Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 28, 1899, Image 6

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"Western News-Democrat
Germany Issues a Denial of the
Story that Her Flag Has Been
Hoisted Over Samoa Tragedy in
a Dallas , Texas , Elevator.
Havana : The removal of the dead of the
Maine was not accompanied by any cere
monies over the bodies. As the coffins
were dug up they were placed In the chapel
in the cemetery till the disinterments were
completed. At 10 p. m. Dec. 20 ten wagons
formed a procession , carrying 151 coffins to
the Machina wharf under a guard from the
battleship Texas. They were placed on
eteara lighters and taken to the warship.
The Texas left here at 10 a. m. next day.
All the remains were thoroughly disin
fected. A difference was found between
the number of coffins entered on Chaplain
Chadwick's list , which was 154 , and the
actual number of coffins exhumed. Search
was made through all twenty-two graves
jn which the coilins were buried , but three
Tffere not found. Father Chadwick said
the difference could be explained by a
clerical error ct the time of interring , as
foe was very busy at the wharf giving in
structions and identifying the bodies , and
could not superintend every detail.
JHas Not Hoisted Her Plug Over Samoan -
moan Isles.
"Washington : TAe following statement
was made by the official German authori
ties hero :
A press telegram of the 13th inst from
Apia , via Auckland , reports that the Ger
man cousul in Apia solemnly proclaimed
the annexation of Oahu and Hawaii by
Germany to a number of Sainoan chiefs
on board a German man of war , and that
on the same day lie hoisted the German
flag on the supreme court.
This does not cover the reports received
in Berlin from the German consul in Apia ,
and , according to the instructions which he
received from Berlin , seems absolutely un
true. The German consul likewise wired
on the 18th inst. , but lie simply stated
certain Tanau chiefs refused to pay the
head tax imposed by the three consuls ,
hence they had been ordered to leave the
district by thirteen chiefs. The three con
suls instructed the thirteen chiefs to send
the aggressors to Apia for trial. This has
teen agreed upon.
Prank ThompsonnReceutly Arrested
at St. Lionis , Convicted.
Memphis , Tenn. : The jury in the case
ofE. D. and Frank Thompson , charged
with conspiracy to violate the law with
reference to pauper dead in this state ,
brought in a verdict of guilty and the de
fendants were fined 250 each.
Frank Thompson was recently arrested
in St. Louis with four dead bodies , which ,
it is alleged , were being shipped to medical
colleges in the north. The two men will
have to answer to three other similar in
Quarrel Or a Nickel Caused Shoot
ing in Omaha.
Omaha : * Omaha was the scene ol
another shooting affray the other evening.
It occurred at the old Kirby Hotel , Twen
ty-seventh and L Streets. Two men were
injured and a policeman received a bullel
through his clothing. John Fyda , the
proprietor of the saloon , is seriously if not
fatally wounded , and Frank Pyszka , the
man who started the shooting , is suffering
from a slight flesh wound. The trouble
started over the payment for a glass of
Two Dallas Im\vyers Engage in a
Duel to the Death.
. Dallas , Tex. : F. M. Etheridge , one ul
the most prominent lawyers of this city ,
shot Attorney E. O. llarrell , equally well
known , inilictirig four wounds which sub
sequently lesulted in death. The shooting
was done m a crowded elevator in the
Xorth Texas building. Harrell fell with a
pistol half cooked in his hand. Etheridge
was arrested. The participants in the
tragedy had quarreled about professional
Apparent that China Is to Meet De
mands of France.
/ Pekin : Li Hung Chang has been ap
pointed acting viceroy of Canton. It is be
lieved this is preparatory to his degradation
in compliance with French demands.
Bntchell College Destroyed. to
Akron , Ohio : The main building ol on
Butchell College , including all the labora
tories , libraries and men's and women's a
dormitories , was burned to the ground
Dec. 22. The loss is fully $100,000 , with
$6.1,000 insurance.
Michigan Saw Mill Burned.
Bay City , .Mich. : The saw mill and salt in
block of McEwen Bros. A Co. , together bu
with G500 { i : inIs of salt , were burned ho
Dec. 21. The loss is $78,000 , with $21,000 pr
.insurance. lyss
Kansas Volunteer IviJlo Himself.
Topeka , Kan. : Frank McFadden , a
member of Company A , Twentieth Kan tei
sas , committed suicide Jieie by taking
morphine. While in the Philippines he
X was detailed to act as assistant manager of in
the .Manila military railway. until
For Democratic Convention.
Washington : Chairman Jones of the
national Democratic committee has issued c
_ ; a call for a meeting here Feb. 22 to lix the r
'time and place for holding the next cni
" jaational Democratic convention. en
Cordfal Welcome Extended. New
Governor on Arrival in Cuba.
Havana : Gen. Leonard Wood , new
governor general , arrived here Dec. 20 and
received the salutes for a major general
from Cabanas and for a governor general
from Punta , fired with petards by Cubans.
Gen. Wood was deeply affected upon
hearing of the death of Gen. Lawton , and
was unable to converse for several min
Every launch in the harbor , barges and
rowboats were hired and decorated with
bunting. Gen. Wood boarded a launch
supplied by the entertainment committee
while a salute of twenty-one t-ockets , each
having American or Cuban flags attached ,
was fired. Much enthusiasm was mani
fested on every side. A large crowd re
ceived Gen. Wood , at Michina wharf and
upon landing there he was greeted with
hearty cheers. He was then driven to the
Hotel Inglaterra.
Gen. Wood called at the palace at noon
and was received by Gen. Brooke.
The welcome given Gen. Wood was , ac
cording to all the residents , without paral
lel in the history of the island. The elab
orate display of bunting in the harbor and
the multitude of boats and bands showed
the hastily formed reception committee did
excellent work. Everywhere was a heart
iness in the cheering that was quite un
Buller Is Said to Have Recovered
Abandoned Cannon.
London : A Durban , Natal , special ,
dated Saturday , Dec , 16 , says :
It is rumored Buller called for volunteers
to recover the abandoned guns at Tugela
Kiver ; that a party issued from the camp
after midnight and brought in the guns ,
which were uninjured ,
London : It still seems to be doubtful
whether the guns Buller abandoned at
Colenso are in possession of the-Boers.
According to a dispatch to the Associated
Press from Durban , sent on the evening of
the battle , and which was received here
Dec. 20 , the guns remained where they
were left by the British troops and were
covered by the heavy guns of Hildyard's
brigade , which was occupying an in-
trenched position. The dispatch adds that
the Boers had thus far not attempted to
cross the river and cary off the guns ,
while the advices of the Associated Press
from Petoria , under the same date , say
an official Boer dispatch reports two guns ,
thirteen wagons and a quantity of ammunition -
nition were captured , besides 208 prison-
Bell Telephones Cannot Be Assessed
at Their Actual Value.
Columbus , Ohio : By a decision of the
supreme court Dec. 20 a new method of
tax valuation , far-reaching in its effect ,
has been established Ohio. The de
cision directlj * affects the telephones of the
Bell Company , which are held to be tax
able at their rental value , estimated at $233
each , instead of $3.40 each. The suit was
brought by the attorney general through a
friendly arrangement with the auditor of
state and W. H. llalliday , auditor of
Franklin County. The last named refused
to list the telephones of the Bell Company
at their rental value and suit in manda
mus was brought to compel him to do so.
The court gives a judgment for the relator.
Passengers Hoboed in a Missouri
Pacific Train.
Kansas City : The passengers on the
Missouri Pacific's Ohio and Nebraska City
passenger train , which left here at 9:50
p. m. Dec. 20 , were robbed by two masked
men who boarded the train in Kansas City ,
Kan. They levied their forced contribu by
tions after the train started , holding up the Gi
passengers in the Pullman sleeper , securing do
five gold watches and about $100 in money. II
shots were Sred and no one was in
jured. At Nearman , six miles out of the
city , the train slowed up for the station , L
and the bandits dropped off and dis
appeared. COati
Five Hundred Colonists Threaten to o
Attack a Hail road.
London : A Capu Town dispatch , dated the
Dee. 16 , says :
Five hundred colonists of Victoria , west
district , have perfected an apparently anti-
British organization and threaten to attack
the railroad station , which is hi a direct $3
line between Cape Town and De Aar. , $3
The Standard Intimates that Neutrality ch
trality Ijaws Are Violated. ,
London : The Standard hinted editori per
ally Dec. 20 that if Porluijal continues to
allow supplies of war material and foreign sh
volunteers to reach the Transvaal through shwl
Delagoa Bay.England will have some wlwl
thing to say in the mattei tq
IJaw is Unconstitutional.
) go
Springfield , 111. : The Illinois supreme | 'wj
court on Dec. 19 held the antidepartment'ye '
store law passed by the last legislature j -5c
be unconstitutional. The decision was
appea'l ' from the Cook County criminal $ O
court imposing a fine on the proprietor of OWl
Chicago department store for selling uii
certain kinds of merchandise where other to
kinds of merchandise were sold.
Fire at Florence , S. C. wl
Florence , S. C. : The fire which started ye'
the Florence Hotel destroyed that to
building , the Bunk of Florence , the opera
house and the city hall. These are the Tie
principal business houses of the city. The No.
is $130,000 ; partly insured.
Funeral ol' Ijieut. Brumby. 63.Nc
Atlanta , Ga. : The funeral of Flag Lieu- Nc
tenant Brumby took place here Dee. 20. to
Immediately upon its arrival the body was mS
escorted to the capitol , where it remained '
state under from 10 . . I
military guard a. in. ? : ;
2 } ) . m. to
Transport Nelson Discharged. lo
Washington : The chartered transport , . , . .
. < ? : : .
Nelson , which recently arrived at San wh
Francisco from 3Iainla , has been dis lOc (
charged from further service for tlic gov but
ernment. em
Fatal Fires in T 'o Ne\v York Ten
ement Houses.
New York : Seven lives certainly , prob
ably nine , were lost in two big tenement
houses which burned early Dec. 19. Five
charred bodies were found on the upper
iloors of a burned tenement at 102 Second
Street and Third Avenue , known as the
Menter , and five women and a little girl ,
all badly burned , were carried from the
blazing house to near-by hospitals. There
is thought to be a slight chance of any o ?
the six surviving. Three members of a
family of four perished. The lire is sup
posed to have started in the cellar. The
air shaft and stairs aided the fire in gain
ing headway. When the firemen arrived
many occupants were banging from windows
dews and they were rescued by ladders.
A few hours later a deadly fire attacked
a five story tenement on Tenth Avenue ,
burning to death Mrs. Martha Wox and
child , George , 2 % years old. It also
started in the basement. When discovered
it had such headway it was impossible
to enter. The families in the upper
part of the house fled to the roof ,
whence they easily reached the street.
United States Court Will Take Ac
tion in the Matter.
Washington : The war department has
settled ( in advance an interesting question
as to the application of civil or military
law in the case of a soldier killed by two
sentinels of the Tenth Cavalry while try
ing to escape near Fort Crook , Neb.
The state authorities , were about to step
in before the court-martial , when Attor
ney General Griggs , at the instance of the
war department , on the 19th inst. , tele
graphed United States District Attorney
Summers at Omaha to appear for the de-
fense and place his services at Hie disposal
of Gen. ] Merriam. This means that the
United Stales courts will take action and
the case cannot be tried by the state of Ne
Resolution Introduced in Chicago
Condemning His Speech.
Chicago : Public' advocacy of Great
Britain's _ side in the South African war by
Dr. . E. Benjamin Andrews , superintendent
of , public schools in Chicago , was the cause
of resolutions being introduced in the city
council on the 19th inst. , calling for his
resignation or his immediate suspension and
removal , from his position by the board of
education should he ignore an invitation to
step down. The head of the public schools
was subjected to a heated denunciation by
Alderman Cullerton , the mover of the res
olutions. The resolutions were referred
to the committee on schools.
Use of Stripes to Show Length of
Service Is Abolished. W
Washington : The postmaster general
has ordered that hereafter the length of
service of letter carriers shall not be indi
cated on the uniforms of carriers by
stripes , but by stars. For five years'
service they will wear one black silk star ,
and two for ten years' ; one red silk star S
for fifteen years' , und two for twent } * ;
one silver star for twenty-five years' , and
two for thirty ; one gold star for thirty- SI.H
five , and two for forty years' . wl
Dewey Accepts Invitation. /
New York : Admiral Dewey has written ofl
IJresidentPulsiferof the Brooklyn Union be
League Club accepting for Mrs. Dewey
ai/d himself an invitation to attend a private an
vate dinner and reception to be given in na
their honor by the club on the evening ol ha
Feb. 8.
Sol Smith Kiissell Ts 111. ad
Chicago : Sol. Smith Russell was obliged adAr
illness to dismiss his audience at the we
Grand Opera House Dec. 19. The break lai.
down occurred in the first act of ' 'Thu
Hon. ( John Grigsby. " of
Deroulede Gets Two Years.
Paris : Paul Deroulede , president of the puWl
League ( of Patriots , was sentenced to two tre :
years' imprisonment for libeling .senators slu
composing the high court of justice. of >
Allen Is Sworn Jn.
Washington : In the senate Dec. ] ' . < y
Senator Allen , the newly appointed sen ywa
ator from Nebraska ; appeared and took ha
( oath of olh'ee.
Chicago I Cattle , common to prime ,
$3.00 to § 7.75 ; hogs , shipping grades , ne
$3.00 to $4.50 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
$4.50 ; wheat , No. 2 red , G7c to GSc ;
corn , No. 2 , 31c to 32c ; oats , No. 2 , 22c
23c ; rye , No. 2 , 50c to 52e ; butter , .
choice creamery , 24c to 2Ge ; eggs , fre. h ,
19c to 21c ; potatoes , choice , 35c to 50 < j
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to qu Is [
SG.uO ; hogs , choice light , $3.00 to $4.25 ; s
sheep , common to prime. $3.00 to $4.00 ;
wheat , No. 2 , ( iJe ( to GSc ; corn , No. 2
white , 30c to 32c ; oats , No. 2 white , 2Gu *
St. Louis Cattle , $3.2.to $7.50 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.50 ; not
wheat , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; corn , No. 2 un
yellow , 30c to 32c ; oats , No. 2 , 24c to meit
; rye , No. . 2 , 52c to 54c.
Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $ G.50 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.25 ; lost pie
wheat , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; corn , No. 2
mixed , 32c to 34e ; oats , No. 2 mixed , 25c
27c ; rye , No. 2 , ( iOc to G2c.
Detroit ] Cattle , $2.50 to $ G.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.25 ; llel
wheat ' , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; corn , No. 2 Lei
yellow , 33c to 34e ; oats , No. 2 white , 2Gc "
2Sc ; rye , 5Gc to 58c. "
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 70c to ii
; corn. No. 2 mixed , 31 c to 33c ; oats , flue
. 2 mixed , 23 e to 25c ; rye. No. 2 , 55c the
57c ; clover seed $4.)0 ! )
, to $5.00. the
Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 northern ,
. to G7c ; corn , No. 3 , 30c to 32c : oats , yea ful
. 2 white , 25c to 2Gc : rye. No. 1 , f > 5c "
57c ; barley , No. 2 , 44c to 45c ; pork , "
mess , $10.00 to $30.50. end
Buffalo Cat tic , good shipping steers , .
5.00 to $ G.75 ; hogs , common to choice , uch
.25 to $4.50 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00 BUCL
$4.50 : lambs , common to extra , $4.50 tie
New York Cattle , $3.25 to $ (5.75 : hogs ,
.OI ) to $4.50 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.75 ; JJ -
ivheat , No. 2 red. 72c to 74c ; corn. No. 2 ,
to 41c ; oat. . No. 2 white , 31c to 32c ;
Jiitter , creamery , 23c to 2Sc ; eggs , west * v
. * 6c to 22c. e
BSBb.Ha ,
CHAPTER III ( Continued. )
There was dead silence in the room.
Martin Ray grew pale. The girls looked
startled and surprised. The silence was
"My children. " said Martin Ray , '
leave f it to you. "
He turned his head away , too proud at
that moment to let the expression of his
face be seen.
"And I , " said Gen. Hatton , looking at
each of his nieces , ' 'leave it to you also.
My dead sister's children , do as you will ;
but do not forget your mother's words. "
With a cry the girls clasped their arms
around each other. In that moment they
felt quite alone in the world. How wore
they to make such a choice ? To Leah's
mind recurred the memory of her fervent
. prayers for some one who would deliver
her from her "furnace of fire. " She look
ed into the blue eyes of her sister.
"It is what I prayed for , " she whis
Then slowly , as the waters of a great
sea divide , the two girls separated , sadly ,
mournfully , looking back with lingering
regret , yet never faltering ; and Leah , the
child whom Martin Ray had loved , of
whom he had been so unutterably proud ,
whom he had hoped to see his political
successor , beautiful , dark-eyed Leah ,
went to her uncle and laid her hand upon
"I prayed to heaven for deliverance , "
she suid , "and you have brought it. I ac
cept your offer. "
With a bitter cry Martin Ray turned
to her. There was dignity in the sorrow
of his voice and face.
Loving arms were placed around his
neck ; a loving , beautiful face was laid
against his.
"I will never leave you , father , " said
Hettie. " 1 will give my life to you. "
So for some minutes tliey stood the
se with his arm thrown round Leah ,
as though , from that moment he would
shield her from all harm and fronV every
one ; Hettie clasping her father' ? , neck ,
her face wet with tears.
"I accept your offer , uncle. " said Leah ,
Inw n calm , clear voice ; "and I shall al
ways ; believe that heaven sent ; you to
mite . " I
miH "I will never leave you , father ! " cried
Hettie. "My love shall inake/up to you
for the loss of Leah's ! "
Gen. Sir Arthur Hattou and his ; niece
were soon settled in their new and > mag
nificent home. To Leah it seernfed as
though she must ho in the whirl of a
dream. Her own story was to her very
much like one of the fairy tales that had
de her when ? he was a child. "I
an a real Cinderella , " she said hilin.i her
self , with a smile. But in no way did
she resemble that humble littlef maiden.
She was proud by instinct and by nature.
She . was proud of her mother * ' ; name of
Hattou ; , of the good old family from
which her mother came , of the blood that
ran in her veins from her mother's side.
She was proud of being true to hei > ell' ,
being loyal to what she believed to (
riijht principle.- : . h
The compact made br-tween her uncle
and her.seLt : had not been broken. The. di
name of Ray had been given up. and s > he la
iad adopted that qf Jliitton.
People 1 are not -curious. It was sufH-
Iont to know tha'c Leah Hatton AVU.S the
idopted daughter 'and heiress of ( Jen. Sir en
fVrthur llatton. 1C. C. Ii. . one of the
ivealthiest and imxt famous men in IMIIT- th
and. av
Itur. when L 'ah had taken
the .suite uf room's prepared for her. dr
rvhen the magnificent dresses had bin da
iit away in the wardrobes made uf cedar thW
ivood. wliun the- superb store of Indian W
rea uro.s had ail been exu mined , when hi
had grown accustomed to the luxury sh
a lady's maid and a groom , of hordes
md carriages , her heart turned wiih a
Treat and wistful yearning to Hettie. sti
remembrance of that loving huwl
vas the only drawback to her perfect wl
lappiness. ] I'O
She wji.s alone in the coxy morning room onwl
morning when Sir Arthur came to wl
iO'k her , his face full of delight. tia
"Lean , " he cried , "can you gui'S s wli.it : >
trange good fortune ha.- > happened to he
? " ed
She looked up at him with the brightest pd
smiles. do
"How cun I guess , uncle , when you
lave already all the good fortune in the
vorld ? "
"I have m.r share of it , Leah ; that is toi :
uite : certain. Rut this piece or" good luck WJ
something , quite unloosed for and un- me
d. You have heard me speak of a tin :
dear friend I had be
many years ago--
young vap'ain in uiir regiment Harry tw :
Dgreniont ? " / pn
"Yes , " replied Leah , who delighted in H
lothing so much as in lisUimng to her gle
incle's ( stories of Indian life. "Yes I re- da
aember the name. " hu
"He was one of the finest fellows in fame
worid , " cried the general "so sim me
, generous , brave and noble ! I have th ;
sight of him for niany years. 1 hear inf
he has me
unexpectedly succeeded to a
icernge. I find that he is Duke of Rose- hoi
ene , and that lie lives only seven miles
rora here. His estufV and mine run-par- m
for miles ; nd I am so delighted , we
"So am 1 , for your < ak"e , " she said. res
What is the plaop called ? " itdr
"Craig , " he replied , "The duke nnd dr
uchess live there about three months in md
year ; they are generally in town for ]
season , and during the rest of the Ise
thev lir 'at l > ne Abbey , a beauti- he
place in Sussex. " gr <
"Then the duke is married V" said Leah. lill
"Yes ; he nuirrifd a fashionable beauty , Th
I hear that she is : i very nice wom- the
I am glad for your sake ; she will be wL
an excellent friend for you. " md
Leah wo * warmly welcomed at Craig ; adi
duche s even grew attached to' her ; att
when , aftera gay autumn and in- wit
uraernbJe shu-Jting parties , the time for no
-tour to Koine mini1ho invited Leah to Tl. .
ccompany her. At lir.-t rht- general was res
iclined U ret'u-c. He had just learned. ify
said , tUsst ! ic- -oM not live without
her , and it was cruel to wish to take her
away. But when the duchess showed
him all the advantages to be gained he
yielded at once.
"You have asked me to complete your
niece's education , " she said ; "in no way
can it be done better than by taking her
abroad. A few weeks with me in Paris
and in Rome will change her altogether ;
she will be a different girl. " I
lie fixed his eyes lovingly on Leah.
"Do you think it well to change her ? "
he asked , slowly. "She seems to me per
fect. "
"If you intend to "make her a woman
of the world , she must change in some
respects , " said the duchess , a Httle impa
tiently. "Leave her to me , Sir Arthur ;
I will promise that you shall be satis
fied with the result. "
And after that Sir Alfred offered no
further opposition.
The Duchess of Rosedene was detained
for a considerable time on the Continent
by a severe illness of her husband , and
in reply to her anxious-entreaties the gen
eral allowed his beautiful niece to remain
with her. Although his heart yearned
for her , he knew that the care and train-
ing which the duchess could bestow were
invaluable , and were such as he could not
have found elsewhere. lie was content
to wait.
During Leah's absence he purchased
magnificent mansion in Belgravia , to
which , in loving memory of his native
town , he gave the name of Harbury
House. The decorations were so mag
nificent , the furniture was so elegant and
costly , that public attention was drawn
to the house , and it soon became known
that Sir Arthur had made this purchase
for his adopted niece and heiress , who
w.as now in Italy with the Duchess of
Rosedene. and who was so rumor said
as beautiful as a vision.
The duke's health having been quite
restored , the duchess had arranged that
the traveling party should return to London -
don atonce. It was th'en the very end
of April , and the season had begun. A
drawing room had boon held , at which
fair young faces had been seen ;
but she knew that none could have equaled -
ed that of Leah Hatton.
The duke had a grand old mansion
named Park View. The duke and duchess -
ess went there on their return. Sir Ar- '
tlnir was invited to meet them , and from
their house 'he ' was to take Leah home.
He was impatient to see her. The long
ab oiu-e had wonderfully improved her.
Lie grew pale as he went up to her and
visaed her in silence ; for his emotion was
too great for words. .
The duchess had been right after all.
Nothing but constant association with an
iccomplished and refined woman of the
world could have given such high-bred
ease and grace to her.
The next drawing room was helJ the
following Tuesday.
When , after a few days of anxious
m-paration. Loan stood before Sir Ar
thur. dressed for the presentation , he b
owned himself perfectly well pleased. The
duchess whose taste was irreproachable ,
had : fho en her court dre s : and the gen
eral had presented her with a suite of
diamonds stones that shone and scintillated -
latod with every movement diamonds
that made many envious.
"Are you quite satisfied with me , uncle
clt ? " she asked , with a smile that deep
ened her bright loveliness A
"Quite , " ho answered. "I always
thought the fashion of wearing feathers ve
awkward until now. " fe
The ! duchess called for her. and they auw
drove away to the palace together. The w
day was line , the crowd great. Many of yo
the royal family were present. There be
were ( debutantes from many of the no gr
blest , families in the land ; but Leah out fe'a
shone them all , as a. planet outshines the thm
She never forgot the moment when she so
stood Urst in the presence of the gracious ba
lady who rules the vast empire over nil
which the sun never sets True loyalty WJ
rose : in her heart , and she thanked heaven roi
once more that .she had been saved from wl
what seemed to her worse than "a fur-
uace of fire. " She could never have ho
pokeii against fhe Queen , or led the tei
hearts of her people from her. She sniU- ha
to herself a half-sad smile. It seein- all
so strange that she. who was once ha
> tined to be a lecturer against royalty , fai
should now he presented to her majesty. he
f VJ
CHAPTER V. , , u
During ] the next three years Leah Hat-
on was the very queen of fashion. She ] m'
was ! more popular , more sought after , fla
more admired , more beloved
, more envied less
hau any other w omau of her day. Her
jeauty ; grew with her years. She was her
wenty-oue now. and the magnificent ed
promise of her trirlhoo'd had been fulfilled ,
tier loveliness hud grown richer ; the
jlearh in her dark eyes was brighter ; the
lainty bloom that had been faint as the
of a blush rose had deepened ; the
"ace < was radiant in its own loveliness
nen found it more than fair. During ass.
hose three years she had presided with
nfinite grace over the large establish-
nent at Brentwood ami the magnificent
louse in town.
"Beautiful Li-ah Ifatton ! " What more air
life could she de < ire than she had
vealth- popularity , affection ? Yet she „ „
is not happy ; her soul had found no
cst. Brilliant and gay as was her life ,
did not satisfy her. It was but as a be
Iream < to one who has infinite longings
tra :
i infinite desires. "
If Martin Ray succeeded in nothing
, he had done this for his daughter '
it ,
had taken her out of the comas * : !
he had made her think he
groove ; : had "tl
illed her with a thousand ideas of life.
L'hese wer. always puzzling her. She hd
air , the manner , the look of oa >
vhose thoughts and aims were higher "
loftier than thee of others. This .
idded much to the charm of her passion- |
, proud beauty * . The men who -danced- * :
vith. her admired her the more because "
flush of vanity came to her face. Q
L'herf * was upon it the far-off look , the the :
estlcss longing that nothing could grat- theI
. I
Some of the offers Miss Hatton receiv- kle
passionately fond of
She would not be
nnd she had no other reason to give than.
that she did not love
thing she longed for in this life was lovt ,
"Lovel" said the duchess.'It will come-
with marriage. "
" ftT.i ? , i-
"Xot the love I want , she replied r-
"that must come before. I want a ro
mance in my life. "
"It is the way with those dark-eyed -
girls , " said the duchess. "What a pity
it is ! "
The Duke and Duchess of Rosedene-
had become very much attached to Lean , ,
and when the season ended they begged-
the general and her to come to pay them
a long visit at Dene Abbey. They were-
to remain there during the autumn anct
winter. Sir Arthur at first did not quite
like the idea , and a compromise was
made. The whole party were to visit f'
Brentwood first and remain there for six
weeks ; then they were to go to Dene-- f'I
Abbey and stay there as long as Sir Arthur f'I I
thur wished an arrangement which.
pleased every one. Leah by this time-
had grown to love the duchess so much I
that she never liked to be separated from
her for long together.
' Brentwood was looking its best at the-
end of July.
The general had invited several guests-
to Brentwood , and the party promised to-
be a very pleasant one.
"At some future day you will be sole-
mistress of this beautiful place , Leah , "
said the duchess , as they were walking :
one morning on the great terrace.
"I suppose so , " she replied ; "but I nev
er like to think of the time. I wish that
my uncle could live as long as , it not
longer j ( , than I shall. "
"I have had an adventure this morn
ing } , " said Sir Arthur , as they sat down-
to luncheon. I find that the young master
ter ( of Glen is expected home during the
week. I lost my way in the woods , and
came out quite close to the mansion ; I
have been all over it. "
"Where and what is Glen ? " asked the-
And Sir Arthur smiled as he said :
"I ought to be a poet to answer you ; . .
it is almost impossible to do so in prose.
Glen is simply one of the most lovely
spots I know in England. "
"More beautiful than Brentwood
, , un
cle ? " asked Leah.
"Quite different , Leah. Glen was oncev
the dower house of a queen ; three hun
dred years ago it came- into possession of
the Carltons , and has been theirs ever '
since. s It is simply perfect. Your eyey _ -
are ! almost dazzled by the gleam of sunlight - { \
light . in the waters of the many founyr
tains and by the bright colors of the
ers. The surroundings , too , are most w
turesque. "
"I should like to see it , " said th
"So should I , " added Leah.
"Fair ladies , " cried Sir Arthur , you-
shall see it whenever you The-
house itself looks so cheerful'one would
never think that it hadAJ nce been the-
scene of a.tragedy. "
"Was it ? " asked the duchess. "Tell it
to us. "
"I am a newcomer , " ? said the geueraL.
"and naturally enoughf I know but little-
about it. But one of 1 the gardeners at
Glen spoke of the stor-7 this morning. , I
asked him how long tKe house had been >
closed , and he said fil een years. Of'
course , I asked him. h * w that wa - , and ;
lub said that Lady Ca Iton could never
bear to enter it : IL and that , after
the accident , she had 1 ken her son , Sir-
Basil , to Italy , where he spent the re-
mainder of her life , but hat he , now that
his mother was dead , "as coming bade
to live here. "
"What was the acci ent ? " asked the
"A very horrible one. he had but two-
children a girl and a hi y ; the daughter ,
Adela , was seven year older than the-
son. She was a very- ning girl , the
very joy of Lady Carl n's heart. ' She-
fell in love I forget wh the lover was
and everything was an" for thee -
wedding. < She was then ( fighteen and
young brother only elevenOn the night
before the wedding Lady K/arlton gave a
grand ball , and Glen was filled with a ,
gay crowd of guests ; thej\ \ danced \untii
* '
the very walls seemed to rw '
man : told me that the brid ] e was Jikfr-
some lovely , laughing fairy , Just as the-
ball was closing , and when ie
nud gayety were greatest , a
was heard. It came from thj 'supper-
room , the grand old
banquet ,
f ? hall.
where kings and queens had fea d. The-
guests rushed out. only to witness a most
horrible scene. The beautiful brnde , witb "
terrible cries , was seen flying Jcross th -
hall , her bright gossamer rf > bes -ill
aflame. Her light , fluttering l > all dres < r
had caught fire , and , the draught of air-
fanning the flames , they 'met ( over herr
head ; and enveloped her. For a monien- "
everyone was paralyzed ; then otfe of the
guests , a gentleman , caught up a\thick
' ' and rolled it around her. Hewa -
Imrned terribly , but he extinguished , tht-
flames. It was too late. When the hap
lover hastened to the hall he saw1 tho-
lying in her agony on the ground
golden hair burned , her face din'ort-
, her pretty dress of white lace an&
white water lilies all hanging in scorched *
shreds around .her. She spoke a few" 'l
words to him , and then they carried her-
upstairs to die.
"What a terrible story ! " said the duch-
ass."When Lady Carltou
shock , " added Sir Arthur , "she wentr
abroad , and took her son with her.
iledJlt-a.ples : la.st yearan(1 the
Basil , is coming home. "
"It will be a great trial to him to
to the scene of such
a -
aid the kindly duchess. "You must ask. ,
here as ofien as you can. "
"The house is so cheerful
, so bright anda
peautiful , you would never think that
ragedy had happened there. " su
Tiost houses , but the world does not know-
said the duchess.
"I pray heaven , " said the "eneraL.
that there will
never be one in this ! "
( To be continued. )
Verr Short.
"I tttnk I'll try to reduce , m5r
weight , " said the corpulent
"You've been
" reducing it tool much . -
ady , responded the customer with.
pound of suir.
Don't tt'orry , lest you obtain wrlo
* <