Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 03, 1900, Image 4
u y I THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT f M RICE s v EDITOR 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVEBY THURSDAY Entered at tti e Postoffice at Valentine Cherry eountr Nebra Jka as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subocriber8 until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full INTRODUCTORY To the Public - 1 realize the responsibility that I am assuming in taking charge of this paper and that every issue will be viewed crit ically I cannot hope to please everyone into whose hands a copy of The Democrat may fall and though I may be ever so careful to publish a paper of the high est standard to the best of my ability the lack of experience will be likely to cause errors for which though I do not shirk the respnsibility I will be truly sorrowful I hope unto repentance and I ask your forbearance and kindly ad vice Should I succeed in giving the news and happenings as they occur in a clear intelligible and unprejudiced manner keeping the people informed as to what is being done at Valentine and in Cherry county I will have per formed a work that wtll be creditable To Robert Good is due the credit for making this paper the largest in cir culation the most definite in language and in popularity with the people pub lishing the brands of more stockmen than any other paper in the northwest I cannot hope to be as Good in va rious ways editorially mechanically enthusiastically or in verbosity My thoughts will find utterance through the columns of The Valentine Democrat which may not at all times voice the sentiment of all who read it but those thoughts will come from be due and chargeable to my observation experience and education My predecessor has informed you that the policy of this paper will con tinue as it has beenpolitically To this I would add that I may not be out spoken enough to suit the most partisan though I shall always be loyal to the principles which I advocate THE GREAT CAUSE OF THE COMMON PEOPLE and I shall ever be found defending and protecting the cause that is as near and dear to me as the life I live In changing the title of this paper to The Valentine Democrat I do so for convenience and simplicity Respectfully I M RtCE If Admiral Dewey is a true democrat he will not allow his name to come up nor be mentioned as a candidate for president as long as the people are clamoring for Bryan and there seems to be no let up in the enthusiasm which is being manifested every where Han na is still blowing his tin horn and try ing to rally his republican supporters to again try Mac and theyll fight it out on the same lines as in -96 But to the credit of some of our republican friends it might be soid They are now fully convinced that McKinley is not in favor of the policy that by his silence in 96 he wished the people to believe him to be They know now just how he stands and they are not willing to endorse a policy that is meeting with so much favor and is so heartily en dorsed by the plunder seeking monop olies railroad corporations and the double interest drawing national banks Mark Uanna has things so arranged that there will be at least four presi dential tickets in the field in Nebraska this fall namely republican fuzzie wuzzies Debs and union reform be sides the fusion ticket If there is any other that could by any posssbility draw a few votes away from Bryan the money tvill be furnished to pay the ex penses Nebraska Independent Coal Oil Johnny Thuiston and Rose water were elected delegates at large to the National Republican con vention Wednesday After all the Bee has said recently about Johnnys de fense of the Staudard Oil Trust we will sdo by their going together asidelegates how well Coal Oil and Rose Water will znix - THE ELEVATION OF LABOR There is a misunderstanding M the important things to acquire and the standard and object of the best life Vuung men growing up scejfwell elres scl people the smoothness and easu with which they apparently1 take life The fine appearance of many of the people who have plenty of money to spend wearing a nobby suit of fine clothes and to the careless observer having nothing to do but soek amuse ment of whatsoever they enjoy has made many a young man envy their position There is a false idea as to the amount of enjoyment that wealth gives a man If you could measure happiness as you do the commodidities you would find that there was less real enjoyment in a rich mans life than is generally accredited whether he be wealthy without labor or if he has made his wealth by constant hard work and de votion to business The farmers and laboring men who have constant employment at fair wa ges with a comfortable home raising up a fine family of healthy robust and intelligent children from the chubby little 4 3 car old to the graduate of the common schools now ready to begin a life of usefulness and who have been taught from earliest infancy to us proper respect in addressing their eld ers and superiors these are the men who enjoy happiness in life and they should for who among the most wealthy of our people could not envy the laborer andfarmer with their ro bust constitutions sitting in an easy chair by the fireside at the close of day conversing on the neighborhood affairs or reading the family newspaper The novel writers for centuries back haye painted glowing pictures of the gentleman who hai nothing to do but seek his own amusement ordering ev erything and being waited upon by ser vants numerous of slipping a com into the hand of some unfortunate or wait er from whom he expected extra ser vice and also picturing the hero as a stalwart man of great endurance A traveler going here and there not on business but as a matter of pleasure Poets have chanted the charms of the stage the gayest scenery the beautiful flowers the grandeur of nature the ro mantic men and charming women uut never has there been a decade when the laborer was held up as a model of happiness and content or that there was anything in his life worthy of men tion only as he steps out when oppor tunity presents and with the courage born of toil stops some runaway horse to save a childs lifegoes into the build ing enwrapped with flames to save some inmate or knocks down some bul ly for insulting a lady or tantalizing an innocent child The time is coming when the laborer and farmer will be admired The many sterling qualities of the toiler will not go unsung for as the grandest sat elites or comets move slower orin a larger circle requiring longer time to make their appearance so surely will the toilers day remain when he is at last given his just credit and praise WASHINGTON ON TRUSTS In 1778 General Washingtons army was not in a very good condition It needed food and soldiers were m clothing in fact the rags and with their officers lived on the plainest of food principally roots Congress was strug gling to supply him and his army with the necessaries of life but it had trou ble with those who had the suppliesbe cause thejT controlled the market and were noj disposed to let them go with out being paid their own price It was then that Washington wrote Joseph Reed president of congress to the fol lowing effect It gives me sincere pleasure to find that the assembly of Pennsylvania is so well disposed to second your endeavor in bringing those murderers of our cause the monopolizers to condign punishment It is much to be lamented that each state long ere this has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of J nerica I would to God some one of the most atrocious in each state was hung in gibbets upon a gallows five times as high as the one proposed by Hainan No punishment in my opinion is too great for the man who builds his great ness upon his countrys ruin Nebras ka Independent No doubt you have noted how much easier it rains in Nebraska since Mr McKinley took charge of the elements and the rest of the universe Do not make the mistake of giving your thanks for rain to the wrong source World Herald Five hundred and thirty seven new national banks have already been or ganized under the new law and they will begin shoving out their shin plas ters by the handful Walk up and pay yourtribute in the shape of ten per cent interest Nebraska Independent CUMING COUNTY POPS Editor Independent Every pop in Cuming county as far as I can learn fired DClem Deaver back trom whence it came He Jmight have retained some readers the first shot out of his middle of the road pop gun had not been aimed at Allen and Bryan All the pops in this county are for le form rather than party and they see no way of getting it except by fusing with silver republicans and silver dem ocrats and by the way I believe the silver republican party is the only gen uine republican party in existence 1 voted for republican principles in 1856 and have voted for themCever sincebut for the last twelve years outside of the so called republican party I cannot see that the so called is supporting a single principle that was advocated by Abraham Lincoln L R Fletcher in Nebraska Independent JSetcare 0 a Cohri A cough is not a disease but a symp tom Consumption and bronchitis which are the most dangerous and fatal diseases have for their first indication a persistent cough and if properly treated as soon as this cough appears are easily cured Chamberlains Cough Remedy has proyen wonderfully suc cessful and gained its wide reputation and extensive sale by its success in curing the diseases which cause cough ing If it is not beneficial it will not cost you a cent or sale by Quigley Chapman druggists 1 Is the growing demand for the elec tion of senators by direct vote of the people responsible for all these recent spasms of virtue exhibited by the usu ally impassive and unresponsive senat6j jvunu xitJiatu A Very Remathahle Ilcmeily It is with a goo 1 deal of pleasure and satisfaction that I recommend Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy says Druggist A W Sawtelle of Hartford Conn A lady customer seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my show case said to me I really believe that medicine saved my life the past summer while at the shore v and she became so enthusiastic over its merits that I at once made up my niiud to recommend it in the fu ture Recently a gentleman came into my store so overcome with colic pains that he sank at once to the floor I gave him a dose of this remedy which helped him I repeated the dose and in fifteen minutes he left my store smil ingly informing me that he felt as well as ever Sold by Quigley Chapmanl A DEAD ISSUE In response to a communication from the Nebraska Suffrage Press Bnreauan editor referred to woman suffrage as an issue dead beyond resurrection This seems amusing to those who have been watching the progress of this movement in recent years In the last two decades but two years have passed that have not marked a victory for woman suffrage and some years have marked several of them In twenty four states ot the Union women have been granted school suf frage in Montana and Louisiana they vote on questions of taxation in Kan sas they have municipal suffrage and in Wyoming Colorado Utah and Ida ho they vote on all questions Nor is the progress of this movement limited to the United States In England Scotland Ireland Iceland Ontario Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia and Manitoba unmarried women and widows with property are municipal voters in Norway women who pay school tax vote on school questions in France women vote for judges of tribunals of commerce and in South Australia West Australia New Zealand and the Isle of Man women enjoy full suffrage and all the most im portant of these victories have been won in the last twenty years In Nebraska the movement is gain ing rapidly in numbers and influence and the work has grown to the extent of rendering necessary a state head quarters with a permanent secretary And those who believe this question to be a dead issue will find ere many years that it has not only been resur rected but reincarnated iuto the laws of the state JLAURA A GREGG Tortured re JVitncss Intense suffertng was endured by witness T L Martin of Dixie Ky before he gave this evidence I cough ed every night until my throat was nearly raw then tried Dr Kings New Discovery which gave instant relief I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it as the great est remedy for coughs colds and all throat chest and troubles It will stop the worst cough and not only- prevents but absolutely cures consumption Price 50c and 100 Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottles free at El liotts drug store 1 Subscribe fur The Demockat100 li O DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Superintendent of a Private Hospital For- -the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE I I AM NOW EEADY J bUSAA particulars NEBRASKA J S ESTABEOOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy VALENTINE NEB- A N COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office lit Quigleys Drug Store Nights-Upstairs-Red Front 0 A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Vsierry Cotittty Manh i - itir Tdfar rffer idESr a 5 OWMOREY 4 THE VALENTINE Watch make AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties gKauprrgprprjpLarcgcr Valentine House J A IIOOTON Prop - f Recently opened and nowly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentine F M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Practices in District Court and U S Laud Office Real Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW V VALENTINE NEB 0 M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND GOLD BATHS vvwwynrwvwwwvw Strayed or Stolen Several head of horses and cat- tleii2ded Amos Strong Valentine Neb 3 WATPH fil flfitf i iini mi ui uui AND JEWELRY REPAIRING iOK BUSINESS With a nice se lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds of Repairing and Engraving done prompt ly and warranted F 1XGALLS AIXSWORTI1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 11 tf WANTED 300 Lead of cattle to summer in pasture Good grass and running water Apply at this office for IBS J 5 tfP9MHrttatoatfnBriA 3 Ip2 W E Haley Valentine Nob Brand registered No 200 Range In Sharps Kanch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and liin and 01 left shoulder of hor ses AlsoMPlB on left side fffwl an hip ftfl t on right hip and Jf -- on lelt side Jv C on left hip of horses lffiflSlHJgHgjJ Marquardt Rowlus OttoStuube Manager V QM J r7rt TrV rTnElFIlT MV RR south MerrimanNeb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands OS on left hip Horse brad A on left shouldei Ran eft Formerly Geo W Monnier ranch 5 miles east of Merriman from FE to Leander Creek Mar- quardt Bo wins ScribnorNebraska WILHELM ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake TTI Prideaux Sanford H SCHULTZ Pi J A Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder Potoflice address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Range 2iorth and south of Georgia MORRIS JANIES Postoffice address RoseDud s D Cattle branded on left side as on cut Horsesfps nn loft tlifrrii mW Rrnge on Rock Creek Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhom clip on some cattle Charles O Tackett Rosebud 3 D Range head of An telope near 3t Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh John DeCory yJXD 1 Rosebud S D Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip j Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Peter Ylondray Rosebud S D Leftside Left ear cropped Horses branded Range Little White River at mouth of 3edar 1reek JULIUS PETERSON ostoflice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory J A SAULTS C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over one year old on right side horses same on left shoulder WM Range south west Postoffice address Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip - horses the same Range en Dry Val ley Range Arkausa Valley and Snakr ol Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brands on eft leg gfellls ia3llfe JAC0BS0N Gordon Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle Wm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand registeed NoSTO Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara river 12 Jmiles east ot aientinc BROTHERS Postofllce address Greeonr Neb Onleft side some same with I on left shoulder V7SV horses Mil ielt shoulderPT m Range don and Goose Lake A ItEWAJtn OF 250 will be paid to any person for Information leading to the ar rest and flnal conviction of any person or per sons stealiuK cattle with above brand DAN TVEBSTER Postoffice address Harlan Nebraska Onleft side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio Drara and Snake riv ers south of Merri man A Reward of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle orhoises with above brand R M FADDIS rostofilce address Pass Neb Range North Loup River ALBERT NENZEL TrtorifHo rwMrp Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel Hyannis on Nebraska Chadron Nebraska ia3L RICHARDS CAIRNES CO gG9 Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and B M R R in Northwestern Address Baktlett Richards GEORGE Postoffice address Simeon Neb Branded on right side or hip Also onleft hip Horses on right moulder as on cu Range Gordon and Snake Bi N DAVIS HH9bkHibbbhbV C JENSEN ostofflce ardress Gallop Nebraska Left side on private stock and right side on cattle held also on left side of cattle held ora left side TTnrvnc i T nn l ff shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop M RICHARDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Kanije McCann C E Wright ier if frit teemmmMlffiih Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side P T Brackett K lr in WLi fffggffiee3Bgaaaghi Riege Nebr Brand Registered NO liOO Brand right side or hip Horses same on richt shoulder Range Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore Peder Thorsen It Tj ft Gordon Nebraska On right side T on right hip e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded It H 011 lefrside Range fowl miles south of Irwin F C DuerfeMr Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded yo on right hip Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shoulder 7 a S W Cbesnut v9kE2bIES9UY J Alien tIimT 1 W Xi I T Richardson VWBBaA Perch Nebr Some on left hip tm mtm 1 Tii 1 rfiTirtvSSitSfl m mv Horses on left shyuldr v y r r