Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 07, 1900, Image 5

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-3 -
Jf V TWr -
Brand registered
No 1087
Brand same as
cut on left aide
left hip
llange 10 miles
south of Wein
man on the Nio
Valentine Nebr
State Brand reg
iotered 1554
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip
Itange 2 miles
east of Ft Nio
Merriman Nebr
Cattle and hor
ses branded 011
left side or houl
Brand register
ed 1091
Kauge I2mlej
southwest of
Merriman on the
Niobrara river
branded vC3
ihr IK
ifinli nltvla 1 lnili
box registered 870 Kauge G miles south of
Invin on Niobrara river
About May 10 one grey gelding
branded F on left jaw and neck
L W Parker 10 miles south of
CrobkBton 18
TTTIIEX you come to town dont fail to see our
Cnttle branded
same as cut on
left hide Hordes
same on left
A Also 0 1
1 fJ leu blue
Xange between Snake and Boardnmn
TJ G Criger
y w j
D Stinard
Gordon Nebr
Cattle branded
on left side as in
cut 6 inuh box
and 21i inch circle
Brand registered
i -1
tsEgeie MILLINERY JsSiife
See our Shirt Waists Wrappers Neckwear Etc
Remember the place
I L EFNER ppsite The Donoher
The S
Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete
and the ladies will take especial delight in examining
our beautiful lines We have
wellest Assortment
ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely
impossible for you to find prices any lower elsewhere
Dont Forget
us when you want Groceries bhoes Clothing or m
fact anything
Of the Choicest Brands
W WSWHMRF 999 99999 999999
iifV TJT Tfot T ftfc life jfa t r s
O X jtfLJDU J 1 y
Speeial Attention Given to
Merriman Xebrashu
fJJH V V V--1 Jgr uyt jyijijiijjiyi jj 3
D L Heed
P A Cooper
Cody Nebr
Same as cut on
right side of cat
Horses same as
cut on right
Monthly Meteorological Summary
U S Department of Agriculture I
Weather Bureau f
Valentine Nebr May 1900
5 2 2 5 Char
Date -a acterof
Max Min Mean dav
v a
1 7o 41 iS 0 Clear
2 04 41 48 0 Cloudy
3 72 32 52 0 Clear
4 70 40 00 0 Clear
5 84 51 G8 20 Clear
05 55 60 01 Cloudy
7 69 53 61 51 Cloudy
8 72 47 00 0 Clear
9 78 47 02 0 Clear
10 89 50 rx 0 Clear
11 95 53 74 0 Clear
12 82 C3 72 0 Clear
13 81 50 CO 0 Clear
14 70 49 CO 0 PtCldy
15 72 50 01 T PtCldy
10 -- 77 39 58 0 Clear
17 70 51 04 0 1tCldy
IS G3 51 57 33 Cloudy
19 05 40 52 01 Cloudy
20 09 45 57 0 PtCldy
2 05 42 54 0 Cloudy
22 81 50 CO 0 Clear
23 71 53 02 12 PtCldy
24 80 47 04 0 ftCIdy
25 SO 59 70 0 Clear
20 85 48 00 0 Clear
27 87 60 74 0 Clear
28 5 58 72 0 Clear
2 S3 57 70 0 Clear
30 72 50 CI 04 Ckudy
31 88 55 72 20 Clear
Mean 703 495 029
Mean atmospheric pressure 2991
Highest pressure 3033 on the 9th
Lowest pressure 2952 on the llth
Mean temperature 03 Highest temperature
05 on the llth Lowest terapelature 32 on the
3rd Greatest daily range of temperature 42
on the llth Least daily range of temperature
10 on the 0th
Mean temperature for this month in 1S89 55
1S9055 189157 189248 IS93 54 1894 01 1895
57 1890 G2 189759 1898 51 1899 50 1900 03
Mean temperature for this month for 12 years
57 Average excess of daily mean temp during
month 2 Accumulated excess of daily mean
temp 6ince Jan l 502 Average daily excess
since Jan 137 Prevailing direction of wind
nw Total movement of wind 7818 miles
Maximum velocity of wind direction and date
Total precipitation 123 inches Number of
days with 01 inch or more of precipitation 8
Total precipitation in inches for this month
in 18S9 205 1890 191 1891 133 1892 46G 1893
207 1891 017 1895 093 1S9G 007 1S97 3 6C
1898 59S 1899284 1900 123
Average precipitation for this month for 12
years 229 inches Total deficiency in precipita
tion during month 100 inches Total precipita
tion from September 1 1S99 to date 832 inches
Averace precipitation from J eptember 1 to
date 1112 inches Total deficiency from Septem
ber 1 1899 to date2 SO inches Average precip
itation for 10 wet seasons 1480 inches Number
of clear days18 partly cloudy days 0 cloudy
days 7
Dates of frobt Killingronthc 3d
T indicates trace of precipitation
Observer Wentirer Bureau
TB - - -V fr ret K feSjt JLs
jaae35s iigssajtew -
Dissolution of Partnership
Brownlee Nebr May 12 1900
Notice is hereby elven that the copartnership
heretofore existing between James Skirving
and J H Skirving of Brownlee Nebr under
the firm name of Skirving Son lias this day
been dissolved All accounts one the firm will
be paid to James Skirving and all claims against
said linn will be settled by James Skirvimr
Notice to Creditors
In Couuty Court within and for Cherry County
Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of
Edmund McDonald deceased
To the Creditors or said Estate
You are hereby notified That 1 will sit at the
County Court Room In Valentine in said Coun
ty ou the Otdayof June 1900 at 1C oclock a
in to receive and examine all claims against
said Estate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited lor the pre
sentation of claims against said estate is 12
months from the 9th day of June A D
1899 and the time limited for payment of debts
lsoneyear from said 9th day of June 1899
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 16th day of May 1900
17 V R TO WNE County Judge
Notice is hereby given that the interest and
rental upon the contracts of lease and sale to
the following described Educational Lauds sit
uated m Cherry county Nebraska as set oppo
site the names of the respective holders thereof
is delinquent and if such delinquency is tint
paid within sixty days from the date of thisTio
tice said contracts will be declared forfeited bv
the Board of Educational I auds and Funds and
said forfeiture will be entered of record in man
ner provided by law
IartofSec S Tp It Name
nwJ4 sw4 36 34 28 Mrs V K Ledyanl
fracswJ4 sw4 30 34 28 Samuel W Hohclaw
swk nv5 16 34 29 Rtdpeway Simpson
iioMueHnwmo 2939JuddN Alorey
sYsSWli swJ4
se4 36 29 40
sVt nwM 16 29 40
All 30 35 39 John b Nielsen
nVsUVz SJ4SJ4 3G28 40 Daniel M Gourley
Sti 35 28 40
Gov lots i2 30 33 31 V J Peterson
neneH lC3428GeneiveSwartz
Wt 3031 L Walker
all 1C 32 31 Joe Bush
ne ne4
uwjnw 36 31 38 Dan Webster
swJ4 3w4
seJ4se4 W3138
gov Iotl 73031 Woodruff Ball
gov lot 2 03031
seJi se 16 31 32
slAaVs 16 26 34 John W Carpenter
Lincoln May 15 1000 J V WOLFE
17 Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings
Notice of Sale Under Chattle Mortgage
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattle mortgage dated on the 19th dav of Octo
ber 1809 and duly filed in the office of the coun
ty clerk of Cherry County Nebraska on the
3rd day of November 1899 and executed by
Percy Blakelyto William Heelan to secure the
pavinentof the sum of four hundred thirty two
dollars and forty cents and upon which there is
now due the sum of four hundred fifty -four dol
lars and fifteen cents default having been made
in the payment of said sum and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof therefore I
will sell the property therein described viz
Ten head of cows ages from two to ten years
aud branded H K on the right side and cue calf
branded on the right shoulder One span of
horses describad as follows viz One dark bay
geldlne and one dark bay mare also one set of
harness low hames and heavy slip tugs and
round lines also one McClain wagon at public
auction at the house of William Heelan in
Wood Lake preciuct in Cherry Count Nebras
ka on the 23d day of June 1900 at 10 oclock in
the forenoon of said day
Dated May 31st 1900 i9 3t
Munich Re Insurance Co of Munich
United States of America
State of Nebraska -Bureau
of Insurance
Lincoln February l 1P00
It is hereby certified that the Munich
Company of Munich Germany has
complied with the Insurance Law of this State
and is therefore authorized to transact the busi
ness of fire insurance in this state for the cur
rent year of nineteen hundred
Witness my hand and official seal the
day and year first above written
Seal Insuraiife Commissioner
10 WM B PIERCE Deputy
Home Fire
Co of Omaha
United States of America
State of Nebraska V
Bureau of Insurance
Lincoln February 1 1900
It is hereby certified that the Home Fire In
surance Company of Omaha in the State of
Nebraska has complied with the Insurance Law
of this State and is therefore authorized to
transact the business of fire insuraiicb in this
State for the current year of nineteen hundred
Witness my hand and official seal the
day and year first above written
Insurance Commissioner
10 Seal WMBFRlJE Deputy
Bran bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 13 00 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 100 1900
Corn 85c 16 00
Chop corn 90c 1700
Oats 105 20 00
MigJi Grade Bulls
I have at my ranch 20 miles south of
Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19
high grade Hereford bulls two and
tliree years old and three head of full
blood Galloways which I will sell
cheap These bulls are all first class
and were raised on my ranch
Woodlake Nebr
Following is the report of the Georgia
school for month ending May 25 Those
neither tardy nor absent Myrtle Rich
ardson Those missing one or two
days Jennie Anderson Earl Davis
Seward Vera and Cairie Wilson Bes
sie and Sadie Johnson Attendance20
Margaret Kibler Teacher
All whose subscriptions were not
paid in advance of Januar 1900
have ere this received statements of
accounts I have over 1500 out
standing in amounts of 35 cents and
over and while I do not like to push
anyone these accounts MUST BE
PAID and all sums remaining un
paid on June 10 will be given attorn
eys to collect If you cant pay in
cash -send me our note due in
thirt sixty or ninety days and
it will save money for both of us
Ains worth Nebr
STRAY ED 20 head of cattle
branded D L REED Cody
the number of pupils of
and the amountcollected
Having taken a course in
Local Weather Record
U S Department of Agriculture t
Weather Bureau
Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday
June c 1900
Highest temp for week 88 dee on the 3
Lowest temp for week 48 deg ou the i
Mean temp lor week 69 de
Av temp for the week lor 10 years 59 deg
Excess of temp for the week K
Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11900
80S dec
Total precipitation for week 080 inches
Av precipn for week for 10 years 070 inches
Excess of precipitation for week004 inches
Total precipn from Jan l 1900 to date -728
Av precpn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date
915 inches
Deficiency of precipn from Jan l 1900 to
date 191 inches
Highest velocity of wind for week miles per
hourlrom the S on the 2nd
Observer Weather Bureau
Alba Hey wood tomorrow night
J W Burleigh is out of town this
The RR Photo Car will be in Cody
Mrs McDonald was at Rosebud last
week on business
A Kneeland ill now be a resident
of our town
P Sanford from out
is in town this week
on the Snake
Fine glossy cabinet photos 200
per dozen RR Photo car near depot-
The work at R R photo car cannot
be excelled Call and see for jour
George W Kellar was transacting
busines yesterday with our couuty
Max E Viertel is doing a nice busi
ness at Crookston Notice his adv in
this paper
Miss Lillie Collett goes to Fremont
for the summer school to morrow
Miss McDonald was down from
Crookston last Saturday and Sunday
visiting with friends
W H Kennedy was in town yester
da to bring in the assessors book
for his precinct
E J DeBell came in from Rosebud
yesterday and intends to go to Oma
ha for a few days
C F Morford is operating at the
depot this week His wife and boy
are visiting with him
175 Test Headlight Oil at
15 W A Pettycrews
All who attended the Alba Hey
wood play here last year were well
pleased with the performance
Dont let your insurance expire
Call -on I M Rice to write it up in
the best state company and at lowest
A farmers daughter good cook
and housekeeper desires a position
with good family Call at this office
T B Irwin wife and niece Miss
Waddell attended the editorial meet
ing at Gordon and stayed over Sun
day to attend church
Elegant platinum finished photos
200 and up per dozen Ovals and all
the latest designs in cards Do not
miss this opportunity to get first class
city work right at your door R R
Photo Car
A Kneeland sold his hay claim to
Alex Kief ot Wisconsin a brother of
our well known J T Kief We are
glad to have Mr Kief come into our
county as we need more of such men
in our midst
The state apportionment for Cher
ry county is 165193 This amount is
the largest except one in the histpry
of our count This is regulated Jay
jabiSysS5SfA MSmiHWSiaf ssssawswea
j about the burglary at T C Hornbys
1 is that after breaking in the burglar
noticed the extremely low prices at
which goods were sold and concluded
jit did not pay to steal them Our
new CLOTHING is now in and the
public is cordialty invited to call and
Special attention is called to the
fine assortment in the following lines
Muslin Underwear Shoes
Sewing Machines Shirt Waists
5 lines of Stetson Hats carried
A yerdict for the plaintiff was ren
dered bv the jury in the Lud wig Bock
case and awarded 325 and costs of
suit Considering the counsel ar
rayed on each side this was one of the
most important cases of a civil nature
in this term of court
The Railroad company is putting
down a well a feweet east of the one
which is now in use They expect to
strike a vein of water sufficient to
rise to the surface If such be the
case our city will very likely put
down an artesian well for citv water
Rev Oastler delivered a logical and
carefully worded sermon at the Post
last night on the powers of the evil
spirit The quartet from Valentine
assisted in the singing with Miss
Keister as organist Services will be
held again at the Post in three weeks
June 27
The Stock Exchange of this place
has the north wall of building neatly
decorated with all the registered
stock brands of the county and in the
center an ad offering 25 reward for
information leading to the conviction
of any person stealing cattle or hor
ses from any one whose brand appears
on the wall This is a novel idea and
a liberal offer Notice the ad in this
issue of the Democrat
ing of
A ilfe and Death Fig lit
A llines of Manchester la writ-
his almost miraculous escape
from death says Exposuae after
measles induced serious lung trouble
which ended in consumption I had
frequent hemorrhages and coughed
night and day All my doctors said I
must soon die Then I began to use
Dr Kings New Discovery which
wholly cured me Hundreds have used
it on my aflvice and all say it never
fails to cure throat chest and lung
troubles Kegular size 50c and 100
Trial bottles free at Elliotts drugstorel
Miss Mabel Towne has been assistiug
her father Judge Towne with his
books this week
A Good CouiIi Jledlcine
It speaks well for Chamberlains
Cough Remedy when druggists use it
in their own families in preference to
any other ilI have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete satisfaction to myself
and customers says Druggist J Gold
smith Van Etten N Y I have al
ways used it in my own family both for
ordinary coughs and colds and for the
cough following la grippe and find it
very efficacious For sale by Quigley
Chapman druggists
H Green is clerking for our friend
Frank Ecoffey at Merriman and seems
to feel at home behind the counter
Aside from the serious inconvenience
and pain caused by piles there is a ten
dency to fistula and to cancer in the
rectal regions Piles should not be al
lowed to run on unchecked Tablers
Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible
remedy Price 50c a bottle tubes 75c
Quigley Chapman druggists
All who can should attend the Alba
Heywood Concert Friday night This
is inUhe interest of good society and
you should identify yourself with those
school age i trying to help the Y M C JS
A Falsehood Nailed
the Con- j L few weeks ajjo the report was ex-
servatory of Music at the University j tensively circulated that in a recent
of Lincoln Miss Edna McDonald will
be one of the performers on the piano
at the grand concert at the Oliver
Theater Saturday night
Lieut Babcock came to the Post
Wednesday to relieve Lieut Fitch
who goes to attend the funeral of his
brother who was accidentally drown
ed latel Lieut Fitch will probably
be absent a couple of weeks or more
After the services were over at the
Post last night the Quartet Rev
Oastler and Miss Keister were invited
over to the home of Mr and Mrs
James Irwin to partake of refresh
ments whicn were served by them as
election held in Weiser Idaho some ot
the women voters became involved in
a disgraceful fight pulling hair black
ening eyes and pommeling each other
in genuine Kentucky style
A communication was at once sent
by the Nebraska Woman Suffrage
Press Bureau to the mayor of the town
who is the president of the Bank of
Weiser and the following is his reply
Wmskr Idaho May 15 19C0
Miss Laura A Gregg Omaha Nebr
Dear Madam Replying to your favor of the
Sth inst inquiring as to the truth or falsity of
the scurrilous report thut has been sent broad
cast about an alleged light between certain fe
male suffragists in Weiser 1 will say that there
a token of their friendship and good is uot a word of trutn lu le that on tne
will Strawberries cake of the su
perb brand sandwiches and coffee
were devoured with a relish Our lit
tle band is appreciative of the kind
ness and courtesies shown us by our
friends at -Ft Niobrara
If your sight is blurred with specks
and spots floating before your eyes or
you have pains on the right side under
the ribs then your liver is derauged
and you need a few doses of Herbiue
to regulate it Price oflc Quigley
Chapman druggists
other hand our city election passed olf harmon
iously the ladies exercising their right of fran
chise as intelligently as their sterner fellow cit
izens who have had the right for years
1 will further say that tne ladies of Weiier are
as refined ond intelligent as those of any other
city in the country
Glad to he at your service I am
Most respectfully yours
November a
3-year-old brindle cow
and X hair
left shoulder
18 W L Nichols Merriman Nebr
ii ii if i it i nirri miTmi -arm fi rn - -
Poultry Food
most of the diseases of
Fowl WHY
Tr regulates the seat of
all diseases the bow
els blood and digestive
organs 11 thoroughly
renovates the system
thereby driving out all
diseases and makes the
fowl robust
5Ab Package 60c
Valentine Nebraska
Too late for last week
Everybody busy in these parts
Mrs M J Grooms of Penbrook
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
sons at the falls
Mrs J A Adamsou visited on tho
Schieagel Sunday
Henry Ballard went up the river last
week on business
Sam Grooms is batching this week
His wife is visiting her parents east of
the fort
Mrs Bush and children were callers
at the Falls Sunday
John Adamson is courting this
Mesdames Reece and Reed visited
with E P Reed Sunday Wm Daniels
acting as escort
Mrs Dod Johnson returned from her
visit last week
R Grooms has his irrigation In full
blast and now will defy the drought for
Deputy Sheriff Howard Layporte
passed through this vicinity Saturday
Seems to be some trouble over brand
ing cattle in our neighborhood Some
of our well respected citizens seems
deeply involved
Doc Johnson informs us that cattle
running off the range broke in and de
stroyed about 25 worth of truck for
Gordon Items
J C Jordan is a very busy man
with his half block of business inter
ests and undoubtedly sells a lot of
goods Hardware furniture wagons
buggies and machinery with a black
smith and wagon shop in connection
are his principal lines
Mr Swigeit is doing a nice livery
business and strives to please his cus
tomers by furnishing good rigs at
reasonable rates
Elisha Swigert runs a nice store at
the north end of Main street Jand is a
pleasant gentleman to meet
Sasenberys restaurant is a popular
place as is evidenced by their increas
ing trade
Our old friend P H ORourke is
suffering from a lame foot but is quite
enthusiastic nevertheless for Demo
cratic success this year
Rev Hyden the new Presbyterian
minister is a good talker and will ev
idently draw good crowds to hear
Mills Bros of Gordon and Merri
man are d6ing a nice business in their
Woodruff Beck with are launch
ing out into the mercantile business
They are amiable gentlemen of man
ly bearing and deserve a liberal pat
ronage They have a very nice stock
of clothing and gents furnishings to
select from besides a good line of
shoes and boots
Born To Felix Nollette and wife a
son Sunday May 27 We rejoice
with Mr Nollette over the advent of
another Democrat and hope that he
can cheer for Bryan on the coming
Fourth of July
JUS JjIFE sa yed
Chamberlains Colic Cholera
ami Diarrhoea Itemed
I am sure that Chamberlains CoHc
Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy at one
time saved my life says A E Lafal
ette of Gregory Landing Clark coun
ty Mo I was in such bad shape that
the doctors said I could not live
When I was at the lowest ebb one of
my neighbors brought in a bottle of
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and i took it and got in
stant relief I soon got up and around
Thot was nine years ago and I am still
in good health Since then that medi
cine has always been in my house and
always will be It is the best on earth
For sale by Quigley Chapman 1
Old papers for sale at this office
Idtr J fe ssi6if v J