ra Q Tv 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 - AAAAA va0033033OW3 49 AMM 8 Why People Buy Here Not because tliey like us any better think are handsomer or more entertaining than other mer chants but because we give better value than other local concerns We do not claim that the mer chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be cause this business is organized on lines that enable us to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We pass the good values thus obtained along to our customers and they share in the benefits that our long experience and ample capital give us You will find it toyour interest to buy your DRY GOODS v GROCERIES vT HATS and CAPS - SHOES and QUEENSWARE AT THE RED FRONT TEX Etl tEXT OFF OX EVERYTHING YOUR PRINTING 7 Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow i ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line JyWK JGsNrsMsSLA E AiTOBESON J2yjJEJJ2MFtt Yalkntine Ll - rjrf 4 W UlClLlkalllliil I OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship 2 ft to ft iiiy AGENT FOR o to to to to of 0 to to 2 to 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 to 2 99 V99f I GENERAL HARDWARE 8 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The DONOHER XXX Is continually adding improvements and it if now the best equipped and moBt comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOBTHWEST NEBRASKA 49 Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Room g tf 999999 999 999 VVVSmRNW ANNUAL GLEARIN SHOES AT HALF PRICE SALE BOOTS shoes clothing AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AZiXi OVR WOEZC GUARANTEED D STINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska Li J T 4 ft j j ft Bucneye iviowers 13 o I Harvesters CatTiage Maker Machine Oil and Twine 1 HARDWOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND 5 AGRICULTURAL x implements b tfKbUKLAJNDfcK C H CORNEI X President Jff V tflCH OLSON Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Dheralcal National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb GET AT THIS t3mS3BS3S3BS3SgSrySK3t3 i wwwwwwwwwwww wwvyirvwwwwwwww wwwwww TAT CSV THC TYWW J JL JLfl JJL WJ A JL JL J A - i 5 Chapman SUUUMAAAAAM AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf B F Carter was a visitor Saturday A H Brown was in town Saturday C A Lovejoy was in town Satur day Henry Van Leer was in town last week Dr SeymourEye Specialist is com ing 17 tf Fui nished room to rent by J S Es tabrook Dan Ludwig is back from Hot Springs L W Handy pays up one year in advance this week W H Rider of Pen brook was in our city Saturday transacting- busi ness M P Jordan of Arabia was in town Saturday and subscribed for the Democrat Prideaux Sanford of Kennedy has been enjoying the luxuries of city life for the past week G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf - There will be a prayer meeting tonight at the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev Sloan A merry crowd went out to Arabia Friday evening to witness the closing exercises of Miss Bakers school D C Nelson of Cody who has been afflicted with partial paralysis of his lower limbs is getting some better The regular -jurymen who were not retained in the Thompson case were excused until Wednesday morning C V Thorn came in from Lower Cut Meat Rosebud Reservation last Thursday evening returning Sunday Ben Ganow came in to get medical aid for his father J M Ganow who is sick at his home out near Kennedy See the hams ladies slippers at 20 tf Several hundred people are in town this week and it will be impossible to make more than general mention of them N S Rowley came in Friday even ing and took in the show While in town he paid a jears subscription to the Democrat A nobby pair of pants light colors or dark from 90c to 600 at D Stin urds 16 W G Sawyer after sojourning out on his ranch with his manager Robt Quisenbery for a couple of weeks has returned to Elgin 111 Tom Hornby his wife and brother Ben and Miss Kate Donoher went fishing out to the Schlagel Saturday returning home Monday evening Dr Seymour will be here about June 1st Watch this paper for ex act date v 17 tf Mr Lansing from out on the Nio brara who is farming John Ferstles place across the River was in town Saturday and says crops are doing well A number of the special vanire of jurymen were not called to be exam ined and were excused when the panel was completed for the Thompson case Lin Bivens received a pair of thor oughbred game chickens this week from Kelly Leighton Lin says that the cock is so gamey he tries to fight with his shadow We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they majr be come emaciated weakly and in dan ger of convulsions Whites Cream Vermifuge is the most successful and popular remedy Price25c Qui rrlAV ow E J Davenport Republican dele gate to the national convention from this district left yesterday morning for Omaha where he will join the re mainder of the Nebraska delegation They will then proceed to Chicago the rendezvous where they will be joined by other delegations when the depaiture for the Citv of Brotherly Love will be made E Js itinerary includes Bal timbre Washington and other eastern cities with a stop at Kansas City to take in the Demo cratic national convention on his re turn The Democrat wishes him a pleasant trip ji m ii uiu1iim ijfJ Ji iyiy1 i ii Jj uaamaaaaJ Rev Sloan is in town W H Brown from Crookston was in town Saturdav Hudson Brothers from Sparks were in town Saturday D E Sherman returned Jfrom Hot Springs Monday Isaac Grooms drove in Saturday from down the river Got a cow to sell You can get goods for it at Farnhams 20 tf W H Kennedy of Kennedy came to town Sunday evening Miss Edna McDonald is expected home from Lincoln Saturday Mr and Mrs Wilber of north of Kennedy were in town Monday For Sale An Epworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf Hon John Shores sold his herd of horses last Saturday to Nels Rowle3r David Hanna and William Ballard came in from their ranches Sunday T B Irwin came down from Gordon Monday to spend a few days in town A E Morris from Wood Lake was called as a special juror but was ex cused Geo H Hornb and wife returned from the M E Confereuce Friday nigbt A few high grade Shorthorn and white faced bulls for sale Amos Strong Valentine Nebr 17 tf J P Gardiner came down from CodyMondayand paid the Democrat 2 in advance Judge Tucker County Attorney Morrissey Isaac Grooms and A Cooper were kodak taken Xy the Democrat man Saturday For relief and comfort in asthma Ballards Horehound Syrup has no equal Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Dr Dwyer went to Woodlake Mon day evening to attend Mr TJlrey whom he found in a serious condition from an attack of typhoid malaria The doctor left him feeling some bet ter I S Knight a coal dealer of Hay Springs shot Dick Hill a carpenter Sunday afternoon Hill will prob ably die as the bullet struck him in the right breast Particulars not learned at this time Hardly a day passes in families where there are children in which Ballards Snow Liniment is not need ed It auickly cures cuts wounds bruises burns and scalds Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Rev Cumbow delivered another of his good sermons Sunday Our peo ple can always feel assured of a rare treat when they go to hear one of our Valentine ministers They are up to date and always give us the best they can It takes a Valentine audience to appreciate such efforts and we feel flattered in having good men to stand before us The memorial services conducted bv the Degree of Honor on Sunday last were well attended The quar tet led in the singing Rev Sloan delivered the address which was ex cellent After the service was over the Degree of Honor marched out of church with banners waving down to the street leading to the cemetery when they disbanded and took carri ages to the silentcity and with flow ers bedecked the little mounds in memorial P Sullivan who is well known to every taxpayer of Cherry county as the man who deserves the credit given him of helping Cherry county out of debt by his careful investiga tion and cutting down of expenses vulgarly styled bv some as Cherry Countys watch dog well meant however came in Monday evening from his ranch up at Cody and starts from here to Yankton SD Mr Sul livan expects to go from there to Lyons county la thence to Pipe stone county Minn then to his old home in Lafayette county Wis where his brothers that are living will greet him This will he a nice trip for our old friend visiting his relatives and the good will and best wishes of many a warm friend and ad mirer goes with him in his journey wishing him a pleasant time and JJex tend to him a hearty welcome back about the first of July Mr Sullivan may visit Kansas City on his return and take in the national convention - ar baC t jC V THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOLUME XV VALSNTINE NEBRASKA JUNE 14 1900 NUMBER 21 9 49 4R 49 4S 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 OBBEBS LOWEST PRICES I 49 Early Ohio Seed Potatoes 49 DAVENPORT TI 49 49 General Met chants l his foot being caught in the stirrup and dragged to death by the horse he was riding The little boy had been herding cattletaking his dinner with him and remaining all day on the prairie His dinner pail was found hanging on a fence post with the dinner untouched and it is thought that he came to his death between 11 and 12 oclock as he was seen at about 11 oclock riding his pony The bridle was found near where the dead boy lay and it is thought that he had beenriding without the bridle using the rope for Da halter with which to guide the horse When found at about 5 p m he had the ap l32SSEKgjgTO 30A OMJU MILLINERY ATCOST y HATS i 0 o WELL WE GUESS ij KOT We dont fc sell jou a few articles fj at cost and then fob fr yon on everything bfr or else but sell every J tiling at f o o 0 a to to to to to to rvfrfffvvrffTvrrffrffrfTrfc G TIZENS - MEAT - MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of FRESH -FRUIT -AND -GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Hette Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA OuSj TJMJJ7TV3S K LIVERY BARN WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to W ALOOTT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE JiiJariiJ A AAA AAAAAAAAAAAA 9 to to to to to to to 49 Now is the time to select your Uats for 4th of July Jji 49 to 49 Fir st Class Dressmaking jS Next door south of CnibbMorgareldKe MKb K 1 PKAWl 1 L to 49 to mW4444vv444vW4 44444r44c4c444c44 Dragged to Death Last Thursday exact time un known Harrison the son of M P Brosius living on the Table about three miles north of town was killed by falling from the pony he was riding his foot presumably catching in the stirrup and being dragged to death Mr Brosius sent another of his boys out to ascertain why the little boy did not come in and he was found ly ing upon a little mound near Ja tree cold in death The body was taken home and neighbors notified who came to town and secured Dr Comp ton the county coroner who went out next day and held an inquest result ing in the statement that little Har rison Brosius came to his death by pearance of having been dead some time as his limbs were stiff his head bruised and swelled almost beyond recognition his shoulders bruised and the skin peeled off though his cloth ing was securely fastened about his body one leg was broken at the thigh Members of the lodge of which Mr Brosius is a member here went out to assist in the funeral exercises Fri day afternoon This is a very sad ac cident and Mr Bro3ius and family have the sympathy of the entire community CAUCUS The Peoples Independent voters of Valentine precinct are called to con vene at the county judges office June 23d at 8 p m and elect 11 delegates to attend a county convention of the party and nominate a precinct ticket The caucus will remain open from 8 to 10 oclock so as to give voters am ple time to attend JAS RAY Precinct Committeeman West Bound Excursions Tickets on sale June 21st July 7 8 9 10 and 18th and August 2 1900 to Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D and Casper Wyo and Denver Colorado SpringsPueblo and Glen wood Colo Salt LakeQCityand Ogden Utah atone fare plus 200 for round trip Final limit of all tickets October 31st 1900 Call on nearest ticket agent of F E M V Ry lor further information Additional Local on FiftU Page njrtfttAiyftiWsattteifKfiat Z