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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1900)
r 1 j L u r r Y - VOLUME XV VAL 49 to 4 49 49 49 4 49 4 4 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 L49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Why People Bit y Here Not because tliey like us any better think we are handsomer or more entertaining than other mer chants but because we give better value than other local concerns We do not claim that the mer chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be cause this business is organized on lines that enable 1 us to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We pass the good values thus obtained along to our customers and they share in the benefits that our long experience and ample capital give us You will find it to your interest to buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES HATS and CAPS SHOES and QUEENSWARE AT THE RED FRONT TEX REIl EXT OFF OX EVEIIYTUIXG E ANDERSON l BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS - PKACTICAL TAILORING AIjJj ovu work guaranteed Valentine D STINAHD CLOTHIER Harvesters ftfr ofr to of to of o to to of to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to I GENERAL- HARDWARE 1 1 8 Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line S 1 The DONOHER 09 4 49 49 49 49 49 X Is continually adding improvements and it ia now the best equipped and most comfortable to to to 49 FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL to 49 49 Hot and Cold Water i IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Excellent Bath Room Twe Sample Rooms i 9Z9999999 S3 3S 99999999 Vil tOD UN ZAV If 4a A ANNUAL GL EARNG SHOES AT HALF PRICE SALE Nebraska m TM i a- J AGENT FOR gj n acKsmim m Wagon and Buckeye IViowers Carriage Maker Machine Oil and Twine HAJtDVVOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND 1 AGRICULTURAL implements H WhUKLANDtiK is H CORXI JL President Jff V JJICIKMLSON Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE r ValentinelSTebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb GET PRINTING YOUR OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship VALENTINE NEBRASKA JUNE 7 1900 WV vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvryrvvvwwwwvnwvwvvw vwwwvww jvwwvww TATI OF THP TOWN A J im Iff n - JL A A JLJU A W TV J St iXaaaaaju want to shade AAAAAJAAAAAA enjoj a cool dies Repair your old Trices to suit the times swing in the ones and at Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf I Miss Maggie Kibler has gone east Uncle Jimmy Collins is again in town Hiram Cornell has gone back east on a visit Fuinished room to rent by J S Es tabrook C H Cornell went to Deadwood Sunday night - Dr SeymourE3Te Specialist is com ing 17 tf G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf Wm Erickson Pullman was in town Tuesday on business Another operator at the depot We didnt learn his name There was a social hop at the old school house Monday evening Dan Ludwig has gone to Hot Springs to recuperate his health Lawrence Johnson is again in town after being away for several months See the ladies slippers at Farn hams 20 tf J H Quigley has gone out to super intend the putting down of a well on his ranch Clint Anderson came in from his ranch at Codv Tuesday leaving Wed nesday morning for the east R Anderson has some nice ham mocks that 3ro should see when you I C Stotts of Cody was in town on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and called at the Democrat -office Efner Sherman will sell jtou any thing in the line of harness and sad- y A nohby pair of pants light colors or dark from 90c to 600 at D Stin ards 16 County Treasurer Thackrey and wife went out to the formers claim on Marsh Lnke Tuesday afternoon to be gone for a week Mr Main who formerly was an op erator here is in town selling medical books He is nearly blind now and uses a cane in walking about Dr Seymour will be here about June 1st Watch this paper for ex act date 17 tf Last week in describing the mem orial services at the Post we said that a volley was fired over the grave of Col Wood It should have read Capt Halleran Rev Cumbow of the M E Church and Rev Addis of Long Pine ex changed pulpits last Sundays The congregation was much pleased to see Rev Addis again Our postmaster D E Sherman and Harry Hilsinger started Monday night for Hot Springs Elsie Sher man is assisting in the postoffice dur ing the absence of her father We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may be come emaciated weakly and in dan ger of convulsions Whites Cream Vermifuge is the most successful and popular remedy Price 25c Quigley Chapman Last week for sports Valentine showed up to advantage A footrace for soda water and a wrestling con test for treats and to the victors be long the spoils Our town is sporty and a race or wrestling match can be had any time for the asking Samuel Bennett of Deadwood is here visiting friends for the past two weeks Mr Bennett was a mem ber of the Eighth infantry at the Post from 1887 to 93 and later made his home here for a year and a half He can relate a great many amusinp incidents that happened while he was soldiering here I N Russell of Newton was in town Tuesday straightening up postoffice affairs for his office which was burned some time ago Mr Russell is living in his sons house until after the re turn of his son George and family and Mrs Russell from the southern part cf the state when he will probably move into the Harnan place which he bought some time ago wwn 5 AAAAAAAAM Court adjourned last Saturday till June 11 Woodruff Ball came in from the ranch Tuesday Ice cream and strawberries served at Mrs Cavenys Eli Valentine of Woodlake was in town last Friday Got a cow to sell You can get goods for it at Farnhams 20 tf Born To O W Morey and wife a daughter Friday night May 25 For Sale An Epworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf R K Jiainsford of Nenzel was in our city Friday and Saturday of last week F C Duerfeldt offers a reward in his brand ad and pays up for one year in advance Two new brands are this week add ed Mills Bros of Merriman and G W Beamer of Irwin A few high grade Shorthorn- and white faced bulls for sale Amos Strong Valentine Nebr 17 tf For relief and comfort in asthma Ballards Horehound Syrup has no equal Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman There were lots of funny sayings among the funny men but we re frain from acting as a traitor to the craft by alluding to them The Editor has notes for Mr A M Bixbys lecture at Gordon and fully intended to give it in this paper but time and space -permit not at this time Rev BazelHunt brought in the as sessors book from Eli precinct Mon dav His wife and two little boys came along with him as far as Nenzel to visit until- his return Hardly a day passes in families where there are children in which Ballards Snow Liniment is not need ed It auickly cures cuts wounds bruises burns and scalds Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman Ed Mullis has gone back to Hay Springs but stopped off at Gordon Ed and Lauren Jones the poet are going to start a restaurant down on the B M RR A strong team We wish these gentlemen success Special excursion to Hot Springs S D Tuesdays May 1st and 15th and Tuesda3Ts June loth and 29th for one fare plus 200 for the round trip good returning 30 days from date of sale J C Northrop Agent G W Beamer puts his brand in this issue of the paper and otherwise offers his encouragement and most hearty support Mr Beamer now has a ranch of 12 quarter sections extend ing from his home place to the Nio braia Valentine is taking on metro politan airs One of our prom inent citizens after rusticating out west awhile inadvertantly blew out the gas before retiring and came near asphyxiating himself and an other prominent citizen Mrs J Farnhamt and son Era of Newton are in- town visiting with our popular young merchant C J Farn ham Era was hurt by a horse falling on him three years ago and has been unable to walk since and is in town for the purpose of taking treatment from Dr Lewis The Huebner Settle Theatrical Company plajed a two nights en gagement in Cornell Hall Fridav and Saturday last Faust was the bill for the first night and the much talked of Sapho held the boards Saturday evening This company is away above the average and gives a good clean and finished perform ance The specialties by the two juvenile performers caught -the house We met our good old Democratic friends G W and William Beamer at Gordon and had a good long talk over the bright prospects for Bryan this year Mrs Beamer was also in attendance at the editorial meeting of thefunny men Mrs Beamer is a good writer and our readers will be glad to hear from her through the columns of the Democrat if she can be prevailed upon to write for us William Beamer is attending closely to his ranch business and we predict for him the success that a hard work ing man deserves But one thing yet lackest thou Billy but you are on the right trail - t r -- aP5 v - i - THE V ENTINE DEMOCRAT X i k j f i r - js ri je J S r t JTt f r - j j i 4 4 4 2 2 K 4 4 19 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Early Ohio Seed Potatoes 49 49 - ROBBERS I DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 49 General Merchants 49 j H i - NUMBER 20 to to to to to to WELL WE GUESS to tfOT 7c dont to to sell yon a few articles ff at cost and then rob i to you on everything to to else but sell every f thing at to to to LOWEST PRICES to to to to to to to to to to to rrrffrfrfvrvrTftrrfffffr CITIZENS MEAT MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of t FRESH FRUIT - AND GAME In addition to a first class line of -Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meata Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA ii LIVERY BARN 5 WALCOTT L LUDWIG Props AAA Successors to W AL00TT STEVENSON I LIVERY FEED ANO SALE STABLE rtZtZPtlIlFWtt a w m y TL m J1 m jHL wS C T Wl 49 li 7TTT T TRTCDV A HT nrSQT1 I to 49 lVlli vJULlJDIVX TLX VWO 1 to 49 49 49 49 49 49 iSrow is the time to select your Hats for 4th of July- to 9 First Class Dressmaking 4 49 HATS Next door soatli of Crabb Morgarcidgc to to to to to to MRS E T PRAWITZ to to H L Frederick the man in charge of the skimming station at this place ijoes back to his home at Villisca la leaving- the plant in charge of A C Salmon who understands the business thoroughly having had experience Mr Salmon is well known here and will no doubt give excellent satisfac tion P W Pruden brought in the asses sors returns from Merriman precinct Monda having the honor to ride down on the same train with the edi tor of the Democrat and eat dinner at the same table The Democrat wants it distinctly understood at the hotel where Mr Pruden stops that he is to have pie cake and chicken and the editor dont care how much he eats either 3Ir Pruden wished the editor success Ali the good things for those who say good things for the Democrat Dr Compton Tiad a call Friday to attend Ab Porch up on White River 100 miles northwest from town who had been hurt by his horse falling on him while roping a cow The acci dent occurred Wednesday morning and Mr Porch lay in an unconscious condition until Sunday morning Dr Compton says that the fall resulted in concussion of the brain The doc tor stayed with his patient until he was able to sit up and left him on a fair way to recovery The skill of our physicians has saved several men I from death of late - ELI PRECINCT A fine rain struck this part of the county Sunday evening Mrs Sawyer of Rushville came last week to see her daughter Mrs J E Selder Mrs Adaline Selder returned from Hot Springs South Dakota the first of the week Mrs Sceofield of Bethany Mo is visiting her daughter Mrs W D Kicketts - F R Yanish and family went to Gordon Monday The basket meeting in the Sullivan Grove last Sunday was attended by- a good sized crowd There will be a Fourth of July Celebration at the same place Mrs Kenton McNamee of Georgia is visiting her parents Rev Hunt and wife Walter Lyons of Lavaca was down to the meeting Sunday Frank Jones east of Eli com menced putting up hav Monday Frank evidently believes in the old saying The early worm catches the bird after studying on the last sentence Mr Editor we believe that we have the cart before the horse Sandy Old papers for sale at this office Ask for our pi ices on job work Straw Hats Call on D Stinard for a straw- hit AUdltiouaLLocal on FlftlfPage tK5 i UcfSk fe