Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 7

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    'Western News-Democrat
An Entombed Pennsylvania Miner
TVrites a Letter to His Wife and
Children Before Death Claims Him
Other Items of Interest.
Pottsville , Pa. : The body of William
Galloway , fire boss at the Kaska William
Mine of the Dodson Coal Company , who
was entombed by the fall of coal on Dec.
17 , was recovered Jan. 21. Before the body
was found these words were discovered
written on a sheet of iron on a brattice
door , addressed to his wife :
" 1 think I am gone. Good-bye , Janie.
Be Rood boys , Guy and Willie. I don't
think you will see your father any more.
I think this is Wednesday. "
It is believed he lived but three days ,
bis body lay prostrate in the chute.
Catcher Bergen of Boston Ball Team
Kills Family and Suicides.
North Brookfield , Mass. : Martin Ber
gen , catcher of the Boston baseball team
of the National League , killed his wife
and two children and committed suicide at
his home. An axe was used in taking the
life of Mrs. Bergen and one of the child
ren , and a razor was employed to cut the
throat of the other child and himself.
It is thought the action was due to insan
ity , as it bad been suspected for some time
that Bergen was a victim of mental de
rangement. His action in connection with
his baseball managers last season led to the
supposition at that time.
Neighbors found the body of Bergen and
the little girl lying on the kitchen floor.
Mrs. Bergen and the little boy were lyimj
upon the floor in the bed chamber.
India's Great Famine Increasing
with Alarming Rapidity.
Calcutta : The council has considered
the famine situation. The officials intimate
the cost to the government of relief works ,
etc. , to the end of March will be$40,000,000.
About 22,000,000 persons are now affected
in British territory and about 27,000,000 in
the native stales.
Viceroy Lord Curzon says the famine
area had expanded with surprising rapid
ity. About 3,230,000 people arc already re
ceiving relief. While in 1897 the world
shared India's sorrow , and contributed
hundreds of thousands of pounds toward
the relief fund , tne viceroy pointed out
that India would now have to struggle
Crack Safe and Escape After Battle
with Police.
Chicago : Three safe robbers bound and
gagged the watchman at the picture frame
factory of E. R. Clark & Co. , 156 to 170
Mather Street , blew open the safe and at
the point of a revolver held off a police
officer who intercepted them as they were
leaving the factory , finally escaping after a
running battle of nearly three-quarters of
a mile. Other officers joined the chase
and nearly fifty shots were fired , but no
one was hit. The amount of money se
cured was small.
Fresh Outbreak of the Disease in
San Francisco : The steamer Doric has
arrived from the orient , via Honolulu , and
reports a fresh outbreak of the plague at
Honolulu , six deaths having occurred be
tween the departure of the steamer China
and that of the Doric. This makes a total
Df twenty-eight deaths. It is understood
there are twenty-six cases in hand. Hone
lulu's Chinatown is being burned and
svery effort is being made to stamp out Ui
Sensational Story Brought by a Pas
senger from Manila.
Chicago : A Victoria , B. C. , special to
the Record says : J. P. Molera , from Ma
nila , says once when Gen. Otis appeared
on the firing line an attempt was made by
one of the American soldiers to shoot him ,
a bullet whizzing close to his head. The
man who fired the shot was not discovered.
To Stop Highbinder War.
San Francisco : Through the influence
of Consul Ho Yow , the Chinese Six Com
panies of this city has agreed to assist the
police in terminating the highbinder war
which has been raging in Chinatown for
h ' some time past. Last week the Six Com
n ; panies subscribed § 17,500 , which will be
offered as a reward for the apprehension of
the murderers. Chief of Police Biggy will
guarantee the members of the Six Compa
nies protection from the vengeance of the
highbinders for the action they have taken.
Former Policeman Killed.
Kansas CitjT , Mo. : John J. Kellyform
erly policeman , was shot in a saloon quar
rel by Worth Bailey , a bartender , and he
died before the police surgeon arrived.
Bailey was arrested whil on his way to
the station to give himself up. The men
had words over a bill which Bailey owed
i Advance Wages of Miners.
Plattsburg , N. Y. : The American Steel
and Wire Company has advanced the
wages of its employes in the iron mines at
Crown Point , Essex County , N. Y. , 10 per
cent. , to take effect at once. Two and one-
half per cent , will be retained by the com
pauy and deposited as a benefit fund.
Ex-Congressman Phelps Dead.
Essex , Conn. : Judge James Phelps died
suddenly at his home here , age'd 78 years.
JHe served Jn the Forth-fiftb , Forty-sixth
Secretary Hall of State Banking
Board Issues a Statement of the
Condition of the Various Institu
tions at Close of Business , Dec. 2
Secretary Hall of the state banking
board has issued a statement of the con
dition of the state banks of Nebraska ai
the close of business Dec. 2 , 1899 , showing
an increase during the quarter of loans ,
overdrafts , bills discounted and bills pay
able and a decrease in capital stocks and
"These changes are to be expected at
this time of the year , " said Secretary Hal
in commenting upon the condition of the
banks as shown in the report. "In ar
agricultural state like Nebraska the
winter season is the active season foi
money. During the winter season there is
always a decrease of deposits and reserves
and an increase of loans. The changes
this year are less marked than usual , how
ever , and our banks , as a rule , are run
ning strong. The legal reserve carried h
J3 per cent. The items , bills discounted
and bills payable , when compared witl :
the total business carried by the banks
show beyond question that the banks an
pursuing a conservative course in the
matter of borrowing. Prior to the panic
these items were usually around or abov <
the million-dollar mark at this season oi
the year.
' The total assets of the bank , as showr
in the statement recently issued , amounl
to $31,571,405.47 , while last year tbej
amounted to only $28,133.097.82. Thi <
shows an increase in the volume of busi
ness transacted. A year ago the loans and
discounts were $17,609,214.37 , as againsl
over $21,000,000 this year. There was ar
increase in deposits during the year ol
nearly $3,500,000. "
The report shows that during the quartei
there was an increase in the following
Loans . $ 2,349,483.G
Overdrafts . 12,008.2 $
Bills discounted . 318,623.9'
The decreases were as follows :
Capital stock . 103.70G.OC
Deposits . " . . 1,342,409.07
The following statement shows the ie-
sources and liabilities of the 405 Nebraska
banks , not including national banks :
Loan and discounts . $21,202,752.07
Overdrafts . 284,590.07
Stocks , securities , judgments ,
claims , etc . 279.479.0C
Due from national , state and
private banks and bankers. 5,211,556.60
Banking house furniture and
fixtures . 1,198,877.02
Other real estate . . . 810,971.70
Current expenses and taxes
paid . 460,875.68
Premiums on bonds , etc . 2,456.46
Assets not otherwise enumer
ated . 124,185.61
Cash items . 56,573.00
Cash on band . 1,909,446.93
United States bonds on hand. 28.700.00
Total $31,57,465.47
Capital stock paid in $ 7,180,485.00
Surplus fund , 940,835.00
Undivided profits 1,311,815.85
Dividends unpaid 10,818.62
General deposits 21,666,111.12
Other liabilities 1,855.54
Notes and bills rediscounted. . 191,283.73
Bills payable 268,760.04
Total $31,571,463.47
Teacher and the Pupils Mix It Up
for Several Hounds.
A riot between the boys in the grammer
room of the Cortlaml public school and the
teacher , J. G. Ludlam , occurred Jan. 17
just after the morning recess. There has
for weeks been bad feeling between
teacher and pupils. It seemed to be under
stood that this was the day hostilities were
to be declared. Fred Young , a 16 year old
boy , had trouble with the teacher and a
fight ensued. The scholar was badly
whipped , first by the teacher3 fist and
later by a rawhide. Other scholars joined ,
as the teacher expected , but the pedagogue
fought manfully and held his own with
the aid of the rawhide. A num./.r of pat
rons have withdrawn their children. Ar
rests may follow.
For Deserting Bride of a Day.
Orlie Mull Wtis arrested at Concordia ,
Kan. , on a telegram from Sheriff Simmer
ing of Hastings , who will bring him back
to answer to the charge of criminal as
sault and perjury. On Dec. 29 Mull
biought Zena Soneie , a 15-year-old girl
whose homo is in Franklin County , to
Hastings and procured a license and was
married to her by County Judge Bowen.
That night the couple were quartered at
one of the hotels and the next day Mull
left the city , deserting his young wife.
The complaints were sworn out by the
girl's father.
Switchman Guilty of Robbery.
The three Union Pacific switchmen
charged with breaking into a car in the
yards at Grand Island on the night of Jan.
4 and stealing $100 worth of merchandise ,
were arraigned in court the other
day. W. L. Johnson entered a plea of
guilty and was bound over to the February
term of the district court in $800 bond. W.
71. Brown and A. D. Mitchell were next
arraigned , but entered no plea.
Burned by Gasoline.
There was a gasoline explosion .in the
basemeut of the Barker Hotel in
Omaha the other day , in which B. J. Ball ,
the hotel engineer , was severely burned.
He rushed into the burning apartment to
make a hose coupling. His clothing was
ignited and before the fiames could be ex
tinguished both bunds and arms were
badly singed.
Postoilice Station Robbed.
When the safe at postofiice station B ,
1509 Park Avenue , Omaha , was opened a
few mornings since $291 was found
missing. The safe had been robbed dur
ing the night.
Indians Run Away from School.
Columbus authorities were notified the
other morning to be on the lookout for a
number of young Indians who ran away
from the Industrial School at Genoa.
There is no dissatisfaction at the school ,
except that the young bucks cannot stand
too close application to study.
Lost in Quicksand.
A. J. Donner a trapper , has disappeared
from Gothenburg and his friends believe
tie is lost in the quicksands of the Platte.
Donner left home for a hunt and has not
bean. Le rJl Iroiu ,
* *
Narrow Escape of Omaha Woman
in Elevator Accident.
Miss Marcella Drumm. 20 years of age.
who is employed in the bindery of the
Douglas-Waters printing establishment in
Omaha , very nearly had her head cutofi
by a descending elevator. In a moment ol
absent-mindedness Miss Drumm approached
preached the elevator shaft and leaned
over a gate , which extends only a few feel
above the second lloor. The boy in charge
of the elevator did not see the girl ,
but by some strange chance stopped
the elevator as it grazed her
head. Had the elevator descended a few
more inches her head would have been
severed from the body. An it was , hei
head was held in a vice until , warned by a
shout from the other employes , the eleva
tor boy reversed the lever of his machine
and moved upward. A physician was
summoned and after a brief examination
said that he could not determine positively
the nature of the injury. The young
woman's neck is badly strained and there
may be a fracture of the skull , but it is nol
thought likely.
To Escape Certain Death an Em
ploye Plunges Down a Well.
Three men and a boy were seriously but
not fatally injured by tiie bursting of a
boiler flue in Lincoln. The explosion oc
curred in the boiler room of the "foundry
owned by George Downing , who was
himself the most seriously injured. Mr.
Downing , with Ed Depuethe fireman ,
and a man and boy of the neighborhood ,
were in the room when the blowing out ol
the flue caused the boil-er to explode. The
room was instantly filled with steam and
boiling water , wln'cn struck Down
ing about the head and chest , so
completely da/.ii'g him that he was unable
to find the door and escape with the others.
In desperation he plunged down a forty-
foot well in the room , containing twenty-
five feet of wiitsr , and kept floating by
clinging to a , pipe. Here be remained foi
several minutes , dodging the streams ol
boiling water'that poured down the well
from the floor of the boiler house. lie was
rescued by means of a rope and ladder and
is now resting easy under the physician's
For Speaking io the Jailer.
Chief of Police Maone ! of Lincoln was in
Grand Island the other day with a young
man arrested at Scotia , .who is wanted on
several charges. At Lincoln he is known
as Charles Graham , but he registerel
as H. J. Smith. He is said to have oper
ated in Nebraska since 1892 , playing the
deaf and dumb game , { luring which time
more than a dozen women have been his
victims. He is good looking. The fact
that he was shamming was not known
until he conversed freely with the jtiler ; at
Grand Island.
Calls It Wanton Murder.
Before Federal Judge Mnngerat Lincoln
last week Attorney General Smith argued
against the release of the Fort Crook sol
diers who last November shot a deserting
soldier. Answering the claims of the
United States district attorney he main
tained that there is no law authorizing the
shooting of an escaped prisoner by sol
diers. He also declared that the conten
tion of Gov. Poynter , who ordered the ar
rest of the soldiers , that the killing was
wanton murder , was the correct one.
State Firemen Meet.
The State Firemen's Association met at
Norfolk last week. The sessions were in
structive and well attended. The next
convention will be held at Seward and the
tournament at York. The following offi
cers were elected for the ensuing year :
President , A. C. Hull. Fremont : first vice
president , R. P. Hite , Grand Island ; second
end vice president , J. W. Moist , York ;
secretary , E. A. Miller. Kearney : treas
urer , G. N. Youngtoi ) , Minden.
Disease Among Cattle.
Gov. Poynter has received advices that a
herd of cattle near Marslaml , belonging to
James Wood , and suffering from a ' 'deadly
contagious disease , " were running at large.
It is believed that the herd is the same one
of which complaint v\as made from llem-
Jngford , and which Dr. Peters says is suf
fering from ' -Texas itch. " This , while a
contagious disease , is not a dangerous one
and can be cradicaded by prompt and rig
orous measures.
Lincoln Jjuwyer Shot.
Ernest C. Ames , a lawyer of Lincoln and
a mining expert , was shot and dangerously
wounded at Silver Crown mining camp ,
twenty miles north of Cheyenne , by Horace
ace Adams , a miner of that place. George
S. Clason had filed on popper lands which
Ames claimed was the property of his
father , and when Clason and Ames at
tempted to make an examination of the
mines they were prevented by Adams , who
used a pistol.
Nebraska Short Notes.
Howard Cpunty has paid off $20,000 of
its bonded debt.
The Woodmen of the World have or
ganized a lodge at Ains worth.
Winside has tired of the operation of
thieves and put on a night watch.
Bloomfield thinks it cannot get along
another year without waterworks.
Stanton County gets 3 per cent , from the
banks for county money on deposit.
The $25,000 worth of North Platte school
bonds were sold for a premium of $301.
The north Nebraska teachers' meeting
will convene in Wayne. . March 28.29 and 30.
The weather is so warm up in Brown
County that the snakes have not gone into
winter quarters.
A Fairbury man has retained a lawyer
to secure an injunction to restrain the
neighbors from kissing his wife.
Bartley people are raising money to
build a town hall.
The general merchandise store of Frank
Herse at Wisner was robbed of several
hundred dollars' worth of goods. The
thieves also smashed the cash register.
The school house at Bee burned with a
loss of about $1,400. The building vas a
new one , having been erected during the
last year. The building was insured for
$ SOO and the fixtures for $200.
Albion is to have a new opera house.
Eleven carloads of hogs bound for San
Francisco went through North Piatte
lately. Within the last few weeks several
large shipments of hogs have been made
from Hall and Buffalo Counties to the
San Francisco market , the price received
there being such to justify the long
Mrs. A. L. Joics met with a very seri
ous accident. She went to the barn to
empty a pail of slop to the hogs , and her
.skirts became entangled in the tines of an
olil pitchfork without a handle , and she
was thrown to the ground , one tine of the
fork passing nearly through ( he calf of her
leg , inflicting a very gainful wound.
CHAPTER XI. ( Continued. )
Two more weeks passed , and by that
time Martin Ray had grown warmly at
tached to the man whom he would call
"young Glen. " Martin himself was ill
his health was fast failing ; and he clung
to the 3'ounger man , so full of health ,
strength , and vitality only a chance ac
quaintance , but one of the few tics that
bound him to the outer world.
One day Sir Basil , coming earlier than
usual in the morning found him sitting
by the ivy-covered wall , his face buried
in his hands. When he raised it to greet
him,4he baronet saw plainly the traces
of tears.
As usual , Martin was cynical , even
about himself.
"I am a very rueful looking patriot this
morning , " he said. "I have been ill all
night , and I am alone. "
Sir Basil glanced around.
"Where is Miss Ray ? " he asked.
"My daughter is always busied about
something or other ; she has not much
time to give to me. It was different
once. "
Sir Basil felt indignant. He knew that ,
no matter where nettle might be , she
was working for him , and for no one else.
"I think , " he said quietly , "that Miss
Ray gives you all her time. I have never
seen a daughter so devoted. "
"She is very good , " he allowed ; and
then he added abruptly , "I had another
daughter once. "
It seemed as though some irresistible
power forced him to talk of Leah. It
was the first time he had spoken of her
since the day she had loft him , and , like
pent-up waters suddenly let loose , his
thoughts and feelings at once found vent.
He rose from his seat and stretched his
arms out toward the great heaving ocean.
"I made two idols , " he continued. "The
first was my wife she died ; the other
was my daughter. "
"Did she die also ? " asked Sir Basil ,
"No ; she is worse than dead a thou
sand times worse than dead. If I could
weep over some green grave containing
her I should be * happier. "
"Not dead ? " said Sir Basil , wonder-
in gly.
"No ; she deserted me ; she cast me off ,
much as you would throw away your old
gloves. On the very day that I unfolded
my plans to her a stranger came among
us a man related to my wife. He was
rich bah ! how I hate to speak of him !
and he wanted to adopt my children. I
refused his offer ; he appealed to them.
All , heaven , when I think of the scene !
She , the daughter whom I loved best ,
left me and went to him , this stranger ,
and clung to him. Take me away , ' she
cried. 'I have been praying to heaven
to send me a deliverer from this furnace
of fire ! ' She went away with him , and
I cursed her. "
"And the other Hettie what did she
do ? "
"Ah. good , faithful Hettie , she came to
me. I see the picture now , Glen. She
put her arms around my neck. 'I will
love you and serve you and be true to
you until I die. ' she said. And so we
four stood looking at each other. Then
the other two went away. Hettie and I
have been alone ever since ; we have nev
er uttered her sister's name since the day
she left us , and we never shall. "
"I should hardly have thought that two
sisters could have differed so greatly , "
remarked Sir Basil , quite unconscious
that by lu's own words he was condemn
ing the girl he had asked to be his wife.
He remembered the story when he saw
Leah. So perfectly unconscious was he
that she was the heroine of it that he had
ihought to himself how grandly Leah
would have acted under the circum
stances he felt that she , too , would have
rene to her father's side and have stoqd
Jy him against the whole world.
Hettie Ray was watching the amber
ight. The king of day was setting in
? oyal splendor. Hettie , in her old seat
by the ivy-covered wall , was tranquilly
hatching the lovely scene.
"How strange ! " she said. "I was just
thinking of you. "
He longed to tell her that there was no
moment , night or day , in which he was
iot thinking of her , but he restrained
himself. He was there to say good-by.
He was on the brink ; let him pause there ,
let him stand by her in silence for the last
time and watch the waves breaking on
the sands.
"I was thinking of you , " repeated Het
tie. "I know that you would come. "
"I came to tell you something , Miss
Rayhe said. "I know it will interest
you. I am going away. "
The western wind seemed to grow chill.
Hettie's heart was heavy with pain and
fear. He had been so much to her , and
her life was so cheerless. She thought of
her sick father and her hard work , of her
joyless , loveless life that he had so sud
denly brightened. She thought of the
happiness that had been hers sso short a
time , and then , with a passionate burst
of tears , she cried :
"Do not go away ! "
"I must , " he said briefly. "There is no
choice left to me. I must go. "
He saw the fair head bent until it rest
ed on the ivy leaves. Heraa only hu
man and he could bear no more. He
drew closer to her.
"Hettie , " he said "let mo call you
Hettie for the first and lasf time tell
me , why do you shed these ttars ? Are
they for me ? "
"I am sorry you are going , " she sob
"Are you really so grieved as this ? " he
asked. "Oh , Hettie , can it be true ?
Wnat am I to you ? Why should you
care ? "
"It is quite true that you are nothing
to me , but you have been kind to me and
my life is lonely. "
"Hettie , I ill tell you the truth , " he
gaid. "Strange that there should be a
cene like this between us who were
strangers some weeks since and you do
not even know my name ! "
"No , " she said ; "I have never heard it.
My father always calls you Glen. It is
ti but in " at first hoar tfcst w ? < '
talked together I felt as though I hat
known and trusted you all my life. "
"I need never tell you my name , Het
tie. We must part to-night , and we musi
never meet again. Do not cry , dear. I
is harder for me than for you. "
She clung to his arm , still weeping. H <
felt the quick beating of her heart , anC
he stopped yet another minute before h <
said the fatal words which must pan
them forever. He felt in that moment
that , if this grief of hers were caused bj
him , he deserved any punishment.
"Hettie , listen to me , dear. How wt
drifted into this matters but little , wheth
er I have been blind or careless matters
less ; the fault must be mine. I ought t <
have resisted the first temptation. Aftei
I had seen you that first time in churcl :
I ought never to have seen you again. Mj
sense , my honor , my conscience , tell mt
so. "
"But why ? " she cried in amazement ,
"I do not understand you. Tell me why. '
"Because I am engaged to be married
because I am bound by the most solemr
pledge ; and , because of this promise , ]
must so. "
"Why , " she said in a faint low voice
"why must you go ? If it be someone whc
loves you , and someone whom you lov
very much , surely she would be kind , and
let you stay at least , while my father is
so ill. If he were well , it would all be
different. "
"Hettie , " he said , "I will trust you as
I have never trusted even my own heart
yet. I will say to you what I have nevei
admitted even to my own thoughts. I
ah , how shall I tell you ? My engage
ment was less my own voluntary seeking
than the consequence of circumstances.
I can never explain. I did not under
stand the nature or the power of love
I know nothing of it ; but she whom I am
to marry loves me. Every arrangement
is made for our marriage ; and , oh , Het
tie ! listen to me she loves me , and if
we were parted' she would die. I must
marry her ; I am bound in honor and con
science. And let me tell you my mad
folly. I have learned to love you. I do
love you. I may say it for the first and
last time of my life. I love you with
the whole love of my life , with the one
love of my manhood. I may live many
years , but I shall never love any other
woman. If heaven helps me , I will do
ray duty ; but my happiness dies in the
hour I leave you. Now you see that I
must go. "
Her head drooped until it lay upon his
shoulder , and she whispered something
there words that were both life and
death to him.
"Yes , you must go , " she said ; "I see it
plainly. There is no help for it ; you must
go. " -
He wished that he were lying under the
gray water , dead ; the pain seemed great
er than he could bear. Then her soft ,
whispered words came to him again.
'It will be the one dream , the one mem
ory of my life , " she said. "On the shore
of this sweet southern sea I have lived
and died. Do many people throw away
their lives like this ? "
"I cannot tell , " he replied , drearily ,
"nor can I tell why Fate has treated us
so cruelly. If I had been free when I
met you , Hettie , you are the one woman
in the world I should have chosen to be
my wife. "
"And I , " she said , in a voice sweet
than the cooing of a dove "I sliou
have loved you. "
"It seems to me , " went on Sir Basil ,
"as though we stood on either side of an
open grave. "
"That which divides us is deeper than
a grave , " she said , with a slight shudder.
"I shall never hear the sound of the
waves again without thinking of this. "
"Nor shall I. A man should be asham
ed to confess cowardice ; but I own to
you , Hettie , I hardly know how to take
up the burden of life again , "
Then , as he was leaving her forever ,
the temptation became too great. He
clasped his arm round her and gathered
her to his heart. Once , twice , thrice he
kissed her pale , sweet face , as one kisses
the face of the best belo-ed before the
. .Un lid is closed. In silence then he
put hex away from him ; in silence she
sat where he had left
her , and he went
away over the great hill , which rose like
a. huge barrier between himself and that
which was dearest to him on earth.
The last autumn flower had died , and
> ver the earth had fallen the white' robe
> f winter. Sir Basil was busied with the
Doming election , his marriage and his es-
: ate. Leah was also engrossed in prep
arations ; while the general rejoiced to
see his niece so active and happy.
One morning the general came down
lull of bright plans and anticipations. It
tvas one of the rules of the household
it Brcntwood that the letters should nev-
ir be opened until after breakfast , die
jeneral's idea being that , if they contain
ed bad news , it was better to delay it ;
f good , it would be the better for keep-
ng. He took the bag in his hands , all
mconscious that it held for him and for
) thers a certain doom.
"We have numerous correspondents
his morning , " he said , turning out the
: ontents.
Some of the letters contained invita-
ions and news from friends ; others were
irculars and charitable appeals. At last
: he general came to one envelope that
> eemed to puzzle him. He looked at the
> ostmark and saw the word "South-
rood. "
"Leah , " he cried , "here is a strange
hing a letter from Southwood ! That is
ihe place by the sea , is it not ? "
"Yes , " she replied ; "but I have never
> een there. I did not know that you
lad any correspondents in that part of
he country , uncle. "
"Nor did I , " he said. "This letter is
rritten by a lady , I am sure. It is an
asy , elegant , flowing hand. "
He opened the envelope , drew out the
stter and read it. As he did so , all the
olcr died from his face and the smile
rom his lips. He pe.rustHi it slowly and
arefully , then looked at Leah.
"This concerns you , Leah , " her said. "It
s mittea by jour sister Hettie , "
" . . uncle , what Is it ? '
"By Hcttle : > - > - ,
Tell me wliat it is about ? " she cried , tor
"This letter is from Hettie ; and iney
is ill , : *
says that yonr father very
wishes to see you. "
Leah clasped her hands in dismay.
"Oh , uncle , " she cried , "I had so nenr-
ly forgotten that terrible past , that
dreadful life ! "
"Your father is dying , Leah , and ho-
wants to sec you. "
She ihid her face in her hands , and he-
saw that she trembled.
"You shall not go unless you wish , " ho-
"I must go , " shq replied , looking up at
him in troubled despair. "Duty , con
science , honor , all tell me I must go ; but )
I shrink from it. Oh , uncle , I hated that ;
old life so much ! "
Sir Arthur took out his watch and look-1
ed at it.
"We can catch the midday express , " her
said , "ifwe lose no time. "
But Leah , seemed hardly conscious off
his words.
"Uncle , " she said , "therewas a time
when Hettie and I had but one heart and
one life between us. How strange that
we were so near , with only the grenti
green hUl dividing us ! I wonder what *
Hettie is like. "
"She was a very sweet girl , " said thet.
general. "I wisli she had chosen to comer
with us ; but I admired then , as I do no-\v
the faithful , tender heart. We must uotf
lose time , Leah , " he added.
They reached the station just in time-
to catch the midday express that would !
enable them to arrive at Soutihwood loagj"
before night.
But , speedily as they had set out. the > -
angel of death had been swifter , ami' '
they arrived at Martin Ray's cottage-
only to find him dead and Hettie lying ;
in. a faint on the floor.
When Hettie opened her eyes it was
Leah who held her in her arms. One-
minute had passed , yet to Hettie it scorn
ed many hours.
"Too late ! " she heard someone say.
Then Leah placed her gently in the ch hj
and went over to her father. She knelt
down by his side , and a bitter cry cam '
from her lips.
"I am too late , " she said , "too late ! Oh ,
Hettie , he has never taken that cruel
curse from me ! I am too late ! "
She took the cold , motionless hand io"
hers , and the silence in the room was-
broken only by her sobs. All the pasJ >
with its great dread , and her great horroi
of it , passed over her as she looked ar ,
his face the face that would never smile
or frown upon her again.
The general , watching the scene , assur
ed iimself that it was better father and
daughter had not met. There could have
been nothing pleasant in the words they ;
would have exchanged ; there would have-
been no real affection. Yet he had a lin
gering , half-superstitious wish that the
terrible curse Martin Ray had hurled uC
Leah when they parted had been taken-
"I am too late ! " sobbed Leah. ' 'Oh , ,
Hettie , if I had but spoken to him onetiE
I have often thought of him , often been *
sorry ; and now I am too late ! Tell mo iC
'he spoke about me , if he said anything ,
if he wished to see me ? Ho was my owa
father , after all. "
Sir Arthur withdrew , signing the wom
en to follow liiin. It was better to leuve-
the sisters alone with their dead.
An hour afterward , when he wont
back , he found them locked in each oth Y
er's arms , and he vowed to himself that
they should not be parted again. Death.
had softened his heart , and had inclined-
it to the fair and devoted child of his
dead sister. He resolved that , if she
would , she should come away with him ,
and leave him no more.
Martin Ray had left nothing but his
name. In one sense his daughters were
pleased that it was so. It disproved , they
thought , most conclusively , many' ' of the- '
charges brought against him. He had
not made money out of his starving ad
The funeral was over , and the general"
and his two nieces sat in the little parlor ,
whexe the blinds were still drawn andr
the gloom of death still lingered. N < nr
that the last solemn rites had been per
formed , the general was anxious to re
turn home ; it was of no use spending
even another hour in South-wood. But he-
wanted to take Hettie back -with. him.
He asked her to return with him , to--
lire with him as his daughter , and not to
leave them again. He liked her all the-
better because she was in no hurry to
accept the invitation. The girl's hearP
was still sore with the old pain. She could ?
not forget all at once that this man who
was willing now to make her his adopted !
daughter had denounced her father In.
the most unmeasured tanns ; she coulA
not forget the scene in the gloomy little1
house in Manchester. In death , as in *
life , her heart was faithful to her father.
Had he lived , she. would hare refused ?
every overture from Sir Arthur ; as it
was , she was with difficulty persuaded * .
even to listen to him.
"Come with me , Hettiehe said. "You-
shall be my daughter. Lean is my heir
ess ; .but I will give you a fortune. "
"I do not wish any fortune , " she answered - '
swered simply ; "I have no use for
money. But I do want Leah. I would'
be Leah's maid in order that I might be :
near her. "
And Sir Arthur thought , as ho saw the-
two sisters embrace each other , that it
would be a thousand pities ever to 'part
them again.
It was after a long struggle. Hettie.
promised to make her homo -with Sir Ar
thur and her sister ; and Leah knew that
she would keep her word.
It was arranged that
they should go.
Erst to London , where a fitting .
ind mourning could be provided , and the-
two sisters left Southwood with theii-
tioarts full of lore for each otner but
each keeping her secret. Leah had not
: old Hettie of her passionate love hen-
ipproaching marriage or the pain which ;
weighed at times so heavily upon her cor
lid Hettie tell Leah of that episod'e in =
aer life which was to her like a fairj
' *
nveet dream.
( To be continued. )
"Waste of Money.
"I don't mind savin' I'm disappointed : .
n . * hat boy of mine , " observed Farm-
? r Brarrfoack. "I've spent mighty nigh ,
53,000 makin' a first-class doctor otv
ilm , and -wften I asked him the'other *
lay Tvhatwould cure a wart , I'm darn-
sd if he could tell me ! " Chicago
The entire muscular
system of a.
snake is , in one way or another , con
lected with its spinal
column , and pre-
; ents one of the p-Ost complex arrange ,
nents known to the comparative