Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 03, 1900, Image 5
w iS f m f r 3 A K PC Pv 9 9 The Great English American grw r H iSnfe wwwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvv vwvwwwwwwvwwwwvwvwrvwwwwwwwi TaTHEi you come to town to see THE CIRCUS Dont fall to sec our LOW PRICES 4 See our Shirt Waists Wrappers Neckwear Etc Remember the place I L EPNEB ppsite The Donoher NEW SPRING DRESS COOPS Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete and the ladies will take especial delight in examining our beautiful lines We have The Swellest Assortment Dont F ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely impossible for you to find prices any lower elsewhere orget One Day Only us when you want Groceries bhoes Clothing or in fact anything 3PWe sell coax salt and fence posts CKOOKSTON V MAX E VIERTEL NEBRASKA ENERAL MERCHANDISE VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVYVlVVVVVVVy u wvVWVW RANCH TRAbE OUR SPECIALTY Everything fresli and clean and prices that are right Special attention given to pumps tanks etc J N STEADMAN COMPANY KENNEDY NEBRASKA EJTlV5Pmrj THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA Cv 5m SMAAft l9999 r V999 999995 THE ONLY FIRST CLASS SHOW COMING THIS YEAR THE BIG SUCCESS OF 1900 VALENT V II I ill i I r9 I 1 J 1 J g 1 I SHOWS x Coming on Its Own Palace Railroad Trains Huge Monster Menagerie of Eare Wild Animals Seven Large Troupes of Educated Horses and Ponies The Best Arenic Performers of Europe and America Real Iloman Chariot Races Hosts of FunnyClowns F il Jfcl - 4j J v uKrf Everything RivoLiTY New Original Dont fail to see the Free Morning Exhibition on Show Grounds after the Grand Street Parade Two Performances Afternoon and Evening POORS OPEN AT I PM AND 7 PM 3s2 LEGAL NOTICES Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between LM Jones and II GDunn of Valentine Nebr under the Jirm name of Jones Dunn was on the loth day of April 1900 dissolved by mutual consent U G Dunn retaining the business cnHer tlnc nil - -counts and paying all debts of said firm LAI JOKES 13 lt UGDUNN NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the valentine Building and Loan Association To the stock holders of the Valentine Building Loan Association of Valentine Nebraska You and each of you are hereby notilied that the annual meeting of said association will be held at the Secretarys ofllce on May isth 1900 at 730 p m A full attendance is requested Itespectfully lC 2t W E HALEY Secretary MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 100 1900 Corn 85c 1600 Chop corn 90c 1700 Oats 105 20 00 Snow Liniment cures Rheu matism Neuralgia Heanache Sick Headache Sore Throat Cuts Sprains Bruises Old Sores Corns and all pain and inflammation The most penetrat ing liniment in the world Price 25 cts and 50 cts Quigley Chapman RTRAVPn 9 linal rvf branded D L REED Cody G TaJcen Up About January 1st at my place four miles north of Sparks one red and white spotted cow about 7 years old branded GN on left side and W on right hip HENRY BROWN 12 Hiyli Grade Bulls I have at my ranch SO miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade- Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD v WESTERN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOGN ANNUAL MEETING AT ALL ON MAY 8 ANPF j 1900 Inspection at all market points Charges reasonable Stockmen can join at any time Inspectors records of shipments and brands on file at Alliance Reward for Conviction of Thieves Fifteen counties covered and 80000 head of cattle now in membership Correspondence solicited J R VAN BOSK1RK SECRETARY TrE ASUREIl ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Nenzel Neb w l a D L Reed i Brand registered No 1G53 Range 2J4 miles east of Nenzel r ZP 1 Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on shoulder George Heyne Hooper Xeb f J right Urand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Kance north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Mickel Boltz Parker Son 4MflK J P O Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Ranire on Niobrara south of Crookston Hervey llanch Two miles east of Crookston in Cherrv county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Jlgr Crookston Neb W ocl O J KELLAR jzsmBmsr Posto Ht e addrest Bronnee Nebr On ert side Rang betweer noose Creek and Loup crews w w i i TrmVvTrTi imiirt ii nrniftrnitrMlniriniriWiirir nnii fd r i i f THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE EDITOR Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau j Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday May 2 1900 Highest temp for week 75 dee on the 1st Lowest temp for week 3ideg on April 30th Mean temp tor week 570 deg Av temp for the week tor 10 years 487 deg Excess of temp for the week c 3 Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11000 537 dcg Total precipitation for week 063 Inches Av precipn for week forio years 0C8 inches Excess of precipitation for week 00 inches Total precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date 547 Inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan l to date 5 85 inches Deficiency of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date 038 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 30 miles per hour from the n on Aoril 29 FItANKK BEAIAN Observer Weather Bureau ADDITIONAL LOCAL Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhams 175 Test Headlight Oil at Petty 15 Elden Sparks came down from Co dy Monday Ice Cream and Soft Drinks at Mrs Cavanys 15 Miss Jennie Deily is trimming hats for Mrs F T Prawitz Ex County Surveyor Tate returned from a trip over the county Tuesday G W Sisler of Crookston called in and had his name put on our list yes terday The front of Quigley Chapmans drugstore is brightened with a new coat of paint The street crossing between Mbrgareidges and Pettycrews has been raised V Fruits and Cavanys coniectionery at iurs 15 The manager of the skimming sta tion has been sick at the Massingale house for several days J A Sparks came down to attend the opening of the skimming station here and remained until Tuesday morning A M Morrissey returned today from Gordon where hes been try ing a lawsuit during the first part of this week Meals 25 cts at Mrs Cavanys sec ond door north of Postofflce 15 E J Davenport left last Thursday for Kearney Lincoln and Omaha Mr Davenport is a delegate to the Republican State Convention Milk routes should be established in the different localities and one man can haul in the milk of several of his neighbors who live closer to town See that Farnhams 300 cowboy boot at 15 Ed Richards and wife from Ken nedy left this morning for tne east ern part of this state on a visit to Eds moth9r expecting to be gone about two weeks Our farmers and stockmen do not take so kindly to a trust that requires them to pay the advanced prices which they have been paying on wire and nails Mr Thomas Gates from Lime Springs Iowa stopped in town to pay taxes on his ranch property in the west end of this county Thursday Mr Gates is thinking of spending a little more of his time here in the near future Young cattle taken same as at Farnhams cash 15 Crabb 3Iorgareidge invite you to call and examine their bargains in all lines Leave 3our baggage with them and it will be cared for Make in town Goods delivered to anv nart - 1 LilL of the citv Eight different styles shoes at Farnhams of ladies 15 Dean Ef ner came down to see his father and mother between issues of his paper at Chadron We mistrust ed there was some other attraction but as Dean didnt call around to tell us about it well not say anything more about it until we hear from the Journal Some hams more new shoes at Farn 15 Veach Wilson On Thursday April 26 at the residence of Rev Gum bow Nellie Wilson eldest daughter of E H Wilson was united in mar- have our best wishes and congratul ations Morning and evening services will be held at the Episcopal Church on Sunday next it being the occasion of the visitation of the Bishop Ser mons may be expected from the Bishop - Special music is being pre pared bya quartet and every effort will be made to make these meetings interesting The public is cordially invited SF Blacksmith - Wagon and Carnage Maker HAilDWOOD LUMBER AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS A E Thacher is on the sick list Ed Clark went to Gordon Tuesday F M Walcott went to Cody yester day Clint Anderson was in town Tues day A K Kuskie was in town yester day J C Pettijohn is again chairman of the Republican County Central Committee The merry ring of the blacksmiths hammer from morning till night is also a sign of spring The Quartermaster of the post in forms us that Congress has made an appropriation of 12500 for repairs for Fort Niobrara J W Smyser has had a cellar dug and a foundation laid on the lot south adjoining his house and is mov ing the house onto it today Last Wednesdav S W Chesnut and little boy passed through town on his way down east where he exbects to find some fine stock to place on his in Enlow precinct William Carter of Sioux City Iowa one of the heaviest cattle deal ers in that country just unloaded a half train load of cattle at Wood Lake to be distributed among his sev eral cattle handlers in Cherry Coun ty Old Cherry catches all the bright dealers Mr Carter recently took Milton Latta the well known Cherry County expert well driller to Iowa with him and set him to work among his fine fruit farms where Io wa experts naa ail iaiieci batta rolled the water out of the grounno matter how high the bluff nor how deep the well Hurrah for Latta the purchase of cosmetics lotions and powders none of which ever accom plishes its object Beauty depends on healthy blood and good digestion such as Kails lover Root Tea guarantees you for 25 cts and 50 cts per package Take it and we guarantee your com plexion k Teachers Meeting The teachers meeting Saturday was well attended despite the rain and a number of good papers were read and the meet ing was pronounced a success In the evening a large crowd gathered at the MEChurch to hear the lecture by Prof Davisson which was excel lent The Prof told us how a child should be taught to respect old peo ple and in a very able manner illus trated how much good could be wrought by giving encouragement to the unfortunate and down trodden And further that boys should be taught to respect the law as well as to educate the mind and that no ed ucation is valuable that enlightens the mind at the expense of degrad ing the person by acquiring perni cious habits becoming a rowdy and destroying property with a reckless ness that defines the ruffian and the villain A Fast llicycle Jtltittr Will often receive painful cuts sprains or bruises from accidents Bucklens their store your headquarters while Arnica Salve win kil the pain and heal injury Its the cyclists friend Cures Chafing Chapped Hands Sore Lips Burns Ulcers and Piles Cure guaranteed Only2oc Try it Sold at Elliotts drug store 1 SUDDEN DEATH Frank Riley of Omaha came to our town Monday night and has been in a delirious condition since until this morning when he seemed to feel better 1 and got up washed and dressed and went down town assisted by Webb Hil singer and Verne Stevenson When left alone for a few moments he became unconscious and was taken to the Hoot en House where he died shortly after about 1030 Dr Holsclaw the at- J -1 I T riage to George Veach After a trip S puysicmn pronounced lt nearfr to the home of the grooms pare9PlSaiure at Rushville the happy couple com- j menced housekeeping in the Borman property on Cherry street They 49 c dfc Everything New J AGENT FOR Buckeye IViowers Harvesters Machine Oil and Twine HEAVY HARDWARE AND E BRI Hous Cleaning UKLANDER will soon be the order of the day If you need a little PAINT VAIt NISflALAB AS TIN E or WALL PAPER we can sup ply your needs QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska Merry Party Too late for publication last week The home of Judge and Mrs Wal cott was the scene of a merry party on last Saturday evening fourteen Bachelor Girls taking the house by storm in honor of the departure of Miss Celina Noble for Kearney Nebr The surprise was complete and a very pleasant evening was spenc Jjook at Your Face I and see if it is reflecting health or disease Karls Clover Root Tea i beautifies the face and complexion and assures perfect health All drug gists 25 cts and 50 cts Money re funded if results are not satisfac tory k At a TYlPpfinor nf flio CoVmnl rlivoofrvT a tiiifshplfs of lflnnpii I Thrown in the same teachers were re employed away by women annually withjlie exception of Miss Stark who will be succeeded by Miss Mabel Towne and Miss Chappell as assistant principal will not be needed if the 12th grade is - Attention Citizens There will be a public meeting held at the County Judges Office on Tuesday evening the 8th daA of May 1900 at 8 oclock PM to perfect arrangements for a Fourth of July Celebration All citizens should be interested in this move and their presence is requested at this meet- mg Committee Xothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Tablers Buck eye Pile Ointment as a curative and healing application for piles fissures bliDd and bleedingexternal or internal and itching and bleeding of the rectum The relief is immediate and cure vinfal libe Price 50c in bottle tubes 75c Quigley Chapman druggists Subscribe for the Democrat J Karls Clover Root Tea I m Btifies the Complexion Parifies the I 5 eivfs aFresh Clear Skia Cures Con- I fhf lin digestion and all Eruptions of I frL h n agreeable laxative Nerve m ionic bold on absolute guarantee by all I druggjsts at 25c 50c and f 100 I S C WELLS CO LEROY NY SOLE PROPRIETORS Quigley Chapman AN ELEGANT LINE OF JiBy SPRING HATS Flowers Ribbons Crista exa g ffieT1 frSaasfisssgags trIramers at est possiwe 2q Sext door socth of Crabb Morgareidge MKS F T PRAWITZ J c 2 0 c vwwwwwvvH