Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 01, 1900, Image 7
JN M i v i IM i ISrH P lt K Hm IliiMwraHCggggEni if IC M7FDc fa 1 Was Comma Out 7Zt7Z2vpvrry ALcut a year ago my tair Wis coming out very fast I bougnt a Bottle of Aycrs Kair 8 Vigor to stop this It not only k stopped the lalling but also msde my hair grow very rapidly until now it is 45 inches in length and very thick Mrs A Boydston Atchison Kans July 25 1099 B 6gSSHqg3agJgiaaa3S53Sa rTTraTvwrtKTTgyg 7ay ji vrrJzmZl T A the Hair r raaagsgaBsassaesg Have you ever thought why H your hair is falling out It is because you are starving your hair If this starvation continues your hair will continue to fail There is one good hair food It is Aycrs Hair Vigor It goes right to the root3 of the hair and gives them just the food that they need The hair stops falling hzcomes healthy and grows thick and long Aycrs Hair Vigor will do another thing also it alwayo restores color to faded or gray fiair IC0 a bsUc All drsEtfsis P ga3rrayjryT aaty 9frrrtriSTixsap Write inc Doctor If you do notobtainall tlio benefits yon desire from the uso of the Vior writo the Doctor nuout it Ho will tell you just tha right thing to do and -will send you nia uooiz ca tuo itair anu scaip 11 you a rattiest it Address ft jjr j u AYI3J jowgu jiiass rc zgas gsaaaasCTsseagrasss mi frsBMflP m JFJpir QUA fee fan rg 1 TfesBt F IiISra I I Stiilt 111 I lliMMI III I I ill I n INI 1 II III ill AH Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest storms Substitutes will dis3 ppoint Ask for 1B07 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker It Is entirely new if not for sale in your town write for catalogue ta Au iUWfcK Boston Mass WMM HrSESEEEEES Ono of Llbbya famous canned foods always delicious ready to erv An exclusive meat dainty of superlative excellence Inexpensive wholesome labor caving fire saving- Put up In convenient size key opening cans Ask your grocer or write Lily Mcfleil CHICAGO Send your name and address v iA4 IS 3 OR 4 YEARS INDEPENDENCE IS ASSURED If yen take up your home3 ia Western Can ada the land of plenty illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy In growing frSsg nates etc and full in formation as to rednecu railway rates can be had tn application to the Superintendent of Immigra Hcn Department of Interior Ottawa Canada Write to F Pedley Supt Immigration Ottawa Canada or tho undexsipned who will mail you fctlises pamphlets etc free N Bartholomew 305 Ith St be j Mcines Iowa W H itORcrs Water townSouth Dakota W V Bennett 01 v ev York LIT 9 Bldjj dmaia Neb B Davics 154JA East 3d St 15 PauliMlao Ageat3 for GoyI of Canada on fi postal end weevil send free j our new booklet now to Make Good Things to Bat Anl1 v This Bir earUest corn irlltrcrola S 3rirn tlouire efonF Jle lalns In 2L FfirVrfl l99Ia iIina ota4H0lMperers J UTUUU BIO FOUR OATS fn 1 n R N i beat tin 1 wwrin Ari KPPTT7 fi yifmiM mf vS3 HUdli I MWf S W4 5r feS01asvraef Crcatfitsra ym U ltlimu la KY lrocdcxJuir IiAPK 2Sr A TOX U Girei rich arctu fool rr eittle L tep mint pouter tic atc flu ton VTeKUntce trsiJijcftliS ic seca uttu ta iiie j s mto5iUrfiXEiiius iS THE TiHIXloS DGLLATJ VJ poioioli l tan ca carxa aaa enter sis WceLat both wlUnsitr too rich Jryt grower of ToUtac aad rann scJs In Uic n otH VECETAnLE SEEDS Iu iKt cbolceit list la U S Onloa Sc3 60e lb Srcrrtalnr Tfn tiA tc irrnitf mZ t 1 n m iw w i rr ibw tAi lit- Teciapict ptaipiu ioo EOU 10c STAMPS nod thb notice tre will rrtit Seed Ctaloc and 10 plies Pana Se4 SoTeltlef Kataiozacne 5c pcaiare C5 JohnaSalzerSeedCo LA CROSSE WIS 7 v 1 s A FJFTY CfcNT FINE Wheelman Who Jlntl Icft His Kepnij Kit at Heme Paid It A wheelman UHs a stora gainst him self and says ho has profited by the lesson it contains He was taking a days ride and when about twenty five miles from home his rear tire went flat There was no way of re pairing it and he was about to trundle it to the nearest railway station to take a train for home when another cycler wheeling leisurely along stopped and accosted him Whats the matter OhlRee Bear tire has gone back on you has it So it seems v - Wheres your tool bag Left it at home - Is it a double tube tire I think so Clincher - I dont know- - - Well it is said the other man who was examining it by this time I think I can fix it for you Ill be very grateful if you can Hml The second cycler opened his tool hag took out a small tin box contain ing cement pieces of rubber and so forth removed the outer case blew up the inner tube till he found the puncture and placed a patch on it the whole operation including the reinfla tion of the mended tire occupying not more than ten or fifteen minutes J I think I ought to pay you some thing for that said the grateful bi- cycler J It would cost you half a dollar at a repair- shop was the leply after a moments reflection You may give i me that if you want to The coin -was instantly handed over and as promptly sent flying into an or chard by the roadside as far as an athletic arm could throw it My dear sir said the friend in need preparing to remount I am only an amateur like yourself but I never travel on my wheel without a repair kit or the necessary knowledge how to use it You may consider your self fined fifty cents for culpable negli gence in not doing likewise and the tribunal is competent to inflict the fine for I am also a judge of a circuit court Dont let it happen again young man Good day Findinpr Thackeray Out In Lewis Melvilles recent life of Thackeray there is a diverting descrip tion of the first meeting of the great novelist and Charlotte Bronte She had formed in ideal and expected him to live up to it and austere little genius that she was was inclined to be angry with her favorites if their conversa tion or conduct fell below her ideal Behold a lion cometh out of the north she whispered as he entered tho room 0 Lord said Thackeray when this was repeated to him and Im nothing but a poor- devil of an Englishman ravenous for my dinner She sat opposite to him at table 1 had he says the miserable humilia tion of seeing her ideal of me disap pearing down my own throat as every thing went into my mouth and nothing came out of it At last as I took my fifth potato she leaned across with clasped hands and tears in her eyes and breathed imploringly O Mr Thackeray Dont A MINNESOTA FARMER WRITES OF WESTERN CANADA Is Now Tocated There -Farms Being JJapidly Settled by Former U S Kesi deute The following extracts from a letter written to Mr Beuj Davics Caiiauiau Government Agent at St Paul Minn give an excellent idea of wliat is said or Western Canada by those who have gono there during the past two or three years When we first arrived here ami took up our homes on the prairie near Dales boro Assa for a short time we had a fit of the blues but mow all hands are settled to business hale hearty and contented enjoying the finest winter we have ever seen We have got very comfortably situated with considerable preparation for a crop and all hopeful I think this is a YQry iino country anil if the past seasons crop is mot an ex ception which they claim not I believe this is going to be the wheat field of the West It is filling up fast In this township last spriog there were twenty-five quarter sections of land vacant and to day there is not one I can stand at my house and count ten houses where there was not one last spring with six more to go up his- spring This is only a sample of what is going on all round We intend to baild a church next summer right close my place so we will be strictly in line It would have amused you to have been here last spring There were crowdsof land seekers and sometimes in the spring the praifie isnot very inviting and of course Tots were discontented There was one inthe crowd who jump ed on me for putting a letter in tlie paper only for which he never would have come here and he was very hos tile but eventually he got a place and to day claims he would not take a thou sand dollars and move out so I am glad he is satisfied Well my dear sir as Arthur Finney is about to move out in March with his family and also one of my sons anything you can do for them to assist them along and to make things smooth as possible will be greatly appreciated by me I will close for this time and will write from time to time to let you know we are living - Drop us a few lines toilet us know how things are moving iin Kr Jb aul Yours respectiullr ALEX CAMERON Virtuously Indijrnant Mrs Blinkers Wliat Going away Why Servant Yes mum When I came here yesterday -you gave ine tlie Icey3 to your trunks and drawers and chests and jewel boxes to keep for you Mrs Blinkers Yes I did that to abw that I trusted yon What is the matter dont one of cm fit Ti 1 ira 1 1 in J FOR rVliDDLE AGED WOMEH two Letters from Women If eljictl Thronglt e Change ortlfe byXydiaE rink hams Vegetable Compound Deab Mns PiHKHAii When I first wrote to you I was in a very had con ditio I was passing through tho change of life and the doctors said I liad bladder and liver trouble I had suffered for nine years Doctors failed to do me any good Since I have talcen Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound ray health has improved very much 1 will gladly recommend your medicine to others and am sure that it will prove as great a blessing to them as it has to me Mns Geo IT Ju2e 901DeKalb Ave Brooklyn ST Y Relief Came Promptly DejjsHks PixsnAjr I had been undeirtreatment with the doctors for four jcars and seemed to get no better I thought I would try your medicine My trouble was change cl life and I must say that I never had anything help mc so mucb as Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound Eelief came almost immediately I have better hcaltja now than I ever had I feel like a now woman perfectly strong I give Lydia E Pinkham3 Compound all the credit and would not do without her medicine for any thing I have recommended it to several of my friends There is no need of women suffering so much for Mrs Pinkhams remedies are a sure cure jMaitala Butlei Bridge water III Another Woman Helped Deap Mns PraaiAxi I took Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound during change of life and derived great benefit f romits use Mary E Jaiies 136 Coydon St Bradford Pa Bostons Second Chnrcli The old Second Church in Boston celebrated it3 two hundred and fiftieth anniversary recently - Iiibby McNeill JLibby Housekeepers frequently feel the need ofliuicheou meats which are either ready to serve or can be prepared for tiie table at a moments notice Such a need is abun dantly supplied in the superior meats put up by tho old reliable house of Libby Me Keill Libby Chicago one of whoso spe cialties is advertised in another column of this paper and their boTiklei t Ilow to Make Good Tilings to Eat is offered free on application Iioving blades are bound to lose rough edges JPotstovs 120 Per Bbl and Up Salzer heals the world on prices Larg est Growers of Parin and Vegetable Seeds and Potatoes on earth Millions of pounds of Onion seed Cabbage llad ish Peas Beans Corn Potatoes etc Prices dirt cheap Send this notice and 5c for catalog John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis When the man fits the job and the fob the man it is obviously a benefit Pisos Remedy for Catarrh gives imme diate relief allays inflammation restores taste and smell heals the sores and cures the disease Long headed men seldom plunge headlong Mrs Windows booTHHfa Mtbdp for Children leetUlm EOltt Jis tlie gums leunces inflammation illays palu cures wind colic 23 ctut3 bottia It isnt necessarily a case of throne down when a king is deposed SECRETS SOLVED Men Hunting for the Gold Mine of Health Great Discovery That Is Bringing This Doon to Many Sufferers Story ofOna of the Lucky Ones The greatest treasure of all health All the sold In the world cannot pay for the loss of It The secret of how to remain In good health and with reasonable care live to be a hundred Is worth more than the richest gold mine that has been discovered What Is the secret Keep your bovels open Almost every known disease Is caused by an Irrejrulatrlty of the bowels Constipation is tho first source or the attendant symptom of nine tenths of all illness To cure constipation to make the liver lively clean out the bowels prevent sour stomach stop poisonous gases purify the blood kill disease germs in the system is to keep the body and mind in good health That Is what Cascarets Candy Cathartic do for you Go buy and try Cascarets to day Its jvhat they do not what we say theyll do that will convince you of their merit All druggist 10c 23c or 50c or mailed for price Send for booklet and free sample Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago Montreal Can or Icw York ttStJiiiHK hi 1 r ISE S9 JnnoPaa L I - jj SI file This Isthe CASCARET tablqt Every tablet of tho only genuine CascaretsbearS the magic letters CCC Look at the tablet before voti buy and beware of frauds aai5iB imitations and substitutes W L DOUGLAS S3 ase SHOES yggi Worth S4 to 6 compared witn otner manes Indorsed by over 2000000 wearers Tlie aenuino have W I Douglas name and price stamped on bottom lake I no substitute claimed to be as good Your dealer should keen them if not ws -will send a pair1 on receipt of nrice and 2c hW Tl St Am AAi 1 jmstA jtWStLT VLT A4v an extra for carriace State kind or leather size and width or can toe Cat fre aEYGT3 M L DOUGLAS SHOE CO Brockton Mass CnfeS all Throat coys andXflns Affections IS I SYRyR Gctthcjjcnaine Refuse substitutes SURi Br SulTs PilU sure Dyspepsia Trial soforsc wnlTiMwn tTTaf flnlrtn 1 nVep Deafness Cannot BcCnrcd y local applications as tlicy cannot reach tho iHscused portion of tho ear Thero Is only one way to cure Deafness and that Is byconstltu tioual remedies Deafness Is caused by an lu llaned condition of tho mucous lining ot Iho Eustachian Tuho When this tube gets loflamed you liavo a rumbling souml or imperfect hear ing and when It Is entirely closed Deafness is tho result and unless tho Inflammation can oa taken cut and this tubo restored to its normal condition hearing will ba destroyol forever nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an inflamed condition or tho mucous surfaces Wo -Kill giro Ono Hundrcl Dollars foranv case of Deafness caused by catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O tSSolil by Druggists 75c - A Bis Grorrlcr Mr OToole Oi know phere to get tlr biggest growler In town Mrs OToole Faith Oi got th big gest growler in town whin Oi got you Medical Book Free Know Thyself a book for men only regular price 50 cents will be sent free sealed and postpaid to any male reader of this paper mentioning this advertisement inclosing Gc for post age Address the Peabody Medical In stitute 4 Uulfinch street Boston Mass the oldest and best institution of its kind iU New England Write to day for free book Constancy is the complement of all ether human virtues Mazzlni To Cnre a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25o E W Groves signature is on each box Domestic dissension should be foreign to all homes The liberal offer made by the T M Roberts Supply House of Minneapolis Minn should bo of interest to all our readers In addition to the best bargain ever offered in seeds they give a high grade knife free of charge with each purchase - Mention this paper when writ ing to advertiser Native wit may be foreign to the oc casion ts H SUM ATI 10 PLAGE OUR GARDEH SEEDS IH EVERY HOME IH THE COUNTRY THIS KNIFE WithIot3ro 77 S B TTTTTPP B U i J OltUn JWiWilwo w wv l w - 7 - In rr T -- nW Sinrvonn lttnfl 1 niEiriJUl 1 ISwSEslftBMiBPKrSM K SW fSfisMas ri J ft 4i n Kt3 a aa a Essinai hasnmMuiwjMiwm3imrqTWreiMre rH IW SiiEtl S1 il HI fl3 ico ni aj 7 v h iti a ufv til jstj y HMD i mf4iiiiT us under date cf Nov 27 1S59 also Martan Bo vyers of Caraghar Ohio under date of Dec 16tb 1S99 UteToodatidRegutSL ling ihaStoiiiSidis andBowela cf ig 81 ness andHestContams neiiner OpitimMorpriine norlUneral 2fOTKASCOTXC Kt cys GfaidUrStifUZLFnUIZIl j4brStnna IhpciTidnJ - i ToraitSaz flam Seed - fierHied Jiwxr - I Auerfect Hemedv f or tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca WGrmsConvulsionsJevensri H2S5 and Loss OF SiEEE lac Simile Signature o NEW VOHK yo r EXACT COFV OF VRAFFSB VLWwr IdonotknOTvhowtoexDress how I tbinlc year medicine Is ITvas suffering Intensely with EUHvIiGIA a - Si - Btaa wassladtorecolvo ItforlwassufforiaKatthctlmowIthnntold agonies The first doso helped mo out of my pain on short notice Bless thonamoGf God for It It will do all yon say it vrllh and more too I had severe pains all over my body when night camo I could not sleep Jho worst pain wis In my left lee 1 could not mitmv foottotbo floor witnoutsufTeringercatpaln Havo nsed lour different kinds of medicine foaKHLEUIAISMandffotno relief untlllsotyonrSDIlOPS which gave me Immediate relief as abovo stated aiARTAN EO WEBS BoSS Caraghar Ohio Declo 13K Sf Ffc a Q to enablo sufferers to give 5 DR0P3 at least a trial wo vlil send a saraplo bottle pre 3 vJ paid mail for 25c A sample bottlo will convince you Also lares bottles 300 doses 81000 bottles forts Sold by us and agents JSE3TS XT ASTEO In Satr Territory Dontwait Write now icsixJSjaiAXiu vviza vu icoto ioi jbaue at ciucaqo u I Bears the A if w 1 Signature m ll kaajigau 5 DROPS rinrl thnntrht for TllADS MATtK I a month that 1 would Dave to dlo One dav a ladv called to see mo and broucht mc an advertisement of yonr 5 DKOPS I resolved to try It and sent for a sample bottle lirstuose x oo o in rccommendi SM1TU 131 Dorado Springs Slo Nov 2T 1S5D Your 5 DR013 cametohandon the llth oflast month and n v i i n sg jc or niaiiis ana umiaren t Fw - 1st ij r wS E ra kS k p 2 If Km na A ivA ror lifer W7y THCccrrrAun coMPAnr Ntwvonx crrr rfigggggssegtea We need your assistance In ainounclnr to the world the GREATEST REMEOV that Sclenco lias ever produced and vou need our assistance to secure relief for yourself and friend3 through SWANSONS sDROPS fP rfF 2 f3 3 sureIy as tile American Navy has con fi Mefl SaP B D W sL to i Bun ta ouered and Trill conquer all that ODOoses It so will 5 DROPS unfailingly conquer all diseases like Rheumatism Sciatica Neuralgia Lumbago Catarrh cf all kinds ASTHMA Dyspepsia Backache Sleeplessness Nervousness Heart Weakness Toothache Earache Creeping Numbness Bronchitis Liver and Kidney Troubles etc etc or any disease for -which vre rec ommend it 5 DROPS is the nania 2nd the dose 5 DROPS is per jgjggsgggttfe fectly harmless It does not contain Salicylate of Soda nor Opiates in any pgr55y4swS form The Child can use it as T7cll as the Adult 2 3 H eSfckTa Read carefully -what 1 Ir I R Smith of El Dorado Springs Mo vrrftes yisiiiMi if 03SSS53S3SeSS335SeGS3a fcJ ma JM eSiffl ill CI J I UB 14 OEfaTSl Wo wish to cn this year DOOMO nevr cnstonnTa cnu hf nco ot iftrS I Pktr Cit Garden lieet lCc a lPKg Karlst KmcraJd Cncnmbcrtic I La Crosse MerUetLaltncelcc 1 Strawberry Wcion 15o X 1 llDayltadxh jee I EsrlyRfpe Cahliacp 10a A Vs 7 DSnnrr Onion 10c 3 nrillmat Flower Seeds Uoo Worth 8200 fort 1 cents yiw AboYOlOPkcswortulCCTeSTin mail yon free together itli oar s reat Catalop tolling til atont g SALIER S miVM DGLUR POTATO pinsoitnta notice uc i Etanips We invitoyonrtrndo and I mm Vi nn nr nwan t - ul m H SjpB3BeedB yoa will never do without ef irizcsPnSalzercjyoo rat- C CBtearlicstTomatoGiint on earth CK Q E3 mm a palzeu bkeu cq la cbosse ttis - tzmiixrjsri BZxszsziTrwystiSX3KBr f Gel Your Pensions DOUBLE QUiOK Writs Cat CTA222IL P5s AsjaSWajiiatfa DC LSk SM 13 k 9 THROAT CANDY one oi sc gfia 112 S tho beatconfectiona f orro callsts public spcascra etc fcena lu cents to ts t jtiUiiu uii uuunui wtuuuit ui uauyiu lmjjm r s a n v If afflicted with sore eyes uso No O IOOO Omsisting of CUTICURA SOAP 25c to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle CUTICURA Oint ment 50c to instantly allay itching irri tation ancl -inflammation and soothe and heal and CUTICURA RESOLVENT 50c to cool and cleanse the blood A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing disfiguring skin scalp and blood humors with loss of hair when all other remedies fail Scld Uiroushoat the -world Potize D i c Coar Prcpt Boston Hot Jj Cure f prl2 Huoij he C3 seeds fall afcod paclcages nt less than U Talno best erer gxoTm tha will prow in snyTJS cliscitfl and CIVS YOU FREE yonrchoico of knives shown Cnt out this advertisement nnd Rnl n 7 po if rm rt hfAn Th a oi 7 if you wantknifotfonsa and tho following grand collection otm BESTYQETABLEEEDS retaU price is oyer 275 and wo rriTLaasd yen tho entire 67 pactotB nnd the knife IEEE all postpaid R E A D T 1 1 SI Ji iuaim iiMi TmT lDiir Gem Peas 3 okir Dwarf War Beans 1 nkr Strine Baatih i Trnhh1 nZm Watenaslan 1 Dkc kv ASr - A- v Tnr - Pjrl Mnnsohr Also tn - - - - i r - o - ii- juaroia jiiammoLnrrtiioa nn i ntr rn at -- - - r m o -- aeionipBtaoagaip56rwg03toneince pKss itirpie xop Turnip lpkc ed Gloho Onion 1 pks Eoilow Crown Paisnipe 1 pkg Early Ixmz Scarlet ifadish 1 2I3 EltlTS r2E3 TVfl P1LBP0nbl2 Cnrlsd Parsley Ipkg Celery lpku Thyme 1 Ureakf ast Had Had- irrii - jk uiiiihu jrtineci cVg Eel ipso Blood anrnit Beat 2 Dks Early mm iot 0 OxF it L3lpkp Large Karly YorkCahbazol 1 W Hn nlln DatcnTi m - - initwh inir i jii in r i ue - f d l nn -- relet8tTOBDIlXwUltaMi jTti n inn nt H7 et thronch thl ftdTertiseiaont or KO Will i f araith tho 87 frsah nkr oi ardBn Mds witl iff acariet xcrnip j r pkga fresh pardon farmer ahoojd have SB Tomato Cathazn Bxtraaht finely polished ends three lieavysteal alades including hcof blade Wo giTO itFRKB to Tey triUioat the Jmlfa to anions postpaid for ori7 pkgsfrh2ardned potpi0 fsi tTlfo btt5r8a5 stownwr fold ataxpritiw war fcICB PKqS FffESrf fgS WITH KNP6FI ICf T M ROBERTS SUPPLY r1QVgEiwiWE5POil8 r in 1 I TiiompsonsEyefaief f r 3 EEffTlmHWmfffffi TJfKBfjfcMi j