last after a muttered dis
cussion there was a murmur a move in
the crowd and a long armed sailor in
a blue knitted jersey shambled out from
among the group of boatmen and said
Im your man for twenty sovereigns
Im game to go and Ive a tight boat
but Id like to see the money first
Ive only a few pounds with me but
my watch is worth double and Ill leave
it as a pledge returned Miles unfast
ening it and handing it over as he spoke
Tis the price of your life Jack
Small said the big fish woman impres
sively Youll be food for the fishes
Well taint a bad price many a man
has risked his self for less and the gen
tleman is venturing for nothing rejoin
ed Jack in a deep growl i
The fish woman was understood to say
that the gentleman was a fool but at
any rate he was not a man to let the
grass grow under his feet
Here you dont stand jawing there
tcbing off his coat and flinging it to
Esme Come along you fair weather
sailors lend us a hand to shove her off
youarc not afraid to do that are you
I would not give a pinch of salt for
their lives said an old woman in a large
black bonnet Jack SmallIl never have
the spending of that twenty 40und
And the young gentleman that went
for nothing said a milder voice com
Nay the girl bid him go exclaimed
the virago in the checked shawl darting
as she spoke a vindictive glance at Esme
who stood as close as she dared to the
waters edge trembling and shivering
with excitement
Heaven help you then young woman
said a bath chair man piously You
never meant it but you just sent him
to his death No boat could live in such
a sea there see that his voice rising
to a shriek as a vast wave came tumbling
over the others and entirely hid the boat
from sight
Shes foundered shouted the crowd
Shes not shes through it safe this
time bawled an old gentleman with a
telescope under hjs arm and there sure
enough was the Mary Ann still afloat
still fighting her way conquering every
inch of water by sheer determination and
muscle aloiie
Sent him to his death and the words
ring in Esmes ears as she looked out
over the awful sea with eyes nearly
glazed with terror She felt that the
woman was right she had sent him to his
death Oh was it too late to recall Eim 7
They had only made a little way Flying
to the very edge of the water regardless
of wet and spray reprdless of the gop
ing crowd she stretched our 2Icr arms
and cried Come back come back Miles
you will be drowned too
But the Avind and the waves roared in
partnership and mocked her entreaties
and drowned her feeble voice and the
fluttering nguregesticulating wildly at
the waters edge was wholly unnoticed
in the boat
And now the boat is among the surf
and the hush of suspense denotes that ev
eryone is aware that this is the critical
moment of life or death Which will it
be It will be life after various inef
fectual struggles after being on the brink
of capsizing twice after bringing every
ones heart into their mouths about half
a dozen times they grate on the beach
are landed far up on the shingle on the
crest of a monstrous wave the rescued
ones aboard
The Mary Ann was almost swallowed
up by a surging clamorous crowd the
half drowned men were carefully wrap
ped up in coats and jackets and carried
out first and then a roar of acclamation
greeted Miles and Jack Small The feat
had beeu accomplished bravely and suc
cessfully and many contemptuous
glances were now leveled at the little
knot of boatmen who looked more sullen
than ever Indeed one bold loud voiced
young woman loudly declared that had a
barrel of beer been anchored out there
beyond for them theyd have pulled to
it smart enough
Miles quickly seizing his coat whisper
ed to Jack that if he came up to the
Grand he would find his twenty pounds
and was about to hurry away leaving
him to receive both shares of the popu
lar ovation but Jack could not part from
his fellow boatman in this fashion
If I may make bold sir he said
bashfully Id like to shake hands with
you tendering a horny paw We have
been partners together for half an hour
and a rare half hour it were I never
wish a better mate
Miles wrung the proffered hand and
leaving Jack to expound and talk and
swagger once more made an effort to es
cape He dreaded horribly dreaded be
ing remarked or spoken to with the hat
red of notoriety common to his class and
felt that he would sooner take to the sea
again than listen to a speech In short
he was as shy and frightened as a girl
On the edge of the crowd he encountered
Esme pale disheveled and breathless
Oh Miles Miles was all she could
What in the world has happened to
you he said pausing and surveying her
blankly their quarrel of the previous
evening now apparently entirely forgotten
by both However eagerly holding out
his hand dont let us stay here come
along come along hurrying his cousin
up the beach goaded by his fears and
before anyone could realize the fact he
was gone
To be continued
The Happy Marriage
Charles AV Eliot president of Har
vard University recently addressed the
Dorchester Womans Club His sub
ject was The Happy Marriage Hu
man love is the main source of our
human ideals be said For creating
and increasing human happiness the
home counts for very much more than
anything else Marriage is and always
must be the source of domestic joys
and happiness Within fifty 3 ears mar
riage has undergone many changes
but after all it has only changed with
everything else in the world The in
teljectual conditions of civilized life
have also changed as the industrial in
dependence of woman increases The
Uappy marriage begins in tbe attrac
tion between man and woman which
we call love It is the most admirable
thing in human nature being an ideal
izing devotion The young woman who
marries for money or position is sacri
ficing the best of life which marriage
affords The chief conditions of a hap
py marriage are health common intel
lectual interests and a religious belief
held in common between hurband and
Curious Cycling Effecr
A curious effect of hard cycling is re
ported from France Out of the last
batch of conscripts no fewer than eight
well known cyclists some of them en
jojing European renown wore reject
ed as physically incapable of doing
duty in the ranks Hypertrophy and
other diseases of the heart were the
chief causes of these rejections which
occasioned profound astonishment to
the candidates themselves One would
have thought that such wrecks of ath
letic humanity might at all events have
been utilized as military cyclists who
are not unknown In the French army
New York World
The first exports of cotton from tuis
country was in 17S5 in which year one
bag was sent from Charleston to Liver
pool white twelve were sent from Phil
adelphia is i one rcci New York
- v A
-- r 4
Wliat He Found in Western Canada to
I ml uce Him to Settle
Sault Ste Marie Mich Feb 20 1900
To wiiom It may concern especially
to those who are desirous of obtaining
health and wealth for themselves and
families I wish to state a few facts in
regard to the Canadian Northwest
where I went leaving Sault Ste Marie
on May 2 1899 for the purpose of seek
ing a better home for my family in the
future I got a special rate ticket for
Ft McLeod Alberta Through Mani
toba and part of Assiniboia the-farmers
were busily employed ploughing
and seeding I found the farmers very
kind and friendly willing to talk and
assist in giving me the particulars of
the country At McLeod I spent a few
days looking over some ranchers stock
which I was surprised to see looking
so well they were in better condition
than any stock I ever satv in Michigan
even those that had beet stabled and
most of these had never seen the inside
of a shed or received any feed from
the hands of man But as I was look
ing for mixed farm land I found Mc
Leod no place for me it is only fit for
ranching purposes
Retracing my way back to Winnipeg
I stopped off at Lethbridge where I
found some of the greatest horse
ranches I ever had the pleasure of look
ing at it is a fine level country and
lots of water and good grazing At
Medicine Hat which is located in a val
ley there were lots of sheep cattle and
horses in the surrounding country and
all looking well
On July 14 I went on to Regina
There I began to see mixed farming
lands in abundance and the crops look
ing remarkably well and as long as
daylight lasted I saw the same all
along the line and on the 15th day of
July I arrived in Winnipeg just in time
for the exhibition There I met with
one of the most beautiful pictures of
the worlds recoids for as soon as I
entered the grounds my eyes met with
all kinds of machinery all in motion
and the cattle grain and produce of
the country was far beyond my ex
pectation in fact it was beyond any
industrial exhibition or agricultural
fair I ever visited and I have seen a
good many
From Regina to Prince Albert a dis
tance of 250 miles it is all good for
mixed farming and well settled with
some thriving little towns In some
places the grain just coming into head
would take a man to the waist and
the wild fruit along the line was good
rich and in great quantities From Sas
katoon on the south branch of the Sas
katchewan river to Prince Albert on
the north branch of the Saskatchewan
river is one of the best farming dis
tricts without any doubt that ever
laid face to the sun and everything to
be found there that is necessary to
make life comfortable all that is re
quired is labor There is lots of wood
godd water and abundant hay land
and the climate is excellent
Prince Albert is a flourishing little
place situated on the north
wah river having a population of
about lS0O with good streets and side
walks and churches of nearly every de
nomination three school houses and
another one to be built at once also a
brewery and creamery Here I stayed
for about four months working at my
trade of brick laying and met with
farmers and ranchers with whom I
made it my special business to talk in
regard to the prospects I also visited
several farmers for some distance out
in the country while crops were in full
bloom and I may say that I never saw
better crops in all my travels than I
saw along the valley towards Stoney
creek and Carrot river In the market
garden there is grown currants both
red and black and as fine a sample of
roots and vegetables as ever went on a
market The soil in and around this
district cannot be beaten for anything
you may wish to grow and besides the
season is long giving time for every
thing to mature The cattle were look
ing as good as I saw anywhere good
pasture and hay land and plenty of
water wherever you go the country Is
dotted all around like islands with tim
ber fit for fuel and building purposes
and within a days walk of lumbering
woods where lumbering and tie-making
is carried on in winter Both large
and small game is plentiful There are
two good sawmills in this district with
a good supply of all grades of lumber
all the year round and also two good
brickyards with an excellent quality
of brick There is no scarcity of build
ing material and at a reasonable price
clothing and living are no higher than
I find in Michigan and furthermore I
wish to say that there is a great de
mand for laboring men all the year
round and good wages ranging from
5175 to 2 per day and from 25 to 35
per month with board
I wish to say that I am perfectly sat
isfied with the country and I intend to
return to Prince Albert early in the
spring of 1900 Any reasonable man
can go there and in from five to ten
years make a good comfortable home
for himself and family and if any per
son into whose hand this letter should
fall desires more information please
write to me and I will freely give them
my best opinion I am writing this for
the benefit of those who may want to
nake a better home for themselves and
families or friends
Trusting that this statement may be
nsef ul to you in the publication of your
uext pamphlet and be the means of
gniding at least some of those who are
In search of a home I remain your
humble servant
The above letter was written to Mr
T Grieve Canadian Government agent
Saginaw Mich Information as to
lands can be had from him or from Mr
M V Mclnnes No 2 Merril block De
Novel Scrubbing Brusli
Two French women have patented a
scrubbing brush which is to be attached
to the shoe by straps and a heel plate
thus making it possible to clean floors
while standing upright
N EI A convention at Charleston S
C in July Tickets good going via
Chattanooga Knoxville Asheville and
Spartanaburg and returning via Norfolk
Old Point Comfort Richmond and White
Sulphur Springs Va For maps time
cards etc address J C Tucker 234
Clark street Chicago
Russias army
medical officer
boasts of feminine
So mapy
have hair
that is
and dull
It wont
the reason Hair
needs help just as
anything else does at I
times ine roots re
quire feeding When
hair stops growing it
its lus
ter It
acts almost instantly j
on such hair It L J
awakens new life in
the hair hulhs The
effect is astonishing T4
Your hair grows be
comes thicker and all
A dandruff is removed
1 A 1 U 1
i inu tuc uiiginai
coior or eany lire is
restored to faded or
gray hair This is
always the case
i00abattle All druggists
I have used Ayers Hair Vigor
and am reallv astonished at tho
A good It lias dono in keeping my
hair from coming out It is tho
best tonic I cave tried and l
shall continue to recommend it to
my friends
Sept 24 1S0S Burlington JT C
If von do not obtain nil tho benefits
you expected from tho use ot the Hair
Vigor write the Doctor about it
im J u AXivu l oweii ai ass
Summer Excursion
To Buffalo N T going via Chicago and
Xiagara Falls returning via the great
lakes Dulutli and St Paul Rates route
etc address II C Chbyxet general agent
Northwestern Ry ijioux City Iowa
There is no word In the Chinese
language which contains an intima
tion of what we term public opinion
nor is there a synonym for patriotism
I gni sure Pisos Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago Mrs
Thos Rohbins Maple street Norwich
N Y Feb 17 1900
Officers regard the quarrels of pri
vates as rank affairs
A Live Crawling Thirty -foot
Human Lives Destroyed by Tape Worms
Thousands of Weak Debilitated
People Are Worm Eaten
Kewllne via Coun
cil Bluffs Fort
Dubuque and
ng cars sleeping cars free reclining chair cars
dining cars Send to the undersisned for a free
copy of Pictures and Notes En Route illustrating-
this new line as seen from the car window
Tickets of agents of I C R R and connecting
lines A H HANSON G P A Chicago
No 20 1900
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good-
in ume Bom ayaraegists
VITALITY low debilitated or exhausted cured by
Dr Klines Inricoratinc Toaic FRKK 1 Trial Bottle5
containing weeks treatment Dr Klines Institute
331 Arch Street Philadelphia Founded ISO
A young man who cant earn his salt
is usually much too fresh
Mrs Wlnslows SooTimvo STanr for Uhliaren
teething soitena the dims reances inflammation
allays sain cures wind colic 25 cents a hot lis
Over 385UU0 persons are employed in
English collieries
Lots of people are eaten alive without
knowing It
Thousands of Invalids suffering from
weakness and debility wasting away In a
slow death without apparent cause are
turning out to be victims of tape worms
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are found to
be perfect eliminators of tape worms those
destroying parasites that are eating up hu
man lives by thousands
There was no way of telling the presence
of tape worms until Cascarets began killing
them The records if cases come in daily
Here is one
Lima Ohio Teb 25 1S99
Gentlemen After suffering for two ears
and spending a great deal of money trying
to be relieved from a tapn worm I was In
duced to try a box of your CascA ets After
taking four tablets between nine a m and
five p m at seven oclock in the evening I
passed a worm about thirty two 32 feet
long head and all I take great pleasure in
recommending Cascarets to iny one suffer
ing from this trouble Yours truly SAM
UEL WEINFELD Traveling Salesman
Henry Diesel Cigar Company
If you feel bad and dort know why take
Cascarets They are absolutely harmless
make the liver lively open the bowels and
kill the disease germs in the body
Buy and try Cascarets to day Its what
they do not what we say theyll do that
proves their merit All druggists 10c 25c
or 50c or mailed for price Send for book
let and free sample Address Sterling Rem
edy Co Chicago Montreal Can or New
This Is the CASCARET tablet
Every tablet of the only genuine
cascarets nears tne magic letters
cue Look at the tablet before
you buy and beware of frauds
Imitations and substitutes
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