Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 11, 1900, Image 8
W. D. MC&AA. Creston , 8. D. talt or either sldo "of cattle ; also V left side of neck. Swal low fork right ear , tfndcrblt lelt ; right car nubbed off : un- dcrbitlef car Home en left Jaw and some wattle left Jaw r Other brands left any part of animal , [ left sldo or any part of animal , Some branded the following , lelt Also some cattle bearing the follow- ins brands : A left _ tif > < > lr. , X left side or shouidcr ; W leit hip or left uorse brands lows lull ( fit itu Iclt nip or thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded , Range at Barney bprlugs and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTE. MANAGER. PostofncR address Pine Rldne , S. D. Cattle branded as on cut , HOB on left side ; some B J eithcrsldc ; Some on left side ; some older stock , .anywhere on animal , iiorses E is on lelt hip tSomo . . anvwhere on miles north- egj riizht "side oastof Pine Eidge , in Shannon Co GHOST BEAU , MANAGER Postofflce address Pine RI4irfi. S. D. Oattlo branded B C on irtt hip of cattle aa on cut : some branded .on kftsidealsof ) a : on left side ; horses aaniiMinleft shoulder P-antre Wounded Knt-e and Wakpam- M ! Lake.ShannouCo. L. G. Peyton. ] > avaca , Nebraska. On left side. i , itange Pole Creek. SHOUT HORX BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. < e Qallop , Nebraska -On leftside Rauge-lO miles eouih of Merriman P. W. Pruden. Merriman , Neb. Some l > r.inded same as cut on both iiii. | > . Kinge Northe.ist of Iilorrimau Geo. L. Coleman. f.y * , Nebraska On leu side ; horses O eft shoulder Ansre Ten miles eK BJG&SSgSe to ! Snake River Falh Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Lake aud South Geo. W. Monnier. MerrlT.an , N'eb. J > fi shoulder find left r tch \ ; som e E sg on lef' hphoff@ ! ; pes left a ; go East and ' Merriman Grant Bixler. - rr = i V-s Merriman , Neb. Some on left side : some on loit hip ; horses same let1 thigh. Range Six miles Northec4tof MerrI , X man. H. E. Sears. Body. Nebraska ti } ' ! . righthlp borh hips x - -Madlcine S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake G. Even son. 0odv , v."f > r On liit side and Kiich.orse same to left - : < > ) Run-1 Botweea sstafce .vii-j Xiobr&r . MARTIN RED BEAB. PoBtoffloe address Pine Ridge , 8.D. On left side ; horses same left thigh. Range Wolf Creok. THOMPSON Postofflcs Addres : Stock : branded earns ca out be- hinaleltBhouldei Range on the Bchlagla T7 CAR'SOH foBtofflcn Addresr Simoon Neb Stock branded An left hip same as cut Range , head- tvarters of tUo rchlngle 8EAB8Postoffioa Postoffioa address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a : oncutleftsldescme ; on left hip Horses same on left ahoul- dor Range , Square Lakfe MORGAREIDGE and 80N Postofflce address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; orlJorV D on left hip with hole Inrghtearwhen uu- der2-yrs old ; horses " same as cut and" IJ Kange-Gordon Creek and Nlobrara Ittver ALBERT WHIPPLB Postofflce address Rosebud , 8.D. Branded on leftside , some SOS ' Horses on either shoul der Some are . .branded- either shoal , or thug FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on left sldo ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoffice address Allen. S. D Left sidealso ; on lelt side norse 10 on left hip. Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb.1 Onleftsideear-mark ; under slope Ilorses J S on lett shoulder Range ten milns northeast of Merri man. 3. H. KIMMEL. . S. D. Also BU < n left side Ca tie un U rcut on both ears ; horses branded 4 en left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. leftJ side AlS rw'riya on lelt side ? $ & also same refJrradS $ ffl & l verted on left thigh J8&EMft v-'i > r > ji ws.asr "frHiafff ? : Horses . shoulder Range-Between Fair . head Lake and Snake" river Clarence Cutcomb , Cody. Nebraska. Left side on large cattle. On email stock left side ; horses A\ left shoulder Range-Southeast o' Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dcw lap. Range Ranges 88 and 3" , between Nlo brara and the Snake. James Goodfellotf and Son. Cody. Nebraska. On left aids ; cor. ses JG right side and mostly on Jaw. Range Between fhe 'VioV'rira ' and Medicine Lake. W , H. Garter. rostofflce adddrws Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHORT HORK Stock. Range Between * Nfobrarft and the Snaka. B B and A B Postofflca address Kenfiedy Neb Ca'ttToUranded u on.cut-iiorB 8 same oh kfVanouMer on Square Q W ffilMB fostofflce address Kenuedy Ke C at tlof branded as on cut or oti hip ; horses same. Sox e 1 "ffli on p lone-Tcee Tall TLOYD KESB PotrtoCBce address Rcniiexiy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or sfdo or betfc i. Gtttdon 2ST 8 BOW3LBY Postpffloe nddlrew J < gstA , . ' * ' j - - Cattiobrjr ! rt side auffJ- " 93 on Itatj . between aod tna Springs WT35 & rostofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horsen same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range. Steer Creeic , between the Niobrara and Snake D L ITcLANE Postoffloe Address Rosebud , 8 D Cattle cropped as cut on elt&ef slfle ; also F L R antt P R Horses branded vp SJ9 on1 Idft sh'ouiaer S and 'throe Hangs' mouth of Cottonwood , RED SHIRT , . PostofHco Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side sama as cut. Horces brand ed on left shoulder with a K. Ranch In Little Whlta uistriuc Tostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded 'meascut. Horses , P on left Moulder Range.Moutb ol ordman CLEMENT WHIRLIND fiOLDIE ? PosfofSce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded sama on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE J3stoffloe address KonnedrNeb CatUe branded on ft side and hip noreesf same on left oulder 'Boras i ! on /oup J Z > Postofflce ttddroaa Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on IcJt side with both efcjf croptlodsquiice Sttrgs ssme an cat- tkjbutonleftahofjl. le > K whir's cat tle , aUq , U Bi sGordo& Crcot G "W LADELY ' .istofflco address Newton Neb Cattle branded ime as cut or on hip Horses L en ls t ank Range , between ' ordon creek and , : o Loup X > B ST02TSB Postpfljeo tddreaa Cattle branded ta 09 cut Aftjb XJ on afdo , Postofflce Adflress Cattle Postofflce Addrwi . Sim eon Neb Cattle , branded on right sides , horse * BamooQleftshoui. der. Range , SUBJ- mer. on ttnalfg riv er , 4 mllej from month } winter. < miles south of Sim GS C TT BENNETT Postofflee Addrosa Slmeoa Neb . Stock branded v Uh 7 on left Tilp abe same as cut Range , between Gordon a'nd Srfake creeks and on tS'e Nlobrara river J W ITUBIiEIGH Postoffloe Address Blmton , Neb. dattie and horses branded same aa cut on left side Range between ; > Gordon and Snake crebba and en the Nlobcira river JO'XK B LORD PostofQoa Addras Nlobrara EUBSH QUIDS BEAU. Foatofflca Address Rosebud 8 I Cattle oranded sara as out ot on hip Eanch OB Blacl Pips Greek TODD SMITH. PostofUce Address RoiebudiSD Cattle branded snmQ as oat a Dhv- moh'dT Horses branded . m White TSuifld F Ozfeck BOBBRT Pootoffice address Newton Neb Btock brando- ' same as ent Range on Gordo Oree GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattfe branded on left aldesameras cat Horses branded G D on left H % Ranch on Lone and Antelope or6ck east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS 5 rKw3Lf. G > ' ? ; Postofflce Address Kosebnd- E 8tock branded left r * * m m shoulder three Indies long ; side four Inchef Brand record Ranch on Creek Postofflce Address Rosebud. S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip samp as cut Horses branded same on left s&ml- dor BEN TT7RGEON PostofHce Address Bonesteel , S D Cattle branded on leftside simoas cut andrlffht ear crop pfed.Horses Horses branded Ton fcf fc shoulder m Al6t > with clra W3I. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflca Address Rosebud , S , D , ' 1'niadod game as on tut or with under the S ; rlgnt ear Blip ind dulaped. Horses branded rame en left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. Postofflco Address Rosebud , S I Horses are branded oiiieft thlgn ; cattl oa left side with hs' Gnstave Gnnderson Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses I on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and the Nlobrara Horses oa tea shoulder * e Creek a&i JTtftth Loup BELDINO address G Brownl Neb * On right side or hip On lelt sWo or hip ; or .L on left hip. Range , Calf Creek and E T SMITH PostotSco address Brownlee Nfcb Cattle and horses on lelt slftejjAso hor- so3 on Tight We Raaye.Qooaa Greek E. R. VANDEGRIFE. Postoffice address Browalee. Neb. Same as en cat Eango between Geese Creek and North Loup J. M. HATTOA. Postofflce address - < g .w . 'fr" X ! ! ' ! - * * - mt- S nectv , Neb. j Branded as Couaty E. E , ORB. ORB.Postofflce Postofflce addresi Newton , Neb. Cattie branded anywhere - where oa'lef t ertdej horses onleftshoul- between nortt prong and North Lonp and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loop B. M. FADDIS. Postofflco nddrees Pas * Neb Range , North Loup Blver I. L. MERCURE. TostofQco address Gencca , Neb On right side , or J on either hip Uange , Southwest ofSeneca P. GRIER. GRIER.PostofDce PostofDce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip On right or left hip Ranee , be tween Seneca Norway on Mlddl- B W PEAR30U Postofflce address Brovrnlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZMANN PostoSce addresi Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dew. lap Range on Goose $ Creek. FRANK T LEB * PcstofSce address Rrownlee Neb Cattle on left side : Ijorse * snme on left shoulder. Range i nui-s northeast of SroTmlee A GERMAN Pcstfflee tddress Newton Neb Cattle Branded ei'V ersidejhorsfa same on left shouldera so have care < > . i . branded SP under lined. Eange-Non Loop DICK MCSTALli Peatofflce address Neb On left sidcand hip fev .y j fj also 8 oa rdft hip Horth Loaf r CHAXLE3 H ddreM Srownlec , N br Either riht or left side OB cattle Horses same on lerTehouHer Lcftes * cut off Eaage , L op riv er HZNB.Y FAULHABEB PoitoQc * addre * BroTrnlee. Kob Horses saaa < B left shoulder Raage. Loup rivet " ---1 * flFiF1 DAVID 8TEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside Has chars' * of catta brand ert u right Bide * horses onloitahehl- der JOHN CHALOUD addrew Brownlee , iceb Cattle and h < ra eight sldo Range. PERKINS Postofflce addrau Halser. Neb On left Mp TALBOT GALLOP Postofflca addrM Sineea , Neb. Cattle ! left tide Horses branded on leltshoulder Ras a bo- _ , tjMro Middle. aud Dismal GEORGE ORAY Postofflce address Thelford. Nebr On left hip DrA6 on right hip x or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BROS. PostofUca addres * Thedford.Nebc On right Bldo Range , between Loup WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cuttle ; horse * , left 5-3 on left side some on rjght hlP Rangesonth 'Middle Loup. JULIUS H ECKMAN. Postofflca addrcw 'aS KSfe sfe Brewnlee , Ned B-.QQ as on cat Range sou'.h f Brownlea M. DUNHAM. Postofflce address Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordoa Creek K GBA2IT PostoQca ddro s BrovraOee Neb On left ilds Eauga. Loup 21-no IRA. BPSNCETl Postofflce address Brownie e "Neb Branded on laf t.slda P mge , Call CreeS andBwta ley B B OHA j n Postofflce address Kennedy Keb stock b/anded ma a zs out on fell .fde .fdeftoae ftoae br ded with baraadffritaUf