n i S - 4 - - - t - 4i THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i M RICE Sheridan Co Nebr MrmnS i vmm ft EDWARD BAD HAIR Postoflice address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh Range Bear Giek JOHN A LOGAN Postoflice address Allen S D On left shoulder and hip some 1 on JPJt left shouIdrandEi on left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek Postofflce address AUen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek and StenhenBon Lakes and South Postofflce address and Paper fj - Year for CTT3 EDITOR Pine Bidge Reservation V 4fe FRANK A GALLIG0 Postoflice address Manderson S D Left side and on young stock Old stock mnded left side Horses thigh S 350 EH leit Range Rock Springs Basin N D Burnside and ADSnyder Pine Ridge S D Home ranch on head of Wounded Knee Creek in wflnr9 mzmmjm lsMMM3fct Alex Marrivall I S M J miiwi all rine Ridge S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Earmk swallow fork onleit and crop right Horse L rands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses TC5 J JAMES BUSH iiiHTiB Postoflice address Allen S On left side Also on leit siue vj Horses on left hip Range Bear Creek GEORGE DECOI5Y reetefflee Address L jS Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Hone branded G D on left hip Kftufc es Lone ib Afttetopo creek eaetefReeebud oitofllce Address Rosebud 8 D Cattle branded oa ft thigh er hip tme as cut Horses branded irae on left ahovl er ostofflce D B1AY BEN y m IPiiiiiiiE ci iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHCiiiiBiiViBKS3 JOE ROOKS JR rill iH law 1r Postoflice address Allen S D On left side horses same on teigh Kange Bear Creek CHARGING BEAR Postoflice address Allen SD On left smo and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF nt Bv Postoflice address Allen S D On right side and shoulder horses same on right thitih flange Bear Creek CHARLES LONG MAN DAVID COTTIER Alien S D On left side right ear split Horses Q way down on hip Range- Little White Kiver Pmllman and Newton Nebr SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman Neb Cuttle branded as nn cut horses branded 8am e as cattle excep t reversea gj See block Range Steve CHAS S HOYT Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on 1 jft side also 03 on left side also between eyes nd nose Range 15 mileswes uLxiuiuuiu s J L ROSEBERRY Pullman Neb Branded on left horses same hio mark double dew lap Range south and east of Brush Hili HK9 aftOBni rrra BonesteeLB Some A B E left sldi ma iik uip Horses on left hip and some same en left shoulder No horses sold nn less brand It invert ed making h Range head eC Whet Stone c w Postofflee Address Simeon Neb tftock branded ith 7 en left blp aSiiame as eut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river J03N B LORD Postoffloe Addres Simeon Neb Stook branded same as eut kock of right sbnaldsr and on right hip Range on the Niobrara Ayg1 ji ipiliil TODD SMITH Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded ame as out a Dbv iondT Horses branded be tarns Ranch n Wiuui Thunder O J ZELLAR BEN BEAU0VI5 3gg Postoflice Address Rosebud 3 D Stock branded left shoulder three Inohej long side four inche long1 Brand record i 22 yrs ltancn ou lorse Creek BBQI3BijfeA7ljpKX TURGHON Fjstofflce Address Bonesteel S D Cattle branded on teft tide same as cut and right eu crop pea Horses branded Ton loft shoulder Also with eir cleA WM F SCHMIDT Address Rosebud 8 D randed same as oa ut or with unar heSiignter slip Mid duaped Horses branded ame oa left hip vi ffii ALEX BORDEAUX Postofflce Address 3Bza3aZSt23 Rosebud S Horses are brand on left thigh eutt on left side with h crop on left ear Also cat 3orop on cat JOHN J 8TEE3T Postofflce addrest Brown Vf Nebr On eft side Range betweei Goose Creek an Loup 3 fcSiP Po3toffice addros Brownlee Neb On right side Range Horsa Valley XL WALTDSB Postofflce Addresi Blmeon Neb Cattle branded or riirhtside horse same on left shoul der Range surr mer on tnakarl er 4 miles fron mouth j winter miles south of Sfm a BENNETT irTilri J W BTrRLEIGH ostofflce Addrcs Simeon Neb Cattle and horse branded same a cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snakr creeks and on the Niobrara river 4sfr laBfi EEUBEN QUICK SEAS KSBBsEl Pestofflce Address Rosebud B I Cattle orandotl sam as cut or en hip Ranch oa Blast Pipe Creek Kill f1 urea i firn mtSmMimmtaamitsiuMmmX I Tm tttt nT TjiTicnxr I G SAWYER T wUi Postoflice address Pulimair Neb Branded on left side horses T T on right shoulder a crop and slit in leftear of cattle Range Forks of North Loup River of Gordon Creekr Newton Neb Cherry Co Brand on left bide and thigh Earmark sqaare crop right ear Southern branded cattle have hut one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut Some ft side or hi Range on Gordon ureeK E E ORR Postoflice addres s Gorsuch Bros Newton Neb Cattle branded any where on left side horses on left shout der Range brtwren north prongand North 1vm jjid Gordon Creek J B STONKR SON Newton Nebr Brand registered No 411 Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip Horses same on leit shoulder Ramie South mm sWf7HI WJAJW A miscellaneous VT W AXDERSOX J C EOUXDS Anderson Hounds Simeon Nfihmska 7 ESSI j C ittle branded on left side as on cut ulso 10 en left side with zz on left hip of some cattle also S4C on right side Horse brand rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewey hake Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara also between Snake River and Simeon known as the Felch range all in Cherry Couuty Nebraska throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Reward of 250 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ng cattle with above brand Teeters Bros Newton Nebr Catle branded on left side same as cut Horses on left shoulder Rauge Between the Gordon and Snke wm ws ii iKsib3H M m MASON COMPANY WwL h dm On right side sstsr left hip horn ses right shoulder Brand ami Paper 350 I Rausseven miles north olHyannls7I i Ci -- kw - -- - y 41 mma - J SfieM tfBC SSVT vr iTZ2aSftaSHBBHL2B V5 5 - - - tit UltitamSKtKtKKKUtMKiKKMUtKKKk Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Onrlchthin T L either side wtT3I s Postoflice address Oasis Nebraska1 Butler Quieienberj w vjcbw w oW attle horses Ds on stock branded anywhere on animal Range Snake river 4 fJlittiiMiiiiiiHiHHiv rt jJ DAN ADAAISON f aB Postoflice address Chesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thkrh Range between Bordman and Snake DAWSON BALL Postoflice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V leltneckandZ left hip some V leit neck V left shoulder and JglefthiDhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River3l3233 On left side H T DOWNING Postoflice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake lEv sa w J A Adamson Valentine Neb On left side or hip left side or hip Rangpon Niobrava 7 El I FINEST AND PUREST WHISKIES WINES AND CIGARS ON THE MARKET The STOClv EXCHANGE is the only firm m the country that spends moneT in protecting the Cattle Industry in the county If you have any estray cattle or horses on your range write ns and we will inform you who owns the brand by return mail free of charge We solicit your patronage W R A MELTENDORFR rrgrrnrT vm WILLIAM TjR WILSON Postoflice address Kilgore Nebr Branded on left side MiiSflMHKfli Range Southeast of Georgia Metzger Bros tmzmmm C S WILLIAMS WM ER1CKSON Postofflce address Kennedy Neb On left side and hip horses O or A 0Q eitjaw Range two milea northwest of Ken nedy Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek I Will be paid by the Stock Exchange for information leading to to the conviction of any person stealing cattle branded in this comity with brands registered in the State New customers every day Not becHuse like ns better but because we keep better and colder beer they Postoflice address Gallop Nebraska On left side also W - I left side also J left hipfalso W on side and S on hip horses S on left jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop R A WESTOVER Postoflice address Lakeland Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder Snmo nn In lif cAn isu xiixu amb Range in Brown and Cherry counties at headwaters of the Calamus river BHB1 PIKE BROS Postofflce address Crookston Neb Branded on eithe otrtrs rvM1 OslllC n right hip Range Oil Min nechaduza 5 miles east of Crookston J W OSTRANDER WM ARewardof400 will he paid to anv for information leading to the arrest and Eerson of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand 1 Subscribe for the Democrat D L UeLANI ostoffloa Address Rosebud S D vattle brauded a cut on either MieKlao P L R iid F R Horses branded rfpw ivvtj on left suouiuer and colls three links tangs mouth of Cottonwood RED fcE2D2ai2SsE3S2i v uc UiatriCt stofflce address Kennedy Neb attle branded neancut dorses P on left oulder Range Mouth ot ordman utofflce address Seneca Neb 3P Ranee Calf I L MERCURE On right side or J on either hip CangH Southwest f Seneca J X Poatofflee address Seneca Neb Branded 83 on cut some P on right hlD K and some TKil on right hip rtrek Valley in cner ounty Hf 3SP SHIRT Postofflce Addres Rocebud S D Cattle branded oa left side same as cut Horses brand cd on left shoulder with a K Ranch la Little White PERRY PARKER CLEMENT WHIELIND rfOfDIES Postoffloe A ddross Rosebud S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded tamo on left shoul ier Range on Big White River 3BiSW5JyELvyjfpTsSRXs3 HANNA rKiB Skt wy jfcffir liif3 uiy part of animal part of animal the following left Also some cattle oearina the follow nerbiands a leit aorse brands ah SaTlop Nebraska Jn leftside aange 10 miles euth of Merriman BinQraESn O WS hZZA Sb5a tO LW V3 1 M ii r TLA irriiitT - - - -- aibBiSM I ell Int icK IsHLniD thigii thigh thigh or tnigh hip MM L C Peyton Stfi5E dl Jf P s or left shoul der or Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the tbove brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft libprally rewarded Kange at Harney Springs and Cottonwood HERBERT O BISONETTE MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridce S D Some Range Seven miles nonii ast of Pine Kidge in Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side some B BLLon elcherside Some on left side some older stock any where on au n rial Horses E R jxi on left hip ea anywnere on i ii pint Shannon Co JOn GHOST BEAR MANAGER rostofflce address Pine S D Cattle branded B C onlefthipofcatHeaj on cut some branded on It ft side also o n an left side horses lameonleft Bhouider Range Wounded Knee and Wakpam hii LakeShaunon Co Lavaca Nebraska On lc a side itange Pole Creek SHOUT nORJf BULLS for sale Geo H Hill 3J Pullman Nebr On right side Inrses same left shoulder Herd marh Dew lap Range Brus i Like and South Subscribe for 100 HART1N RED BEAR ostoffloe address Pine Ridge 3 D On left aid- horses lameleftthlgi Range Wolf Creek W Postofflce Addre Simoon Neb Stock branded in left hip same iSCUt Range hesd irjirterj of the Echlagls D M 5 MORGAREIDGE and SO oatoffloe address Simeon Neb Cattle oranuerj as m cut or IJor V D m left hip with hole n rght ear when old horses same as cut and I J Kange Gordon reek and Niobrara Uver - ii fHff 8 W RAYMOND ostofflco Address O Robebud S Ii ittle branded left noulder and hip Horses bracdesl vith only ecs a ee WM sgP ysHgp3sgprjSjSpsjSf ESJCsSn jjBMiri t ITaj Tl S m m Zz TT r T 7SriBrinPf mi VMSSttB W D McGaa Jreston S D Left or either side of cattle also V left side ot neck swal low fork rij ht ear cinderbit left right ear nabbed off n dnrbir If ear Some on left Jaw and some waitie wit jaw Other brands left side or ii t sUe or any jP3 oine branded VjO X left side or sliomder y leit hleh On left side KgEjESnSnH3fAK7 A TII03CPS02r ALBERT WHIPPLE Postoflice address Rosebud S D VA On left hip Or A6 on right hip sr side Range Loup and Dismal lMUsfh ciicu uu mil inijjii norees feleft shoulder KSvQ Branded on left side some SOS Horses on j v ur M Po8tof3ce Addre Simeen Neb Stock branded same a eat be- kind leftsouMer Ranye i Schlagle CARSOar SEAR8 Postoffloe addreis Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cutIef t side some on left blp Horsej same on left about der Range f quars Lake JSmP r iTiifrwniTi - TiMr C rial PBBTpr GRAY mm Some ate branded on either shoul Ier thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNEB Postofflce address Kllgore Neb Cattle branded on fither side as on nt same on hip Homo on AVI ir ft side ROBERT BAD WOUND Postoflice addrjaa Halser Neb On left hip ange Loup Rivet Postofflce address Alien S n Leftslde aisrl hi Iflt aorse 10 on 5Q ft Range Corn Greet T E PERKINS TALBOT k GALLOP PostoSice addreae GEORGE Postofflce address ho od Nebr O Beneca Nee Cattle branded e left ide Horses branaed en left shoulder Ranee be tween Middle and Dismal 9 VV CRONIN BROS HHaHsa WALT HARDY usiuince aaarees 8eneca Neb Left side on oittle norse if ft i shoulder aso on leii side i Wi some on right hip Kancre smith J - middle Loup LA iMBa GERMAH x Burr Alex Postofflce ad dree Thedford Nssv On right side Range between Lou aai Bm uaxa 4 Pcstfflee address Newton Neb tattle branded eith er side hor5P same on left shoulder also hare care k aioc brandod SP under lined aange Nortii Loup Joseph Fairhead Lvaca jeD left side AIs on leit side aisosanu rzsll T ill V IMlfc KO Betwcen Fair f bead Lake and Snake riv rWft Sf tt mm - X 7 1 a C i