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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1900)
h4 w t m 5a r K i r 3 j - rriwfc O SI tt wev a USE VW FAST CKSKtELETS That Tired Feelin i n i In i Mrt Just as surely indicates that the blood is lacking in vitality and the elements of health as does the most obstinate humor that the vital fluid is full of impurities Hoods Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and vi talizing the blood creating a good appetite and invigorating every organ of the body Hoods S I had that tired fooling all the time Was as tired iu the morning when I rose as I was ivhpn 1 went to bpri I tool four bottles of Hoods Sarsaparilla and it made me feel like a new man I could work hard and not feel tired A lJ Charter Creston Iowa Hoods Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug- Get Hoods and only Hoods EXCURSION RATES to Western Canada and par ticulars ns to how to scare ICO ncres of tho bet Wheat growing Jnnd on the Conti nent can be secured on np jillcatiou to the Superin tendent of Immicratian Ottawa Canada or the un doraiirncd Suociitllr mn Cucted pxcursions will lenre St Paul Jliiui on the let and Sd Tuesday tn ench month nnd FtmcinlljClow rates ounli linos of ruilwBynrobeinKQnotedvtor ozcuryiona leaving St Paul on March 28th nnd Aifrfl 4ttifcr Mani toba Asiniboin Snbkutchowcn nnd Alberto Write to F PedleySupt Immigration Ottawa Canada or the undeisifrned who will mail vcm athies pamphlets etc free N lfiirtholoniev306 Bth St De Moines Iowh V H Hosrers Water town South Dakota IV V Bennett SO New York Life Bide Omnha Neb It Divipk ibil East 3d St St Paul Minn Agents for Govt of Panada L DOUGLAS SSa5Q SHOES on SWorth S4 to S6 compared vij uuiur manes Indorsed br over 1000000 wearers The acnuino have V L Douglas name and price stamped on bottom Take I no substitute claimed to be as good Your dealer should keep them if not we will send a rair on receipt of price and 2 7 WS f fJ v7 JSisSl A mEdSSx extra for carriage State kind of leather size and width plain or cap toe Cat free W L DOUGLAS SHOE CP Brockton Mass Rule Worked Both Ways A commercial traveler who was de tained the other night at a little way side Welsh junction had gone Into the waiting room and was enjoying a cigar when a porter entered relates the Gar- diff Western Mall The traveler point ed to a printed notice overhead Strictly Prohibited remarked insinuatingly lspose this rule is not strictly en forced Oh no sir was the confidential re sponse nor the one underneath The commercial man looked where the porter pointed and read Railway servants are not allowed to receive gra tuities Stave of Ohio Cur of Toledo U0 Lucas Count v jss Fraxk J Ciiekev makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business in tho City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay tho sum of OXE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarkh that cannot bo cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence this Cth day of December A D 188G j seal A W GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio -Sold by druggists 75c English ns She Is Pronounced Speaking of the vulgar pronuncia tion an English journal expresses a wonder whether the pronunciation of seine of tlie ignorant classes or of some of the cultivated classes is the vFbv 55 For Instance the groom says Arry old my oss But the curate says He that hath yaws to yaw let him yaw And the doctors wife says Jawge please go to Awthah and awdah the hawse and dont forget to look at the fiah And the vicar says If owah gwa cious sovering lady wur ah to die FOE W0MAFS HEALTH Earnest Letters from Women Re lieved of Pain byMrsPinkham Dear Mbs Pinkham Before I commenced to take your medicine I was in a terrible state wishing myself dead a good many times Every part of my body seemed to pain in some Air A i t way At time or menstruation my suffering- was something terrible I thought there was no cure iorme but after taking several bottles of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound all my bad feelings -were gone I am now well and enjoying good health I shall always praise your medicine Mes Amos Feschxer Box 22G Borneo Mich Female Trouble Overcome Dear Mrs Pixkiiam I had female trouble painful menses and kidney complaint also stomach trouble About a year ago I happened to pick up a paper that contained an advertisement of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and when I read how it had helped others 1 thought it might help me and decided to give ifc a trial I did so and as a result am now feeling perfectly well 1 wish to thank you for the benefit your medicine has been to me Mrs Clara Stiebeb Diller Neb No flore Pain Dear Mrs Pikkham Your Vege table Compound has been of much benefit to me When my menses first appeared they were very irregular They occurred too often and did not leave for a week or more I always suffered at these times with terrible pRins in my back and abdomen Would be in bed for several days and would not be exactly rational at times I took Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and menses became regular and pains left me entirely Mbs E JT Custeb Brule Wis -V r3ssr53 -4 K - 5k a IS e M m A4l ft HI cr4L Nssw irr mriml fefagfeCTcffl On Friday the Seriate had under con sideration the conference report on the Hawaiian civil government measure Final action upon it was postponed until Saturday The Alaskan civil code bill was considered for j brief time Mr Foraker pronounced a eulogy on Lorenzo Danford a former Bepresentative from Ohio and the Senate adopted resolutions expressive of its sorrow In the House after protracted discussion of the -naval appropriation bill the provision enabling the Secretary of the Treasury to contract for Krupp armor for the battleships Maine Ohio and Missouri at 545 a ton was ruled out of the bill Also the pro vision to repeal the 300 limitation placed upon the price of armor by the current law Two amendments to modify the provisions for the increase of the navy which authorizes two battleships and six cruisers -were defeated One proposed to add provision for six gunboats and the other to strike out the provision for the battleships The Senate on Saturday agreed to the resolution of Mr Bacon askiug the Sec retary of War for information relating to the extra allowance for army officers stationed in Cuba and Porto Bico The Quay resolution was taken up and Mr Perkins Cal spoke in favor of seating Mr Quay as a Senator from Pennsyl vania on the appointment of the Gov ernor At the conclusion of Mr Perkins speech the Quay case was laid aside un til Monday The House passed a naval appropriation bill without a record vote As adopted the measure provides for two battleships three armored cruisers and three protected cruisers The 545 figure on armor was stricken out After 1 p m the House devoted itself to eulogies of the late Bepresentative Settle of Ken tucky On Monday the Senate began a two days debate on the right of M S Quay to a seat as a Senator from Pennsylvania Speeches in favor of seating Quay were made by Chandler Ivenney and Penrose Those speaking in opposition were Piatt of Connecticut and Quarles The House entered into general debate upon the post office appropriation bill The minority dissented from the provisions relating to extension of the pneumatic tube service special fast mail facilities and the cost of railroad transportation The Senate on Tuesday by a vote of 33 to 32 refused to seat Mr Quay Passed the bill in the interests of northwestern lumbermen authorising the Secretary of War to make regulations governing the running of loose logs steamboats and rafts on certain rivers The House pass ed the Senate Foraker resolution to pro vide for the continuation in office of the present military administration in Porto Bico with amendments providing that franchises shall be approved by the President and placing certain restrictions upon charters corporations etc Amend ed postoffice appropriation bill so as to authorize the employment of temporary clerks in first class offices at 25 cents an hour also adopted an amendment provid ing for extra compensation for letter car riers when they work in excess of forty eight hours a week work on legal holi days to be counted as eight hours On Wednesday the Senate agreed to the conference report on the Hawaiian civil government bill the provisions relat ing to the right of franchise and impris onment for debt having been amended to conform to the ideas of the Senate The agricultural appropriation bill was pass ed carrying a little over 3000000 The Alaskan civil government bill was under consideration for an hour but no progress was made Mr Piatt N Y moved into Mr Quays old seat The House con sidered the postoffice appropriation bill and after long debate struck out the en tire appropriation for pneumatic tube ser vice fn the Senate on Thursday almost the entire session was devoted to considera tion of the right of Nathan B Scott of West Virginia to retain his seat in the Senate Mr Pettus Ala who alone of the member of the committee on privi leges and elections is opposed to the claim of Mr Scott to a seat made an elaborate argument to sustain his views Mr Morgan Ala spoke in favor of his colleagues contention Mr McComas Md Mr Turley Tenn Mr Chandler N H Mr Teller Colo and Mr Allen Neb supported the resolution declaring Mr Scott entitled to his seat The case went over without action The House after four days discussion passed the postoffice appropriation bill The attempt to strike out the 190000 for special mail facilities from New York to New Orleans and from Kansas City to Newton Kan was defeated The amendment provid ing for pneumatic tube service was de feated The one allowing extra compen sation for letter carriers for work in ex cess of forty eight hours a week was adopted by a big majority The bill to increase the salary of the director of cen sus to 7500 and the salaries of super visors of census by 2 per cent of the amount received by their enumerator was passed The final conference report on the Hawaiian government bill was presented but not acted upon owing to the absence of a quorum At the National Capital Delagoa Bay Bailway award will 3 be accepted A 20000 acre buffalo reserve in New Mexico is favored No more superimposed turrets are to be used onwarships Our Philippine army consists of U3 585 officers and men Havana and Pinar del Bio departments have been consolidated Pure food legislation is expected to be considered this session Secretary Hitchcock declines to pay the Cherokees 4500000 under the Slade Bendee award Ways and means committee will con sider removal of check and receipt tax in view of growing surplus Gen Joe Wheeler has asked Gov John ston of Alabama to call a special election to elect his successor to Congress Secretary Boot declines to make changes in the army canteens Malt liquors will still be sold by civilians Bepresentative Gillette will introduce a bill barring from statehood newly ac ouired dependencies of the United States -- COCXOOC3OCVXXXCCCXCCCO NEWS FROM OUR COLONIES CKCXXXXXX0CXXXXXCO0CC0 An American by acquisition is the en gaging creature shown here It is not a monkey or a nightmare but simply a Fili pino member of the climbing marsupial family It has pouches a retiring dispo sition like that of Aguinaldo and a bad temper like that of a Tagalog Its sci entific name is the spotted lemur and it ss little known in this country or in Eu rope because it has been found practical 7 impossible to keep specimens alive in aptivity The few that have lived for a lmMtm J Jtd NEW AMERICAN BEAUTY Ehort period were strikingly intractable savage and morose and pined away The spotted lemur is fairly large a full grown specimen attaining a length of three feet and over The fore feet are much like the bands of a monkey and each hand has two thumbs for what would be the index finger is placed in the same direction as is the thumb The pelt is beautiful soft as silk changing its tints frequently It is a night prowler and the strange and awful eyes are adapted for this kind of life They are bright carmine red and ehine at night with eerie glow The na tives of the Philippines the Malay isl ands and the New Guinea islands where these beasts live hunt them eagerly and say that their flesh is like that of rabbits A traveler for a shoe firm who had started on a business trip to the Orient by way of Honolulu where he has been detained on account of the plague sends the original of the accompanying cut to Shoe and Leather Gazette It shows a lot of shoes and other clothing of which a number of Japanese and Chinese were divested when they were fumigated cleansed and purified at one of the 5S slisPiil4v Q ffiifpEg g AT ONE OF THE DETENTION CAJIPS tion camps immediately after the great fire of Jim 20 All of these shoes and other clothing were burned and every refugee fitted out with a complete new outfit of shoes and clothing The au thorities of Honolulu have adopted the most heroic methods to suppress the epi demic it now being the rule that when ever a case occurs in a frame building which it is impossible to thoroughly dis infect it is condemned with all its con tents and burned to the ground -Admiral George C Bemey succeeds Admiral Watson in c6mmand of the Asi itic squadron with headquarters at Ma nila A correspondent of the Boston Globe vho is rambling around the domain of sur loyal and royal friend Sultan Kiram Df Sulu reports that young and old of Doth sexes in that locality dye the teeth black and chew the betel nut as diligently as gum and tobacco are masticated in this country The combination of red betel juice and black dye produces an ef fect at once hideous and repulsive Betel shewing like tobacco chewing says the writer is an acquired habit but no par ental protest is made against the young developing the taste Boys and girls be gin at tenderage to imitate their elders in this respect but blackening the teeth seems to be held aloof from children as only women of mature years and men able to slash vigorously with a fighting knife seem to sport such distinction The startling fact was recently made public that in many districts of Porto Bico where the population reaches thou sands there is no resident physician For instance Wayuya a town of 1500 must depend on the simplest remedies in the case of illness as there is no physician within call At Utuado the death rate is SO per cent annually and this town is a days ride from Ponce through the mountains It appears that physicians have been sent to these districts but they refuse to remain largely because no town is able to support one r DAN GROSVENGR SAYS Permia Is an Excellent Sprin Catarrh Bemedy I aina3 Well as Ever Hon Dan A Grosvenor of the Famous Ohio Family Hon Dan A Grosvenor Deputy Audi tor for the War Department in a letter written from Washington D C says Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the bene fie derived from one bottle of Peruna One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever Besides being one of the very best spring tonics h is an excellent catarrh remedy Very respectfully Dan A Grosvenor Hal P Denton Chief National Export Exposition Philadelphia a writes 1 was completely run down from overwork and the responsibility naturally connected with the exploitation of a great international exposition My physician recommended un extended vacation When life seemed al most a burden 1 began taking leruua and with the use of the Hrth bottle I found my self in a normal condition I have since en joyed tiie best of health Almost everybody needs a tonic In the spring Something to brace the nerves In vigorate the brain and cleanse the blood That rerun will do this is beyond ques tion Everyone who has tried it has had the same experience as Mrs D W Timberlnke of Lynchburg Va who in a recent letter made use of the following words I always take a dose of 1eruna after business hours as it is a great thing for the nerves There is no better spring tonic and I have used about all of them For a free book on Summer Catarrh address The Peruna Medicine Co Colum bus ho Nasal GATARRK In ell its stages there should be cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleanses soothes and heals the diseased msmbrane It cores catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils spreads over tho membrane and is absorbed Belief is im mediate and a care follows It is not drying doea not produce sneezing Largo Size 60 cents at Drug gists or by mail Trial Size 10 cents by mail ELY BROTHERS 55 Warren Street New York An Enrly Breakfast A hired girl who dreams about her work not over it should be a treas ure The Wrongs of Detroit have such an one The Free Press says that the other morning at half past two Mrs Wrong awakened her husband out of a sound sleep Henry she said Henry did you hpar that Wa asked the drowsy Henry Theres some one in the dining room V Henry sat up Yes there were do ings in the dining room Plates were rattling But Henry was loath to in vestigate and suggested if might be rats But it sounds like Maggie said Mrs Wrong Henry laughed outright Well you just go and see com manded the wife Henry understood that tone He got up lifting his feet high and managed to reach the dining room door He threw it open A bright light burst out into the corridor Agnes he called to his wife Ag nes look here Mrs Wrong came to her husband and they both stood in the dining room doorway and gasped The table was laid All the lights were lighted They heard the sizzle of the coffee pot and the teakettle in the kitchen Then the door into the culinary department was flung back and into the dining room strode a wide eyed storing girL with no expression on her face bearing three dishes of oatmeal on a tray When they had recovered from their amazement Mrs Wrong awoke Mag gie steered her back to bed and locked her door Danser in the Church Not long since the bishop of L was a guest at a dinner party in ton when a lady noted for her witty remarks who was a guest said Do you know that there are times when it is dangerous to enter a church What is that madam inquired the bishop with great dignity straightening himself in his chair That there are times when it is posi tively dangerous to enter ar church was the ladys reply That cannot be madam said the bishop pray explain Why said the lady it is when there is a canon at the reading desk a big gun in the pulpit when the bishop Is charging his clergy the choir murder ing the anthem and the organist try ing to drown the choir Golden Penny i Very Suspicions Ida Married that old man for love did she WelL I have my doubts about it May Why so dear IdaFor the simple reason that I no ticed no less than six different life-insurance blotters on fier desk Something to Start On Yes said the Spanish statesman we must re establish our navy True replied the other but what have we to begin with Well thank goodness we still have plenty of water Philadelphia Bec ord 2 - K jm ivJ5wfe 1 ZSSJ X- irr TrmmJmmmjttemtS1 tm iitkiOrAim Gold Coin in Circulation The amount of gold coin in actual cir culation in the worl I is e tinated by the Etnk of England officials to be about 65 ton Going to Paris Then let us give you valuable informa ton reading your trip We- oan render you pood service and fcket you right through from all stations oi our line Tia Sfcw Tork and any of the steamship lines Call on agents of the Burlington Cedar Bapids and X9rtiiern Huihvay or address Jno G Fakmeu A G P T A Bt C B N By Cedar Bapids la What IHd Shu STcan Slowboy I am going to kiss you to night when I go Miss Willing Dont you think It time you wore going Ask Your Dealer for Allens Foot Ease A powder to shake Into your shoes It rests the feet Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Sore Hot Callous Aching Sweating feet and In growing Nolls AJlenu Koot Ease makes new or tight shoes easy Sold by ail druggists and shoe Btores 5c Sample mailed FKEE Address Alien B Olmsted Le Koy N 1 The lead pencil originated with the j discovery of the graphite mines in I England in 1GG J during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 18 Per Week A salary of 1S per week and expenses will be paid to man with one or two horse rig to introduce our Poultry Compound and Lice Killer aniomj Farmers Address with stamp Acme Mfg Co Des Moines Iowa He wbo dies poor has at least the consolation of knowing that his grave will not have to be turned into a for tress The Makers of Carters Ink Say We cant make any better Ink thali we do we dont know how to We can make poorer ink but we wont Carters Ink Is the best It is strange tbat the right hand which is more sensitive to the touch thar the let is less sensitive than the latter to the effect of heat or cold Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm O Endslcy Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1000 it is tne peculiar faculty or roois to discern the faults of others at the same time they forget their own Cicero VTTATTTV low debilitated or exhausted cared by Dr KJinos InvieoratiaK Tonic FREE 1 Trial Bottle containing 2 weeks treatment Dr Klines Institute Btfl Arch Street Philadelphia Founded 1371 We know accurately only when we know little with knowledge doubt in creases Goethe Mri WIlow booTHiNO HTnur lor Children teeUUHR eoUira ike cums reances inflammation allayH sun cures wind coUc 25 cents a bottls There are numerous men with alleged characters and unmistakable reputa tions v y m mtvK 4 TMit t -v - - M - tE - -- w Iud ---V u sAiTi vsr k Lr s Tic- fc i - t - -- t r jSP H - Jtj -- - jj r aj rf jCr - - S11 Ai ii it - -- 93JaSS533399iSS9gS83 SI fit W m Doable Trouble The complication of SPRAINS and BRUISES Blood poor Blood Of course this isnt the kind to have What you want is rich Blood red Blood You want the old color Back to your cheeks and lips You want your nerves once more strong and steady To make this change you must take a perfect Sarsaparilla a Sarsaparilla made upon honor a Sarsaparilla that you have confidence in NEW DISCOVERY gives onini relief Jk ramn nrrt case Book oftentiraonlals and 10 DATS treatment itku Jrauttreea a bona JBoxBtAUAntfi tia fxzgmzrgr T s a r r i T Ow TJae eafy SarsapariMa made under the pcrsosial supervision ol tknse gradvafes a graduate in pharEiacy a jjroduate a cbeaaMry and a graduate in Eeicinc 100 a bottle All druggists Too mach cannot be said in favor of Aycrs Sarsaparilla Since taking it I ftei like a different porooo I now enjoy and profit by my sleeping My appetite Is goW ray narres are strong and steady and I knw my blood h pure Frank Wzxttvixsaa Das Mouwe Urn Oct 9 1899 2E cents a box All druggists If your liver isnt acting just right if you are constipated or bihoua tak Ayers Pills When the bowels are all right the Sarsaparilla acts more promptly and more thoroughly l0Lftfr ill I WILL KEEP YOU DRY I m WiJ Dont k footed with a mackintosh sq rrubbrcct If you wanta coat I3HSk 9H that wtti fceap you dry in the hard- jjEKr SxTi8 8toriB wy the Fish Brand 5r2 Wttgjsiicfcar It not for sale fn yro 2Hrl tovn write for catalogue to 1k gBH A J TOWBR Boston Mass FSBs DROPSY mm yS Double W - Daily Service 3L i S3 to ft is a very sore trouble bathes doubly or separately as bruise there is no remedy known the equal of it Jacobs Oil for a PSOMPT sues cm Hi to to 5 to to to to to to J Is a durable and natural cement baso wall coating in 5 lb paper packages mado ready for use in white and fourteen beautiful tints by mixing with cold water It is a cement that goea through a process of setting hardens with age and can be coated and recoated without washing off its old coats before renewing Is entirely difforent from all the various kalsomines on the market being durable and not stuck on the wall with glue Alabastine customers should insist on having the goods in packages properly labeled They should rejecfc all imitations There is nothing just as good Provonta much sickness particularly throat and lung difficulties attributable to unsanitary coatings on walls It has been recommended in a paper published by tho Michigan Stata Board of Health on account of its sanitary features which paper strongly condemned kalsomines Alabastine can be used on either plastered walls wood ceilings brick or canvas and any one can brush it on It admits of radi cal changes from wall paper decorations thus securing at reasonable expense the latest and best affects Alabastine is manufactured by the AtafefoRpj of firasd Rapids flichlgan Instructive and interesting booklet mailed frao to all applicants JOHNlVITIOFniS Washington DC fiueeBBfrfulIv Prosecutes Claims Lata Prlnclr o1 szaaalner US Pension Buroau i 3jrraiu civil war 15 adjuuicalias claim atty since PRINTERS Issued Should write ror our mem line of STATIONERY samples The completes ever Sioux City Newspaper Union Sioux City Iowa zm 1 wish I fcnew -what was the matter witn me my checks are so pale my jJ s so Waltc toy muscles so weak X and my nerves seem to be all X unstrung I am just atoot ti v y as tired and depressed in the morning as I am at night If I could only get some rest But sleep seems to do me no gooi Shall we tell you what is the matter cmia Anemia its another name for starved Hood thin JTewlineTia Coun cil Bluffs Fojt DodgeTVaterloo Dubuque and Kockford ftig cars sleeping cars freeTecllning chalrcars dining cars bend to tho undersigned for a free opy of Pictures and Noies En Route tnif TIliG TiOtT Tina r AAn tV 1 a iJnto accu Hum mo cur winaow lines A H BAh SOX G P A Chicago S C N U No 18 1900 ajlHaaH frffl fr TfcTffMl 11 JB flMtf 1 3 CURES WHERE All ELSE FAHS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good 1768 1 jottme SoldbydnjMrtstB x