WOOD BROTHERS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants SouthOmaha and Chicago WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman Wo furnish Market .Reports free of expense. "Write to us. C. II. GORXEIJL. President. 51. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier RANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking linsincss Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign [ Exchange Correspondents ; Jhemlcal National Bank , New York. First National Bank. Omaha Neb | The DONOHER 8 4 % IB continually adding improvements and it is now the 4ft best equipped , and most comfortable FIEST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL S IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA ! J Vt O& J ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * ; i 99999 9 9999999 999999999 1 QHERRY QOUNTY Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable ratei. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Everything fresh and. clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. „ ' J. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedv , Nebraska , The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Stisquehauna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Toka ngellica ort Sherry and Black berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bot- -tlos. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ez ra , Pale User for fa-mily - usi , and Pabsts Ezpbt Bear C. H. THOMPSON , Louis Bordeaux Rosebud , S. D. Horses branded fS Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Uosebud , S D Itange between Muinechaduza and St Francis Prideaux Sanford Kennedy , Jfeb Stock branded on lejt side "Horses branded on left shoulder Teeters Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder Ilance between the Gordon and the Snake Etttra i/ctl Two horses ; one brown horse hrandpd o on left shoulder , one black borso branded IX on U'f t shoulder , ssiefl hi p. T will give the first described horse to the man who llnds and re turns the black described above. Kyle1. S. I ) . made from Green Hickory Wood , applied to meat , preserves it in definitely and imparts that delicious flavor ob tained by exposing for a week or more to the smoke of green hickory wood. It is used by simply painting it on the sur face of the meat with a paint brush , thus doing in five minutes what for merly required a week's time. time.A A 75c bottle will cure from 200 tj 300 pounds of meat. AVe also have 35c bet ties. QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Ncbtaska C . TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. aan ! FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill I ) miles south of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to prind Feed , Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sniff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J. F. HOOK Job Printing AT THIS OFPIOE - Satisfaction Guaranteed * WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher The opportunities for purchasing ranches in Western Nebraska and Col orado are being rapidly taken advan tage of by men from Illinois , Wiscon sin and Minnesota. We predict that the field will soon be filled , Hastings News. The Stuart Ledger made a double leaded announcement last week , that on account of merchants sending to the cities for job work , where they can get it "cheapar , " the Ledger will never more turn down a department store ad. The IJEMOCRAT has always refused these ads from principle , but it seems that "principle" isn't worth a darn any more. We once showed a couple of merchants in this town our letters re fusing foreign ads on their account , but neither ot these men get a sheet of pa per printed at home. It will be remembered that default ing Auditor Moore escaped the penalty of his crime of stealing from the state on a technicality , tne courts deciding that certain monies paid to him by in surance companies should have been paid to the treasurer instead. Upon re ceiving this decision Attorney-General Smyth commenced suit against the Home Insurance Company , of New York , as a test case , and the supreme court last week decided in favor of the state : Under this decision the state will be able to recover nearly the en tire amount of Moore's defalcation , about $23.000. A personal letter to the editor from Merriman , written by an old friend of Treasurer Thackrey , one who helped him to his present position , indicates that the treasurer is , to a certain ex tent , sailing under false colors , and his old neighbors do not cherish the best of feelings for him , especially since he voted against Laufer and in favor of Hanchette for commissioner. Since this is the last term he can serve as treasurer , however , these opinions will have no effect. Our correspondent in timates that the deal to make Han- chette commissioner was fixed up be fore the election , it being agreed that Hanchette should "work" the Dane vote for Thackrey. The returns show how well the work was done. If this und other things ; complained of are true , Ave wonder whose commissioner Hanchette is the people's or the treas urer's ? Wait and see ! - v > v-w r\r < rvvv-v"V'vv- < rvwvvvvvvvvvvvvj rv-v > , C , T.U , COLUMN I LA A AJ AJ > u \ JJS A vAAAu - AA AAAAJ Edited by the Valentine W. C. T. U. MOTTO-For God and Humanity. OFFICERS. President Mrs. Abbie Crabb i Al i * j . Afiiifp | MnivrJirfriirf ! * " * * uto. i i < imii > i ivijjt i iu- A "TrPsl lplit\ IPP < \ < / Mrs.D. House. Recording Secretary Mrs. Alice Harvey Corresponding Secretary Mrs. M. Harden Treasurer Mrs. Helen Hornby Regular meetings each alternate Tuesday. The father who votes for the saloon. is whetting a knife for his own heart. * : : The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. James .Northrop , Tuesday , January 16th at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. * * * Carroll D. Wright says , "Ten thous and people starve to death each year in Greater New York , while nearly $400- [ )00 ) a day passes over the saloon bars of that city for liquor. " What is thus spent each day for liquor would feed Lhose ten thousand people for six months if spent for wholesome food. * | C * { t Sf This is the way a Star staff correspondent pendent tells of his experience in IJeat- ; ie , Kansas , on a. day when the ther- nometer was way up in the shade : "Nearest glass of beer ? " I inquired > f a sad looking man on the station ) latform , lie grinned and pointed to a sign up he street which said "Saloon. " "CLOSED 1JY ORDER OF THE MAYOR. " "What's the trouble ? " "Trouble ! " ' repeated another sad acedman. "Lord , that isn't the name or it ! " "We've got a lady mayor , lady coun- : ouncil and lady clerk. They're run- ling things. This town is going to the levil. " Afterward , when I met Mary Eliza- eth Totten , she told me that this man vas mistaken. The town had been go ng to the devil up to- April 4 J3ut , > raise the Lord , since that date she bought it had been going the other vny. American Issue. Matt Bowen was arrested last Fri- lay nijjht for disturbing" the peace , md the next morning pleaded jruilty o the charge and was fined $8.25. Strong was also arrested for ig-hting with Nat King- , and although eport sp.vs that Amos got the worst if it the court fined him the same as ras given to Bowen. It is.to . be hoped hat neither of these men will over be ' t iroujrht before Judge Tovrne again. ? ADDITIONAL LOCAL . Insurance in the best companies at lowest rates. I. M. RICE. Wm. Pullman , formerly of this county , but now living about fifteen miles south cf Newport , was in town this week on land business. Will is very well pleased with his new home. Tank Heaters for sale at 11. An derson's. . tf Born Friday , January 5 , to Dan Handy andwifea fine nine-pound girl baby , Dr. Dwyer attending. Dan insisted for a day or two that it was a boybut he finally had to acknowledge the truth. Views ot all kinds made of j-our home or cattle. If you have anything 3'ou want a picture of give me a call. Andrews , the photographer. The county commissioners decided , Tuesday , to move the old Woodson bridge down the river , fifteen miles east of town , to a point near Brewer's place , as soon as the new bridge is put in at Woodson's. Geo. Elliott has taken the steam radiators out of his drug store on ac count of the difficulty he experienced in retting steam coal , and now heats his rooms with an old-fashioned stove , just like common mortals. Does anybody want a fresh milch cow ? If so , they may learn some thintr to their advantage by calling- at this office. We also have a pony , a saddle , a ladies' bicycle and a good guitar on our bargain counter. Miss Jennieve Dalgetta , of Valen tine , is the guest of Mrs. McQuade during the holidays. Miss Dalgetta has sold out her dressmaking estab lishment at Valentine and is looking1 for a location. Ainsworth Journal. Geo. Reinert , who has graduated from the editorial tripod into a weal thy ranchman of Codywas a , welcome visitor at these moral headquarters while visiting the first of the new year in Ainsworth. Ainsworth Journal. Frank Bravton came down from Valentine. Monday morning , to spend New Years day with friends at this place. Mrs. Bray ton , who has been visiting here tne past week , return ed home with him on the midnight train. Ainsworth Home Rule. It is said that a printing office in a little town in Michigan is always opened with a prayer. This is a rare exception to the rule , as from time immemorial it has been customary for the office to be opened by the devil and closed by the sheriff. Stolen. * Skirving & Son , of Brownlee , are selling best calico at 4c , and L. L. muslin at 4 l-2c per yard : all patent medicines at Toe on the dollar.and 7oc to 85c overalls are now reduced touOc. Groceries at cost and dress goods , shoes , notions , etc. , at prices that will surprise you. 50 2t F. R. Vanish came down from Eli , Tuesday , with a stray horse which had been sent to him by mistake. Yanishsa3rs he wouldn't ride the horse again from Cody to Valentine , for the animal , but that is just a joke , we are inclined to think , judging- from the good time he had while here. Dr. Ed Dwyer , biother of our own famous J. C. Dwyer , has located in Gordon , and Saturday came down to Valentine to straighten out some business affairs. While here Ed made a reputation for himself second to but few in the northwest , and we pre dict for him great success at Gordon. Down at Valentine the- ladies go out on a "toot" as well as the men. They have a female brass band with fourteen pieces. The E cornet player is said to be a Starr performer , too. The baritone player is also a Lulu , and the snare drummer Halm-dies the "sticks" like an expert. Gordon Journal. Wm. Steadman's little year and a half old son fell while playing in the yard at home , south of Kennedy , Sun day , and broke his arm near the el bow. The little fellow was brought to town , Monday , for treatment , and after Dr. Dwyer had set the injured member , returned home , but little the worse for his experience. Dr. Dwyer , the new physician in Gordon , is a very modest , unassuming man , with a pleasing countenance ind none of the "bragadocio" in his makeup. He is making a very favor able impression among the people ind we believe will succeed in build ing" up a practice that will warrant his remaining here permanently. Sordon is large enough to support bwo good doctors. Gordon Journal. C. F. Martin , the brilliant young preacher from this place , delivered bhe two sermons at Longpine , Sun- lay , as a substitute for the Rev. Ad- lis , who has been conducting the pro tracted meetings at this place. Re port says that Rev. Mai tin made a listinct impression at Lonjrpine. for ivhich we are truly thankful. The brethren at Longpine arc sadly in need of salvation , judging from Bro. Bates' paper the last week or so. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk . GOc per cwt $11 00 ton Short" bulk - 70c per cwt $13.00 ton Screcini ufs . 40c " $7.00" Chop i'Yi-ii . 85c " $16.00" Corn . 70c § 13.00 Oai > . 90c " § 17.00 " Notice to Creditors. In County Court , within anil for Cherry Coun- tv , Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate ofD.M. Underwooddeceased. To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified that I will sit al the County Court Itoom in Valentine in.said county , on the 'J7th day of January , Itxx ) . to receive and examine Ml claims against said Estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is 11 months , from the 27th day of February , A.D. l wand the time limited for payment of dubis is one year from said 7tli day of January , tooo. NS'Ittiesa my hand and the seal of said County Court , this loth day of January. ItHX ) . \V. II. TOWNE. 51 County Judge. Order of I rearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska , I „ „ Cherry Comity. fs5' In Coanty Court. In the matter of the Estate of John M. Car penter , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Adolia E , Pettywew. praying that the instrument. Hied oif the 8th day of Janunry. 15)00 ) , and pur porting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased , may be proved approved , pro- buted , allowed , and recorded as the last , will and testament of the said JohnM. Carpenter , deceased , and that the execution of said instru ment may be committed and the tadministra- tion of said estate may be granted to Adelia E. 1'ettycrew and Julia 1'ettyerew as executrix. Ordered , that January 27th A I ) , iswo. at 10 o'clock a.m. , is assigned for hearing said peti tion , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County , and show cause why the prayer of petitioner .should not be grunted ; and that notice of the pendency of said { petition and the hearing thereof , be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in the XEWS-DK.MOUUAT , a weekly news paper printed in said county , for" three succes sive weeks , prior to said day of hearing. \V. K.TOWNK , 31 CountyJudgo. Order to Show Cause. In the District Court of Cherry County. In the matter of the estate of John W. Oens , deceased. This cause coming ou for hearing upon the petition of William E. llalej , administrator , of , he estate of John W. Oens. deceased , praying for license to sell the w 1-2 of ne 1-4 , mv 1-4 of se M and ne 1-4 of sw 1-t of section 14 , township jj , range : . or a suflicient amount of the tame o bring the sum of S27G.OO , for the payment of lebf-s allowed against said estate and the costs > f administration , there not being sullicient lersonaL property to pay the said debts and ex penses. IMS therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before Hon. J.J. Harrington , district judge , at chambers in the city of O'Neill. Nebr , on January 23,1900. at 10 'clock a.m. . to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so mich of the above described real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts ind expenses. It is lurther ordered that due and tegal notice of this order be given to all the heirs at law of the said John w. Oens deceased , and all other persons Interested in t-aid estate , by the publi cation hereof for four successive weeks in tbe Western News-Democrat , a newspaper pub lished at Valentine. Nebraska. Dated this 4th day of December , 1899. 47 4t M. P. K1NKAID. District Judg . JSrotice to Xon-llesident Defendants. Martha Monroe , widow ; Claude Mouroe.Pearl Monroe , Dottie Monroe , Nellie Monroe , LeKoy Monroe , Myrtle Monroe , minors , heirs of Levi L. Monroe , deceased , will take notice that on he ard day of January , 1900 , the Valentine luilding and Loan Association , of Valentine , Nebraska , filed its petition in the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska , the object and irayer of which are to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed by Lev ! L. Monroe , and Martha Monroe , iiK | > n J.x > t No. 12 , BIocJc-l. McDonald's addition to the Village of Valen tine. Cherry county. Nebraska , In favor of the plaintiff , upon which Ihore i.t due plaintiff tne sum of 629.1.00 with interest thereon from the 1st dav of . - ' for which tbe Janu.-iry. J'JOO , sum plain- tilt prays jiidgn'cnt and n decree that tne de fendants pithe name together wltn costs , In terest , and in in-iaiilt thereoi thnt said real e - . tatebcsold . provided by law for the payment of plaltitiif's rhiimand costs. \ou are r < quired to answer said petition on or before I he I illi day of February , Jaoo. Valentine liuilding & Loan Association < if \ alcntlnc , Nebraska , by I * . M. WALCOTT , its Attorney. Xolicu of Rale. In the mnttrr of the sale of real estate of the Estate of n'illlam < ; , Current , deceased. Notice inreby given that In pursuance of an order > f ihe lion W. H. Westover. one of the judges oi the Distrht Court of Cherry coun ty , Nebraska , made on the 'JOllt day of Decem ber. 1 W , for tne sale of real estate hereinafter described. I will sell al the front door of the court house in Valentine , Nebraska , on the tilth day of January , lit * * , at 10 o'clock a. in. , at pub lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash , the following described' real estate. twit ; The se 4 , sec9 , & n2 mv 4 & sw4 mv4 .t mv 4 sw4. see. 15 , twp 31. r i , Cherry county , Nebr. Said sale to remain open one hour. ALFKKD LK.WJS and Executors of the will MAUVA. CAUSUX , fet William C. Larson. deceased. F. M. WAI.COTT. Attorney. rx)4t Application for Appointment , of Ad ministrator. In County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of Charles Mrick- land. deceased , E. J. Davenport illed in my ofllee a petition praylne for the appointment of ( Jeorge A. Chi : | - man as administrator of the estate of Charles Strickland , deceased. All p'-rsons Interested in said e-tate will taki * notice that 1 have lixed Saturday , January loth. I9x : , at 10 o'clock a.m. , as the tune , and my ollice in ValentineCheiry county , Nebraska , as ihuplnce for hrarin.'i said petition , at which time- and plice all persons { in terested in said estate may appear anil nhow cause , if any then-lie. why Mich administrator should not be appointed. \Vitnes3 my hand and the seal of said court this 20th day ot December. ItW. 49 W. It. TO W N E. County J udge. Tfikcn At my place.five miles northeast of Arabia One brown mare , three white feet , branded Ton left .shoulder. One buck > kin mare , black mane and tail , branded U on left shoulder. . 49 E. W. LKVEK. C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry County Bank ELKHORN RAILROAD. 'North-Western Line' is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. I THE PALACE SALOON g H HEADQUARTERS FOR | WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS ? ? Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA If V * 9 999999 CABINET GRAND STYLE 0-PRIGE , $250.00 , TERMS 825.00 Cash and 810.00 per Month. Quality of Tone , being brilliant , mlodious , and of splendid volume ; 1'erfect touch , SUPERIOR very responsive ; full metal plate ; original scale of seven and one-third octaves three-stringed , with overstrung bass ; repeating action , very finely regulated ; Ivory Keys : three pedals , hardwood case , double veneered ; improved full-swing duet music esk. with special designed oval panel ; continuous nicKel plated hinges ; Carved Pilasrers and original des'gned square trusses : elegantTmi.sh. hardwood hacks. This style can be had in the following woods : Mahogany , Walnut , Quartered Oak. TE1S PI NO 11AS THE SUPERIOR HARP ATTACHMENT DIMENSIONS : Height Four leet nine inches. Tv'idtliFive feet four inches. Depth Two feet three inches. x WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS- A. HOSPE. : . : OMAHA , NEBE.