Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 4
Of 49 if- 4 4 4 ? ? ? NEW 49 49 49 49 49 49 GOODS ftfr 49 49 49 49 AT 49 49 ft * 49 THE 4 ? 4 4 4 ? ? ? RED CALL 4 ? EARLY ft * 4 ? AND 4 ? GET 4 ? YOUR 4 ? I I 4 ? FRONT C1IOICE. 4 ? 4 * 4 ? ( JACKSON & BRAYTON ) 4 ? \Sr 4 ? VALENTINE NEBRASKA ! * 49 DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD / and pay two or three times as much for your Groceries , Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Crockery , etc.as we would charge you for the same or bet ter goods. You'\ heard about our low prices haven't you ? "Well , just believe it it's so. Come and see for j-ourself. You can't miss them once you get inside our store. They're eyerywheie , front to back , and from top to bottom. Our main idea is to make money for ourselves. After that we strive lo save money for our customers. We do .both. Come and < lbok. ? We-sell Coal , Feed and Salt. MAX E. VIERTEL OEOOKSTON NEBRASKA. . - - \f gTEVENSON - - Successor to vVALOOTT & STEVENSON I'll LIV Y WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley'B Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a fall line of ster ling silver novelties .r. C. D'AVTEK.E. . II. DWTER. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A. Private Hospital. For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Opcr- . ations Successfully * ' Performed. - - NEBRASKA i. ' i JFiffy Dollars IZ orstoleu from ranch southwest my iVoodhlke. Oct. , a work hor. c , weight about ; H nniiDcte. Color. Jltfit.lth.roau Juurs. ' .tnnpilOi t D-IefJ shoulder. Al"ut 0 years ; If m raved. Uln-nil reward will IIP jilven for f.lru. niici'if stoleu SOT for couvh > - Jylij Ray . , of ! ljf thfrf. W. . BAjJ.AKl ; ) . . . . , Woodlake. hcbr. A. M. MORRISSET O ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTHSTE , NEB M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Conrt and U. S Land Otllce. Heal Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Prop. ft Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but n hotel. $1.00 PEE DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office utEstabrook Uonseon Cherry St. VALENTINE. NEB- Stra/etl or bttttvn. Several head of horses and cat- " ' < tle ; ftjfd J - -i J < > AuiGa Strong , Vak'nliut. Xub. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD , Editor and * -Publisher I $1.OO Per Yeter in Artvanc * PUBLIbHED EVERY THURSDAY. EnUred at the Post-office at Valentine. Cherry country. Nebraska , as Secoml-cUws matter. This paper w ill be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Wm. Spencer , of Chadron. is in the city. Wood for sale. Farnham & Dike- man. Earl Comstock was in town over Sunday. Maple Sugar at Farnham & Dike- man's. E , C. Cole was , down from Cody , Tuesday. Florence Ragan was up from Wood- lake , Monday. Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Fcttycrew's. . The Ladies' Cornet Band' had a group picture taken , Saturday. Judge Walcott made a living trip to Ames and Omaha , last week. J. H. and J. A. Yarj'on were up from Pullman the first of the week. Don't forget that Farnham & Dike- man have a complete stock of shoes. John Porter , of Pullman , was in the city the first of the week on business. W. R. Whillans , of Elgin , visited here with his brother John this week. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. Bur your shoes at Farnham & Dike- man's and YOU will come again next Year. J. C. Petti John's mother , of Long- pine , has been visiting with him this last week. All losses paid in f nil by Mutual In surance Companies. I. M. RICE , Agt. Work on the new bridge near Bor- man's will begin soon. The material is being hauled to the site. I. N. Russell and C. M. Kime were in town from Newton on land busi ness the tail end of last week. John Harden donated a load of wood to the editor's pile , Saturday , but like Oliver Twist , we still cry for more. Have you had your stamp photos taken 3'et ; * You can get them at An drews' gallery. Also one of his stamp albums. The Rev. A. L. Cumbow went to Longpine , Monday evening , to assist in the revival meetings being held there. Do you want a kodak of any kind' ? Andrews can sell you any kodak you want. In fact anything in the photo graphic line. Nine traveling men spent Sunday at The Donoher and fifteen strangers were guests at that popular hostelrj' the same day. A supper was given "for the benefit of the Episcopal rector , the Rey. J. M. Bates , at Cody , last week , and a neat sum realized. Frank Brayton is having roclt haul ed onto the rear of his Main street lots and about May 1 will commence the erection of a new stone building. It will pay you to buy your wrap | for next winter at the present prices. T. C. Hornby is closing out to make room for spring stock. Jackets $2.(53 and up , and capes at all prices. Strayed or Stolen Three work mares , 1000 pounds each. One bay branded DS on left shoulder. One bay and one brown branded DS on left hip , D. STINAKD , Valentine , Nebraska. Liberal reward. About fortv church members , most ly yming converts , met at the depot , Saturday morning about 4.30. to bid the Rev. Addis goodbye as he left for his home in Longpine , and all united in singing "God Be With You , ' ' as the train pulled out. John Mathieson went to Crookston and then to St. Francis Mission in company with a party of young folks , Sunday. John rode horseback the entire distance , but says if he ever recovers the use of his limbs'lie will never again be guilty. The worst after effects of influenza arise from deranged functions of the liver. Clear the blood'at once with Herbine , for it will strengthen the liver to withdraw from circulation the biliary poisons. Price 50 cents , Quiglcy & Chapman. L. K. Alder and wife departed Mon day morning for an extended pleasure trip east , stopping at 6maha , Chica go , Washington , D. C. , then to Cuba and back by way of New York. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson , of Woodlake , and expect to be gout * the remainder o'f the win ter. Hai e Kule. Work of Revivalists The revival meetings at the M. E. church closed last Friday night amid the regret of scores who would have liked to see the meetings continue. The work done by Revs. Addis and Cumbow was marvelous , considering the size of the town. A total of 1G4 persons were either reclaimed or converted during the meetings , of which 111 joined the Methodist church , 21 signified their intention of affiliating with thePresbyterians.and 0 with the Episcopal denomination. The converts have been divided into three classes , as follows : The elder and married people will be in charge of G , H. Hornby : the young people , of whom there are 55. will be looked af ter by W. F. Morgareidge , and those under 14 years of age by Mrs. G. H. Hornby. The young people are es pecially enthusiastic , and plans are being arranged whereby the present interest will be maintained in the Christian work. Stole Sixty Dollars At Cody , last Friday evening , Clar ence Cole closed his store at the usual hour and went to his supper , carelessly leaving in the cash regis ter something over S500 in currencya number of checks and about $60 in silver. While he was satisfying the de mands of the inner mart , some bold , bad burglar entered the store and ap propriated to his own use the silver above spoken of and one check for $60 , but did not touch the currency which was lying under the checks. He was evident ! } ' frightened away before he had made a thorough ex amination of the cash register's con tents for which CJarence'is thankful. Altogether the robbery was a bung ling job , and if reports are true the gu 11 ty paity will soon be brought to justice , as he ought to be. Any pei- son who will steal SSO in silver when he could have ten times as much in currency for the same risk , is a dan gerous person to allow at large. Organizing a New Lodge - C. L. Peck , of Neola , Ga , is here for the purpose of organizing a camp of the Woodmen of the World. Special features "of this -order are , safely invested emergency fund , thus limiting assessments : $100 paid for the purpose of erecting a monument at the grave of every deceased mem ber , thus making certificates worth $100 more than their face : certificates incontestable after one year ; norr lapsable certificates in case f sick ness and disability : after 70 years of age one-tenth face of certificate paid each j'ear thereafter. Mr. Peck comes here well recommended as does the order he represents. You are in vited to become a member. Join now and take benefit of i educed charter free. Traveling Man Married H. G. Heel , the popular traveling salesman who has for years been making this territory with headquar ters at Chadron , was recently mar ried in Kansas City , and he , with his bride , stopped in Valentine , Monday , when we had the good fortune to meet them. Bert is one of the most popular salesman in this section of the state , and we with hundreds of others congratulate him upon his good luck in securing so accomplished and handsome a bride as Mrs. Heel is. Two Fires Frank Rothleutner's store at Kil- gore was burned to the ground. Tues day night. The fire started about 11 o'clock , and is thought to have been of incendiary origin. Insurance $800 on building and $1,200 on contents. A. E. Morris , a ranchman living 10 miles southeast of Woodlake , was burned out yesterday. Particulars not available except that all his hay , about 1200 tons , was destroyed. He was wintering- head of cattle. Uncle Tom's Cabin Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. . twenty-two artists and musicians , traveling in their own Pullman car. will be at the Opera House on Wed nesday evening , January 31st. In connection with heir fine acting cqmpany they give a select mnsical program consisting of standard over tures and popular melodies. Open air concert at noon. Admission,35 cents , reserved seats 50 cents. Seats on sale at usual place. A New Departure F. M. Walcott , W. W. ThompsonC. F. Martin , G. P. Crabb and Mrs. G. H. Hornby went to Longpine , Monday night , to attend the opening of the revival meetings. It is some thing new for Valentine to send mis sionaries to our sister towns. Later we learn that through the kindness of Supt , Harmon the entire party were taken to Longpine in his private car as his guests. Coughs and colds come uninvited , but you can quickly get rid of them with a few doses of BallanTs Horehound hound Syrup. Price 25 and oOc. . , , Tank Heaters for sale at R. An derson's , tf Insurance in the best companies at lowest rates. I. M. RICE. Magic Estate Hot Blast Heaters at R. Anderson's tf J. B. Sweeney , of Pullman , was in town , yesterday. With this issue this paper enters ito fifteenth year. L. C. Sparks , of Cody , is in town to day , visiting old friends. J. W. Strong will fill the pulpit at the Methodist church , Sunday even ing. ing.J. J. H. Quigley will build a stone business house on the lot now occupied by Harris' restaurant in the spring. F. N. Morgan , the leading Bassett attorney , came up on No. 27 , yester- daj'j to look after some land business. An elegant line of ladies' ready made spring suits at prices to suit everybody has been ordered by T. C. Hornby. Wait for them. Views ot all kinds made of your home or cattle. If you have anything you want a picture of give me a call. Andrews , the photographer. We had a "purifier" yesterday. The wind blew as fast as 58 miles an hour , and 1.368,426,933 yards of sand was moved. If any microbes survived the storm they have not yet reported. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is the only remedy for blind , bleeding or protruding piles , indorsed by physi- .cians : cures the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in bottles , tubes 7oc. Quigley & Chapman. Pete Porath , of the German settle ment , fell from his horse. Monday , and severely injured his head. Dr- Lewis was called and discovered that the injured man was suffering from inflammation of the brain and is now in a serious condition. Five dollars reward I will pay a reward of five dollars to any one who will furnish me information which will lead to the recovery of three horses ses and four colts which strayed from my range about January 1. Horses are bays and roan , and one of the colts is a white yearling with red cars. ' JonX ORMESHEK. Born-Tuesday , to Nels Austin and wife , of near Simeon , a baby girl. Stotts & Yancey , of Cody , haye a patent jrate which they will have on exhibition here soon. In pulmonary trouble , the direct ac tion of Ballard's Horehound Syrup up on the throat , chest and lungs , immed iately arrest the malady , by relieving the distress , cutting the phlegm and freeing the rocal and breathing organs. Price 25 and oOc. Quigley & Chapmanr MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Bran , bulk 60c per cwt $11.00 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt $13.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 85c " ' $16.00 Corn. 70c $13.00 Oats OOc $17.00" C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! < -ice over Cherry County Bank HABR BRUSHES "We have just re ceived an invoice of the celebrated TOKIO , SOLID BLOCK , WATER PROOF HAIR BRUSHES. We have them in four qualities. Prices iOe , GOc , 75c and § 1.00. They arc extra values. QUIGLEY&CHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentino Ncbiaska OTI I UKtb , is nothing that makes a room look THERE , cosy and attractive as nice pictures. "We have an elegant assortment of Picture Frame Mouldings , and if you will bring in the picture we'll do the rest do it right , too. i You'll be astonished at the price. I ANDERSON , COX , JONES & COX LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA iloom 108 Exchange IIIds. References : UNION STOCK YAKDS ' PACKERS' NATIONAL NATIONAL BANK BANK. Telphone 141 We have a lare { clientage among Nebraska Feedc-s and can always Deat Omaha prices to llanclj customers IF NOTIFIED BEFOKE SHIPMENT. If you do not 20 to STRONG'S MEAT MARKET opposite the Court House ? I He has got the s A-cetcst Breakfast L'acon and Fresh E rn-s , the most delicious eo < CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE < His meais are all first class. He keeps Bone Meal for chickens and his lard is pure hog fat. He also pays the highest market price for hides. AMOS STRONG , Proprietor When Visiting Valentine Stop at. 1 THE CITY HOTEL J , A. HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day , . , . Good Service