Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 21, 1900, Image 11

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    i i
so of famous boer leader
a British prisoner
Kjerkgdorp RccentlWfaakea by
Roberts 3Ien Isjrijosltron of Con
sidorable Strategic Importance
New York TeneinenVBurEed
London JTbV war office has issued the
following dispatch from Roberts
Pretoria Residency Klerksdorp
rendered June Jg to an armed party sent
out by Hunter rffcgsenger from Klerks
dorp repor that Cronje who commanded
there determined to surrender as soon as
he knew for certain Pretoria was in our
possession His example has been copied
by many in thejneighborhood
By the peaqeful occupation of Klerks
dorp announced by Roberts the British
have gained a strategic position of some
importance as the town is not only the
terminus of another railroad to Johannes
burg but it is within easy Teach of the
Kroonstad Yierfontein railroad The
Cronje who surrendered the place is the
son of the famous Gen Cronje now a
prisoner at St Helena The son was
prominent during the siege of Mafeking
sa Foreign Country so Far as Con-
stitution is Concerned
New York Judge William Townsend
In the southern district court of New York
barideddown a decision a few days ago in
the case of John n Getz Co against the
United States in which he declared tbe
treaty of Paris Aalid and that the status of
the people of Porto Rico is that of inhab
itants of a foreign country as regards the
constitution of thejJJnjted States and
-within the meaningtfof thejariff acts
Judge Townsend freldhatiporto Rico
as a part of the United States so far
as other countries are concerned but so
far as the constitution of this country is
concerned is a foreign -country and that
the United States can govern it without
subjecting it to the burden of national tax
ation and that the status of the inhab
itants will remain unchanged until con
egress shall determine it The decision af
firms the decision of the board of general
appraisers assessing a duty of 85 cents per
pound on 100 bales of leaf or filler tobacco
Hero of Philirmines Given a Great
Ovation in New York
Rochester N Y Otis day June 15
was a memorable occasion for the people
of westesn New York who joined in ex
tending a welcome back to his old home of
the man who for two years ruled the Phil
ippine Islands There were at least 100000
strangers in the city Gen Jos Wheeler
reached the city about noon and was given
an enthusiastic reception at the railway
station The celebration began with the
firing of a major generals salute at sun
rise and reached its climax in the military
and civic parade which took place in the
afternoon There were fireworks and a
band concert during the evening in honor
of the general -and the day was brought to
a close with a banquet at Powers Hall
Charles J Bissell acted as toastmaster
and after flattering references to the guests
of the evening introduced Gen Otis
Speeches were also made by Gen Joseph
Wheeler David J Hill LLD Hon J
Sloat Fassett aridHon James Sherman
Ton Lives Are Lost and Seven In-
jured in a Tenement LIbuse Fire
New York Ten lives were lost and
seven people badly injured during a fire
which almost totally destroyed a tene
ment house in Jackson Street early June
16 The fire started in the hallway on
the second floor and spread to the
fourth andfifth floors gaining great head
way before the peoplo of the house awak
ened One man became panic stricken and
leaped from a window killing himself The
deaths of the others were caused by suf
focation and burns The monetary loss is
7000 Policeman Knowels distinguished
himself by heroic work m rescuing many
persons from the building He was quite
severelv bnrned about the face and hands
Are not married persons
Divorcees in California Cannot Re
Marry Within Twelve Months
San Francisco Judge Belcher has filed
an important opinion in which he holds
that marriages of persons divorced in this
state consummated within twelve months
after the decree of divorce has been made
are invalid -and that in the eyes of the law
f sucii persons are unmarried persons The
opinion will be a blow to hundreds of Cal-
ifornia couple who have married at Reno
New within the past two years under the
belief that a marriage outside of the state
rullified the law
Count Latrnro Must Go to Canada
Chicago In the United States court of
appeals the order denying Count Toulouse
Latrure a jyrit of habeas corpus was af
fSrmed atturVUll be taken back to
jGanadarhgrslieiis charged with uttering
f orggSii po itef tiitip Montreal branch of
tBankbf NtfviriSeotia
Kot Much -Trouble at Leech Lake
WalkerMiiin There is absolutely no
prospect if trouble here wrth the Indians
The reported wild excitement said to have
been caused by -the Indian messiah was
Jnot considerablj ThEiexeitement has now
nnpletely subsided -
Train Rum
into a Street Oar
Ijn A
Santa Fe train
ran into and demolished a street car killing
Mrs J S William
Burtch Mrs George Known was probably
fatally injured
reliaSaSaHtf nggrr
St Louis Strike Situation Shows
Great improvement
St Louis All the policemen who have
been guarding the property and cars of the
transit company since the strike began are
now back to their regular beats The
power houses and car sheds will until the
strike is over be guarded by deputy sher
iffs of whom there are 2500 on duty
The special committee appointed by the
Central Trades and Labor Union of St
Louis to solicit from organized labor
throughout the world 100000 to be used
in establishing bus lines in St Louis to
compete with the transit company was
formed by the election of an executive
board of the committee of fifty selected to
solicit the fund The committee issued a
circular reciting the condition of the pres
ent street railway strike the cause that
led to it and the determination to win itvby
the strict enforcement of the boycott
against the transit lines at the same time
providing a means of transportation in a
bus line which will enable all persons to
go from place to place as their business de
The coroners jury returned a verdict in
the case of Frederick Bohne shot and
killed in a street car riot Sunday June 10
that Bohne came to his death from a gun
shot wound at the hands of Deputy Sheriff
Marsh and that the shooting was pro
voked by Harry Strecher
Widow of the Great English States
man Gone
London Mrs William E Gladstone
widow of the English statesman died
June 14
Margaret Glynne Glandstone born in
Hawarden castle he fathers house Jan
6 1812 has been known aside from the
notice her husbands fame brought her for
her work in philanthropy During the
great cholera epidemic of 1886 she influ
enced the English upper classes to give
liberally of their wealth for the relief of
the sufferers She went personally among
the plague patients in the London hospi
tals and by her efforts the convalescent
homes were established in several English
cities Mrs Gladstone has been a frequent
and always welcome visitor to the charit
able institutions of the metropolis
Missouri Supreme Cour Decides
Against John McCann
Jefferson City Mo Division No 2 of
the state supreme court in an opinion by
Judg o Burgess has affirmed the judgment
of the St Louis criminal court which fined
John L McCann the single tax advocate
100 for conducting a real estate business
in St Louis without a license
Mr McCann argued his own case in the
supreme court on the ground that the or
dinance levying a license tax was illegal
because it was a violation of the bill of
rights McCann had long defied the au
thorities stating that he would go to the
work house before he would pay the tax
Remarkable Escape from Death by
Dynamite Explosion
Chippewa Falls Wis The farm house
of John Peterson eight miles north of Ca
dott was wrecked by an explosion of dy
namite Some unknown party put the ex
plosive under a corner of the house where
Mrs Peterson and three children were
sleeping That side of the house was
completely shattered and the bed blown
to atoms How the sleeping occupants es
caped is nothing short of miraculous
Their clothing was torn into shreds Two
of the children are severely injured and
Mrs Peterson is seriously ill from the
Miners Confused Rush Into a
Charge of Dynamite
Biwabik Minn A terrible accident
occurred at the Hale mine three miles
from here in which five men were instantly
killed by an explosion of dynamite
A charge of dynamite had been set and
the fuse ignited in one of the drifts When
the usual alarm was given to enable the
laborers to reach places of safety the five
men rushed directly into the drift where
the charge was planted and met their
Northwestern Train Meets with Ac
cident at Manchester
Sioux Falls S D A Northwestern ac
commodation train was wrecked at Man
chester near Iroquois on the 14th inst
Several persons were injured but no one
Porte Notifies Powers
Constantinople The porte has notified
the various ambassadors that in conse
quence of their representations it will
postpone for a month the application of the
new tariff and after this delay will re
quire certificates showing the country of
origin of imported goods
Over 0000000 Given Aid
Simla India Over 0000000 persons are
now receiving relief There was an in
crease in Bombay of 200000 last week ow
ing to the return of destitute who deserted
the works on account of the cholera scare
The prospects of a fair monsoon have
somewhat improved
To Succeed Dr
Chicago El win G
elected by the trustees
Education to succeed
Cooley has been
of the Board of
Dr E Benjamin
Andrews as superintendent o Chicagos
public school system- yMr - Cooley is at
present superintendent of the Chicago Nor
mal School
Kills One and Injuries Three
St Marys Q The head -of a large
boiler at St Marys Spoke Works blew out
here Wednesday night killing Wesley
-Morse C A Gilbert Jacob McCoy and
H M Davis were seriously injured The
plant was heavily damaged
Owes Nearly 100000
Pentwater Mich The banking house
of Nielson Co closed its doors Monday
morning- Its liabilities are unofficially
estimated at 75000 to 100000 It is im
possible to form an estimate of the assets
A Fatal Fire in c Brooklyn Coop
erage Establishment
New York Three men were killed
eight so badly burned or maimed that they
are in the hospital and three other men are
missing as the result of a fire in the coop
erage establishment of Paul Weiddman
at North Eleventh Street and Wyth Ave
nue Brooklyn The property lo3s is esti
mated at 25000 The building was four
stories high and there were over 100 em
ployes in the place when the fire was dis
covereu many oi tuese jeapeu iromjiue
windows and made their escape It is
said that at least two score 6f people
dropped before the firemen arrived when
thev came
- WVWIO ikUg
many were hanging from tne
windows August Benedict a
cooper was hanging out of one of the
windows with all of his clothingaflame
ne held on to the ledge while the ladder
was being run up to him He was so
badly burned when taken down that he
died half an hour afterward John M
Lockwood had his chestushed by a fall
ing timber and died in the Eastern district
hospital The body of the unknown man
taken from the burned building was so
badly charred that identification was im
McLean Shut Out with Nothing in
Ohio Democratic Convention
Columbus Ohio After a continuous
session of over nine hours the Democratic
state convention adjourned on the 13th
inst It was a slate smashing and record
breaking convention The McLean men
said the day before they were asking for
nothing and they certainly got nothing
They helped tiiose who have been oppos
ing them to the place of party distinction
and responsibility It was this free for all
situation that brought about the demoral
ization of the day
Delegates at Large James Kilbourne
Abraham W Patrick Win S Thomas
and Horace L Kaufman Alternates M
O Burns John McSweney C P Brum
bach and M I Cliburn
Electors at Large Isaac R Sherwood
and Gen AJ Warner Secretary of state
n H MeFadden judge of the supreme
court Allen Smalley dairr and food com
missioner Ballard B Yates school com
missioner J D Simpkins member of the
board of public works Peter I Brown
Sampson Wins Controversy Over
Santiago Battle
Washington The United States court of
appeals has passed upon the suit of Admi
ral Sampson and others under his com
mand at Santiago for prize money on ac
count of the destruction of the Spanish
fleet The court declares that Sampson
was commander in chief and Schley com
manding officer of a division of the squad
Ton thereof on duty under orders of Samp
son The Spanish squadron was held by
the court to be inferior to the American
force and a bounty of 100 allowed for
every officer and man under Admiral Cer
veras command The total amount of
bounty allowed is 166700 of which Samp
son receives 8333 and Schley about 3
000 Besides finding Sampson commander
during the battle the court declares the
New York among the vessels engaged
Returns to Face Charges
Indianapolis Ind John E Suilivan
formerly clerk of Marion County who fled
in 1SS9 under charge of embezzling about
80000 of public money returned to In
dianapolis June 15 He came here from
Greencastle Ind He says that aftereleven
years of wandering he wants to face his
Lieut Col Potter Retired
Washington Lieut Col Carroll H
Potter of the Twenty second Infantry has
been placed on the retired list on his own
request after more than forty yeari of
service Lieut Col Potter was promoted
from major of the Fourteenth Infantry
Two Killed Eight Hurt
Atlanta Ga A passenger and accom
modation train on the Southern Railway
collided ten miles from Atlanta Engineer
Mayfield and Flagman Ddvis were killed
and eight other trainmen injured
- Sioux City Cattle common to prime
5250 i40 hogs LS5500 sheep
225650 wheat 54e corn 3031c oats
2022e butter dairy M16 creamery
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 600 hogs shipping grades
300 to 550 sheep fair to choice 300
to 550 wheat No 2 red 72c to 73c
corn No 2 3Sc to 40c oats No 2 21c
to 23c rye Xo 2 5Jc to 55e butter
choice creamery 17c to ISc eggs fresh
10c to 12c new potatoes 225 to 350
per barrel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
575 hogs choice light 300 to 525
sheep common to prime 300 to 4X0
wheat 2s o 2 72c to 74c corn Xo 2
white 39c to 40c oats Xo 2 white
St Louis Cattle 325 to 000 hogs
300 to 550 sheep 300 to 525
wheat Xo 2 73c to 75c corn Xo 2
yellbw 39c to 41c oats Xo 2 22c to
24c rye Xo 2 50c to 52c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 575 hogs
300 to 525 sheep 250 to 475
wheat Xo 2 76c to 7Sc corn Xo 2
mixed 44c to 46c oats Xo 2 uii ud 24c
to 26c rye Xo 2 Glc to 63c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 575 lions
300 to 525 sheep 300 to 475
wheat Xo 2 74c to 75c corn Xo 2
yellow 39c to 41c oats Xo 2 white 26c
to 27c rye 60q to 62c
Toledo Wheat Xo 2 mixed 77c to
79c corn Xo 2 mixed 40c to 42c oats
Xo 2 mixed 22c to 24c rye Xo 2 5Sc
to 60c clover seed new 525 to 535
Milwaukee Wheat Xo 2 northern
71c to 73c corn Xo 3 3Sc to 40c oats
Xo 2 white 25e to 26c rye Xo 1 50c
to 5Sc barley Xo 2 43c to 45c ucrk
mess 1150 to 1200
Buffalo Cattle choice shipoing steers
300 to 100 hogs fair to pVime 300
vo SaiiOsheep Hair to choice 300 to
550 lamtfs common to extra 450 to
S725 -
iXew York Cattle 325 to 600 hogs
out7 wtwio sneep auu to ozj
wheat No 2 red S3c to S4c corn Xo 2
45c to 16cf oats Xb 2 white 2Gc to 27c
butter creamery 15c to 19e eggs west
ern 13c to 15c v
newsoIf the week in a con-
William Kerr Prominent Banker
or Hastings Is Buncoed Out of
13000 by the Gold Brick Route
Otjer Items of Interest
William Kerr of Hastincsone of -the
oldest bankers in Nebraska has
for 13600 on a gold brick scheme
May 30 a stranger met Mr Kerr at Hast
ings He said he was a friend of his cou
sin Albert Kerr The strangec said he had
discovered a mine of fabulous wealth in
Old Mexico He asked Mr Kerr to go to
Leavenworth Kpn where he had a spec
imen of the gold guarded by an Indian
partner in a cave There a brick was pro
duced a portfonpf it was taken to Kansas
City and the assay showed the brick to be
worth 18000 A second visit was made
to the cave near Leavenworth and the
brick was boughtl The- stranger was to
have met Mr Kerjr at Hastings but he did
not appear
Investigation by City Authorities at
Grand Island
Dr Kirby of Grand Island was sent to
the Soldiers Homo on the authority of
Mayor Piatt to investigate rumors of a
smallpox case theie Dr Swigart the
home surgeon was at first inclined to re
sist the investigation but finally con
sented Dr Kirby found Wellington Wat
kins in the pest house in a state of disqua
mation when contagion is said to be most
likely Watlcins who had nursed the first
case had previously been vaccinated but
was affected with a mild attack of the dis
Dr Kirby reported back to the city offi
cials that at the present stage of the dis
ease it might spread but apparently every
precaution had been taken at the home
Food has been passed over what soldiers
term the dead line for the past eight
days and so far as the inmates are con
cerned quarantine regulations appear to
have been upheld since the death of the
former victim The citys board of health
however are not taking kindly to the idea
of withholding the information of the ex
istence of the disease from the official body
not to say the public Watkins has had a
nurse but as far as reported no medical
North Nebraska College Building at
Madison Destroyed
The North Nebraska College building at
Madison was struck by lightning June 10
and is now an entire wreck The college is
just outside of town and six squares from
tiie water system so the fire department
could do nothing A furious electrical
storm raged for several hours and it was
nearmidnight when a boltstruek the dome
It burned for quite a time before noticed
and when the fire bell tapped was a mass
of flame The building was entirely gut
ted leaving the four walls intact The
college has been unoccupied for about five
years but a deal was under way and it
looked as though it would be made and
school opened this fall E A Whitwam
of Illinois owns the controlling stock
After a Christian Scientist
Dr B F Crummer of the state board of
health has formally entered complaint
against Mrs Mary N Lantry of Omaha
for practicing medicine without a license
It is specified that Mrs Lantry an illit
erate and unskilled woman practiced
healing arts upon Jeremiah Sedgwick
without either a diploma from a recognized
medical college or a certificate from the
state board of health No change has been
reported in Sedgwicks condition under the
care of the Christian scientists
Miles Will Case Decided
Judge Thompson of Falls City an
nounced his decision in the Miles will case
in favor of Joseph II Miles the elder
brother and defendant in the suit By this
decision Joseph H Miles is confirmed in
the possession of the bulk of his fathers
estate of 3000000 and his younger brother
Samuel receives only the 40000 granted
him under the original will
Death from a Broken Heart
Marrertt Anderson colored aged 42
died at Nebraska City last week of what
the physicians pronounce a broken heart
Andersons wife to whom he was devotedly
attached died Dec 31 last and since that
time he has brooded constantly over her
loss Physicians were consulted and
stated that medicine would do him no
Death of Child Mother
Pearl Whitford the 12-year-old daughter
of Andre Whitford died at Allen last
week At the last term of district court
Obe Williams was cleared of the charge of
committing a statutory assalt upon her
Saturday she gave birth to a nine and a
half pound boy the child dying soon after
birth and the child mother soon followed
Old Cannon Ball Found
Fred Springer last week dug up on his
premises in the eastern part of Fremont an
old cannon ball weighing about fifty
pounds which from all appearances had
been in the ground for a good many years
There is considerable speculation as to how
it came there
Small Insect in Wheat
A small green insect is in the wheat 1
heads in the vicinity of Geneva but has
done nojiarm as yet though it is causing
no little uneasiness The wheat crop will
be a fine one if not injured
Death of Nebraska Soldier
Word wasTeceivel m Piattsmouth last
week announcing the death of Hiram G
Robine Company U Thirty ninth infantry
at Manila caused by disease
Shoots Deputy Sheriff
John Poyer of Cowles shot Deputy
Sheriff Burdiek while the latter was serv
ing papers on him The wound is not seri
Bnrglars at Battle Creek
George Zimmermans general store at
Battle Creek was entered and about 150
worth of his best shoes stolen The burg
lars unlocked the front door There is no
clew to the identity of the robbers though
ifc fs believed they were home parties
Dismiss Partridge Case
W A Partridge the man- brought to
Grand Island from Kansas City on the
charge of stealing a horse and buggy from
George Brantham was dismissed on pre
liminary hearing the evidence being insuf
ficient to bind him Over w
Considerable Damage Done to Prop
erty by a JCtyister
Beatrice was visited on he 12th inst by
a tornado which although small did con
siderable damage in thf western andnorth
enrparts of the city The cloud which
was funnel shaped was first observed
bearing down from the west and the storm
struck the west end about half a mile from
the city limits and tore its way down Court
Street breaking off large trees here and
there in its path as though they were
straws Some buildlpgs were picked up
and whisked away and shingles blovyn
from the roofs of more substantial houses
One large eight room house was lifted
a couple of feet off the ground and dropped
back again on Its foundations while its
frightened occupants vainly strove to hold
the door shut so that the building might
not be carried away A barn in north
Beatrice was blown away and a horse
killed in it The storm moved from the
west to east then northeast and then exe
cuting a complete turn came down in
West Beatrice passing again over its
former route The twister finally tore
away to the north and east No one was
injured during this storm but many nar
row escapes are reported
A large number of small buildings were
demolished and considerable damage done
7n the vicinity of Sterling Worls ele
vator and engine house were wrecked
Engineer Oscar Cox was caught by a fall
ing wall and probably fatally injured
A funnel shaped cloud missed the village
of Elk Creek by about eighty rods but did
great diamage at the W J Blystone farm
where the house was wrecked and barns
and outbuildings blown away The fam
ily took refuge in the cellar qnd escaped
Damage was also dona on the farms of K
H Boone E C Thompson and J W Par
ker Some of the valuable fruit orchards
have been torn to pieces There was no
loss of life
Ashland Youth Robbed
While returning home about 10 oclock
at night Ira Miller the son of
Councilman John N Miller of Ashland
was held up by two footpads near E A
Wiggenhorns residence on Oak Street
One of the robbers drew a revolver on
young Miller They secured about 51550
in change and escaped in the darkness
There is no clue to the marauders as the
darkness was so intense that Miller could
not distinguish either of his assailants
Crane Joins His Family
Frank Crane of Wakefield whose mys
terious disappearance for ten years and
unlooked for reappearance last spring
have aroused a great deal of curiosity re
turned again on June 12 to remain and
will make his home with his family one
mile south of town on the lino farm be
longing to them The public is no better
informed now than it was at first of the
reasons for Mr Cranes remarkable and
long continuedabsence from home
Dr George Found Guilty
The jury in the case of the state of Ne
braska against Dr P S George of Lincoln
for practicing medicine without the neces
sary qualification brought in a verdict of
guilty in the district court at Pawnee City
and he was sentenced to pay a fine of 50
and costs of suit and remain in the hands
of the sheriff till fine and costs are paid
Sentence was suspended however for the
present on condition that he cease to prac
tice medicine in that locality
Farmer Killed by Lightning
Chris Sasse a well known farmer living
near Fremont met a terrible death While
riding home in his wagon he was struck by
lightning and his body was so badly
burned that it lost all resemblance to that
of a human being It was about 7 oclock
m the evening and he was half a mile east
of Dodge when a storm overtook him
Baby Instantly Killed
In a runaways southeast of Union the
3-month-old baby of D C Larue was
instantly killed Mrs Walker Jones was
so badly hurt that she will probably die
and Mrs Larue was seriously injured
The families were returning from a visit
to the country when the horses became
Firecrackers Prohibited
The city council of Beatrice passed an
ordinance prohibiting the sale or firing of
firecrackers within the city limits
Nebraska Short Notes
Th Methodists of Bladinhave dedicated
a new church
Giltner Catholics are raising money to
build a church
The Long Pine Chautauqua will open
Aug 3 1900 at Long Pine Neb
The Congregationalists of Neligh have
placed a now pipe organ in their church
The Populist representative convention
for the Sixty seventh district will be held
at Palisade July 20
Four Heckman boys had lots of fun
playing a slot machine with lead nickels
until the proprietor caught them
The Catholics of Hartington are figuring
on building an addition to ther church and
erecting a parochial school
The people of Franklin have resolved
there shall be no dancing at the Fourth of
July celebration What is the barefooted
boy to do when he steps on a lighted fire
The Northeast Nebraska Grand Army
of the Republic reunion will be held at
Pierce July 10 11 12 and 13 Indications
point to the largest attendance in the his
tory of the association Speakers of na
tional reputation will be secured
The potato crop of Colfax County this
year will be enormous Nearly every
farmer has a large patch which will yield
far more than he will need forhis own use
In addition to the large acreage a phenom
enally large yield is an assured fact
-The Farmers Twine Association is the
latest York County organization The ob
ject of the organization is to buy twine at
wholesale in carload lots saving middle
mens commission
John Reed a farmer near Alma took in
a boy tramp and offered to give him a
home The boy appeared overjoyed but
the next Sunday while the family was at
church the boy attached himself to a
watch and 5 belonging to Mr Reed a
bicycle belonging to a neighbor and
The body of Floyd Meredith the 12-year-old
son of Richard Meredith who
was drowned in the Missouri River atNe J
braska City three weeks ago was found
near Nemaha City last week
The dwelling occupied by L W Nelson
and family five miles south of Piatts
mouth near J W flesser took fire from a
stovepipe in the second story and the en
tire building and contents were consumed
The building owned and occupied by his
father Isaac Nelson and family caught
fire from the flames and went up in smoke
Loss estimated at 3000 with no insurance
as the old policy had lapsed a few days-
l previous
Such an Action Would Mean the Ex-
tinction of tho Chinese Empire T
Boxers Barn Christians Alive Amee
lean Marines Are Landed
Events have lately been moving at a
rapid pace in China With 4000
sians marching on Pekin and the small
forces under the admirals Americans
joining co operating in this movement
it is evident says a correspondent that
a crisis is at hand which may have big
and unexpected results and denouements
Marines of the thirty one ships of war
of all itions now
in C iese waters
ho a big job cut
for them if
ihey undertake to
fef Protect nil the for
eigners In China
As a matter of fact
they cannot do it
and Russia is the
only country with
the necessary mili
tary force on call
that can effectively
deal with the situa
tion Before GermauyFrance England
or America could send a sufficient mili
tary force to Pekin the missionaries and
all other foreigners would probabfy share
the fate of the Christians in Armenia
five or six years ago
From Shanghai somes the report that
the Emperor of China has appealed to
the European powers for joint interven
tion in his behalf He proposes that the
foreign governments now represented by
troops at Pekin release him from his pal
ace prison depose the empress dowager
declare a joint protectorate over the coun
try dishnnd the Chinese armies substi
tute for them an army under foreign offi
cers provide gunboats for the rivers and
assume entire control of the customs
posts and telegraphs If borrect this re
port means the end of Chrnn When the
Emperor of China invites the European
powers he invites the extinction of his
In 1G44 there was rebellion in China
and the defeated party asked theMan
choos to enter the empire uhat request
practically closed Mongolian rule for the
Manchoos who went to Prun to defend
the empire remained to rule it Therej
have since been rebellions in China that
have carried thfe empire to the verge of
anarchy but the Manchoo dynasty has
maintained itself There have been in i
snrrections that have devastated wholej
provinces revolutions that have received
the support of the Mongolians
movements which have bad the
fanaticism and fury of the old crusades
and several anti foreign outbreaks all of
which have been covertly encouraged by
the Government but never before has
the Government or a representative of j
the Government invited the Westerni
powers to assume control
In addition to the American marines
landed at Pekin by direction of United
States Minister Conger the United States
hospital shop Solace sailed from Manila
having on board 100 marines and five off-
cers Maj Waller commanding in re
sponse to the telegraphic request sent
from Tong Ku by
Rear Adiui a 1
Kempff Thirty
other marines left
Manila on the
United btates gnn
b o a t Nashville
bound for Tien
Tsin The Navy
at Washington has
been informed that
the Monocacy has
gone to Tien Tsin
and the Yorktown to Che Foo A large
body of Boxers have burned three Ameri
can launches at Soo Chow
A Pekin correspondent says The
American mission buildings at Tung
Chau twelve miles from Pekin which
were abandoned by the missionaries have
been looted and burned by the Ghinesej
soldiery who were sent to protect them
Within three days seventy five native
Christians well known men who hadj
been trained for years by American mis
sionaries have been massacred nearj
Tung Chau Many of them were burned
alive The intimidation of Christians
continues within Pekin itself Most off
the mission compounds are closed andl
the missionaries are being collected under
the protection of the legation guards
News was received in New York City
Wednesday of the murder of Dr Edna
G Terry in charge of the station of th
Methodist Episcopal Womans Foreign
Missionary Society at Tsung Hua Edna
Terry was born in Boston and was ap
pointed by the New England branch of
the Methodist Missionary Society m 1877
Tsung Hua is six or seven miles north
of the great wall and about 100 miles
from Pekin
All dispatches out of Pekinare censor
ed in the interest Qt the Empress The
determination of thefore3fministers to
increase the garrison at Pekin leads to
a belief in foreign circles in Tien Tsin
ant Shanghai that the powers will never
leave the Chinese capital bet will make
China another Egypt
The chancellor of the Japanese legatioa
at Pekin Sugiyama Akira while proceed
ing alone and unprotected on official du
ties was brutally murdered by soldiers
-of the favorite body
guard of the Empress at Manigate rail
road station r uk H