Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 2
VTILLlAM A. ALLMAN. Postcflke address Pine Ridge , S. D. On side aad hln Horsra on right shoulder Range Wolf Creek ALBERT LAMB. Fostofflce address Allen , S. D. Cattle game as on c t ; horses ou left hip name as cattle on left ahoulder P.ange Bear Creek * &n * . WILLIAM PROVOST. Postofflce address Albany , Neb. Onrlshtslde ; hor.s- es left shoulder Rnnge He.id ol ff Water FRANK SALWAY , JR. rostofflce address Allen. S. D. As oa cut ; also SS lefthip : hair top circle FS on left side ; \ \ I also on left side Horses > left hip Range Corn Creek CHARLES RICHARD , SR. Postofflco address Porcupine , S. D. On left side ; horses satno without bar. on left shoulder. Range Porcupine District. CHARLES CUNY. address Munderson S. D On left side Also . clear around both hips Jlke a breeching har ness. norscs as cut an leftthighcounter ; HENRY JONES Postotllce address Mandersou , S. D. On left side jsp | Ilorscbsame on left shoulder Rongo Wounded Knee Creek. CHAS TVTISS. addreai M..ider5'in. S. On Iffy TSOS bit , JOHX GRAHAM Postofflce address ' Pine Ridge. S. D On left side Horses same on hij Range Puss Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. § * U Pine Kd On li'ft aide ; horaea left shoulder &a w-y river&a & & & jvi-White river if Wl esgfe teTsiy - WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. Left shoulder or sloe .Horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. no mldrens fiMffipg . . . . . . . . . " r - - - * o . r\ . "tA ttv ? r piie ! , S. D. Left - te and hip same on Creel- GEORGE WHITE FACE. PostoOJce address Allen , S. D. on left side ; also 15 w on left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek ( SHORT HORN. POST- ; ' r.ddreas } . i'vj lj-e. S. D. On ! > idtC ; horses .ye Wounded JUDGE THUNDER BEAR Postofflce address Manderson , S. D. * " ' * W rT3"iEt4 V1 15K3ui On Left sldehorses ; same on left hip Rang * Wounded i , Koo GEORGE F1P.E THUNIJES. Postofflce address Pine Ridee , 8. D. On leftside ; horses same lelt shoulder. Range Near Tine Ridge Agency. JAMES GHASS. I'ostofnce address Porcupine , S. D. On left shoulder and hip ; horses same on hip Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HORSE. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S.D. Cattle same as cut ; horses same on left hip. JOHN LEE. Postofldce address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left side Horses left thigh Range-Wolf Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postoflico address Merriman , Neb. On left side ; horses PBon left thigh Range-Lake Creek , Soutn Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postofflce address Interior , S. D. Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. JOHN FOURIER. Postofflce addrv t Manderscn , S. D. On left side ; _ also 3&PSS f Jaw M Uauge Mouth Wounded Knee and White river. JAMES TWISS. Postofflce address " ' " * * Porcupine , S. D. On left side ; horses same on left hip Ifango Porcupine Cieek THOMAS TYON. fostofflce address Pine aidre. ; S. D Any\vhere on left side Horses same CHARLES H. GIROUX. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses * aine on lei' Bhouldc-r. Ran e-Wolf Creek MANUEL ROMERO. ' Postofflce address Pine Ridge. 5 , IX On left side Horses left shoulder Range-Spring Creek gawgggia and Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. Postoffice address Allen , S. D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postofflce address Mandersbn , S. D Left side or hip Horses o" en left shoulder Range-White river and Mouth Wound ed Knee. JOHN MESTETH. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D Dn leftside Also > n 'eft side. irrnge Porcupine GEORGE HARY6Y , 'Postofflco address -fe Porcupine , 8. D. * On left Sid * Horses same on Icf * shoulder Bange-Wlilte river and Mouth of Sprlnjr Crock , \ \ ATJTOEWE HJERMAH. t/se tfft Postofflce address * & & $ &L Kyle , 8. r On left i On left side Also horses on left thich nange : R. C. STIRK Pcstoffice address Pine Ridge , S.D 115 and 53 oa loft sidoHorses Horses H5 on left ffbov ! * < - . also 5 tn loft thigh itauge-Whlte River WILLIAM VLANDRY. Postofflce address Allen , S. D. i On both sides On side and hip 3122 Range Little WMte River. 'NICHOLAS JANIS. Postofflce nddress r sF f l On left side Horses same on left hoalder Range BIj WhltS nlvcr. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Postofflce address Kyle. 8. D. Onleltsideandhlp Horses. NB left thigh. Range-Bis White River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. Postofflce address Kyle , 8. D.I On left aids or hip. Horses same on left thigh ; also J CCS left iido. Ear-mark , tip and under-bit Ranse WLIte River CHARLES JONES. Postofflco address Porcupine. S. D On left hip and Jaw Horses same oren on left-shoulder Range White River JOHN P. BISONETTE. Postofflce address Munderson , S. D. In right sMe 'lories P B on left lip rtange-Rock Spring * * JULIA DAVIDSON. -.Postofflce address Kyle. S. D On rltrht shoul- derand Lip Horses J on lefi hipRanee Ranee White . , . - - _ River and Monti S-A. , , Xk $ & & of Medicine Root . ELICK SALWAY. I'ostoClco nddress Allen. S. D. On sDoulder elde and 'ilp. Horses M 3 on left -tioulder. R.mge Con. Creek E. Q. BETTELYOUN. Postofflce address Pine Ridge. S. D. Anywhere ; horsea same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. Postofflce address , Merriman , Neo. Stock branded : is on cutalso ; A left houl- der , B left side , Cleft hip. Range Little White river , S. D. I will pay Sioo for su fflclent evidence to convict anyone of stealing cattle bear ing these brands. WILLIAM SHAWGRAN. Postofflce address Cody , Neb- On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creec South Dakota. ROBERT RANDALL. Postofflce address Allen. S. DOn - On left side EJorses same on left shoulder Range B ar Creek 1AKTDT WILLIAMS. Postofflce addrese Merriman , Neb. MfisUy on left side , some on rtelit slda Horses * ame left Shoulder BENJAMIN JANI3. Foatofflce address Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses * K. on hip. itange Medicine Root Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postofflce address Allen , S. D On left side Also on left side Ear mark- ear split and hang- r.ange-Bear Creek ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb. On lelt side aud hip. Horses same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Postofflce address Allen , S. D Left side and hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek A. W. MEANS. Postofflce addresi Pine Ridge , S. D. On both sloes Horses same minus half circle on top.ou left thigh Range-Little Wnlte river. WILLIAM TWISS. Postofflce address Manderson , S. D On left side Horses onleftthljjii Range-Big White river ELEX ADAMS. Postofflce address Manderson , S. I ) Left side or hip ou horses and cattle ; on side and O OH lelt side of cattle. Arrow reversed on all < atth sold. Range Mouth Wounded Knee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postofflce address > Mernman , IS'eb On side ; also H on jaw Horses R O on . * % thigh Itiinge-Lake Creek n.I1l Littltt Wlllte river. SETH GARY. Postofflce address Mernman , Neb On both side and hiy Uerd-mark. dew-lap IIorcssame on left shoulder Ranjre-Lnke Creek and Little Ytlnte river. JOSEPH KOCER. Fostofflce adfiress r Gordon , N * $ tf&i ! $ $ $ & Left slde und hIP SIIS Affl3 Horses-Ict shoul- * " ' A Range-Little White river Soutb Dakota. - - - - . - - - : - - wJy , E. COFFEY AND SONS. Postofflce address Gordon , Neb. On left side und E on jaw ; some J fjon risht hip and J On jaw ilorscsPEandjc on shottler. Range. JOHN T. GREEN. Postofflce address Mernman , Neb On left Bide Horses same on left lm shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young stock Ran e--Lake Creek J. J. PECK. Postofflce address Cody , Nob. On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range HeadPass Creek , South Dole. C. H. LITTLE. : address Merriman , Neb. On either side Horses same ft. Ssfigpsgi " . " "PAISO ' - - & YttrS&'vsjM & ffi t * < Cltlier SKle SffVl K ; r * , Range-Ljike Creek < South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. Postofflce 6 < Wros Merriman , Neo > n right side and ilp Worses same wlth- > ut bar , left thigh i LI UlbWhlU river GARNER RROTIIEI.8 PostofSca address Cody , Neb Anywherr on cattlet J-.or3s , on ! ei& shoul der. Ranga north of Ell G. O. FA1RHEAD. Poetofflce address Mcrrlman , Neb Cattle on left fids tf n-rt bin ; some left * y Houses" , 6 on left $ shoulder Range , between Cottonwood Lake , Leander und Bear Creek W. R. WHITE. Merrlmau , Neb . On either side ; some \ S U E on left side Range Southeast of Merriman FRANK LIVERMORE. Postofflce nddress fnrtv. Nob. On both sides or animal ; also Loiiiuporbhoulaer Range Little White River and Mouth of CeiUr Creek , S. D. j. O'ROURKB. Postofflce addrcsi Kyle , S.D. On left side and hip. Hors8. J on left shoulder nance Bis White River B. F. ROYLES. Postofflce addreau Mtrriniau , Nel > As on cut , left sid- Jlange between vm t .veriuid Resen-atlon VETAL VLANDRY. PostotUce address Coi'y , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with - underneath the brand Horses on left shoulder v. 3 Range-Little White River and Mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postofflco addrcs- . Pine Ridge , S. 1) Leftside of eattl- : left bhoiilder of horses sesHange Hange White Clsiy Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postofflce address Allen , S. On left eide and ' . 'k&s. . * Ii _ " thigh. no BSH4& Pass'k&s. 3& = ? t Ai t 2-ttt > as * Rane Head of Pass sf \t GUS CRAVEN. address - - Postofflce S ! . ' . 't.'ia < ? r * - ilanderbon , S. . . On left sid J Ho" .on . IM o t , - r under neath. R 1-ij.e-B g \ \ I 1 e a river. BAPTISTE POURIER. Postofflce address Mandersor , S. D On left side. Horses same on left shoulder ; counter- brand , horse head on right shoulder. CHARLES C. MARRIVALL. Postofflco nfl-'res ' * Albany , Neb. On right side Horses same left hip Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postofflce address Manderson. S. D. On either side Horses enme left shoulder-low I'anj-e Wounded Knee and White fiver GEO. R. BROWN. Postofflce addiess Manderson , S.D. On left side ; a.ao around hlp-bons : t side. Horses same on left . RangeLittleViIte river and Brown Lake. LEWIS SHANGRAN. ? ostofflce address r , KyJe.S.D. ) n left sbuutd.turgnd t'de t * Also tf in left side Torses , ZS o" Tef high . * > ST - 0. Postfflc address Kyle. 8. D. Oa leftside of cattle ; leftshouldcron nors. rs ; also 121 or 112 on leftside of cattle , i Jlange on BIsr White Elver. ANTOINE JANIS. Poatofflce address PlneRldRa.S. IX Left side on cattlet left thigh on horse-t- R-nge W Kuee Creek JOB RICHARD. Postofflce address Allen , S. D. On right sid * Hnrseswjtt-Tij on lelt ® jM hip Range Eagle Nest Creek. CLICK RICHARD. Postofflce cd Iresb Hjl& . Allen. S.D , On left side ol catti * lefl Range EagU N tl Creek JOHN SWALLOW. - - - " ' - " rostofflce address Allen , S. D. Left side on cattle. Horses , underlined H on left ahoulder Bange-L1UI White Blver LEWIS TZON" . Postofflce Pine Rldga. & . X > As pn ou * Range on Creek , JENNIE SEARS. PostofHce address Mandenion , S. D hi left side and jaw Range OB Whit ver J. O. ROOK. J. R. PUGH AND SONS. I'ostofflce dress Pine loBge , S. D 'attle branded as on tit Horses on left lioulder Ran e Flint Butte i Little White nlver & & & ? * DAVID COTTIEH. PostofSce address Allen , 8. On loft side , ar split Range Little niver BENJAMIN CLATMOKB. i'ostofUce address Allen , 8. D. ' 'n left side ; also C > n shoulder. B glde. > on hip. Horses. C on shout 'pr and underlined ' Lou hip. Banco .tttle White Klver LEWIS COTTIEB. AJ'on * l ° Q le" SW underlined DH left side of rirfitear split I . FISHER. f Sk 'ostoffice address Interior. 3. D. took branded aa on sfvi ft feS ut. left side and Jaw Ran ze Potato * > eek - m ' Wtf D. LESSERT. Postbfflce afldress vyis'jtwa'JS ' Merriman. N y M WtaWe.-aJw , , % 3S % . 8M r .ite.51 derllned ZZV3 Blrer' JOSEPH KNIGHT. ostofllM address Pine Ridge. S. D. On left hip | wattl i neck Horsea sane en left loulder