Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 08, 1900, Image 4
3 H UNTIL THE V V 1st OF APRIL We will offer inducements for Cash Trade by making reduced prices on all our general merchandise goods This will be especially true of regarding prices on our alioes as we want to get ready for our spiinS stock which will arrive about that time As a sample of our prices we sell 12 boxes of matches for 10c 12 oz best soda for 5c Salt has raised again but we sell it within cents of actual costto us or 225 per barrel Youll make money by calling on us even if you have to make r special trip to Valentine We have an elegant assortmert of Picture Frame Mouldings and if you will bring in the picture well do the rest do it right too Youll be astonished at the price t r m yTn CRABB MORCAREIDGEJ 1MB Te i Q008E If you do not go to STRONGS MEAT MARKET opposite the Court House K lie has got the s veetest Breakfast Bacon and Fresh Eggs the most delicious CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE His meais are all first class He keeps TJone Meal for chickens and his lard is pure hog fat He also pays the highest market price for hides AMOS STRONG Proprietor 23 I PICTURES T HERE is nothing YJaiWJJSttEZEZHZSZES that makes a room look so homelike cosy and attractive as nice pictures TZrAXAVrAXAiZa R ANDERSON I 2MtfjiWJlfrJS WALCOTT fb I UDWIC Successor to W AL00TT STEVENSON LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN When Visiting Valentine Stop VuUlAAJLAAAftAA ftftAAftrtAA - JAAAAAJAAAAAAtAAAAJlAAlAMAAAA THE CITY HOTEL wwvwvwwvwwwwwvvywwwwvwv fvvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvv J A HORNBACK Proprietor SLOO per day Good Service C II CORNELL President 4 4 4 49 4 49 49 M V JHCHOLSOX Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York Correspondents First National Bank Omaha Neb MMMMMfcft 4ftft The DONOHER X X X 1b continually adding improvements and it is now the -beet equipped and most comfortable FIRST GLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NtteTHWEST NEPfBASKA OJ A CAA tfaftf Ertelleat Salt Soom t Wb Sample Room fe WWWOTtf j ter section WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher 100 Per Year in Atlvane PUBLIUHED EVERY THUKSDAY Entered at 1 to e Post otlce at Valentine Cherry county Nehraika as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order co discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Farnham still buys furs and hides We lostjanother saloon ad this week E R Vandegrilt is up from Brown lee Tank Heaters for dersons sale at R An tf Boh Dyer was over from Rosebud this week Remember want shoes Farnhams when you Insurance in the best companies a lowest rates I M Rice i Len Bivens was laid up with grip a day or so this week Dont forget the precinct bond elec tion next Tuesda3T Look out for Jackson new advertisement Braytons Amos Strong- wants a few heavy hogs dressed or alive C H Cornell spent several days in Omaha the past week Treasurer Thackrey has returned from his trip to Kansas The iron for the new bridge south east of town arrived this week W E Waite and family are stopping- at The Donoher once more A E Thacher made a business trip to Rosebud the first of the week Dr Wells and family are expected home from New York and Boston this evening Frank Brayton started for Fondu iac Wisconsin and Chicago Sunday morning The Rev Robert G tiasley of Gor don was in town the first of the week on business J A Anderson was over from Rose bud the first of the weekhaving some dental work done Alex Charbonneau one of Rose J buds most prominent stockmen was in the village this week One hundred feet of new rubber treated hose has been added to the village fire fighting equipment Josie Hughes came up from Ains worth Monday morning to look after some business at the land office The Reverend Oastler brother of o Presbyterian minister has re signed his pastorate at Gordon and will go west The Rev Johnson of Crookston and J W Strong of this place are holding revival meetings at Harmony school house this week An elegant line of ladies ready made spring suits at prices to suit everjbody has been ordered by T C Hornby Wait for them Mr and Mrs S B Downing of Norden parents of Mrs R S Dennis who have been visiting with her for the past week returned home Fri day Henry Lee of Newton was in town the first of the week on land office business and while here took occasion to ioin the WOWs thus insuring his family against want TJ G Crigera piominent stockman from south of Merrimau was in town Tuesday on business and while here took occasion to have his newly regis tered brand published t F Iv Bivens was in town from Rosebnd Saturday and Sunday and then concluded to attend the WOW meeting Monday night so didnt leave until Tuesday morning It will nay you to buy your wrap for next winter at the present prices T C Hornby is closing out to make room for spring stock Jackets 265 and up and capes at all prices The Bell Telephone Co which con trols the lines in the Black Hills will extend its line from ONeill to Buffa lo Gap in the spring This will give Valentine -direct telephone connec tion with the outside world Great opportunity offered to good reliable men Salary of 15 per week and expenses for man with rig to in troduce our Poultry Mixture and In sect Destroyer in the country Send stamp American Mfg Co Terre Haute jnd AV H Sellars of Galloo was in the village Tuesday and made us a call and one dollar richer He informed us that he had just closed a deal with U G Criffer whereby that gentleman becomes the owner of another quar Of laud in the vicinity ot jftr T Woodchoppers Twenty seven of our citizens met in Davenport hall Monday night and organized Hackberry Woodmen of the World under the direction of Deputy Peck Thirty six applications for membership were made but all were not able to be present After the preliminary work several mem bers were taken through as candi dates and the members of the camp readily grasped the salient points of the degree The work was a surprise to many and its teachings touched the hearts of all present while the fun and merriment combined to make the members resolve to be at their stations during all future meetings Three visiting sovereigns were present from the Ainsworth forest Sovereigns Burleigh Trotter and Gould and thev assisted materially by their aid and counsel in making the meeting a success This lodge is iiot organized in antagonism to any other order but we believe that a study of its social fraternal and in surance features will commend it to members of all secret societies as well as laymen who wish protection for themselves their wives or other loved ones The next convention will be held Saturday night when a regu lar meeting night will be decided up on dues fixed and other matters at tended to Officers were elected as follows Past Consul J C Matthieson Consul Commander L L Bivens Adviser Lieutenant C M Sageser Banker C J Farnham Clerk Robert Good Escort R S Dennis Watchman R Robertson Sentry Henry Fostei Pysician Dr A N Compton Managers T P SprattFE Jones H Folks Delegate E J Davenport The charter was left open and those who desire to join can do so by paying 4 After the charter is closed the fee will be raised Four Happy Couples At the home of Wm Ward north of town Sunday afternoon occurred a pleasant double wedding in the presence of a number of invited guests and relatives The contract ing parties were Thomas -Green and Jessie Frush Clarence E Ward and Lelah Frush the Rev Saml Hols claw performing the ceremony The young people prepared themselves for the event at the Howell place and on their arrival at Wards were greeted by a wedding march after wnich the words uniting them for life were spoken The brides received a large number of both useful and or namental presents and both couples enter upon their married life with the best wishes of all their friends That their peace and happiness may never be darkened by clouds or dis turbed by squalls is the wish of the Democrat At the Presbyterian church Tues day evening Wm Ennis foreman in this office and Anna Wilson second eldest dauf ter of our townsmanE G Wilson were united in marriage by the Rev J C Sloan The happy couple have commenced housekeep ing in the Mills residence on Hall street W T Myers and Clara Otis Barker were ranted a license to marry by the county judge Tuesday Christian Association Section The Young Mens Club recently formed here disbanded this week and reorganized under the direction of F F Carruthers into a section of the Y M C A with the following officers President H O Tucker Becretary C H Wellford Treasurer- S Barker Executive Committee W F Mor gareidge and Geo Hornby Metho dist Arthur Sherman and W S Barker Presbyterian Robert Good Episcopal and as ex officio members the officers of the Section TheJSection will not embrace the full Bssociation course but will be to a certain extent identified with that body The work will be interdenomi national and all young men of good moral habits are invited to become members -whether church members or not Business meeting will be held every Monday evening Jurors for April Term Below will be found the list of petit jurors for the term of court conven ing in this city on April 23 Jury is called for April 24 at 10 a m M P Jordan And Yaryan A Benson J B Sweeney V Martin L Ramberg Wm Dunbar Wm Heelan C Cutcomb B White F Mogle A Pike J W Dye G H Folsom W H Hughes D Hanna EU Vollentine A B McAlevy Sam Imes G M Troffer A J Barnes B F Hobson G P Crabb E Breuklander Are you restless at uiffht and har assed by a bad cough Use Ballards Ilorchound Syrup it will secure you sound sleep and effecc a prompt and radical cure Price 25 cents and 50 1 cents Quigley Chapman gists drug- Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pettycrews N Yi Biawrna at Fatnhatnd 5 - I Magic Estate Hot Blast Heaters at R Andersons tf A swell dance will be given in Val entine soon An up-to-date stock of ladies shoes at Farnhams Will Gillaspie was in the city the first of the week J H Pylman of Brownlee regis tered at the Donoher yesterday All kinds of feed delivered W A Pettycrew B J Martin started on a trip through the west Monday morning All losses paid in f nil by Mutual In surance Companies I M Rice Agt Born Sunday to John Grange and wife at the residence of John Shore a baby girl Doctor McChesney has been ap pointed Indian agent at Rosebud to succeed himself Rev Sloans meetings at the Pres byterian church are attracting con siderable attention B E Johnston of near Woodlake was in town the first of the week and called at these headquarters tc straighten up with the editor The railroad ice gang finished their work Tuesday afternoon having put up 400 cars of ice for the company There is some talk of getting a con tract for Fremont and Omaha Dont irritate your lungs with a stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Bal lards x Horehound Syrup Price 25 cents and 50 cents Quigley Chap man druggists With this issue we present an ad vertisement for Crabb Morgar eidge general - merchants which should receive your careful attention This firm is making some very close prices on their p oods Special excursion to Hot Springs S D for one fare plus two dollars for the round trip Tickets on sale February 6th and 20th March 6th and 2nth good returning 30 days from date of sale Remember the dates Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver and the whole S3Tstem be comes deranged Herbine perfects the process of digestion and assimila tion and thus makes pure blood Price 50 cents Quigley Chapman On account of last Wednesday be ing so stormy Andrews the photo grapher will extend the offer he made last week and on Wednesday February 14 will take babies under three 3ears photos cabinet size for 250 per dozen from 9 am till 330 p m One day only New Nasbys New postmasters for Cherry coun ty were appointed last week as fol lows Gallop Cherry county E F Trogden vice G H Hill resigned Kilgore Cherry county J A W Johnson vice H Schultz resigned Lavaca Cherry county Ira Johnson vice L Peyton resigned Inducement to Marry Say you young people who are get ting married Dont you know that you cant expect to have a happy home if you dont get the Democrat every week Anyone who gets mar ried in this county is entitled to a re ceipt for a years subscription simply for the asking If you want to stop the paper at the end of a year it wont cost you an3rthing Skeptical They have been having a hot time in Valentine according to the papers The Methodists at that place have been reclaiming the back sliders and converting the sinners until the num ber reached 164 If there is as much inconsistency in the church in Valen tine as there are in other places they wont keep them all very long Bay Springs Leader Broke His Neck Last Wednesday afternoon D C Robinson living thirteen miles north of Merriman fell from a wagon load of lumber and grain while on the way home from Merriman and about three miles from his home and was picked up dead a short time after his neck having been broken by the fall Mr Robinson was an old pioneer in this coif n try and well known in Gor don He was deputy U S marshal under Cleveland He leaves a wife and one child The body was taken to Rapid City for burial Gordon Journal THE UNION Best Si 00 a day hotel In the city Opposite Court House on Main St Everything neat new and clean Reasonable rates board by weik 0 GOOD THINGS 1 jMMAj A m V AK A 1 flfl ttfl LVM HKWSHHRK wxssBmK fmi1 KlAAA rfmr Ask your neighbor about them If he dont know ask QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska HWWWW MWBWMW - 3 Carries a full line of c S I i - ung silver novelties WFSW A taaafegii uvngr zJisrjytyfc J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherry St VALENTINE NEB- F Y T C DW rER E H D WYER DWYER BROS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Ajsiy Superintendents of A Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed Valentine - - Nebraska A N COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Nights-Upstairs-Ked Front C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS ENTISTS Office over Cherry County JBanTc Valentine House J A HOOTON Prop Recently opened and newly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PEE DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentine Taf rfVnrvvr OWMOREY t i THE VALENTINE fr Watch maker AND JEWELER M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Practices In District Court and F S Land S omce Reai Lsate and Kanch Property bought and sold 15onded Abstracter M MORRISSEYjT ATTORNEY AT LAW o -- o r r - R S DtiNN IS I VALENTINE- NEB -1