Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 3

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It's too risky , this
gambling with your
cough. You take the
chance of its wear
ing off. Don't !
The first thing
-you know it will be
down deep in your
lungs and the game's
lost. Take some of
Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral and stop the
gambling and the
"I was given up to die -with
quick consumption. I ran down
from 138 to 98 pounds. I raised
blood , and never expected to get
off my bed alive. I then read of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and began
its use. I ( ommenced to improve
at once. I am now back to my
old weight and in the best of
health. " CIIAS. E. HARTMAN ,
Gibbstown , N. Y. , March 3 , 1899.
You can now get Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in a 25 cent
size , just right for an ordinary
cold. The 50 cent size is bet
ter for bronchitis , croup , whoop
ing-cough , asthma , and the grip.
The dollar size is best to keep
on hand , and is most economical
for long-standing cases.
Tourists In Switzerland.
About 400.000 tourists vLited Switz
erland during last summer , and ther !
expenditures are estimated at 120,000-
000 francs.
Bromus Inermis. 6 Ton Hay.
That sounds well G tons. That is
what Saizer's Broimis will give you ev
ery time , no matter where you live ; and
Victoria Kape costs hut 2oc a ton to
prow. The Million Dollar Potato is im
mense ! Largest Vegetable Seed Grow
ers in America. Send this notice with
lOc for Farm Seed Samples and Cata
log , to John A. Salxer Seed Co. , La
Crosse , \Vis.
No man ever did a designed injury
to another but at the same time he did
v. greater to himself. Home.
Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons
every breath tliat is drawn intg tne lungs.
There is procurable from any druggist the
remedy for its cure. A small quantity of
Ely's Cream Bnlai placed into the nostrils
spreads over an inflamed and angry surface ,
relieves immediately the painful inflamma
tion , cleanses , heals and cures. Drying in
halants , fumes , smokes and snuffs simply
develop dry catarrh ; they dry up the secre
tions which adhere to the membrane and
decompose , causing afar more serious trou
ble than the ordinary form , of catarrh. Avoid
all drying inhalants , use Ely's Cream Bahn.
It is reliable and will cure catarrh , cold in
the he&dand hay fever easily audpleasantly.
All Iraggists sell it at 50 cents or itwill be
mailed by Ely Brothers , 56WarrenSt. , K.Y.
Tobacca was so called' because itrns
first noted by Europeans on the small
Island of Tobago.
To Cure a Cold in. One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refunding money it it fails to cure.
25c. E. 77. Grove's signature is on each , box.
Any man may make. a. mistake , but
none but a fool will continue in it.
Js Mrs ,
great o is
under her SUJSQP * >
Every on this
should u
stand tfoBt she can
freely to Mrs , Plst
shout her physical
ttetiois h&oause Mrs *
ham is
foeoause Mrs *
haen never violates GO-
fldenoe and beoausQ she
knows snore about the ii&s
of women than any other
person in this country *
Lydia E , Pinkhasn's
Vegetable Compound has
cured a million sick WQ *
men * Every neighbor-
hoody almost every
family contains women
relieved of pain &y this
The General Issues an Address to Hi.
Men Saying There Could be Ko Turn
ing Back The First Skirmish IB AVor.
by the British.
Gon. Bailor's successful effort to gel
his army across the Tugcla river evi
dently \\as planned with care. The Brit
ish generals seem to have concealed the
exact nature of their movements froir
their enemy , one brigade in the centei
of the position crossing with the aid ol
artillery fire at Totgieter's ford , while
another , five miles to the left , crossed a
few hours later and secured a good po
sition on the : enemy's flank.
Whether or not , says a correspondent
the Boers have been anticipating such a
movement and practically preparing ttj
yield to Buller's advance remains to be
determined. It does not appear that they
mad.e . the show of resistancewhich they
had 'been ' expected to make , or that they
were on the alert , as , presumably , they
would have been in case of a stubborn
purpose to resist to the utmost the cross
ing of the Tugela. While this advance
carries the British forces past one more
obstacle on the way to Ladysmith it also
enables the Boers to put themselves in
a position much strongt-r strategically. So
long as they held the Tugela they were
forced to stretch out their line along the
river for many miles. Their force was
thus not only weakened , but exposed to
flank attacks. It seems likely that be
fore giving up this position they had pre
pared themselves to make a much more
effective resistance under more favora
ble conditions. By concentrating at a
point nearer Ladysmith they wonld ha"c
not only the advantages of a choice of
positions in a familiar country , but of
having their enemy in a place from which
it would be extremely dillicult to make
an orderly retreat. A watchful army
free to take its choice of positions for re
sisting an invading force has a signal ad
vantage over an advancing army which ,
whatever path it chooses , is bound down
to the necessity of reaching a definite
known objective in ibis case Ladysmith.
The Boers , apparently are not likely to
be outflanked easily in this region. On
the other hand , should they succeed in
repulsing Buller , they could make his po
sition on their own side of a stream which
is unfordable save at'a few points ex
tremely awkward.
Another correspondent says that Gen.
Buller himself has made his headquar
ters in a farm house belonging to Mar-
tiuius Pretorius , and located supposedly
in the neighborhood of Spearman's farm.
He issued an address to his men telling
them that they were going to relieve their
comrades at Ladysmith and that there
could be no turning back. It is not ex
actly known the number of troops with
Buller , as about 5,000 of uis men remain
unaccounted for. However , it is believ
ed that his total force now amounts to
30,000 men , with eight field batteries ,
divided into three or four brigades.
Gen. AA'arren , with about 8,000 men , is
reported to be well lodged five miles back
from the river at Sproenkop. He has
thrown a few shells at the Boers , but
has received no reply , the Boers being ap
parently too busy intrenching and prepar
ing to give Warren a warm time when
he attempts the advance in the direction
of Ladysmith.
Gen. JDyttleton's force of probably 10-
000 men and a majority of the guns is
at Potgieter's drift bombarding the ene
my. Lord Dundonald's cavalry is sup
posed to be on a recounoissauce for the
purpose of cutting the Boer lines of com
munication , a task of great difficulty , as
it requires an advance as far as Blaan-
The first skirmish between the British
and the Boers , preliminary to the impend
ing struggle north of the Tugela , Was re
ported Friday. The action resulted in a
victory for the British.
A Supposed Dead "SVoiuan'ss Escape from
Burial Alive.
Mrs. Christina JJirth of East St. Louis
narrowly escaped burial alive. She had
been ill three months and Monday morn
ing of last week apparently expired , at
the county hospital. The doctor came
and felt her pulse and applied other tests
and pronounced her dead. The county
undertaker was called , the body was tak
en to the dead room hud laid out on a
cooling board. Cloths saturated with
bleaching fluid were placed over the face
and the body. The shroud and clothing
! U "iVllk'h > he was to be buried were pre
While busy with his preparations to
ward embalming , the undertaker was
startled by a noise proceeding from the
direction of the corpse. lie glanced
hastily , but there was no motion in the
white-sheeted figure. When he came to
remove the sheet from tne face , however ,
he noticed that one of the weights had
fallen oft"an eyelid. In replacing it ho
thought that he detected a slight quiver
in the eyelids , but , attributing it to his
imagination , went about his preparations.
Again the noise and the fallen weight.
This time the quiver in the eye was more
pronounced. There was no heart motion
or breathing that he could detect , and
he was about to inject the fluid when
again he noticed the quiver , and then , tc
be thoroughly satisfied , he applied the
most powerful test of life known to un
dertakers. There was an unmistakable
though faint indication of life in response.
Assistance was summoned , the partial
ly embalmed woman removed to a bed
and restoratives were applied by the doc
tors. She was able , afrer several hours
to speak in a whisper and move her mus
cles , but the weakness caused by her ill
ness and the terrible ordeal through
which she had passed told heavily upon
her , and she could make no statcmenf
as to her experiences while in a trance.
of Minor Note.
A hunt in Otero County , Colorado , re
sulted in tlte killing of L',500 jack rab
An electrically operated whipping de
vice has been introduced into some of
the penitentiaries in France.
The New York grape belt contains 30-
000 acres , and the average yield is 7,00i (
cars , 3,000 baskets to a car.
Statistics show a reduction , by curfew
ordinances , of SO per cent , of the crimes
committed by children under 15 years of
"Take Time By
The Forelock"
cDoni watt until sickness overtakes you.
When thai tired feeling , the first rheu
matic pain , the first warnings of impure
blood are manifest , take Hood's Sarsaparilla -
rilla and you will rescue your health and
probably save a. serious sickness.cBc sure
io get Hood's , because
Wo wish to gain thlsycar 200.CCO
new customer ? , and hence oifvr
1 PIcg. City Garden Beet , lOc
.Earrjit KmeraldCncumberiSc
lii Crosse Market Lettnc ,16c
Strawberry Melon , 15c
IS Day RadUh , lOc
Early Ripe Cabbago. lUc
KarrJinner ) Onion , lOc
Brillhtnt Flower Seeds. 15c
Worth $1.00 , for 14 ccnti. i-SLui
Above 10 PkRsTworth $1.00 , TO will
mail you free , together with our
groateatalop , telling all about
upou receipt of this notice &l < ic. ra ,
stamps. \ \ To invite yourtrade , tnd S (
> kn ° vr when yon once try Sal zer'n 3 ;
M r ° n will never do without. 6J
Prizes on Salzer's 1 UD far- ©
6arlleat'l'oniatp Ginnt on earth. C.N. ff )
Ttis tfit endorsement of the
V. S. Government and all
the Lejding Railroads.
ITEI/P WANTED [ Either Sex ] ,
flie Humanitarian Homo and Sanitarium for In
valids and Health Seekers ; incorporated. Sendee
in stamps for full Information. Address J. IT. TEITLE-
, treasurer , East Las Vegas , New Mexico.
illions of Acres
Of Choice Agricultural
Lands nov/ opened for
settlument i u Western
Canada. Here is grown
the celebrated No. 1 Hard
Wheat , which brings the
highest price in the mar
kets of the world. Thou
sands of cattle are fat-
teiied for" ftt.Yr ut being fed grain , and
without a day's shelter. Send for information and
secure u free home in Western Canada. Write to
K. Pedley , Supt. Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or
thu undursigncd , who will mail you atlases , pam
phlets , etc. , free of cost : N. Bartholomew. 300
Fifth Strer- . Des Jloines , Iowa , Agent for the Gov
ernment of Canada.
Not to Blame.
ihe elderly lady They say bis wife
has money.
"Well , that Isn't his fault. They've
only been married a short time. ' ' Life.
A Minnesota Fanner Docs "Well
in Canada.
VIrden , Man. , Nov. IS , 1SUI ) .
Hon. Clifford Siftou , Minister of the
Interior , Ottawa , Canada :
Sir Thinking that my experience in
Manitoba might be both useful and in
teresting to nay felo\v countrymen in
the United States who may be looking
to Manitoba and the Northwest "with
the intention of settling there , 1 have
much pleasure in stating that through
information received from Mr. "W. F.
McGreary , Immigration Commissioner
at Winnipeg , Iwas induced to visit
Manitoba in February , IS'JS. When 1
called upon Mr. McCreary lie spared no
pains to give me all the information ,
etc. , in 'his possession , the result of
which -was that I came here with a
letter of Introduction from him to the
secretary of the Yirden Board of Trade.
That gentleman provided me with a
competent land guide , and although
there was considerable snow on the
ground , I had no difficulty in selecting
three homesteads for myself and sons.
Having made the necessary homestead
entries at the land office in Brandon , 1
returned to my home in Lyon County ,
Minnesota , and came back here in May
following , accompanied by one of my
boys , bringing with us two teams of
horses , implements , etc. Our first
work was to erect a temporary shanty
and stable , after which we broke and
seveled 75 acres and put up 30 tons of
hay. I went back to Minnesota-about
the 20th of July , leaving my son here.
T returned in October , bringing my
family with me. I found that the land
we liad acquired was of good quality ,
being a strong clay loam with clay
subsqjj. Last spring I sowed 100 acres
in wheat , 50 acres in oats and barley
(75 ( acres of this grain was sowed on
"goback" plowed last spring ) . My crop
was threshed in October , the result
being over 2,700 bushels of grain in all.
Wheat averaged 15 bushels per acre
and graded No. 1 hard , but that which
was sown on land other than sod ( "go-
back" ) went 24 bushels per acre.
To say that I am well pleased with
the result of my first year's farming
operations in Manitoba does not ade
quately express my feelings , and 1
have no hesitation in advising those
who are living in districts where land
Is high in price to come out here , if
they are willing to do a fair amount of
work. I am ten miles from Virden ,
whic.h is a good mar-ket town , and nine
miles from Hargrave , where there are
two elevators. This summer I erected
a dwelling house of native stone and
bought a half-section of land adjoining
our homestead , for which I paid a very
moderate price. There are still some
hpmesteads in this district , and land
of fine quality fan be purchased from
the Canadian Pacific Railway Co , at
$3.50 per acre on liberal terms. Good
water Is generally found at a depth of
from 15 to 20 feet. I have 175 acres
ready for crop next year. - < %
The cost of living here is about the
same as in Southern Minnesota. Some
commodities are higher and others
lower in price , but the average is about
the same. I remain , your obedient ser
vant ,
Pine Tree TOO Years Old.
A well-known scientist furnishes
some information in regard to the ages
of trees. He assigns to the pine tree
500 to 700 years ns a maximum , 42H
years to the silver fir and 170 to the nsh.
How's This !
"We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
t-ase of Catarrh that cannot bo cured' by Hall's
catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Prop * . . Toledo , O.
"We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney
for tlie last is years , a ' believe him perfectly
honorable In all business ttansactlons and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by !
their firm.
> V EST & TKTJAX , Wholesale niRgists , Toledo. O.
WAI-DING , KnrxAS & MAUVE ? , AVholesale
Druggists , Toledo , 0.
Hall's Catarrli Cure is taken internally , actlnc
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the Astern. I'rice 7f c per bottle. Sold by "all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Influence is the exhalation of char-
"Musical Silence.
One evening Sir Arthur Sullivan went
to see Rubinstein at his house in
London. The Russian composer asked
his visitor to step out onto the balcony
and smoke a cigarette. They sat down ,
twisted their cigarettes , and puffed the
blue clouds into the air. After a long
pause Sullivan observed :
"You are a great admirer of Beetho
ven , I presume ? "
"Yes , " answered Rubinstein.
"And Wagner ? "
"Mo , " was the reply.
That was all. Not another word was
spoken. They rocked themselves in
their chairs , and smoked away. After
a long time Sullivan remarked :
"I think it is time for ine to be going. "
"Don't say so , " said Rubinstein.
"Stay a bit longer ; It is so nice to talk
to you. "
Sullivan remained , went on rocking
himself and smoking Into the small
hours , when he at length got up and
said :
"I must really be off now ; I think we
have chatted long enough. "
Rubinstein drew out his watch , and
shook his head in blank astonishment
"Half-past two , " he said. "Strange
how quickly times flies In pleasant
company ! ' ' Collier's Weekly.
J&xpert Testimony.
As has been shown in the Dreyfus case ,
expert testimony can be u two-edged
weapon , and it may prove so in a court
constituted according to Anglo-Saxon
principles of justice. The Argonaut
tells a story of C. S. Batterman , a well-
known mining engineer of the Rocky
Mountain states , who was obliged to
take the stand as an expert in a mining
case in Nevada , involving large issues.
The examination was conducted by a
young and smart attorney , who patron
ized the expert with all the authority
of half a dozen years of practice.
One of his questions related to the
form in which the ore was found , a
form generally known as "kidney
lumps. "
"Xow , Mr. Batterman , " said the at
torney , "how large are these lumpsV
You say they are oblong in shape.
Are they as long as my head ? "
"Yes , " replied the expert , "but not
nearly so thick. "
The attorney subsided.
His Idea of Vanity.
"Bobbie , what would you like for
dinner ? "
" ' "
"Puddin' .
"Yes , and what else ? "
"Why er more puddin' . " Judge.
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the best
medicine for that disease I have ever
used. L. C. Johnston , lola , Texas , June
24 , 1891.
One lor a Family.
Big crabs arc found in India. Some
pf them measure two feet in length.
VITALITY low , debilitated or exhausted cured by
Dr. Kline'8 InvicoratinR Tonic. FIUiE $1 Trial Bottle
containing 2 weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute.
331 Arch Street , Philadelphia. Founded Ufil.
All animals ruminate which have
horns and cloven feet.
Mr * . WJnslQTv's SJOOTHINO SYBUF for Children
teethinc : softens the sums , reances inflammation ,
fcllays ptiii. cures wind colic. 23 cents a bottla.
No one will maintain that it Js .bet
ter to do injustice ' .bar to bear it.
Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Catarrh *
Coughs , Colds , Grip and Catarrha ! Diseases.
Mrs. Belva Lockwood , the eminent barrister , of Washington , D. C. , Is
only woman who has ever been a candidate for the Presidency of the Unite *
States. She is the best Aown woman in America. As the pioneer of her sex
in the legal profession she has gathered fame and fortune. In a letter to The
Peruna Medicine Company , she says :
" / have used your Peruna both for myself and my mother , Airs.
Hannah J. Bennett , now in her 88th year , and I find it an invalua
ble remedy for cold , catarrh , hay fever and kindred diseases ; also
a good tonic for feeble and old people , or those run down , and with
nerves u. strung. " Yours truly , Belva A. Lockwood.
Catarrh may attack any organ of the body. Women are especially liable
to catarrh of the pelvic organs. There are one hundred cases of catarrh of the
pelvic organs to one of catarrh of the head. Most people think , because they ;
have no catarrh of the head , they have no catarrh at all. This is a great mis
take , and is the cause of many cases of sickness and death. "Health andt '
Beauty" sent free to women only , by The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O ,
Marcs in JFoiil , Yearling * antl Two-Year-
olds of All JJreeds.
Acclimated anil registered stock from S3OO
upward , also Shetland ponies. Oldest and largest
establishment in the Northwest. 100 miles north
of Chicago. Write for irtlculars and get the
best. Established 18C9.
GEORGE KLEIN , Fort Atkinson , Wis ,
Importer and Breeder.
The largest stock of EVEK-
GREENSinthelT.S. Hardy
varietien. nursery srrown.
Sprucos.Pines.ArborVitaeB ,
> 10 to 12 ins. , 84.00 per 100.
* Hardy Fruits , Ornamentals ,
'Forest Tree Seedlings , Etc.
lans. Commission IiberaL
D. DLL , Prop. NTUHS 'SN. ' Elgin , 111 ,
talzer's Rape Spcltz
fires Rich , What is It ?
treen Catalog
food , FARM telU.
Sshtr's S ih are .Warranted to Frodnce.
Hahloa Lnther. E.Ttojr.Pa. . utochbtd ih < i world
br crowiDKI50tu be ! BigKonrOatt. J , Hreldtr ,
lllihlcott , H'li. , J73 bus. birler ; and II LOTCJOJ ,
ReilWIng.lIinn trgrowlnc30basb. Salttr'icnrn
per er * . If you doubt , write them.Ve ljh tocala
300,000 new cuitomers , brace ullliznd on trial
10 pkgs of rare farm * rd * . Salt Ba h , the 3-tartd
Corn Speltipr doeini 80 both , food and 4 toot baj
per acre abore citt and Larlrj. Bromui Joermli
tba ( reateX gra on earth ; Saljtr tayt 10
Rape , Spring Wbe&l , tie. , Including oar mam
moth Plant. Fruit and Seed Catalog , tilling all
about Sailer' * GreutMIlllon Dollar
Potato , all mailed tot lOc. poilage ;
positively worth flOto getaitarl.
8e 4rolate. iI.Oabbi.aadap !
Please 33 p g earllnt Tt/teH- /
Bend this bla xdi , Jl.OO. CatclojjT.
adr. nlth alone , oOj ,
lOe. to Salzer. O.H. :
You can always smell a "dead
He has a costive-looking face.
His breath knocks you down.
He drags his feet.
Listeners to his talk turn their
heads the other way.
His breath poisons God's pure
He ought to keep clean inside ;
that means sweet breath , quick brain , swift moving feet. You can't fee ! well and act well
with your bowels clogged , sending poison all through your system. Clean them out gently
but thoroughly and keep them clean with CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Be sure you get
the genuine. CASCARETS are never sold in bulk. Look for the trade-mark , the long-tailed
"C" on the box. You will find that all bowel ills and the nasty symptoms that go with
them are quickly and permanently
permanentlyCURED BY
Get the genuine If you want results ! Tablet Is marked "CCC. " Cascarrts are . never
sold In bulk , but only and always In the light bhie metal box with the long-tailed C. " Look
for the trade-markr-the C with a long tail on the Ildl
tOc. ALL
25c. 50c , DRUGGISTS
-e *
genuine This is the To any needy mortal , who can't afford to buy , we will mail a box free.
nerersoU In bolt. Address Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or New York. 417
remedy for
Consumption. Cures
* v Th Coughs.ColdsGrippe ,
St I U O Bronchitis , Hoarse-
* * ness. Asthma , Whooping-
cough. Croup , pmall doses ; quick , sure results.
fir itiiviiff ft flaffjrvtv P-I - * - ' ' ! ' 7 * / , . -T f-rtf
i. i
Most talked of "potato on earth ! Our
Catalog tells so also about Sal-
s r's i rliest Six Weeks' Potato.
Largest form and vegetable seed
crowcrs In U.S. Potatoes. $1.20 and
upabbL Send this noticeandSc.
( tamp far Big Catalog. C.N. _
S. O. N. TJ. No. 4.-1OOO