Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 29, 1900, Image 5

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It is the most complete we ha e ever offered Large variety i
wit jes Liquors and tic
Twice Proven
From the Vindicator Rutherfordtou N C
The editor of the Vindicator lias had
occasi n to test the efficacy of Cham
bprlains Pain Balm twice with the
most remarkable results in each case
First with rheumatism in the sboulder
from which he suffered excruciating
pain for ten days which was relieved
with two applications of Pain Balm
rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing
instant benefit and entire relief in a
very short time Second in rheuma
tism in thigh joint almost prostrating
him with severe pain which was re
lieved by two applications ruibing
with the liniment on retiring at night
and getting up free from pain For
sale by Quigley Chapman 1
About the meanest thing Bro Church
of Naper ever said was to intimate that
the Nebraska State Journal is publish
ed in Cherry county and that Lincoln
is a suburb of Brownie This county
- is guilty of many sins lut producing
the State- Journal is one that not even
our worst bad men will own
Worse than War
Hundreds are killed in war but hun
dreds of thousands are killed by con
sumption There would be no deaths
at all caused by this terrible disease if
people could be made to understand
that Shilohs Cough and Consumption
Cure is a sure remedy if taken in the
early stages 23 cts 50 cts and SI 00
a bottle Druggists will refund the
jnoney if a cure is not affected s
Of the Choicest Brands
Hair cutting and shaving
Taken up at my ploce ZVz miles eiist of Fort
Niobrara on February 21 one sorrel mare brand
ed 1 on left shoulder Owner cap have same
by proving prsperty and paying charges other
wise animal will be sold
I Hl
Dress Skirts - Underwear - Shirtwaists
Hosiery - Gloves - Wrappers
Gome and see them Prices right
Spring Millinery Opening Saturday
March 31 Styles strictly the Latest
s -- --
further notice we
will sell all 24 and 25
inch prints in stock at 5 cents
per yard All other dry goodsn
We must make room for our
Spring Goods
IWe sell coal feed and salt
RANCH Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
TRADE right Special attention given to pumps
OUR tanks etc
tfWWWHHHP 9999 99 999TO
North Western Line7 is the best
to and from the
Ban her Routs a Robber
J R Garrison cashier of the bank
of Thorn ville Ohio had been robbed
of health by a serious lung trouble un
til he tried Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption Then he wrote It j
is the best medicine I ever used for a I
severe cold or a bad case of lung trou
ble I always keep a bottle en hand i
Dont suffer with coughs colds or any
throat chest or lung trouble when you
can be cured so easily Only 50 cents
and 100 Trial bottles free at El
liotts Drug Store 1
Rev A F Cumbow of Valentine
will be here Friday evening March
dOth under the management of the
Epworth League and give a temper
ance lecture Everybody come out
and hear his views on the subject
Ainsworth Journal
IsThis Plain Enough
If you have a nagging cough and are
losing flesh go to a drug store and get
a bottle of Shilohs Consumption Cure
Take two thirds of it and then if you
are not benefitted return the bottle to
the druggist and he will return your
money Isn t that fair No one could
i ask more 25 cts 50 cts and 100 a
I bottle s
We learned indirectly that Dr E
IB Dwyer is negotiating for the pur
I chase of a dwelling and lots in Gor
i don this week Tnis explains why
the doctor is making -frequent peri
odic trips to Valentine Gordon
Jle Footctlthe Surgeons
All doctors told llenick Hamilton of
I West Jefferson O after suffering 18
t months from rectal fistula he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed but he cured himself with
Bucklens Arnica Salve the best in the
world Surest pile cure on earth 25c
box at Elliotts Drug Store 1
fiOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Ho Question is ever Settled Until it is
Settled Eight j
D Stinard
This ticket stands for the following
The granting of saloon licenses to a
reasonable number of reputable men
and for the enforcement of all laws and
ordinances governing the village and
for that economv of administration
which has heretofore characterized the
the board of trustees They are all
good citizens and reputable men and
when we say that they will make an
excellent board we believe we voice the
sentiment of the majority It has been
charged that they were nominated in a
secret caucus but so far as we know
due notice of the meeting was given to
all who were supposed to be interested
This ticket has always been nominated
in caucus and every year the same
charge is made Last year it was said
that one person whose name modesty
prevents us mentioning did all the
work but the charge then was false as
it is now
The Peoples1 ticket which was nomi
nated under the influence of the Anti
Saloon League we are told is also
composed of good men as may be seen
by reading the list
C H Cornell
1 C Pettijohn
George Elliott
U G- Dunn
W F Morgareidge
Wherein their principles differ from
the Citizens we do not know having
been out of town when they were nom
inated but judging from the men as
we know them we believe there is lit
tle if any difference
Voters can take their choice of five
good men from these nominees and
while the paper is not plugging for
anjr cliqucit believes that the Citizens
ticket will be elected and if so it will
ask that the board appoint as marshal a
man who will suppress vice to the best
of his ability without waiting for
orders regardless of the persons or
places involved
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to the following paragraph in
the democratic platform adopted at
Lincoln on March 19th
We the democrats of Nebraska in
convention assembled do hereby re
affirm and indorse in whole aud in
part in letter aud in spirit the plat
form adopted by the democratic na
tional convention held in
Chicago in
This is certainly broad enough to
cover any question of principle which
may arise and the paragraph below
outlines the policy of the party on the
Pnilippine question in such a way that
it cannot be misunderstood
The Filipinos cannot be citizens
without endangering our civilization
they cannot be subjects without en
dangering our form of government and
as we are not willing to surrender our
civilization or to convert a republic in
to an empire we favor an immediate
declaration of the nations purpose to
give to the Filipinos first a stable form
of government second independence
and third protection from outside n
terference as it has for nearly a cen
tury given protection to the republics
of Central aud South America
Our readers will notice that in this
issue of the paper we begin to reset
and rearrange our cattle brand adver
tisements but it will take several weeks
to go over the entire list as we intend
to do We have about 100 brands that
do not appear in this issue but they j
will be printed as rapidly as possible
These changes cost money about 50
per page but we believe the improved
Hppeaiauce or me paper win oe worm
the expense We have several new
features in prospect among them the
enlargement of the paper which will
take place with- our issue of April 12 if
all goes well and will appreciate any
financial assistance you may extend us
The state democratic convention ati
Lincoln last week was the largest and
most enthusiastic ever held in Nebras
ka and the work of the body was well
and harmoniously done As delegates
from this district M C Harrington of
North Platte and T P Mahoney of
Greeley Center wore named with S
M Smyser of Alliance and C A
Barnes- of as alternates
rdT gysF
Gold Broeck Lie will stand in Codv
from the 1st of April until the middle
of June Terms lie will serve a lim
ited number of approved mares at 25
each to insure with foal money due
and payable as soon as mare is known
i to be with foal parted with or taken
Village election occurs next Tuesday out of vicinity Owner reserves the
and the voters will have the opportun 1 right to avail himself of the statutory
ity of voting on two sets of candidates
The first appears as nominees of the
Citizens party the party which has
controlled the election for several years
paft and is comp sed of the following
Loo7z Out missioners in and for Cherry County
Nebraska Came on to be hoard the
Look Out is a thoroughbred stallion return of t0 canvnssin boarfl of the
bright sorrel in color and was sired by votes cast nfc a special election held In
lien to secure payment of service money
Care will be taken to prevent acci ents
but I will not be responsible for any
that maj occur Daniel
Cody Nebr
Bushels of Money
Thrown away by women annually in
the purchase of cosmetics lotions and
powders none of which ever accom
plishes its object Beauty depends on
healthy blood and good digestion such
as Karls Clover Root Tea guarantees
you for 25 cts and 50 cts per packagp
Take it and we guarantee j our com
plexion k
The editor spent all ot last week in
Omaha and Lincoln and has not yet
been able to do all the work he wished
to on the paper but he guarantees that
hereafter each succeeding issue of the
Democrat will be better than the
Bran bulk 60c per cvvt 11 00 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 13 00 tun
Screenings 40c
Chop Feed 90c
Corn 75c
oi 95c
17 00
14 00
18 00
Valentine Nebr March 20 1900
Commissioners met as per adjourn
ment Members present R Han
chette and Alex Burr
On motion following appoint
ments were made
LM Hand assessor Sharps limcli Precinct
J B Stull Pleasant Hill
1 A Saults Enlow
H K Dewey Ttoad verseer District No u
C O Thompson No 16
OS Hohbs No 30
James Hiiflson Xo 1
lames H Lvon Xo 2S
X Elliot No 19
F H Hicsin Justice Schlagel Precinct
W A Wilson do Georuia do
K L Harris do rewev Lake do
Win Hughes do Sparks do
GeoE Hale Consable Irwin do
On motion the following official
bonds were approved
J A Saulls Assessor Enlow Precinct
LAI Hand do Sharps Kancli do
JHtolli do Pleasant Hill do
Win A Wilson Justice Georgia Precinct
ELHar Js do Dewey Lake do
Jos Wisser do Xenzel do
II E Dewey do Woodlake do
ftl JIfiNamee do Mfrrimun do
John Melshow do German do
XJilliott Uoad Overseer District Xo 19
lames H Lyon do do do do 2
G S Ilobbs do do do do 30
Chairman S ratt arrived at noon
On motion the petition of Stotts
htetter to sell liquor at Cody Nebr
was granted and bond for same ap
On motion the petition of F L Rose
and J E Hendrix to sell liquor at
Cody Nebr was granted and bond for
same approved
Commissioner Hanchette voting
against the granting of both of the
above petitions for the reason that sa
loons are a moral and financial detri
ment to the village and community
F M Walcott and J Wesley Tucker
appeared at this time and filed an ob
jection to the jurisdiction of the board
to grant license to Geo N Hershey and
John G Stetter to sell liquor in Wood
lake village
Objection overruled and exceptions
by objectors
Commissioner Uanchette objected to
the overruling of said objection
Comes now F M Walcott and J
Wesley Tucker and files remonstrance
signed by A G- Ward and others re
monstrating against the board granting
license to Geo N Hershey and John
G Stetter to sell liquor in Woodlake
Nebr at the same time filed a motion
for the board to set April 10 19G0 to
be heard upon said remonstrance
No action taken on said motion by
board of county commissioners and re
monstrators ask that the same he made
a part of the records Board then set
March 23 1900 at 10 am to hear said
In the commissioners court in and
for Cherry County Nebraska Ad
journed meeting to March 20 1900
Be it remembered that on this 20th
day of March 1900 at the adjourned
meeting of the board of county com-
Cough and
This is beyond question the
most successful Cough Medi
cine ever known to science a
few doses invariably cure the
worst cases of Cough Croup
and Bronchitis while its won
derful success in the cure of
Consumption is without a par
allel in the history of medicine
Since its first discovery it lias
been sold on a guarantee a
test which no other medicine
can stand If you have a
Cough we earnestljj ask you
to try it In United States and
Canada 25c 50c and 100 a id
in England Is
4s Od
a vs 3d and
Wf leroy ny -mm
aud fur ulentine Precinct Cherry
Couny Nebraska on February 13
1900 mi the proposition to issue the
coupon bond of said Valentine Precinct
in the kiwii of 1200 for the purpose of
making a public road in said precinct
Said botiM finds that the votes cast at
said election has been duly canvassed
by the county clerk and W S Barker
and A J Folks electors of said pre
cinct as certified by said county clerk
and that said special election to vote
upon said proposition submitted by or
der of this board as aforesaid was duly
held that legal notices of the time and
place of holding said election aud the
purpose for which said election was
he d was duly given as is shown by tne
proofs of publication hereto attached
Whereupon this board finds from the
returns that the proposition submitted
at said election for the issninj of said
precinct bond in the sum of 1200 has
received 139 votes and that the propo
sition against issuing said bond has re
ceived 31 votes and that the total num
ber of votes cast at said election was
170 The board further finds that said
proposition in favor of issuing said
bond has received more than two thirds
of all the votes cast on the proposition
at said special election and that said
proposition was duly carried It is
therefore ordered by said board that
the said bond do issue as prayed in the
sum of twelve hundred dollars bearing
interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum payable semi annually on
the first days of April and October in
each year at the Nebraska liscal
Agenc3T in the city of New York and
that said bond shal bear date April 1
1900 and become due and payable
April 1 1910 and the chairman of this
board and the county clerk of said
county are hereby authorized to sign
the same
Done by order of the board of county
commissioners of Cherry CountvNebr
this 20th day of March AD 1900
And the board further finds that at a
meeting of the taxpayers of said pre
cinct T C Hornby A E Thacher
George Tracewell W S Jackson and
W A Pettycrew were appointed a
committee to construct erect ard build
said road which said appointment is
hereby confirmed together gwith the
agreement at said meeting that the la
bor on said road shall be performed as
far as possible by the citizens of said
Valentine precinct and said committee
is authorized upon the warrant issued
by the county clerk of said Cherry
County to draw from the treasurer of
said county the amount of money real
ized from the sale of said bond receipt
ing the treasurer for the same
On motion the board agreed to guar
antee 1 per day to the post surgeon at
Ft Niobrara Xebr for care and med
ical attendance for John Dillon while
in the hospital at that place
Whereupon the board adjourned to
March 21
NOTICE is hereby given that we have Tiled
with the county eonunissionprs of Cherry
County ISeDr a bond duly tested and accom
panied by a petition praying that we be granted
a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous
liquors iu the village of Woodlake Woodlake
preciuct Cherry County vebraska
Dated this 28th day of Macli 1900
Notice to Creditors
In Comity Court within and for Cherry County
Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of
Thomas P Johns deceased
To the Creditors or siid Estate
You are hereby notified That I will sit at the
County Court Hi mm in Valentine if said Coun
ty on the 21st day of April 1900 at 1C oVIock a
m to receive and examine all claims aiinst
said Estate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited tor the pre
sentation of ela ins against said estate is six
months from the 21sc day of Oetober A I
1S9P and the time limited for payment of debts
is on r year from sairt 2lstdayof 1899
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court tins 2stli day of Marehr 1900
liMt W 11 TOWJSE County Jude
JNotice of Sale
In the matter of ihe sale of real estate of
William G Carson deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of the Hon W H Vestoverone of the
District judges of Cherry County Nebraska
made on the 2Cth day of December 1899 For
the sale of real estate hereinafter described I
will hell at the frontdoor of the Court House iu
Valentine Nebraska on v e20th day of April
1900 at 10 oclock a in at puulic vendue to the
highest bidder and on the following terms to
Wit One half cash I alance on deferred pay
ments secured by first mortgage on property
sold the following described premises to wit
Tlie se4 see 9 and n2 iiw4 and sw4 nw4 sw4 sec
13 tp 31 r 2 Cherry County Nebraska Said
sale to remain open one hour
ALFlt ED LK WIS i Executors of the will of
MAUI A CAHSON f Willliam G Carson
10 F 31 WALCOTT Attorney
Notice of Incorporation
Notice is herebv uiven that on the 2d day ol
December A- lhK associated
themselves together as a body corporate and
adopted certain articles of incorporation pro-
vimtig among other things as lollows
TliMttheiiameof the corporation shall be the
Cornell Town Site and Lanii Company with
the principal place of transacting its business at
Valentine in Cherry County Nebraska The
nature of the business to be transacted bv the
corporation is to buy and own resit or sell and
convey by mortgageeoiitractor deed real esta e
in the State of Nebraska And to take own and
transfer real estate mortgagts or other securities
in exchange for rtMl estate or as a part of the
purchase price thereof The amount of capital
stock authorized is S40000 to be paid in lull at
the time of the subscription to the stock The
corpoiation to commence on the 2nd d ty of De
cember AD 1S99 and terminate in fifty years
thereafter Ind is authorized to contract an in
debtedness net to exceed twenty five per cent of
its capital stock The affairs of the corporation
to lie oducted by a boaid cf three directors a
president a vice president a secretary aud
Notice to Non llesident Defendant
In the District Court ot Cherry County Neb
raska Delia Suiter vs Leonard Suiter above
mimed defendant will take notice on the 2Gth
day of Feby VMO plaintiff lilea a petition
in the Ditrht ourt ot Cherry Coimtv Neb
raska agamst said defendant the olijecc and
prayer of whLdi is to obtain a divorce on the
grounds of extreme cruelt7 and failure to sup
port plaintiff and her miii jr children
ouarerqui cd to answer snicl petition on
or before Monday 23d da of pril ioto
DELL v UITER Plaintiff
Dateil Marcn lStbyluoo
Xotice to Non Resident Defendants
Albert S Koss and Margaret B
Itoss and Mry A Colby defend
ants will ttike notice that on the 13th day of
March 1900 Koid W Uoyer plaintiff filed his
petition in the District Court of Cherry county
Nebraska yo the object and prayer of
which are to jureclose a certain tnortgrgc exe
cuted bv tin defendant to Anderson C Rat
cliirandiK d to plaintiff upon lotsanmU
sec tp 25 r set re4 and ne i se4 sec 12 tp 23
r33 to ho payment of a certain promts
sory note tlvd January 8th 11W for 700 and
interest 1 lure is now due on said note and
mortgage the sum of 1092 for which sum with
interest from January 8th 1900 plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to nay
the same or that cald premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount foand due on are re
quired to ai iwersaid petition on or before the
23rd day of pril 1W
KECL W BOYRR rinlntlff
V F 31 WALCOTT his Attorney
Dated Man 1 13th
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
George L Moss and Cora Moss his wife non
resident defendants will take notice that the
undersigned plaintiff has filed his action In tho
District Court of Cherry Countv Nebraska
against the said defendants the object and
prayer of which are to recover judgment for tho
sum of S168 00 on an indebtedn ss due to plain
tiff from the defendants for goods soul and de
livered by the plaintiff to the defendants at the
defendants request that the nlalntlff has
caused an attachment to be made or thf real
estate of the defendants consisting of the el 2 of
the so 1 1 of section 24 and the wl 2 ot the sw4
of section 3o township 34 range 32 in Cherry
county for the satisfaction of said debt and
costs and accruing costs
You are required to answer the petition of
plaintiff on or before April 231 1900 or the said
uetulonind demand of the plaintiff will be ta
ken 10 be confessed by you to be tnto by your
default and judgment rendered againstymi
You are further notified that on Tuesday Juno
5th 1900 at ten oclock a m or as soon there
after a counsel can bo heard the plaintiff will
apply to the said court at the court house iu
Valentine Nebraska for an order confirming
the sheriff sale thereunder In said cause and di
recting sheriffs deed to issue at which time and
place you may appear aud show cause against
such sale if you choose
A MMOKRISSEY Attorney for plaintiff 8 4 t
Notice of Sale
In the matter of the sale of the real estate of
Julius Sederstrom aud Oscar Sederstrom
Notice Is hereb given that in pursuance of an
order to Hon M P Ktnkald 0110 of tho Judges
of the District Court of Cherry County Nebras
ka made on the 29th day of September 1899 for
the sale of real estate hereinafter described
There will be sold at the front door of the Court
House in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska
on the 9th day of April 1900 at 10 oclock am at
public vendue to the highest bidder for cashtho
following described real estate to wit Iots2
and 3 ne4 sw4 sec 19 twp 33 r 28 Cherry
County Nebraska said sale to remain open one
Guardian ot Julius Seder
strom and Oscar Sederstrom
F M W A LCOTT Attorney 8 3t
Dated March 13th 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To George M Davidson M L Davidson his
wife real name unknown Maurice A Mead
and Rufus C Frost partners doing busi
ness under the Arm name and style of M A
Mead Co defendants
Ybtf and each of you are hereby notified that
on the I5th dav of March 1900 Kittle Benn as
plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against you as de
fendants the object aud prayer of which are to
establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real
estate as follows NW4 of section 24 twp 30
r 2G in Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes
assessed aud levied thereon for either state
county or school district purposes for the years
1894 1895 1896 1897 and 1898 for which said
lauds were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of
4293 to have an accounting of the amount due
thereon together with interest from the 14tlr
day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per
centum per annum
To have the said land sold for tho payment
and sati faction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and
the costs of suit and the costs of saleto bar fore
close aud exclude the said defendants and each
of them from aylngorcIaiininganyTIien title
interest or equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1900
A MMOKRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated March 15 19Q0 S 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To Sarah E Sill and C H Tancray Manager
non resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 15th day of March 1900 Kittle Rennf a3
plaintiff liled her petition in tiie District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against you im
pleaded with C K Collins Receiver or Tne
Nebraska Mortgage and Investment and The
Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Co as vour
co defendants tho object and prayer of which
are to establish and foreclose a tax Hen upon
real estate as follows Lot 1 of sec 2 and lots 3
and4andsw4 w4 of seel twp 29 r 26 in
Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes asses
sed and levied thereon or either state county
or school district purposes for the years 189
1894 1893 1890 1897 and 4R98for which said lands
were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of 4990
to have an accounting of the amount due there
on together with interest from the 14th day of
February 1900 at the rate of ten per centum
per annum
To have the said land sold for the payment
and satisfaction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and the
costs of suit and the costs of pale to bar fore
close and exclude the said defendants and each
of them from having or claiming any Ren title
interest or equity of redemption of in or to tho
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1900
A M MORRISSEY Attorney foy Plaintiff
Dated March 15th 1900 g it
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Charles Hale and Nellie Hale W F Hamil
ton and J J Steffenor J J Stephen -will take
notice that on the loth dav of March 1900 Wil
liam Bachelor plaintiff herein liled his petition
in the District Court of Cherry County Nebras
ka against you the object ana prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain tax lien owned and
held by plaintiff against s2 of the sw4 sec 29
twp 32 r 30 in Cherry County Nebraska ac
quired by virtue of the payment of the delin
quent tixes upon the above described real
estate for the years 1894 1895 and 1890 which
was regularly sold by the County Treasurer of
Cherry Couuty Nebraska on the 25tU day of
April 1893 for the non payment of the delin
quent taxes on the sai J premises for said years
amounting to S91G and by virtue of the pay
ment of subsequent taxes for the years 1897 and
1893 amounting to 400 Plaintiff is now the
owner and holder ot said tax liens and there Is
now due plaintiff thereon the sum of S21S2 and
attorney s fees for which sums plaintiff prays
judgment and decree that the defendants pay
the same together with interests and costs and
in default thereot that said real estate be sold as
p ovided by law or the payment of plaintiffs
claim siid costs You are required to answer
said p ti ion on or before Mouuaythe 23rd day
of Api ii1900
By P M WALCOiT his Attorney
Dated Marcii 15 1900 8 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
John Marcuson Burt C Shepard and Mrs
Shepard wife of Burt C Shepard first and real
uamejinknown the Central National Building
Loan Association incorporated will tike no
tice that on the 15th day of Alarcii I8u0 William
E Haley filed a petition in the District Court o
Cherry Comity Nebraska against yon implead
ed with Abram T White Susie E White aud
Eldon Sparks and Charles H Cornell trustees
the object aud prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed and delivered by
the defendant John Marcuson to C Toncrny
upon the n2 sw4 u2 se4 sec 8 twp 32 r 25Cher
ry County Nebraska to secure the payment of
one principal prmissorv note of 5350 00 dated
Nov 17 188 add interest Piarntlil is now the
legal owner and holder of said mortgage aud
there is now due plaintiff upon said note aud
mortgage the sum of with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent ner annum fronvthe
lUli day of March 1900 for which sum the plain
tiff prays for a decree that the defendants be re
quired to pay said sum aud iu default thereof
that said p erniees may besold according to law
to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff with
interests and coats Yon are required to answer
satd petitl cu or before Monday the 23d dav
j of April 1900
WILMAM B a ALEY Plaintiff
By 3L WA LCO n ais AttDrUey
DtttfL Mcb 15 1900 rlt