Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 21, 1900, Image 4

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1jOO Per Year in Advance
Entered at t b e Fost offlce at Valentine Cherry
eonntv Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its Bubacribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Peoples Independent Party
The Peoples Independent Party electors of
Cherry County are requested to send delegates
from their several precincts to meet In County
Convention In Valentine Nebraska on Satur
day June 30 1900 at 10 oclock A M for the
purpose of electing seven delegates 10 the state
convention to be Field at Lincoln July 11 1X
seven delegates to the congressional convention
to b held at Broken Hon uly 9 1900 seven
delegates to the senatorial and seven delegates
to the representative conventions not yet
called to place in nomination a candidate for
County Attorney aiyl to transact such other
business as may properly come before the Con-
The delegates from the First Commissioner
District will also meet in convention immedi
ately after the adjournment of the county con
vention and place In nomination a candidate for
County Commissioner for the full term of three
years and the delegates from the Third Com
missioner District will meet In convention im
mediately after the adjournment of the county
convention and place in nomination a candidate
for County Commissioner to till vacancy for the
term of one year
The representation from the various precinct3
will be based upon the vote cast for Hon Silas
A Holcomb m the general election of 1899 one
delegate being allowed for each ten votes and
major fraction thereof and one delegate at
large from each precinct which makes the fol
lowing apportionment
Buffalo Lake 3
Boiling Springs 4
Dewey Lake a
Georgia 2
Irwin 3
Kennedy 3
Lavacca 4
Merriman 3
Nenzel 3
Sparks 3
Schlagel 3
Table 4
Barley 2
Cleveland 3
Enlow 2
Uillaspie 4
German 3
Kewanee 3
Loup 5
Miunechadtiza 4
Mother Lake 2
Pleasant Hill 4
Sharps Ranch 3
Valentine 11
Woodlake U
It Is recommeded that -the precinct primaries
be held at the voting place in each precinct
June 23d 1900 at J oclock pm unless other
wise called by the precinct committeeman
It Is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote of thenrecinct
Secretary Chairman
Democratic Party
The Democratic electors of Cherry County are
requeued to send delegates from their several
precincts to meet In County Convention in Val
entine Nebraska on Satin day June 30th 1900
at 10 oclock a in for the purpose ol electing
seven delegates to the state convention to be
held at Lincoln July 11 1900 seven delegates to
the congressional convention to be held at
Broken Bow July nth 1900 sevtm delegates to
the senatorial and seven delegates t the repre
sentative conventions not yet called to place m
nomination a candidate lor couuty attorney
And to transact such other business as maj
properly come before the convention
The delegates from the First Commissioner
District will also meet in convention immedi
ately after the adjournment of the county con
vention and -place ia nommation a candidate for
County Commissioner for ihe full term of three
years and the delegates 1 om the Tbird Com
jnlssioner District will meet in convention im
mediately after the adjournment of the county
convention and place in nomination a county
comniisslouer to till vacancy Tor the term of one
The apportionment is the same as that of the
Peoples independent Tarty
It is recommended that the precinct primaries
be helu at the voting place m each precinct
June 23 1900 at 2 oclock P M unless other
wise called by the precinct committeeman
It is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote of the precinct
Secretary Cnairman
McKinley and Koosevelt vere nomi
nated by acclamation at the Republi
can National Convention in Philadel
phia today
The platform condensed to plain and
comprehensive language is a mainten
ance of the gold standard fay or trusts
but not too many of a kind as that
would hurt trade Restrict foreign im
migration to benefit the laboring man
and eight hours labor Sorry for you
lioers but cant do any more for you
Protective tariff of course Rejoice in
the Dingley law the course of the ad
ministration with Spain ind the Porto
Rican tariff Liberal pension laws
Still remember that we promised some
thing to Cuba but its very remote in
our minds and dont bother us about it
now When we get full control of
everything down there then well dig
up that promise We want a canal
across Panama bat we wont tell you
just where we Avant it nor which speci
fic route We rejoice in the acquisition
of the Philippines and Porto Rico and
approve of the incidents and results of
the Spanish American Avar
It is believed by the members of the
Peoples Party generally that no better
selection could have been made by
them than that which was made at
Sioux Falls for president and vice-president
The names of Bryan and Towne
have a ring tc them that is dear to the
American people and especially is this
true where they are known I believe
these men to be the hope of the nation
and on them we should unite all the
reform forces yes I will make it even
stronger- we will unite all reforms un
der the banner of Bryan and Towne
and by so doing we can and will sweep
the country
The test is yet to come There is no
doubt but what these men will be nom
inated by the silver republican party
The question is what will the demo
cratic national convention do Will
they join with the Peoples Party and
the Silver Republican party and select
men who are the choice of the people
I bjjfieve they will if an effort is put
forth to that end
There is one argument however that j
3 j
the democratic cpnvention cannot well
overlook and that is that Towne will
benominated by two other conventions
and it also requires all these forces to
elect In the states where the Peoples
Party has control they are only too
anxious to unite the fprces on this tick
et No Democrat who supported Mr
Bryan in 596 can refuse to do so now
Towne stood on the Chicago platform
then and he has not changed Towne
can I believe bring many thousand
liberal Republicans to our support this
fall His location is certainly in a
group of states where there is a bright
hope of making gains to wit Michi
gan Minnesota and North and South
Dakota In all of these states we be
lievewe have a good chance to win
and being in the central west he is in a
position to bring as much support as
any man from point of location
To refuse to nominate Mr Towne we
faar will cause muchN feeling among
the members of the Peoples Party and
Silver Republicans especially with the
former since they have in making
their nominations selected men who
are in every particular competent to fill
these honored positions Their action
at Sioux Falls was free from partisan
ship patriotism took possession of that
body of voters and they have displayed
a spirit which is unexcelled by any
party recorded in history and Ave ap
peal to our Democratic friends to meet
us half Avay in this matter by making
Mr Towne their nominee for the vice
presidency With this done Ave believe
it Avill be a beginning of new things
A new era will be recorded and this
epoch Avill be marked as they record
the actions of political parties as a di
version from the usual customs and a
reuniting of the people on common
ground for one common purpose arid
that of making our government better
by rising to a higher -plane in the an
nals of American politics
Let me urge upon you the necessity
of making a strong appeal to our dem
ocratic friends who are delegates to
stand for Mr Townes nomination It
would probably be unwise to demand
of them this action but the poAver of
persuasion between man and man Avill
accomplish mucli and especially is this
true betAveen friends The exigencies
of the case demand prompt action as
we have but three Aveeks in Avhich to
perform the very important Avork Ave
have before us
My brothers let us be equal to the
emergency and throw all of our powers
and influence into this matter not only
by interviews and letters but I believe
Ave should assemble at Kansas City in
delegations from each state in this un
ion for the purpose of meeting and
mingling with the delegations from the
various states avIio are democrats and
show them Ave are exceedingly in ear
nest in this matter and if possible to
convince them that the hope of a great
nation rests upon their actions I be
lieve they are patriots and Avill listen
to our Avords Avith kinduess and Avhen
they have caught up the spirit which
prevailed at Sioux Falls Ave Avill all be
under one banner shouting for Bryan
and ToAvne which means victory for
our cause and county
The Oregon election Avhich occurred
on the oth inst does not
is known
r -
- JuwwMjralCBSMpgaggrgB
Jei aaiSssgi3W
bring the en-
couragement to the G O P that
hoped by them it wotrid
Hon J H Davis better known as
Cyclone Davis of Texas AAas in Ore
gon during the campaign and added
much to the interest Incident to the
same in writing to J H Edmisten
vice chairman of the situation has this
to say We have broken the strong
holds of the Republicans in this state
We elected tAvice the number of legisla
tors as compared Avith former elections
Ave also elected the district attorney in
Portland and will hereafter have an
honest count
The result in Portland is a decided
change in our favor Taking it as a
Avhole the fusionists have reason to re
joice over the outcome It very per
ceptible to the average reader that the
Republican papers have been very tame
in their reports of the Oregon election
The arguments that have constantly
been kept before the readers of the op
position press has been to the effect
that the great advantages given to the
Pacific states by virtue of the Avar go
ing on in the Philippines and their op
portunities to increase in commercial
traffic and consequently be personally
benefitted does not in this election
seem to Avork out according to the in
spiration given through Marks News
The voters along the Pacific slope
knoAV Avhen they have been kept faith
Avith and in expressing their Avill at the
polls have gently reminded the present
administration of the fact that they are
watching the action of Mr McKinley
in overriding the Chinese Exclusion
Act in landing thousands of Chinese
and Japs in the Philippines Avho only
have to be reloaded to bring them here
as the present administration assumas
they have absolute control Wheu it
tue rnuippino laborer re-
teen cents per day for his labor and
those landing there Avill have to enter
the labor market asking the same wa
ges or underbidding thosealready there
it is easy to be seen that the croAvded
labor market and the underpaid labor
er will at the tirst opportunity change
their condition And Avhat is the most
natural outcome of this over croAvded
condition in these new possessions The
answer is they will swarm to the
United States like flies and of course
tk5 Pacific states Avilll be the first to be
overtaken Avith this plague and suffer
from this influx of immigration Avhich
haA c been half paid as Avell as half fed
They come as a menace to our laborers
and at once force doAvn tle price of la
bor to the leyel of their OAvn condition
This Avill partially explain Avhy Oregon
has turned a deaf ear to the appeal of
the administration and other Pacific
states Avill do likewise Avhen the oppor
tunity presents itself
This question is most alarming to
them for the reason they will first feel
the effects of it And it is likewise
irue this danger is staring the Avjiole
country in the face and every laborer
and that does not apply only to the
man who hires his time to another at
so much per day but to all the toiling
classes Avho are engaged in legitimate
enterprises Avhere his own labor is em
ployed as Avell
The last legislature Avhich AAras repub
lican repealed Avhat Avas knoAvn as the
blanket ballot laAA This law AA as pas
sed by a reform legislature As will be
remembered this laAv provided for a
circle at the top of the ticket Avith the
emblem of the party aboye the circle
By making a cross in the circle the vo
ter Avas thus enabled to vote the ticket
straight If hoAvever he desired not
to vote the ticket straight he could
make his cross opposite the candidates
he desired to vote for as the laAv now
provides It has been proven that ful
ly ninety -five per cent of the Aoters
made the cross in the circle Avhen they
had the opportunity Under the pres
ent ballot law the names of the candi
dates must appear on the ticket in al
phabetical order and it has been prov
en the candidate AAhose name com
mences Avilh a letter near the last of
the alphabet does not receive on the
state vote by several thousand as many
as does the candidate Avhose name com
mences Avith a letter near the beginning
of the alphabet in this Avay there is a
discrimination against those AAhose
names come last By making the cross
in the circle this is largely overcome
There is another bad feature in the
laAv and that is iu the cities it requires
the clerk to ask each person who
ters his note to give his politics This
makes it exceedingly obnoxious to
many aa 1io are employes as they do
not Avant their politics knoAvn This
action destroys all of the objects of the
Australian ballot Avhich provided for
the voter the secrecy he regards as a
safe guard in casting his vote without
it being known hoAv he voted
To the surprise of all the reform
forces Governor Poynter signed the
laAv Avhich repealed the Uiav Avith the
circle at the top of the ticket as Avas
passed by our reform legislature the
one he signed AAas passed by the repub
lican legislature
Republicans Are in Favor of Bounties
The question of voting bounties sub
sidies and bonds has been one of the
characteristics of the Republican party
they have ever been ready to appropri
ate the peoples money or obligate the
people to pay the amounts their friends
the corporations might ask foi and
even in Nebraska Ave have been called
upon to meet the efforts of the slick
schemer Aho Avould conceive of some
neAV plan or idea that could not be car
ried Avithout assistance or some other
locality was bidding against this or
that place for some new enterprise and
they Avere Arilling to raise so much
moneA in order to secure the coA eted
prize This is the Avell knoAvn record
of the Republican leaders in each coun
ty or place Avhere these emergencies
Avere to be met
The Republicans Avere successful in
getting a law passed which- provided
for a bounty to be paid to the sugar
beet grOAvers and manufacturers by the
state and after doing so the sugar beet
manufacturers were the principal grow-
ers as the crop of beets could not be
used only as the manufacturer might
see fit
The following years the reform forces
of the state succeeded iu electing the
legislature and they Avere not in favor
of voting the peoples money to these
parasites and therefore refused to
make appropriations to meet claims
that had been filed with the state audi
tor amounting to about one hundred
thousand dollars and this reform legis
lature of 1897 looked upon the laAv as
being dangerous and repealed the
To the great surprise of the reform
forces when GoAernor Poynter was
elected and in his first message to the
legislature he recommended the pay-
inent of the amutint abovre mentioned
ceiAHjs the magnificent sum of six to I This request A as made to a Republican J
yygr ju - wp piww - - - -
legislature and they had the votes to
pass the bill and had the assurance the
governor Avould sign the same but with
the fight that Avas put up against the
appropriation by the reform forces the
Republicans concluded it would be
bad politics and they refused to -give it
the support it required
The Best Men Must be Chosen For the
As the time approaches for the open
ing up of the campaign Ave become
more and more interested in knoAving
Avhat the result Avill be We have
looked forward to this time since the
day aftdr the election Avhen Mr Bryan
Avas defeated in 1890 It was believed
then and nothing has transpired since
to change that conviction that through
fraud which was perpetrated by de
signing persons AA as McKinley elected
president of the United States It has
been substantiated beyond a doubt
that the great moneyed interests of the
country most liberally contributed to a
fund for that purpose and it is known
that this fund was most lavishly dis
tributed by and under the direction of
one Avho since that time has been hon
ored for his services Avith the United
States senatorship
The election of tAVO United States
senators by the votes of the next legis
lature Avill greatly add to the interest
of the campaign Avhile Ave elect all the
state officers together Avith six congress
men making it absolutely necessary
that the reform forces of this state be
prepared to meetr the emergency wheir
it comes We must first make such
nominations in all cases as Avillmeet
Avith the approval of the parties A
fair and equitable division among the
reform parties is necessary and no one
can object to this
The greatest fear Ave entertain is in
securing men iii the various representa
tive and senatorial districts Avho Avill
be strong Avith the people for it must
not beoverlooked that our majority in
many of the districts that are consider
ed safe are small and any district in
Avhich the majority does not reach over
200 should be placed in the doubtful
column likeAvise if the Republicans
have carried a district by less than 200
Ave should then consider Ave have a good
fighting chance to elect in such a dis
trict providing Ave make strong nomi
The result Avill be Avith this class of
legislators that Ave Avill be able to pass
some good laAvs Avhich are badly needed
and repeal others that are very obnox
If Ave elect the legislature we have
Avon the fight Yes I Avant to impress
upon the minds of our people that with
13 candidates distributed o er the
state as they are it is the most potent
factor in the campaign They are the
bulwark in the contest They are able
to giAre to the state and congressional
ticket more assistance than can possibly
be given by the latter The State
Committee of the Peoples Party
A Good Cotiffli tilctllcine
It speaks Avell for Chamberlains
Cough Remedy Avhen druggists use it
in their own families in preference to
any other I have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for the past five years
Avith complete satisfaction to myself
and customers says Druggist J Gold
smith Van Etten N Y I have al
ways used it in my own family both for
ordinary coughs and colds and for the
cough following la grippe and find it
very efficacious For sale by Quigley
Chapman druggists 1
Thats the Profit Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
El Progresso m Its group of six mines lias
some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest
mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per
cent copqer l2oz silver a trace of gold total
value iibout 543 a ton and in two of the mines
in addition to copper and silver ore contains 3
percent to 5lA per cent quicksilver or merciuv
aoout 55105 a ion ine great jikc superior cop
per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and
Tamarack Quincy etc that annually return
millions run only from 3 to -513 a ton
Boston and Montana six years ago sold for
15 a share to dav S275 paying 24o per cent on
the investment United verde sold for 5oc a
share today stock not in the market aud pays
per cert on investment
Calumet aud Hecla sold for 31 a share to day
worth soo and pays fen investment 10000
per cent-
Entire capital stock of United Verde was off
ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark
later paia S2ooo aud to day he has annual
income from this property of over 13000000
If this is possible here with labor six times
higher than in Mexico with ore live times less
valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every
toing else in proportion do you doubt that EI
Progress will return 173 per cent and more an
naFly to original investors to first stockhold
ers who contribute the money to start the ball
rolling who are on the grouni floor
Am experienced know the country the peo
ple the language lived there 18 years and
know the mines of this tection of Mexico and
unhesitatingly state EI Progreso is the best
have been worked for generations in a Mexican
way and supplied the copper for the surround
ing country No attempt was ever made to ex
tract the gold silver qulc silver
A modern 40 ton concentrating and smelting
plant smeltlni only the 43 ore will return
400000 per annum thus 43 10 for treatment
equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a day for 300
dajs equals 390000 This will pay 20 per cent
on 1500000 total capitalization Par value of
shares 100 oooOOO shares are treasury stock
and 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise
money to start things when price will be greatly
advanced at I2c all sold 100000 at 15c
100000 at 20c 100030 at 25c
If Stock No of by No of shares for
purchd shares Annual sioo snow annual
at fort Profit Profit
15c G3 173 Per Ct2iixCfs173 Per Ct
20c f 130 Per Ct 25x5 130 Per Ct
25c 4 104 PerCt2Gx4 104PerCt
50c 2 52 Per Ct- 20x2 52PerCt
100 1 2PerCt26xl2CPerCt
The best chance ever offered of securing stock
in a legitimate coppermlning enterprise
Sena for prospectus
Organized company on a plan to give a chance
to all big and little rich and poor great and
small none need be excluded If quick you
can own OS shares for every dollar you remit
DAVID 11 HUSSELI President
El Progreso Copper Mining Co
63 Wall Street New York
in ijjj11 NfifcgL --
C4 -x -
limp IW S
o aT3e
a k x r
m ft3B
iim ii
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Speaking About Eyes
to a
DONT FOOL away your money going
Specialist who is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get
your cjves fitted by a man with
ence who knowsexactly how to fit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If yon need
a specialist he will tell you so
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at Quigleys Drug Store
Valentine House
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant but a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
Valentine Nebraska
Practices in District Court and U S Land
Office Real Esiate and Kanch Property
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
O -fir O
Hair cutting and shaving
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
Tahen Up
About 6 miles north of Wood Lake
1 bay mare branded HD on left
shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands
and 1 iron gray colt mare branded
O on right hind leg P WELKE
June 2 1900 20
A sallow jaundiced skin is a symp
tom of disordered liver as it springs
from biliary poisons retained in the
blood which destroy energy cheerful
ness strength rigor happiness and
life Herbine will restore the natural
functions of the liver Price 50c
Quigley Chapman druggists
3SJJWWt iiipwum m i
iTfintipdv Nebr
W E Haley
t3 KbbI
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip
some cattle
on left thigh
Postoffice address
Oasis Neb
Brand registered 2003
Cattle branded on
left side same as cut
Horses branded on
left hip
Also some
- s
n sciruxTz
Valentine oiob
Brind registered
No 200
Itange in Shaips
Ranch and German
precincts G miles
south of Kilgore
N ft Eowley
HaniR as cut OH left
side and hip and on
left shoulder or nor
ses Aisoon
left side WM an
3 on right hip and
F f on left side
c Hi
C on left hip of horses
Marquardt Bowlus
OitoStuubk Manager
Merriman Neb
7 QM I
CatHe brand OM on
left shoulder Some
of cattle have various
older brands O S on
leftlnp Horse brad
A on left shouldei
Eange Formerly
Geo W Monnier
ranch 5 mIIes east of
IMerrimanfrom FE
M V R It south to Leander Creek Mar
quardt Bowlus ScribnerNebraska
Prideaux Sanford
Kennedy Neb
Stock branded on
left side
Horses branded
on left shoulder
Potofhce address
McCann Neb
Stock branded as on
Kange North and
south of Georgia
Postoffice address
Rosebud S D
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut
on left thigh
Rrnge on
Rock Creek
Henry Pratt
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
ostoffice address
Gregory Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
aorth of Gregory
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud S D
Left side Left car
Horses branded
Range Little White
River at mouth of
Dedar Creek
Postoffice address
Gregory Neb
On left side or hip
horses same on left
Range Arkansa
Valley and Suakr
KB B m
aiSiSSSSa ad WCSt f HaerryLake
Postoffice address
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left hip horses the
Range en Dry Val
-ms J B BM
-May 10 one irrev nirT T
branded F on left jaw and neck
L VT Pabkbb
10 south of
Crookston - -
1 5 V
J i
I l