Live- Stock - Commission - Merchant
South Omaha and Chicago
& < * > &
WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER. Ilog Salesman
Wo furnish Market .Reports free of expense. "Write to us.
C. II. CORXJBIJL. President. 31. V. XICIOLSONCa8liier
\ \
Valentine , Nebraska.- '
A General Banking Business Transacted
Bnys ami Sells Domestic aii l Foreign Exchange
Chemical National Bank , New York. CorreKpondeiitB ; .First National IJank , Omaha Neb
i * 4 > * "fc
Is continually adding improvements and it is now the *
best equipped , and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms
Valentine , Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonabli
rates. County depository.
i 'MI ' * m mn-m awr * mtm fxi mxrTaL3 * * mnfmx ! mir Km *
Everything fresli and clean , and prices
that are right. Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies ,
Kennedv * Nebraska ,
Of the Choicest Brands
Golden Sheaf Ture White Rye ,
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creeh
Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky.
Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's
TokaAngellicaPortSherry and Black
berry in wood , claret. Riesling ,
Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bot-
, tlos. Damiana and oth
er Cordials.
Also Ageat for , Fred Kings Celebrated Ex-
- ra , Pale Beer for fimily usi , aad P bsts
Expu-'t Bfiu1
Louis Bordeaux
Kosebud , S. D.
Horses branded
Alfred Bordeaux and Bros
11 osebnd , S D
1'nnge between
and St Francis
Prideairx Sant'urd
ICcnnedy , > "eb
Stock branded on
Horses branded
4 > u left shoulder
] Sr. D. Burnside and A.D.Snyder
Tine JUdge , S. D
Home ranch on
liead of Wounded
Knee Creek , In
Sheridan Co. Ncbr
Teeter ? Hros.
Newton , Neb.
Horses same OH
left shoulder
Rancc between
the Gordon and the
i Tfl QfiRlAI
Hair cutting and shaving.
* " " *
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
n miles south of Cody , at the month of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to grind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham ,
cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension stutf , and Native Shingles : . . .
- Give us a trial order.
BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher
Edited by the Valentino W. C. T. U.
MOTTO-For God and Humanity.
President . Mrs. Abbie Crabb
Vfr-P l residents . . . - J ; MrsM" de Morgareidge .
Mra Ix House.
Recording Secretary . Mrs. Alice Harvuy
Corresponding Secretarj' . Mrs. M. Harden
Treasurer . Mrs. Helen Hornby
Regular meetings each alternate Tuesday.
The beer which is consumed through
out the world in a single year would
make a lake 6 feet deep. 3 3-4 miles
long , a mile wide , or 2,319 acres in
area. In this vast lake of beer we
could easily drown all the English
speaking people , to the number of 120.-
000,000 , throughout the entire world ;
or we could give a beer bath to every
man , woman and child at the same
time in the entire continent of Ameri
ca St. Paul Dispatch.
# * #
1. Keep good company or none.
Never be idle. If your hands can11 be
usefully employed , turn to the cultiva
tion of your mind. Always speak the
truth. Make few promises. Live up
to your engagements. Keep 30111 * own
secrets if you have an } ' .
2. When 3011 speak to a person look
dm in the face. Good company and
good conversation are the verySinu\vs
oof virtue.
3. Good character is above all things
else. Your character cannot be essen
tially injured except by your own acts.
4. If any one speaks evil of you let
3 our life so be that none will believe
tlipm. Drink no kind of intoxicating
5. Ever live ( misfortunes excepted )
within your own income.
6.Xhen you retire to bed think
what you have heen doing during the
7. Make no haste to be rich. If you
would prosper , small and steady gains
give competency with a tranquil mind
8. Never pla } ' at any game of chance
Avoid temptation through fear that
you may not withstand it.
9. Earn money before you spend it.
Never run into debt unless 3011 see a
way to get out again. Never borrow if
you can possibly avoid it.
10. Do not put off until to-morrow
that which can be. done today.
11. Do not marry until you are able
to support a wife. . x
12. Never speak evil of anyone.
13. Keep yourself innocent if you
would be happy.
14. Save when you are young to
spend when you are old.
15. Read the above maxims at least
once each week.
v-VTr rvv-vrvv > nry > r v > ryv"V > rv > r riryv
Mr. J. 13. Sones has just returned
: iome from visiting his brothers in the
central and western part of Iowa.
A large crowd attended the literary
at Center school house last Saturday '
Gene French has been on the sick list
for the past three weeks but at present
he is improving.
Everybody wants to look out for Link
Trogdon's big feet.
Mr. Leonard Smart seems to be
spending his leisure time aroqn'd L. E.
Manirs place , don't see what the attraction
traction can be.
Jerry Kelly has sold his sheep ranch
in western Cherry county and intends
to look for a location near Burwell ,
Nebr , on his way to Burt county.
A D. Gallop has just had the ma j 1
chinery of the old Gallop mill shipped *
to Pagosa Springs , Colo. , where he in
tends to build another iloor mill.
George Trice came back from Bur-
well not long ago. Don't see what the
attraction can be up here.
Mr. Eli McGregor and Mrs. Anna
Hunt spent a very jovial evening at L.
E. Mann's. AUNT BETSY.
I enite < Iy.
J. W. and D. D. McKee started for
Buffalo county , Jan. G. *
Mr. Gardner , from Gordon , bought a
buiicli of cattle from Jap Wallingford
last week.
J. R. Lee , of JJrownlee , was in Ken
nedy the 12th. j
Clarence Dunham went to Merriman .
last week. s
Jap Wallingford returned from Val
entine the 15th with -a Jo d of freight
for the Kennedy store.
The WuorlmGn installed thvir uflicers -
for the comiug year Jan. J'J. I
Dan Sears went to Woodlake Jap. 13. ' j
Horace Wallingford and wife , of -J
Chesterfield , visited Kennedy friends J
last week.
AVilliani Ericl'son has gone to Alii-
ance for a two weeks visit. x
W. H. Kennedy now drives the mail
Kennedy to Clii'eterfteldi U. & J
JANUARY 2,1900.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present T. P. Spratt and Rollin Hau-
On motion the following official
bonds were approved :
For Cherry County
L N Layportfc. Sheriff.
J S Estabrook , Surveyor. -
A N Compton. Coroner.
.1 W Daniels. County Clerk.
V ? R Towne , County Judge.
Etta Urown , County Superintendent.
Charles S Kcece , Deputy County Clerk.
For Precinct Assessors.
William Kennedy Kennedy
C F Long Steen
George K Russell Gillaspie
JFoung Barley
Kdward Ormesher Schlegel
FT Lee , . - . Loup
JMCiarkson Valentine
Cbas Hodman Georgia
O D Carey _ . Miuncclmduza
Heun 1'onith German
H FBarker Sparks
Daniel Fowler Table
i : Hunt , Eli
JKlJoberts Buifalo Lake
L Laufer Irwin
( Jeo N Davis Cleveland
I G Cooley Mother Lake
KD Valentine Wood Lake
Joseph Jackson Boiling Springs
For I'rccinct Justice.
John Fopler. Kewanee
S M Woodward Invin
I'hilip Nelson Boiline Springs
r Sullivan .HI
M HTrnssell Pleasant Hill
H K Ware DeweyLakc
Dan Harnas Gillaspie
W r Davis . . .Georgia
KB Gnnvdeu Loup
II FBarker Sparks
For Road Overseer.
Diat. No. Dist. No.
John Bormnn 2a Francis M'Dermott. . 5
A K Kuskic ft2 John Ormesher 25
K F Sxnborn It Joseph Stasch G
John Granger : ; J Frank Higgle 4
A J Short- 13 Clint Jones
Wiliiain Foster z Arthur Heath 1C
PreclnCoustable ,
F T Lee . „ „ . . Loup
William Taylor . ; . Vale tine
GeoHMieik . , . Pleasant Hill
K F Sanbourn . Merriinan
Chairman . A. Parker Arrived at
noon and on motion the "following
claims Nvere allowed and Avarrants or
dered drawn on the county general
D R Ltidw'g , coal for < 4
.J. E 'I haukruy , clerk hir 75 00 ,
James Kay. ice furcuulUv 7 50
L N l.i\iniit. fer.s Uansidc e.is < j 18
I ) \ Ca'mpbdl George 8 40
John Nolan wltne.ss.dartHidecase 9 00
Jlnnh.Moi.i- 9 00
U 00
Artlnir \\t-.ti\i \ \ \ ! ) (0
i JvJoiK/ y
MIHII * yo yy ( X )
If Hail o 00
State Journal Co. supplies
C J Bo .vmuu witness Witt ease 3 00
.1 T Kiel- 3o
John Heelnn \ o 50
Gee \v i'.eamer Keenan case 10 00
jlattic Crowe " 7 50
Winnie Crowe " 7 M
Daniel Alder " H 50
Joel Crowe " 7 50
Wllinni | E Gr.iy " Fischer case 13l 50
Calixt Garm-aux " _ -l 50
Mathias Holfinan , keeping pauper
Woodridl Hall witnessGaitside case 0 00
James' 0JJ ( 0i i (0
Arthur Heath " . < > , 00
James Spratt " ' G 00
Michal Mone G.G 00
John Noleli -.G 00
Jame iMci'owdl " " 00
C R Sherman , attending court 2 00
1) C Nelson witness B.iilev case 7 00
Fietl Nelson 7 50
Albi-rt Mutzgsr ' n 00
U F Gillaspiu. 7 00
J S Gillaspiu 7S 00
John Harneu " S L-0
Ed Blakey " 1Co 00
Folks & Sons , supplies for poor o GO
Amos Strong , jailor fees , jj'd a'ty , Nov 93. USt 75
C M Bailey / witnes * Mayileld case USa : 00
Andrew John'soii " " a 00
Woodruff Ball " G 00
State Journal Co. , supplies G4 50
Eolks & Sons , supplies for poor 5 40
Amos Strong , guard duty , jailors fees
bonrdintr prisoners , etc. , ( Jet. 90 1G5 25
W S Barker , print Inn delinquent tax list 451 01
\V It Towne , appointing eleetloii board 43G 20
fees Kislier case G
fees lleese case 8 15
M Mone judge election and returns 13 oo
J Mogle 4 oo
rrJihendrix 4
K C Cole clerk " 4 , ,00
C H Stoner " " oo
I ) Barnes , use of house ' oo
Grant Perkins , election fees and returns H oo
T W Cramer 4 oo
B F Ifobson " * ' 4 oo
HCSiiiiner " 4 oo
W II Mumford 4 oo
C W } Johnson 7' oo
M K Doty - " " 4 00
John Thompson ' " 4 00
James Lansing " " 4 00
Henry ( iuery " " 4o 00
School Dist. No. G , use of house o CO
J A W Johnson , clerk and returns It Oi )
E Schwidarsky , clerk and returns 4 00
Elliott , jiulgu ; 4 00
LM Hand , judge . 4 00
r c Galloway , judge 4 00
S M Woodward , clerk and returns 17 80
Andrew Nelson , clerk and ictufns 4 00
.Jefferson Winship , judge 4 00
Charles Huberts , judge 4G 00
Win Hitter , judge and use of house G 00
Andrew P Mauson. clerk and returns IS 5o
LWFHankius. 4 00
Ira Johnson , judge 4 00
Ed Valentine " 4 00
W L Scott 4 00
E T Small , use of house
A M J ivee judge and returns 00
Win Smith no
BlaaleyVymau * ' 00
Kobsrt Unice clerk 00
K } ) Valentine , use of house
W P -avis- I , dork find returns ' 40
Cha * Hoffman , clcvi ; 00X
JoV Colemaii. jud' tf ( X )
John H UIYH 00
W A Wilson 00
huol Di > t. No. _ ' . use of house 00
On motion ihe following amptints
were deducted from tlie above allowed
ciaims and applied upon delinquent
personal taxes :
Chas lloberts 54 CO Andrew NHson $4 00
E Schwidarsky 4 00 W H Mumford 4 00
II CSanner 4 00 Ben Ilobson 4 00
T W Cramer1 00 / E Hendrix 4 00
Fred Nelson 4 no Warren Klontz 9 80
Daniel Alder 8 50 Gee W BeamiT 10 00
Matthias Hoffman 12 50
Whereupon the board adjourned to
January 3 , 1900.
JANUARY 3 , 1000.
Board met as per adjournment.
Members all present.
' On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on the county general fund.
W Steele , Coroner jury Strickland case i oo
Gee G Schwalm oo
W Stetter oo
JAHitt 00 -
C W Massjngale " ' CO
Charles Tale " oo
4'eter Hoffman , judge and returns fl 40
Ed Satterlec 4 00
JOscph Weiser 4 00
Albert Nenrel clerk 4 00
.Stephen Krejwslii 4 00
School Dist. 17. use of house 2 00
Thomas Hudson , clerk and returns 5 10
Arthur lawyer " 4 00
Williaoi Hughes , judge 4 00
K Knskie - ' ; 4 00
Jacob BredibilU "
S.Mnn'l Uist " 1. uo of house
Lewis Archer , jmlguand returns 7 4-1
Jimn Siielbourn. juilga i on
Ernest Boudenr judga 4 00
Thomas Ashburn. clerk 4 00
John. Foster , clerk 4 00
.School Dist. 4 , ne of house J 00
AV F"Bn > wn , judge and returns 50
Win Cavenangh. judge 00.
Ilctiiry Fowler , judge 00
William Beed elerk 00
Burt 1'ike. clers. 00
School Dist. 10 , use 2 00
v Porutir
I I Henry Porath. clerk 4 co
| Henry Bnmdt. judge 4 ( W
! Peter Knlge , Judge and use of house fi oo
I J G Wilson , -judge 4 00
' C w P.e ni'it , JudRc and returns Jo W
, Jnh'i ! > nl. iucigu 4 00
i < ; > oJiii . Judge * oo
.N i lli.l" . ' -Jerk 4 00
t \ . ti tli .clerk 4 oo
> rl.f..i HIM. 20.nsoof house ' . ti eeC
C K sin niian , summoning jurors and post-
Ircl Ion notices 173
I ) A PiMn-i-y. election fees and returns 12 oo
W11iikinsoii " 4 oo
SKMcAlevy " 4V )
Floyd Ivimu " 4 00
Ed UlL-harda " 4 00
M \V A Hall Kennedy nsoof house - W )
WLCohpe Judge aud return * 1150
Harry Hilsinger " 4 CO
C F Cooper ' 4 oo
HA Daniels.clerk 400
Nell H.inn.1 " 4 00
W W Andrrson. us of house 2 oo
Clarence Cutcomb , Jucfge and returns 14 00
S.l Goodwin * . 4 ( W
J Bemisdnifter " 4 00
.1 F Young clerk . -t 00
J W Bellard " 4 oo
Kohin Poland , dray and express on elec
tion booths 4 25
On motion the following amounts
were deducted from the above allowed
claims and applied upon delinquent
personal ta < es :
J Bemisdnifter ? 4 CO WLCohee51150
OF Cooper 4 oo Harry Hilsinger ' 400
* B McAlevy 4 ( XJ J K Porath 4 oo
W F Brown 5 10 Win Cavanaigh 4 00-
Albert Pike 4 00 Win Beed 4 no
Thomas Ashburn 4 00 Earnest Bowden 4 00
On motion the following official
bonds WL-ro approved :
James E Thackrcy Connty Treasurer
Charles E She&man Deputy Sheriff
For Precinct Assessor.
ira Johnson Lavaca
Ed Satterlee I Nenzel
GF Cooper. Dewey Laku
P W Pruden M-rriman
For Constable.
Wm Birchard Nensrel
J C Cbaloud Lonp
For ICoad Overs or.
Dist. No
Gi-o H Pruden to
KS Lee 43
JADennison 8
Wra Story 53
Ira-Johnson 29
For Justice.
Jra Johnson Lavaca
Ed tialterlee Neozel
Arthur Bowrlm : Merriman
On motion the report of county su
perintendent for fourth quarter , 1899 ,
was accepted.
On motion a warrant for $151.90 on
judgment fund was ordered drawn in
favor of W. T. Meisner and warrant
No. ISO on general fund ordered can
celed. ,
On motion a warrant for $89.85 on
judgment fund was ordered drawn in'
favor of Alfred Lewis and warrant No.
107 on general fund ordered canceled.
On motion the petition of C. II. Cor
nell and others , asking for a special
election in Valentine precinct to vote
§ 1,200 bonds for building public road
on Rosebud route was granted and
clerk ordered to call special election.
On motion the following report of
fees received by the county clerk for
1899 was accepted :
Cash fees received as county clerk for 1899.
First quarter . . . . . . ? 350 50
Second quarter. . 55t 93 /
Third quarter. . . . 419 50
Fourth quarter . . 509 60 _ $ t,83l 43
As clerk of the district court.
First quarter . . . .S 29 30
Second quartor. . 220 GO
Tliirtl quarter. . . . > ? J 09
Fourth quarter. , lit 53 S 473 42
Total cash fees 82,208 85
County warrants received. . . : 5GO 64
Claims filed aud no warrants diawn 519 GO
Total § 3,379 09
Ain't entitled
to as clerk51,50000 '
Aiu'tent'ld for
deputy clerk 700 oo
AUi't entieled
for cl'k hire
dst ! court. . GO 00
Am * entitled
lor expense 71 35 § 2,301 35
Balance due county § 1,077 74
Claims canceled to balance.
Claim No. 407 ssii 85 '
Claim No. 442 2 00
Claim No. 485 59 20
Claim No. 4 < ; : ; o oo
Claim No. 4W 47 55
Claim No. 493 lee oo
Cash paid 527 14 SI.077 74
Whereupon the board adjourned to
Hie office of the county treasurer and
spent the remainder of the day making
settlement with-him.
Persons who lead"a life of exposure
are subject to rheumatism , neuralgia
and lumbago , will find a valuable rem
edy in Ballard's fnnow Liniment ; it
Avill banish pains and subdue inflam
mation. Price 25 and oOc.
Quigley & Chapman.
School report of Pistrict No. 74 :
The pupils not absent during the past
month : Jesse San born , Maggie and Iva
Cady. Those not tanh * : Vernie Spen
cer , Eddie Sones , Alice , Allen , John
and George Mann. LLKD.V MANN ,
Many an innocent little darling is
suffering untold agon } * and cannot ex
plain its troubles. Mark your child's
symptoms , you may find it troubled
wi'.h worms ; give it White's Cream
Vermifuge and restore it to quietness
and health. Price 2uc.
Quigley & Chapman.
-North-Western Line7 is the best
to and from the
Subscribe for THE
and get all the news local aiid for-
ijtf-XX ) per yotvr : . -
NOTK'K k Jicn-by- given that xve have fllcd
\vll' ' the i.'Minty comiidvilcmTM of Cherry
Cqnnlv. Nebr , al > oixl dulv ieifd and nccoin-
panled l y w | > eii lon praylnK thai we lw rarite r
n licence in sell mult , spirituous and vinous. ,
liquor- ilie village cf Cody. Ifolllu Springs
precinct , t'lierry Countv. Nebraska.
Puled tub 18th day of January , 1COO.
Notice of Limited Partnership.
is hereby clven that K.M. Kaddl.s.
realties at Viilentlne. Nebnuska , and Williani
5teailni..n.vbo resides at Kennedy. Nebraska ,
have Itirined a limited partnership pursuant to
lliepr lon. . of the statute for the purpose of
carryion the business of stock raisin * ; and th
buying 'tud eelling of live stock. The name of
the firm under which .such bnsincS * I.s conducted
is K. M. Faddls & Co. The names of all.parties
interested in .said partnership are the salt ! Ji. M.
1'addis , who Is the general p8rtner.-ind William
Stead man.vho in the special partntr. Thowild
special partner has contributed and paid Into
the common stock of said partnership the Mini
of $2.500 in ttish or goods.
Said partnership Is to commence on the.second
day of .January. IDOO , and terminate ( .on { the second -
end day of January , luto.
The principal nla.'e of busines of .said partner
ship will be in Cherry County. Ne-rtska. :
Dated this second day of January , law.
1C. M. I'AulMS.
uiflt " \V1LLTAM ST15ADMAX. J
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
W. II. Teters. real name urr npwn. The Neb
raska Mortgage and Trust Co. and EstcllaJ.
Caso. defendants , will take ( notice that on the
18th day of October. 189D. the County of Cherry ,
plaintltf herein , tiled its petition in the district
court of Chewy county. Nebraska , again.sc W.
H. Peters , real name unknown. The Nebraska
Mortgage and Trust Co. and Eslella J.Ctse , de
fendants , tlu object and prayer of which are to
foreclose thr tax liens hereinafter described :
In its first cause of action stated in said petition - .
tion , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax Hen up
on then1 ; of svv'4 jifnectliin ! & , and n'j ol seU
ol section ! ! ? In township U7 , ninge itf. west of thu
sixth principal meridian in Cherry county. Neb
raska ; that thu taxes Involved in said first
cause of action are the uxes Hint were levied
on said premises in the year 1807 ; that there Is
now due the plaintiff ii ( . > n it.s tax Urn the sum
3G r-8 , for winch , with inteicst from thu tlrst day
of October. 1899. on § 5.40 thereof , at Id per cent
um per annum , thu plaintiff prays fora decree t
that defendants bu reiuired to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due. '
In its second cause of action stated in said petition - .
tition , the plaintiiT seeks to foreclose a tax lein
upon the u5-s of swKi of section M and n'i of seV
ot section 27 in township 27. range 1M , west of
tlie sixth principal meridian in Cherrj county.
Nebraska ; that the taxes Involved In said hec- '
end cause of action are the taxes that were lev-
'cd ' in the year 1898 ; that there is now due the
plaintiff noon its tax lien thu sum of S5.23 ; for
which sum , with Hie interest from thu lirst day
of October , 18)9 ! ) , on S4.U3 thereof , at 10 per cent
um per annum , thu plaintiff .prays for a decree
that the defendants bu required to pay tin- sumo
or tb < tf said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount four d due. '
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before I-ebuiarv 10th. leTHE
Dated this 18th day of January. 1000. 52-4t
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court , within and for Cherry Coun
tv , Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate
of D. M. Underwood , deceased.
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notlUVd ihat I will sit at the
County Court 'loom in Valentine in said county ,
on the 27th day of January , 1000. to receive aud
examine ! ! claims a iinst said Kstate , with a
view to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is 11 months , from the 27th
day of February , A.D. 189Uand the time limited
for payment of debts i ? one year from said 27lh
day of January , 1900.
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court , this loth day of January. 1909.
51 County Judge- .
Order of Hearing on Original Probate
of Will.
State of Nebraska , I ,
Cherry County , f33'
In County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of John M. Car
penter , deceased.
On reading and tiling the petition of Adclia
E , Fettycrew. iirayiug that the Instrument.
Hied on the 8th day of January. 1900 , and pur
porting to be thu last will and testament of thu
said deceased , may be proved , approved , pro
bated , allowed , and recorded as thu last will
and testament of thu said John M. Carpenter ,
deceased , and that the execution of said niMru-
tuent may be committed and thu iadmintatra-
tion of said estatu may bu granted to Adelia E.
i'eltycruw and Julia 1'ettycrew as executrix.
Ordered , that January ' 7tli A D. 1WO ! , at 10
o'clock a.m. , is assigned for hearing said peti
tion , when all persons interested In said matter
may appear at a County Court to bo hcM in and
forsaiu County , and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should not bu "runted ; and that
notice of thu pendency of said fpetitioii and thu
hearing thereof , bu given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this
order in.the NKWS-DK.AIOCUAT , a weekly news
paper printed hi said county , for three successive - .
sive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
51- * * * " County Judge.
.Notice to Xoii-llesident Defendants.
Martha Monroe , widow ; Claude .Monroe.Pearl
Monroe , Dottie , Monroe , Nellie .Monroe. LeKoy
Monroe , Myrtle Monroe , minors , heirs of Levi
I , Monroe , deceased , will take notice that on
the 3rd day of January , 1900 , the Vale.minu
Building and Jxmn Association , of Valentine ,
Nebraska , tiled its petition in the. District Court
of Cherry County. Nebraska , the object aud
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage executed by Levi I > . Monroe ,
and Martha Monroe , upon l ot No. 12,1'Iock i.
McDonald's addition to thu Village of Valen
tine. Cherry county. Nebraska , in favor of thu
plauitiiT , upon which there is due plaintilf the
sum of * 2y. .90 with interest thereon from the 1st
day of January. 1900 , for which sum the nlain
till'pra-.s judgment and a decree that tne de
fendants pay the same together witu costs , in
terest , and in default thereof that said real es
tate bu sold as provided by law for the payment
of plaintiff's claim and costs.
\ou are required to answer said petition on or
before the llth day of February , 1900
Valentine Building & Loan Association
of Valentine , Nebraska , by F. M.
WALCOTT , its Attorney.
Notice of Rale.
In the matter of the sale of real estate of the
Estate of Williani ( J , Can-on , deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of thu Hon. NV. II. NVestover. one of
the judges of theDistrist Court of Cherry coun
ty , Nebraska , made on the 2Cth day of Decem
ber. 1 99 , for tne sale of real estate hereinafter
described. I will sell at the front door of the
court house in Valentine , Nebraska , on theSGtli
day of January , 19uo. at 10 o'clock a. in. , at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash , the
following described real estate , to-ivit : These
4 , see 9 , A : n2 nw 4 & sw4 uw 4 & nw 4 sw 4. sec.
15 , twp 31. r 28 , Cherry county , Nebr. Said sale
to remain open one hour.
ALKKKD LKWJS and i Executors of the will
MARY A. CAKSOX , f ot NVilliamG. Carson.
F. M. WALCOTT. Attorney . so 4t
Application for Appointment of Ad
In County Court ol Clu.-rry County. Nebraska.
lu thu matter of the Estate of Charles blrick-
fcind. deceased ,
E. J. Davenport flled in my office a petition
prayimr lor the aniiulntmetit of ( "eyrpi A Chap- ,
mail as administrator of th" esUlBnfCharle. ,
Utr.ickl.iud , deceased. AH persons interested in
saide-tate will taku notice that 1 lidverfixed
Saturday , January 13th. 1900 , at 10 o'clock a.m. ,
us the time , aud ray oflice in Valentiue.Cheiry
county , Nebraska , as the place for hearing said
jKjtition , an which time aud place all persons [ in
terested iu said estate may appear ami show
cause , if am * there be. why such adminibtrutur
should not be appointed.
Witness my hand aud the seal of said court
this 20th day ot December , 189D.
W Vf , I