Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 01, 1900, Image 5
i U ft u t J s U r 5 VXMMMMMATM r jr A v - m iTiwywfcijtTin AMOS STRONG Proprietor GREAT CLEARING SALE vvvYvvvvvyvvYVYVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvyvvvvvvvvvvv aaavwvw RANCH TRADE OUR SPECIALTY v - rVa j XZe -- f T rn - YOURE - GOOSE If yon do not go to STRONGS MEAT MARKET opposite the Court House He has got the s veetest Brcakf ast Bacon and Fresh Eggs j the most delicious CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE His meats are all first class He keeps Bone Meal for chickens and his lard is pure hog fat He also pays the highest market price for hides Sessb Km TIL further notice w UK will sell all 24 and 25 inch prints in stock at 5 cents per yard All other dry goods in proportion We must make room for our Spring Goods GltOCERIES AND SHOES AT BEDROCK PRICES t3FWe sell coal feed and salt OROOlvSTOtf ji - v MAX E VIERTEL NEBRASKA ENERAL MERCHANDISE Everything fresh and clean and prices that are right Special attention given to pumps wu ji LIVE STOCK 1 tanks etc J N STEADMAN COMPANY KENNEDY NEBRASKA COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA ICoom 108 Exchange Bids CTNION STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK - w in airmturi f - i ry a C IJ 7bZSftyhZSsEfftejkA 2 i THE PALACE SALOON j HEADQUARTERS FOR 3 WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA S COX JONES COX References w PACKERS NATIONAL BANK Telphone 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeder sind can always Deat Omaha prices to Banch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFOKE SHIPMENT O M SAGESBB TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND COLD BATHS J S ESTABRCX K COUNTY SURVEYOR All work txecnted with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Hoose on Cherry St -VALENTINE NEB FIRST CLASS MILL I have establlahed a Feed and Saw Mill 3 niiles south of Cods at the mouth or Medicine Canyon and am now prepared to grind Feed Corn Meal and Graham cr turn out all kinds of lAimber and di mension svuff aud Native Shiuglcs lire us a trial oraer 1 JT New Feed Stable I have leased the ITackberry Thompson bani and will be prepared to feed and care for horees at reasonable ratesl nd I will also seit Huy nrf Grain H ULRICH THE ELKtIORN RAILROAD iNorth Western Line is the best to and from the SUGAR BPET FIELDS OF -NORTH NEBRASKA Subscribe for The News Dehocrat and get all the news local and for- J R HoOKf61003 fMfWpuJiJa llifcrtMWfMMii 11 -- WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher OUR MOTTO No Question is ever Settled Until it is Settled Bight Considerable discussion voked by our article on question last week and in partial ex planation we wish to say th t the sen timents contained therein were not en tirely our own they were the crystal ized sentiments of many men especial ly those in business and if their publication has created any new thought in the minds of our readers our purpose is attained and we are sat isfied We believe that education is begin ning already to have its effect upon the publis in legard to this matter Said a prominent stockman to the edi tor the other day It is kind of going out of fashion for a man to drink es pecially to excess Why a few j ears ago l tnougut tnat if i didnt drink every time I had an opportunity I wouldnt be recognized as one of the fraternity of stockmen but lately I no tice that many of the old boys have sphered down or entirely quit drinking and they are prospering too This is true in all Lnes of business Temper ance is being cultivated and as this spirit of temperance grows stronger it will accomplish wonders complete prohibition of the liquor traffic prob ably Meanwhile we wish to make this prediction as far as local affairs are concerned The new village board when elected will be pledged to see that all laws re garding the sale of liquor to minors to Indians or blacklisted persons are en forced that the saloons are closed front add rear on Sundays and election days and before 12 oclock at night during the week Any disturbance of the peace will be promptly checked and if the violation of the law is a flagrant one the offender will be brought to jus tice We do not believe that anyone will object to this but please remem ber that we make this merely as a pre diction after feeling the public pulse Our diagnosis may be wrong Hawaii Puerto Rico aud the Philip pines will occupy almost the entire ses sion of congress Citizens renieinber that Hawaii was annexed to the United States by a vote of the people of the islands but what many of them forget is this In order to become a voter it was necessary for citizens of the Ha waiian republic to swear that they would support the constitution of the republic and that CONSTITUTION PROVIDED FOR ANNEXATION to the United States That explains why the vote for annexation was so unanimous in other words if a citi zen did not favor annexation he was not allowed to vote at all We gave the people of Puerto Rico to under stand that when Spain gave them to us we would make them citizens of this country or at least make their terri tory a part of the union and yet con gress is trying to establish tariffs on goods from and to that island We paid 20000000 for the Philippines buying them from Spain who had lost her title and was willing to pay some body to take them off her hands we are still at war with the inhabitants and yet congress proposes to legislate for our wards The Hay Trade Journal an adminis tration organ sailing under false colors gives this list of conditions which are supposed to exist in the west Tramps at work Forty one cent corn Eighty cent wheat Thirty five cent oats Thirty seven cent butter Four and one half cent hogs Six and one fourth cent cattle Twenty eight cent wool Eighteen dollars per ton for hay JMills running over time Wages advanced Bushels of money good in any part of the world - Can anyone in Nebraska say that he receives the prices quoted or has seen the conditions noted Worse than War Hundreds are killed in war but hun dreds of thousands are killed by con sumption There -would be no deaths at all caused by this terrible disease if people could be made to understand that Shilohs Cough and Consumption Cure is a sure remedy if taken in the early stages 25 cts 50 cts and 100 a bottle Druggists will retund the moneyif a cure is not affected s The return of the favorites The Clara Hanmer Co will be welcome news to the patrons of the opera house They made many friends on their for mer visit who will no doubt turn out in force on Monday night If you dont Eee it in the paper this week it is because it was crowded out iErscaasSws1 vr - -- A Splendid Company The Sanford Dodge company played the Merchant of Venice toaciowd ed house Monday night following with Richelieu the next evening The ladies band was employed as or chestra and rendered some very nice selections between the acts The company is a strong one and too much praise Cannot be bestowed upon I them Thp star Sanfnrd Tindxrp wns was pro l I t in portrayal of the saloon pecy s onyiocK ana jviiss jyicuauum fvated the audience as Portia Her diction was perfect and her expres sion as rood as the best Fisher was we thouffhta trifle licht as Bassanio WW W but Wm Lloyd played the bluff good natured friendGratiano in fine style Launcelot was well taken by Chas Gayt but Stuart Beebe made a poor Antonio which is one of the strongest parts in the play Zella Leslie made a very lively and winsome Nerissa while Jessica the demure Jewessand her lover Lorenzo were well por frayed by Beth Field and Eugene Shakespeare Off the stage the play ers proved themselves to be ladies and gentlemen in every sense of the word and we heartily commend them to our sister towns Richelieu proved a rare treat to our people and in our estimation -the star shone to better advantage as the Cardinal than as the Jew The play was new to Valentine and the for tunes of the beautiful Julie and her noble lover Adrien were followed with intense interest Richelieus in domitable will love of justice and un limited resources as portrayed by Dode threw a new light upon this historical character who is generally thought of as a high class villain Miss Leslie occupied the leading lady part in this play and her voice face and figure combined with her talent made her a peerless Julie A better conspirator than William Lloyd as Baradas is hard to conceive The parts were if anything better suited to the actors than they were in the Merchant and the impression left by the company was a good one Twive Proven From the Viudicator Rutlierfordton X C The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Cham berlains Pain Baltn twice with the most remarkable results in each case First with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days which was relieved with two applications of Ptiin Balm rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time Second in xheuma tism in thigh joint almost prostrating i him with severe pain which was re lieved by two applications rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night and getting up free from pain For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 ADDITIONAL LOCAL Garden seeds in bulk atFarnhams All kinds of feed delivered W A Pettycrew An up-to-date stock of -ladies shoes at Farnhams Harry Folks is assisting Treasurer Tfrackrey week with his bookwork this A J Marion of near Kenned3r was in town with his wife the first -of the week A W Clarkson has gone to Cali fornia and expects to locate ina town called Coining Mabel Marsden visited with her parents in Ainsworth this week re turning to Valentine yesterday after noon Ely Valentine Woodlakes popular liveryman was in town from our sis ter village Friday and paid his sub scription Roy Betz fell from his horse near Oasis Thursday evening and broke his left leg Dr Lewis dressed the injured member Friday afternoon The Young Mens Glub will hold a special meeting Friday night Busi ness of importance is to be transact ed All members should be present Wm Erickson was in town from his ranch near Kennedy the first of the week on business Bill is always a welcome visitor at these headquar ters The democrats will hold their na tional convention in Kansas City on the Fourth of July The populists will meet at Sioux Falls S D on May 9th The results of an over indulgence in food or drink are promptly recti fied without pain or discomfort by taking a few doses of Herbine Price 50 cents Quigley Chapman The Ainsworth Star Journal and the Longpine Journal have both an nounced themselves as being strongly in favor of EJ Davenport for dele gate to the republican national con vention Mrs Victor Allen and children came over from Springview Monda3 and will spend a few days with friends before joining her husband at Merii man where he is to take charge of a- largt cattle ranch Ainsworth Jour- If the government will ioan money to banksvithout interest why should it not loan money to farmers and stock men Ilavo yon a cough A dose of Bal lards Ilorehound Syrup -will relieve it Prici o conts and 50 cents For sale by QuigTiy Chapman druggists If your child is cross or peevish it is no doubt troubled with worms Whites Cream Vermifuge will remove the worms and its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfulness Price 25 cents Quiglej Chapman druggists The war in the Philippines began or0 year ago Feb 4 and up to date it has cost this government over 350000000 in addition to tho 20000000 paid to Spain This is the war that McKinley said was being waged by a portion of one small tribe And the trouble is not yet over He Fcolctt the Surgeons All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson O after suffering 18 months from rectal fistula he would die unless a costly operation was per formed but he cured himself with Bucklens Arnica balve the best in the world Surest pile cure on earth 25c a box at Elliotts Drug Store 1 Iiroinwell of Ohio made s speech in congress last week against the bill which proposed to tax imports from Puerto Rico but took occasion to say that he would nevertheless vote for Ce measure if the substitute failed Great is the power of King Caucus The tar iff bill was engineered by the tobacco and sugar trusts yet a democrat from Texas tobacco district said Ill be d d if Til Vote for it Great is the spirit of Jackson and democracy Much pain and uneasiness is caused by piles sparing neither age nor sex fablers Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most -obstinate cases Price 50 cents irfbottle tubes Chapman druggists IOC Quigley Banker lloitts a Robber J R Garrison cashier of the bank of Thorn ville Ohio had been robbed of health by a Eerious lung trouble un til he tried Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Then he wrote It is the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung trou ble I always keep a bottle en hand Dont suffer Avith coughs colds or any throat chest or lung trouble when you can be cured so easily Only 50 cents and 100 Trial bottles free at El liotts Drug Store 1 A Letter from Matt Bowcn Editor Nkws DkjiocuAt - I landed in Hartsville in the nifjht There are no street lamps the only light there is coming- frotn private houses The first thing I heard after getting in was a man yelling at the top of his voice Balance all in one of the dance halls Business here is overdone Two of the restaurants are closed for lack of custom and there are eight saloons iu operation including two dance halls Employment is easily secured from the B M a branch of the Cheyenne or the mines Men receive 250 per day for work in the mine and 200 for la bor on the railroad but a man must have his own bed with him or he may have to sleep outdoors This place is bound to become one of the best towns in the hills as the entire country is a mass of iron ore Where they are now working the ore is fifty feet deep and the mountains are almost solid iron the ore yielding 70 per cent There is to be a junction of the B M and Chey enne at the bridge over the Platte five miles from here where a town is sur veyed but as yet the owner will not sell lots Matt Bowex Hartsville Laramie Co Wyo hilohs Couah and pnsiimption cure This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science a few doses invariably cure the worst cases oE Cough Croup and Bronchitis while its won derful success in the cure of Consumption is without a par allel in the history of medicine Since it3 first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand If you have a Cough we earnestly ask yoti to try it In United States and Canada 25c S0c and 100 and in England Is id i s 3d and 4s Cd SOLE PROPRIETORS 3f JUr JLlUrtJ13ltV5J LEROVrNY TORONTO CA1 Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pettycrews The Clara Hanmer Theatre Co at the 6por House One solid week March -5 Jc 10 Prices 15 25 and 35c Ed Blakey detective is in town this week from Valentine Mr Bla key is brand inspector for the South Dakota Stock Association and an ex cellent man for the place Ains worth Journal It gives us pleasure to announce that a bright baby girl was born to W S Barker and wife yesterday afternoon We extend congratulations to Bro Barker and wife and hope that the girl will develop into a briglit and beautiful young lady one so bright thatshe will marry a democrat We understand The Clara Hanmer Co at the opera house all next week are to play for the benefit of tho Young liadies Band If so our townspeople should lend a helping hand to tho band I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlains Cough Remedy says F P Moran a well known and popular baker of Petersburg Va We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs- also whooping cough and it has alwa3s given perfect satisfaction It was recommended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug Sold by Quigley Chapman druggists 1 MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 60c per cwt 11100 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 85c 1600 Corn 70c 1300 Oats 00c 1700 Strayed from near Gallop one red yearling steer branded IgWon left liip Small white spotc onMSleft side Liberal reward W II Sellers Gallop Ncbr BULLS -- BULLS Baffenberg Bros will Tiave 40 choice Shorthorn aud Hereford bulls in Cody Nabr from March 3 to March 5 This is a choice lot from one to three years of age both registered and unregist ered I Prices right All ranchmen and cattle dealers aro cordially invited to come aud see the animals We furnish certified copies of register with all registered stock REGISTERED rj r OSHORT H0RNS7 0 FOlt SALE -Consisting of DO BRED Heifers and Cows 25 head of one and two year old Bulls all of SCOTCH and CKUIKSHANK breeding Prices Bight Sold singly or in car lots iddres j A H BEETT 131 West Second St MaSON CITY IA IHHHHHHWHiHH LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given Umt wc have filed with the county commissioners of Cherry County Nebr a bond duly tested and accom panied by a petition prayinir that wcbe granted a license to sell malt sjiirltuoin audvinbus liquors in the village of Woodlake Wooduike precinct Cherry County Nebraska geobge j1ebshky joun g stkttek Dated this 30th day of January 1000 A Text Bonk For the Campaign W 1900 I Bi HON W H HARVEJTZ Address your order with 25 cts to the undersigned agent for this county and he will send yon a copy postpaid to your address - ROBERT GOOD VALENTINE NEBR - K7