Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 19, 1900, Image 7

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i SmBst
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I 48
St Helena Salisbury - Cronjea Sur
render and Other Canses Unite Brit
ains Foes for More Potent Warfare
Merc Men Now at War
Tie Boers have already formed the
Dpinion that their independence is as
Bailed writes a correspondent and have
put the question of peace except coupled
with that of sacrifice beyond hope The
decision to send the- captured Boers to
St Helena makes it certain that the
Boers will not surrender except in the
last extremity The average burgher pre
fers death to exile GenvjjGronjeV sur
render instead of beiofftne crushing blow
which it at firsjtflEcemed really works to
ihe ultimate benefit of the federals The
Boers have moreTmen in the field to day
lhan at any timcTbefore Englands only
Hope of conquering lies in her vast re-
puurces uut mpu uie uiimimzca uy J3oer
tactics If fought to a finish the war is
certain tojgrSsult in appalling loss
Owingjfto the shortage of arms and
VSIBHJUPon the latter is manufactured
for usby the Boers Their artillery is
strong tnau when the war began
ingit tIjo capture of British guns The
Efjylish artillery is tolerably served but
jfjcs little damage A prominent military
Uttache thinks six montlis the lowest
probable duration of the war The Boers
will probably continue to light even if
they lose Pretoria which is unlikely to
occur for a longtime yet
Recover from Temporary Panic
The relief of Ladysmith and Kimber
ley and Gen Cronjes disaster coming to
gether caused the Boers to become panic
stricken and they temporarily abandoned
Bloemfonteiu Had Lord Kobcrts been
able to follow up his successes the war
might have been ended now but the
British reached Bloemfontein utterly fag
ged out and recuperation was absolutely
necessary This afforded time for the
Boers to recover promptly from the pan
ic and they took a full and renewed de
termination to resist to the bitter end
On the whole the military situation
is not necessarily more unfavorable to
the Boers than two months ago There
are several reasons for this The re
serves have been weeded out and fighting
commandos are now composed of resolute
men Asthe war progresses the Boers
learn rapidly and are fighting with great
er skill The progresV of the war has
Congress Xikely to Believe Some In
terests of Stamp Burden
A spepial message may he transmitted
to Congress by President McKinley be
fore the adjournment of the present ses
sion recommending a reduction in the
special war taxes No official administra
tive edict has yet gone forth to cut down
the treasury receipts but close friends
of President McKinley state that in view
of the almost abnormally excessive re
ceipts a plan will be entertained at the
present session to relieve the people from
the onerous burdens caused by the war
tax Initiative legislation will be taken
in the lower house of Congress where sev
eral hearings and numerous petitions
have already been recorded designed to
obtain reductions in the special tax on
articles which it is claimed are now ex
cessively levied upon to pay the expenses
of the Spanish American war The food
stuffs medicines and financial documents
of exchange upon which the special
stamp tax is levied are most likely to be
The war revenue stamp taxes if not repealed-
will produce during the next fiscal
year about 45000000 of surplus reve
nue The United States needs no war
chest like Russia or Germany There
is already a surplus of 150000000 in
the treasury That surplus needs no ad
ditions Then it is argued why should
Congress hesitate to repeal those unnec
essary and irritating taxes which are
forced on the attention of the people
when they buy medicines send telegrams
or express packages take out insurance
purchase land give notes draw checks
orniake contracts A prominent mem
ber of the ways and means committee
said the other daythat he- considered the
taxes on proprietary medicines burden
some ihid unnecessary and expressed the
belief that they should be among the first
to be done away with If is altogether
likely that the first features of the law
to be repealed will be those relating tc
taxes upon such medicines and others
which do not yield much revenue and art
troublesome to those who have to fix tht
War Office Shows There Are 635S3
Men in Philippines
The War Deprlfment has prepared
statement showing the strength of tht
troops in the Philippines April 1 1J0
It shows a total force of 08585 men ic
service including 550 regular -army oIi
cers and 1350 officers with volunteei
rank Of the men there are 23307 reg
ulars and 30S47 volunteers The arnij
is distributed among the different
Russia Just thought Id call around and find out whom Im going to fight
o uiorrow St Paul Pioneer Press
also relegated incompetent generals and branches of the service as foMows Total
Drought the most able men like Gens men and ollicers of the staff including
Botha and Tiewet to the front New fifteen general officers 12731 cavalry
fighting tactics have been adopted which 3507 infantry 55120 arfillerv 2228
lave already resulted in signal success
lie Will Sticccel Otis as Commamler in
the Pliiippine
Mai Gen Elwell S Otis who returns
ihe staff organization is as follows Ad
jutant generals department 7 inspector
general s department i judge advocate
generals office 2 quartermasters depart
ment 37 subsistence department 3J
medical department 1JM1 pav depart-
Ul Ailti -
from the Philippines at his own request npllt lb- ordnance department 10
will have as in Atnj 3eii -02 signal corps 37J chaplains
Arthur Mat Arthur 1- T statement shows three
Sjg an ofilcer who has inwits of cavalry five of artillery and
5i -1
ftFv m 1 G V rnri
proved his valor
and ability in a
long seies of cour
ageous deeds and
skillful campaigns
Both Gen- Ots
a n d MacArthnr
wore officers in the i
forty three regmicnts of infantry
I BOtzR AftD BRrtOiX
civil war the latter remounts for the British arc
liiii ih vifflncsf arriving at Bloemfonteiu
r tnflussoncd officer of the line in the en- Lord Roberts has lost 11000 horse-
tile volunteer army Gen MacArthur is since the relief of Kimberley
T4 years old He was 17 years of age The Pretoria factories are
when he dusted in a Wisconsin regiment taring thousands of bayonets for the
for service in the civil war and looked so Boers
effeminate that he was made an object of Thrc escitemoilt in
rldicule by some of his superiors when he
tolul J0Caise Qf lhy fcfir Qf fl
first entered the army But his gallantry vKon
under fire his coolness and quick
lt Is t 11 two mouths
ment soon earned for him their respect
and promotions came rapidly At the t0 f1 lfcVoePts tril WIlh winttii
close of the civil war he was given a com- t now-
mission iu the regular army During the The Governor of New Zealand indorses
war with Spain he did service under the Salisburys refusal to allow intervention
ndjtnutcseneralit Tampa and in the lTter war v
matighfAt he otiibreak of the Filipino 3Iauy Boers in Cape Coiffny who had
iven command of a taken the nonrcombatants ath are re-
FavoraTile Vcport Malc tn the Konsc
on Fcnator GlHuircrd i ilJ
The House tonimittee on pensions
agtced iiron si favorable report on Sena
tor Gailiugers bill to revise the general
iK usion act of Tune 30 1S00 with sev
eral amendments One of the amendments-provides
thai a widow having an
in onie of less than 250 per annum shill
joining their old commandos -Great
complaint is made against
censor who is charged with suppressing
news unfavorable to the British
Lord Roberts is criticised for shieldirg
the cowardly conduct of the Drki oi
Ted at the battle of Kooruspruit
Two captured Boers agree that only
fifty men remained unwounded oii jf th
whole British column captured at Red
xhe British Government is about tc
be eigllIe to v pension and another re establish a new force for service iu joath
duces the age limit from 70 years to 02 Africa It will be drawn
rs and provides a jgradnated scrale of nial contingents and will include D1
iji2 be - i n vlik jues of v2 u J O Atr all
Mr Deboe gave notice in the Senate
on Friday that he would move to refer
the credentials of former Senator 3JJ
S Blackburn as a Senator from Ken
tucky to the committee on privileges and
elections During the greater part of the
season the Senate had under considera
tion the Indian appropriation bill Mr
Sullivan delivered a speech in favor of
the seating of M S Quay The House
passed the substitute for the Senate bill
providing for a territorial form of gov
ernment for Hawaii
During almost the entire session of ihe
Senate on Saturday an amendment to
the Indian appropriation bill offered by
Mr Jones Ark providing for the con
tinuance of the Governments employ
ment of the contract Indian schools in
certain circumstances was under consid
eration The debate took a wide range
the whole question of sectarian schools
being gone over at length The notable
feature of the discussion was an eloquent
speech delivered in support of the amend
ment by Mr Vest The amendment was
pending1 when the Senate adjourned the
votejon it disclosing the fact thatno
quorum was present The House paid
tribute to the memory of the late Richard
Parks Bland of Missouri popularly
known as Silver Dick Bland who was
a member of the House for twenty six
years Splendid eulogies of the life and
career of the great champion of silver
were offered by members on both sides
of the political aisle At the conclusion
of the ceremonies the House as further
mark of respect adjourned A resolution
was adopted calling upon the Secretary
Df War for information as to whether
Charles E Magoon the legal adviser- of
the insular bureau had ever rendered an
opinion that by the treaty with Spain
the Constitution was extended over Por
to Rico and the Philippines
After some further discussion the Sen
ate on Monday rejected the sectarian
school amendment to the Indian appropri
ation bill offered by Mr Jones Dem
Ark by a vote of 30 to Hi As has beenj
the practice for two or three years the
free homes measure Avas offered as an
amendment to the i ill but it was ruled
Dut on the point of order that it was gen
sral legislation J and therefore not ger
mane to an appropriation bill Without
division the bill was passed The meas
ure carries about 8414000 An unsuc
cessful effort was made to agree upon a
late for a vote on the resolution relative
lo the seating of Mr Quay asavSenafor
from Pennsylvania During the last two
hours of the session the Alaskan civil
ode bill was under consideration An
amendment offered by Mr Hansbrough
concerning the title to mining claims in
the Cape Nome district provoked a warm
Jebate In the House the agricultural
appropriation - bill was under considera
tion and was made the vehicle of consid
2rable desultory debate on irrelevant no-
Utreal topics Good progress was4made
with the bill after the close of general de
oate twenty five of the thirty seven pages
being covered before adjournment
In the Senate On Tuesday unanimous
consent was given for a vote on April
24 4 p m on a resolution relative to
seating M S Quay as a Senator from
Pennsylvania Eulogies lvere pronounced
upon Richard Parks Bland late member
3f the House of Representatives On mo
tion of Mr Cullom the Senate non-concurred
in the House amendments to the
Hawaiian civil government bill and Sen
ators Culloni Lodge and Morgan were
jamed as conferees In the House agri
cultural bill passed substantially as re
ported Objections to free distribution
Df seeds and vaccine were voted down
Mr Hepburn said Nicaragua bill would
je brought up for passage if he could
effect it A bill passed to create a com
mission to make a settlement with the
Sioux City and Pacific Railroad of its
indebtedness to the United States
On Wednesday the Senate with little
debate of importance passed the Pacific
cable bill a measure appropriating 3
000000 for the construction of a cable
line between San Francisco and Hono
lulu The bill was unanimously reported
by the committee on naval affairs and
that it was passed without serious ob
jection is regarded as a compliment to
the committee During the greater part
of the session the District of Columbia
tppropriatiou bill was under considera
ion As passed - it carries nenrlv 8
D00000 The House passed the Porto
Rico tariff bill as amended by the Senate
v a vote of 101 to 153
The Senate on Thursday by a vote of
15 yeas to 33 nays refused to substitute
ihe Nicaragua canal bill for the Snoouer
Philippine bill as the unfinished business
and ny a vote of 22 yeas to 23 nays re
cused to displace the Spooner bill for the
Alaskan civil code bill Listened to a
speech by Mr Burrows against the seat
ing of Mr Quay and to a speech by Mr
Tones of Arkansas in response to an at
tack upon him by Congressman Dolliver
luring the Torto Rico debate in the
House The House adopted a resolution
luthorizing the Secretary of the Treas
ury to designate depositories in Porto
Rico Cuba and the Philippines for the
leposit of Government funds Passed a
Senate bill which will perniit the depen
dent mothers of soldiers and sailors of
he Spanish war even though they mar
ried Confederate soldiers to receive the
benefit of the general pension law De
voted the remainder of the day to debate
on a resolution for a constitutional
amendment empowering the Legislatures
of the States to decide whether United
States Senators shall be elected bj the
Legislatures or directly By the people
A substitute- was offered giving the
States no option but providing that in
all States the people shall vote directly
for Senators
Odds and Ends
Ex Congressman Owens Newark Ohio
is dead
hoinpoc Cal grows mustard for the
whole nation In that region 2UUU acres
ure cultivated to the seed the industry
employing about 20U farmers
A victory for American ship owners -is
the Treasury Departments decision that
American goods shipped to Skaguay in
Canadian vessels must pay duties
It was reported that the Prince of
Wales intended to challenge for th
A liintMPsTs Ctm hilt that III Wl inrnrfor
ed with by ic South African war
11 N
That has become a household
remedy in the home of Mrs Colonel Ham
ilton is well attested by a letter from
her which says 1 can give my testl
mony as to the merits of your remedy
I have been taking the same
for some time and am enjoying better
health now than I have for some years
I attribute the change to Pe runa and
recommend to every woman
believing it to be especially beneficial to
them Mrs Hamiltons residence is 259
Goodale street Columbus Ohio
Mrs Margar
e t h a Dauben
No 1214 North
Superior street
RacitfeV City
Wis says I
feel so well and
good and health
ful now that pan
cannot describe
it is
every tiling t o
me I feel
healthy and well
but if I should be sick I would know what
to take I have taken several bottles for
female complaint I am in the change of
life and it does me good
Have you catarrh of the head throat
lungs stomach or any other organ of
the body- If so write to Dr Hartman
at once He will send you directions for
treatment without charge Address Dr
Hartman Columbus O
Not a Home Remedy
She neglects her family while she
goes about advocating the mind
Yes I know it and then her own
children dont know the meaning of
the word mind Philadelphia Bul
When Housekeepers Are Brichtenins
the Interiors of Their Homes
Now that the backbone of this re
markable winter is broken housekeep
ers are remarking the dingy look of the
home interior The question of new
wall coverings is up Paper is dear
and short lived kalsomines are dirty
and scaly paiut is costly The use of
such a cement as Alabastine for In
stance will solve the problem This
admirable wall coating is clean pure
and wholesome It can be put on with
no trouble by anyone there is choice
of many beautiful tints and It is long
How They Misht Meet
Farewell he exclaimed Perhaps
we shall meet in the future life
The beautiful good girl shuddered
Miscreant she sheered scornfully
Ah yes faltered the man But
you may come down on a slumming
tour dont j ou know Puck
Chronic Ifasal Catarrh poisons
every breath that is drawn into the lungs
There is procurable from any druggist the
remedy for ita enra A small quantity of
Elyo Cream Balm placed into the nostrils
spreads over an inflamed and angry surface
relieves immediately the painful inflamma
tion cleanses heals and cures Drying in
halante fumes smokes and snuffs simply
develop dry catarrh they dry up tho secre
tions which adhere to the membrane and
decompose causing afar more serious trou
ble than tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid
all drying inhalants use Elys Cream Balm
It is reliable and will cure catarrh cold in
the he ad and hay fever easily and pleasantly
All iniggists sell it at 50 cents or it will Wo
mailed by Ely Brothers SGWarrenSt HY
Ward Off the Bullets
War is safer than it used to be
What do you mean
Why the biograph men and phono
graph men want to be first in the field
Indianapolis Journal
Carters Ink
Good ink is a necessity for good writ
ing Carters is the best Costs no more
than poor ink
Jnst So
Mack ORell What a comic poster
It represents a sailor chasing a fcig
Luke Warme Hm Another case of
tar and feathers
VTTATTTY low debilitated
Klines Invicorntinc Tonic
nusted erd bj
Dr FItEE 1 Trial Bottle
r treatment Dr Klines J
containing 2 ireekstroatinant Institute
531 Arch Street PhiladelBhia Founded 1S71
New Koof for Crystal falaco
An entire new glass covering has been
ordered for the roof of the Crystal pal
ace in London The total glass area to
be covered Is about fifteen acres
Miss Annie Wyandotte queen of the
operatic stage and dramatic soprano
Fifteenth St jjkv Jackson Ave
IL4itjl8 City Mo
Dr Hartmaa
Dear Sir has been my sal
vation It has given mq back a beauti
ful voice a sift of God it has brought
me once more to my old profession I
can talk now and sing where before 1
could scarcely whisper Can you wonder
at my deligkt I wish erery person who
is suffering as I suered might know
Oaly those who have been
afflicted can ever know the intense satis
faction and gratitude that comes with a
complete cure My voice was completely
gone April 15 I felt k elated over the
restoration of my voice that I inserted
an advertiaament in The Star for vocal
pupils The advertisement which cost
me 65 cents brought me five pupils and
that was the beginning of my present
large class Yours gratefully
Annie Wyandotte
A congestion inflammation or ulcera
tion of the mucous membrane whether
of the head stomach kidneys or other
organ is known to the medical profession
as catarrh It is known by different
names such as dyspepsia Brighfs dis
ease female complaint diarrhoea bron
chitis consumption and a host of other
names Wherever there is a congested
mucous membrane there is catarrh acute
or chronic
Filtering Milfc Before Usinff
Central depots where milk is re
ceived and filtered before being taken
to ths consumer are now a feature of
several European cities Large cylin
drical vessels are divided horizontally
near their center by compartments con
taining sand of three successive de
gree of fineness the coarsest being the
lowest and as the milk arriving from
the country is poured through a ppe
into the bottom of these vessels It rises
through tho sand filter and is run off
by an overflow pipe into a cool cistern
from which it is drawn directly into
locked cans for distribution The sand
Is renewed each time the filter is used
Hows This
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls
F J CHENEY CO rrops Toledo O
We the undersigned have known F J Cheney
for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm
WkstThuax WhoIesaloDrugcists Toledo 0
Warding Kixsxs Si MAitviA Wholesale
Druggists Toledo O
IJjiHs Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system Price75c per bottle Sold by all
Druggists Testimonials free
We live no more of pur time here
than we live well Carlyle
The Chicago Milwaukee SL Tatiis
annual statement shows that G21S2
was expended in internal revenue
stamp taxes during the year
Ilusiness Chance
Wo want a responsible peioi lo bny
1G0 interest in a profitable in if nuf dur
ing business lie may have all the profits
till be gels Ins money back including fair
salary then divide profits equally
The Rkcokd Company Sioux City Iowa
Snnniuh Vrsr Pfninna
Fewer pensions were granted ro sol
diers in the Spanish rur than was ex-
pected the iiumber being 295 There
are now 991519 names of pensioners J
on the rolls
Ask Tour Dealer for Allens Foot Ease
A powder to shake Info your shoes It rests
the feet Cures Coras -Bunions Swollen Sore
Mot Callous Aching Sweating feet and In
growing Nails Allens Foot Kase makes
new or tight shoes easy Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores 25c Sample mailed FKISIS
Address Allen S Olmsted Le Koy JN Y
Charles tnis paper says that brain
workers should eat six meals a day
Whats that Of course brain
workers need six meals a day to make
them able to earn three meals a day
Indianapolis Journal
I am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption
Lsaved my life three years ago Mrs
Thos Bobbins Maple street Norwich
N Y Feb 17 1900
Bice Blooa
The pug What is Bruno putting on
so many airs about
The poodle Why some one told him
h was the forty eightli cousin of
Deweys Bob
i - --
TTir v
f CI
r rf
p j
Works Wonders for the Gentler Sex in
UK -
- 1
Catarrhal Ailments
Miss Clara Stoeokcr says 1 had
chronic catarrh for ever a year I tried
many remedies but found no relief until
r saw an advertisement in the paper of
your treatment for chronic catarrh I
tried it and I thialc I am now well 1
recommend to all my friends
who are afflicted with catarrh Mis3
Stoecker lives at Pittsburg Pa
lln T vn AT t
nlit Tr i n
i ill tt i i u w J
Okla writes I
extend my sincere
thanks for the
good advice you
have given me T
do not believe I
Douglas name and price
staaped on bottom Take I
no substitute claimed to bt
as cood Your dealer
should keeo them if
not we will send a pair
on receipt of price and 2
S C N U -
Would be liv
ing now if it
were not for
vnn T hnd
suffered with
flow of blood
iur j o u c
months and
the doctors
could help
me but little They operated on me three
times It iras very painful and I only
obtained little relief I was so weak X
could not turn in bed Then I applied to
Dr Hartman I did not know whether
he could help me or not but I followed
his advice and used only three bottles of
and Now I am well
and as strong as I ever was thanks to-
your remedies Pelvic catarrh has be vi
come so frequent that most women are Vff
more or less afflicted with it It is
ally called female disease
IB TOft jf
3ijJi Dont be fooled with a mackintosh 5mJe
5f3s7j or rubber coat If you wanta coat JgHH
Swsi tn w511 keeP yu dry in tho hard- g nvjl
Ffest st0Ta fcy the Rsh Brand I ir
MMj Slicker If not for sale ia your zfi
StyS town write for catalogue to I2IH
gpg A J TOWER Boston Mass SWg
Newllnevia Coun
cil Bluffs Fort
Dodio Waterloo
Dubuque and
ng cars sleeping cars free reclining chalrcars
dining cars Send to tho lindersiirned for a free
opy of Pictures and Notes En Routo illustrat
ing tliis new line as seen from the car window
Tickets of agents o I C Jt K and connecting
lines A IL HANSGX G P A Chicago
tESWorih S4 to S6 compared
iuf LhothermakM
Indorsed by over
1000000 wearers
Tlif aenuinc haveV LI
i v
ti 4X rf
jssr im
wvsza -
etra for carriage State- kind of leather
size and width plain or cap toe Cat free
KKY and allow hbsral prices for the saino In ez
change lor new Our stock of Cylinder Presses JoS
Prcsses Paper Cutters and Gas Engines Is complete
Ifj ouwihtotradeorfauyletnshearfroniyon W
have bargains to offer blOUX CITY 2JEWS
No 16 1900
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use 1
in time Bold by drnrrtrta