Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 08, 1900, Image 1
f 1 Y T sgyjyaL Postoffice address i J H Postoffice address Branded as on cut Also p on shoulder on side P on hip also w side P hip also P on snoulder XV on side P on hip Range north prong of North Loup miles GEO HIGGINS Brownlee Neb Branded on left side some H left side and thigh and on left thigh u Range Duck Lake VOLUME XV PS itauscnE s Postoffice address Browolee Nebi On leit side or any part of animal Ear mark right ear cut off borees branded same on left hip Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder orJKorWorOVL orO or FZ Also th following the ffrstonp being on side and hip tBKsm WvTaXiGX mWm LBK AMD SOWS Poctodlco ddr Or- Brovraloe Nob Oa rljchi aide o LB on abo LEK oo U- side Kangtv nortb rownlua 2 to nWl j foitiiiuoe Mflflrf Hrwnleo Net ii i Ik t side Range Htrs Valley CLARENCE K SMITH Post office address Whitman Neb1 On left side horses same on leftshoulder 92 on left side Iv3inywhere on QM animal Ouffll npnr thigh Range north prong4 Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake - JlHIHl d m STEELE PostoflU e address Cody Nebraska P PULLMAN On left side also LO or W I j on left side oi somecattIeE9fti AlsogjOpJf on left hiplgg and horses on vut left shoulder Rantre Moutb of Ber Creek - GJL i y a bb jb DAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V leit neck and Z left hip some V lett neck V left shoulder and Z left hip jliorses VZ left hip Eange Snake River313233 EE TG OO Horses like cut ou Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one braud like on cut on leit thigh Range between Bordman and Snake DAWSON BALL CHAMBERLAIN CO Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws WILLIAM FERDON MANAGER Postoffice address vaienimu lvv Like cut on either ipfrside r hip also r U I Stock over on right side horses same IV jfgsv left bjraml C leftshoulder k Vilon RKWAKOforsufficient ev Postoffice address Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range 2n Dry al ley dence to convict any of gnako f ho Rlinvo nranm MASON COMPANY Postoffice address Hyannis Neb On right hip il either side On rigbt Rsrsa Wm H T DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake side KWAi left PJ i 5isS Mfli hor Hjhr cHrtnlr1f Tw Range seven miles north of Hyannis zasSRSJ QW SffiK2 sjxr a v S SSrEii wm 13 55sf f a tAvav - riV SsSj 3 ERN JULIUS PETERSON Postoffice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory xr one year oiu a a m on left shoulder Range south west Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip lorsKS branded same left sli mMer Range between Nio brara and SnaPe riv ers south of Merri man 3 -v vaw - ft Hyannis on B Nebraska Address Chadroh Nebraska GEORGE Postoffice address Simeon Neb Branded on right i side or hip RSSg Also BSft onJeft hip fflffii Horses on right i lioulder as on cut Range Gordon andj SSB8SSf N HmmlE i J A SAULTS ijm ksnhq C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr W9 ot Hackberrv Lake and Curlew Also some bran de on eftleg JACOBSON TaBBKgBjJM BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregoryi Neb On left side some same with I on It ft shoulder horses lclt shoulder niLR don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postoffice address mi A Reward- of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to Hie arrestand ftnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or hoi ses withabuve brand O J KKLLAH Iosto e addres Brown ebr On eft side Range betweei ioose Loup 31 HANSON R M FADDfS HRl jHEvHi Postoffice address Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Kange northeast of Nenzel ggSj DAVIS Creek nd Postoffice nddress Pass Neb Range North Loup River ALBERT NENZEL V9h RICHARDS CAIRNES CO e w Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands torses UraiiUeu lUc same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and tx iu ii ii in nurinwesiern BAKTLKTT UlClIAKDS HbPsUb C JENSEN- ostoffice a dress Galloo Nebraska ffdu SFKSSSaSB i4id IK t umn aS8 W ilr Left side on private stock and right side on cattle heulrvai also fi I on left side of catlle lifMdori left side TrvSS Horses C J -on Ifcf shoulder Range EIsht miles south ofGallop M RICHARDSON PostolTlee address ntcCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann STOCK NOTES I MAAA Facts and Figures President Springers address at the National Stock Association was filled with wisdom and information Among other items we find these The American hog numbers into the millions and the demand grows ever apace We are slaughtering nearly 4000000 tons of pork every year in the United htates more than the balance of the world put together and the consumption is rapidly increas ing the exportation extending the world In 1899 the sheep of the United States furnished about 270000000 pounds of wool from less than 37000 000 sheep against 50000000 sheep in 1884 The consumption of mutton and lambs has incaeased beyond the expec tation of even the most enthusiastic sheep breeder until now nearly 500 000 tons are consumed Less than ten years ago your range horses were selling at from 5 to 25 on the market Today they bring from 20 to 50 while your high class saddle and coach horses are selling at their highest figure even to 1000 each Less than ten years ago your cattle down here in Teas were sold at 8 for a cow with a calf thrown in while today the cow is worth from 15 up ana me can at lease ten more We find the United States Credited with nearly 55000000 head and a beef production of nearly 4UUO000 tons per annum Look at the results at our great markets this past year beef sel ling on the hoof as high as 850 per hundred live weight TMsof course was given for the highest quality pro duced only by thoroughbred bulls However the average urice of all beef at the markets has been so satisfactory that I have yet to hear of a single com plaint from any beef producer A iirm in Texas has purchased 4000 ounces of styrychnine besides a large amount of cyanide of potassium and other poisons and will begin a war on prairie dogs The range countries in general are engaged in an effort to ex terminate this little pest Cattle in Cherry county are going through the winter in splendid shape but few losses being reported Calves are being dropped right along now and unlike last season the percentage of deaths is very small among the little ones As our ranchmen continue to adopt better methods this percentage will be still farther reduced Quite apart from the enhanced mar ket value pure bred stock has another value which is not always estimated at J its true worth the value of its influ ence upon the intellectual life of the family One only needs to go into the familv home on the farm where pure bred cattle horses sheep or swine are reared to be convinced of the reality and the beneficence of this influence National Rural The Iowa Homestead says that In conversation With a man who ships stock I found that it pays to pat ronize markets as near home as possi ble The week before he had shipped two car loads of hogs one to Chicago and the other to a market half that dis tance On the shipment td Chicago the car just paid for the outlay On the other he cleared forty dollars The shipper is a man of veracity and I have not the least doubt of the truthfulness of the statement A special from Hot Springs saj s the sheepmen of the northern part of the Elack LTills have organized another as sociation with headquarters at Belle Fourche It includes sheepmen of western South Dakota northeastern Wyoming and southern Montana Preliminary steps were taken -at the meeting toward erecting a wool ware house at Belle Fourche winch question will be fully determined at their next meeting on Feb 20 It is estimated that 200000 pounds pf wool will be marketed at Belle Fourche this year and the sheepmen do not wish to ship direct from the cars as heretofore pre ferring to store in a warehouse and be enabled to await a favorable market Another sheepmens organization- was effected atEdgemont in December but this last organization takes in a differ ent territory NEWS -DEMOCRAT isrews Farm ana stocR Journal VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY 8 1900 The receipts of horses at Chicago last week were the largest reported for the same period for several years being 2562 A large number of buyers -were on hand and there was a good demand for drafts on German export account Export chunks sold for 75 to 115 farm chunks G0 to 90 medium driv ers S75 to 150 fancy drivers 150 to 400 a few pairs at 550 to 700 sad dlers 65 to 200 Feed Western range horses were on hand Poor to fair brought 10to 25 good to extra choice 30 to 75 If there is any truth in market signs good bulls are cheaper now than they Avill be after a little while and hence any one who feels that he is go ing to need a bull in the not distant fu ture would in our judgment serve his own interests best by buying just as soon as he can find an animal that suits him We feel morally certain that as the season advances good bulls vill bring better prices than they are now commanding and our suggestion is that all who are in need of bulls should make the purchase at as early date as possible The desire that every western sheep man has to retain his flocks at home and sell only the wool will sooner or later result in a heavy accumulation of L sheep which sometime must be mar keted For a year or two this plan may work but sis soon as the ranges become overstocked or the price of wool should be cut in to or if a drought should come there would be a deluge of sheep at market points that would paralyze the business Of course it is not at all likely that these calamities will all come at once but it is certain that the process of accumulation is go inr on and some dav will result in overstocked markets Chicagobrovers Journal Since the subject of leaving the arid ands of the west has assumed such im portance we have written Represents live Neville for copies of all bills on this subject and as soon as they arrive we will publish a synopsis of eachbill for 6ur readers benefit We under stand Ihafc one of the bills introduced provides for leasing 20 acres to a man for every acre he owns In other words if a man owns one quarter section he will be permitted to lease twenty quar ters provided ha does not encroach up on another mans domain The whole thing is a complicated question and while it is not probable that any bill of this nature will be passed it behooves us to keep our eyes open for schemes and tricks Strayed One iron gray mare 3 3ears old hall blood Branded SF on left shoulder Please notify Max E Viertel Crookston Neb Strajed or Stolen Three work mares 1000 pounds each One bay branded 33 on left shoulder One bay and one brown branded DS on left hip D Stinard Valentine Nebraska Liberal reward Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between Jannary 21 and 23 cattle brandedggfgwon lett side and some I on leftjghould er Jacobson Bros Gregory Nebr Strayed or Stolen Several head of horses and cat tle aded Amos Stronjr Valpntine Neb Mm W s E Haley tlr S Ct ftzS8ta Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in -harps Ranch and German picfiiicrs G miles south of Kilgore s R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder home on right side VJB Range in Brown and Cherry counties at headwaters of the Calamus river WAI ERICKSON Postoffice address Nel ESS3nKveSMS nJl tHJMiAiSiitJLggJ iMjjfc j JOPi I w Mtwummmm Ir 1 i r I nit left side aild hipi torses I or A -on eit jsiw J Range two miles nortliwest of Ken nedy K 4 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 -49 49 49 m NUMBER 3 031 4 MD WINTER uALt FOR CASH Mens Cotton Flannel Underwear - were 50c now 25c Mens Heavy Meeee Lined Mens Winter Underwear - - -Ladies Winter Union Suits - -Misses Winter Union Suits - - r LrVT Keesb Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on lei side and hip and ou left shoulder of hor ses AISowliH on t r Slv hip T side t on right hip and F4 oii left side fc i T- - Tr TW1L - r r ANNUAL II SCnULTZ Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder N S Eowley BHBMHMKL 7 Hy I Ml I 4ns3 C on left hip of horses Marquardt Rowlus OttoStkube Manager FV B DM I MerrimanNeb Catlle brand OM on left shoulder bonm dPaittle haVe various older brands OSjon ISft hip Herse brad A on left shouldei lmirft Formerly rrltn W - - a C 3 Iraneli B tnilps pist of I Lr2 Mr r - - JTSA jjj M V RR south to Leander Creek War quardtIWiwlus tfcribnor Nebraska cc u cc fl90TOr3V 50c c 35o 35c 20c 50c 35c 35c f 25c Childrens Winter Underwear - - - 5c to 15c ALL WINTER DEESS GOODS AT COST DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants AT MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of SH -FRUIT-AND -G In addition to a Brst clasB line of Steaks Eoasts Dry Salt -Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Eacon and Vegetables AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA LEARING SHOES AT HALF PRICE BTBADMAX W G Postoffice address Oasis Nebraska Butler Quiaenbcry have charge of these attle horses Uon lett shoulder some stock branded anywhere oir animal Range Snake river A T Postoffice address Riege Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles J Southeast of Georsna AM SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PEACTICAL TAILORING ALTj OUJl WORK GVAMAXTEEl Valentine D STINARD GLOTHiER Postothce address McCann Neb Stock branded as on tut Range North and south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON rostoffice address j IMcCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Kange between the Niobrara and Snake IP 1 Prideaux Sanford V im k t Nebraska BROS rostoPice zMrvir Pmi Sut Brand oa loft Hones iind SAWYER PIKE BEOh J8KdBLMB 6Sssas JS XSMM Bilf 1 Wm3B ivslf v J I3A t tsJ FVWWlFmr some cattle i34i t breaded o i left ld sad bjs xsnge ull Lak and duca Creek C S 1VTLZIA3IS Postoffice address Gallop Nebraska On left side also W 1 left side also J -left liiptlso V on side and S on hip horses Sa left Jatv Range Eight miles south of Gallop BRACKETT Iw j P ossfficeaddrees f vu unoivii v Branaci on eillie sldeotartmsl d right hip Range On Mipy i nechaduza e4 oc miMuimriiiiiLi SIBSS iitiir T- - u1 Jiy T n Wf tt 4v wl mv lolles QcdoKetcm v n - 4C V v- I m M If i