Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 8
fiT. D. ulcGrAA * Creston , S. D. Left or either side "of cattle ; also v left side of neck. Swal low fork right car , tindurblt left ; right ear nubbcd off : n- drrbitlef car Rome on left jaw and some wcttlc left Jaw OtliiT brands left * side or > partof .eftslJuor any partof animal , i branded following , lelt Also some cattle WS5T .bMrm iho follow WS5TM ln ; . X left side or Hliouidci , \ \ mil nip 01 On left side left shoul ntwsi1 * ' * t/'l-iv Mr m it'll f ii it U thigh thigh thigh , oriliigh , hip. 'horses or cattle bearing the bnindi will be prosccnred. Information cej.trding thsit lllwraily rewarded. Range at springs and Cottonwood. UKUBHRT O. JilSONETTE. Post fTlco address Pine Ridge. . D. CattU * linindcd as on ' it. fIiJ on left side ; BQino ISfrVTXon either side ; Some on left .side ; some older fe stock , .auywhcreon uuiinal. Ilorses K i : miles nor li- -caw , f Pine uuige , m snno Co GROST BEAU. MANAGER " ? ext < iHcc ( address IMno Rifj > fi , S. D -Onttlii braiuied 15 C on let hip of cattle-H oniii : some branded -an 1 ftsidealso r > Ji on Ivic Pide : horses oa i. ' . nlclt sbotildur ctinse Wounded L. C. Peyton. l avaca , Nebraska. On left side , itange Pole Crepk. SHOUTnonx for sale Geo. H. Hill. , Nebraska On leftside . Ra ; ci-10 miles oeuth of Merriman P. W. Prnden. Merrlman. iFPPi .Some i'i.iik-t ( &ftf same as cutoubuMi tt-f' K * & " * n\i \ V. * ? WAg niU v U inuc NnrtbeJ--t .VS.V-rS " of "tlerriniuu ; < L ? sg Geo. L. Coleman. Nebraska * 0n left side ; horses Q oft Huime-Tcn Boulder mile's i ' f Snak < ? Kiver Alex Burr. Pullman. Nebr. On right Mdp ; horse same left bhouldcr. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Geo. W. Monnier. in. Nfb. 3/efi en Irf : ; . ' oi- .ef pe Hast and -Jikt. alerninan ' Grant Bixler. -CTT - - . - . Herri man. Neb. Some on left side : some on leit hip : horses same let1 thigh. Range Six miles Northcutof Merri * man. H. E. Sears. . -0'hthip ! ; x-rh hips Madicme S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle luended aa on cct. horsfs 6tmi\ : Range North of the Snake C. Even son , MARTIN RED BEAR. PoatofTIoe address PfneRldge.S.D. On left j > ! dj ; horses same left thfff'i. Range "Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofflce Addres * Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftshoulder Range oa the Bchlagle W O CARSOK f'ostofilco Addres yii rmi r "r j. ' > 63 CUt CUtRange Range , hcndKyi - rv ? " of the V rchlnglo M BEARS -PostoIEos addre-.s Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a < oncutlcftsldesome ; en left hip Horses same on left ehoul der Ranga. Square Lake MORGAREIDGE and SON I'ostofflco address Simeon Neb Cattle brandea as on cut ; or 1.1 or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when uu- der2-3'rs old ; horses same as cut and IJ li'nngo Gordon Creeic and Nlobraru Klver ALBERT \VHIPPLB Postofllce address Rosebud , S.D. Branded on left side , some SOS ppsr ( Horses on cither. . > houl- * 1S&Soriii ai branded 01 eithar shoul i aerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER PostofTico address * & $ & * - _ fJJT'i' Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on uithcr side as on rut , same on hip Some , on ROBERT BAD WOUND. rostollice address RJinge-Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. PostoiTlcc address Merrlman , Neb On left side-.ear-mark under slope Ilorses J S on lett shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Morrl- mtui. S. H. KIMMEL. d. S. D. . . . _ -On Anrc- llopj and Spriu. Creeks Joseph Fairliead. Lavaca. Neb. loft' side on lets side aluo siuii : reverted - . , - - verted on left _ thigh ITorsos slioulder nanpo-Between Fair KM head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on larjt cnttle. On JSif - slock 'Ay n' left side ; .ijg& horses left shouldt-r Range-Southeast o1 Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody. Nebraska Left side ; S F left saoulder ; hcrdmark- dcw la . Kange ranges 38 and 37 , between NIo- brara and the Snako. James Goodfello\v and Son. On left slda ; her. anil mostly on J.uv Botwern Medicine Lais. W , H. Carter. I'OStofflceadddrMaCX iv/iiv.v * iwini oa ' - ( * r'V > * - * Cody , XebrasKa. 5 % On left side ; some 1S ? liic. ? T = .fC-JT.A ? S3 TT > - XT left side , horses i' ire i ro , . l. . .7J- _ 5Sl5 WiSM & ' . - ' ' left shoulder B 11 OUT HORX Stock. Range " Between Nlobnira ind the HORACE WALT.TKO7OED Postofflco addrew ClKmerfleld. .yeb Cdt B B and A B 3ICALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cnt ; horses same on left shoulder uange on Square Lake 0 TT KIMB fostoffice address Kennedy ueb Cattle branded aa an cut or on hip ; horses same. Some iMDuibkj itanjje , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD KI3IB Poatofflco address Kennedy Neb Cattle brandjd on left hip or side 01 both Horace with n on left shoulder , R&ngo aiiau Lake , Gordon and Xbrlh ixmp 27 S RO'VTLEY Posiofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattio brandptj on "pft Bide J n < E * -PS on lyt rhoulderaj6 ; &orffic Also on on either ildo , RaBgOr Bordrann between slg Dead aad the SprlncB TTYK & rostofllco address Velentine. Neb Cattle branded same aa on cut ; some on left Gide and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cuttle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range. Steer Creeic , between the Niobraa and Snake D L McLANE Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Catile branded 8 cut on either ale ; also F L R .nd F R Horses branded * $ $ $ & on left 4 x 4/ shoulder and cells . SS three links * ag aggj "ange mouth of Cottouuood , . RED SHIRT Postofflco Address Rosebud , S I ) Cftttlo branded on left side same a- * cut. Horsea brand eden left shor : > r with a K. Ra.iii.l'i in Little Whlta PERRY PARKER 'ostofHce address Kennedy Net ) Caille branded me as cut. florses , Ponlefl louider R.in c.Moutb. of CLEMENT HIRLIND SOT DIET T-- Roscbud. S l > Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded on Jeft shoul- Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLS lIonncdvNeb ' 'nttlo branded on t side ai fl hip o-Of s same on left ouFrter Some vj& * > 3 &nd North rap J > KI3TE Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on leftside with both sfttne as but on-left sboal- iler Hft's W 5jr' cat tle , also. UBI G W LADELY jstofllce address Now ton If eb Cn'.tle branded no as cut or on hip 1101 ecs L on leit ink Range , between , > rdon creek and < e Loup D B STONES Poatofflcs addrezj Xevfioa Neb Mfi' * * ! - on left to U B t on sUfa Range cross tn sotth T R TUOND "s si" . " "ostofflce Address Cattle brarfdW'left boulder Horses wtth only OB * I EOBOJ ? PETB A JiB.lcft tide Ie"fthlp" Range head ' 'Whet atone H I , TT ALICES I Postofflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle bramled on riethtEio'e ; horse * aameonleftshoul. der. Range , .sum mpr. on Snake rlr er , 4 miles from f > * * A ' i fmr " * * * w * * 4 UlU m WTsx Bioolbj winter , i SSWJPrrvB. ' 7 miles south of Sim ' ffitS 'f V con BENNETT Postoffl&e Addrea * Simeon Neb Stock branded v ith 7 on left hip also same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on too Niobrara river J IT 7HTRLEIQH branded same as cut on left sida Range between Gordon and Snake creefcs and on the Niobrara river JO'HN B LORD PostQffloa Addros Simeon Neb Sto'ck branded sameM cut of "right and on rlght.hlp Range , on tltis Nlobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR Foatofflc * Address Rosebud 8 I Cattle orand&d a am as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODT ) SMITH. I'ostofflce Address , KosebJidSD Cattle branded ; : imo as cut a Diamond mend T Horses branded lie eame. Ranch -a \ \ late Thunder Jneok ROBERT FINLAYSON Postofflco addrcs- Newton Neb Stock braude' ame as cut KapgeonGorco Croefc GEORGE DECORY. PostofUce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cntHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone nd Anrelopo creek BEN BEAUOV1S Postofflce Address rtS | Rosebud , S 11 * * * * Stock brandel left shoulder three iiichej l ' &SSSIl long ; side four Inclic. long : Grand record ] -122vrs. Ranch or LZ ss SuTij Ai erse Creek D. B1AY I > ft thigh or hip samp as cut Horses branded on left shoul der BEN TUHGEON v. _ Poatofflco Address Bonesleel , S D Cattle branded on left side same aa cu ; and rlcht eai crop PeaHorses Horses JlS y branded T onKT % < * left shoulder P . ' Also-wlth cir rfe3 cloA . F. SCHMIDT. Postoffica Address Rosebud , S , D , Trended same as on lu : or with unacr UieS ; rlgnt ear dip vnd dulaped. Horses branded ; ame oa left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - - _ Postoface Address Rosebud , S 1 Horsea * rs brandr fen on lett thigh. ; catt : on left side with hon - . ' on left Also cat Gustave Sanderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses 1 on left shoulder. Range-Between 8nak ind the Nlobrara JOJCX'TL Brownie * 37eb Bmotion cot Al/ta ba _ Horsea OB tt.left shoulder onr Goo'e Creek nd North Loup L K BELDINO address t.Brownl Neb t&m3fZl % $ $ On right side or hfp K $ Hc3G * 6S5 Range , Calf Creek jr B and E T SMITH Poatofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right lde Ramre.GooM Creak E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cuv. Range between Goose Creek and North Loup J. M. HANNA. Tostofflce address Seneca. Neb. Branded as' on cut ; some _ P onrisht \ hip 9a some on rlglrt hip Range Ga Creek valley county E. E. ORR. Postoulce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded * anj- tfhcreonleJt side ; horses on left shoul der Range , between norta pronj and North Jjoup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. 1'ostofflce address Brownie's , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Mange. North Loup R. II. FADDIS. feWfc ' S ) : Postoface address V ! Of y oi : li . - Pass Neb Range. North Loup River r.fev f i3MMj I. L. MERCURE. I'osrorace address Seneca. Neb 7 ; sS/ n hip i. Southwest P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce /C-x nJr Postofflce addrcst / - i ' ' 'v - * c Seneca N hOn - - \ . < - . : _ , > * On left hip On r'gh ' : or tween Senecui n- Nonvay on Jlidd K-aJS LGUP B W PHAR30NT Same WQW PS fiR l Ilorses same on s ssgj pft shoulder gia Range , Goose Creek JOHN n SALZ3IANN Postofilce addros- Erownlce Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a duv. . lap Ran2 on Goo- Creek. FRANK T LEE Tcstofflce address 7rownlee Neb " -.tile on left side ; nr s snme on left shoulder. Range i "Mi 9 northeast ol tirowulea t , A GERMAN Pcstalce address Newton Neb Cattle branded p't' ' ersidehors ; ° s samp on left shoulder a so havocare oi i"- stiji IS a branded SP under- ' -f 5 lined. EanRe-Norli. rS : * r3 Loup DICK JfCNALI. CHARLES B ddresi Bre-nmlce , Nebr Either right or left side on catile Ilorses same on lett shoulder Left ear cut off oleaula Range , Loup rlv- sr HENRY FAULnABER PoitofSce Browaleo. Neb Cattle on left Horses saraa left shoulder DAVID STEADMAJf Postofflce address Pass. Neb Cattle < m leftsl FIascbar" cuttle branded " : right side- horses on loft shoul der JOHN CHALOUD Postoffloe nddr * Browaleo , xe * Cattle and hor57 on right side Range , BeCre < s Postofflce Halser , Ne& On left hip I nge , Loup Blrev TALBOT A GALLOP Postofflco addruw Seneca. Neb. Cattle branded e left side Horsia tfSai branded on M tTr. } lef t shouldert-Ss &M Range bou2 < xt&g twfen Middle LuUf and Dbiual GEORGE GRAY Tostofflce address Thelford. Nebr on icft nip DrA6 on rignt hip or side Range. Loup and Dlsuial CRONDT BROS. Postonce addrct * Thedford. Neb ? On right slda Range , between Loup a-ad I3Vjir > WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca. Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses , left shoulder : als < on left side some on right hip Loup. JULIUS EECKMAN. PostofHco addr ? Brownlee. J B'ineas on cut Range south Drownleo M. DUNHAM. Postofflce eadress KetineCv , Neb Stock brandedon ( left Side as on cut. Range Gordoa Creek. K GRA2SJT Brownie * On left sida s. Loup 2 IRA SPENCER TostoiJice address BroTAijlee Neb Branded on leftside Eanie , CM Creek andSvran Lake VaV- ley > a OEB i ' J B WALLpTCTOSI ) Postofflee addrasa Kennedy Neb Stock brandoi irne u cut on left Sccae branded baruadefJ-c&Ui