Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 9
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT . l < 'urni nml rttock JKORERT - Manager Valentine , ALONZO Postofficc address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; P@3 § horses WSgsz- left shoulder y gjj Range north o Cutcomb Lake. S A TVINSLOW Postoftlce address Cody , Nebraska' ' Branded on either Bidph ir > rssara on left shoulder Range 8-mI. north east of Kliand south of N-iobrara river , 13- mi southwestof Cody A C RIEMENSCUNElDEll 'Postofficc ' address Cody. Nebra-ka On right side ; alsoX on rijrbt shonhl r and * > < ! ) jaw. It ; j on left hii > : ; lsojon : jaw Ilnafee OM Poor Ilaucb on Niobrara A D COLE Postoffloe address Same as on cut , 1-f' side and shoulder. Raimc CM stand NOiilli- and \\est ol'C'i CJIAS. E ROBERTS Po. toffiee address ( 'oily , Nebraska On et'ier ' side ; some'1C K R ; M > me 12 K l\ laujie Korlh west of Cody FRANK J. JONES Postoffice addrcfs Cody.Nebnihka On right sub' ; hor- "essanitt on lelt shoulder Itange. i-ight miles west of Cody CITAF.LES GARTSIDE Postoffice address Cody , Neb jtitJe brniuled on li side ; also C G left itip of cattle nd left shotiMcr on honses Uauue oiijMiobrara 10 mi south westCodv JOIIX SHANGUAN Postofllre addiess CodySel > Risk ? ' . ti ! 'ett ' si'lM 41 = oft side PeOn -"rt-t J S on 1 < ft On 'boulder tin r-uige between Cody Ka Ne i nd Lake deck J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right " arm Rang , north and Roiilb of Mobrara T,12-niile.s.sout - \\estofCody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYP.KE. Pos ' . -M | JUV address -7 5 * Cody Nehl2 ? S But ' ' . ft # i'n ! ; iior iiav s -in- left shoulder at V.sark - notch on g&gft& l &l left n.er.siilcofrightear % m ? stc Jfange-east and ifff $ HII.V . . .thofEH M W ' lia'i crf > * . . _ . J II RTEELE I'OSloJJlr.'l- Cody , Nelira.-k.-i Ou left.side ; aNo i.O or W Bj on le i ol some cattle on left and horst-s on ' - . j.- ? - left shoulder Ra dire-Month of i-aBeur Creek Hya Neb Cha G/1I SEAGJi'R address Codv Neoraska , Pos ( ' . : - . Jebranded as on ri.r.in left side , hip On H ci shoulder ; horses bur . . i.M | t K U-ti , Snake Creek - > ie ofG A FRANK MOGLE per lin.Hl Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska Ou either de cattle herdmark ii'ft ear clipped and rlyht ear fv r splithor.sc.s ; bninde > > 1 \g& -SUlli ! ; ° " 'eft ' shoulder . * * ? & & , ef' 5' n011 ; Niobrarn ftSS& & & P' M * MwhcineCanyuii d Post ) n hit . . it j \ V. ciiAs s NICHOLS Pos1 ce address > { ' rrjnsan. O i .ii > of cattle" ; IIOI-M > : une ! eft sh-'Mi : ier Ran ' , between Bear Creek and Niobrara Rivrr , 9-ml southeast of Merrlmaa SELDER BROTHERS Postoffice address Men-iuinn , Neb On left side of Oil IciD ( "A Uf / llllit /j \Z& \ mJ Range , north and south of M"brara of Merriman Prideaux S.'inford Kennedy. Nb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder E F DEVINE Post office address Mfrrinmn , Neb Branded on left side ; horses f > "me on Icftslioulder Range between Bcar/'reek and the Niobiara river.P-jnl S.E. of Mornman QEOKGK STOVER Fostofflce address Merriman. Xel ) On li'ft side ; horses same left shoulder Rnnce Little White River South Dakota GEORGE JKSSETST Poslofllee address Merrimaii. Neb On jither left side or bip ; horses same left shoulder 31 nge-East ) ( Col ton wood Lake GENTKY , ABBOTT & JIONAlfAN Postolliec address Both on lefi side leio soini' stock - bramied bide deN A left hip ; also N W N smytvheie on leftsidealso onJ A left side Range : head M iddlo Loup P.istofllce address GaUop. Nebraska ' " > ! left sidf ; ai.so vv I left side ; aisti , JIefthipalso VT o u side a ml yon hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight miles south of G ; ALBERT NENZEL PC Postollice ; nldress Srt 'Ulser side ol eat- ; borscs < : uiif Kange northeast of Nenzel DAN ADAMSON Postoffice address ChesterHeld , Neb. Br nded as on cut ; SJ & $ &Z'J' sorncooii left bip pfe l r-1' ; wme just brain : - Vvic -4 o ; e - " 1 ! iS&1 Ran e Borunian anrt S W G SAW JT Ell ostoffire aildress Oasis , Nebraska Jutlcr& lave pliar.i ' of tiife uttle : lioi\se > l > . .slionlder ; . uiie itock braniiedi ( nyuhereoii'inimal tuiige , Snake river ilit No RICHARDS & CAII5XES CO. 5 Cattle bmnded ou atfy part of ; > iiiinal : l&a ? > v 353s k the following ' < i VS. - braods : torses branded the same Ramre between ( Gordon or. the F.E. &M. V. , R. R. and lyannlson B , &ii.R. R. in NorJluvt-steru rebniska. Address. BAKTI.ICTT hadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANDER she Rnshville , Nel lett I thigh or hip ; orses .J ! efr thigh Po : Gordon C fiftrttril r4tt ) will be paid to anv urcon for information loading to the anvst and cnnvictiou of any person or persons steal- igcattle with above brand. MOKEY & HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Xeb On leftside of cattle j-es same left. shoulder ; also on left' ' of enrrif- j Range -oiith { i south- . WAI EU1OKSON } i& * > i ? ' left si.l- , , nr hip ; , "M P S . . . .i . . wJixJ cjiv. } rSft.'J/S it : L il. DAV/SON & BAJ.L Poslofllce address Chesterllel . Neb Cattle branded on left side as on cut : also VleltneckandZ l 'ft hip ; some V lett : i vk. V left shoulder jui-l Z lefthiDhorses ; VZ left hip. Range Snake River.31,32,33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded as on eut : a i lefthip Range south and eastof Pullman P PTJLLMAN Postoffice address Pullinnn. Neb Branded as on out : Also 5s on shoulder on side P on hit > ; Jilso w aiI - hip also J' on snouldcr , W ousidt I'l-ii hip Range north prong of North Loup CHAS S IJOYT Postoffice address Pullman , Neb BrnmJfd on Ijft sidu al-o CO on left side : n1 < J ° "between eyes and n .s > Rang' * ! ; " > niTt-s west if I'ulhimn J L ROSEBEURY Postoffice adilrf ss I'ullman , Nel > Branded on left bin ; horses same o d- mark-donble dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Hill DYE "ullan , Ni'b Branded on left side A H-.vnrd of * KK ) will lie paiI for m- lormation Ifiidin to I > ( HIT' * t Jilid fl'tlll ' any person for , Sri vins ; oil or concen i ijjg any ol my callie II A BUCK Postollice a'jdress Bandud < m le'.t side R ngp eighteen niiJcs north of Jlvannis L L MORKILL Postofilce atl 'ress Hyannis , X ' ! > On left side ; also & on ie/t hip : horses y left shouJder Rangf 2'i-miles north of Hyanais II C MASON Po Postollice address v Hyannis , NP vOn Or left Hirie : some ho same ! on Ion sidc.-ind mi .SOUK Ra on letl iiip & iii V.e-Mother J A SAULTS 4c 'S ' ' t Postoffice address ' " - ' * Ou left side or horses same on left shoulder Range-Arka nsa Valley and Nnakr I'os JOE CULBERTSON eft rnliiii.ii : . Bruitl-d on | . I ) , siii : iors T T > n righs ilioiiidcr : : t frojinfj In JeUean 'cilck' i ; IJ na-e I4'oks of N'orth Loup Kivcr C JENSiL.V ostnilicea dress Gallop. XeM- : . ' ihoulder. RHnge-Kiaht miles south of ( iallop Pos PosI JULIUS PETEJiSOV Oh hor- ill d.lrss Gregory.tb # 3M Branded as on cut rn , Kaiige t\vo miles lorth of GreKory A - nal S ig D X GOURLKY R-ishvilli' , X.-b .On it ft hip : 51 H ) * ' Side : horses left ehoillder ' OBK CHURCH 'ostofficcaddrcs Post . left side : : ' - f u I'lJilit siii . ! ' CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofiice address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thigh flange-Bear Creek MOItRIS .JANfES Portoirice addrest i llosebud , s. I > . Catile iintmie.t on left siun us on nit . nnlef thigh , yi * Rrngfon Ruck Creek JOHN A LOGAN * * . Postoffico address Allen , S. D , On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on fj jl on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek I A GALLIGO Posrofilce address Manderson , S. D. Left side : ul on young stock. Old stock r.uideci leU sicte Horses thigb im Hinf'i'-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postollice address Allen S Oulelt .sid s Also fW\ t&e n I f side gga Horses ou left hip ttange Bern- Creek R M FADD1S 2 : $ $ Postoflice'iddress JsB 1'ftss. Neb AJ S IJaTige , Nor.h Loup S Hiv-r Hi asE es CIIAilLESL > G MAN Fostofiicc address TtOi Allen S 1 > Oi left side of cattl" OiRJ Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS . Postofflce address Simeon. NVb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip MY > rc.s on ri l hoiilticr as on ei h'ange-ordou ! : uj i.s mike CUAUGING BEAU Postolllce : address Allen S D left iiue jtnd thigb Po liorseson : thi h ilangc Bt-ar Creek Ol Cli Lnl r-i f.A j < " ) .S.ft 'Jf- 55.- v C F COOPER t'ostollice address -Kennedy , Jattle branded on ' side same as c ut over , f. . . .f. Or. KJWr. . $ * & & $ : n S Ihiekberrv Lake and ( . urleu > tiij Use some brands ZI onit leg JACOBSON BR'OTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left stile : some , same withl on It ft I shoulder horses lett shoulder Hange Gor- dou and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER 'ostofTu-e address Harlnn. Nebraska left 1 sidf or hip : orsi" < brandeii same sh ul Ier Ou Inner ln-tueen N"io rarn aiiiJ SnnJ e riy" .south of .Merri- ilso Stftnt rtl of $ ! ( } < ) will be paid to any > n t-rson for information leading to the arrcstand cor-vifiion of any poison or persons steal- j aor cattle or hoi ses with above brand. _ K KM. Alt 1 o to s Hrmiavbr n oft side Katzge. betweet 'ioosw Creek AXJI' ! .ut < i > A T BBACfvKTT .istoflice address Iliege Neb ' rande'l on left side 'tt nige-Three miles . - WILLIAM. WILSON Postofflce address Kilgoro Nebi Branded on left side liauge-Southeast of Georgia II SCnULTZ Poatofiice address McCann NeD s = tock branded as 01 cut Uange North and south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postolfice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip Ranse between the Niobrara and Snnke JOHN DUBRAY Poitofiice address Merrimnn. N ; l On left side , jaw or hip Kange Lnk Creek South Dakota. A. U. CAP WELL address Pullman Nel > On Iff ! fifJeof cattle Lonp JOE HOOKS JK , address Allen S iJ S | p ! On left side ; horses sMiieon teigli ianye Bear Creek llorvey Kanch Two miles cast of Croukston , in CIirtTj coni'tv , ISi'lir.-iska CatlIbraiidud OO on left bip on right hip. ami on riiilit side with a.inch letter Win rnvanniijIi CrooKston Neb CHAMBERLAIN & CO 5n ' * - . \ . ; . - - - ' ' . ' ' . < sv P' st > fIIce jaws'o x - ' " " . \J /c Brownlfp , Neb ' - 'fV. . - 'V4& < S * Bnuided on either er r'&JlB&Z sitlc same as on CIIt also both jaws II V DOWNING Postoffice ( addreas Gregory , Neb ! left side ; also COLE on side Range Stevenson Luke ou Rai Coi P0 . - . ' On on and Range On Min- her r ' i .rv - - W i'T ? * ? { ? necliadiiza. 5-mlles bra * ' a S SaSr of or E E AND II E WOODRUFF 'ostolUce address Ilyannis , Nt-M . left Iii n and left sidAlsfi .iork i rcrsi - . | i n rijrht liou5 < lff ; also rijifat fiui left side Range-Mother Lake 31 UICIIAUDSON PosJolIice address Pos AlcCann Neli j fat Branded on leftside cut lane McCann sain revt See Kan La'k A T DAVIS ostoIUce address Ilyannis , Neli rUht side horv % ? P shoiilde cattle O O riaht si l Raiitf 15 miles lonh of U\annis R A WESTOVER Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Post Branded OH left hip and shoulder ) der Brown and Cliuiry countie > ; , ange "t lieadwaterH of the of C Calamus river. \ C'atlh * bniiuJ'i'd n bii V'- norm's ( lie K.-H.L' , . . - . , ! , ry Vsil- f P % | - Wi . , - 2SS2S 3 V - Brand and Paper One Year 83.50 Robert Good , Valentine , = = = = = PS ROTTSCITE Postofflce address Brownlee , J On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark-right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hin.AJso has stock branded II on side or shoulder , orJKorWorO'VL , orO or FZ. Also M. . , . th - follou-intr. the rtrst one being on side and hip ir * i I , BE All > SONS Sv ? Brownlee Jfeb . " fl en Hang * , ncrtb .T > rownlea , 2 to * mllea GEO IIIGGINS Postoflice address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some II left side and thighand " " " and on left thigh Range Duck Lake Postoffloe artdn ; j * Br.iwnlea Vnl.'oy CLARENCE KSMITH Postofflce address Whitman , Neb On left side ; horses same on leftshoulder [ 3 on left side " * inywherf on f SI in i mil' : . ipor thiu'h llaimp north. Middle Loup river an J RiilFalo 1 'ike S W Cbcsrnit Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of fiordon Cree.k , forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford attle\ J ( S COOLEl' 'ostofllce address Ilyannis , Neb ritthtside ; hor- 5nO os ! same on right -.honldcr nge six miifs northwest of Moth Lake precinct * A J-PLUMER Postoffice address * Ilyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded right side and hip Ilorncs on right hip lanjre-Sonthwestern Cherry jounty. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH Postoffice address Iiyanuis , Neb n left bip nnc left side ' Also left hip left side mrses same _ irands on slioulder.s Range -miIes orthol Hyannis VSON COMPANY .Postofllee . address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; ' 'LJl either side On rigf.t SSI aslili * llsXtift left fC3Jrj\fA i fea "p vaa rfa horses ses right shoulder tange-seven miles north of Ilyannis. SWEENEY BROS , 'ostofflce address 'attle bKinded'as'ou : : horses bramh-d amca.sr-nttleuxceiic Bversuil s , block -Stever ? Stephonpon akes and South Postoffice address Ryan ma. Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same ou left shonlder ' Range - . sixteen > t of ROBERT I HINES Jstofflce address Cody , Nebraska randed on left side ; tses same left shoul ; on Snake south Co-lv. Charles Richards