Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 04, 1900, Image 1

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Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left bide
ana thigh
Kurmark , square
crop right ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
"half-diamond E" on
I Native cattle have
_ , , throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and,8nake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A lteirn.nl of $ H5O will be paid to any
person for Information leading to the arrest and
P linal conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand ,
Postofflce address
Alien S D
On left shoulder and
bar on side ; horses
same on thigh
Range-Bear Ueeic
Postoillce addres
Valentine , Neb
Branded on right
sidu ; horses same
Kange-10 miles east
of valentine on
the Niobrara
Joseph W. Bownet
P. O. address
Alerrunan , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Parker & Son
P O Address
L. W. Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut.
Also ZP
llange on Niobrara
south of Crookston
li. A. McQuade.
Valentine , Neb
Branded on either
Range between
fhacherand Swan
Charles C. Tackett
Jlosebii'l , ? . D.
' llaiigo head of An-
temue near St. Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Ylondray
Jlosebud. S. D.
Left side. Left car
Horses branded
VJ } . /
Range Little White
lttver. at month of
Ztedar Hreek.
Louis J. Richards
Merriman. Neb.
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebrnka
Cattle branded
as on cut
ft side or hi ]
Kanirc on Goruun
Louis F. Richards
Metrinian Neb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side'
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Deerliorn clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud. S. P.
branded 11)
417 mi left side
Horses .11) on lefl
hip Kauge in Meyer Co
on Ant elope Creek
JST. S. Rowley
Same a > cut nn left
side and hip. nntl on
left slumldT nf lior-
scs. AlsogFSEj on
left side CMQ an
.7 on right hl | > and
* M-onlcftside.
JC ou left hip of horsts ,
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut :
also 10 on left side
wiOi on left hip of
some cuttle ; also S4G
on right side Horse
biiuHl , rake and 1C
on * left shoulder or
bin Home ranch on
Dcwoy Lake , llange on Niobrara 3M\er , east efFort
Fort If iobnirn ; also between Snake Itiver and
Simeon , known as tlie I'elch range , all in Cherry
County , Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolfcnden
Kennedy , Neb.
Home c on the left ;
Horses S on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
llange Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Terch , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Diuibar
Lessee from Heine & Krocger
Cody , Neb
DUn Hither side
I low
Alsr I on
Left ear ol cattle
Mange head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Eight ear split
Itauge , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen
Gordon , Nebraska
' ) n right sideT on
Ightnip. o horse
jrand and T on.
iRht shoulder
\PO ! cattle branded
it * on leftside
Ranue , fowl miles
iouth of Irwiu
Henry Young , „ .
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand IIY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
llange , Little
White river. S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Lo : < ly. > * ebraski :
Urandod on leftside
llangu. Tin Can Lake
ind Morgan Flats
D. C. kelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
llange , Medicine
I4iketo the
Suake river
lordon. Nebraska
llange.14 miles north
> f Gordon.
F. C. Duerfel-Jt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
, Oon right hip
' Horses and mules
i Branded same as cut
! on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Jordon , Nebraska
Jue bunch branded ,
us on cut on left side
Cue bunch branded
U 1. on left hip
Horses J on left
llangrt. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
letween Niobrara
ind Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany , Neb
Cattl < brandel
FI onlelr ribs or
right shoulder ; ! >
SD FD on right hip and left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
right shoulder
llange 7 nil north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Jospph Fickel
Gordon Ne.b
Hone brand F on
eft shoulder
Range 10 miles
lortheast of Gordon
t + J SUlfS J AJ > iJ > * AJMUlAJ *
A letter from J. IL Quigley , who is
now in , Lincoln , says it will probably
be a month before the brand commis
sion will conclude its first session. An
enormous amount of work is ahead of
the board.
II. Ormersher went east last Satur
day night. His destination is hioux
City , Iowa , and the object of his going
is to buy and ship some more cattle of
the excellent kind he is in the habit of
disposing of in Chadron. Chadron
James Early brought one of the lar
gest hogs to market , Friday , that was
ever weighed upon our city scales Jt
tipped the beam at 743 pounds. Mr.
Early is a most , successful hog raiser
and has a nice bunch of nearly one hun
dred more at home , so he informs us ,
but none , however , ' as big as the mam
moth porker he marketed hare Friday.
O'Neill Independent.
T. A. Gillespie , Big Timber , Mont. ,
writes : "Live stock matters are in a
very satisfactory condition in this part
of the west. Cattle are doing well on
ranges in all parts of the state where
sheep have not been held. Stock cattle
have brought the best prices in years
this fall , cows with salves at side bring
ing 843 , calves $10 to $18 , yearlings § 23
to $27.50 , and two-year-olds $30 and
upward. Sheep on ranges never did
better than this fall. "
It has been reported that the govern
ment has been buying , recently , a portion
tion of its beef supplies for the army in
the Philippines from Australia , but it
is hardly probable that any consider
able proportion of that ration will be
purchased anywhere but in the United
States. Only in case of some urgent
requirement would there be any reason
for obtaining it elsewhere. The pres
ent force of the United States in those
islands will be maintained there for av
Ipng time' and will probably require a
monthly beef supply of about 4,000,000
pounds of beef. This , together with
the beef supplies that will be taken by
the British army in South A frica will
very materially increase the require
ments of the American packeries.
Texas Stock Journal.
On the first of December the rail-
mads revoked their carload rates for
live stock , and substituted therefor a
rate per hundred pounds. Under the
old rate it cost a shipper $50 GO to send
a car of cattle to Omaha , while under
the new he cannot hope to get off for
less then § 56.80 , a difference of § 5 70 ,
and many times this difference will go
as high as § 15.00. The carload rate on
hogs was $46.00 , and the new rate will
make the freight average § 52.00 or
more , a difference of at least $6.0U on
each and every car. . This iimk'es quite
a difference to local shippers , and they
are correspondingly sore , claiming the
new rates are unnecessarily high. A
number of complaints of this character
have been made to the state board of
transportation , ami the boord's action
thereon is anxiously awaited.
There .vill be held a meeting of the
stockmen at Whitman QU Jan. 10 , 1900 ,
to take aotion on the proposed dispo
sition of the government land in the
sand hills. Each and every stockman
certainly has a direct interest in this
matter and should keep the date in
mind , and honor the meeting with his
presence and encourage their neighbor
to come with him. We would recom
mend that there be more encourage
ment offered to the settler and keep
the land out of market , as the govern
ment land should be used to b.enditthe
public instead of a few that would buy
up large tracts and benefit only a few
that would be ready to improve the op
portunity , and work hardship to many.
The repeal of the timber claim and pre
emption laws has confined the settler
to only 160 acres of land , which is not
valuable enough to warrant the settler
sufficient retuins for , the hardship of
settling a new country , which is not
adapted to agricultural interests in the
full sense of the word. Whitman Suu.
indications are that the constitution
ality of the new brand law will be test
ed in the courts before long. Many
stockmen place a high value upon their
right to a certain brand , and claim that
if they are deprived of their right it
will cause them an untold amount of
trouble , if not actual loss. Admitting
this , we yet believe that in the long run
the workings of the law will prove sat
isfactory to everybody. Changes can
not be made in a day , and to save our
ranchmen unnecessary inconvenience
the board should give those who lose
their present marks ample time , say
one or two years , to get their herds in
shape. Of course no young stuff should
be marked with the old , or rejected
brand. In this way we believe the law
could be put into effect with a mini
mum amount of inconvenience , and
meanwliile * stock owners would have
the same protection that the law now
affords , and the only loss sustained
would be the lotes of the prestige which
attaches to t'/e old brand. ,
There is no branch of the live stock
industry making such rapid gains as
the sheep business. All kinds of people
ple out west are. investing in sheep ,
hoping tlmt the present good condition
will keep up. People are naturally at
tracted to any business that is making
money , regardless of whether they
know anything about it or not. At the
present rote of growth it looks as if the
thing might be overdone , as it has
been in the past , and that those who
are .looking for profit and experience
might fit least get all of the latter they
want. Sheep are prolific and soon
reachjnwturity , and even with a good
demand for both wool and mutton
there is a possibility of overstocking ,
the demand. There is no better busi
ness than the sheep business for ono
who understands it , and there is none
that is fuller of pitfalls for the novice.
Like any other business one should j
learn more about it than can be gotten
from books , before branching out too
boldly. Chicago Drovers' Journal.
The ilyannis Tribime issued a very
creditable special edition last week ,
and in its mention of various stockmen
WJB find the following :
Dr. A..J. Plumer located on his present - ,
ent location in 1S88 , where he has built
a fine residence and ranch. '
" * r " "
. " '
.J * "
Henry Buck is located about eighteen
miles north of Uyaunis in Cherry coun
ty. He runs a tine herd of Shorthorn
cattle , and thicks they are about the
stuff. Henry's stock always bring the
top price on the market at any rate.
L. L. Merrill is another Cherry coun
ty ranchman whose family reside in
IJyannis. ? .Ir. Merrill is an old settler
and has a fine range and a nice herd of
J. G. Cooley's range is located six
miles northwest of Mother Lake. Ho
has a herd of fine bred- stock and al
though he is in Cherry county he does
his trading at Ilyannis.
A. T. Pavis , located fifteen miles
north , in Cherry county , has a ranch
well stocked with cattle , hay galore and
plenty of range. He also breeds a fine
class of horses , German coach and Eng
lish Shires.
The editor of the Ilushville Standard
has announced his determination of en
tering the law business as an active
practitioner. It will now go hard with
Bro. Lyon if he cve'r jumps onto Heath
In a long letter to the Star- Journal ,
J. N. Ferguson , of Ainsworth , says :
' Now , I am no friend to populists or
democrats , politically , but if the devil
were to advance n good thing , endorse
it and give him credit tor it. Besides ,
I believe that if the republicans of the
United States were to go deep into
their hearts and give thair sentiments
honestly , ninety-nine out of every one
hundred would say that their sympathy
was with the IJoers and would hall with'
satisfaction tlie ultimate defeat of Great
Britain "
The Valentine Democr t kicks b - j
cause the currency bill recently passed ;
by tlie people's representatives in con- j
[ Tress wns-pnt through without any use-
lebs red tape or monkey work. .claiming
that the untis didn't have suilicient opportunity - j
portunity to express ihcmseives upon
it. Snca discussion would have acconir
pUshed nothing beyond taking up a lot
of valuable and expensive titub and af
fording some long winded democrat n
chance to get his name in the Congress
tional Record. Congress is in session
to do business not merely to humor
the kicking minority. Stuart Ledger.
The Ledger misunderstands our po
sition. Like Bro.Church , we do not
believe in long winded speeches , but
we do object to such important bills as
II. 11. 1 being forced to a vote without
ample time for consideration , not alone !
by congress but by the people. In this
case the people knew absolutely noth
ing about the provisions of the bill.
ETad they been given an opportunity to
protest against the measure , the protest
against Roberts would have sunk into
4 ?
49 5 *
49 49 49 MIDWINTER
49 ALE
49 49 FOR CASH !
49 i *
49 Men's Cotton Flannel Underwear , - were 50c , now 2i c
Men's Lined ' : u 50c ' '
Heavy ftleeec
49 , - , uoc
49 Men's Winter Underwear ' - - - " 85c , " 20c
Ladies' Winter Union Suits * ' 50c ( i
49 - - - - fcfr
49 Misses'Winter Union Suits - - - . " ' 35i " 25c i *
49 Children's Winter Underwear - ' - - 5u to . . loc
49 i *
49 i *
49 General Merchants i *
49 i *
r r ra r y r
* * deal ; but that's our business. Stoves
are a specialty of ours. By the way ,
we have just received a few of those
& i. Unexcelled Heating Stoves The
Remember we are also dealers in
j- . .Xf PICTURE FRAMES , Etc. : : : : : :
" " * * " R , ANDERSON ,
i S y a
To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of
OUR MOTTl } Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats ,
Ladies' and Children's Felt and
Warm-Lined Shoes.
Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring
C3P * All our work guaranteed.
D. Stinard , Clothier.
Alex Marrivall
, Pinfuidge , S D
Cattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side. Eermk
swallow fork on Icit
and crop right
Horse I rands as
below on left thigh
or hip
Wheeler Lros.
Cody Neb
. Also B on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Xewmau Bros. & Xations.
Cody , Nebraska.
On point left shoul
der. Also O o on
point left shoulder
Also jon left
Same on left hip
Left side
J. A. Adamson.
Valentine. Neb
On left side or hip
A 4 left side or Kip
On left side
Raugpon. Xiobrura
Marquardt & Bowlns
Merriman.Neb v
Cattle brand OM on
left shoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Kauce Formerly
Gee W Monnier
ranch 5-miIes east of
BMerriman.from F.K.
&M. V. U. ] : . south to Leander Creek. Mar-
quardt. Xc Rnwlus. S < : rihner.N'e' ' > ri < tca.
' J. C. Trowbridge
lerriman , Neb
Uange between Irvin -
\vin aiul Alerriiiian ,
south of railroad
Hugh Uovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left side or
Range north of El
Charlotte E Bovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
llange uorth o Eli
Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east efFort
Fort Niobraru. May ua. one sorrel bald-faird
gelding , 5 years old , anil one" bav mar
2 years old , both.bnuidud on left should