Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 01, 1900, Image 4
lr L r fi nhi r am urtHliwwpwri iKr cf of cr o o cx cr op ce or o c o Pi - rr j WWW - V or grcr v nmnunnimrmrQi 4ttSttifettik t 4 4 49 4 42 49 49 49 49 TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND COMPETITORS We are not here to give goods away We are not here to form any com binations as our competitors contend Wc are not here to force our com petitors to give goods away hut We ARE here to sell goods at lower prices than any store that is doing a CREDIT business This we will demonstrate conclusively if you will buy of us Jackson Jjrayton PW TTV WERE NOT ore TT Hence we are enabled to offer in shoes to our patrons Children9 tt Shoes - 25c up Mens Shoes 100 - - - up Ladies Shoes - 100 up After careful consideration we have decided to go out of the clothing biu iness and to do so Will sell Clothing Regardless of Cost Buyers are requested to remember that We sell Flour Feed Grain and Hay and deliver to any place in town lVe still llfitie on hand a JOitile 5 cent Soda anil tO cent Coffee We will sell any goods in our line as cheaply as any other reputable house MORGA I PICTURES r J T crwcf WW ceOCwop or W V REIDLIE HERE is nothing that makes a room look so homelike cosy and attractive as nice pictures We have an elegant assortment of Picture Frame Mouldings and if you will bring in the picture well do the rest do it right too Youll be astonished at the price WALCOTT R ANDERSON LUDWIC 5 bh b if b b bh bh h by ft by by ft ft ft ft ft by by b ft ft WWWWWWOTl IN THE these bargains Successor to V ALOOTT STEVMSOM LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN -When Visiting Valentine Stop nm THE CITY HOTEL vvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvyyvvvnfinfvnrin J A HORNBACK Proprietor 100 per day Good Service C H CORXfULLu President M V KECUOLSOK Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE V Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic nd Foreign Exchange Uhemical National Bank New York Correspondents ImO First National Bank Omaha Neb J 90 rfDWO0 s Ik - V - -v u V -49 4 49 49 42 ine jJUJNUhLJiK luetic rw A 7- mj0 X X X flrcbntimialjy adling improvements and it is now tlie best equipped and most comfortable - FJRSlerLASSMODEEN HOTEL -I Hcl and Cold Vafcf Excellent 6ath Room Tf6 Sample Roomi by by iy by WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT ElOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLIUIIED KVER5T THUBSDAY Entered at t to e Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Lent began yesterday Buy 3our coal of J H Yeast Farnham still buys furs and hides The diphtheria scare is passing away Tank Heaters for sale at R An dersons - tf Remember Farnhams when you want shoes Improved Farm to Rent Inquire of this office Insurance in the best lowest rates companies at I M Rice Magic Estate Hot Blast Heaters at R Andersons tf Yeast filled 100 orders for coal dur ina the last month A special term of district court will be held here ere long Frank Lamberson Ainsworth this week was up from Rock for Braytons new building is piled on Main street Capt Howells house on Hall street is nearingf completion Robt Quisenbery of Oasis was a visitor in the city this week Born to Henry Ledgett and wife during the past week a baby girl Val Nicholsons little daughter Stelle has been quite ill this week Walter Mason of Longpine was a business visitor in the city Monday All losses paid in f nil by Mutual In surance Companies I M Rice Agt T P Aspinall of Hay Springs registered at the City hotel Friday E J Davenport went to St Joe Sunday morning to do some market ing Dont forget that Amos Strong buys all kinds of hogs chickens and hides John Ii Dawson jr was oyer from his store at Rosebud the first of the week A K Wood was in town Monday and left for his store at Rosebud Tuesday The sovereign lodge of the WOWs will build a 60000 office in Omaha this year- Jim Steadman Kennedys popular merchant was in the city on business this week Bivens and Kincaid at T C Horn bys will pay you best prices for furs and hides Nellie Bullis has fully recovered from her recent accident with a can of kerosene The Woodmen will giye an enter tainment at Simeon one week from tomorrow night Wm Steadman of Kennedy was in town this week on business connected with his cattle ranch C R Walcott was quite ill this week but is able to be on the street again at present writing Farm to rent Some grain can be furnished Enquire at this office or address Box 49 Valentine Its lots of fun to tell the editor a lew news items he didnt get after the paper has been printed J R Longland came up from Wood lake Saturday evening and visited with his family over Sunday One of Frank Kleteckas little chil dren has been seriously ill with pleuro pneumonia the last ten days Mrs Ed Clarke has been quite ill the past week or two but is recover ing her usual good health now Seven standard kinds of coal on hand Come and see them before buying G H Hornby Carl Kroeger was up from Hooper looking after his cattle interests in this county the fore part of the week Dewey Kellogg departed Tuesday morning for Hawarden Iowa where he expects to make his future home Max Viertel and wife and Leona Baumgartel of Crookston attended the Merchant of Venice Monday night W CNeal editor of the Fraternal Review of Omaha visited the local lodge I O O F last week and paid this office a fraternal call You can be cheerful and happy 6rily when you are well If you feel 5f outLOf sorts take Herbineit will Z brace vou up Pried 50 cents Qui- f j ley Chapman druggisii CATTLE THIEF CAUGHT Clever Capture of a Notorious Desperado Sheriff Layports Reward About a year ago one George Ev ans was arrested and tried in Butte county S D for cattle stealing and sentenced to a term of years in the pen Later he was sent back for a new trial and while out under bonds was caught stealing 25 head of cattle and put in jail again Shortly after his arrest he escaped from confine ment and without a cent of money came east finally locating on the re servation last fall where he worked for a couple of months under the name of Frank Green A few weeks ago he was spotted here by Ed Bla key who put Sheriff Layport on and he wired the sheriff at Belle Fourche that his man was here and that individual sent instructions to Layport saying Arrest him and i will pay expenses Lee watched and a couple of weeks ago found he was in town again hut before he could be arrested Evans had smelled a rat and left without taking his horse and saddle Last Wednesday however the sheriff lo cated his man at Cody and went af ter him that night Arriving in our sister village hesummoned Ed Stuart and other trusty men to his aid and proceeded to watch the building where the desperado was stopping Just as che gray light of morning came the criminal left his asylum and before he could make a move was covered by two or three revolvers and forced to surrendei As no trains ran that day Lee stayed in Cody un til Friday morning when he came to Valentine On the train was the Belle Fourche sheriffEd M Sweeney but as Sweeney wanted to have a lit tle visit in Valentine he did not take his man at that time but came on through Arrived in Valentine Lay port still retained charge of Evans until Saturday night when Sweeney got ready to go home and asked Lee what his bill was Lee told him he thought 50 was about right but Sweeney demurred and compromised finally on 10 which was less than the amount of cash paid out by Lee to say nothing of four nights and five days spent in capturing and guarding the prisoner But of one thing we are thankful Evans alias Green is out of the country When arrested he had on his person over 1500 in gold and cur rency which is a tidy sum for a man who hadnt a cent six months ago and has no income The authorities think that his arrest will put a stop to a great deal rot horse stealing which has been going on north and east of here Anti Saloon League The Anti Saloon League meeting which was to have been held on Tues day evening was postponed for va rious reasons until next Tuesday eve ning at 160 wnen tne loiiowmg pro gram will be Driven Music Prayer How to Draw tbe Temperance Forces To- jietber Miss Lois Hill Recitation Miss Gertrude Moon Agitation and Education Prof It H Watson Music Discussions What is tbe Chief Source- of the Power of the Saloon C HCornell What Will Insure the Enforcemant of Temperance Laws Geo Tracewell wnence comes tne lueni to jjestroytne Saloon Keepers Business FM Walcott Everybody should turn out to hear this program as the topics will be presented by able speakers and the saloon question discussed from all standpoints Valentine is the Best Valentine anticipates a building boom this season If Gordon keeps up her present strides for another twelve months there will be but few vacant lots in town Gordon and Valentine are probably the best two towns between Norfolk and Dead wood Revs Sloan and Oastler closed their series of meetings at the Presbyter ian church in Valentine last week with forty one accessions to the church It looks like Satans allies are being fearfully slaughtered in our sister city the past few months Too bad the contagion does not spread to Gordon Gordon Journal Laundryman Goes to Alliance C F Martin went down to Ains worth Saturday morning to visit with relatives and Sunday night started for Alliance where he will have charge of a laundry which we understand has been purchased by A T White Clarence is a good laun dryman and had he had a suitable building here would undoubtedly have remained We commend him to the people of Alliance and wish him un bounded success A Good Thing Our great grandmothers garrets contained the same herbs of all heal ing found in Karls Clover Root Tea Tfiey gave our ancestors strength kept the blood- pure and will do the same for you if you say so Price 25 els and 50 cts a J W Yeast- handles the Rock Springs nut and lump coal the Inez ininb run ana thb Trenton lump A FEW POINTERS Twenty fivo cent K C Baking Pow der for 15c until March 7th A pound of German Coffee given with each pound of our best 60c tea We have a lot of shoes odd sizes that sold at from 150 to 450 a pair to close we offer them at from 75c to 175 You cannot afford to miss this We still have a few summer goods left worth 10c to 25c a yard that we are closing at 5c a yard Now is the time to buy muslin un derwear we have goods to suit every one from corset covers at 12 1 2c and gowns at 50c to garments at 200 A fine assortment of short muslin un derskirts T C Hornby Frank Brayton returned home from his eastern trip Saturday While awaj Frank attended the Merchants Association meeting in Chicago and made some extensive dry goods pur chases To allay pains subdue inflamma tion heal foul sores and ulcers the most satisfactory results are obtained by using Ballards Snow Liniment Price 25 cts and 50 cts Quigley Chapman druggists David Coggswell fell m the 3Tard at his home Sunday and had the mis fortune to fracture two of his ribs and otherwise injure himself Dr Hoisclaw informs us that the sternum was broken into three pieces Mrs Perry Swearingen of near Sparks died Sunday of internal can cer after an illness of long standing Mrs Swearingen had been confined to her bed for several months with the disease from which she finally died Interment took place Tuesday Regular services will be held at the Episcopal church Sunday morning and evening by the Rev J M Bates Services at Cody on Monday and Merriman Tuesday As this is the Lenten season it is hoped that all members of the church will attend the services Charley Reece went down to Ains worth Saturday night to attend a church social We understand that Charley has turned his attention to naval matters recently but he has not yet begun to study warships hav ing devoted his attention to Briggs exclusively so far Among our exchanges tnis week we notice tlie following which are carry ing department store advertisements Pender Republic Ord Quiz Kimball Observer Crawford Bulletin Stanton Picket Hyannis Tribune Bassett Eagle Ainsworth Journal Butte Ga zette Rushville Standard Atkinson wants to organize a band and the Plaindealer says We can do anything tht a little one horse town like Valentine can do and they recently organized - a ladies band there which has developed into a howling success We will see At kinson is noted for things it has failed to do Robert Robinson was finally per suaded to join Clarkson and Higgle in their expedition to the western coast and left Tuesday morning for California This is the third or fourth time Bob has started out to find a better place than Valentine and we predict that this search like ail the others will end in failure Stand up for Nebraska If any doubt exists as to the strength and importance of the Woodmen of the World lodge the at tendance of membership at the enter tainment last night should remove the doubt The membership included citizens in every walk of life busi uess professions mechanical cleri cal and otherwise It will not be long when every man in town will become a member Alliance Grip Diphtheria Cure Jay Barnetts children were among the worst cases of diphtheria in the town Four little girls were down at one time Dr Dwyer injected anti toxin and the four are now almost fully recovered The fifth was given the same treatment as the others and did not come down with the dis ease at all Jay has great faith in anti toxin both as a preventive and cure for diphtheria Gordon Journal A Hot Time Editor Bobgoodj of the Valentine Newsdemocrat came down to Dong Pine Sunday with his little daugh ter As usual Bob visited the Jour nal office and as usual bad luck fol lowed his visit This time he nearly caused the building to burn up Only the providential waking up of the Journal man at half past three the nest morning sayed the town from a roaring conflagration As it was a good sized hdle was burnt through thfe floor Which is only another rea son for not enteriaining hoi editors in our office Longpine Journal SYRINGES - 2 Quart Fountain Syringes at 90c 8125 and 150 2 - Quart combina tion Fountain Syringe and Water Bottles at 8150 and 175 Bulb Syringes at 50c GOc 90c 100 125 and 175 QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska T G DWTER E H DWYER DWYER BROS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS AJSI Superintendents of A Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed Valentine - - Nebraska A N OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Front- THE UNION It 1 Best Si 00 a day hotel In tne city Opposite Court House on Main St Everything neat new and clean1 Reasonable rates board by week t 4 4 We arc also prepared to Feed and Stable Your Horse and solicit your patronage as wc are sure wc can satisfy you R S Dennis C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County Bank J OWMOEEY THE VALENTINE Watch maker AND JEWELER fr Carries a full line of c 9 g ling silver novelties y k -X Valentine House J A IIOOTON Prop Recently opened and newly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentine F M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska rractlces in District Court and U S Land Office Keal Estate and Itanch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter A M MOERISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW r VALENTINE NEB lg a f at