Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 6
WOOD BROTHEES Live - Stock - Commission - Merchant South Omaha and Chicago * * * WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman Wo furnish Market Reports free of expense. Write to. , us. C. II. CORXEIJL. President. 31. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. j A General Banking ; Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic iid Foreign Exchange Jhemleal National Bank , New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb The DONOHER * v * * * V fe V IB continually adding improvements and it is 'now the best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL . IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA 4 ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Koom Two Sample Rooms QHERRY QOUNTY ANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier GENERAL M Everything fresh and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. f J. N. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedv , Nebraska , I THE PALACE SALOON g HEADQUARTERS FOR ' & | WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGAFS | Of the Choicest Brands & > VALENTINE NEBRASKA The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Fure White Rye , Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's TokaAiigellicaPortSheiTy and Tilack beriy in wood , claret , Riesling , Sautttrnes. Cooks imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ex- ra Pale Bear for family use , and Pabsts tab t Bfi'ir C. H. THOMPSON , RAILROAD. 'North-Western ' Line' is die best to and from the SUGAR 8'EET ' FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Subscribe for THE Sjsws-DE sind get nil thu lie\vs local and for- eign-l'.00 per yean 0. M. SAGESEE , Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. FIRST CLASS IVILL ! I nave established a Feed and Saw Mill o miles south of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to urind Feed. Porn flleal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sniff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J. F. HOOK AT THIS OFFICE Satisfaction Guaranteed. 50 YEARS' I EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may oulclcly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probnbly pntentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ncency for securinf-patents. I'atenta taken thronch Munn & Co. receive special notice , without chnrce. In the Scientific American , A handsomely illustrated weekly. T-arcest cir ! culation of any flclentlBc Journal. Terms , ? 3 a year : four months , fl. ol by all MUNN SCo.w r-j New M Brancli Officer 625 F fiU Washington ; ] > ; r WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Pi v v o o f /o wvwv V OTI | W.CT.U. COLUMN j CM > AAAAAAA > UN\A/WUUWUWWkAJWWW WS MA Edited by the Valentine W. C. T. U. MOTTO-For God and ntimanlty. OFFICERS. President . Mrs. Abbie Cnibb - - - , Mrs. D. House. Kecordlng Secretary . Mrs. Alice Harvy CorrespondiiiR Secretary . Mrs. M. Harden Treasurer . Mrs. Uelcii Hornby Regular meetings each alternate Tuesday. , W. C..T. U. will meet with Mrs. J. W. Daniels next Tuesday afternoon. * * * A widow , whose only son was mur dered by the canteen and at whose burial the editor officiated in sending her mite to help on the fight against the army saloon , asks : "How long must the sons of Christian mothers have the drink craving fostered and perhaps lowered down to a drunkard's grave by a canteen , sanctioned and protected by the Christian president of a Christian .nation ? " National Tem perance Advocate. * * * When General Grant was in Paris , the president of the republic , as a special token of respect , invited him tea a place on the grand stand to witness the great racing which occurs in that country on Sunday. It is considered.- ! ! liscourteous act to decline such an in vitation from the head official of the republic. Such a thing had never been heard of , but Gen. Grant , in a polile tote , declined the honor , and said to the French president : ' 'It is not in ac cordance with the custom of my coun try , or with the spirit of my religion to spend Sunday in that wa } * . " National Advocate. * * -it- Shall not the church today ciy aloud and spare not against the awful evil of nternperance , the one gre t fronting sin of our time , destroying more lives" and homes than all others combinedV amblmg and prostitution are its allies. [ t paves the way for them botli and nourishes them from first to last. This great sin ought to be met by the church md the ministry with an attack equal to its own wickedness and tremendous- icss _ Weather Bureau Report. UNITED STATES ) WEATHER BUREAU. ) " To the Public In compliance with the requests of stockmen and other interested parties throughout the ounty. I herewith submit the fol lowing , takeh from this office show ing the difference in the maximum temperature for the month of Janu ' ary , 1900 , as compared with corres-f pondinjj period of 1899. I would SUJT- st that you cut this out and keep same for future reference. 1900 above 1899 above zero zero January 1 14 January 1 34 2 32 is 2 24 " 3 50 " 3 30 ' 4 42 " 4 4 " 5 49 " 5 2(5 ( ( i 54 " G 22 " 7 51 5 : T 38 " 8 45 i ; 8 38 " 9 41 " 9 50 " 10 45 " 10 52 " 11 43 " 11 37 " 12 46 " 12 48 . " 13 59 ' " 13 45 " 14 55 " 14 47 s ; 15 44 - " 15 42 " - 1(5 ( 47 " 16 28 " 17 47 t ; 17 25 ' " 18 52 . 18 54 " 19 65" t ; 19 48 " 20 50 " 20 50 " 21 56 " 21 . 60 ! ' 22 60 ' 22 40 " 23 58 " 23 32 Total 1105 874 Making an average daily maximum temperature of 48 degrees above zero for iirst 23 days of Januarj' , 1HOO , against 38 degrees for January , 1899. The average temperature from Janu ary 16th to January 22 is 188 degrees higher than the normal temperature for the same period since station was established. E. J. DAVENPORT , Station Agent. A. M. Church.of the Stuart Ledger , has established the News , at Naper , for revenue mainly , and to wake up , the denizens of western Boyd county , incidentally. Land otlice patronage is to be the source of the paper's ex istence , and Bro. Armstrong , of Butte , will have to "cut" his federal patronage with the bright young man from Stuart. Gen. T. H. Stanton , retired rnaster general of the U.S. arm3'uied at his borne in Omaha , Tuesday after- noon. C. H. Cornell and A. E. Thachj j er , of Valentine , attended the funei- ' al today at 10:30. : Interment will take | place at the Arlington National cem- etery. Strayed One iron gray mare , 3 3'cars old , half blood. Branded SF on . left shoulder. Please notif\ ' Max E. l ; Crookstotif A feature of the evening services at the Presbyterian church are the duets by Mrs. Kincaid and Mr..Pra- witz. Special excursion to Hot Springs S. D. , for one fare plus two dollars for the round trip. Tickets on sale February 6th and 20th , March 6th and 2oth , good returning 30 days from date of sale. Remember the dates. For further information enquire of any agent of the F. E. & M. V. Ry. Persons who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and lumbago , will find a valuable rem edy in Ballard's fcnow Liniment ; it will banish pains and subdue inflam mation. Price 25 and oOc. Quigley & Chapman. The Crookstozi Teachers' Association will be held in the school building on Dec. 27th , at 1.30 p m. Following is the program : "How to Make the Study of Geography Interesting" by II. Daniels. Chapters 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 of the History and Science of Education , by the association. It is desired that .each teacher bring his school journal and be able to discuss any article of in terest. MRS. OAURIE A. GEEPres. , Miss L. COLLETT , Sec'y. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. JANUARY 4 , 1900. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present T. P , Spratt and iiollin llan- ehette. In the ma'ter of the petition of C. II. Cornell , A. E. Thucher , E. , J. Daven port , G. H. Hornby and 106 other pe titioners abking for special election to vole $1,201) bonds for .he construction ot one mile of public road known as the Kosi-bud road : Comes no\v the said C. II. Cornell , A. E Thucher , E. .J. Davenport nul ( .i. II. Hornby by their attorney { , J. \v . 'iuclcer and A.M. and liles said petition and. moves tnu honorable board tu grant and approve tiie same , and the board having examined the said petition and being fully { satisfied in the premises does approve said petition and grant the proper therein to submit the propo sition of voting § 1,2UU bonds to the le gal electors ot Valentine precinct in Cherry county , Nebr. , as expressed in said petition and said board does fur ther order that the clerk of this court give notice and call u special election to be held at the usual place of voting in said precinct , the Village of Valen tine , Nebraska. Maid notice shall con tain the proposition of voting said bonds and tne time and place ut hold ing said special election , that said elec tion shall be held on the 13th day of February , 1900. The polls in said elec tion at which said electors snail have the right to vote shall be opened and closed as required by law governing general elections. Said notice submit ting said proposition shall be published for four consecutive weeks in a news paper of general circulation published in said county , and it shall be the duty of said clerk to cause proper ballots for and against said proposition and fur nish the same to said electors. Commissioners Whereupon the board adjourned to Jan liar v 5 , 1900. ' JANUARY 5 , 1900. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present T. P. Spratt and liollin Han- chette. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : S A Winslow jud c election nnd returns 14 oo Frank Vanish " 4 CO Andrew Steele " " 4 00 ( ) Starr clerk " 4 00 , Cb-JB Ilicketts " 4 00 I School Dist. No. 49. use of bouse 2 00 i .1 N Russell clerk and returns 'jn oo ; tteo U Russell " 4 oo I C M Kinie judge election 4 00 J L Gillsispie " " 4 Oo i Dan Adiimson " " 4 00 j R F Uillaspie , use of house _ ' 00 j W C Shattuck judge and returns 1430 H Green election 4 oo . . . . Daniel Alder 4 w Arthur Rowringr clnrk " 400 Win Heamer " " 4 oo t W ( r Haker judjie anil returns 2i > 00 , .1A Satilts " election 4 oo i .1 T Sweeney " " 4 ( KM Sain Gregory elrrk " 4 oo | Frances He\vM. " 4 oo Richards & Coimtonk. use of house a 00 J H Kritz clerk and returns 10 00 ! John MeC'ttr.heoir cleri ; election 4 00 J SCa.Tijiliell judge " 4 00 Jaiiit-s SKirving " 400 Gee K O'lJrien " " 4 oo Sk < rviur& Son. use of ho' s < 2 oo Hiram Cornell , ivnt for Oct 18)3 ! Cfi 07 ( ) V Long judge and returns t ! ) w Kitoch Anders " ' 4 00 . . . F S Anders 4 ( K ) Hugh Rovers clerk .4 ( Hi Truman F West clerk and use of house fi c/o A H Camvcll judue and returns l0 oo .John Parks judge and use of house u oo I > L Taylor " 4 oo Sam Watt clerk 4 oo GuyS Lfevitt " -1 00 Albert I'ratl Judge and returns 'j : ; oo A J Pluiner " 4 00 .IGCoolev " 4 no' L L Mot-rill t'lerk 4 ( X ) ThniiiHi Stanhit : clerk 4 oo James stausbta use ot" house 200 Ge < Elliott canvassing l oird : 2 00 GPf'rabh - " 200 M DTnfssell judge and returns 1700 S W , Lilly " 4 00 W K Cady " 4 00 G W Ivelier clerk 4 00 M L Walker 4 00 School Dist No 5 use of huiisu 2 eeG G Carlson making election booth * ; son Jay-Cunningham delivering ballots 3000 SSMcClean delivering ballots i ; " 0 K I ) Clarke judge elertum 4 eeC C H Thompson " " 4 tt > James Ray " " 4 00 W F Ittorgaroidgo clc 'k of election 4 oo Arthur Sherman " " ton R F J'ejtjcrew making booth for election x : ; .v > DawiiiKirt&Thacher upiilies for pour . ' > C."i C K Sherman ' .vittHiss . . " sum .Maylield ca > e > 75 ' Amos Sttting sc'rvintrinfnruiaTio : ! n 4o I ) S l.udwig barn and .soft : oal for co 217 2. > \V S Rarker printing bar dockets 1.9 50 On motion claim of. Robt. Good of § 27.50 WAS laid over for information. On motion following claims were al lowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : AmoS Strong , jailor fees , guard duty , etc November 151 00 W S Rarker , publishing notices tor coun ty Slllipllfrt ji 00 Folks & Sons , eupplies for poor 's ! > .1 w Yeast " " county 4 } jo Iliram Cornell , rent for Xuy 1S > 3 * iy 07 John Allooton boarding jurors l. > ' C- \a State' Joumul Co supplied 15 00 I ClarkeTucker defendingMayfieUl 40 M i \v KTowre express 1 15 1 Hark ? .v Tucker defending Bailpy JO 00 W A Tii.\lnr Itailey .service Nov M 1 ! 00 str.-i- : attending court , jailers fees u.iid r.nty 4500 t n : board for prisoners and 10 2i Chai * rim i naiillT frcs XovDO in no Clinli - r.ii.n nrreUln Frank Kresc 0 00 Fr.inK ( ' ki y .serving sub Mayfleirt cose 27. . " sub wit Railoy case 10 50 : JL..II sub \nt Jtceei ! case r no " " Uartside case 1203 arresting Chris .Mavfield mi J sub wit 2275 arrt-stliiKGartgide 12 Ou W rionev juror Xov term 1809 880 W K Wliltc 14 20 Kliuer bay " 1300 .F E Cotton 21 m Wr.i Allen Fnink Kline " B f < 0 E < : Cole 13 J-0 .1 U Ayres 13 JK ) G L Austin ' 1073 Julius llecknian " 12 50 J ) M Sears 13 00 Gee Bristol 550 R K Ramsford " 15 30 IIobtKobioson 12 00 .lames Hudson " 10 00 U G ( 'reiser " KI20 II O Danks 14 00 E Onnesher 10 70 Fnink Ionising " 1230 William Hrown " 13 50 Lueien riper 12 50 A Morey talesman 4 00 W H McCloud fi 00 C \V JlassiiiKale 4 00 Arthur Hies 4 00 Level Starr " 2 00 Nelson 1'olen " 2 00 On motion the following- amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied upon delinquent personal taxes : Chas Rlcket's 4 00 Arthur Bowring 4 00 H Green 4 00 W 0 Shattiiek 14 30 Daniel Alder 4 00 Ilusrh Koyer 4 ( K ) A B Capwell 1C 84 G P Crabb 2 00 G W Keller ' 4 00 W E Cody 4 00 JaV Cunningham 3 00 S S McClean I ! 00 W R White ' 430 Win Allen . ' ( CO J R Ayrea 1240 D M S-ars 13 00 G L Austin 10 75 W F Brown 5 11 Arthur Rles 50 W1I McCloud 1 35 Whereupon the board adjourned to Jan. G. JANUARY 6 , 1900. Commissioners met as per adjourn ment. Present Chairman T. P. Spratt and liollin Hanchette. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund. Stnti' Journal Co supplies r. oo Ij N Laypor * fees in KiMia case S 00 A I , .lithiipon witness iMavlield case 580 C M Bailey " - " fl 80 ufTlVtll " " " Wood 200 H A Dawsou " " 2 00 Arthur Hies " " " 8 W ) John North " " " 0 50 Win Rogers " " " ! > 50 GR Hilt dick " " " 18 W Alfred Lewis , mod attendance on j > oor 34 40 M Rii-hardson use nf house 2 ( K ) Alfred Lewis mod attendance Mrs Wiltse 13 10 Gee Elliott goods for poor 1 00 Ktta Brown salary 4th p ? 1899 231 00 Etta Brown expense 4th qr 1899 4 00 On motion the claim of John Ileelan of § 30 , for capturing William Witt was rejected for reason that reward waste to be paid upon conviction , and said Witt escaped. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : . * 30 allowed / 23 00 On County Bridge Fund. E T SmitJi putting bridge on Goose creek claimed ? & 4 20 allowed W 21 I ) S Lndwii : bridge material 4 40 W A Shelbourn hauling hitnocr 4 oo ( ! eo Foster work on Berrv " hndgo ' - -ro Ed Foster do 1 50 Chris Elling repairini : bridges : t oo F ( I IJeese do 5 no Henry Fliniaux do . " 00 The claim of .T. R. Lee for repairing Loup river bridge was laid over for in - formation. On motion the official bond of Jo seph " \Visser was rejected for the reason that it was not filed in season. On motion the bond of J. Wesley Tucker and Geo. JI Hornby for cost of special election of Valentine precinct , providing said bonds fail to carry , was approved. On motion the hoard visited i he county jail and ordered the sheriff to have the same renovated. On motion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied upon delinquent personal taxes : M llicbardson 2 oo Kisrcn TetJ-rson .lames Peterson 4 50 onhis Peter Fre'l Nelson , 4 50 son's tax 2 H7 Id.-i M Shelhoiirn Perrv Sxvearinger 20 oo ' iron \V A Shel- ( 'Mas' ' Burns 20 00 liourn claim 15 H W D Clarkhon 25 00 E T Smith 55 21 W M Curr 25 00 Whereupon the board adjourned sine die. Attest. J. W. UANIKLS , County Clerk. Many an innocent little darling is suffering untold agon } * and cannot ex plain its troubles. Mark your child's symptoms , yon ma } * find it troubled xvi'.h worms ; give it White's Cream Vermifuge and restore it to quietness un > 2 health. Price -oc. Quigley & Chapman. Lmiis UonJeanx , K. D. Horses branded LEGAL NOTICES NOTIPK I * hereby lvcn that wo have fllcrt with the county coiiiniliiloners of Cherry County. Nclir .a bond dolv tecuil and ncoom- panled by a ) ' 'iltlon praying taat we br granted H llcfn.-w in * ell mult , spirituous nnd vinous Iluor { > hi > liu rlllnjje cf Cody. Boiling S precinct. I nrrry Cuuntv. NcbrasJii. IUVIX C. .STOTT * . JOHN" ( J. STETTKlt. Dated tlii-i ihth tlav of January. Xotii of Limited Partnership. Notice It hereby ulren that K..M. Kmldl. * . who rcHldus at Vulcntlno. Nebraska , and William nteaditmii. who rcKlc < i nt Kennedy. Nubraxka. lave lorir.i * ! \ \ limited partnership pursuant to the provliius of the statute for UIK purpose of carrying > the business of stockralsiu&und the buying aii i riellliiK of live stock. Tin : name of th firm in d T which such butlne&t Is conducted Is K. M Faddis & Co. The names of all puttie * interested in said partnership aru the said It. 211. FaddLs , who Is the general pSrtner.nnd William Steadman. who is the special partner. Tlio said special partner has contributed and paid into tno common stock of said partnership the sum of $12.500 in cash or jioodd. Said partnership is to commence on thosccond day of January. lX ! , and terminate ken ( the second end day of January , laio. The principal phut-of business of said partner ship will be in Chnrry Uouiuy. XeSraskn. Dated this second day of January. 1'juu. It. M. FAD1HS. 52-4t WILLIAM STEAD.MAX. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. * W. II. Peters , real name nn nown. Th - Xeh- raska Mortgage and Trust Co. and KMellnJ. Case , defendants , will take { notice that on the 18th day of October , law. the County of Cherry , plaintilf herein , tiled its petition in the ( listriut coii'tof Clier.iV county. Nebraska , against \V. 11. 1'eters , renl name unknown. The Nebraska MurtKUite and Trust Co. and Kstella .I.Ca-ie , de fendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose the tax Hens hereinafter described : In its first cause of action stated in wild peti tion , the plainliir seeks to foreclose a tax lien up on tlien'J of sw4 ! olsitctlon-jiJ , and n'j ot ee'i of section 27 in township 27 , ranxe 28. west of the sixth principal meridian in Cherry county. Nch- rasku ; that the taxes involved in said first cause of action are the taxes that were levied on said premises in the year 1807 ; that there is now due the plaintiff ti.i n its tax lien the sum sG r-8 , for which , with Intuieit from the llrst day of October , 1890. on ? > > .40 thereofat 10 nor cent um per annum , the plaintiff prays for * ii decree that defendants be required to pay thu same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. In its second cause of action stated in .said pe tition , the plaiiuitf seeks to foreclose a tax leiu upon the ni'z of swU of section 2ii and nl/a of se'i of section 27 in township 27. ran o ' ) , west of the sixth principal meridian in Clierrj county. \ Nebraska ; that the taxes involved In said sec. end cause of action are the taxes that were lev- 'cd in the year 1838 ; that there is now due the plaintitr mmii its tax lien the sum of ? .1.23. for which .sum , with the interest , from the lirst day of October , lsi'J : , on S4.IW there ( f. at 10 per ceut- iim per annum , the plaintilf jmtys for a decree that the defendants bu required to pay the Mime or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount fem .1 due. You are required to answer said petition on or before l-ebruarv liUh , I'/ ) THE COUNTY OF CIIHKKY. CIIHKKY.riaintifT. riaintifT. Dated this 18th day of Janua y , 1000. oMt : Notice to Creditors. In County Court , within and for Cherry Conn- tv. Nebraska. In thu matter of the Estate of D. M. Underwood , deceased. To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notil'.t-d that I will sit at the Countv Court Hoom in Valentine in said county , on the 27th day of January , lixw. to receive and examine II claims against said Estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is 11 months , fmm the 27th day of February , A.D. ISO'J.and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 27th day of January , 1900. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court , this loth day of January , laoo. ' \V. II. TOWNE. 51 County Judge. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska , f. . , . Cherry County. fss' In County Court. In the matter of the Estate of John M. Car penter , deceased. On raiding and filing the petition of Adelia E , 1'ettyc.rew. praying that the Instrument. Hied on the 8th day of January. 1000 , and pur porting to be the hist will and testament ot the gaid deceased , may bb proved approved , pro bated , allowed , and recorded as the last will and testament of the said John M. Carpenter , deceased , and that the execution of said instru ment may bu committed and the gadministra- tion of said estate may be granted to Adelia E. 1'ettycrew and Julia Pettycrew as executrix. Ordered , that January 27th A I ) . 1POO. at 10 o'clock a.m. , is assigned for hearing said peti tion , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be IielJ in ami for said County , ami show cause why the prayer of petitioner .should not bu grunted ; and that notice of the pendency of said 'petition and thu hearing thereof , be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of tJus order tn the NKWS-DKMOCICAT , n weekly news paper printed in said tMitiity. for three succes sive weeks , prior to Hind day of hearing. \V. II. TOWNE , 51 County Judgu. Notice to l\on-llesident Defendants. Martha Monroe , widow ; Claude Monroe.l'earl Monroe , Dottiu Monroe , Nellie Monroe. LeHoy Monroe , Myrtle Monroe , minors , heirs of Levi L Monroe , deceased , will take notice that on the 3rd day of January , 1000 , the Valentine Building and Loan Association , of * Valentine , Nebraska , tiled its petition in thu District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska.jthe object and prajerof which are to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed by Levi L. Monroe , and Martha Monroe , upon Lot No. I- , Block . McDonald's addition to the Village of Valen tine. Cherry county , Nebraska , in favor of the plamtiir , upon which there is due plnintilf tne sum of S2a.-i.00 with interest thereon from the 1st dav of January. 1000 , for which sum the plain till prays judgment and a decree that tne de fendants pay the same together witn costs , in terest , and in default thereof that said real es tate be sold as provided by law for the payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. \ou are required to answer said petition on or before thu llth day of February , luoo. Valentine Building & Ixnin Association of Valentine. Nebraska , by F. M. AVALCOTT , its Attorney. Notice of Sale. In the matter of .the sale of real estate of the Estate of William G , Can-on , deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon. W. II. Westover. one of the judges of theDistrist Court of Cherry coun ty , Nebraska , made on the 2Gth day of 1 Jecem- ber. ix ; 9 , for ttie sale of real estate'hereinaftur described. Ivill .sell at the front door of the court house in Valentine , Nebraska , on tlie2itIt- day of January , lone , at 10 o'clock n. in. at pub lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash , the followngdescribed ! real estatet'Mvit ; These i , Sf c 0 , & n2 nw 4 & sw4 mv 4 .v nw 4 sw 4. sec. 15 , twp 31. r 2 * , Cherry county , Nebr. tiaid sale to remain open one hour. ALPKKi ) J.KWJS and i Executors of the will MAUYA. CAIWOX , fol William G. lir oii. deceased. F. M WAI.COTT. Attorney. .7 > 4t Notice to Non-Kesident Defendant. i the District Court of Cherry County , Neb raska Mary FerstI , non-resident defendant , will take notica that on the 23rddav ot J.i'i\ia.ry.\9f > u. John Ferstel liled a petition in the District Court of Cherry County. .Vebnu kn. tin ; object and prayer of which lire to obtain a decree of absolute divorce { from you o > j tne grounds that you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff and have remained absent without just cause for more than two veins last past , and udulter3' . You are required to answer said petition on or before th tub day of Mar-h. li > Ki. 5341 JOitN FEUarLPlaintiff. Extra 'jetl . / Two horses : one brown iior o hra.tJil d/O oo lett shoulder , one t-lack horse branded / IX ou left shoulder. 5 * left hip. I win giveth - tlrst describuil bor.e ! > tiic man who lindy : iid iw- turns I ne bi.tcJi d cr.beil ivyte.-b'lD" Jt *