I if 3 I u if v IB I 1 m til ji m im t IV Ml f u m til r 7 H li i i i I K V - 7- f v V7 D McGaa Oreston S D ny part of animal part of animal he followinor left Also sorno cattlo Tearintho follow 1 1nr brands a left i neck- Y irff Qfrir at- thigh flBSS JW H7 Kf fir 3P WV gggjggg On left side - aorse brands at IOW3 3Av Nebraska 0 Evenson n left side and Jkieh horses same Is left side Rengs Betweem i and Hlobrn Left or either side of cattle also V left siae i necK swal low fork right ear dnderbit left right ear nuooeu off m uorbit lef ear Rome on left law and some wame w Jvr Other brands side or oft side or any iome branded JOITW GHOST BEAR MANAGER jfostofficc address Pine S Di Oattlo branded B C on lef fc hip of cattle as on cut some branded on Ieftsidealsoo a -on left side horses oameonleft shoulder Ransre Wounded tKneo and i LakeShaunon Co Seftthlchsome -an left hip same iefi igb nance East Southeast Slerrintan Si left Eip L C Peyton layaca Nebraska On left side itangc Polo Creek SnOUT HORlf BULLS for sale Geo H Hill aalloR Nebraska On leftside Range lO miles of Jferriman J Cody Nebraska P W Pruden Merriman Neb Some bnsnded same as cut on both hip- it inge Nox theast of Jilerrinian Geo L Coleman jybafisjtle hor6es O ii sbrbnider nance Ten miles -west of Snake River Falls J Jam Alex Burr 8 Pullman Nebr On right side horses same left shoulder nerd mark Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo W Monnier tMerrlman Neb 3eft shoulder and Ifcr 1 and r n Grant Bixler Merriman Neb Some on left side some on loft hip horses samo lef1 thigh Kango Six miles Northeast of Merrl man H B Sears Nebraska Neatly on rlghthip ttasaeon bortihips Range Medicine Iff - -- J i ygza - i B J Goodin Cody Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut horses same Range North of the Snake V -3 ZBtEZ y MARTIN BED BEAR Postofflee address Pine Ridge 3 D On left sidj horses same left thigh RangeWolf Creek Toatofflce Addres Simoon Neb Stock branded in left hip samo is cut Range head tvarters of the rchlagle C T Tlill llfcWMI ggsaigigjsi Postofflce address Kilgore Neb Cattle branded on either side as on rut same on hip f3J3 Some on K1 j BASH va wiBn Horses left side snouiaer rii pssi M A THOMPSON srass E lJBlSi KgKSa sliouider W le hip of BlPJfti1 nra gggg erra mra rmm left rsKf m borne Uaage Seven miles north east of Pine Ridge in fo siml MWMMb 1 5rftlnashoui 121 laraKsaissaKa der g5iesBj it a it ii ituieitmp or thigh thigh thigh r tnighoJiip Anyone selling horses or cattle hearing the -above bnrnds will be prosecuted Information regarding theft liberally rewarded Range at rney Springs and Cottonwood HSRBERT O BISONETTE MANAGER itEJJJiiS5Ji5 Tjl3i IL- ill SlAjfiffiinnffl Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Cattl branded as on cut HOB on left side someiittlXon ithrrsirl t on left soma stock nnimal m Some BT3p older ESSSJ anywhere on Horses E K onlefthin anywhere on ritrht side Shannon Co W a CARSOlf Postofflce Address Simeen Nb Stock branded samo es cat hlndlertslio older Rang o on the SchlagU - fnum mi t B IS Ell f - eSvR iiipt T Z II BEARS Postoffloa addrejs Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a on cutieft side somt on left bin Horse same on left ffcoul der Range Square Lake MORGAREIDGE and SON Postoffics address Simeon Nob uattie nranaed es on cut or I J or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when un der 2 yrs old horse same as cut and I J Kange Gordon Creek and Niobrara River xmh ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud 3 D Branded on left side some SOS Horses on either JZZSEI Apt vra1 Some an hrnnHpl - nn riiimm eHhur ahnnt ier thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER ROBERT BAD WOUND Postofflce address Allen S n Left sidealsc on leit w uorse 10 on left hip Range Corn Creek T F FRANKS Postofflce address Jib Merriman NcbcSfefg Onleftsideear mark under slope Horses J S on leit lr shoulder Range ten miles iort man t r OWtCW i 5VHfe PiJ heast of SffisMw ZtV S H ftri KJT A M pSRJsatowssfflJva ureeks jl r rr if I Rosebud S D Also B 0 n left side Ca tie un irrcut on both ears horses branded 4 on left shoulder Tnnrro On Anfn i -- 1 sJ iP and Sprln Joseph Fairliead Lavaca Neb sqr lofti -side l w on left side JS WJSMmt also same fesasy fcfeSVwPI verted on left thigh MmZm3 aod Js TlA Range Between Fair head Lake and Snake rivor mL ii3f Kami v itrvifTsvnvfmBm dew lap Range Ranges 38 and 37 between Nio brara and the Snake ftWW e mKir t M3 rostofflce adddnrss Cody Nebraska On left side some X T left side horses T left shoulder SHORT HORN StOCk nange Between Niobrara and the Snafcs Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebraska Left side on largi cattle On ggg small slock Sfj left side JEt horses Al fe2K2S left shoulder Range Southeast oi Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman Cody Nebraska Left side S F left shoulder herdmark James Goodfellow and Son CodyNebraskn On left sido hor ses JG right mm and mostly on Jaw nange Between the Nior rira and Medicine Lske W H Garter SORACB WALLTKOrOR PostofDco addrew Cbetterfleld Neb Cattit braaiea ov left ice ana n ar crbp ag sanareiuome nieictiao on left sn es on leic houlderjalso iSNs 2 ne awnrforme 1fgg5pnetfcaj in ightsid AUO KiSa tjutder i 7 m norBeaorana ciior oa lertchiMsr s a and a b moaivey fii4hiiria Siiig Q W Postofflce address Kennedy ireb Cattlo branded as on cut or on hip horses same Some uraaad on leftside and bar on hip u Ransre one Tree Valley r bin o cm pj9cF32ife t rcsiae ami nip worses same on left oulfler SojiiB SonIeit3ldo Iw Rangcnush S6nd LakeGordoa TTfl and North oup Postofflce Addresa PostqfSce address Kennedy Neb Cattlo branded as on cut horses same on leftshonlder Range on Squara Lake K1MB FLOYD M9 Postofflce address KbnnodyNeb Cattle branded on rtBideanaiiipm KIMB Postofflce address K snnedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or aide or both Horseaivlth h on lef tjshoulder Bangs Buih LakeiGordoa and Kotth Loup BTa ROIvXBY Wfffi tifMliitr3falfafcl ait on pithnr hn nanne Doraman Range mouth of Cottonwood ilvur UiSiriut between mz nead and the Springs TTTB BACHXOIt postofflce address c ri D L McLANE Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded s cut on either idealso F L R ud K R Horses branded 33 on left BM shoulder Bjjand colts Jggsi three links Valentine -Ned Cattle branded same as on cut some on left side and hip horses same on left shoulder Cattle range Gor don and Bordman Horse range Steer firpplr hfltWPfln tlift Niobrara and Snake Hill2 RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Hqrseshrand ed on left shoulder with a K Ranch in Little White PERRY PARKER ostofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded moascut Horses P on left oulder RangeMouth of ordman h txy - lrnii t CLEMENT WHIRLINB iOLDIEt fes 32j Postofflce Address Rosebud S li Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der Range on Big WhlteBiver THEODORE D0TL3 ostoffloe adflrnss Konnedv eb Cattle branded on r tg J 3 1 iTMiTTmiT G W ostofQce address Newton Neb Cattlo branded me as cut or on hip Horses L on leit ank Rango between tordon creek and jo Loup KIMS Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brqnded on left Bide with both ear propped square j abtses sAraeas cat no Kit oa uit SBOUS der fls Wolrfl cat BaogeGordoa Creek LABELY HSipf D B STONES Rolbd8D Cattle bnftlcia left houlder ana nip Horses brisdsd with otu m 8 ca bftbl Postoffloe addres Nowtbn Nob Catfla branded ai qneut Aftso U on shsitderc on side I trn hip left side iubh on leit itt in a OJV tifcrn south S W1SAYH0NJ5 tinon to u li i naxiefl on erealj and HBlHttuzLCX EOBGltPSRs BoneteeI Borne ABBJ6ftdc Hoxfes itV on lft v stp and som asm ft V on leit snouiaer iQ hfirses sold qn Jessonihdls iavert fed m tng re fobye head Whet Ston TiiCB MBiMtiPi M L T7ALKBR Postofflpo Address Simeon Neb Cattlo Branded or right 6ide borsei Bamonitfxshoui deh Range sum men on nakft riv er 4 miles from month wtotiyr i miles couth of Sim con C W BENNETT Postofflee Address Blmson Neb stock branded fMIPIii also same as cut Rangd between Gordon and Snake creeks and on tha Niobrara rre iijrafrriTrirPrg TODD SMITH Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as out a Dia mond T Horses branded he same aoeb n White Thuusr Greek CsPRgSE aw P ItaMnuBMnw jCtJ D Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on left shoul der BEN li yjc Kafgsg JBgggfgig WM F SCHMIDT Postofflce Address JxVtfk Rosebud SI Dts branded same as on ut or with unair theSrignte2r slip nnd dulaped Horses branded amen left hip Cody Nebraska On left side horses j on left shoulder Range Between flnak and the Niobrara vSt J VT RTTRLEIGH J03N B LORD Postoffloe Addres Simeon Nob 8 took branded BamsM cat towk of right shaaldw and on right hip Range on te Nibbrra Postofflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river REUBEN QTJIGX BEAcSS Postofflce Addreca - Rosebud B 1 Cattle branded aata as cut ox4 en hip Ranch oa Blac Pipe Creek iaWSsSL fS gsBggsga ROBERT FINLAYS02 Postofflce address NewtonNeb Stock brande I same as cnt Range onGordo Crefek GEORGE DECORY Postofflce Adlress RosebuS S D Cattle branded on left side same aa cut Horses branded G D onlefthlp Ranch on Lcno and Antelope creek east of Rosebud T LmnJ9 BSN BEAU07TS Postofflce Address BSAY Rosebud S D Stock branded lefi shoulder three Inchej long side four Inches ong Brand record i22yrs Kanch on lorse Creek TTJRGEON PostofflceAiJdress BoneSteel S E Cattle branded on left side same as cut axidrlght eai crop ped Horses Rj brarnded T ongMlt left ehoulder HjSv A Inn with 1 a cleA ALRX BORDEAUX - Postofflce Address Rosebud S I Horses nrs brand c on left thigh catt on left side with crooon left1 1 RH ear4 Aisoeai aID us ifBwlta nci op on iar Gustave Ganderson vr IOHX H HARA3f fcstoSce addrttg Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Als0 and AS b WZA wuiica vjb iS2 jeu suouiadr ffaufw Qnoo Creek and North Loup ti5XJLi SVJu R 3m LSt Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range North Loup Portofflce address Seneca Neb raata On right g side or J 13 oh either 5fe hip Range Southwest of Seneca Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range Goose Creek Peatofflee afldrets Brownlee Neb On left side and hip also 8 oa felt hip Ranga North Loup s efte 3 l ywSifejijEyESi Postofflce address Seneca Neb on cut sonfo andsome vP on 7gnt hip Raflpe Ca1f ree county fjpg L K BELDING - PostofRoft address Brownl Neb On right side or hip On left sfde or hip or X on left hip 6SuSEi ml3M eCalfCreek ar b and E T SMITH Postqfflce aadreas Brotrnlce Neb Catfro and hones on left side also hor ses on right tide RttnfreGooft Crsk rlwf R VANDKGRIFT Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cv Range between Goosft Creek and North Loup J M HANNA Branded as E E ORR Postofflce address Newton Neb Catfla branded any tfbereonleft aide horseB on left shoul der Rsmje between north prong and NortbLoup atid Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY aSvSsS I L MERCURE mS -4 4 W Vi 70rjT K7 TL4CT - rfS iwtu fferWJ B M FADDIS Postofflce address PassNeb Rango North Loup Rlvor SrfMs P GRIER Postofflce address Seneca Nb F - Srlpw Kr5 On left hip Sfe Oh right or gK lett hip S be- yM tween Seneca ai 1 Norway on Middl Loup 7 PEAR30S W jj GasSFss - JOHN H SALZaiANN WT T- iPV TfPli 1 afc Postofflce address JJrownleo Neb Cattle on left side uorsv same on left shoulder Rango 4 tUss northeast of urowntee Postofflce addres Brbwnlee Neb On left hip The herd mark is a dew lap Rango on Goose Creek FRANK T LEE M irtF5D X A GERHAN Pcstfflcs address Newn Cattle branded eM sarr on reftshbolder a so have1 care v branded SP under lined Eange Non Loup DICK MCNALL Jgi 3iSiftl4 J2 i J 4 x CHARLES H TAT7LXXW Postofflee ddres Brownre Nebr Either tight Or left side on eatlld Horses sanid ob left shoulder Tjftl ibp cat off v oteaUle Range Laup rly ft illp U TunIvi S HHvEBr 2JIESQB5E f airuSff somenoTsei iSK r nHir uiuoiw i - 4rigai der Postofflce addrass Halser Neb Oh lert hi i angs Loup KlTer if fa FrTifaTi11 illKi HENRY FATJLHABER iff f3K Postofflce address Pas Neb Cattle t n leftside Has cbarrc of cattle hrandert a wtn 1 cMn ri hnrcfa rlrJi9i WALT HARDY Postofflce address Seneca Neb Left side op cattle horses left shoiuderaIsc on left slue 12SESi tflftai some KlAwi n right hip InIdeLoup PoftoQ addrtM Brownies Neb Cattle on kfsfeid norses sataa oa left shoulder Raage LcupriT DAVID STEADMAN iii iOTSr3yjiv wBl6Ji 7 eu afyiiMrlTiMJ JOHN CHALOUD B a lnti itfTB mMfr r iri ti Postofflce addree Browalee ek Cattle and kes2 on right side -Range D B PERKTN5 EORGE GRAY PnfnfflPA nrfflresa 4T - iboUord Nebr l On lefthlp DrAO on right hip - or side Range Loup and Dismal 1 9 ft f m 1lj VldSflUfiB Hi TALBOT A GALLOP Postocle addkUM Seneea Ne Cattle brandsC mi leftside Horses branued on ltift shoulder Ranee be tween Middle andDisam iUVt v i fiSSgaioSiTr g5nrP CRONIN BROS Postoffloe oddreaa ThedfordNebT On right oldo Range between Loup and IZfeso is a JULIUS HECKMAN 1 M y - - J fir iL DUNHAM grsfjpnf j Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left 4 side as on cut Range Gordoa Creak TRA SPENCETt ostofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on lef 6 slda P ange Calf Creek and Swan Laka Val- Isr ivenneayneb t2r Stock branded lame s out on left ildo Rome bjaaded with bartmdaraefli iltoj CS n mnniaiatfmi Postofflce address Brownlee Na Brme as on cnt Ranges south r Brownlee GgaSP Si rTirii TV K GRANT vll - Petiril 11 f TTt 1 1 r iTitl 52S 7ysJii Postofflee addroi Brownlee Nob On left stIo v Range Loup Rlro raSMk E ORB PostoQca da Brownlee Net On left slda Range Stvan i - - J R Tf ALLLNDFORD Postofflee addres m f A fe