Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 28, 1900, Image 11

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-V J
Mru y
Warden of the Leavenworth Peni
tentiary Finds It Necessary to
Change His Work and Place of
Confinement at Nipjht
Leavenworth Kan Close confinement
Jwithin the shops and cells of apenitentiary
lhas proved too much for Oberlin 31 Car
eer ex captain of engineers United States
army and lie is broken in health and
spirlty signs of giving way
completely aada few days ago Warden
MdCHausliry -found it necessary to change
his eraploymentand place of confinement
atnightr r j -- -
The warden has put him in chargfc
of the penitentiary hospital flower
beds and the lawn This change has
proven beneficial to Carter already His
liealth is improving and he likes the work
This change means more to Carter than
outdoor exercise and pleasanter associates
All prisoners employed around the hospi
tals have nice sleeping Quarters They are
not locked up in a cage at night Theh can
move about and get all the breeze that is
stirring They eat at the hospital table
and the food is far above that furnished
the convict gangs The hospital table is
supplied with many delicacies Under the
new conditions Carter Is expected to re
cover bothhis health and spirits
Big Scandal Uncovered in Govern
nient University
Havana The postal frauds have been
rather swamped by a scandal existing in
the university which has been the milking
ground for some of the best known men in
Cuba who as under professors received
52400 a year each There were 72 of these
professors and 21 assistants some of them
having no classes at all and others only
one or two pupils Many of these profess
ors drew other than government salaries
When this was called to Gen Woods
attention he immediately inaugurated re
forms which resulted in cutting down the
Jistj to 45 including assistants which is
enough considering there are only 450 stu
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars4
Damage Is Done
Pittsburg Pa A fire which broke out
in the Eichbaum block situated in the
iheart of the business portion of the city
ifor a time threatened to wipe out the en
tire square bounded by Fifth Avenue Dia
mond Wood and Market Streets
The Eichbaum block was entirely de
stroyed and the Exchange National Bank
and the Bussey building were badly dam
aged Fifty students of Duffs College
on the fifth floor of the Eichbaum build
ing barely escaped with their lives and in
the panic a nuihber -received slight Inju
ries none serious The oss is estimated
it 800000 v
Koosevelts Nomination Brings Him
to Fore Once More
Philadelphia The North American pub
lishes the result of a canvass of the editors
of prominent newspapers throughout the
United States as to the logical running
mate of Bryan in view of the selection of
Theodore Roosevelt by the Republican na
tional convention The tabulated vote
shows a decided preference for David B
Hill but no man has a clear majority
Another favorite is William E Hearst
editor of the New York Journal and Ad
vertiser He is tost as strong as HilL
Admiral Dewey Lads little favor
Sxpert Snow Says Wheat Failure Is
Worst Ever Known
Chicago The Times Herald published a
crop report on the 23d inst prepared by
Snow the crop expert who had just com
pleted a two weeks trip through the
states of Minnesota North and South Da
iota He declares the situation a na
tional calamity and claims the wheat fail
ure is the worst everknown He estimates
theDakotivS as promising only 20000000
bushels each and Minnesota 85000000
bushels a total of 75000000 bushels
against 2000G0000 bushels last year and
225000000 bushels in 1S9S
Convicts Politician of Unlaw
ful Cohabitation
Salt Lake Utah The jury in the case
of B H Koberts on trial for unlawful co
habitation returned a verdict of guilty
Roberts in an agreed statement of facta
put before the jury admitted that he en
tered into a polygamous marriage with
Maggie B Shipp and lived with her and
ibis legal wife Sarah Louisa It is olaimed
that Koberts relies on the supreme court to
reverse the verdict on technical grounds
Gen Wheelers New Position
Washington Gen Joseph Wheeler was
at the war departuent on the 23d inst
ranging for the assumption of the com
mand of the department of the lakes He
will enter upon the discharge of his new
duties this week
Court Favors Osteopaths
Frankfort Ely The court of appeals
has enjoined the state board of health
from interfering with physicians of the
osteopathic school in their practice The
oourt ruled that the practice of osteopathy
is not a violation of the statute in regard
to the practice of medicine
Beckham Is a Candidate
Frankfort Ey Gov Beckham has
issued a statement formally announcing
Jjhis candidacy for the Democatio
to succeed himself
Minnesota Democrats Endorse Bry
ans Populist Mate
Minneapolis Minn The Democratic
state con veKlion was one of the largest ead
most harmonious held by the party for
many years Charles A Towno of Dtrlifth
Populist candidate for vice president was
given the heartiest kind of an endorsement
and the delegates to Kansas City were in
structed Jo support him by thejr votes and
by every holforable means On the floor
of the convention this resolution was
adopted without a dissenting voto
The platform reaffirms allegiance to the
doctrine of free silver coinage ac the ex
isting legal ratio The resolutions fur
ther declare against trusts and demand
that trust articles be placed upon the free
lit express sympathy with the Boers de
mand independence for Cuba ask the re
peal of war taxes favor postal savings
banks favor the income tax the election
of United States senators by direct vote of
the people and the system of the initiative
and referendum The present national
administration is denounced
The convention was warm in its allegi
ance to Yilliam Jennings Bryan and Gov
John Lind - 3S3v V
T1k following delegates-at-large Were
selected P B Winstin T B OBrien L
O Rosing and C A Baldwin
John Donahue Wise Case Suspect
Admits His Guilt
Anoka Minn The latest sensation in
the Wise murder case is the reported con
fession of John Donahue alias Gallagher
who was arrested irhSfi Cloud last week
Besides telling what part he took in the
terrible crime the suspect gave the names
of two other men whom he says are im
plicated and it is evident the mjstery is
about to be cleared up
The prisoner admitted that recently ho
paid attention ro one of the Wise girls
He admtted that he and the other two men
were in Anoka the night of the murder
and tnat they crossed the rye field on the
Wise fann in order to get to the house
They hurriedly left as soon as they had
committed the terrible deed Since the
murder they had traveled around the coun
try to keep out of the way of the officers
but yet they kept in close touch with the
developments At Parris they broke into
a fright car and took eggs and other arti
cles of food It is believed that within a
short time the two men whose names were
given out by Donahue will be under ar
rest The officers are on their trail
Two Persons Shot in St Louis
Cxirs Blown from Track
St Louis As a passenger wagon was
passing a transit car some of its passen
gers taunted those on the car which so
exasperated some one on the car that he
fired at the wagon the bullet lodging in
the foot of Peter Bonifer a saloonkeeper
Miss Winnie Allen was shot in the leg
under similar circumstances but in her
case it is known that a policeman fired the
the shot
A car on the Easton Avenue division
was blown off the track with dynamite at
Pendleton Avenue Wednesday night
William Butholtz the motocman sus
tained a severe injury to his right arm
The conductor and five policemen who
were on the car were not hurt although
thej were badly shaken up There were
two other cars disabled but no -one was
Two Men Killed and Several Seri
ously Injured in Kentucky
Lebanon Ky Two men were killed
five seriously and ten slightly injuredin a
wreck June 20 on the Greensburg branch
of the Louisville and Nashville Eailroad
at Calvary six miles from Lebanon
Thirteen bridge carpenters were at work
on the bridge that crosses IlollingFork
Paver The passenger train composed of
engine baggage car combination coaoh and
one regular coach was in the center of the
first 100 foot span when the bridge gave
way and precipitated almost the entire
train to the bed of the river The last
coach containing twenty passengers was
left hanging over the abutment and was
not seriously damaged until after its occu
pants were taken out
Quarantine Against Cattle
Jefferson City Mo Gov Stephens has
issued a proclamation shutting out the cat
tle from a number of states in which he
says tuberculosis exists The states against
which the quarantine is directed are
Maine New Hampshire Yermont Massa
chusetts Ehode Jslaftd Cpnnecticut New
York Pennsylvania New Jersey Dela
ware Ohio Jlndiana IlliiTois Miohigan
Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota California
Kentucky and Tennessee and the Domin
ion of Canada
Killed by iv Live Wire
Galena Kan City Marshal Milford
Parker was killed the other night A tele
phone wire hadjallen across the sidewalk
and he pickedfc up to wrap it around a
post He walked a distance of about thirty
feet with it m his hands when he suddenly
pitched forward dead In pulling the
wire to tie it up it touched a live wire
which connected the current
Might Have Lived Longer
Minneapolis Andrew Popp who lived
100 years 1 month and 12 days died after a
weeks illness Mr Popp celebrated his
100th birthday on May 4 A few days ago
he was seized with a fainting fit and fell
receiving a bad wound in the head an in
jury from which he was unable to rally
Machine Shops Destroyed by Fire
Pittsburg Pa The adjoning plants of
the Carroll Porter Boiler and Tank Com
pany and the James Eees Sons Com
pany engine builders were destroyed by
fire on the 20th inst Loss 115000 cov
ered by insurance
Give Up Arms to British
Yolksrust Transvaal The town guard
of Wakkerstroom has surrendered to the
British and a number of Mausers with
several rifles of American manufacture
have been handed in
Advicqff from Shanghni Regarding
PekJn Credited in London
London Shanghai reports originating
from Chinese sources and credited by lo
cal foreign officials state that the legations
at Pekin were safe on Juno 15 Admiral
Seymour with the relieving column ia
also reported to have reached Pekin
Washington A cablegram to the state
department June 20 from United States
Consul Fellow at Che Foo says
No communication has been had with
PekTn for six dayi past The mission at
San Chow was looted but the Chinese
general carried the missionaries off in
safety to an unknown place The Chinese
ships in the harbor have left for thesouth
The Eussians continue to land troops at
The American minister at Tokio tele
graphed that two transports with 1300
men and 100 horses sailed for Taku Six
hundred Japanese troops have already
been landed Five Japanese warships are
now at Taku The Japanese government
is preparing an additional force should tha
London A news agency dispatch from
Shanghai dated June 20 says After an
arduouj march and frequent fighting with
the Chinese Yice Admiral Seymour
arrived at Pekin Sunday afternoon
On five occasions the Chinese attacked
the column in great force There
were many mounted men among the Chi
nese but most of the natives were badly
armed At times they fought with ad
mirable courage and bravery The losses
of the Chinese during the march are es
timated at 500 killed The losses of the
foreigners were trifling
Senator Davis Thinks Chinese Crisis
Is Exceedingly Grave
Philadelphia Pa In the opinion of
Senator Davis of Minnesota chairman of
the senate committee on foreign affairs
the situation in China is even more grave
than the published dispatches would indi
cate and may develop into an international
problem such as the powers have not had
to deal with in many years
No man can tell what will come out of
the present situation in China said Davis
1 shall be agreeably disappointed if -the
immediate consequences do not result in
complications which it will take years to
straighten out Moreover generations to
come may find that in awakened China the
western world has brought into existence
a giant which will insist upon taking part
in affairs at inoppoTtiinTmCinenls
It seemes invitable that China will
Cerlainly the acting empress
will be dethroned This cannot be Uono
without a war which will probably repeat
itself many times It mustbe remembered
too that in China lives fully one fourth
the worlds population Jf we force upon
the yellow race our methods and in China
they are aceepted as readily as they have
been in Japan we will create a force which
will be sure to work a great influence upon
the future history of the world Llook on
the present crisis as more important than
any that has arisen since our own civil
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Expires Suddenly
St Petersburg The llussian minister of
foreign affairs Count Muravieff died sud
denly on the 21st inst
Middletown Wis Has a Big Pirel
Madison Wis The entire business
section of the village of Middletown eight
miles west of here was wiped out by fire
Insurance 75000 to 100000 with actual
loss much greater Madison was called on
for aid Twenty three buildings are re
ported to have burned including the opera
house two hotels and the postoffice The
fire started in a flour mill
Noble Gift for University
Providence R I Announcement was
made that cash and annual pledges for the
endowment of Brown University has been
received amounting to 1000000 A year
ago the offer came from John D Rockefel
ler to give the college 250000 in case 750
000 was raised within a year
Sioux City Cattle common to prime
hojrs S185300 sheep
S22a0E0 wheat c le corn 3031c oats
2022c butter dairy 1410 creamerv
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 600 hogs shipping gradese
300 to 550 sheep fair to choice 300
to 550 wheat No 2 red 77c to 79c
corn No 2 39c to 41c oats No 2 23c
to 24c rye No 2 5Gc to 5Sc butter
choice creamery ISc to 20c -eggs -fresh
9c to lie new potatoes 50c to GOc per
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
575 hogs choice light 300 to 525
sheep common to prime 300 to 450
wheat No 2 72c to 74c corn No 2
white 39c to 40c oats No 2 white
25c to 27c
St LouisCattle 325 to 5 75 hogs
300 to 550 Sheep 300 to 525
wheat No 2v77cto 79c corn No 2
yellow 40c to 425 oats No 2 24c to
2Gc rye No 2 53c to 55c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 575 hogs
300 to 525 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 79c to Sic corn No 2
mixed 43c to 44c oats No 2 mixed 25c
to 2Gc rye No 2 G3c to G5c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 575 hogs
300 to 525 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 74c to 75c corn No 2
yellow 39c to 41q oats No 2 white 2Gc
to 27c rye GOc to G2c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed S2c to
83c corn No 2 mixed 41c to 42c oats
No 2 mixed 23c to 25c rye No 2 5Sc
to GOc clover seed prime 545 to S555
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern
75c to 77c corn No 3 3Sc to 40c oats
No 2 white 25c to 27c rye No 1 5Sc
to GOc barley No 2 44c to 4Gc pork
mess 1150 to 1200
Buffalo Cattle choice shipping steers
300 to 600 hogs fair to prime 300
to 550 sheep fair to choice 300 to
550 lambs common to extra 450 to
New York Cattle J325 to 000 hogs
300 to 600 shedp 300 to 575
wheat No 2 red SOclto 90c corn No 2
47c to 48c oats No92 white 29Tto 31c
Dutter creamery 16cf to 20c eggs west-
era 13c to 15c
Foreign Powers Rushing a Big
Array Into China
- r
City Attacked byCfiinese Regulars In
stead of theBoxersV -
American Consulate Alonjr with Those
of -Other Poreijjn Powers Has Been
c i
JOestioyed Bear Admiral Keinpn
Coles ffourTalcli for Ulore War Ves
sels and Land Forces lacArthur
Hurry Troop3 from Manila
In a dispatch received by the Navy
Department Thursday Hear Admiral
Kempffy at Taku called for
of ships and men to protect Amer
ican interests in China lie said that
he was in urgent need of them Instruc
tions were accordingly sent by the Navy
Department to Rear Admiral Remey at
Manila to send Kempff the
he wants The departments in
structions to Remej show how seriously
the Government regards the situation in
China More American soldiers are to
be sent also Artillery is deemed neces
sary for a successful march to Pekin
andlit is understood that some batteries
will be seht to Taku by Gen MacArthur
The Government has become satisfied
that the Boxer troubles will not blow
ovdr easily and is prepared to go to ex
tremes to protect the lives and property
of Americans in the empire
A special from Shanghai Friday gave
the report from Japanese sources that
1500 foreigners had been massacred at
Tien Tsin An official dispatch received
in Washington from Rear Admiral
Kempff commanding the American
squadron at Taku was interpreted by
officials to mean that the Chinese Gov
ernment had committed a hostile act
which is practically a declaration of war
against the United States and other na
tions Admiral Kempff says the Ameri
can consulate at Tieq Tsin has heon de
stroyed by a bombardment and this is
taken to mean that the Chinese imperial
artillery conducted the shelDlingv as Box-
o the unconfirmed rumors about condi
tions at the Chinesecapital said Pekin
has dropped put of sight as completely
as if it had never existed That the
Government has not had a word of defi
nite news from that place for more than
a week in these days of progress and
telegraphy is more than remarkable I
cannot recall in all my experience such
an extraordinary state of things
The Situation Reviewed
Chief centers of interest in the trou
bles in China are Jkiu the cnnjtal
Tien Tsiu its port on the Pei EEo and
Taku the stouter
port at the mouth
of that river In
many o ot 1 y i nig
tovis however
near JPVkirr and
elsewhere in the
empire disorders
have multiplied and
murders have been
reported W h en
the first signal of
danger came and
c o m m u n i cation
with Pekin ceased theTolxMgn1foTouy in
the capital consisted of those connected
with the legations and the mission sta
tions western commerce being but little
represented there It was learned that
the legatjolis were threatened protected
as they were only by a few marines that
the chancellor of the Japanese legation
was killed and then the telegraph wires
were cut and communication ceased
While the world was deprived of news
from Pekin alarming rumors flew the
most serious being the reported murder
of the German minister and the destruc
tion of the foreign legations From the
fleet of warships of several nations as-
i 1 w 1
m I m t ijr seel praSas isi
sembled at Taku a force of vmarines was
landed under the direction Of the British
Admiral Seymour ranking officer pres
ent and commanded by Captain AlcCal
la of the United States navy to relieve
the legations in Pekin After several
days of slow progress along the line of
the railway virtually lighting their way
Surrounded by mobslfnd threatened with
death froln wells qf poisoned water this
relieving force reached the capital it was
reported to find that the legations were
The Largest Mission School in China Supposed to Have Been Burned by the Boxers
ers are supposed to be without big guns
or if they have them they are not capable
of using them Cheefoo advices reported
that the bombardment of Tien Tsiu re
sulted in the foreign concessions being
nearly all burned and the American con
sulate razed to the ground The Rus
sians were repoited to be occupying the
railroad station but were hard pressed
The apprehensions as to the fate of the
Europeans cut off at Tien Tsin were
sharpened by Admiral Kempffs message
which was the first definite announce
ment of the bombardment and destruc
tion of the foreign concession But a
London correspondent -says that in spite
of Shanghais grim statement that the
nlt ipp
Veteran Who Will Lead United States Troops
in China
Chinese used forty pounders and that
1500 foreigners were massacred there
is no reason -to conclude that the foreign
colony has been unable to protect itself
Ordered to Hasten Troops
Every effort has been made at the War
Department to expedite the dispatch of
troops from the Philippines to China be
cause of the serious predicament of our
diplomatic representatives and foreign
citizens at Pekin and Tien Tsin Maj
Gen MacArthur was requested in strong
language by the Secretary of War to
hurry the departure of the Ninth regular
infantry from Manila The Secretary of
War also telegraphed Gen MacArthur
asking how many troops could be spared
from the Philippines for service in China
in case of an emergency how long it
would take to get them ready and what
were the facilities for transportation
The Government authorities at Wash
ington declared Thursday that they knew
practically nothing pf what was going on
in China A correspondent asserts how
everitliat a degreeot secrecy was being
displayed by officials that approached the
necessary reserve as to the movements of
the army and navy in the war with
Spain An official speaking particularly
still intact and the foreigners safe Sim
ultaneously it was announced the Rus
sian relieving column also entered the
city These forces made a total of 2500
men including 100 Americans
At Taku an engagement took place be
tween the allied fleets and the forts the
land fortifications opening fire on the ves
sels The fighting continued until the
forts were reduced and takbnnossession
of by the allies The ldssesfnftne fleet
numbered about 100 in killed and wound
ed largely Russians whg were in the
greatest force The first vessel fired on
was the United States gunboat Mono
cacy which was shot through the bows
From Tien Tsin then came more seri
ous mews - The American Admiral
Kempff cabled that Tien Tsin was bom
bardedaiul that the American consulate
and much of theioreign concessions were
destroyed Japanese sources reported
that 1500 foreigners in Tien Tsin had
been massacred Another story had it
that Admiral Seymour himself had been
killed A cablegram from the Methodist
mission named three Americans of the
Tien Tsin station who were saved thus
implying that others twenty four in num
ber had been murdered It was not made
clear who it was bombarding Tien Tsin
but inasmuch as the Boxers have no ar
tillery the implication has been that the
Chinese regular forces had lost their
guns to the raiders or had joined them
Meanwhile the fleet of warships off
Taku and in the Pei Ho has been aug
mented by gunboats and cruisers of our
owu navy from Manila and others from
the navies of Russia Japan Germany
France and Great Britain Infantry
from Manila has been ordered to the
scene of action and the other nations are
moving likewise to send troops to the
threatened region England is drawing
on its Indian contingents Japan on its
troops from home Russia on those at
Port Arthur and Vladivostok while
France depends on its colonial forces at
Saigon and Germany on the small de
tachments at its Chinese port Kiao
Location of the Consulate -v
The United States consulate at Tien
Tsin which late newadvjceiqport to
have been destroyed- issjtnatedtfar up
on the Meadows roadj whitih runs from
the Pei Ho directly through the center
of the town It is far removed from
any of the other consulates and practi
cally isolated from all other foreign
buildings This fact might explain the
report of its destruction before the rest
of the foreign consulates were molested
The Japanese a ndhe Russian consulates
are close togetherTm the Meadows road
near the river Away off by themselves
farther up stand the British
and French huildings in close proximity
The Americans- consulate is or was as
the case mayjje ne of the most impos
ing and substantial buildings in the town
A foreign sculptor says the naval arch
ia New York is the most beautiful iV tho
i i I T
Tien tain Bombardment Lays Ameri
can Consulate In Ruins Foreign Con
cessions Lost and the Dnmasere
mendons Rua9ian8Ha5dJPressed
A special from ShanghaJriday gave
the report from Japanessburces that
1500 foreigners had been massacred at
Tien Tsin An official dispatch received
in Washington from Rear Adnural
Kempff commanding the American
squadron at Taku was interpreted by
officials to mean that the Chinese Gov
ernment had committed a hostile act
whighjs practically a declaration of war
against the United States and other
v r
V r y
Veteran Who Will Lead united States Troop
in China
tions Admiral Kempff says the Ameri
can consulate at Tien Tsin has been de
stroyed by a bombardment and this ia
taken to mean that the Chinese imnecial
artillery conducted the sholDling asBox
ers are supposed to be withoutuig guns
or if they have them they areJiot capable
of using them Cheefoo adviees reported
that the bombardment of Tien Tsin re
sulted in the foreign concessions being
nearly all burned and theAinericun con
sulate razed to the groundwThe Rus
sians were reported to be occupying the
railroad station but were hard pressed
The apprehensions as to the fate of the
Europeans cut off -at Tien Tsin were
sharpened by Admiral Kempffs message
which was the first definite announce
ment of the bombardment and destruc
tion of the foreign concession But a
London correspondent says that in spite
of Shanghais grim statement that the
Chinese used forty pounders and that
1500 foreigners were massacred there
is no reason to conclude that the foreign
colony has been unable to protect itself
A Shanghai dispatch reportsvthat Tien
Tsin was bombarded for twoxdays that
the casualties were 100 thafi 5000 inter
national troops -are there and that the
allied commanders at Taku are hastily
pushing forward a relief column Anoth
er Shanghai dispatch announces that all
the members of the foreign community of
have arrived atTlhefoo on
board the Nashville but they left all
their possessions behind them
All the English women at Tien Tsin
left there Saturday by a train for Taku
Shanghai wires that they had some ex
citing experiences and would not have
got through except for the asistaijce of
the Chinese troops The Boxers made
several desperate attempts to attack the
train The United States gunboat Mono
cacy was two miles up the Pei Ho river
when the international fleet began the
bombardment of the Taku forts Accord
ing to the Shanghai correspondent of the
London Daily Expresshe jgas shot
through the bows he coBrpondent
says that Chinese riflerrfen onoth banks
of the river attacked fier
Plans for Defense Ajrainst Chinese 3Iobs
The Rev Father Frin of the Catholic
mission at Kiang Nan where there is
now danger from the Boxers has written
an account of how the members of his
community meet all attacks of the na
tives He says
Those sections of our mission which
border on southern Chang Tung are no
less infested with bands of robbers and
murderers than Chang Tung itself These
brigands march forth in a body impose
contributions on other villagurn and
even kill without scruple 0
But the missionaries onfheir side
have devised a plan for protecting them
selves and their Christians In the cen
ter of the village stands the residence of
fhe commander who is none other than
the missionary This residence is a reg
ular citadel surrounded byihigh walls
and flanked at its corners by four towers
well fortified also There are no doors
The going in and out iseffectedDy means
of ladders which are each time drawn
back within At the first cry of alarm
the men are up in arms and the father di
rects the defense
Declares Firing on the Ships Was a
War Its absurd said Mr Wu
Tingt ang the Chinese minister at
WashingtM My people do not want
war he continued It is absolutely ab
surd What would you say of the fir
ing upon the ships of the alliedifoi ces
he was asked It wasariiistake It
will be explained It isndtunderstood
I believe Of ten in a staffrftinrest forts
fire shots across the b3wpj over ships
which proceed within the range of their
guns as a warning not to go on Why
this is not war IiisorreetipnjtiSfnot war
In the pastoral letter the Archbishop of
Paris orders public prayers for the ex
Thieves were found in the basement of
St Patricks Church New York trying
to break open the hoses containing col
lections for the poor OnedxSad been
robbed of 1120 whenihe linen were