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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
7 kj 7 1 T A 9 49 9 49 9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 2J4 aSt VOLUME XV s AAAAAAAAAAAAA SfcpsNI MA0OAMM30OmOM3aO00 mOOmOOmO NERAL HA S J -- X - y AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ooaiioaouQuuwj Why People Buy Here Not because they like us any better think we are handsomer or more entertaining than other mer chants but because we give better value than other local concerns We do not claim that the mer chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be cause this business is organized on lines that enable us to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We pass the good values thus obtained along to our customers and they share in the benefits that our long experience and ample capital give us You will find it to your interest to buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES HATS and CAPS SHOES and QUEENSWARE AT THE RED FRONT TEX PER EXT OFF OX EVERYTHING Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line R ANDERSON if ftfr 0 ftfr 0 0 2 o ine UOMOJriJiK XXX - - Is continually adding improvements and it is now tho best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOftTHWEST NEBRASKA Kot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Rooms aP9999 9TOre9 9999999 99999999931 1 si 1 l III 1 ln AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I JnjtyfjrKrT B ANNUAL GLEARING SHOES AT HALF PRICE SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS - PRACTICAL TAILORING I Blacksmith B Wagon and aIjJj our irons guaranteed Valentine D STINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska YTA7AiTSTrTr AGENT FOR Buckeye IVtowers Harvesters CatTiage Maker Machine Oil and Twine HARDWOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND E BREUKLANDER I C H CORXEIJL President Jff V KICHOIiSON Cashier ANKOF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb Jt0 PRINTING YOUR OFFICER saT0 We Caa Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship wvw A VALENTINE NEBRASKA JUNE 28 1900 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvnrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvnnryvvvvvvv TATl CSV THC TAWKT Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf Dr Seymour coming July 4th and 5th Charley Mo3her is back from Hot Springs There are two 10 cent deliveries in town now I C Stotts was down from Cody the first of the week Elias Stilwell was in town Tuesday and Wednesday Dick Rledel spent a few days in town this week Dan Handy came down from Stur gis S D Tuesday Jos Pogue was on our streets this week from Wood Lake G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf W A Wilson of Georgia was in our city Saturday on business Frank Hippel the horseman from Kilgore was a visitor Monday See the ladies slippers at Farn hams 20 tf W E Waite of Chesterfield spent a few days in town this week George Beers is again making the road between here and Rosebud Farnham has a good fireproof safe for sale A bargain 21 tf J HQuigley is back in town after completing a well up on his ranch John Thomas from Wood Lake was in town doing business this week H H Morgan of McCann was in town as a witness in the final proof of Thos Linberg FM Gockey is again on our streets after several months work out on the B M railroad Dr W I Seymour Eye Ear Nose and Throat- July 4th and oth Ex amination free Mr Thiem and son from Ainsworth were in town Monday making final proof on a claim Dr Seymour has no advance agent authorized to sell glasses Beware of any person making such representa tion 23 B F Hobson furnishes more milk than any one man along the line is the report of Manager Vaughan of Fremont We failed to report last week on account of the lack of space that Harry Hilsinger returned from Hot Springs feeling much better C H Cornell came in Saturday with about 500 head of cows which he unloaded at Cody and will hold for sale in Quigley Steels pasture George Miller who left here for Iowa some months ago returned last Sunday morning George is looking well and says he feels that way too Thomas Linberg of Nenzel was in town Saturday proving up on his tim ber claim which he thinks is the best piece of land in that part of the coun try George F Heyne of Hooper came in Saturday from his ranch northeast of Cody where he has about 500 head of cattle on the range in care of his manager Mr Hawkins F H Vaughan manager of the skimming stations along this line of railroad stopped off Monday and seemed well satisfied with the work done here and the interest taken R Hanson is in town this week fix ing up school matters at the county superintendents office Mr Hanson reports his little boy who was sick in the spring as getting along nicely Dr Seymour travels in his private car this year As he has the car fit ted up for office purposes he can offer his patrons all the advantages of a city office He will be at the depot July 4th and 5th Examina tion free If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may be come emaciated weakly and in dan ger of convulsions Whites Cream Vermifuge is the most successful and popular remedy Price 25c Quigley Chapman Fourth of July Excursion Tickets on sale July 3d and 4th to any point within a distance of two hundred miles andreturn at one and one third fare for the round tripgood returning until July 5th J C NORTHROP Agent Wash Honey was up from Wood Lake this week C J Farnham bought a business lot of I M Rice this week Got a cow to sell You can get goods for it at Farnhams 20 tf C A Lovejoy came in Saturday to make the merchants of our city smile Eli Valentine of Wood Lake was doing business in our city Tuesday For Sale An Epworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf Born To Fred Lovejoy and wife on last Sunday June 24th an 8 pound girl Coney Utterbach a leading ranch man from White River was in town this week George E OBrien of Brownlee was doing business with Valentine people this week We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A PjETTYCREW For relief and comfort in asthma Ballards Horehound Syrup has no equal Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Adam Smiths boy from the Agen cy who has been so very sick with St Vitus dance and other complications Dr Dw3er says has a fair chance for recovery Mrs R Anderson is visiting out at R Hansons this week Mr Ander son made a trip out there Sunday but had to return to look after hia busi ness and very likely feels as lonesome as he loolcs Hardly a day passes in families where there are children in which Ballards Snow Liniment is not need ed It quickly cures cuts wounds bruises burns and scalds Price 25 and50c Quigley Chapman A few high grade Shorthorn and white faced bulls for sale Amos Strong Valentine Nebr 17 tf Those afflicted with cross eyes cat aracts headaches caused by eye strain deafness catarrh of the nose and throat etc should consult Dr W I Seymour at his private car at the depot July 4th and 5th Exam ination free At the school meeting Monday eve ning J C Pettijohn and Henry Hoe nig were elected for a term of three years to serve on the school board Twenty two mills tax was voted The 12th grade was voted down on account of lack of finances Dr Dwyer was called to Cody last week to attend the little six-year-old boy of Ed Hendricks who had broken an arm in playing cowboy with some playmates One of the boys threw a lasso catching the unfortunate little fellow and pulling him out of a hay loft West Bound Excursions Tickets on sale June 21st July 7 8 0 10 and 18th and August 2 1900 to Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D and Casper Wyo and Denver Colorado SpringsPueblo and Glenwood Colo Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah atone fare plus 200 for round trip Final limit of all tickets October 31st WOO Call on nearest ticket agent of F E M V Ry for further information OBITUARY Dayid C Ross was born March 8th 1834 and died at Elick Huffmans place north of Georgia Nebr June 23d 1900 Bro Ross was an old veter an and was honorably discharged from the service of his country This old soldier was touched by the grace of God last winter during the revival held at Georgia The 4th of March 1900 he gave his hand to the pastor and joined the church on pro bation On the 20th day of vthe fol lowing May he was baptized His illness lasted 14 days He suf fered intensely but bore it patiently and died in the faith The funeral services were held at the North Star school house by the writer who spoke from John 1125 to a large congregation of relatives and neighbors Bro Ross was laid awav in the Crookston cemetery to await the trumpet call from Eternal Glorj JAS A JOHNSON TAKEN UP The latter part of May at my place near Reige German precinct 1 gray mare about 12 years old branded g5J3 on left shoulder and T on right shoul der weight about 850 pounds 23 W A WILSON 4S 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 t THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT AAAAAAAAAAA n io Ulju i FRUIT- AND people of Valentine our heartfelt thanks for the efforts they have made to make this con vention a pleasant and profitable time and Jor the hospitality and courtesy shown in the homes Be it further ItcEolyrd That we express our appreciat ion of the cordial reception given us by the Leaguers and the citizens of Valentine who so kindly met us at the train and espec ially to the Ladies Kami whoso ably provided music tor the occasion Kesolved That we extend to Kev A F Cum bow our sincere thanks for his untiring efforts to make fae convention a success Kesolved That we extatul our thanks to Mr Barkei editor of the Republican for the valu able assistance he gave iii the way of printing and furnishing material for convention use also to Mr ltice editor of the Democrat for his liberal offers regarding the publication of the yarious papers read in the convention and for the free distribution of his paper to the at tending delegates and visitors Whereas Our loving Heavenly Father has seen fu in His inliuite wisdom to permit the hand of affliction to fall heavily upon our broth er and fellow -lea jTier Itev C F Smith in that He has seen lit to remove from the home the League the Church and the community the beloved wife a loving mother a fellow Leaguer Be it Itesolved That as a District Convention in mass we extend to Brother Smith our heart felt syniDathy in his deep affliction and that as a body we invoke Heavens blesEing and richest grace to fall upon him and his dear children Resolved That our sccretrry be instructed to send a copy of the resolutions to Brother Smith Be it further Retolvcd That these resolutions be spread upon our minute- Resolved That we duly appreciate the court esies of F JL Walcott C S Reece and others who contributed to our delightful t ip to Ft- I Niobrara and the Convention fully appreciates Z 1 NUMBER 23 ftft I Midsummer Sale of Shoes I 49 49 49 49 Reduction in Price 2 FROM S5 to 50 PER CENT g 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 MENS SHOES WOMENS SHOES 49 Childrens All Linen 2piece Suits 50c 4 i ft 3T DAVENPORT THACHER 49 49 General Merchants Childrens One Strap Slippers 2 uau ana see our bargain counter or bhoes 2 ft 0 J 2 49 c K ITIZENS MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of AME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Koasts Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable At Btetteri Old Stand on Main Street- VALENTINE NEBRASKA zJTJJsrrzm m LIVERY BARN AAA WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to vV AL00TT STEVENSON 1 LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE jtrara Pw jfim m w w l jv J icJyryvnJC 9 MILLINERY AT COST HATS - j 49 2 4 Now is the time to select vour Hats for of July 49 L 4 hirst Class Dressmaking MRS F PRA WI 1 L C H Next door sonth of CrabbMorgareidye 49 o a- cf cv o Cf Cf o occycowCfcaccaQcorciorcc o ooryicryoiycpcicyopcya TTTTTTTT P P T V f Y VJT W Y RESOLUTIONS The committee on resolutions respectfully submits the following for your consideration lie it Resolved That we extend to the good the kindness of Lieut Hartman the Command ing Officer at Ft Niobrara in furnishing1 trans portation and for the royal welcome accorded us at theForr The generous treatment we re ceived at the bauds of all connected with the Post will long be remembered by the League Resolved That we extend our sincere thanks to Mr and Mrs Hornby and the Valentine League for a most enjoyable time spent on the evening previous to our departure to cur homes Resolved That we express onr sincere thanks to the Valentine League for their liberality iu bearing the entire expense of tins Convention Resolved That we extend to Prof J 31 Pile of the Nebraska Normal College at Wayne our appreciation of his verv interesting and in structive lecture BY COMMITTEE UnneccsHuvu Loss of Time Mr W S Wliedon cashier of tlie First National Bank of Winterset la in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ that will be of value to other mechanics lie says ul had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several days on account of being troubled with diarrhoea I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me He bought a bottle of it j from the druggist here and informed me thatjone dose cured nira andhe is again at his work For sale by Quig ley Chapman 2 Dout let your insurance expire Call on I M Kice to write it uyin the best state company and at lowest price Additional Local on Fifth Page- jjkmtf f A