Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 1

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Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Jirand 011 left hide
aim thigh
Earmark , square
[ crop right car
Southern branded
L cattlu have but one
. 'half-diamond E" on
lief t side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon andSnake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Itctrrtra of $ % 5O will be paid to any
person for Information leading to the arrest and
final convii'timi of any person or persons stealIng -
Ing rattle with above brand
Postofllce address
Allen 8 D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
Joseph W. Bownet
P. O. address
Mernman , Nebr
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Parker & SenT
P O Address
' L. W. Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut.
Also ZP
Ramie on Niobrara
south of Crookston
II. A. McQuade.
Valentine. Nh
Branded on < > iicr !
Range bervivcn
fhacher and Swan
Charles C. Tackctt
Rosebud , 3.1) .
Range head of An-
Mope near St. Marys
Horses branded
on Mf thigh
Peter Ylondrav
llosebiul. S. I ) .
Leftside. Left car
Horses branded
Kange Little White
River , at mouth of
3e'dar r
Louis J. Richards
Mt > rriiuin.
Gorsiich Bros.
Newton , Nebruka
Cattle branded
as on cut
ft sideorhii
Range on Gordon j
Creek /
Louis F. Richards
Metriiiinn Neb
T Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. I ) .
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud. S. D.
Some branded ,11)
417 on left Melt'
Horses JD on lei.
hip ittuige in Meyer O
I on Antelope Crt.ek
N. S. Rowley
Kennedy. Nebr.
Same as rut on lef
side and hip , and on
lelt shoulder of hoi
ses. A
left hide V T-1 am
- it on right hip and
F4on ielt side.
C on loft hip of
Teeter ? Uros.
Horses same on
left shoulder
li.'inco between
the Gordon and the
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Ctftle branded on
left side as/on / cut ;
also iu on left side
with on loft hip of
some rattle ; also S4G
on right side Her e
brand , rake and 1C
on left shoulder or
Ilome ranch on
Pewey Lake. Range on Niobrara lliver , east efFort
Fort Niobrara : also between Snake River and
Simeon , known as the Felch range , all In Cherry
Couuty , Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some ; on the left
Horses on left
Brand is small
Karmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Perch , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Duubar
Lessee from Heine & Kroegcr
Cody. Neb
DOn Either side
Left ear ol cattle
Kan go head of Hay
Codv , Nebraska
On right side.
Wight ear split
Kange , I/ittlo
White river
Peder Thorsen.
( J'-rdon , .Nebraska
Op ritrht. sldeT ; un
r-uht hip. ' horse
brand and T on ,
ritiht shoulder
Also < : attle branded
B , M on leftTside
Itange , fowl miles
south of Invin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand SlY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river. S. D.
Stotts & Steiter.
Cody. hra > ki
Branded on Irftside
Range. Tin t'nn Lake
and IMorgan Flats
Tlutt Brothers.
Gordon. Nebraska
Range,14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. Duerfeldt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
SO on right hip
Horses and mules
Branded same as cut
on li-rt. shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska ,
One bunch branded
as on cut on left side
One bunch brauded
C ! ' on left hip
Horses J on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
C.ttK > branded
Pl > on lelt ribs or
right shoulder ; i
ribs ; con left hip
Horses FD or SD on
right shoulder
Range 7 nil north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Jospph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand F on
left shoulder
Range 10 miles
northeast of Gordon
X. D..J3urnside and A.D.Snyder
fine Ridge , S. D
IJo ne ranch on
head of Wounded
Knee Creek , in
Sheridan Co. Nebr
If this open weather continues much
longer our stockmen will have hay to
burn inthe spring.
It isn't a good idea to let bulls run
with the herd all the time , us we have
frequently pointed out , but many people
ple do it.
The report of Secretary Preuitt , of
the Montana Stock Growers' associa
tion , shows that 208,498 head of cattle
were shipped out of the state and in
spected at the various market centers
in 1899. This was the smallest num
ber since 1892. During the past yeor
about 50,1100 cattle were shipped into
the state , of which 1,844 were pure
In looking over the brands allowed
in Cherry county , we notice the ab
sence of several old timers' names ,
caused by neglect in complying with
the law by sending in their applica
tions. We are sorry for them but they
have no one bui themselves to blame if
they lose their old familiar brand The
state board will meet again in March ,
about the 20th.
Another bunch of 100 head of cattle
were sent over by the O'Xeill Ditch
Company , yesterday , that swell their
total number to 750 head. On a hnsty
estimate this makes over 2000 head of
feeders now being fed in this end of
the county besides the large number of
hogs and still there seems to be a large
surplus of feed. Another year Uoyd
countv will market double the cattle
and hogs that are now beinir fed
Lynch Journal.
In the steppes of Russia is a vast
range where large numbers of cattle
graze. This range is covered with
snow six months in the vear. It is said
that the glare of the snow makes the
cattle blind , so to circumvent this a
rich ranchman has invented a snow
glass , which is heldin'plactrby straps
over the catties' eyes. It is claimed
that 40.000 cattle ore thus spectucled.
What a spectacle this would be ! Drov
ers' Journal.
It will not be long now until the cen
sus enu iierators will be around asking
questions , and if stockmen would only
make a classi"cation of their stock in
advance , much time and trouble would
be sored. It is especially important
that the number and kinds of young
stock be properly reported so that when
the figures are published the country
may know how the stock stands. Here
tofore the government figures have
been of but little benefit by the time
they were published , and it is proposed
to rush matters through this time.
It is announced that a contract has
just been made by St. Paul and Minne
apolis shippers with the Northern Pa
cific Railway Company for the trans
portation of 9,000 horses from the
ranges on the Pacific slope to the Twin
cities. It will take over 330 cars of im
proved pattern , capable of holding
twenty-five horses each , to fill the or
der. The animals are said to have
been bought for from $7 to 7.50 per
head , but when all expenses are paid it
will take a selling price of rather more
than $35 .v head before there will be
any profit on the deal.
A number of herds of cattle in the
sand hills are affected by the itch ; in
fact , very few herds are absolutely free
from the disease. While very few ani
mals die from its effects yet there is no
denying that cattle do not thrive
whilst in this condition and in all cases
the animals present a ragged appear
ance , and in some cases their looks arc
extrmely loathsome , bemjj almost de
nuded of hair and emaciated in llesh.
Alliance Grip.
Earl Comstock , one of the managers
for the Richards & Comstoe.k outfit , was
in town this week , and in talking of
the itch said his company used a dip
which was proving very successful ,
named chloro-naphtholeum. A 10 per
cent solution , he says , never fails to
cure , and it also keeps flys away in
The State Brand Commission fin
ished its labors at Lincoln , last week ,
and recorded about 1706 different
brands on the state hook. Cherry
county easily led the slnte in the num
ber of brands and marks applfed for ami
recorded , having about JJ80 applications
in , mosttif".which- recorded.
commission experienced fewer difficul
ties in allowing the marks than was ex
pected , and their work seems to give
general satisfaction. It is probable ,
however , that a roar will go up soon
from those who neglected to apply for
marks under the new law , many of
whom will consequently be unable to
secure'the use of their old brand. Hereafter -
after brands .will be allowed according
to the date of application , instead of
the date of their old certificate.
A short time ago T. B. Swan sold to
J. M 13arto his flock of 800 head of
sheep , for a cash consideration of $1300
and the payment of a $2000 mortgage
held by the Maverick Bank. Mr. Bar-
to last week contracted the sheep to Al
Powell , a South Omaha commission
man. Before thr sheep were delivered
to Powell , Jack Perry , of the linn of
Perry Bros. , commission men of Oma
ha , appeared in Gordon and claimed to
hold a first mortgage of $1350 against
GOO of the above muttuns. lie employed
\V. W. Wood as his attorney , who re-
plevined the sheep for Perry. The cle-
fense"'claim the above sheex > are not the
ones on which Perry held a mortgage ,
many of which have died , and the re
mainder having been shipped to Perry.
The Ma1 e * ick Bank replevined the
sheep from Perry and the } ' were ship
ped to Omaha hist night , The founda
tion has been laid for a lively "wool-
pulling" at the next term of district
court. The hheritf of Cherry county
camu-tip and lev-it-d OM the llook for
back tax- , and yestunJay Treasurer
Wjisimui.'l.of ShfruJ.in county , followed
suit. the. hhenp having l > < on assessed in
both counties. By thu time sheriffs
and treasurers cull tne liock and a half
dozen , lawyers get fit ; ft-as , and the
jud e'picks the mutton from his teeth ,
ther4r'won't be anything left but the
pelts for the principals. Just who has
been lleeced"or Lad the "wool pulled
over his eyes' ' in this .sheep deal re
mains to be seen. Gordon .Journal.
We notice in the press reports of the
National Live Stock Association , held
in Fort U'orth , Texas last week that
President Springer was authorized to
appoint a committee from , the western
states and territories to frame a bill to
be presented to congress in conformity
with the appended resolution relating
to the leasing of the public lands :
"Whereas , The vast area of public
lands no v being occupied and used by
the stockmen of the west for grazing
lands , are without the management and
control of any authority with power
and facilities to' protect and regulate
the1 same and ,
' * Whereas , Siid lack of control has
led to the overstocking of many of the
ranges , thereby destroying the sod and
large tracts of public lands to the detri
ment of the national government as
well as to the stockmen , and ,
"Wl-ereas , We believe that the people
ple interested in stock raising are ca
pable of determining the most whole
home plan for the management of the
public ranges and for the correcting of
existing evils , and ,
"Whereas , The stoc'\men feel that
justice demands that they should be
consulted in all matters pertaining to
national legislation affecting the public
ranges of the west on which they have
lived-and made their homes for years ;
therefore , be it
"Resolved , That it is the sense of
this convetion that the arid and semiarid -
arid public lands in the western slates
and territories .shoiil.l be classilied. ap
praised and lea > o l Lo the . * > to"k raisers
of the we > t for glazing purposes under
fixed limitation * giving preference al
ways to the occupants of said lands. "
We presume that th ; bill so prepared
will provide for the leasing of these
lands , subject to homestead entry , in
which case stockmen will be amply
protected against all but actual settlers ,
as the provision that those now occupy
ing or using the Kind will be given first
chance to lease will protect them from
speculators and blackmailers.
Away out in Hitchcock county there
is a paper which its editor says is
"hot. " If "hot" means vulgar , the ad-1
jc'ctive is properhused. . The editor ;
sneers at Christianity and poses as the
only simon pure article of goodness in
the community. He scores immorality
and UFCS all the cuss words in his paper
that the law will allow. He blames the
churches because in Europe 3,000,000
men are taken from civil life and are
kept under arms and praises McKSn-
ley for killing Filipinos and increasing
the number of "regular" soldiers in the' '
United States. Though Mrs. Bryan'j
secured the donation of $75,000 fori
Lincoln's public library , he scores !
Bryan because he was not wealthy' '
enough to donate $20,000 for a site .forj
the building. Perhaps this is 'the only j
way to become a "hot" editor , but if !
so , we don't hanker after a reputation
as o'ne of. thot class. - - . . '
4 ? ifr
49 49 NTER
49 Ift
49 49 39 CASH ! Iftfi
49 Men's otton Flannel Underwear , - were 50c , now 25c
49 Men's Heavy , Fleeee Lined " - " 50u , ' 35e
49 Men's Winter Underwear - - - 35c , " 20c
Ladies' Winter Union Suits - 50ci < :
Misses' Winter Union Suits - - " - 35c " I *
49 Children's Winter Underwear - - . oc to 15c
49 I *
49 General Merchants
- MEAT -
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meati
Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
7 O
AtStetter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA
SHOES , s .
Alex Marrivall
Pine Kidge , S D
Cattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side , liermk
swallow fork on leit
and crop right
Horse Lrands as
below on left thigh
or hip
Wheeler Uros.
Cody Neb
Also II on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
7sre\vrniu ; Bros. & Notions.
I'odj. Nebraska
On point left alionl-
der. Also O < on
point left shoulder
Also fjTon left.
Same on left hip
J. A. Adamson.
Valcnf'ne. Neb
On left - ide or hip
A4 leftside or hip
On left side
Rangoon Niobra.ni'
Three work mr.res 1.0 pounds each. Ono
bay branded S3r on left sliou der. One bay and
une brown branded ! > < * on left hip.
11. STIXATTD. Vafetrtfiiir : Nebr :
Marquardt & Bowlua
fifeas Merrlman.Ncb
* Cattle brand OM OB
lef t shoulder. Somn
of cattle have various
older brands. O 3 on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Kaimft Formerly
< ; eo W Monnicr
& M. V. R. K. south to Leapder Creek. Mnr-
quardt .Kc Ititwlim , Sc
lfred Bordeaux and Bros
Rosebud. S D
llange betfreen
and St Francis
Hugh' Bovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left side or
Range north oC El
Charlotte E. Bovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
llange north o Eli
Taken up , at iny place about 4. miles east efFort
Fort Niobrara , May 2G. one sorrel bald-fi/vd
gelding , 5 years olu. and one bav mar1- !
2 years old , both branded ou left shoulder }
At my placo.fivo miles northeast of Arabia Cf/i ?
j brown mare , three white feet , branded T an Ittf
Shoulder.On6 bncksTda raace. ttafck
brands ! CJMI left slionldej4.- , . ,
' - - > * > slionldej4.fc v :