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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
i a t -V wesex 3 J i 4 ft- nirMMnM iiiiii M r 41- 4 4 4 r 4- 4l 4 4 TICKET Vote - ilk KgariiMiriT lililliii r WfWWiiiaaiMiaiaWWMMta gfawyjwr rpiil wiy iiffWdM MIC McKinley and Roosevelt G OP StandardBearers OEQSEN BY ACGMIM oi the Convention Unanimously Casttfor Both Candidates 4 f Presents the Name of President to Succeed Himself Iafe Touiis of Iowa Nouiftiates Gov drnor Roosevelt Philadelphia Completes Its Work Amid Great demonstrations Ilillftclelphla correspondence McKinley and Roosevelt ft the Republi cnn ticket as named by the national con- vention Thursday The nominations were unanimous The official announcements 15 Chairman Lodge were followed by a scene jldom witnessed and in point of entliusiasm never surpassed by any na tional gathering of the party The dein onstrationsbbre all tke details of stam pedes with waving standards of States and a procession of delegates which t were repeated in all their exciting details and for over fifteen minutes reigned a tumult of the wildest character It was almost 11 oclock Wednesday uc ii Lae aavauce guard of tlie great ar my of visitors crossed the Schuylkill and besieged the doors of the convention hall Every road led toward the Exposi tion building In street cars carriages and afoot the people streamed thither There are thirty entrances to the hall mere keyholes into the vast amphithea tor and through these tiny apertures the v populace flowed unceasingly gradually spreading over and blotting out the great waste of unpaiuted pine chairs on Tnesday the delegates were slow m arriving but the distinguished guests were on hand somewhat earlier Shortly loiter 11 oclock the big municipal band of Philadelphia took its place in the gal lery opposite the stage and a few minutes later the strains of one of Souzas stir ring marches crashed out Some of the women of the national leg- islative league of the woman suffragists t were busily engaged while the delegates were assembling distributing appeals for a declaration by the convention favorable to woman suffrage At 1230 oclock when the convention was called to order by Temporary Chair man Wolcott the band played The Star Spangled Banner and the crowd arose to join in the song During the prayer by - Rev Chas M Boswell seven delegates who had been at the birth of the Repub lican party in 1S5G marched to the chair mans platform waving a faded flag bear ing the date 1S55 on a streamer attached to Old Glory Behind the standard bear er was an octogenarian carrying the ban ner of the Fremont Association Senators Hauua and Culloni met the distinguished veterans of Republicanism and leading them forward to Chairman Wolcotts side waved their arms as a signal for ap plause The convention cheered dele gates arose and waved their hats and the faded flag was kept in sight of the dem onstrative spectators while the band play ed America This was the signal for renewed enthusiasm The banner bore the legend National Fremont Associa tion of Republican Clubs ofPittsburgl This incident over the chairman recog nized Representative Sereno E Payne of New York chairman of the committee on credentials who mounted the platform and read the exhaustive report of the committee The settlement of the Dela ware contest in favor of Gas Adicks announced by the chairman was greeted with considerable applause from the friends of the Delaware crowd In be half of the majority of the delegates from New York Mr Payne asked the -previous question and the motion prevailed Chair man Wolcott put the motion for adoption of the report This was passed without a dissenting voice The convention which evidently felt relieved as this quick dis position of the contests signified its ap proval with applause Gen Grosvenor of Ohio chairman of the committee on permanent organiza tion then presented that committees re pprt This report was also put through with a whirl Henry Cabot Lodge Unit ed States Senator from Massachusetts Willi tMHWl ijwi m miyiimg in nr cumstances justify and the party reiter ates the pledge made by Congress to give Cuba independence as soon as possible On the expansion Question the conduct by the administration of the recent war with Spatn is praised and attention called to the fact that as a result of that war the country finds itself with responsibilities which did not exist before It is stated mat tnese responsibilities must be met and commends the course wlnVli P5 dent McKinley has so far pursued in the matter Porto Rico is grouped with the Philippines in the general statement that the Republican party is in favor of giv ing both countries the largest measure of self government that it is demonstrated the inhabitants are capable of receiving The proposed canal to connect the Atlan tic and Pacific oceans is called the isth mian canal in order to avoid binding the party to either the Nicaragua or Pana ma route and advocates the building of such a canal when the route is determin ed by the United States said canal tn be operated owned controlled and pro tected 1V this MM li on the labor question advocates such leg islation as will secure the greatest amount of employment at the best wages and favors some plan of arbitration on labor disputes Convict labor is denounc ed A plank is also incorporated favor ing legislation which would tend to au ex tension of the merchant marine interests of the United States Sympathy is ex pressed for the Boers and the present situation in China is referred to in a par agraph suggesting it to be the duty of the United States to protect the interests of its citizens wherever they may be THURSDAYS SESSION It was nearly forty minutes after the scheduled time for beginning when Sen ator Lodge asked for quiet while Arch bishop Ryan invoked divine blessing on the convention After the full report of the committee on rules was adopted Chairman Lodge announced that the next order of business was the nomination for President and called on Alabama This State yielded to Ohio and Senator Fora ker placed Mr McKinleys name before I the convention in a speech which was one REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES -- mi i m a r Ufm - lRArM m ill 8felfew MfigM ili ifefev Jj i m m wtst jr m A IHHA - i TJWWfltVfTlTifl 111 I iS I M f 1 11 1 W I - ri I f Hf k mS hil r msw ml iig fl f wi WA W Mb i i D sasj w - i was made permanent chairman of rhe convention Senator Lodge made a schol arly speech in accepting the gavel from Senator Wolcott who retired as tempo rary chairman Charles W Johnston of Minnesota succeeded to the secretary ship At 315 oclock the convention ad journed until 10 oclock Thursday morn ing This action was taken when the order of- business reached was the call of States for nominations for President Plans of the leaders were changed almost at the last moment The platform and the reports of the credentials and rules committees however had been adopted The Platform The platform declares against improper trusts but commends combinations of capital which result in the extension of business The maintenance of the gold standard is insisted upon A plank pledges the party to give the people of the Philippines and Porto Rico as large a measure of self government as the cir- of the greatest oratorical efforts that well known speaker has ever made He was repeatedly interrupted by the plaud its of his audience and at the conclusion of his address there was a wave of ap plause that required ten minutes to sub side Gov Roosevelt the choice for vice president seconded the nomination in an oratorical effort which captured the con vention Senator Poraker was also fol lowed by John W Yerkes of Kentucky George Knight of California and Gov Mount of Indiana Then the delegates became restive and responding to the vo ciferous demands Senator Lodge ordered the roll call which resulted in every vote being cast fbr McKinley Gov Roosevelt Named Then came the call for nomination for Vice President and Col Lafe Young of Iowa advanced to the platform He withdrew the name of Dolliver and in a ringing speech placed Gov Roosevelts name before the convention The scenes attending the renomination of President McKinley were re enacted with equal en thusiasm Gov Roosevelt announced that the nomination was so spontaneous he could not decline and he in a brief state ment accepted the nomination for Vice President President McKinlov rrrmvnrt fio nnf 9 G votes while Roosevelt lacked only one of that number and that because he himself refused to have his ballot record ed Committees were appointed to notify the nominees and at 215 oclock the con vention of 1000 adjourned sine die USED A BRONZE GAVEL Rhode Island Delegations Surprise for Eodjre When the permanent chairman of the convention Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Masschusetts ascended the platform a surprise was in store for him prepared S i anr 1 y - -- M dXeri rr r t -- jk - jtw w JSs - 4 - - m - - -- i vaw r - - m - j -- -- - - - - r mtimmmm rtWlitotfBiittPiiiiwiiTBH SSL THE REPOHTERS AT WORK by tho Rhode Island delegation Hereto fore the gavels used at Republican con ventions the emblems of authority of the chairman have usually been of some historical import such as wood from the rail which Lincoln split wood from trees around Washingtons tomb or Jeffersons residence copper from Alaska or pieces rrom Hiawathas calumet Or they have fceen of the nobler metals of silver in sev eral instances This time the Rhode rfcsgyytfirtT9r 3 r - and delegation presented to the chairman through Delegate Child a gavel made of bronze It is a very ornamental piece jof workmanship and suitably engraved the ornamental work symbolizing the histor ical fame of the chairmans ancestrv and the chief events in the history of Rhode Island ELABORATE DECORATIONS Greater Display of Bunting than Seen Four Years Ago Philadelphia put her best foot forward and got on her finest clothes with the re sult that she not only showed as much decoration as any convention city ever showed but it was decoration of the pret tiest kind Chestnut street and Broad street were masses of colors from the sidewalks to the roofs of the buildings The display of electric light decorations was even greater it is claimed than the display that Chicago gave the Democratic convention in 1S9G or St Louis the Re publican convention in the same jear OPENING OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN PHILADELPHIA f -Id Mffe wt wm Nearly all of the main streets of the city oxucu Lasieiui uecorations volume m great BUSY WITH THE CAMERA Photographers Fixed Every Detail oi the Convention Every aspect of the convention and the assemblage has been preserved if the cameras have not failed Every move ment of Chairman Hanna was registered on the delicate plates When the venera ble chaplain in the robes of his church arose to pronounoo tlw inmonfinn u man behind the camera had his machine trained upon him like a gun During the delivery of Temporary Chairman Wol cott s speech there were cameras direct ed at the delegates and across the conven tion hall at the people in the galleries o nree cameras did business during every hour of the opening session of the conven tion When the ensemble of the hall was taken from every viewpoint the lenses were turned upon individual groups in the delegation and shifted alternately upon coteries of spectators in the galleries STIRRED BY THE MUSIC Delegates Stand While gieu Is Played Just before the convention was called to order the band broke into the stirring strains of the Star Spangled Banner Gov Roosevelt was the first on his feet in response to the national anthem His rough rider hat came off and he stood with head uncovered Instantly the whole convention rose en masse Ten thou sand people stood while the stirring air was played and applauded it with a cheer as they took their seats Image of Oom Paul Kruger One of the delegates to the contention from Michigan is the image of Oom Paul Kruger of the Transvaal His name is W H C Mitchell and he is 75 years old He has never been in Philadelphia but once before That was in 185G when he -came to attend a convention of the American party STATE OF NEBEASKA NEWS OF The week in a con densed FORM Jax Exforcement of Insurance Laws in Uate Years Has Caused the State a Big Loss in Fees Other Items of Interest ----- T2J - u Has Faith in Her Husband Mrs Hills the young Nebraska wife of Rev Rowland P Hills who was arrested at Tacoma Wash about two months ago and is now in jail at Blair under a charge oi Digamy preierred by his English wife has arrived at Blair and in companv with her brother from Florence visited Hills in the jail At the time of his arrest in Ta coma she was left with friends there where she has remained to the present time She will make her home with her parents in Florence until the trial of Hills is over She trusts implicitly in the rev erend gentleman and both express them selves as satisfied that he will be acquitted Boy iDjured in Runaway While Charles Edwards the oldest son of T Ii Edwards a prosperous farmer living two miles northwest of Stella was driving home his team became frightened wnne crossing a bridge and ran away throwing the young man out so forcible that he did not regain consciousness for several hours He received an ugly gash in the head and many bruises Prisoner Sets Fire to Jail Hiram Strickler a trayeling -salesman for the Clinton Oil Works of Omaha be came insane at Plattsmouth and attempted to cremate himself in the county jail where he had been confined pending the arrival of friends from Omaha The timelv ar rival of the jailor and his wife saved him from a terrible death Sunday School Meet The state Sunday sctiool convention was held iu Lincoln several hundred delegates being present It was a very successful meeting Committee and section meetings were held in the First Congregational Church and the evening sessions in the auditorium Beldon Man Dissappears O C Swain a harnessmaker of Belden took the train June 19 supposedly for Laurel but has not been heard of since He had been sick most of the winter but had reopened his harness shop and no reason is known for his leaving so suddenly Stockman Drops Dead George Savage president of the Brown County Stockinets Association dropped dead at his residence in Ainsworth from heart disease He was a veteran of the civil war a member of Ainsworth Grand Army of the Republic Post No 171 Cattle Killed by Lightning Mrs Amy Wickert had five head of cattle killed by lightining at Beemer recently Succeeds in Self Destruction William Kite who drank carbolic acid near Howe and then cut his throat with a razor died He asked the attending physician after the wound had been stitched if he would get well and when asked why he did the deed said he did not care to live after his boy died Tree Ch rushes Mans Leg John Long while cutting down trees in Hovels grove near Pierce had the mis fortune of having one of the trees fall on his leg and breaking it He was carried to town- where the leg was set A xecent compilation of figures in the office of the auditor of state reveals the fact that the enforcement of the state in surance laws has been woefully neglected in the past few years The lax and care less methods employed by the insurance clerks have cost the state thousands of dol lars each year by lessening the annual in come which should have been received as fees from new companies Another big loss has been sustained through the noa enforcement of the reciprocal provision of the insurance act During the last six months an etfort has been made to enforce the law as vigorously as possible resulting in an almost unprecedented amount of fees being turned into the coffers of the state The figures compiled by Insurance Clerk Price show that in six months ending Junel the collections amounted to 44 2S02S The collections of the governors insurance commission while the Weaver law was in force amounted to approxi mately 3000 and during the same period the auditors office received nearly 7000 from insurance companies But it was only recently that the auditor bean to strictly enforce the reciprocal feature This section of the law provides that the auditor shall charge as much for a license as would the state in which the company is located if it was a Nebraska concern and applying in that state for a license OllO nnmnnnv wnc ilmrirol 5 n fnw LANG HOLDS - - nMini - ir -- - il II ill IIIM1 IIIMIIIITV III I II T IIIIMMIIIHIf j ii I I l n iw n r ihhmiih W iiiiiitMiniiiHi inWM mi TT fflimnglHm a ri cx r X vi - - - - r mmOf l MMHWIBHWaWMWWlgBMMMllaMIMWIIwlMBgaMMBW THE cmn Court Adjourns anma 8K0 m Xiincom i years fr j Poynter realizes that he it - - rr riifTifinlfc position Without Action on His ZTco the sup reu i The adjournment o term last veek wilIXtofiSbto the trouble atthe institution four minded youth jge jt of the court in Beatrice and nnfaUhesa prerae court passes upon his P9JJgg Poynter must keep hands off JJg to relinquish possession of the Bgtnca institution Lans is following a precedent 1SW C k fnr thP friendless establisueu at w v -- - -- w place Lang is determined to stay in the situation so it- oYr hf own nerve will ion as me it - permit him to do so and the governor has une is 10 only two courses to pursue quietly await the decision of the supreme court which may be delayed for over a year and the other is to force Ling out oE the building by calling out the state militia - The invasion of the constables party at the Beatrice home recently has hrmuht to light a most mutinous state oraffairs Lang has made no entries in the official booSs of the institution since Feb G and what disposition there is no way of ascertaining position is being made of the fluids He has ignored all communications from the governors office and refuses to recognize Gov Poynter as his superior officer REPORT AGAINST FOWLER months ago for a license to do business in weI1 founded and a report covering their Nebraska On investigation it was found that the companys home state would have charged 300 for the license if the appli cant had been a Nebraska company The auditor then compelled the company to pay 245 additional for its license Still another section of the law which however does not come within the juris diction of the auditor has aen almost en tirely disregarded This is the section providing for the collection of a 2 per cent tax on excess premiums Such taxes must be paid to the county authorities In somel sections of the state no attempt has been made to collect the taxes while in other sections the payments if made at all were made voluntarily In Douglas County the total amount of such taxes will be in the neighborhood of 9000 In the auditors office the blame for the non enforcement of the laws is laid on ex employes and particularly on the last chief insurance clerk It would be im possible to estimate correctly the loss sustained through the non enforcement of the law but by those who have investi gated the matter it is placed in the thou sands - - FLOODS SLAYER IS FREE Oraaha Authorities Release Charles King from Jail After an incarceration of four days Charles H King who shot and killed James Flood the hack driver is afree man No complaint of any kind has been filed against King and he was detained in jail as long a time as the law permitted under such circumstances He expresses himself as entirely satisfied with his treat ment I am very sorry it happened he said but 1 think I did no more than any other man would have done Grand Army Committee on IViilforrt Home Tree Case The special committee of old soldiers which recently made an investigation at the Soldiers Home at Milford have de cided that the cliarges against Superin tendent Fowler alleging unnecessary de struction of trees on state property are nndings is Being prepared uy d ju lyuivei for submission to the proper authorities The business affairsof the institution were not examined and the decision of the com mittee does not refer to the official conduct of the superintendent excepting in respect to his treatment of trees vines and hedges snrrounding the building The committee spent a dajr on the grounds and investi gated the case thoroughly with the result that all agreed that there was no reason for the destruction of the property The report will be made public within a few days Bolln 3Iay Get Freedom There is a possibility that within the next few da3rs the prison doors which four years ago shut Henry Bolln the embezzler of Omaha from the outside world may swing open and permit him to walk out a free man Steps looking to securing the release of Bolln are being taken Attorney Macfarland has interested him self in Bolins behalf and this week he will apply to the supreme court for a writ of habeas corpus J She Wants a Divorce Mrs Juliana lluetter living near bus Jhemcher of seven children at the age of Biyears sues for divorce from her wealthy husband Huetter to whom she was married in Austria forty one years ago alleging that he treats her as an abject slave and does not furnish suitable maintenance for her Bridges are Washed Away The recent high waters took out two of the Loup River bridges near Burwell and people are now compelled to ford the river to get to town This makes it inconvenient because about twentj miles of country are cut off The Loup River was higher than it has been for twenty years Small Wreck at Plattsmouth The fast meat train No 70 from Omaha ran into the engine of a Avork train near Plattsmouth Fortunately no person was injured Men from Burlington and Mis souri shops were sent to remove the wreck age The fast mail from Chicago was de- uuueu auoui two Clark County Man Suicides Andrew Saur who lives several miles southeast of WTebster committed suicide by jumping into a well while mentally un balanced Various causes are givjmfor the rash deed such as family troublesand tne prospect for a poor crop -- -- W Tjg Telephone Line aT Drain a rd i TheNebraska Telephone Companv is at Brainard with agan of men putting in a telephone system The line runs from Brainard to Garrison where it will con o wnu me mam line to David City Thieves Steal FireworJcs Some unknown parties broke into a car in the Burlington yards at Plattsmouth anj stole a large box of cannon firecrackers The authorities have thus far been unablo to locate the culprits Nebraska Short Xotes Stella will celebrate the Fourth xuu reorganization of band is announced the Humboldc TheCongregationalistsof Aurora haveT decided to builda parsonage Ve N i A w nbarnT Cti hy 256 feet beins ejected annerr1 a loun A rainbow by moonlight was ono f i sights which Sutton neWi -I served - i vviiuji un In the case of remonstrances aainsfc th noy ad about twenty Ernest Durlburt of Ulioa rat hi caught in a belt in an clorator Tb arm was liral pn - - - Ue arm cbinery could be opjed Derre te deaSelfSan net WS Dhnr arm re- was killed bv house His were a Sherman County -farmer lightning whffih wife and snr mi i uich wno in the sane room were uninjured n 11 Harris a fruit r - TPMimcnh ho u leceiveu word near from me government that Truit evhihit u C7 theParis exposition ihJ rtYarus The assessors of Red WninTn ureout the propeyfSjft J Lll COUntv hat- -- ccu durin helWl butnoneof it fa bang sotfat tolfij A couple of the female 0mTi uSTe institute for the feeblemfncLTBe have eatnce commenced Smi a suit for o CW Stewart W i ni against Entee for assault LShS Mfi institution recently lhe meIee a that creamery the bannPr v5 of the cal the world Addres rTs statlon of were 7 number of prominent staf e h 3- them Gov Poynter people amon TB lir v U l 1