- IT- ft J I in dtu ELECTRIC FLASHES NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD GIYE DONS MOEE TIME MUST CHANGE FLAGS SIX MONTHS WITHIN Spaniards in Philippines Given More Time in Which to Elect Whether They Will Remain Spanish Sub jects or Surrender Allegience Washington Secretary Hay and Duke dAroo the Spanish minister signed a pro tocol a few days ago extending for six months the period of time allowed Spanish residents in the Philippine Islands to elect whether they shall remain Spanish sub ejects or surrender their allegiance and radopt the nationality of the territory in wiichjtheyreside The artice intlie Paris treaty bearing on this subject allowed the Spanish residents one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of the treaty within which to make their choice That period expires on Ihe 11th of April Many important towns in Luzon where Spanish subjects reside are as yet without American garrisons -and the assertion of American souvereignty over them has been rather technical than practical while on many of the Philippine Islands no Ameri can troops or representatives of the Ameri can government have ever landed These considerations are deemed sufficient to warrant the extension to the Spanish resi dents of more time in which to make up their mind as to their future FRENCH WHIP ARABS Six Hundred Warriors of the Deser - Slain in a Ficht I Iirjs An official account has been is sued of a victory of French troops over rthe Arabs atlnrahr who assembled with the object of attacking the French expedi tion which recently occupied the oasis of Insalab south westof Algeria The French learned of the scheme and decided to storm the enemys position which was success fully carried March 19 by a column led by JLHeut ColEulown who first bombarded - and then stormed their position the Arab Warriors making their- last stand in the mosques They left 600 killed and 100 wounded on the field Four hundred and i fifty prisoners were taken The French losses were nine native soldiers killed and three wounded and two officers wounded GREAT RUSH TO CAPE NOME v Fourteen Thousand People Have Already Engaged Passage PortlandDre Fourteen thousand peo ple have engaged passage from Pacific coast ports for Cape Nome Alaska on the first fleet of steamers which sails about May 1 It is staled that forty two steam ers wilileave for Nome from San Francis co Puget Sound ports and Portland prac tically at the same time Many of these steamers will make two trips and it is es timated that upwards of 20000 people will tve Pacific ports for the new gold fields during the season FILIPINO MURDERERS HANGED Double Execution Takes Place at San Carlos Manila Morales and Gonzales who were found guilty of murdering their countryman were hanged at noon March 80 in the plaza in front of the church al San Carlos province of Pangasina an officer of the Seventeenth Infantry presiding at the execution which was witnessed by the principal citizens of the place There was no demonstration Daughter Born to Mrs Wood Havana Mrs Wood wife of the gov ernor general gave birth to a ten pound girl at the palace last week Mother and child are doing well The records of Havana do not show the birth here of any other governor generals child Under the Spanish regime the wife of a governor gen eral invariably left for Spain that the child might be born there To Hang Tor Killing His Father Dexter Mo Elijah Moore aged 19 who murdered Jiev Jesse Moore his fath er in this county Nov 10 last was sen tencedTto hang May 10 He showed no emotion when sentence was passed A motion for a new trial was overruled and the case was appealed to the supreme court Travel to Paris Show Begins New York Travel to the Paris Expo sition lias begun The French line steam er La T6uraine when it sailed for Havre recentl3f had the largest number of pas sengers on board that it has carried on any eastward trip in three years there being 800 in the cabin and 200 in the steerage Mrs liangtrys Play Barred Pittsburg Pa Mrs Lily Langtry who is booked to appear in this city will not he permitted to produce her play The Degenerates This was decided by Mayor William Diehl who has received a protest from the Presbyterian ministers disso ciation Pennsylvania Court Decision Philadelphia The state supreme court filed an order in which the court holds that a company incorporated under the laws of another state aud which fails to register in Pennsylvania cannot recover at a suit at law Boy Shot by Playmate Rock Springs Wyo A 10-year-old boy named William Chase was brought to the hospital here from Birch Creek south of Green Itiver suffering from a pistol shot inflicted by a playmate The boy will probably recover Publisher of Drovers Journal Chicago liarved Goodall for thirty years thepublisher and proprietor of the Drqyers Journal difed in Chicago of leart ifaiurgiVHe badbien an invalid for some tiuie SSSSrSr A NEW WAR CLOUD Said Trouble Between Russia and Japan Is Xiikely London A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Kobe dated March 28 says Renewed trouble between Russia and Japan in Corea is imminent The move ments of the Russian fleet indicate the probability of the seizure of a Corean port The war office officials at Tokio are hold ing conferences and there has been con siderable naval activity in Japan this month Seattle Wash Thegovernment trans port Garonne from Manila Feb 17 has arrived from quarantine with news of act ive preparations in the military and naval departments of Japan for war with Rus sia The Russian fleet at Nagasaki has disregarded the harbor authorities and an choted where it pleased The war spirit is said by Capt Conrad of the Garonne to be strong in Japan on account of the czars secret attempt to gain influence in Corea in violation of treaty A grand assembling of the Japanese navy to be followed by maneuvers from which foreign newspaper correspondents and the public were to be excluded was fixed for the last of March DAVIS AT HOME AGAIN Assistant Secretary of the Interior Tells of Meeting Kruger New York Among the passengers on the steamer Aller from Genoa was Web ster Davis assistant secretary of the de partment of the interior Davis re 1 ented his previous denials that his visit to the Boer republic was of an official nature He met President Kruger at Pretoria and was greatly impressed by the strength of character of the chief exec utive of the republic Davis believes that the Boers will be able to continue their struggle against the British for a consider able time in spite of recent reverses He had an opportunity of seeing the Boers in action and he spoke highly of their sol dierly qualities and courage He said he was well treated by the Boers FRANCE TO WAIVE RIGHTS Xo Opposition to United States Se Securing Danish Antilles Paris The foreign office was authorized make the following statement regarding Frances attitude toward American acqui sition of the Danish West Indies France places no obstacle whatever in the way of the success of the Danish American negotiations On the contrary owing to the cordial relations with both the United Slates and Denmark she is willing to waive her rights over Santa Cruz as France values her friendship with these two countries far more highly than any claims she may have in thei Danish Antilles BARS OUR MEATS Sultan of Turkey Closes Gates Against American Pork Constantinople The porte has in formed the United States legation that in the future the importation of American pork will be prohibited giving as a reason for the prohibition that the meat is in jurious to public health Lloyd C Grisom United States charge daffaires protested energetically demanding the annulment of the measure - SIOUX CITY CATHOLIC SEE Denied a Statement Has Been Issued by the Papal Xiegation Washington Rev Father Rucker sec retary to Mgr Martinelli the papal legate states that no statement concerning the Sioux City Catholic see had been issued by the papal legation and that it was im possible to state when it would be Student Riots in Italy Rome Demonstrations by students for and against the attitude of the socialist deputies in proposing the convocation of the constituent assembly are reported at Parma Padua Turin Genoa Messina and Palermo At Parma seven students were arrested Soldiers Charged with Drunkenness New York Rev Dr Frank M Wells formerly chaplain of the First Tennessee Regiment has published a letter here as serting that drunkenness is scandalously prevalent among the officers and privates of the army in the Philippines Dr Wells also alleges that on the voyage home on board the transport Indiana officers were repeatedly intoxicated and conducted themselves in a manner too vile for me to mention Pythians to Meet at Detroit Detroit Mich It was definitely decided Wednesday that Detroit will get the convention of the supreme lodce of the Knights of Pythias next August After spending the day here looking over the ground Major General Carnahan of Indianapolis supreme com mander of the Uniformed Rank of Pyth ians decided in favor of Detroit Ponce Postoffice Robbed Ponce Porto Rico The Ponce post office was burglarized recsntly The cor ner door which is within fifty yards of the jail was forced by the use of a jimmy and the money in the place taken The postoffice supplies were not disturbed however though vandalism was commit ted The loss is unknown Fire Makes 300 Idle New York Fire at New Brunswick N J did 100000 damage to the Consoli dated Fruit Jar factory Three hundred hands were thrown out of employment Die by Hundreds of Plague Calcutta Deaths from plague here March 29 numbered 217 and new cases reported 157 The total number of cases is 831 Engineer Killed in a Wreck Chicago The Columbus and Wheeling express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad crashed into a Chicago Junction freight train at Whiting Ind thirty miles from Chicago The engineer Richard Reminan was killed The fireman was severely injured but it is thought that he will recover Warships at Port Arthur St Petersburg The Russian squadron which recently called at Chemulpo Corea has arrfved at Port Arthur LOTTERY BORN IN NEW YORK Will Be a Corporation and Declare Dividends on Coupons Albany N Y Despite denials that have befiu sent out State Comptroller Mor gan has been investigating the formation of a lottery that had its origin in his office and is about to be exploited It did not originate in the comptrollers office and not in Mexico The method of doing busi ness will be novel The information here is that it is not a lottery per se but a cor poration declaring dividends at stated in tervals which intervals are to be about as frequent as were the drawings of the old Louisiana company The company will sell shares of stock instead of lottery tickets Some of these shares will declare large dividends others will declare divi dends not so large ard still others will de clare no dividends at all The investors who draw prizes in the shape of dividends will be those who are fortunate enough to purchase a dividend bearing coupon WILL NOT INTERFERE McKinley Will However Recognize Republican Office Holders Washington The president has in formed the Kentucky Republicans that while he cannot inerfere in Kentucky af fairs to the extent of disarming the militia of either faction ho is willing so far as he can legitimately do so to recognize thelte publican officials of that state as the de facto officials He told them in the same connection that he would give directions that the mail addressed to officials by the title only as to govenor or secretary of state should be delivered to the Republicans holding those offices and notto the Demo crats MACRUMS TALE OF WOE Ex Consul Tells Troubles to 27c to 29c House Foreign Committee Washington Charles E Macrum American ex consul at Pretoria appeared before the house foreign affairs committee March 23 and told of alleged indignities he suffered at the hands of the British during his incumbency Over a Million for Soldiers New York A shipment of 1893080 for the payment of soldiers in the Philip pines has left the sub treasury There were 000000 in gold coin packed in wooden boxes each containing 20000 the same sum in bills packed in three iron safes and the remainder consisting of minor coin packed in cartridge boxes The money was under guard of soldiers eighteen Expressmens Combine in Chicago Chicago A combination of expressmen and moving van companies in this city is said to have been formed embracing nearly 300 companies and single express men It is said to be- the intention of the originators of the combine to reduce by one half the rates for moving furniture trunks and for all business that comes to express men Harrison May Block Fight Chicago Mayor Harrison is determined to land a knockout blow on the proposi tion to let James J Jeffries fistic cham pion of the world try conclusions with three men at Tattersalls The mayor in sists that Jeffries must box six rounds with one opponent or not put on the gloves at all Scholield Banquets Dewey St Augustine Fla Admiral Dewey the other night was the guest of honor at the most elaborate banquet ever given in this ancient city the host being Gen J M Scholield After the banquet the party at 1 tended a garden party in the brilliantly lighted court of the Alcazar Five Workmen Killed Spokane Wash Five men were killed and several injured by a cave iii on the Great Northern right of way track on Washington Street A mass of brick weighing hundreds of tons toppled over burying a whole gang of workmen Sugar Reduction Announced New York Arbuckle Bros have an nounced a reduction of 5 points in the the price of all grades of refined sugars MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle common to prime 350L75 hogs LS5490 sheep LC07C0 wheat Lie corn 252Sc oats 1820c butter dairy 1S20 creamerv 2224 Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 000 hogs shipping grades 300 to 525 sheep fair to choice 300 to G25 -wheat No 2 red 64c to 00c corn No 2 38c to 39c oats No 2 24c to 25c rye No 2 54c to 55c butter choice creamery 23c to 24c eggs fresh 10c to lie potatoes choice 30c to 40c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to G00 hogs choice light 300 to 525 sheep common to prime 300 to 525 wheat No 2 70c to 72c corn No 2 white 3Gc to 3Sc oats No 2 white St Louis Cattle 325 to G00 hogs 300 to 525 sheep 300 to 000 wheat No 2 70c to 72c corn No 2 yellow 30c to 3c oats No 2 25c to 2Gc rye No 2 54c to 55c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to G00 hogs 300 to 550 sheep 250 to 050 wheat No 2 71c to 72c corn No 2 mixed 40c to 42c oats No 2 mixed 20c to 2Sc rye No 2 59c to Glc Detroit Cattle 250 to 000 hogs 300 to 550 sheep 300 to 575 wheat No 2 71c to 73c corn No 2 yellow 38c to 40c oats No 2 -white 27c to 29c rye 59c to Glc Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 71c to 72c corn No 2 mixed 3Sc to 40c oats No 2 mixed 24c to 2Gc rye No 2 57c to 58c clover seed old 485 to 495 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern 64c to GGc corn No 3 37c to 39c oats No 2 white 2Gc to 27c rye No 1 5Gc to 58c barley No 2 44c to 4Gc pork mess 1175 to 1225 Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers 300 to 600 hogs common to choice 325 to 550 sheep fair to choice 300 to 075 lambs common to extra 450 to 800 New York Cattle 325 to 000 hogs 300 to 575 sheep 300 to 650 wheat No 2 red 78c to SOc corn No2 44c to 46cj oats No 2 white 31c to 33c butter Weamery 21c to 26c eggs west ern 15c1 to16c Ni SB mM ifar sbhh ia ijf Jjong Dil Heaven Costs tl Against John Woot Crowd Disappoii Members of the Figg family from Gre had a special revelation from heaven th otljer morning for which ihey paid exactly 60 the amount of the costs in their case against John R Woods which was to have been tried at Papillion Woods was charged with complicity ill the Figgite tar and feather case He was arraigned at Papillion and released on his own recognizance- to appear He would have had no trouble in establishing- an alibi as he had several witnesses who could testify to having seen him in Fre mont on the evening theFiggs were tarred A large crowd had gathered in the court room in anticipaton of a sensational trial ana may were mucji uisiipuiuteu ai uiu announcement of Figg that he would not prosecute While driving over here explained the religious leader my wife became full of the Holy Ghost and had a special revela tion from heaven It told her that we should not continue the case against Woods and that is the reason I refuse to prose cute The court dismissed the case and 60 costs were charged up to tlie prosecution Woods has decided that he will do noth ing against the Figgs for bringing charges and the whole matter will be dropped FORGED A DEED Somo Unknown Person Sells An- other Mans Farm A fraud of peculiar and daring desipn lias been unearthed at Wayne F D Kel logn of Norfolk who owns a couple of fine farms near Wayne was visiting in Lincoln last winter when he incidentally met J G Morrison another Wayne County real es tate owner During a short conversation Mr Morrison remarked to Mr Kellogg I see you have sold one of your Wayne County farms No I have not sold any of my land answered Mr Kellogg where upon the Lincoln man repliedthat it was peculiar for the transfer had appeared in print Mr Kellogg had thoimhtno more of -the occurrence until one day last week when he was at the court house paying his taxes As lie loft the building it suddenly occurred to him and upon return ing and investigating discoveid that a farm of 1150 acres had been transferred from hi ownership last De cember to one R E Britton and also that the said Britton had made a loan of 1500 upon said farm through F A Dearborn local agent for Hudson Bros Gompany of Chicago lb was also ascertained that Britton had made several trips to Wayne since he had first appeared with the deed to the farm and had it recorded This in strument had been acknowledged by a notary at Lincoln named Bennett and the signiture of F D Kellogg was a remark ably good forgery Britton had appeared in town several days at a time while the loan was pending and appeared in no hurry to get away He also leased the farm to the present tenant for another year Sheriff J M Cherry is looking for the forger DECIDES AGAINST DORSEY United States Court of Appeals firms liower Court4s Sentence Franks Dorsey will have to suffer for a crime on account of which he was con victed in Omaha in January 1899 The United States circuit court of appeals sit ting in St Louis has affirmed the decision of the lower court in his case Unless Dorsey can secure executive clemency or obtain a reversal of his case in the United States supreme court he will be obliged to go to tho penitentiary at Sioux Falls for a term of six years What fur J ther action may be taken in his case is not known but there has been talk heretofore of making an appeal to the president to grant him a pardon Several years ago Dorsey was indicted on thirteen different counts for fraudulent banking by render ing false and fraudulent reports of the con dition of the First National Bank of Ponca Neb to the comptroller of the currency ACQUITS MISS HORLOCKER Alleged Poisoner of Mrs Morey at Hastings Declared Not Guilty The jury in the Horlocker poisoning case at Hastings was charged and returned with a verdict of not guilt- The crime of which Miss Horlocker was accused was that of attempting to poison Mrs Anna Mdrey wife of C F Morey a prominent attorney and junior member of the law firm of Tibbets Bros Morey The mo tive generally assigned for the deed was Miss Horlockers alleged infatuation for Mr Morey and a desire to get rid of his wife while some believe that she was men tally unbalanced at the time the act was committed Visitors Cut Each Other A cutting scrape occurred at B Ingrams farm east of Fremont last week Mr Ingrain gave a man and woman who came there in a covared wagon permission to camp opposite his house for the night Before they had unhitched another man came up and the three soon got into a lively quarrel The new arrival pulled a gun and threatened to do up the others After a lively tussel Ingram disarmed him He then drew a big dirk knife and jumped onto the other fellow and delivered some bad cuts on his hand and arm disabling him A Runaway Engine A runaway engine crashed into a freight train on the Burlington Railroad near Havelock The crew in charge of the freight train escaped uninjured and the engine was only slightly damaged Building Boom at JBrainard Brainard is enjoying a building hoom this spring Six dwelling houses are being erected at the present time Macon Postoffice Robbed The postoffice at Macon wasuobbed the other night Macon is an inland town eight miles north of Franklin The post office Is in Thomas Moores store The party gained an entrance through the front door by breaking the glass The work ivas done very neatly and bysomebGdy Tho understood the business Gets Fifteen Months Judge Jesson of Plattsmouth sentenced SeorgeS Lee former night operator at Louisville to fifteen months servitude in e penitentiary - wil iwi huml aKsfSiJisSisS The il were a ISsPiratfirKKaiaSii BHrSSrsSwIpis 5fgg uraiorrran i - vyS first and June ond Dramatic TM Yadis by Homer ha first Georgia Fout ond and Roy Conrad of Arr Humorous Maude Tannehil rJGBS SfeKS Mstass VTltri fcsy folk first Edith B Ray of P second Farmers JHoavy TjOssST JStaNET Platts mouth Women Swindled Recently a handsome well dressed smooth talking young man made his ap pearance in Plattsmouth and did a flour ishing business for a few days He carried a large assortment of beautiful samples oi silk and while canvassing told the women that he was advertising for a house in Chi cago The firm had instructedhim to only sen one pattern to eacti person as he made1 the low priceof 25 cents peryard but they must pay him 1 down The purchasers are still lookiug for the silk Guilty of Aiding Jail Breakers Fred Andrews about 18 years of age is under arrest at David City on a complaint barging him with aiding and assisting R chard Smith and Oliver Stevens to make tueir escape from the county jail although no escape was made Andrews confessed his guilt and gave the names of others who assisted him Suicide of Miss McNanaman Anna McNanaman a 19-year-old girl who recently went to Lincoln from Omaha committed suicide in a house of ill fame at 712 M Street The dead woman was the daughter of Martin McNanaman of South Omaha The woman had -frequently - threatened to commit suicide - z d The lafgebarn of Jplm 0Neij living near Albion was burnedto thTground auu with it neany all the macunery on t le farm some fifteen tons of hay and one cow Lil tniug was the cause Of the fire The total loss was 10j0 Insurance cov ered the amount f Storm Causes Wreck The storm at Superior the other night blew a stock car which was standing on a siding outo the main line of the Bur lington and it was run into by passenger train No 14 Both engine and stock car were badly wrecked No one was hurt Boy Killed by a Broncho Wesley White a young man living about ten miles west of Gering was thrown from a vicious broncho and in stantly kijled He was the son of well known and highly respected citizens Gets S10000 Damages Anthony Yost in the district court at York obtained judgment for 10000 dam ages for personal injuries received while an employe of the defendant the Burling ton and Missouri Railroad Company Nebraska Short Notes The business men of Fremontare already making plans for a street fair there next fall - Tile faculty of the Bellevue College has expeiledW EHannan a student of that institution Sand severelycensured several others for disorderly conduct in the boyss hallv - - E Ewell associated with the American Beet Sugar Company has been in Kearney securing contracts from several parties for the raising of sugar beets for the factory at Grand Island Anton Odvorkaof Omaha state organ izer for the- WesternBbljemran Fraternal Organization has organized ailbjlge of the society at Table Roclc withfrrfenty six charter members The Hardy State Bank 4wassisited by burglars about 3 oclock the other morning They blew open the safe with dynamite and secured 4000 No trace of the rob bers has been secured In the case of George Hurl but against the Burlington Railroad at Plattsmouth the jury gaye Hurlbut a verdict for 500 for injuries received from falling over a basket in the aisle of a passenger coach Private Arthur London who was shot on the 15th by C H Thompson at Valen tine is dead A coroners inquest decided that the shooting was felonious Millaman who was shot at the same time is recov ering The woman who was arrested at Ban croft for mulcting members of the Masonic fraternity at Lyons out ol5 was let go free aftr she agreed to refiirn the money This she did and gave the information that she had an accomplice that was also work ing the same graft at towns between Emer son and Norfolk The Missouri Pacific Railway Company has had a force of men at Weeping Water the last three months boring for water and after reaching a depth of 500 feet has quit drilling The company did not get a flow ing well but secured all the water neces sary which is of excellent quality It was feared that by going deeper they would strike salt water A deficit of 7500 in the funds to meet running expenses of the schools for the year is facing the board of education of Nebraska City- When the estimate of ex penses for this year was made last year the board decided that a 5 mill levy would he sufficient but it appears that a miscalcula tion was made somewhere The shortage began to accumulate two or three years ago on account of insufficient levies The plans and specifications for the new Parmele Opera House at Plattsmouth which were drawn by Fisher of Omaha have been received ad accepted by Charles C and Tom The news of the death of Private Will iam Newlon of Company H Thirty ninth United States volunteers who lived in Fremont at the date of his enlistment has been confirmed by a dipatch from Con gressman Robinson in which he states that he has received a cablegram from General Otis stating that Newlon was killed Jan 17 on the trail between Ibaan and Rosario He was shot in the head and killed in stantly i - - - -v rj r SKKSaBS WpfFrFrFFFFrFFFFFFFft tactical American Mother TAnmmusincr story showincr how pratf tWlfire our cousins is going about In i Washington A young diplomat has lately appeared to pay considerable at tention to a beautiful debutante The lady has a mother whose name in fash ionable New York Inevitably suggests cotillons and the leading- thereof Tht eager swains ardor was it Is saidMCon siderably damped the other day when on an indirect reference tohls Inten tions regarding the daughter the mother cut short his panegyrics with Well Mr T she would be a verj expensive young woman to support London Leader State of Ohio Citv op Toledo Lucas Couktv fa FranK J Ciikxev makes oath that lio Is tho senior partner of the firm of F J CnEET CodoinK business In the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by the use of HAiiis Catarrh Cure FRANKl J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In mypros ence this 5th day of December A D 188C A W GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY Si CO Toledo Ohio fc7aom Dy uruggiscs ix 4 Demoralizing Women He If we buy a house and lotjtherell be taxes to pay She Nonsense nobody ever pays taxes Pa always got out of em Indianapolis Journal Mrs WlnMoWs booTHrao stbot Tor Children teething sort ens the sums reduces inflammation allays sain cures wind colic 23 cents a bottla i It All Depends Caller picking up manuscript Is this a joke Humorist It is if I can sell it but its rib Joke if I cant TTTAUTT low debilitated or exhansted cared by Tonic KREE 1 Trial Bottle containing 2 woeta treatment Dr Klines Institute 631 Arch Stroet Philadelphia Founded 1871 The Pusiliata Last Word It is better to give than to receive as the pugilist said when he delivered his knock out blow-T-Judy - who have tesn pSievezSof pamfesS msftsiruatson hy Lysim EB Plnkfoam9s Vege table QainpQuiad are oass simssfiy writing grateful letters to Mrsa Pinkfoam Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound 1 cssresi ihema St always relieves pasnfisi periods ami no vomasa who suf fers should he without this knowledges Nearly all the ills of women result from some derangement of the female organism Mrs Pinkhams great naedi cine makes vomen healthy of tlais there is overwhelming proof Dont experiments If you suffer get this medi cine and get MrsB Pink hams free advices Hep address is Lynn Massm Cough Syrup SSt5SiSK cures in a err days Price 25c at all druggists PlsilORi Washington I Successfully Prasctitft Claims Iiate Principal Sxminer O8 Pension Bureau 1 o j ra lucivu ns ia aujuuicauaz claims at t j sine M M1