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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1900)
M v l - w VQLUME XV on right side norses same - JS JULIUS PETEUSON ottofUcc address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory J A SAULTS C F Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut btock over one year oiu f on left shoulder Range south west JACOBSON IdHWft O J KELLAK fti T7XJfVjj A fit 1 ifj JW Ti fcllir L iSTM Postofflce address R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range en Dry Val ley shoulder rostofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr COOPER ot Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brands on eft leg BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I pn left shoulder horses left shoulder Rantre Gor DAN WEBSTER Postofflce address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio brara and Snake riv era south of Merrl man pa don and Goose Lake A REWAItn OF 250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the ar rest and final conviction of any person or per sons stealing cattle with above brand A Reward ot 100 will be paid person for information leading to to any the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or hoises with above brand Potofl e addrev Brolvn cbr On eft side Range betwerj coose Creek enc Loup R M FADDIS B WdB Postofflce address Pass Neb Range Norch Loup River ALBERT NENZEL Postofflce address Nenzel Nebraska On eithersideof cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel HB RICHARDS CAIRNES GO SlP1 Hyannis on Nebraska Chadron Nebraska cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands mmm torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and BMRR in Northwestern Address Baimtxett Richakds GEORGE Postofflce address Simeon Neb Branded on right side or hip Also JSf on left hip fe siorses on right houlder as on cut1 Range Gordon and Snake N DAVIS C JENSEN ostofflce address Gallop Nebraska Left side on private J on cattle held also on left ship of cattle now or left side Horses CJon left Bange Eieht miles south of Gallpp II RICHARDSON Postofflce address v JHeCannXeb Brawled on leftside JB WTWf H wwv j WESTERN A LEGAL NOTICES Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby Riven that the partnership heretofore existing between I M Jones and U G Dunn of Valentine Nebr uuder the Hrm name of Jones Dunn was on the itftli day of April 1000 dissolved by mutual consent u G Dunn retaining the business collecting all ac counts and paying all debts of said firm I M JONES 12 lt UGDUNN I Application for Appointment of Ad ministrator In ibe County Court pf Cherry Uounty Nebraska in the matter ol the estate i f Bertha K Harmon deceased f William a Barker tiled in my office a petition pmyiugfor the appointment of lumselt Us ad ministrator of tim estate of Bertha K Harmon deceased All peroons interested in said estate Hill lake notice that l have fixed Saturday April 2bih iuoo at lo oclock a in as the time aud my tittlce iu Valentine Cherry County NebrasKa as the place lor hearing said petition atuincn tiiiieuitu place all persons interested in -am estate may appear aud show cause if any there be why such administrator shall uol be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of said court this lath day of April 1000 12 V R LO WNE Countv Judge Notice of Application for a License to SellSLiquor isoiice is Hereby given taati have lueu a pe tition with the ClerK of the Board ot Trustees of the ihage of Valentine Nebraska accom panied by a bond duly tested said petition praying thatjl be granted a license to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors in said Village ol V alentine Gherrv coiimy Nebraska for the year ending -May 1 1901 UENRX STKJLTJiR Dated this 12lh day of April 1800 Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor Nolce is hereby given that have filed with the Clerk ot the Board of Trustees of the Village ot Valentine Nebraska a petition accompanied by a bond duly tested said petition praying that 1 be grautedti license to sell malt Bpirilu ous aud vinous liquors in said Village of Valen tine Cheiry county Nebraska for the year end ing May 11901 WALTHERF A MELTENDORFF Dated this 12th day of Ap ll 1900 Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor Notice is hereby given that I havo filed with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition accompanieJ by a bond duly tested said petition praying that I be granted a liceuse to sell malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in said Village of Valen tine Cherry county Nebraska for the year end ing May 1 1901 FRANK FICHER Dated this 12th day of April 1900 Notice of Incorporation Notice is hereby given that on the 2d day ot December AD 189 the undersigned associated themselves together as a body corporate and adopted certain articles of Incorporation pro viumg among other as follows Thit the name of the corporation shall be the Cornell Town Site and Land Company with the principal place of transactiUK its business at Valentine in Cherry County Nebiaska The nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to buy and own rent or sell and convey by mortgagecontractordeed real esta e in the State of Nebraska And to take own and transfer real estate mortgages or other securities in exchamre for real estate or as a part of the purchase price thereof The amount of capital stock authorized is S40000 to be paid in full at the time of the subscription to the stock The corpoiation to commence on the 2nd dy of De cember AD 1899 and terminate in fifty years thereafter 4nd is authorized to contract an in debtedness net to exceed twentj five per cent of its capital stocky The alfairs ot the corporation to be conducted by a boaid cf three directors a president a vice president a secretary and treasurer HIRAM CORNELL CHARLES H CORNELL 10 4t MILTON1 V NICHOLSON Notice of Sale In the matter of the sale of real estate of William G Carson deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order oi the lion W Fl Westoverone of the District judges of Cherry County Nebraska made on the 2Ctli day of December 1899 For the sale of real estate Jiereiuaf ter described I will sellat the front door of the Court House in Valentine Nebraska on the 20th day of April 1900 at 10 oclock a m at puolic vendue to the highest bidder and on the following terms to- Wit One balf cash i alance on deferred ments secured by first mortgage on property sold the following described premises to wit The se4 sec 9 and n2 irvv4 and sv4 nw4 sw4 sec 15 tp 31 r 28 Cherry County Nebraska Said sale to remain open one hour ALFRED LEWIS i Executors of the will of MARY A CARSON f WHHIam G Carson l6C6HB6Ct 10 F M WALCOTT Attorney NOTICE is hereby given that we have filed with the county commissioners of Cherry County Neor a bond duly tested and accom panied by a petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Woodlake Woodlake precinct Cherry County Nebraska Said petition will be called up before the board at their next meeting April 20 1900 GEO KGE H ERSHEY JOHN G STETTER Dated this 2Sth day of Maxell 1900 Notice to Creditors In Couuty Court within and for Cherrv Counts Nebraska In the matter of the Estate of Thomas P Johns deceased To the Creditors or siid Estate You are hereby notified That I will sit at the County Court Room in Valentine in said Coun ty on the 21st day of April 1900 at 10 oclock a m to receive and examine all claims against sad Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited tor the pre sentation of clams against said estate is six months from the 21st day of October A D 1899 aud the time limited for payment of debts is on year from said 2tst day of 1899 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this8th riav of March 1900 l0 4t W ft TOWNE County Judge VWVVJ WATGH GLOGK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I AM NOW BEADY tfOR BUSINESS - With a nice se lection of watches ana Jewelry All kinds ot Repairing and EngravinK done ly am ld warranted 5 F 12VGAliIS ALSWOTH J rv t c vwywvww STOCK NOTES No doubt Bro Good and other Cher The Homestead has the following to say iji praise of the Angora goat The Angora goat suits the situation of a great many American farmers Their friends claim fo them that they are kept at less expense than sheep that they are less liable to disease and that the price of the fleece beats wool They are adapted to a dry climate and whije they graze and make a good use of the short grass they are especially and above all things browsers being fond of brush and twigs and they thrive well in a broken hilly country contain ing much scrubby tree growth The pelts have a very considerable value and the flesh is said to be excellent Considerable contesting of landsin the neighborhood of Irving on the Platte is going on at present It seems that a lawyer in Sidney is at the bot tom of the affair and is taking this manner to levy blackmail omthe Platte river ranchmen In the cases tried so far the ranchmen have been successful It is to be hoped this nefarious business will be stopped and men who are com plying with the law in regard to home steads and who have obtained title to lands by legitimate means will be pro- tected m their rights Alliance Grip i ry county people would like to have the whole west end of the state organ ized into one big association with head quarters at Valentine We know noth ing about the Brown county organiza tion but we know that the Keya Paha River fStock Grower- Association has about a hundred members and that the secretary is kept good and busy filling out new applications Satisfactory and adequate arrangements for inspection at market points have been made with one of the larger associations and the Keya River association didnt have to submit to being gobbled up in order to make such arrangements either The variou3 associations throughout the state should co operate heartily with each xther but thist talk of consolidation is all nonsense Stockmen in this section see no object in having to go to Valentine or Alli ance in order to attend a meeting when they can have a meeting of tneir own at Brocksburg or Stuart The Western Nebraska Stock Association is a good thing and every stockman within its proper jurisdiction should hasten to be come a member of it but it must not get too hoggish or ambitious It should reflect on the fate of the frog which tried to be as big as the ox It is not the only pebble on the beach There are others and some of them are not too small to be of any great benefit to their members Naper News Abortion among cows may be due to a variety of causes Abortion arising from an accident or gany other cause often becomes contagious Infectious abortion has long been known m this country Among the causes of abortion are the following viz Impure water un sound food frosted food offensive smells disease fright over exertion ac cident and the use of bulls that have come into contact with the disease The calf -bed and passages of aborted c6ws should be disinfected and for this purpose and for a continuance of of this operation applied externally as well as internally to the jjetiituls I rec ommend the commercial chloride of zinc 1 part in 1000 parts of water It is less irritating less poisonous and much cheaper than other antiseptics or germicides Drovers Journal A report from Chamberlain S D says that Messrs Wilkes JFord and Ritchie of the Canadian and South Da kota Cattle company recently incorpoi ated under the laws of South Dakota by Canadian capitalists with a capital of 200000 arrived in Chamberlain and left for the range countiy west of the Missouri river for the purpose of look ing up a location for the company The gentlemen stated that they intend ed to look over the ground f r a week or so wnen thev would return to this city and perfect the organiz ttion of the company The company will bring about eighteen men from Canada and those interested also believe they will be able to bring young stock from that country with which to stock up their range at a profit Drovers Journal VALENTINE NEBRASKA APRIL 20 1900 S W Reese is to be manager of a new and novel sheep shearing plant Mhis season and is busilv eniiajred at Newberrys ware rooms in fitting itour It will be a portable one mounted on a wide tire wagon and a heavy frame built for the purpose It will employ about ten menthere being eight shears Power is to be furnished by three one and one half horse power h airbanks Morse gasoline engines one of these be ing for use mostly in case of break downs Mr Reese expects to com mence work about May 10th and fig ures that they will be able to shear about 700 head of sheep per day The price to be charged will be about ten cents per head The whole outfit will be covered with a heavy canvas tent and accompanied by a cook and sleep- mg outfit Alliance Times Horses are going to be scarce and high priced for a number of years to come in this country The reason we make this assertion is the fact that the war in South Africa is using up horses very fast The Boer al vays tries to kill or cripple as many of the enemys j horses as he possibly can for he figures and rightly too from p military stand point that a dead horse is just about as great a loss as a dead soldier The cli mate too kills a great many unaccli mated animals The British army looks to America for its remounts and horse dealers in New Yoit Chicago and New Orleans have orders for about 50000 head to be sent to South Africa as soon as jpossible If this keeps on very long horses will surely become scarce and consequently higher priced C Jo You Have Fifty Cents If you have will tell -you how to get the most for your money The Semi Weekly State Journal published at Lincoln wants several thousand new subscribers and as a special inducement will mailjhe paper twice a week from now until the end of this year for only 30 cents Two papers each week with all the news of the world through the great presidential campaign and the campaign in this state for two United States senators and the state ticket Never in your life have you been offer ed so much reading matter for 50 cents Send in your money right now because the sooner you send it in the more pa peis you get for your money Address Nebraska State Journal Lincoln Neb IFarm to rent Some grain can I e furnished Enquire at this office or -address Box 49 Valentine The Norfolk Nursery has a general assortment of fruit trees small fruit plants roses and ornamental shrubs Box elder ash elm and maple 10 to 15 feet high Forest tree seedlings suitable for planting windbreaks Early Ohio and Early Six Weeks seed potatoes Call at nursery or write E D Hammond ll 6t Norfolk Nebr WANTEDS 300 head of cattle lo summer in pasture Good grass and running water Apply at this office for particulars -- ll tf SUfijetl or istolan Several head of horses and cat tle oJi aded Amos Strong Valentine Neb ANNUAL MEETING AT LL ON MAY 8 Miiflt Grade Hull a I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls areall first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD WESTERN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOC N 1900 Inspection at all market points Charges reasonable Stockmen can join at any time Inspectors records of shipments and brands on fileat Alliance Reward for Conviction of Thieves Fifteen - counties covered and 80000 head of cattle now in membership Correspondence solicited d R VAN BOSKIRK Secretary Treasurer ALLIANCE 7 NEBRASKA i 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 9 49 49 49 49 43 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 NEWS DEMOCRAT iMears Farm ana Stock Journal ROBBERS LOWEST Early Ohio Seed Potatoes niTi7rM0 ANNUAL Mothers beware of those secret rob bers of your babys quiet and health Those sleepless nights and long hours of tiresome yigil are caused by those terrible enemies of childhood -worms Destroy and remove them with Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 25c Quig le3T Chapman druggists TalietiUp 4-year-old deliorned steer roan colored -- on left shoulder U left hip Above described ani mal was taken up at my place 3 miles from Chesterfield P A COOPER 7 Ct W E Haley t J C E Wright I a j o P Subscribe for the Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Fharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Ivilgore T Erackett HH MWa I SLiMift I Cooper Nebr Brand registered Ao 374 Riesre Xebr Brand ResristeredX Brand right side or hip Horses sjme on right shoulder Range Nlohrara o miles south of Kilgnre NEWSjrDEMOCRAT NUMBER 14 2 5 WELL WE GUESS S NOT We dont Jf sell you a few articles ij at cost and then rob if yon on everything else but thing at Tliis market always keeps a supply of 2i S S s i tnpat sell H SCHTJIiTZ w Eii j i nA every DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants is- PRICES I if 2 i 2 JHIL10 V LH - VMrtftr J W STETTER PROPRIETOR GAMt In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStettera Old Stand on Llain Stroet VALENTINE NEBRASKA rO LjN CLEARING SALE SHOES AT HALF PRIGE BOOTS - - shoes - -clothing AND GENTS FURNISHINGS -PRACTICAL TAILORING AJLIj our wokk guaranteed D 8TINARD Valentine CLOTHIER Nebraska Postofflce address N S Eowley Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shoulder of hor ses AlsolRgw on Brand E aioe an anywhere Ml n right siJef ISM 3 on right hip and F f on left side McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Range Korth and south of Georgia WILHEMI ANDERSON Postofflce address IcCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake IK Prideaux San ford T Kennedy Neb Stock branded on leftside Horses branded on left shoulder C on left hip of horses re jij fit Marqnardt Bowlus OrroSxauBi Manager OM I i5HKHKZ53HHi if- Merrfman Neb Cattle brand OJE on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands OS on left hip Horse brad A on left shoulder nw Formerly Geo W Monniex ranch east of arerrimanfrnniFR sLTviURssouta to lander Creek Mar quardt Bowlus SeribnerNebraska s CZ A toH T