Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 21, 1900, Image 3

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i oiaer man
I have been using Ayers Hair
Vijror for over jo years and jl can
r i
iiv recomm
heartily recommend it to the public
q jnyiiMillirtri r uim
Why let Li
H - 0
J Yet its impossible to
as tho best hair tonic in existence
Mrs G L ALDEnsox
April 24 lb99 Ector Tex
If 70a do not obtain all the benefits
expected ftom the Vijor write
Sou Doctor about it Address
Lowell Mass
s f 1 a k
bors and
think you
must be
vou are
innK vninff w in tiir rc
cnlnr nF 70 years in k
the hair Its sad to 4
see young persons
Inntc rfmfltntv1ir nIH
i in this way Sad be-
tiiUbe 11 S ail
sary for gray hair
may always be re
r A
8l rf0pjy
to its Mgsmfm 1
n a t - Ji
u r a 1 Rjgf MW
color f
n tic E l
rui wvci nun a r
turv this has been the fe
standard hair
tion It is an elegant
dressing stops fall- K
ing of the hair makes y
the hair grow ana
cleanses the scalp
from dandruff
100 a bottle All druggists
ifc J
fc V 7 v y v v v
Exposure Was Not Looked For
For this story of the relation of poli
tics and medicine the Medical Journal
vouches A physician was summoned
in haste to attend the child of a fam
ily that lived in two rooms in the heart
of a large American city not New York
The child had been seized suddenly and
seriously and just at election time the
mother was in despair and when the
doubtful prognosis was given she broke
into wailing and violent self-condemnation
for some horrible sin of the family
to which she said the childs illness
was due a direct punishment for their
crime She would go and curse the
magistrate for it all her husband
should resign from the force and
such evil ways should be renounced
forever Curious to know how the mag
istrate could be held responsible for
the childs illness the doctor finally se
cured the confession that the crime of
the poor conscience stricken woman
consisted In allowing the name of many
fraudulent voters to be registered as
resident in her house in swearing to
the lie etc The magistrate also had
demanded this of all the neighbors in
return for indescribable political fa
vors The child recovered and the mag
istrate paid the physicia oil Phila
delphia Journal
Willing to Show Em
An honest young man who had es
caped a great peril by an act of hero
ism was much complimented for his
One lady said I wish I could have
seen your feat-
Whereupon he blushed and stammer
ed and finally pointing to his pedal ex
tremities said Well here they be
This is a Griiical period
ES2 the life of every woman
asid no ETisstskes should
he BTzadtea
The oste recognized sk
reliable help foe women
who are approaching assd
passing through this
viosaderful change is
- i
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I
That the utmost relianGe
cast he placed upon this
great BitediGine is testi
fied to foy a army of
grateful women who have
I been helped by 5B
Mrs Pinkham who has
the greatest and snost
successful experience bfs
the world to qualify her9
will advise you free of
charge Her address is
Lynn Mass Write to her
Thousands of Workers Are Kept on
the Jumirfor Months and an Organ
ization Elaborate and Coinplicatcd J
Is Required
Washington correspondence
X- vmKSPiJlmm WWM I
JyifiTilPafcn Uf Fin 7fefi
EltY soon a vast
work one which will
- interest the whole
country for a period
of four months at
least and which will
keep thousands of
workers on a hustle
from start to finish
will be begun by the
national committees
of the great political
partjes It will he
the conduct of presi
dential - campaigns
and thVjsaine is an
Wft appalling Proposition
11 lil ationVofn executive
organization quite as elaborate and com
plicated as that required to carry on the
most extensive of- modern enterprises the
collection and expenditure of a sum of
money so large as to require seven fig
ures for its expression the selection and
employment directly and indirectly of
thousands of workers the gathering and
dissemination of special information on
a scale not less extensive than that of a I
great telegraphic news association and j
a hundred other things beside none of
which can safely he intrusted to anyone
not an expert in his line
Until 1S9G campaign headquarters were
invariably established in the city of New
York and according to an unwritten rule
they were almost always located in a
four story house on Fifth avenue That
year however both parties broke away
from the old order of things and housed
their chief headquarters in Chicago
though each committee perforce main
tained a branch in the metropolis In
Chicago the forces of both committees
were quartered in modern office build
ings in New York the Republicans took
one whole floor in a handsome white mar
ble structure on Union Square while the
Democrats occupied rooms in a well
known hotel not a stones throw away
The headquarters of a national cam
paign committee must of necessity be al
most as extensave as big railroads ex
ecutive offices since room must be af
forded for half a dozen different sets of
employes besides suites for the various
committee officials
and distribute the leaflets the tracts the
pamphlets the handbooks and the post
ters wTiich campaign committees invaria
bly and perhaps rightly consider of such
vast importance They have a big job
on hand as will be readily understood
when it is known that in 1802 the Re
publicans put out upward of 100000000
separate documents more than one and
a third for every man woman and child
in the United States at a cost for print
ing of almost 200000 and nearly as
much more for distribution
It has commonly though not always
been considered good committee practice
to issue translations into almost every
European language of nearly all the doc
uments got out in English and the trou
bles of the functionary who has to look
after this job are simily indescribable
To begin with he is generally and of ne
cessity ignorant of the languages into
which the documents are to be translat
ed and therefore quite incompetent to
judge the ability of those whom he has
to ensago as translators of their work
fcs V fc
when it is finished IBs only safety lies j
in engaging two persons familiar with
each of the unknown tongues into
vchich the matter is to he done One of
these he intrusts with the translation
the other examines it carefully when fin
ished to seetliatrno error has been com
Campaign committees are generally ex
tensive patrons of what might by a
stretch be termed the arts and also of
what its writers fondly believe to be
Under the head of the arts may be in
cluded the millions of candidates por
traits which are put out under commit
tee auspices also the cartoons dia
grams maps badges pins and buttons
and the like Opinions differ as to the
value of such things in the getting of
votes but committees always spend thou
sands sometimes hundreds of thousands
in this direction
Most committees buy campaign sonjr
pretty freely and it is agreed on all
hands that a taking composition set to
stirring music is a mighty good invest
ment whether the poetry is very good or
not The poetry Font to the committee
and if arrives at headquarters in whole
sale quantities daily is generally in the
form of songs It need hardly be j tateJ
that most of it is written by persons who
have never learned to scan their lines and
have littie ideu of rhyme
Leaving out the chairman and possibly
the treasurer the functionary in charge
of the speakers bureau sees more grief
probably than anj other committee offi
cial and his department is one of the
heavier committee expenses There are
always hundreds of real and alleged ora
tors in touch with the committee The
more effective speakers generally give
their services to the party from a sense
of loyalty and because they know that po
litical promotion lies that way but near
ly all draw expense money and the ma
jority pretty poor speakers as a rule
draw salaries not large individually but
sometimes almost treasury breaking in
the aggregate
All these departments employ type-
in a sense the press bureau is next
in importance to the chairmans head
quarters since through it the reporters
and correspondents are furnished with
such news as the committee wishes to
give out This bureau however is only
a small part of the committees machin
ery fothe distribution of correct political
gospel The bureaus relations are main
ly with the telegraphic news associations
the metropolitan papers and the special
correspondents The country journals
are fed with political news through the
medium of the big ready print publish
ing houses and the concerns which sup
ply plate matter copy for the ready
prints and the plates being furnished by
an editoriataff employed especially for
that purpose
But both press bureau and ready print
matter departments sink into insignifi
cance compared with the document
mill It is the function of this depart
ment which employs a writing and edi
torial staff of ita own to compile print
writers and stenographers and clerks and
messengers in numbers Many of the
clerks are employed because of political
pull but the stenographers and typewrit
ers get their jobs on their merits Wom
en typewriters are seldom in evidence at
committee headquarters
Of course money in wads and rolls end
bags is needed to keep the committee de
partments mentioned and others of
which there is no room to speak in op
eration and the real storm center of ev
ery national campaign committee is the
treasurers office flow he gets his cash
nobody but himself ever knows in full
and there is no doubt at all that he and
his coHectors more often than not po
litical stars of the first water are driven
to their wits ends to gather the needful
Presidential candidates themselves have
rarely made heavy contributions for the
reason among others that they have
rarely been able to do so It may be
mentioned in passing that while presi
dential candidates seldom visit headquar
ters vice presd3ntial candidates oftn do
Snows Crop Bulletin Says Condition
Is Unsatisfactory
Snows crop report says Up to June
1 the actual damage to spring wheat was
slight but the plant had reached a posi
tion where without full and prompt mois
ture relief it would deteriorate rapidly
With the exception of a few counties in
southwest Minnesota and adjoining terri
tory in South Dakota and that portion of
North Dakota lying west of the Red river
valley the amount of moisture yet receiv
ed is small It may be safely statexl that
only in a very few districts in the States
in question is the- present situation satis
factory and that the crop over very im
portant districts is still in danger of rad
ical damage unless it soon receives a gen
erous wetting down With a dry seed
bed and a dry month of May it will take
more than scattered passing showers to
put the crop out of immediate danger
The fact is that spring wheat is now just
entering the period when dry weather
and high temperature are naturally due
I and it is entering this trying season with
less reserve strength and vigor than usu
al Since public and private crop reports
for June 1 are gathered the last week in
May for the following month forthcom
ing reports of condition will not fully rep
resent the actual situation at this date as
the positive deterioration since the first
of the month
Winter wheat harvest is beginning
with the certainty of crop failure in the
Ohio valley offset by great claims in
Kansas Kansas promise however is
not always fulfillment In 1S9S the June
average for that State was 104 promis
ing 100000000 bushels The condition
reported after harvest was only 97 and
the actual crop onrj 6o000000 bushels
Waters Pierce Oil Company has been
granted a charter in Texas Says itsnot
a trust
Mrs Slowpay A girl formerly m
your employ answered ray advertise
ment for a maid Is she honest
Dressmaker That is more than I can
Mrs Slowpay Why what do you
Dressmaker Well you see I have no
positive proof of her dishonesty but
every time I sent her to you with my
bill she failed to give mo the money
Homeseckers Excursions Via Chicago
and Eastern Illinois Railroad
On the first and third Tuesdays o
June July and August the Chicago and
Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on
sale Homeseekers Excursion tickets to
various points in Alabama Arkansas
Florida Georgia Indian Territory Ken
tuckv Louisiana Mississippi Missouri
North Carolina South Carolina Tennes
see and Texas
One fare plus 200 for the round trip
Tickets are limited on going trip fif
teen days from date of sale with stop
over privileges in Homeseekers Terri
tory Returning tickets are limited
twenty one days from date of sale
Remember that we now have in service
between Chicago
a new wide vestibuled train
cago and Waco and Fort Worth Texas
leaving Chicago daily at 150 p m
Through Tullman sleeping cars and free
reclining chair cars For further partic
ulars call on or address any agent Chi
cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad or
C L 6tono G P T A Chicago
Reindeer Skin
The skin of the reindeer is so imper
vious to the cold that any one clothed
in such a dress with the addition of a
blanket of the same material may bear
the intensest rigors of an Arctic win
ters night
Tlie Gold Medal Prize Treatise Only
25 Cents
The Science of Life or Self rreservation 3Gj
pages with cngraviwss 25 cents in paper covers
clotli full gilt 100 by mail sealed A Took
for every nrin young middle aged or old A
million copies sold Address the Peabody lleai
cat Institute No 4 Bulflnch street liosfou Mass
thcoljest and best Institute in America Pros
pectus Vade Mecum free Six cents for jvjstae
Write to day for these books They are the keys
to health vigor success and happiness
Larry That mon is a freak He hos
wan gray oye awn wan blue oye
Denny Phoy thots nuthlnM Offer
Cassideys paj thy half av th bhoys hod
wan blue oye awn wan black oje
Binder Twine at Low Prices
If you want a special inside price on
binder twine either Sisal Standard or Man
ila cut this notice out and mail to Sears
Roebuck Co Binder Twine Depart
ment Chicago stating about how much
twine you will require and how soon you will
want it and they will save you money by
quoting you a price that will either secure
your order or compel the party who supplies
you to sell to you at a lower price than he
otherwise would
Paper Teetli
Paper teeth are made by a dentist in
Lubeck Germany One of his patrons
has a set which has been in use for
thirteen years and gives complete sat
Do Your Feet Aclie and Burn
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It make3
tight or new shoes feel easy Cures
Corns Bunions Swollen not and Sweat
ing Feet At all druggists and shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N 1
Wear Sandala in tho Mud
A sandal society has been started in
Berlin and on a Sunday not long ago
forty men and women wearing sandals
marched through the muddy streets
Summer Excursion
To Buffalo N T going via Chicago and
Niagara Falls returning via the great
lakes Duluth and St Paul Rates route
etc address H C Cheynei general agent
Northwestern Ry Sioux City Iowa
N E A convention at Charleston S
O in July Tickets good going via
Chattanooga Knorville Asheville and
Spartansburg and returning via Norfolk
Old Point Comfort Richmond and White
Sulphur Springs Va For maps time
cards etc address J C Tucker 234
Clark street Chicago
The fellow who spends much time
over bones of contention will be apt o
go to the dogs
I do not believe Pisos Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds John F Boyer Trinity Springs
Iud Feb 15 1000
India rubber nails are being used In
Germany in places where metal nails
would corrod
Mr Window fcofrcrriKo Brum for Cnliaren
teething softens the guru reauces Inflammation
ulUys cain cnrs wind colic 5 cents a bottle
Too many people are contented with
the hire life
Razpe ofOldJCrSXKUZZKICnzn
Jmphn Seed
1 CariansltSaia
Claniod iaar
I Floral
- M
feT flTitTiriiiriiHiiiiiiMiiiiitilllIltiliiilirtitmiliniiiiimmihi5ft
JITl T I V1 1 ry
r pM J rmr 1 rrr n T TIT f f fi z
MHiH4utt ifcimtui tt m i tiij mt
n - z
JfebtePreparationfor As
similating teToodaadRegula
ling thEStcimachs andBowels of
Promotes BigestionCii2eTful
H833 audRestContaius neither
OpmmMorptune nor Mineral
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Jeverish
lac Simile Signature of
ffc jHS OUT -
yS2 For yonr family comfort
x andyourown w
V SIRES Rootbeer k
k wfll contribute mora to it than H
KSt tons of Ice fcndacrosi offans MM
6 gallons for 23 centa VH
x TTrlu tor liit of premium oSfertl Ll
MalTern Ia jMMM
wSwi ThoraDsonsEyef ater
No 23 100O
IJr W W W 3 I quick relief cure won
capes Book of tfltlruoniaU nnd 1 0 DAYS tratnenS
IJtKE VrO II CreaSBUx 6 AUaaUta
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bough
1 Bears the I
ft Be iR
j For Over
I Thirty Years
AN Opportunity to Visit the East
Pleasantly and economically is afforded by the tourist tickets on sale
0 via theLake Shore Michigan Southern Ry on and after June 1st
GStss3tsv9sus Lsk09 Niagara Falls
J the St LawiiBncQ Raver White fountains
9 and tfa AtiantStt Coast Resorts
Om xio onopeott
m art amoug mc nunc iuxjjviuxui uuuiui icavucu uuuuuci cuiuuu ui bb
Book of Trains showing specimen tours will be of interest in arranging for
f your trip Sent free on application to F m BYRON G w A 144 van Buren
0 Street Chicago
Is now in service
He thinks he lives but hes a dead
one No person is really alive whose
liver is dead During the winter
most people spend nearly all their time
in warm stuffy houses or offices or
workshops Many dont get as much
exercise as they ought and everybody
knows that people gain weight in
winter As a rule it is not sound
weight but means a lot of flabby fat
and useless rotting matter staying in
the body when it ought to have been
driven out But the liver was over
burdened deadened stopped work There
you are with a dead liver and spring is the
time for resurrection Wake up the dead
Get all the filth out of your system and get
ready for the summers trials with clean clear blood body brain fre from bile Force
is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way and the right plan
is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels and stir up the liver to new
life and work with CASCARETS the great spring cleaner disinfectant and bowel tonic
Get a box to day and see how quickly you will be
mTmT fekw 7 J Jlr
10c BIlL J SI SySlLBJfKEfc all
25c 50c HaJuJU
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free Address
Sterling Remedy Company Chicago or New York mentioning advertisement and paper 4SA