Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 18, 1900, Image 3

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    , McNcill & fclbby.
The visitor passing through the plant
tot Messrs. Libby , McNeil ! & Libby , Chicago
cage , is not only deeply interested in the
cutting rooms , cooking kitchens , canning
department and the wonderful mechan
ical contrivances for accomplishing the
work speedily , but is greatly surprised
by the vastncss of their industry of packIng -
Ing and preserving dainty meats and spe
cialties for consumers all over the world.
Some idea of the enormous business of
this Grm can be obtained from the fact
that they require capacity for 300,000
cattle and 100,000 sheep per annum ,
manufacture forty millions of cans a year
or an average of 140,000 cans a day , and
require 2,000 employes to meet the de
mands o their trade. Send a postal
card for a booklet , "How to Make Good
Things to. Eat. "
1 volution or the Cranberry.
The cranberry Is a product of the
country's development , coming forward
in the last fifty years from a small ,
hard , bitter berry to a handsomely
shaped and good-sized fruit As the
quality has improved the berries have
Increased In popularity with consumers. ,
until supplies are hardly suflicleit to
satisfy normal demands. Rhode Island
was the firs't state to apply scientific
methods to cultivation , and the system
adopted there has extended to other
states , notably Massachusetts , New
Jersey and WisconsI
"A Miss is As
Good as a Mile/ '
' If you are not entirely < wcll , you are ill.
Ulness does not mean death's door. It is
a. sense of weariness , a " tired feeling" a
life filled < with nameless pains and suffer
ing. In 90 % of cases ihe btoodis to blame.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is Nature's corrective
for disorders of the blood.
-Fresh and fruity made
'from the pick of the choic
est beef deliciously sea
Put up in convenient
.packages , enough for two
Drop s. postal for booklet "Hovr to IIalee
Oood Things to E t. "
.Libby , McNeill & Libby , Chicago
We irish to gain this rear 200.0CQ '
new customers , and hence oner I
I PUg. City Garden Beet , ICe i
( cr.Earl'flt Emerald CuQuruberlSc (
LaCrosse Market Lettuce , lee ,
Strawberry Melon , 16o ,
13 Day Radish , lOo
Karly Ripe Cabbage , lOo I
Earlr Dinner Onion , 10q I
Brilliant Flower Seeds , 15o i
Worth 91.00 , for 14 cent * . $ LU i
Above in PIERS , worth § 1,00 , we will <
mail you free , together with our I
great Catalog , telling all abont i
upon receipt of this notice Al4c , <
tampa. We invite yonrtrade , and !
Iknowwhenyon once try Salzer'a ;
IH you will never do without. <
i Prizes on Salzer'a lliOO-.rar- I
cst earliest Tomato Giant on eartb. C.X. |
Millions of Acres
I Of Choice Agricultural
Lunds now opefced for
settlement i a ATestern
Cnuada. Hero is grown
' the wJebrated No. 1 Hard
Wheat , which brings the
highest price in the mar
kets of the world. Thou-
i sands of cattle are fat
tened for market without being fed grain , and
without a day's shelter. Send for information and *
leouro a iree home in Western Canada. Write to
F. L'edley.Supt. Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or
Iherundersigned , who will mail you atlases , pamphlets -
phlets , etc. , free of cost : N. Bartholomew. 306
Fifth Stree. DCS Jloiues , Iowa , Agent for the Gov-
trnment of Canada. i
Ely's Cream Balm
Druggists , CO Cta.
Apply Balm into each nostril.
ELY BROS. , 56 Warren St. , N. Y.
: e0imH SYRUP
Cures n Couuh or Cold at once ,
Conquers Croup without fall.
Is the best for Bronchitis , GripjJe , ]
I Hoarseness. "Whooping-Cough , and
for the cure of Consumption.
Mothers praiseit. Doctors prescribe it. j
Small doses ; quick , sure results.
L reettSeed POTATO Grower * In America.
Price * 0I.2O & up. EnormoniitockBof tirtmi.
Clover and Fiirm Seed * . Scad thlt notice and
1 Oc Tor cateloff nnd
Mares in Foal , Yearlings and 2-Year-Olds
Acclimated and registered stock at S3OO to
SGOO. Oldest and largest establishment m the
Northwest. 100 miles north of Chicago. Write for
particulars and get the best. Established 1SGO
GEORGE KLEIN. Fort Atkinson , Wis ,
Importer and Breeder.
Scientifically made
Therefore THE BZST.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJsc
in time. Sold by drozRlsta.
ftfystcrious" Disappearance Near
Kearney T\vo Months Ago Turn *
Out to Be a Murder Young Man
Slays Hie Father.
Another tragedy was unearthed Sunday ,
the 7th inst. when the headless body of C.
SI. Nelson , a Swedish farmer who lived
eight miles northwest of Kearney , was
found in a ravine two hundred yards
southeast of his barn under a pile of straw
and dirt. Besides the head one arm was
also missing. Mention was made about
two months ago of the disappearance , but
it was supposed that he had left his home
to return to Sweden. Things have since
transpired which led Sheriff Funk to the
belief that the man had met with foul
play. A search was made on the -date
mentioned above and the body found.
Nelson had three children and when told
of the discovery the youngest one told
the officers that his brother Theo
dore , aged 21 years , had done
the killing. Theodore acknowledged
that he committed the crime. He said that
he had hit his father on the head with a
pitchfork , one blow killing him. He then
tied a rope around Ins feet , hitched a horse
to the body and pulled it over to tfie place
where it was found. Because of the long
cut in the rear of the hat and also that the
skull is cut in two in the middle from front
to rear , and also because the boy says his
father was bending over the horse-tank ,
the belief is general that the crime was
committed with an ax and that the boy
also cut off the head and arm.
Nelson was nearly 60 years old and was
living with his second wife , who is barely
20. lie parted with his first wife a few
years ago * they dividing all property , both
real and personal. It is said that Nelson
was very brutal in his treatment of his sons
and the night he disappeared a neighbor
saw him knock down Ins youngest son with
a club and then start for the older one. It
Is probably this trouble which caused Nel
son's death. The son who did the killing
is under arrest , as is also a man by the
name of Grant , an uncle of the murdered
man's wife , who , it is thought , knows more
about the killing than he is willing to tell.
Mrs. Nelson is also under arrest.
Murder and Suicide on a Farm
Near Buttc.
A double tragedy was venacted at the
home of Milton Nelson , seven miles from
Butte , last week , and as a result Nelsou
and his near neighbor and intimate friend ,
County Commissioner M. II. Jacoby , arc
dead , both being victims of bullets fired
from a revolver in the hands of'the latter.
Jacoby was insane when he committed the
Jouble crime. From little Sammy Nelson ,
a 12-year-old son of one of the dead meu ,
is gleaned the following account of the
tragedy :
Mr. Jacoby had hitched up his horse for
the purpose of coming to Butte to attend to
liis official duties and stopped at Nelson's ,
tied his horse and went to the cattle shed ,
where Mr. Nelson and son Sam were milk
ing , lie passed the time of the day and
isked Nelson to come to Butte with him ,
which he agreed to do as soon as he got
iis chores done. After further talk they
went behind the shed to look at some cat-
: le. Returning to the front of the shed
Jacoby pulled a 3S-caliber revolver from
his pocket. The boy noticed the gun and
sailed out "Papa. " ' Nelson turned his
head and asked the boy what he wanted.
That instant Jacoby levelled the weapon
and sent a ball crashing through the brain
of his victim.
Nelson fell without a word and his
slayer turned and ran fifty yards , placed
the gun to his head and fired. The bullet
entered behind and above the right ear and
came out on the other side of the head.
As in the first instance the aim was deadly
and Jacoby fell in his tracks , while a large
pool of blood and brains marked the spot
where he lay. In the meantime little Sam
bad given the alarm and Mrs. Nelson
rushed to the assistance of her husband ,
but only in time to lift his head and wit
ness him expire without a word.
The coroner's jury returned the follow
ing verdict :
"We , the jurors , find from the evidence
that Milton Nelson came to his death at
the hands of one M. If. Jacoby by a pistol
shot fired by the said Jacoby. The jury
believe said Jacoby to have been insane. "
The same jury rendered the following
verdict on Jacoby's death : "We , the jury ,
find from the evidence that M. II. Jacoby
came to his death by his own hand from a
pistol shot through the head. "
Startling Developments in Investi
gation of Omaha School Board
As the result of an investigation of the
Omaha Board of Education members A.
M. Cowie , George II. Hess and Frank A.
Sears were arrested. Bribery is the charge
on which arrests were made.
The immediate cause of the arrests was
in the accusation of Contractor Chiniquay
of Chicago that he purchased the influence
of several board members in his attempt
to secure the order for Venetian blinds.
The amount said to have' been prof
fered and accepted were comparatively
small , ranging from $25 in the ease of
Member Sears to $ iO in that of George II.
Commercial Club Tor Hastings.
Nearly 100 representative business men
met in Hastings a day or two ago for the
purpose of organizing a commercial club ,
and also discuss sugar beet growing.
Many farmers and others who raise sugar
beets , were present , and it was learned that
sugar beet raising in Adams County is
profitable and decided that a beet sugar
growers' association be made an auxiliary
to the commercial club. ,
Wants $10OOO for a
Broder Hanson has sued the Fremont
Brewing Company for $10,000. He says a
large tank in the brewery fell over and in
jured his leg. He says he paid out 5350 for
nursing and medical attendance.
One Harvard Bank Buys Another
The Union State Bank at Harvard has
bought-out the First National Bank of the
same city. The management of the First
National is now engaged in closing up
such business as has not been transferred.
This leaves Harvard , a town of 1,200 people
ple , with one bank.
Hastings Man Among Manila Dead
Arthur J. Edgerton , whose name ap
peared recently in the list of dead at
.Manila , was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
II. Edgerton of Hastings. His death Was
caused by dysentary.
. -
* *
Old Settlers Relate Stories of the
Times of Ltong Ago.
The annual meeting of the State His
torical Society for 1900 was held at the
state university in Lincoln. The program
the first evening consisted oL the annual
address of President J. Sterling Morton , a
review of the [ Republican convention of
1870 and a character sketch of Gov. Butler
by b. J. Abbott of South Omaha , an ac-
ountof the first settlement in Nebraska ,
the experiences of pioneers in Boone
County and sketches of the lives of Sen
ator Tipton and Champion S. Chase by
Robert W. Furnas of Brownville and
Clement C. Chase of Omaha. The second
evening was devoted to the overland
freighting period.
An interesting paper by David Anderson
of South Omaha at the first session dwelt
with the trials , vicissitudes and personal
experiences of one of the first settlements
in Nebraska , which started for Denver ,
but settled in the Flatie Valley. The pro
gram closed with the reading of several
selections from the "Pioneers of the West , "
written by John Turner of Indianola , who
located in Boone County in 1S7J. The sub
jects treated were : "The Fight for the
County Seat of Boone County , " "Nebraska
" "The Blizzard
Marble-Sod Houses , Big
of 18753 , " "Mad Milan and His Assess
ment , " and the personal experiences of
the writer with the driver of a mail wagon
in the early 0s , who refused to allow him
to ride with him on one of his overland
trips without some compensation.
The program of the Historical Society
the last session consisted of reminiscenses
of the old overland freighting period. Pa
pers were read by Eugene Munn of Uni
versity Place , William Fulton of Kansas
City , Pv. M. PiOlfe of Nebraska City ami
Thomas J. Majors of Peru.
All officers of the society were re-elected
with the exception of Second Vice Presi
dent Lambertsou of Lincoln , C. S. Lobin-
gier of Omaha being selected in his place.
The society appointed a special committee
to act with a similar committee from the
Pioneers in making arrangements for a
joint banquet to be held in January , 1901.
Another important action was the instruc
tion of the executive committee to use its
best means with the next legislature with
a view to securing an appropriation for a
building for the society.
Attorney General Brings Action for
Alleged Kate Violation.
Attorney General Smyth has filed suit
in the Douglas County district court
against the Union Pacific I tail road , where
in it is charged that the defendant com
pany has violated the regulations made by
the state board of transportation relative
to freight tariff on livestock shipments.
The suit , it is said , is be only the forerun
ner to other suits of similar character , in
which nearly every road entering Omaha
will be involved.
Joke Is on Hedge Xow.
Oliver Hedge , living north of Kcd Cloud ,
drove to Town to attend a lodge meeting
and hitched his horses to a post in the
street. It was not more than ten minutes
before two men were seen to unhitch the
team and drive away. Hedge was at once
notified , but thinking some oC his friends
were playing a practical joke. lie paid no
attention to the warning. Nothing has
been heard of the team yet.
For Selling .Liquor to a Boy.
Charles M. Animidown of Eustis pleaded
guilty at Stockville to the charge of selling
intoxicating liquors to a minor and was
fined $65 by the county judge. Animi
down informed the court that he would
see that no more liquor was sold to boys at
his place of business.
Nebraska Short Xotes. .
Gordon expects to have a fine new hotel
the coining summer.
A crusade has been started at North Bend
to have all business houses remain closed
on Sunday.
William Atchison , a H-year-ohl boy
near Elmwood , was seriously injured by a
cow knocking a heavy farm gate over on
The Fremont. Elk horn and Missouri
Valley Railroad Company paid its Holt
County taxes Tuesday , amounting to $10-
A couple of Mormon elders are wonting
at Tecumseh , securing converts and the
people of the town are considerably stirred
up over it.
North Platte's building record in 1899 was
the greatest for nearly ten years , but indi
cations are Iliac last year's record will be
beaten in 1900.
The big beet sugar factory of the Stand
ard Company was started up at Ames the
other day and will be in operation for three
months at least.
The body of Marcus Dingle , formerly a
resident of Holdtege , was found floating
in the river at Portland. The cause of
death is unknown.
11. B. Thompson an attorney of Emer
son , has been arrested on the charge of
assaulting Rev. Axer , the Presbyterian
minister of that place.
The fourth-class postmasters of Lincoln
County have formed an organization in
line with similar soc-ietios formed else
where , whose object is to .secure increased
The Good Luck grocery was closed at
Central City last wee-k by the Dolan Fruit
Company si ml the Nebraska Mercantile
Company of Grand Island on claims
amounting to $600.
I There is a strong probability that the
I Newcastle creamery will be reopened for
business early in February.
Wolves have this winter become so nu
merous about John.son that fanners have
lost a good many pigs and chickens.
The telephone lines recently put in at
Brady connecting a branch store with an
establishment at Gothenburg and the lum
ber yard in Brady Hh Gothenburg yards
are now in operation.
Dr. W. P. Wilcox was accidentally shot
while cleaning a twcnty-two-caliber tar
get rifie at Nebraska City. The bullet
passed entirely through the left lung , nar
rowly missing the heart.
The mcrchandiso stores of N. C. Paterson -
son and Abood Bros , were totally con
sumed by tire at St. Edward. About t\vo-
; thirds of the goods were saved.
Norfolk business men are talking of shirt
ing si mutual fire insurance company.
The Colfax County poor farm , which has
been in the care of 11. II. Woods ( luring
three years past , is this year in charge of
Eugene Wahl. who pays $2 per acre for the
land and receives $2.75 per week for board
ing the county poor.
Ni ht Watchman Grumbling of Wis-
ncr thought he saw some one in Hawes'
drug store one night. When he went to in
vestigate the parly inside took n shot at
him and then ran. The watchman took a
shot at the fleeing man but failed to
Motl r Damascus.
Compared wfth Jerusalem , Damascus
Is Parisian. The Jerusalem air presses
heavily with its tneiaueholy past. Half
a score of sects make it a rendezvous
for pillage or for mummery , and Its
memorials of imperishable events have
to be looked at through the dust of per
ished dynasties. It Is mystic , solemn ,
arcane. Damascus is practical , posi
tive and even merry. The wail of Israel
sounds along the arid vallej-s of Zlon ,
but Damascus sings a voluptuous carol
by means of Its ice-cool , fabled river.
The tinkle of its bells mingles forever
with the gurgle of its waters , and
above all you hear ihe silvery laughter
of the Syrian girls and catch the
dancing humor of their dark eyes
through their little veils. Jerusalem
has its austere character to sustain. Its
temples are tombs. Its weight of poig
nant history keeps it grave. But in
Damascus you are under no obligations
to the past that the present cannot
make you forget. Its innumerable shut
tles and armories call you back to the
bustling exigencies of life. The coffee
bazars defy melancholy. So this
stranded city on the shores of time
the gold on whose mosques never cor
rodes basks in the sun and eats figs
merrily , just as it did when Saul of
Tarsus journeyed that way. Harper's
Odd Book Marks.
The finding of a long-lost will be
tween the pages of a ueglected Bible
was a favorite incident in old-fash
ioned novels. Nor are books yet anti
quated as repositories.
At a Chicago library bookmarks
found in returned volumes included an
insurance policy , letters containing
business secrets , signed love letters ,
grocers' bills , photographs , postal or
ders , matches , spectacles- and false
. Separate markers are a distinct ad
vance over thumb prints or turned-
down leaves ; but like old stockings and
stovepipes , books arc not to be recom
mended as safety deposit vaults.
Reivard Tor Honesty.
When you ask for CASGAIiETS , Can
dy Cathartic , and the man offers you tab
lets in bulk or "something just as good , " j
he is trying to swindle you. We are looking - j
ing for dishonest dealers like that , for
they not only steal our reputation and
business , but endanger your health with
cheap , unreliable and fraudulent substi
tutes in order to make a few more cents
at your expense. Write us and furnish
us with the evidence to convict such
frauds and receive a liberal reward , at
once. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago
cage or New York.
"Pa. why aio they called practicing
physicians ? "
"I guess it's because so many of them
merely practice upon their patients uu-
til the latter either succumb or get -well
in spite of the practice. " Chicago
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they , cannot
reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh is a bleeder
or constitutional disease , and in order to euro It
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrli
Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not : i quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this country for
years , and is a regular prescription. It is coin-
posed of the best tonics known , combined with
the best blood purifiers , acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for
testimonials , free.
K. J. CIIHXEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists , price 75c.
The spectacle or a motner-m-iaw rul
ing a home is beyond question an Im
posing scene
An Appeal to Humanity Generally.
We need your assistance in announc
ing to the world the greatest remedy
that Science has ever produced , and you
need our assistance to secure relief for ,
yourself and friends through Swanson's '
" 5-DROPS. "
As surely a the American Navy has '
conquered and will conquer all that opposes - j
poses it , so will " 5-DKOPS" unfailingly j
conquer all diseases like Rheumatism , |
Sciatica , Neuralgia , Kidney Troubles , >
Lumbago , Catarrh of all kinds , Asthma ,
Dyspepsia , Backache , Sleeplessness , ,
Nervousness , Heart-Weakness , Tooth
ache , Earache , Creeping Numbness , j
Bronchitis , etc. , etc. , or any disease for |
which we recommend it. " 5-DROPS" is
the name and the dose. Trial bottles
25c. Large bottles , containing 300 doses ,
$1.00 prepaid by mail or express. Six
bottles for $5.00. i
Why suffer pain and agony when for j
such a small amount you can obtain the i
relief for which you have been so long
waiting ? Don't wait ! Write now , and
the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. , 164
Lake St. , Chicago , 111. , will immediately
give your order attention. !
A JJarnyard Sage.
"No , " said the feathered philosopher
of the barnyard ; "there isn't a turkey
that can be said to be truly happy until
after Christmas. " Philadelphia North
What Is Spelcz ?
Salzer's catalog tells all about this j
wonder , also Million Dollar Potato. If i
you farm you need it. Largest Vegeta
ble Seed Growers in America. Send this
notice and lOc in stamps for 10 Rare
Farm Samples and Catalog to John A.
Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
Size of Sahara.
The Sahara Desert is three times as
Jarge as the Mediterranean.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Taxes en Bicycles in Prance.
France receives § 070,000 a year from
taxes on bicycles. j
Piso's Cure for Consumption cured a
case of Pneumonia after the family doctor -
tor gave up all hope. M ! . F. McDowes ,
Couowingo , Md.
Street Repnirinir in Berlin.
In Berlin all street repairing is done
at night.
Mrs. IVInslow's SJOOTHINO SYBOP lor Children
teething : sottens the fciimK , reduces inflammation.
allays iiaiu. cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
The men of Chicago spend $3.000.000
a year for shaves.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
My Hair
"I nave used your Hair
Vigor for ve years and im
greatly pleased with it. It cer
tainly restores the origins ! color
to gray hair. It keeps fny hair
soft and smooth , it quickly
cured me of some kind of humor
of the scalp.My mother used
your Hair Vigor for some
twenty years and liked it very
much. ' Mrs. Helen Kilkenny
New Portland , Me. . Jan. 4 , ' 99.
Twenty Years
\Vc do not know of any other
hair preparation that has been
used in one family for twenty
years , do you ?
But Aycr's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to gray hair
for fty years , and it neve-
fails to do this work , cither.
You can rely upon it for
stopping your hair from falling
out , for keeping your scalp
clean and healthy , and for mak
ing the hair grow rich and long.
SI.OQ a bottle. All drncjlsts.
BUfegaUW.MMI ! > 1 ! ! li
Write the Doctor
If you do not obtain all the benefits you
desire from tlio use of the Vigor , write
the Doctor about it. Address ,
Dr. J. C. AYEE , Lowell , Mass.
UAMAfiCD 'n ' every county In the United
nlHllHUr.n States to handle the best paying
business known. New , legitimate and reliable ,
lerms free. Address. i'HOKNlX CO. , Dent.
D , 114 West 34th St. . Now York City.
Get Your Pension
Write Cast. 07ASBELL. Fescs A eat.WuHngtC2. D.O.
S. C. N. U. No. 3-1000
If afflicted with i
tKr * vm UK mm am aar mt urn mm MB mm i
| It's positively the greatest eireal and straw fkod a earth. EtlMr tmyt to.
TI Ms 80 has. richer grain than corn and i tons straw hay , better than timothy.
TOP * lliff Four Oat Sworn yl ld 250 bis. and jou. llr. Farmer ,
mf can beat thatl It's ths best eaU on earth. Salxer saji sol
6-Eared EarlieKt Corn will revolutionist corn growing. Salxer sayi so * .
Itromun Inermts Greattst gross on earth. 4 to tons
hay per acre. Will flourish CTerywbere. Salzer sari so.
IZape Cheapest food on earth for sheep , bgs and cattle. Will &UU
I shrep at H < = - a lb. Costs bit 25e. ten to grow. Salier saji so I
Veectablen Largest growers. Onion seed onlr bOo. Ib.
\35 Pkgs. Earliest Vegetables , postpaid , SI.OO.
Greatest potato vender on earth ; enormously prollQc ; U
Hunlichtthe earliest potato oa earth. Elpo in 8C days.
For lOe. Stamp * and thl Notice we lend .
10 pkgs. Grain , Grass and Ferzge Farm Seeds worth 91O to
get a start , and grsat seed Catalog , telling yon all about nboro
JZare Seeds also orer SO kinds clorrri and grasses. TeMiate ,
Bporry , lilllet , Velvet and Cow L * ans , tools , et * . C.y.
are packed away in your insides and most be kept clean ,
in order and doingbusiness. .
Ifs a long way , with many tarns and pitfalls to catch
the refuse and clog the channel if not most carefully
cleaned out every day.
When this longf canal is blockaded , look out for
trouble furred tongue , bad breath , belching of gases ,
yellow spots , pimples and boils , headaches , spitting up of
food after eating an all-around disgusting nuisance.
Violent pill poisons or griping salts are danger
ous to use for cleaning out the bovjels. They
force out the obstruction by causing violent * * 1
spasms of the bowels , but they leave the intestines - *
testines vjeak and even less able to keep up
regular movements than before , and make a
larger dose necessary next time.
Then you have the pill habit , which kills more people
than the morphine and whiskey habits combined.
The only safe , gentle but certain bowel cleansers are
sweet , fragrant CASCARETS , because they don't force
out the foecal matter with violence , but act as a tonic on
14 the whole 30 feet of bowel wall , strengthen the muscles
and restore healthy , natural action. Buy and try theml
, . .
THE AWMBXTAKT CA3TAI 1. Lower end of
esophagus ( inent-pipe ) which conveys the food from the throat ( Look out for imitations and substitutes or you can't get
to the stomach ; 2. Cardiac end . . of . . stomach . . : S-Pyloric end of
- - 5 . , 6 , 6. Small intet- results. Cascarets are never sold in bulk. Look for the
_ _ . . . . , i : Ascending- 13. SIpmold colon flex : trade-mark , the long-tailed "C" on the box. ) You will
ure ; 13. Rectum : 11. Anus. The duodenum is continuous irlth
the Email intestine * . The small inteitine . empties Into the find that in an entirely natural way your bowels will be
Urge intestine or colon at the ctecum. The arrows indicate
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