Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 21, 1900, Image 1
- a4 i f V saBsMiwHiaiBftffea9Wc - T - X - VOLUME XV vSisSt GET m YOUR PRINTING wswir3giaSErS feiifewS j m a - 4 fr J Why People Buy Here 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 PC1 f Not because they like us any better think -we are handsomer or more entertaining than other i chants but because we give better value than other local concerns We do not claim that the mer t chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be- cause this business is organized on lines that enable us to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We - pass the good values thus obtained along to our N customers and they share in the benefits that our I long experience and ample capital give us You - will find it to your interest to buy your - - v i3ry goods GROCERIES HATS and CAPS SHOES and - - OUEENSWARE - - AJL THE RED FRONT TEX PER tEXT OFF OX EVERYTHING XArjjJBZZBJAJwmTxrArjffjnrjijv GENERAL HARDWAR AT THIS OFFICER Wc Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship - I if fr 0 0 to o to to to o lv yrif b E Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line EEEKEaEE B ANDERSON JJZTTCTK Blacksmith - di Bl Valentine Nebraska r A General Banking Bnsiness Transacted Bays andells Bomestic and Foreign Exchange A M rjiiyyspm MM 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The DONOHER W S Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOKTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Room tf 9999999 999999V 9999999 99999999951 ANNUAL CLEARING SALE SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIjTj ovr work guarantee Valentine D 3TINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska WJ VTA kN - T ---- Ducneye mowers W agon and HafvestefS Cattiage Makel f Machine OU and Twine H HARDWOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL implements R BREUKLANDER C H COBKJBLXi President M V KIHOISO Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb HJiWmh nlih jgyi r jlii nil S25Sa9KK THE VALENTIN atseswr saaifcSfcr assw DEMO VALENTINE NEBRASKA JUNE 21 1900 wvvvvvvwffvyvvYvvvvwwvvvvvvvvvYvvwvvyvvwyvvrv TATT HP THP TO WW A J AJ J3t t A A XM J JL m YT X t 9AAAAAAAAAAU AAAAAAAAAAUAAAMAAAMAA wwn MAAAAA H Johnson was in town Saturday I Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf Court adjourned Friday to June 26 Miss Mae Davenport is home again Dr Seymour coming July 4th and 5th Woodruff Ball was in town Tues day Fin nished room to rent by J S Es tabrook John D Sitzer was down to Wood Lake- last week on business G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf See the ladies slippers at Farn hams 20 tf L H Fitch of Lincoln State Ex aminer is here examining the county treasurers books this week Geo F Heyne of Hooper Nebr and owner of a stock ranch south of Cody was in town last week Farnham has a good fireproof safe for sale A bargain 21 tf The Commissioners are equalizing the assessment books this week Its a warm job for a sleepy day 175 Test Headlight Oil at 15 W A Pettycrews Gustave Gunderson of Cody visited our city Tuesday with a view to get ting better acquainted socially and fraternally Wanted A girl to learn the print ters trade and help do house work Inquire at the Democrat office or write to the Editor F M Stewart Secretary and Treasurer of the South Dakota Live Stock Association was -in town Sun day and while here made a trip up on the Reservation Hill the man shot at Hay Springs did not die and now the townpeople are contemplating whether or not to prosecute the hardware man for sel ling inferior firearms We are under obligations to - Mr J G Maher court reporter for his assistance in producing a report of the trial of the State vs Thompson in giving Mr Thompsons evidence Wm Ward pays one year in ad vance to the Democrat Mr Ward is a loyal supporter of the Demo cratic faith and theres nothing too good for him in the precinct or town Mrs O S Baker and family start ed Friday for Mrs Bakers mothers home in Iowa They have been liv ing in Auntie Coles house since Rev Baker left iust after Conference last fall M G Hopkins and J E Conway made a trip to Valentine Saturday evening going back to the Reservat ion again Sunday afternoon They are engaged in the U S survey and allotment to Indians on the Reserv ation Dr Seymour travels in his -private car this year As he has the car fit ted up for office purposes he can offer his patrons all the advantages of a city office He will be at the depot July 4th and 5th Examina tion free Otto Pfeiffer one of the hardware merchants of Gordon was in our city yesterday looking after business matters He visited with our busi ness men and also took in the Ep worth League Convention in the fore noon If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may be come emaciated weakly and in dan ger of convulsions Whites Cream Vermifuge is the most successful and popular remedy Price 25c Quigley Chapman Bids for the painting at Ft Nio brara were made by a Mr Williams of Crawford 4200 R L Dennis 1780 and M Christensen at 2780 The contract was awarded to M Chrstensen of this place It is not a surprise that M Christensen is fav ored in this wdrk as he is recognized as a first class painter a capable contracter and employs home labor thus benefiting the community The work wlil last -well through the sum mer andithe quarters will be fitted ready for occupancy of soldiers who are sent here to recruit up from fev ers contracted in tropical regions The appropriation will be exhausted and more will be required to com plete the work of repairs at the post George Cyphers has the contract for the carpenter work James Pratt was - doing business with our merchants Wednesday Got a cow to sell You can get goods for it at Farnhams i tf Ed Dwyer the Gordon physician was in town yesterday For Sale An Epworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf G W Roan of Valentine becomes a subscriber to the Democrat this week W A Parker ex commissioner from Wood Lake was in our city last week Jim Gillaspie came in Monday for a few dajs visit among his friends here Dr W I Seymour Eye Ear Nose and Throat July 4tb and 5th Ex amination free Rev J L Baker brother to Rev O S Baker came in Tuesday and spent a few days in Valentine Miss Grace Cook and Miss Edith Moses were elected teachers for the ensuing year by the school board We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew For relief and comfort in asthma BaHards Horehound Syrup has no equal Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Margaret Shaughnessy who went out to Deadwood to stay with her sis ter Mary awhile for her health came back Monday of this week greatly improved Miss Mary Shaughnessy who it is remembered taught in the Valentine school year before last has been re employed in one of the ward schools of Deadwood for a nine months term at 65 per month Hardly a day passes in families where there are children in which Ballard sSnow Liniment is not need ed It quickly cures cuts wounds bruises burns and scalds Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Some Indians got Len Bivens dog yesterdav and were making off with him when Len appeared upon the scene The dog was saved but per haps there was a shortage in the bill of fare at the camp that night A few high grade Shorthorn and white faced bulls for sale Amos Strong Valentine Nebr 17 tf Those afflicted with cross eyes cat aracts headaches caused by ere strain deafness catarrh of the nose and throat etc should consult Dr W I Seymour at his private car at the depot July 4th and 5th Exam ination free1 E D Spencer was in our town Sat urday evening and paid up for oue year in advance Mr Spencer is sec tion foreman at Thacher and mingles considerably with our people We wish there were more such citizens as Mr Spencer The Editor received a box of fine large strawberries from the farm of John Ferstl picked by Ed Quirk and brought in by Mr Boyer The straw berries are of excellent quality and so large that there are only twenty three in a quart box and the box is heaped up They are about the size of a prairie chickens eggt though thev fit together better than eggs would in a box Good for Cherry County fruit culture Preparation is being made for a grand celebration of the Fourth of July at Valentine Every one is en teringinto the work with hearty good will Two bands will play sing ing by a grand chorus of voices and the best speakers to be had will ad dress the audience Everyone who has been to Valentine before when the people all took hold will know what to expect this year Come ev eryone and help to raise the flag of our forefathers as an emblem of lib erty wherever it floats on the breeze All honor to the stars and stripes flag of our country West Bound Excursions -Tickets on sale Juue 21st July 7 8 9 10 and 18th and August 2 1900 to Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D and Caspert Wvo and Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo and Glenwood Colo Salt LakenCity and Titan srnnp faro nlno49 11 a Tr ior rouna trip innai limit or all tickets October 31st 1900 Call on nearest ticket agent of F E M V Ry lor further information h1 U rJy jt v Z - -v Kj tJ JL 3Srsc NUMBER 22 4 ftfr 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 MENS SHOES WOMENS SHOES - o j Midsummer Sale of Shoes jj iteauctiOD m Jrrice g I FROM 25 to 50 PER CENT g 49 49 49 49 49 49 to to to to I9 Childrens One Strap Slippers 49 to 49 Call and sec our bargain counter of Shoes to 49 to 49 Childrens All Linen 2piece Suits 50c to to 49 r a rCKrorsDT 2 tu a pucd to 49 iyiivLniviu u iixrLViEriv to 49 to 49 General Merchants to 49 to CITIZENS MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR - This market always keeps a mpplj of 1 SB vrxjxrsrjxm7Bttirxrxs3Mtt i BflHH R FRUIT -AND -GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Eoasts Dry Salt Mcti Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable At Stotters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA feUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAA LIVERY BARN AAA WALCOTT LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE fl AAAAAAAAAAJt 0VOM0OoO00 MILLINERY AT COST S HATS V 2 - 3 vwvv PENBROOK PARAGRAPHS A local shower passed here last Frida Wm Rodfrers commenced work at the Fort again Monday morningf Eugene Hutchison made a raid on the coyotes in this vicinity last week capturing- ten of the little woolly fel lows The writer wishes it had been ten times ten The Childrens Day exercise held at A K Kuskies giove June 17 was attended by a large audience Poecupine BAILEY BRIEFS The recent rains are making the meadows show up for a good hay crop in this vicinity Mr and Mrs George Segar were guests at W H Sellers last Sundaj Considerable fencing is being done about here Dad Rose George Se gar W H Sellers Fred Nelson and Mr Bisbop are at work in spite of high priced wire Earl Reed has been taking photos in this locality He is working on George Segars ranch Arthur Heath was fishing over on Medicine Lake on the 16th and had good success A Elma Weed and James Hunt were out horseback riding with their girls last Sunday If there is anything that Walter Goodin likes better than girl it is two Gunderson girls Frank and Harcy Heath took in I to to to to to to to 19 -Now is the time to select vour Hats for 4th of July- to 49 to 49 to 4 First Class Dressmaking jj MRS F T PRAWITZ to S Next door soath or CrabbMorgareidKe C CCCC Op t rij u uLJrLJf UfUPLJ four coyotes east of Dad Segars last Friday Their grey hounds and a spade did the work If reports are true Clarence Cut comb has sold his ranch to Mr Heyne e Lon Heath and hfe mother were vis iting Wm Fenelson east of Pullman the past few days Earl Reed took several photo graphs at Mr Sellers Sunday after noon I B Nichols was trying his hand for carp at the Lake the past few days Guess Who I Am JUS JjIFE sa ved Kit Chamberlain Colic Cholera nitl Dutriltoca Jieinetli I am sure that Chamberlains Coic Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy at one time saved my life says A E Laf al ette of Gregory Landing Clark counr ty Mo I was in such bad shape thai the doctors said 1 could not live When I was at the lowest ebb one of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlains Cplie Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and I took it and -got in stant relief I soon got up and around Thot was nine years ago and I am still in good health Since then that medi cine has always been m my house and always will bo It is the best on earth For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 Ask for our pi ices on job work Additional Local on Fifth Page m W JM MtitSKgqjjfagiMW