Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 26, 1900, Image 5

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Have you seen our -
JSpring line oi
The S
Dont Forget
Many people suffer untold tortures
from 1 lies because of the popular im
pression that they can not be coral
Tablers Buckeye lile Ointment will
cure them lt has met with absolute
success Price o0 cents in bottles
tubes 75 cents Quigley Chapman
Tauen up at my miles east of Fort
Niobrara on February 21 oue sorrel mare brand
ed l on left shoulder Owner can have same j
by proving prsperty and paying charges other-
wise animal will be sold I
10 5 JOE BIlISTOiv f
FOR SALE -Consisting of 50 BRED
Heifers anil Cows 25 head of one and
two year old Bulls all of SCOTCH and
CKUIKSHAXIC breeding Trices Right
Sold singly orin car lots ddress
131 West Second St MaSUX CITY 1A
Onr stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete
and the ladies will take especial delight in examining
our beautiful lines We have
wellest Assortmsn
ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely
impossible for jrou to find prices any lower elsewhere
us when you want Groceries hhoes Clothing or in
fact anything
B3P We sell coal salt and tench josts
General merchandise
It is thd most complete we have ever offered Large variety in
Dress Skirts - Underwear - Shirtwaists
Hosiery - Gloves - Wrappers
Come and see them
Large stock of Spring Millinery now
read Be sure you see it
Prices right
Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
Old papers for sale at this office
Couafi and
This is beyond question the
most successful Cougb Medi
cine ever known to science a
few doses invariably cure the
worst cases of Cough Crqjjp
and Bronchitis while its won
derful success in the cure of
Consumption is without a par
allel in the history of medicine
Since its first discovery It has
been sold on a guarantee a
test which no other medicine
can stand If you have a
Cough -we earnestly ask you
to try it In United States and
Canada 25c 60c andLOO and
in England 3s 2d Us 8d and
right Special attention given to pumps g
fnnlrc ffr K
M itr mm mi t mm r i i -
Of the Choicest Brands
tf 9 V93TOHHF 9999 999 9999roi
Sv fc
Is continually adding improvements and it is now the
best equipped and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room
Taken Up
About January 1st at my place four
miles north of Sparks one fed and
white spotted cow about 7 years old
branded GN on left side and W on
right hip HENRY BROWN 12
For Sale Ijook Here I
I have got to quit the country and
quit quick or die I want to sell and
want to sell bad I will sell my ice
business at a bargain It will pay
you to -look this thing up It will
bear investigation Fact Money in
Those horrid fits of depression to the right party JIM RAY
ancholy low spirits and sudden irra 1 - r tti
tability that sometimes afflict evefl
good tempered people is due to the
blood being permeated with black bile
Ilerbine will purify the blood restore
health and cheerfulness Price 50 cents
Bran bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 100 1900
Corn 85c 16 00
Chop corn 9io 1700
Oar 105 2000
11 tf
Valentine Nebr
BOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Ko Question is ever Settled Until it is
Settled Bight
presidential tickets will be in the field
this year Yet the real battle will be
waged between the armies led by Mc
Kinley and lirfan and on the issues of
monev trusts and imnfirmlism Tlincio
making the rich richer and the porr
poorer adopting a colonial policy and
tearing away the foundations of a free
government will vote for McKinley
Those who believe that the declaration
of independence and the constitution
are documents indispensible to the per
petuation of our republic that no man
Us good enough to govern another with
out the others consentand in financial
commercial and industrial freedom will
vote for Bryan And a few who have
really excellent ideas on important
questions will refuse to see the para
mount issues and will foolishly waste
their votes championing questions
which have not attained the dignity of
real issues Press Letter
Edited by the Valentine W C T U
MOTTO For God and Humanity
Vice Presidents
Mrs AbbieCrabb
j Mrs Maude Morgareidge
1 Mrs D House
Recoiding Secretary Mrs AliceHarvoy
Ctrrespondmj Secretary Mrs M Harden
Treasurer Mrs Helen Hornby
Regular meetings each alternate Tuesday
Department of Anti Narcotics
State Law
Sec 1 That hereafter no person or
persons in this state shall sell give
away or furnish any cigarette or cigar
ette paper in any form whatever to any
minor under thejige of twenty one
Sec 2 If any person or persons
he or they shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and subject to a fine of
not less than 100 00 and not to exceed
20000 aud costs of prosecution
Sec 3 That any justice of the peace
of the county where such sale takes
place shall have jurisdiction of such
Sec 4 That if any person or- per
sons after conviction under this act
shall fail or neglect to immediately sat
isfy the judgment and costs rendered
by such justice of the peace the said
jiibtlco shall immediately issue a mitti
mus to any sheriff or constable of such
county commanding him to arrest
such person or persons and convey him
or them to the common jail of said
county there to remain until the fine
aid costs are paid
charged according to law
orotherwise dis
It is Jime that true men should
stand firmly on both feet and resist this
evd with all their might I know
to hear this subject talked
about but it is time to cry aloud and
sp ire not
What good does it do a man to get
a college education if at the same time
uid luiuaii wuub ui uu uuiijjmeu gg
expect to fill drunkards graves no man
eyer eupected to but look at the col
lege men all over the country who are
drunkards Whatsoever a man sow
etli that shal he also reap If you
want to be safe then you must have
nothing to do with this curse
D wight L
The Jiest Jlemctfy JFor lthcumitisni
All who use Chamberlains Pain
Balm for rheumatism are delighted
with the quick relief from pain which
it affords When speaking of this Mr
DN Sinks of TroyJkiosay Some
time ago I had a gevere attack of rheu
matism in mv arm and shoulder Ii
tried numerous remedies but got no re
lief until 1 wa3 recommended by
Messrs Geo F Parsons Co drug
gists of this place to try Chamberlains
Pain Balm They recommended it so
highly that I bought a bottle I was
soon relieved of all pain I bivo since
recommended this liniment to many of
my friends who agree with me that it
is the best remedy for muscular rheu
mutism in the market Por sale by
Quigley Chapman druggists 2
Worse than War
Hundreds are killed in war but huu
dreds of thousands are lulled by con
sumption There would be uo deaths
at all caiifced by this terrible disease if
people could be made to understand
that Shilohs Congh and Consumption
Cure is a sure remedy if taken in the
early stages 25 cts SO cts aud 100
a bottle Drmrsrists will refund the
j zi s rru
w Uiyrits V OS VJUXX UUlcbU I money 11 a cure is noc anecteu s -
r tmJ 4
In order to get things all straight- L N Ivct
J ir
ened out a page of brands is omitted
from this issue They will appear in J
eral merchandise store in this city
1 and the boys
will go to
changes in
for next weeks issue and
who favor overriding the constitution -this paper
should miss the
you not opportunity
of putting in a catchy local calling
attention to what you have for sale
Mrs L Bowser is in town today in
the interest of a magazine club Mrj3
Bowser was the editors first boss on
the Newport Advocate nine years
ago and used ta be considered one of
the best politicians in the state for
the pops
A Good Tiling
Our great grandmothers garrets
contained the same herbs of all heal
ing found in Karls Clover Root Tea
They gave our ancestors strength
kept the blood pure and will do the
same for you if 3tou say so Price 25
cts and 50 cts s
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches They make pure blood and
build up your health Only 25 cents
Money back if not cured Sold by
Elliott druggists 2
Valentine Nebr April 20 1900
Board met as per adjournment
Present Chairman T V ripratt 11
Hanchette and Alexander Burr
Rice informs us that he will
change the name of the paper to that
Which it formerly bore The Valen
tine Democrat
On motion the following official 1
uonds were approved
Wiiliam H Hughes jiMtice Spirks preeiner
V H Higgm do Schligef precinct
C C Thompson road overseer Dist 2G
The board then took up the hearing
shall violate the provisions of this act p8f the remonstrance - to the petition of
VT 1
nersney x otetter to sen liquor in
Woodlake and continued in that busi
ness during the day ami adjourned to
April 21
April 21 1900
Board met as per adjournment
Members all present
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on county bridge fund
Wrought Iron Bridge Co IJorman bridge 1239
On Countv Koad Fund
John Eorman labor and material for ap
proaches S0 34
I Minitli labor for auproriches 9 00
has Shromferger labor on appioiches ll 25
M t Houe to do 12 00
H Uelrlck 00 do 15 00
T P hpratt viewing and receiving approaches-
7 20
D iroouis saving bridge material 1 25
C Grooms do do 75
Wm Grooms do do 125
8 Lurtuig lusnber for bridge 00 S3
J J Owen do do 12 50
J A Urewer saving bridge material 17 00
On motion the board entered into a
contiact with J E Nye to move and
rebuild the Woodson bridge across the
Niobrara river near Andrew J3ruces
for 400
On motion bids for
furnishing road
scrapers for county were opened and
found as follows
DSLudwig - SSI SI
Geoil lloiiiby s5 on
bj W Yeust 0 2S
Whereupon D S Ludwig was
awarded contract for 12 Mo 2 scrapers
for 8184
he gets the drink habit What good is The board then took up the hearing
the education in hisliead if he goes out of remonstrance t6 Hershey Stetter
netition Continued in that business
41 n r 4i i i
during the day and adjourned to April
Vr 41 40 VT 4 S3 J
your own selection to every sub- St
scriber Only 50 cents a year g
A VAAVb littWj A USVt A UkkWIUJt j
rem beautiful colored elates latest
fashions dressmaking economies fancy
woik household hints tiction etc bub
3 scribe to day or send 5c for latest copy
5 Lady agents wanted Send for terms
Stylish Reliable Simple Up-to-
date Economical and Absolutely 5-
Patterns s
5j Only 10 and 15 cts each none higher S
5 Ask for them Sold in nearly every city
2 and town or by mail from S
S 1 30 145 West 14th St New York 5
Western Line7 is the Jt st
to and from the
April 23 1900
Board met sis per adjournment
Members nil present
On inol inn the following claims were
allowed ul warrants ordered drawn on
count ui nenil fund t
ftftj in Thompson case 8 23
no McLesler case 4 75
il do Loudon case 0 45
no do London case 2 05
do do scricKiunu cae 2 oo
I nii do do Thompson case 2 10
ucAt weens jjajci j s Ludwift coal for Jail 0 co
1 J M ClarkMin fees 1 oinnson case 4 00
Ine indications are that five or six U Folks Sons Kood for poor 751
do do do 00
clerkin i Geo Tracewell wood for poor 4 00
Harry has a situation with
Jordan at Rosebud
There will be several
1 jriui jtruwii lypevi ruing uuuu - w
J A Hooton witness inquest Loudon case 1 45
CVHolsclaw do do 145
O II Thompson o do 145
Wm Taylor do do 1 45
Nat Kins do do 145
KFred Vincent ao do 145
UK walcott do do l
AHMillaman do do 1 00
CF vertenbaker do do 1
1 Emily A Bishop do do 100
Alfred DPiinison nursing Gro Willse 20 00
A JN Coniptou coroners inquest Loudon
case 11 SO
J A ilootoncariug for poor 2150
1 Sliuard juror London inquest 145
J H Yeast do do 1 45
M V Xicholsoa do do 145
JMSageser do do 145
TC Hornby do do 145
E J Davenport do do 145
On motion the following amounts
were deducted from the above allowed
claims and applied upon delinquent
personal taxes
GE Tracewell 4 00
FolkfSous 10 85
HUelrich 12 27
MGHouse 12 W
Board then took up the hearing of
the remonstrance against the petition
of Ilershey Stetter Continued in
that business during the day and ad
journed to April 24th
April 24 1900
Board met as per adjournment
Members all present On motion the
following claims were allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on county general
L X Layporr subpoenaing jurors March
term lJOO 5fi 00
L X Layport fees in Gartside case 5 75
do do do 0 25
do do Hnlecase 1170
do wood for county 7 00
ao fees Thompson case 5 75
TC Hornby goods for poor 10 uo
do do W U3
On motion 25 was held out of the
claim ofr C V Holsclaws quarter
ly salaam lieu of claim of S 3 paid
him for performing surgical operation
on Mrs Gibson and warrant orJered
drawn for balance On motion the fol
lowing ciaims were allowed and war
rlits ordered drawn on county general
Ft NiQbrara ijosfytal keeping Frank
JJ J II Oil J 1 j uu
State JouriialCo supplies i 158 la
A M Mornssey8alary 1st qr vjhi lte 50
J W Jjuuiels sal and expeusu 1st irljuu 11 15
On County lioad Pund
J 11 Lee roatl overseer claimed 32 C5 al
low cu 20 GT
Before the County Commissioners of
Cherry County Nebraska
In the matter of the application of
George N Ilershey and John G Stetter
for license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in Wood Lake Cherry
County iSebraska Now on this 24th
day ot April 1UUU this cause came on
upon the petition prajing for license to
sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors
and the reiuoutstranceand the evidence
and tiio commissioners being fully ad
vised in the premises do iiud that the
petitioners have a majority of the resi
dent free holders signed on the petition
Wherefore the commissioners do here
by grant the petitioners a license to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors in
Woodlalie Nebr and the commission
ers order and adjudge that a license is
sue as prayed T P bPKATT
xlLEX JiUlttfc
Commissioner Hanchette dissenting
To which ruling finding decision
and judgment Of tne court the retnon
strators then and there duly excepted
andgnei notice of an appeal to the
District court
On motion the petition of Jefferson
Winship ct al asking that the voting
place ot Irwin precinct be changed
irom the store at Cooper to the store of
W P Connolly at Irwin was granted
On mution the road petition of A Ji
Overman et al was granted provided
that bridge be built without coatto the
Un motion the official bond of Lewis
Adams as road oveiseer in District No
15 was approved
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on county general fund
T t Spratt commissioners fees
lt Haiichetie do do
AJexBtirr do ao
sn 20
LO 50
Ji bO
On motion Commissioner Spratt was
authorized to inspect bridges on the
Niobrara river and sites lor proposed
bridges on the Loup river Commis
sioner Burr to assist in locating bridges
on the Loup river
Whereupon the board adjourned sine
Countv Clerk
In Thin Plain Enough
If you have a nagging cough and are
losing flesh go to a drug store and get
a bottle of Shilohs Consumption Cure
Take two thirds of it and then if you
are not benefitted return the bottle to
the druggist and he will return 3our
money Isnt that fair No one could
ask more 25 cts 50 cts and 100 a
bottle s
2B mmmmmmmmmmmmmumu i
Trade Marks
5 Designs
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
nnlcfcly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
sent free Oldest acency forseenringpatents
Patents taken through 3Innn Co receive
special iiotici without cbarce in the
Mine Jimericati
A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 53 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MONN Co36Boad Sew York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
The Ycncrj of a South Anatrnlinn
Spider and the Frljrlitful Asony It
A Grain Tlint Slakes ltd
Victim a n irlngr Maniac
What Is the most awful shape in
which death may conio to mortal man
Not by fm nor by water nor by goii v
shot Tlit se arc mere pleasures to
Borne of thf deaths by which you may
The most agonizing of all Is enqsed
by an Insect half the size of a pea a
small black spider It lives In Peru
and South Australia but a few speci
mens have reached Europe and Amer
ica in shiploads of timber Not long
ago a dock laborer was unlucky
enough to come upon one In the Vic
toria docks while unloading a bark
The tiny death dealer dropped upon
the back of his hand and dug It3 fangs
Into his flesh The bite Itself was noth
ing but as soon as the poison began to
work the man fainted with pain Soon
afterward he came to and lived three
days before the end came
This spiders venom scorches up the
blood vessels and spreads through all
the tissues causing the most fearful
agony a human being can have to bear
The worst of it Is that the victim lives
at least two days enduring unthinka
ble anguish the whole time This spi
der is luckily not common It Is known
as the specky and when a man who
knows what the bite means Is bitten he
generally blows out his brains
Another fearful death Is caused by
eating a grain called bhat This
sometimes gets mixed with rice which
It resembles The plant grows In the
east and a few grains of It will drive
one Into a state of violent mania The
victim becomes drowsy at first and aft
erward hilarious then he goes stark
staring mad and tears himself literally
to pieces with his fingers biting mouth
fuls out of his limbs It Is bad enough
to see such a case but as for experi
encing it
This grain Is only found In remote
parts of the east but both white men
and natives are killed by It occasion
ally In the east for the plant grows In
with the rice crops and can scarcely be
told apart but that the dried grain is
of a reddish color
Of course falling Into a vat of boiling
metal as unfortunate workmen some
times do sounds bad enough but It Is
mercifully quick Tfyere Is a South
American vine called the knotter
which is far worse It twines around
any living thing that comes within
reach twisting Us long tentacles about
a man as a devilfish might These
tentacles sear and burn Into the flesh
like white hot wires and the victim Is
dragged Into the heart of the foliage
and his juices slowly drained as a
spider sucks the blood of a fly
All say that the pain is worse than
they could have believed It possible
for a man to feel The knotter Is
well known to scientists and Is In fact
a sort of huge flytrap plant Those
who have strong instincts of cruelty
coupled with curiosity sometimes force
a dog into the grip of the knotter to
watch the effects which are too horri
ble to describe in detail
Again there Is nothing very much
worse than hydrophobia when genu
ine The patient often lives for days
In the acute stage and In his last hours
Is simply tied up in knots and bent
backward and forward like a bow
It Is a very rare disease with human
beings for most people bitten by rabid
dogs a small number at most escape
it In extreme cases the patient act
ually snarls and bays like any hound
and next to experiencing It the worst
thing is to watch a case It is as dis
tressing a spectacle as any man could
There is a snake called the lancer
which lives in South America and is
very ready with Its fangs It Is a small
brown insignificant beast but Its bite
induces a sort of imaginary swelling
all over the victims body He feels
as if every inch of him were being
strained to breaking point and the
agony which results is too awful for
words Generally however the ex
cess of pain drives the bitten man mad
before very long and in four hours he
dies a senseless imbecile y
But all said and done perhapsHhere
Is no death much worse than by the
common disease of cancer which
gnaws at the patients vitals through
month after month of unceasing ago
ny and slays its victim at last through
sheer exhaustion London Spectator
His Little Contribution
One of the many stories told of the
late Dr Wallace M P is to the effect
that when the editor of a local paper
in the north asked him If he would
kindly furnish an article on a lisrht
theological topic Wallace responded
with one bearing the title The Rela
tions Between the Presbyterian Church
nnd Modern Thought When set ud
the article made 40 columns and it be
came a puzzle to editor and printer
how to get rid of it They began by
using it in pieces and whenever the
I printer said to the editor Weve got
no leader the reply was Eh mon
just sneck off about a column and a
quarter o Wallace In this way the
contribution was used first working
down from the beginning then up
ward from the end London Academy
I suppose you were touched when
your wife gave you that 30 easv
Of course How else do you Imag
ne my wife could come by OV De
troit Journal
In Belgium At 6 ocloek evening yon
s of
j arar from every cottase rliu voices
ather mother aud children and serv
mts saying their prnyrs and iv
such the same at nooo