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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1900)
H I1U M A k i R II I il II 1 1 h I it I it n r i i ir LV - Y er 7 r VOLUME XV xrJsTJB JQP J12 Jtij JVITAITJC v Blacksmith Wagon and Carnage Maker HARDWOOD LUMBER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ijyiir rr i mt i C HCORXEIIi President B HjtQpr 0 f i VALE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Why People Buy Here 4 Not because they like us any better think we are handsomer or more entertaining than other mer chants but because we give better value than other local coucerns We do not claim that the mer chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be cause this business is organized on lines that enable us to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We pass the good values thus obtained along to our customers and they share in the benefits that our long experience and ample capital give us You will find it to your interest to buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES HATS and CAPS SHOES and QUEENSWARE AT THE RED FRONT TEX fEIl EXT OFF OX EVEIIYTBITXG ix or cr cf of of cf o cy of o o o O o o wcrof WV AGENT ececs VZ FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Twe Sample Rooms ANK OF VALENTIN Valentine Nebraska A General Hanking Easiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York Correspondents i to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to S323SS33332252 HOWS YOUR HOSE Your Rubber Garden Hose we mean We have some very nice ones Come in and see them If you should need any of the following articles we have them the best kind Garden Tools Screen Doors Wire Cloth Pumps Pipes and Fittings Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Uabv Carriages Ice Cream Freezers Ham mocks Carpenters Tools Poultry Netting Whitewash and Paint Brushes We have a superior Axle Grease we would like to have you try If you need a Wind Mill call on us It ANDERSON g5r2frareftittg MMMMMMMft 3 The DONOHER X X X 4 vl8 continually adding improvements and it is now the Desi equipped ana most comiortDie tf W W W 999999 9999999 99999999931 rwvv Ha Having purchased the harness shop of J W Wlnlans we will not only sell WWJ Harness at Old Prices Notwithstanding the advance in cost but in order to reduce and consolidate the two stocks we will make REDUCED PRIG Come early nnd you will have a All - TrWL maanleo Our success hinges greater variety to select from OUt WOrk guaranteed on our ability April 5 1000 EFNER SHERMAN j sr W Buckeye IViowers Harvesters f Machine Oil and Twine HEAVY HARDWARE AND n DDCTTknr AivrncD iJr UlVilJ IiV m 72ZJWJJ2VJJX T -89 49 AN ELEGANT LINE OF I SPRING HATS K Flowers Ribbons i Bveiything New Trimmings 1 Hats trimmed to order n specialty by experienced trimmers at Lowest Poisible rT 4 mKo I KA 1 1 Z Xpvtilnnrso th of Crabb Morgareidge JT JT W QV tSvvvvv v v WVWl bVAAA NTIN Old papers for sale at this office Fui nished room to rent by J S Es tabrook Dr ine1 I JI V KICIIOIiSOK Cashier Eirst National Bank Omalia Neb SeymourE3Te Specialist is com- 17 tf Mr and Mrs Harris have gone out to Simeon to spend the summer Rev Oastler is holding services at the Fort on Wednesday evenings Memorial services at the M E church by the G A R next Sunday Serge suits in endless Stinards Dr Tucker o Saturday to visit variety at 13 tf Rosebud came in with his folks here Miss Nellie Bullis was helping Mrs F T Prawitz last week during the rush G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf Charles Sherman and Polen are acting deputy sheriffs during court Call and examine Stinards spring line of clothing hats etc 13 tt Clarence Sageser the tonsorial ar tist is acting deputy clerk of District court this week Daniel Truax the liveryman of Cody paid us a nice visit while at tending court this week A nobby pair of pants light colors or dark from 90c to 600 at D Stin ards 16 To the Ladies If vou will save vour rags for me 1 will pay you the highest price for them John D Sitser 15it Miss Chappell left last Saturday for her home in Lincoln and will teach in the Pawnee City schools as principal We wish Miss Chappell the success she deserves Clarence Cutcomb a prosperous stockman from south of Cody pays up for a year in advance showing his good will and appreciation for a news paper that gives the news Mr Cut comb is manager for George Heyne of Hooper Why send off when goods cheaper at home the Clothier you can buy SeeStinard 13 tf Miss Hill has tendered her resigna tion as teacher in our school and left Wednesday morniny for her home She will teach in the North Bend city school as assistant principal Miss Hill will be nearer home in that town and while our school will miss her we wish her success where she goes Dr Seymour will be here about June 1st Watch this paper for ex act date 17 tf Messrs Caleb and Geo J Gaskill called and squared up with the Stan dard Tuesday and ordered the pa per sent to their address at Valen tine They recently sold their home place in Grant precinct to Mart Hen derson and expected to start for their new home near Valentine yesterday Rushville Standard We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Little Frank Hanson who has been sick at the home of R Anderson is fast improving in health now and has kept a record of the friends who vis ited him during his sickness His mother has been staying with him during his sickness and R Hanson his father has been a constant and anxious visitor while between times he has cared for the stock out on his ranch near Simeon For whooping cough asthma bron chitis or consumption no medicine equals Ballards Horehound Syrup Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chap man There are several attorneys in at tendance at court this week Among them are the following from abroad Messrs Fisher Jackson Wood Scat tergood Alder and Kinkaid Also our local attorneys Messrs Morris sey Walcott Clark J W John and H O Tucker With this force on hand it seems that there will be no lack of talent exhibited and we look for an interesting time There will also be other attorneys court here during Many a fair young child whose pal lor has nuzzled the mother until she has suspected rightly her darling was troubled with worms has regained the rosy hue of health with a few doses of Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 25 cts Quigley Chapman n yiOS E friends at invited s - - ir c - nrwyvwwwynfywwwwwvvi TALK OF THE TOWN AAitAAAAWUUAUWAAiWWAAWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAJtAAAAAtA 5 Subscribe for The Democrat Ask for our pi ices on job work Meals 25 cts at Mrs Cavanys sec ond door north of Postofflce 15 C H Cornell is suffering from a sty in his eye but is getting some better 9 Miss Cora Thackreys school in the Cramer district closes Friday night with an entertainment Frank Thorn is helping in the coun ty treasurers office during the sick ness of the county treasurer J E Thackrey Board by Cavenys the day or week at Mrs 16 tf George Reinert is bade to Valen tine where he expects to make his home for the present He is working on the Rosebud road MissLillie Collett rode in horseback from the Beed district 20 miles west of town to spend Saturday and Suu day with her folks A few high grade Shorthorn and white faced bulls for sale Amos Strong Valentine Nebr 17 tf A crowd of 3 oung people went out to visit Mrs Dot Monday evening Thev did not report but we suppose they had a good time A joke is reported out in the Ger man settlement on a calf weaner and for further particulars inquire of John lilelshaw or G M Troffer The quartet has been requested to assist with the singing at the Post for the religious services conducted by J Rev Oastler on Wednesday evenings Court will be in session for the next two weeks or more during which time Valentine will be crowded with peo ple from different parts of the coun ty Rev Cuinbow will preach a memor ial sermon next Sunday at the M E Church for the old soldiers and their 11 oclock am You are Daniel J Drebert special agent of the German Mutual Insurance Com pany of Omahu was in town Satur days and Sunday visiting the local agent I M Rice FOP SALE Two spans of mules 6 and 7 years old well broken weigh about 1000 pounds each I will sell cheap for cash My place is nine miles northeast of Valentine F W MUMFORD 18 4t Special excursion to Hot Springs S D Tuesdays May 1st and loth and Tuesdays June loth and 19th for one fare plus 200 for the round trip good returning 30 days from date of sale J C Northrop Agent A great many people are saying words of encouragement to the editor and some are paying up subscriptions in adyance thus helping us to put out a better paper than we could other wise do as it takes money as well as brains to run a paper Court opened Monday morning with Judge Westover in the chair The judge is apparently in the best of health and master of the situation giving his decisions prompt firmly and conclusively upon technical points brought up at different times Should you wish to improve the quality of your bread use the Cele brated Yeast Foam Nothing like it for producing a light sweet nutri tious loaf of bread It will retain its moisture and nutty flavor longer than bread raised with any other yeast put upon the market Try it Unless a woman eats sufficient nourishing food she can neither gain nor keep a good complexion Food when digested is the base of all health all strength and all beauty Herbine willhelp digest what 3ou eat and giveyou the clear bright beautiful skin of health Price 50 and 75 cts Quigley Chapman The graduating exercises were well attended last Friday night the M E Church being crowded At8oclock the choir opened by singing Rev Cumbow led in prayer and after another Song the lecture was deliv ered bv Prof Frank M Chaffee of Lincoln r who seemed to understand the subiect he had chosen Everyone appeared to enjoy the lecture as it contained food thoughts and showed careful preparation Straw Hats Call on D Stinard for a straw hat Additional Local ou Fifth Page xsxx ssaessssrissviissss ja jsCi DEMO VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAT 24 1900 - df tci a GHAT NUMBER J S W nl I n ii In li i 1 K ViRX MTMWi v H s ia m sr you a HL liiitilik 49 uuiUlsJuBH I LOWEST Q Earfy Ohio Seed Potatoes 4 4 49 49 49 i 3Z DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants Q r l L tmf I fc V FR ANNUAL fcj fetes Extract of Friday Nights Lecture Prof Frank M Chaffee delivered the lecture at the M E church last Friday evening for the graduating exercises his subject being What are Some of the Requisites of Speech One of the first was con fidence in ones self which can onlv be attained by a knowledge of the subject Second a knowledge of words and of grammatical piinciples giving the proper construction to a sentence expressing the meaning in tended to be conveved Third Un SHOES AT HALF PRICE to to to to b to to to WELL WE GUESS to NOT We dont to to to sell you a few articles i to at cost and then rob to to on ever thing to or to elfie but sell every j thing at hb PRICES I to to to to to to to to to to MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of HIT - AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Eoasts Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables Lt Stetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA CLEARING SALE BOOTS sdoes clothing AKD GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING- aIjJj ovr work gvakanteev Valentine D STINARD -CLOTHIER iiiiif i Nebraska LIVERY BfcRfcl - itis i der thoughts worth expressing would combine the talent and tact which are most necessary to every conver sationalist or speaker A good listener was admired be cause such unbounded sympathy must exist as to allow the tales of woegos sip and scandal to be related while the listener endures forbears and sympathizes apparently becoming much engrossed Good temper is one of the essential elements of a listener or conversa tionalist as also kindness and cheer fulness Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhams AAA AAA WALCOTT 6 LUD WIG Props Successors to WALCOTT STEVMSOtf i LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Kiyjiy r I I 9 A i Decoration Day May 30th 1900 All G A R men and all soldiers whether they belong to the G A R or not all soldiers of the late war with Spain and soldiers of any war with -their families and friends are invited and requested to meet at Cor nells Hall at 1 oclock sharp on Mav 30th 1900 when the following pro gram will be rendered Music by the Young Ladies Brass Band Song Prayer by the Rev Cumbow - Oration by A L Towle March in carriages to the cemetery where the old soldiers graves will be decorated with flowers by committee of little girls EVENING- EXERCISES Ice cream and cake social at Cornell hall commencing at 7 oclock for benefit of the G A R Music by Band during the evening Come everybody and let us have a good time Committee Mrs S Morey and MrsTowle called at the editors office this week to call attention to a program of the WC T U meeting at the homeof Mrs Anderson on Cherry street