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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1900)
ii - r i r y T THE WORLD OVER LATEST NEWS FROM EVER LAND ARMY IS A WRECK Roberts sufferingfor want of horses 3eace DelefratJcs Coining to This CountryThey Were Assured Therq Was No Hope in Europe and Now Turn io America London The only dispatch from Lord Roberts pubJjshedfSuuday was the usual JUst Qfthianjd sicknesses The Stan dards annrahcement that Gen Trenchs Tpavahy arelretuijning to Bloemfontein is clear proof that there is no further thope of catching the retreating Boers and the London papers are beginning to display impatience at the practical failure of the elaborate opera tions or last week Without doubt tiiese operations have been of a very exhausting nature and will entai1 further delay The Bloemfontein correspondent of the j Times writing on ilarch 8 after the Paardeberg affair describes Lord Roberts army as a wreck because it was with out horses and without transport The Bloemfontein correspondent of the Post speaks now of the urgent need at present and always of more horses There is very little news from other quarters The sudden decision of the Boer peace delegates to go to America is attrib uted to the fact that the government of the Netherlands after sounding all the Euro pean capitals told them they had nothing to hope for from Europe Col Dalgetys force at Wepener num bered 1700 His losses during the siege were 30 killed aud H9 wounded ACCIDENT AT THE EXPOSITION Wine Persons -Killed and Nine Others Injured in Paris Paris An accident Sunday within the exposition grounds caused the death of nine v persons and injured nine others A tem- porary bridge broke burying fifty people beneath the debris Sundays was proba bly the record attendance The concourse iwas particulaily great along the Avenue fde Sufren which forms the northern 3boundarjrof the grounds -Here is situated a big side show the ce V lestial globe A foot bridge on which the finishing touches were being put crosses jthe Avenue de Sufren connecting the side chow with the exposition It was con structed of wood with a stucco facade and with a plaster made tower at each end Strangely enough the bridge had just been condemned as unsafe by the exposition au thorities The public was therefore not t fallowed to go upon the structure and in ithis way a disaster even more terrible than ahat which occurred was averted i The gay crowd was passing along the javenue and some hundred or more persons were walking beneath the bridge when suddenly an ominous crash was heard Before those underneath could turn aside the structure fell with a fearful crash burying nearly fifty A shout of horror arose from the spectators mingled with the cries of the victims Almost immediately the crowd attacked the debris in the effort to release those lying beneath The weighty plaster towers seem to be responsibIe for the fall of the structure Several soldiers were among the injured and many of their comrades were foremost in giving assistance Strong criticism is leveled against the exposition authorities for allowing an unfinished structure to jeopardize The lives of citizens fears being expressed that the -incomplete state of the works within the exhibition grounds them selves might lead to a similar accident 1 It should be said however that the ex- position authorities are not responsible for the defective construction of the foot bridge which was erected by the manage inieii of the celestial globe ftx ia Q As a result of tho accident M Lepine perfect of of several e police has ordered the closing ciflfi chfvws thr stTiiPtnral c r r 3 Tangemenis ui wuiuu uie uuusiueieu MONEY POURING IN Practical Evidence of Sympathy fox Ottawa Fire Sufferers Ottawa Ont The city is just begin ning to recover from the shock of the big fire The relief of the unfortunates is pro ceeding and from distant points visible evidences of sympathy are pouring in Cablegrams have been received from Lord Strathcona and Lord Mount Stephen do nating 25000 and 10000 respectively v The relief committee has ample use for iall the money it can get In many cases the destitution was complete even the ordinary means of livelihoodsbeing cut off JL careful estimate by a prominent lumber man places the value of the lumber de stroyed at 3500000 Iiove Affair Ends in a Tragedy Caldwell Ohio W D Dickenson a popular young farmer shot Miss Euna Wilkinson a young school teacher on the Streets of Live Green Sunday night She was only slightly wounded Dickenson then blew out his own brains A love affair with extreme jealousy was the cause k Situation Improved Waco Texas The flood situation Mon day was very much improved the destitute aud suffering being nearly all provided i with wearing apparel and food Fatal Fire in a Tenement New Tork Three persons were killed and threescferely injured in an early morning lire Jri the six story tenement 7 1 Forsyth Thelnjured persons were burned about the face and hands while vlmaking theipesjeaoe Kef use to Raise Wages DetroifcMicThe management of the consolidated treet railways of Detroit has formally refused to accede to a request of the employes for an increase in wages of ioentsjerhour v it V frVfrin1 A - - fop X A GREAT ELECTRIC STORM Cloudburst In the Southwest Fillo Streams to Overflowing Waco Texas An electric storm accom panied by rain in torrents fell here April 27 swelling the two creeks ilowing through the city flooding half the city and doing great damage to property Three iioJies have been recovered and three other persons are known to have perished The storm broke at 4 oclock in the morn ing and the water fell from the clouds in vast sheets one cloudburst swallowing the other the water courses rising above the divides and uniting into a raging sea -The people In the portion of the city suffering most fled from their houses The firemen and police and hundreds of citizens rushed to the rescue but the water was too swift for them and at least six persons lost their lives by drowning in less than five minutes The property loss in Waco will be fully 50000 Such a flood was never before iecne here The rain resembled a succes sion of cloud bursts Basements were flooded on Franklin and Washington Streets and on Austin Avenue Waco Creek on the south side of the city and Barons branch on the north side poured their surplus water toward the center of the city and formed a spa in the business center The exact number of persons drowned cannot be ascertaineJ HONOR GEN GRANT Man of Mighty Days Is Remem bered in His Old Home Galena 111 Geu TJ S Grants birth day was observed here April 27 The event has been celebrated annually for ten years but its last commemoration was on a much more elaborate scafe than here tofore Special trains were run by tiie railroads from the surrounding country and the city was profusely decorated with flags and bunting A special train bear ing Gov Roosevelt of New York who de livered the principal oration Mrs Nellie Grant Sartoris her son and daughter and other distinguished guests arrived shortly before 2 oclock The streets were packed almost from curb to curb and the distin guished guests were met by a storm of cheers A procession was formed and pro ceeded to the Turner Hall where the ex ercises of the day took place Rev Dr Spencely of Albany N Y delivered the invocation After a song In Libertys Name by a male quartette Gov Roose velt was introduced amidst tremendous applause TORNADO IN TEXAS Havoc Is Wrought by a Windstorm Southwest of Dallas Dallas Texas A tornado passed through the southern part of Johnson County and the northern part of Hill County about noon April 27 doing great destruction The town of Blum seventy five miles southwest of Dallas was partly destroyed and several persdns fatally injured Dr Harts daughter had a scantling driven through her body and died immediately The 8-year-old daughter of D P Hunt had both legs broken and was in ternally injured Lacey Robertsons wife was caught in the falling house badly crushed and will probably die The pub lic school house was wrecked and two pu pils badly injured A dozen dwellings and the Baptist Church were wrecked Much other damage was done TO DIE BY SLOW POISON Missionaries from China Say that Is the Fate of the Emperor Yictoria B C Missionaries from China formed a large part of the passengers by the Empress of China from Hong Kong one of the notables being Dr Lowry direct from Pekin where ie is president of the Methodist college All agree that the fate of the amperor has been decreed by the empress Jowager The impression throughout China is that he is being slowly risoned and will within the next six months at the least pass away Weeks May Soon Be Free New York Pour indictments still re main against Francis H Weeks who in 1893 was sentenced to six years and six months in Sing Sing for defrauding estates for which he was executor out of a sum aggregating 1300000 Weeks was sen tenced on one of five indictments and As sistant District Attorney Townsend has filed a recommendation for the dismissal of four remaining indictments Weeks term will expire next month The request of the district attorneys office was taken under advisement by Judge Foster Bad Fire in New York New York Fire that oricrinatri in thp rear of the basement of the live story tripple apartment house in West One Hundred and Fifty Fourth Street spread rapidly throughout the entire building drove forty five families into the street and caused a loss to buildings and con tents of 50000 Firemen took twenty two people out of the building by means of ladders and fire escapes Train Held Up Little Rock A touthbound St Louis lion yMoun tain and Southern passenger train was held up by a negro bandit near lliiiginson fifty miles north The negro confined- his operations to one passenger coach compelling the panic stricken pas sengers to hand over their valuables at lhe point of a pistol Frame Building Collapses Chicago By the collapse of a double two story frame house at Seventeenth and State Streets five persons were injured two seriously Five others escaped injury The building was old and stood on wooden posts One of these gave way causing the collapse All the occupants were colored Sword for Kruger from Germany Berlin German veterans of 1864 1866 and 1S70 of the Solingen District famous for its military cutlery will within a few days send a sword of honor to President Kruger A detailed description of -the weapon appeared in a recent issue of the Tageblatte Yprkton at Shanghai Shanghai The gunboat Yorkton has arrived here It will replace the Benning ton and Concord in the waters of northern China in looking after the interests of resident Americans a jtf gwaV s J STONCOVICH LOST HIS BET Wagered Powder Would Not plode but It Did Ex i Greensburg Pa It was through a Wager entered into between George Ston cowich and John Mickolick that death and destruction was brought about in the tene ment house at Larimer A party of Aus trians sat in a room where there was stored several kegs of powder and some dyna mite at the home of John Mickolick dis cussing the explosive powers of powder and dynamite Stoncowich offered a wager of 25 cents with Mickolick that the blasting powder contained in the kegs would not ignite The bet was accepted and a quantity of the powder was jlaced on the floor a lighted match thrown into it and Stoncowich lost the Let The body of John Mickolick was found in the debris The other victims will recover BOER ARSENAL WRECKED Thirteen Workmen Killed and Many Injured by an Explosion Pretoria A serious explosion occurred at the Begbie works used by the -government as an arsenal April 25 The walls of the building were destroyed and the structures in the neighborhood were a mass of flames Shrieks of women and children in adjoining streets added to the ghastliness of the scene Thirteen work men were killed and fifty injured includ ing Herr Grumberg manager of the works The most important of the ma chinery was saved The cause of the ex plosion is unknown Further particulars from Johannesburg show the explosion occurred in a maga zine containing smokeless powder on the opposite side of the street from the Begbie works used by the government as an arsenal - Saved GEN WARREN FALLS from Disgrace of Coinins Home by Milner Londan The following dispih has been received at the war office from Roberts Bloemfontein At the request of the high commissioner Warren hajc been ap pointed military governor of Griquilnnd West while that pari of the country is in a disturbed condition Roberts peculiar reference to Sir Alfred Milner over Warrens appointment lends itself to the inference that the of the British forces in South Africa scarcely approves of it and that the previous report that Warren had been re called was correct but that he was saved from coming home by the action of the British high commissioner TRIPP FOR VICE PRESIDENT Several State Delegations Said to Be Pledged to His Support Tacoma Wash At the recent meeting of the Republican delegates to the national convention in this city it developes that i secret pledge was made to support Judge Bartlett Tripp of Yankton S D for vice president The Washington Oregon Idaho and South Dakota delegations are said to be already pledged to his candi dacy which is being quietly but energet ically promoted As a brother-in-law of Senator Davis President Clevelands ap pointee to the Austrian ministry and Mc Kinleys appointee on the Hawaiian com mission Mr Tripp is well and favorably known ---- - - - A BIG DEFAULTER Ex Official of Elmira N Y Believed to Have Stolen 100000 Elmira N Y Frank E Bundy ex city chamberlain and defeated candidate for mayor on the Democratic ticket in the spring election has been indicted for grand larceny and embezzlement and falsifying the city books It is thought an examination of his books will show a shortage of 100000 Ashland Man Buys a Valuable Cow Kansas City The sale of Hereford cattle from the Armour Sparks Funk houser and Logan herds is on at the stock yards The prices realized are considered low Win Humphrey of Ashland Neb paid 130 for the cow Queen Quarantine MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle common to prime 225475 lions 545S550 sheep 400700 wheat Zia corn 30g32c oats 20K22K butter dairy 1820 creamery 2221 Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 000 hogs shipping grades 300 to 175 sheep fair to choice 300 to 575 wheat No 2 rod 05c to 07c corn No 2 39c to 41c oats No 2 23c to 24c rye No 2 53c to 55c butter choice creamery 17c to ISc eggs fresh lie to 12c potatoes choice 25c to 40c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 000 hogs choice light 300 to 575 sheep comaiou to prime 300 to 575 wheat No 2 70c to 72c com No 2 white 30c to 41c oats No 2 white 27c to 29c St Louis Cattle 325 to 000 hogs 300 to 75 sheep 300 to 050 wheat No 2 71c to 73e corn No 2 yellow 39c to 41t oats No 2 24c to 20e rye No 2 55c to 5ic Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 000 hogs 300 to 550 sheep 250 to 575 wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2 mixed 41c to 43c oats No 2 mixed 25c to 27c rye No 2 02c to 03e Detroit Cattle 250 to 000 300 to 575 sheep 300 to 025 wheat No 2 70c to 72c corn No 2 yellow 40c to 41c oats No 2 white 2Sc to 30c rye GOc to 2c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 72p to 73c corn No 2 mixed 40c to 41c oats No 2 mixed 24c to 25c rye No 2 57c to 5Sc clover seed old 405 to 475 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern OGc to 07c corn No 3 3Se to 40c oats No 2 white 27c to 28c rye No 2 57c to 59c barley No 2 42c to 43c pork mess 1250 to 1300 Buffalo Cattle choice shipping steers 300 to 000 hogs common to choice 323 to 000 sheep fair to choice 300 to 075 lambs common to extra 450 to S775 New York Cattle 325 to G00 hogs 300 to G00 sheep 300 to 050 wheat No 2 red 79c to 80c com No 2 4Sc to 49c oats No 2 white 29c to 31c butter creamery luc to 19c eggs west era 12c to 14c m Wij rvAtri tfgnwiijfeiiBlfc iwwa j STATE 0E NEBEASKlK NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED1 FORM Charles Smith of His TCife and Quarrel Growing Out of His In- sanity Results Brownville Kills Then Himself the Shotting Insanity developed asecond time in Charley Smith oiuvjof the weUyknown young men of Brownvifiereslilting in a terrible tragedy April 22 At 730 pm Smith shot and killed- his wjfeand then himself with the sameweaion All was once adjudged insane and confined in an asylum in Kansas Of late he had shown his vagaries on many occasions and had been very abusive and quarrelsome around his horned So far had this state of affairs progressed that Mrs Smith had been advised to leave her husband as it was dangerous to longer remain with him The day of the tragedy Smith was in an ugly mood aud quarreling with his wife His little boy broke out of the house and ran to the home of his grandfather to tell that there was something wrong Mayor Shantz and another daughter hur ried to the Smith home but were too late Smith had shot his wife through the head killing her instantly He then locked him self in tiie house and when Mayor Shantz demanded admittance Smith threatened him While the bewildered and anxious father was trying to secure entrance to the house the maniac turned the revolver on himself He fired one shot into his right temple and one into his abdomen When the help which Mayor Shantz had summoned broke into the house a scene in dicating in a measure the way of the death was found Mrs Smith lay on the floor of the front room She had been shot with no chance of escape for there was no sign of a struggle Mr Bryan Returns Home W J Bryan has returned to his Lincoln home and with the exception of a weeks campaigning in Michigan and northern Ohio will remain there almost -uninterruptedly until after the Democratic na tional convention Mr Bryan said this period of rest and quiet was not necessi tated by the state of his health which was excellent but was in pursuance of a pro gramme mapped out some months ago ne said he saw no reason to change a plan perfected some time since and that he would not attend the Kansas Citj conven tion i - Wind and Hail A storm of wind and hail did much dam age in a limited area in the western part of Lancaster County April 27 The wind wrecked some small outbuildings and hailstones of unusual size killea young stock and ruined wheat fields and gardens In the southeastern part of the state there was much damage done by hail and rain Between Wahoo and Cedar Bluffs a tor nado cloud wrecked the farm house of Thomas Eochford and Mr Settle and tore outbuildings to pieces Mr Eochford was severely injured by a flying plank Niobrara Goes Dry At a meeting of the town board of Nio brara to pass upon the issuance of a saloon license a remonstrance was filed against one of them on the ground of selling liquor to Indians and keeping a disorderly and gambling house The petitions of the other three saloons were passed favorably upon by the board but- before the clerk had delivered the licenses to the proprie tors he was enjoined by the contested saloonkeeper and Niobrara promises to go 5T Hail Does Much Damaee A terrific hail storm passed over Papil lion April 26 HaiJ the size of teacups fell for ten minutes and thousands of window lights were destroyed Several teams ran away and demolished their vehicles Mr and Mrs Howard Alden were driving in a carriage Avhen the storm came on them The carriage was upset and Mrs Alden was injured though not severely The hail split the shingles on roofs and the roof of the Union Pacific depot looks like a sieve Fatal Fall from Handcar While returning to Wymore op a crowded handcar after his first days work on the steel gang Otis Brown a young man who was married three weeks ago fell from the car and was run over receiving injuries which proved fatal His shoulder was broken his head crushed andylns body paralyzed from the chest dowfr The heavily loaded car passed over his neck The gearing under the car mutilated his body badly Large Elevator Burned Fire which started in the top of the ele vator belonging to the Dowling Puree Grain Company atlNorth Bend completely destroyed that building The structure was valued at 56000 and was well insured A number of carloads of grain were in the bins The fire was supposed to have been started by a spark from the local freight Freight Wreclc at Cambridge A west bound freight broke in two just east of Cambridge and derailed two cars One car loaded with dry goods was thrown down an embankment and smashed into kindling wooL The contents were scat tered and badly damaged Traffic was delayed lor several hours Fellowship for Nebraska Girl Another Nebraska student has distin guished herself before an eastern college Among the fellows nominated by the fac ulty of Bryn Mawr Cullege at Philadel phia for 1900 01 appears the name of Margaret Edith Henry of Lincoln as a fel low in philosophy Pension for Mrs Congress has passed a bill to pension the widow of Col John M Stotsenbcrg late colonel of the Eirse Nebraska U S Y I at lhe rate of 50 a month An effort was made to increase the amount carried by the bill to 75 but the house refused Pay Train in Ditch A Missouri Pacific pay train went in the ditch between Superior and Mouut Clare last week A sleeper burst in two allow ing the rails to spread- Two cars were wrecked but fortunately no one was hurt Famous Rock Broken Up A rock six by eight feet by four feet that lay not ten yards from the old freight ers trail inDunbur between Nebraska City and Denver has been broken and removed from its resting place Old time freighters formerly used the rock as a point from which to scan the prairie Farmer Gets Hail Insurance A Plattsmouth court has decreed that the Nebraska Mutual Hail Insurance Company shallpay AJAuguslin 2995 for loss of some crops- by hail and the costs of the suit X was V v - vS CYCLONE NEAR WYMORE unnel Shaped Cloud Travels About In the State Uhe most perfect cyclone cloud ever seen al Wymore spent its force in the heavens fhrqe miles southeast of there April 24 The cloud wag a regular funnel shaped fwister which seemed to form about five miles southeast of town It traveled due north over the prairies striking the ground at intervals at which time it would plow the earth up in chunlcsnd carry it along John Traunich adrman farmer living three miles east was working in the field when he first noticed it He ran for his home about thirty yards distant and warned his family who went to the cave He stood and watched the twisting monster approach his homebut when 150 feet in front of him it tore up the ground and car ried dirt and debris high in tho air over his home A report says that a windmill was car ried over half a mjle high in the air but this cannot bo verified and so far as known no person was injured and no serious dam age done Tax for Liquor Agents It is proposed by the city council of I Tekamah to tax all foreign distillers or liquor dealers who keep agents in that city takinji orders for intoxicating liquors to be delivered in original packages Tiie city has not licensed saloons for several years and the authorities have vigorously prosecuted bootleggers Now a large business is being done through agents and much liquor is shipped in in small pack ages It is the intention to either break up this business or force the dealers who profit by it to contribute to the municipal funds Attorney Johnson Is Held Attorney E M Johnson of Stuart who was arrested a couple of weeks ago on tiie charge of subornation in connection with theMunt Kraft rape case and who was giveu a preliminary hearing at ONeill about ten days ago before the county judge and who was acquitted by that au gust personage but was immediately re arrested and taken before Justice of the Peace Slattery was given a preliminary hearing before Justice Slattery on the 24th inst and was bound over to the district court in the sum of 1000 Beaten and Deserted A woman who refused to give her name was deserted in Columbus theother day She claims the family consisting of the husband aud wife and a number of chil dren were traveling overland from Eich ardson County to Herman Washington County The mau gave the woman and one of the children a severe beating and then left the city Mayor Held furnished the woman with provisions and she will be assisted on her way to where she has rela tives Why Extradition Failed According to the conclusions of Gov Poynter the requisition for tho return of Dr Hills the alleged bigamist was re fused by the governor of Washington be cause of the absence of a certificate testi fying to the truth of certain facts set forth in the petition The requisition was made out according to the requirements of other states but an examination of the laws of Washington shows that it is technically at fault Hills is wanted at Blair Dead Body of a Mau is Found The remains of a man apparently about 25 years old were found about one and a half miles east of Grand Island on the Union Pacific Eailroad The body was completely severed from the limbs His clothing was neat and clean but thoroughly sdoked and marked H G Mc Annqfleyj Winona Minn On his persoi a letter addressed to Mrs Osceola Neb - -vs Wymore Gets Reunion It is now a sure thing that JtZ I Eroe the next annual reunion of the Southern Nebraska Veterans Association will be held in Wymore this year some time during the month of August The reunion was held there last year and was attended by thou sands of people More than 2000 was ex pended in entertaining the guests last year The reunion this year will be con ducted on a larger scale than last Kicked By a Horse Ed Bodenbender a prosperous young farmer residing three miles west of Dakota City sustained injuries the result of which is uncertain He was entering his stable when one of his horses kicked him in the pit of the stomach rendering him uncon scious and before he was discovered tho animal had tramped on him several times It is feared he has suffered internal in juries j Bids on Omaha Postoilice Bids for completion of Omaha public building were opened in Washington re cently as follows Congress Construction Company Chicago 34000 B J Jobst Omaha 362541 Charles Grindle Com pany Chicago 340000 James A McGon igle Leavenworth 346623 Anderson Murphy Denver 360785 Geddes Sar rie Stone Company Denver 365000 For Success of Street Fair The date of the proposed street fair at Fremont has been fixed for Sept 10 to 15 The promoters of the fair are meeting with good success in soliciting merchants and others to take part and subscriptions are being paid quite rapidly The executive committee of the Knights of St Ebragus are working hard to make the fair a suc cess and feel sure they will dolt Beatties Resignation accepted Tiie State Board of Education has acceptedthe resignation of President J A Beattie of the normal school at Peru It is rumored the resignation of Dr Beattie was asked for by the board The vacancv will be filled latter Bond Proposition Defeated An election was held at Wayne to vote on a proposition to erect a school building The contest was quite an interesting oiie about eighty women voting The bond proposition was defeated by a mojoritv of 25 New Plant at TTausa Wausa capitalists have formed a com pany to operate a brick making plant Thegronndhas been secured and machin ery purchased which will mean active operationswithin thirty days Nebraskan Is in Trouble C OCharlston who figured prominently in Nebraska politics some years ago was arrested in Chicago on a charge of passing worthless checks Certificates showing that he had been elected to represent Phelps County in the Nebraska legislature in 1882 and a certificate of his eleclion as a justice of the peace in Williamsburg m 1884 were found in his possession Beatrice Will Have StreefcVrsK It seems quite certain now that street carsRvillibe nmning in Beatrice in a short time - - fc - - BTJBGHESSSLIPAWAY ESCAPE ROBERTS TRAP NEAR WEPENER AND FLEE - t Trek for the Nortli Afterreeinc Wep ener British Net to Entrap Entire Army Useless Disaster in Pretoria Arsenal Ten Workmen Killed x South Africa advices say that after heavy fighting Wepeiier has been re lieved and the all day artillery battle at Dewetsdorp Wednesday resulted in the occupation of Jhat point by the British troops Between Dewetsdorp and Tha banchu Gens Pole Carew and French have been driving the Boers before them Gen Roberts army is now deployed along an extended line with Gen French apparently repeating the tactics which re sulted so successfully at Paardeberg There is nothing in the dispatches that indicates the Boers are thinking of re treating northward even though the field were open Instead they are fighting along the entire line The British hope of conclusive results seems slim at present the Boers escap ing unbeaten and having accomplished an immense amount of damage They clung to their positions as long as it was safe to do so and then slipped off to held the next commanding ridge through a broken country admirably suited for a rear guard defense Dispatches from Aliwnl North under date of Wednesday say thd Boers left Wepener so hurriedly that- many of the dead were left in the trenches unburied Commandant S Cronje is reported to have been killed According to advices from Bloemfon tein the attempt of the Byiersat Brand fort to get in touch with the command at Thaba Nchu was frustrated- by a force dispatched by Gen Tuckel from Glen Apparently however the tide after a momentary delay is again setting toward the British side though so far as re ported the engagements beyond the relief of Wepener are scarcely of sufficient im portance to warrant so sweeping a gen eralization In one respect only can the movement against Wepener be regarded as a Boer success By makingthis di version and by the renewed activity in Natal where the Boers are massing at Tintwa pass thus menacing Bullers ar my the invasion of the Transvaal has again been indefinitely delayed A dispatch to the London Daily Mail from Lourenco Marques dated Wednes day says that a daring attempt was made Sunday night to destroy the bridge at Komatipoort the terminus of the Delagoa Bay Railway in the eastern parz of Portuguese East Africa The attempt failed by the merest accident kafilra giv ing the alarm The Boers have conse quently increased their force on the fron tier and the hills are lined with riflemen the burghers suspecting that the British are advancing upon the Transvaal by some mysterious route Every approach to the bridge is guarded by barbed wire The correspondent does not indicate who it was who attempted to destroy the bridge Part of the Begbie shell factory at Pre toria blew up the other night Ten men were killed and thirty two wounded They were mostly French and Italians No cause of the explosion is assigned but it is not believed to be due to treachery The factory has been working double time for weeks Most of the important machinery was saved u MACHjNEGjjS bsgrTSN REBELS rx Eighty FilipinosIajved Down While Americans Are xsotllarmed Officers who have arrived in Manila from Neuva Caceras province of South Camarines bring details of a fight in which eighty Filipinos were killed The American outposts reported 300 natives assembled three miles from the town anl Gen Bell sent three detachments of the Forty fifth regiment with two Maxims who nearly surrounded the Filipinos the majority of whom were armed with bolos and wore carabao hide helmets coats and shields The Filipinos were quickly put to flight leaving the field strewn with armor Their riflemen were unable to shoot straight and the bolomen never got near enough to the Americans to do any execution Therefore none of the Americans was wounded Lieut Balch with tAventy cavalrymen from the Thirty seventh regiment cornered fifty bolomen in a river and shot every one the bodies floating away One soldier had his head struck off with a bolo Gen Bells two regiments are hard worked in clearing the country They meet with many small squads of bolomen and last week killed a total of 125 Gen Bell has issued a proclamation declaring that he will retaliate relentlessly unless this guerrilla warfare ceases and that he will burn all the towns which harbor guerrillas Ck r K trymrimu TkB MeW 1- fA T The chain trust should advertise for missing links The Duke of Marlborough has pene trated to Bloemfontein Still the war goes on Polecat skins are barred -from the u mails This is certainly the decision of common scents This is the time of year when some men talk through the hats they expect to cast away after election Let us hope that the announcement of Deweys candidacy will not start off the friends of Schley and Sampson into a controversy as to which should be nam ed for second place A horse bit a piece of flesh out of the arm of a Kansas woman the other day It has been decided that the owner of the horse shall pay her 48 His only recourse is- to take it out of the animals hide A Chicago young women has taken a vow in which she promises silence twenty-three hours out of the day In all kindness it must be said that the ma jority of her sex are astonished at the proposition A Milwaukee girl who was married for fun two years ago now wants a divorce It would be funny if she shouldnt