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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1900)
As r - -- j V - m m 49 VOLUME XV PR- a 1 r - t Wr w THE 8 pairs of Ladies Black Hosev - r - X U best equipped and most comfortable s TtJ SS2fesJl 100 j - 5J 00 10 Per Cent Discount saved to you -- 50 Cash Trice J 4 TEN PER fENT OFF ON EVERYTHING 50 THE RED FRONT FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Koom Tw Sample Room to to- to to of- 2 2 9ffts HOWS YOUR HOSE yL Your Rubber Garden Hose we mean We have some very nice ones Come in and see them If you t should need any of the following articles we have them the best kind Garden Tools Screen Doors Wire Cloth Pumps Pipes and Fittings Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Uabv Carriages Ice Cream lTreezersj Ham- -mocks Carpenters Tools Poultry Netting Whitewash and Paint Brushes We have a superior Axle Grease we would like to have you trjT if you need a Wind Mill call on us Vi R ANDERSON 22JXk22Zm2X2l 1 The DONOHER I 49 49 X X X - IidntinjMJlyadding imprBverxents andlif isnow51 the - m L 49 49 49 49 49 I I Having purchased vwirvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvyvvvvvvv WWJ the harness shop of J W Whilans Ave will not only sell Harness at Old Prices Notwithstanding the advance in cost hut in order ta reduce mid consolidate the two stocks we will make REDUCED PRICES FOR NEXT 60 DAYS t Come early nnd you will have a A If tcsnienA Our success hinges rn m greater variety to select from OUr WOrK guar anteea on our abUityT April 5 j 190O c EPNER SHERMAN tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA reaqssa xrx7rjrrxrjirjira Blacksmith Wagon and Caitiage JVfekeiv HARDWOOD LUMBER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i AGENT FOR Buckeye Nxower s Harvesters I Machine Oil and Twine HEAVY HARDWARE AND BREUKLANDER 4 AN ELEGANT LINE OF f - oDotrto tt a nrc to 8 IIP Flowers i RibbonslS g Everything New Trimmings K Hats trimmed to order a special by experienced trimmere at Lowest Possible r t Cash Prices Jflirst Ctass Dt ess ma kills f MiS FM 1 KA I 1 Li Vovf 1nnr cn H nf fM A AfWn JT VV O C H CORXJBtr President JIT V XIHOIiSOtf Cashier gANK OFVALENTINE JI T wd Jfl - - - -- rVMr - r V t jmasamzimi3BmBm Valerittae JNTelDraska fP dfBBBB58PilMSM Ir jsi SaaSlBBWjSIEri j 3- -- o1 - lC ji 1inimTiMKffl iftrl IT - tr c Jr - ligiip IS- - nlP 3RkIji Siisiness Transacted esiie nd Foreign 33xcliange P9rnpMtfcits V I - i First atlonaiBank Omaha Keb - aisP J - an Valentine will celebrate j Furnished room to rent by J S Es tabrook ji J N Steadman of Kennedy was in town last week Jay Cunningham was onour streets Sunday and Monday - W Serge suits Stinards in endless variety at - 1 line of clothing hats etc Price 25 arid 50c r man SrJ DC A Johnson the Woodiake bank er and stockman was in town Mbn day J Call and examine Stinards spring- 135 1 K A nobby pair of pantslight colors or dark from 90c to 600 at D Stin ards 16 John Harden the hard working sec tion man is laying off for a day or two on account of a mashed thumb Why send off when you can buy goods cheaper at home See Stinard theClothier 13 tf The Valentine people will deeply regret the loss of Dr Wells and wife who start lor New York where they expect to make their future home - - 4 We deliver groceries as well as f ed 0 any part of town r W A PETTYCREWi In last weeks paper we failed to note that Henry W Graham hadv re turned from Hot Springs S D feel ing considerably better thoughihe is not yet fully recovered fi To the JLadies If you will save your rags for mei will pay you the highest price for them John D Sitser lilit H McCrea is working on the sec tion now and says he feels a great deal better thanvhen he had to work every Hday Sunday and niffhts in the coal house half the For whooping cough asthma bron chitis or consumDtion no medicine equals BaHadsSbrehoundr Syrupy Quigley Samuel Hudson of near Simeon was a pleasant caller at this office last Saturday and made the editor smile by paying a dollar in advance for one years subscription to the Democrat Special excursion to Hot Springs S D Tuesdays May 1st and 15th and Tuesdays June 15th and 19th for one fare plus 200 for the round trip good returning 30 days from date of sale J C Northrop Agent J H Quigley is using some of the combination trust wire in fencing at his ranch near Codv It is solid comfort to know that you are donat ing towards feeding the starving mil lionaires N A E Thacher is again up and walking around after a severe attack of appendicitis He says that hes looking for an attack of smallpox measles and so on as he hasnt had them yet D A Piercy of Kennedy came to town v Sunday to get the Episcopal Bishop going out Monday morning Services will be held in the sod church which Mr Piercy built about 15 years ago On Saturday evening May 12there will be an entertainment given bv the primary and intermediate grades in Cornell Hall A small admission fee will be charged the proceeds to go towards buying a library case J W Groves of Woodiake was a pleasant caller at our office last week as we went to press but we failed to mention it in our paper as we were already crowded and were compelled to leave out considerable other inter esting news items for want of space Man3r a fair young child whose pal lor has -puzzled the mother until she has suspectedTrightly her darling was troubled with worms has regained the rosy hue of health with a few doses of Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 25 cts Quigley Chapman Geo W Kellar of Compton a prominent stockman paid us a visit for which we are thankful leaving a dollar for one year in advance and in spiring the editor with a desire to merit the confidence and good will which is heing manifested and ex tended to him For a stiff neck there is nothing better than a free application of Chamberlains Pain Ralm It quick ly relieves the stiffness and soreness effecting a complete cure Fpraale by Quigley Chapman a- rjffimm g V MLUJI F 2aK FQsliiEl v 2 Us Ty - - r BTB MBIfrn ww 27 t t rr iwrrrrrr t - y ft 1 vvvvvyvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvyyyvvvvvvvvi TAT V HP TT IR TnYW vww T C Hornby is the onlv merchant in town who handles Michigan salt The Gilt Edge canned goods and the gas roasted 2oc Mocha and Java cof fee are the finest on earth A close out ona line of Shirt Waists at 35c each Call and see our ladies suits and skirts All grades of Ladies Summer Vests from oc to the 50c silk ones Circus day tomorrow A vAsk for our pi ices on job work - i Old papers for sale at this office t C P Callen is working at thePost EOrmesher and son John were in town Tuesday - H H Morgan and Jos Nollette of Nenzel were transacting business in our city Tuesday Curt Callen has sold his delivery business to M S WelchTwho will now assume charge of the dime deliv ery F M Hackler commenced work at the Post yesterday There seems to be considerable work down there at present Wm Rider one of the most pros perous of our farmers came up from Penbrook Tuesday to do business with our merchants Instruments have been procured with which a hew band is being or ganized to furnish music for che en tertainment of our people Most of the memhers are experienced in per forming and the Democrat predicts for it a success There is nothing more encouraging to an editor tian subscribers paid in advance showing their interest and appreciation This inspires the edi tor to work harder the paper is brighter wearing the smiles jof the people reflected in the editor It is xeported that therjeJ agang Sfsheil game men and gamblers fol lowiug the show for which the show should not be held responsible and every one who attends should be care ful how and where they invest a dol lar Do not buck a man at -his own game is a safe plan to follow C J Farnham and wife went out in the country last week to spend a few days visiting Mr Farnhams father who lives near Newton Mrs Robin son is running the store during their absence Mr Farnham believes in the use of printers ink to call atten tion to his wares and groceries Harry Godfrey of Merriman was in town Monday and made a pleasant call at the Democrat office Notice his livery stable ad in another part of this issue Mr Godfrey is a hard worker and a jolly fellow which are to his credit and that he will receive a liberal patronage in his livery busi ness is the prediction of the Demo crat Unless a woman eats sufficient nourishing food she can neither gain nor keep a good complexion Food when digested is the base of all health all strength and all beauty Herbine will help digest what you eat and give you the clear bright beautiful skin of health Price 50 and 75 cts Quigley Chapman The Norfolk Nurses has a general assortment of fruit trees small fruit plants roses and ornamental shrubs Box elder ash elm and maple 10 to 15 feet high Forest tree seedlings suitable for planting windbreaks Early Ohio and Early Six Weeks seed potatoes Call at nursery or write E D Hammond ll 6t Norfolk -There was a goodly attendance at the morning and evening services in the Episcopal church last Sunday conducted by Bishop Graves and Rev Bates Bishop Graves delivered ex cellent sermons showing a careful and thoughtful preparation and was weil received by the congregation The singing was said to be good Miss Fischer sang two excellent solos in i addition to the songs by the quartet P Sullivan of Codyex county comr missioner is in town this week for the first time since he retired from officer It has been said of Mr Sullivan that he by careful supervision has re duced the cbunty indebtedness more and has saved the county more moneys than any commissioner the county has ever had Mr Sullivan has many warm irienas among tnose wno ap i preciate the interest be has taken Jand sbxwniwhilVcountv er we Sivft1 nf s fe J 9S TS af - vsa vj 3sz k - - i U4 4- ZSafiSii L2lfi Mr- - xut ii - 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 449 49 49 49 R rate w - 4 ALENTlNE IJEMOCRaI 4fei 0 g WHAT HAS BEEN 31 YOUR EXPERIENCE 9 49 4 4 - 4 4 4 m 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Jngures dont lie but liars can make figures If you have followed up some merchants red hot advertisements and been disappointed in the values offered dont sav there is no use in believing our ad- vcrtisement Just remember the little quotation given above We are doing an important -work in publishing advertisements which people can believe for they are simply the xhiin truth about the store We find that we are wjnnmg friends and customers every day by this policy If Ave havent wonyour trade yet we will when you learn the advantage of trading here 16 lbs Granulated Sugar 1 00 8 lbs any package Coffee - A 00 10 lbs California Evaporated Peaches 1 00 12 yards Bleached Muslin V V 1 00 9ZceCCCCccfCCcrcxc acrccraac wwrvrwvr ww ww o Jto to VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAT 10 1900 t NTTMBEE 16 tf ROBBERS LOWEST Early Ohio Seed Potatoes OfC 3 r5fr 9 NOTICE No manure shall be dumped within two miles of the corporate iimits of the city of Valentine except as placed upon the streets under direction of the road supervisor or city marshal By order of the Board of Health -- f A Good Thing -Our great grandmothers garrete contained the same herbs of all heal ing found in Karls Clover Root Teal They gave our ancestors strength kept the blood pure and will do the same for you If you say so Price 25c and 50c k s Straw Hats i Call on D Stinard for a straw hat Drebertjspecial agent of the Ger man Mutual Insurance Co of Omaha was visiting with the local agent I M Rice Tuesday Mr Drebert ex pects to stop on his returnto Omaha next week to upend a little more time in our town GustaveGnndersoif came downfrQpi uoayj xuesaavcopay taxes ana visit at the cuntyjjseax ki - - 3 uwm saBKKHH1 f i i v - a ifiniin ii rvui v iriri D iyw i - s - sell yoiiJt fuw articles at costand then yoti on everything i ele but Fell thing at DAVENPORT THACHER Genei al Merchants rob 9Crer5rQrcrorcorcorcyccyCccoccc m i ian tmt a i or ifc a k u r l - -v - - v W eveiy PRICES 5 to to to to to WELLWQUESS - J - to NOT i - W Vfhnr to to to to to to to b b of to b b to to to to to to to to to to to to CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of FRESH -FRUIT -AND -GAME Iil addition to a first claes line of Steaks Eoasta Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable kt Blotters Old Stand on Main Stwet VALENTINE NEBRASKA Paw T it I fit ANNUAL r w - - - i - CLEARING SALE SHOES AT HALF PHICE OH KB BBBHBBWMi BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PEACTIOAL TAILORING AJjTj OVJt WOBIC GVA11ANTEEJ D STINARD Valentine CLOTHIER Nebraska LIVERY BARN AAA ALCOTT L LUDWIG Props AAA Successors to vVALOOTT STEVENS0H LIVERV FEED AND SALE STABLE C jjjssrjjjM REPORT Of the Financial Condition of the Village of Valentine for the year ending April 30 1900 General Fund Receipts Balance on hand Hay 1st 1839 S 389 33 Saloon licenses SCO oo Fines etc 00 ShowJIcenses street fakirs etc C7 00 Coal sold 7 73- Water collections 1639 72 County treasurer f 290 is Total 3198 0G Disbursements r Salary of Encitiees 9720 00 Salary of Marshal 300 00 Salary of Clerk 82 50 Pay of Water Commissioner ICC 11 Tay of Street Commissioner 40 oo Fuel- - 978 58 Supplies and repairs on water svstem nnd Incidentals - 703 22 Balance onTiiind May 1st 1900 4 230 45 Total 3198 90 Interest and Sinking Fund Balance on hand May lstJS89 5 533 92 iteceivea irom county Treasurer 507 49 Balance on hand May 1st 19001104C 41 - -E SPARKS v- - -v - - Village TreasArerJ - - - Z 52 - mTKEji jT persons areiheiby nottfiedfitos clean np ealleYrof iveiresldences jJa ssvaGKs9t imJ2 r i r -- sr c r - - -- - - - it - v r Gityltfarshal mmmtmzi f - - -- -- 33esafeasssfiEiKsfxissi jvjs - ix5 - - - - -- - jr I - - r - - - - - - - rf p k rl Jfe rt jLkjMf iLa v - - -V - -- SKSSfMwartwwmj wSi tcSU l -